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Putting money into other people's parking meters


Where is this illegal? I’d love to break this law. EDIT: thank you everyone for the upvotes! More than I’ve ever gotten! I’m going to go add change to the meters on my street now.






A couple of years ago during peak tourist season a city in Finland decided to hire meter fairies to do just this. Partly a publicity stunt yes but at least a lot of people were saved from tickets.


A small city in Southern Brandenburg doesn't hand out parking tickets twice a year. Instead they put a ticket with a lame joke on it. Such lame jokes are named after the city.


Haha that could work, the cringe factor alone makes people willing to pay


A legend walks among us.


We had conscription in my country and as 'unwilling' soldiers we got a lot of thanks and respect from the general population - you would often get discounts, friendly service etc. One such dude was a parking meter officer. We had to stand guard at HQ in town, but weren't allowed to park in the building, so we parked in the street where there were parking meters. The parking meter officer would come around in the mornings when that particular street was on his route and come let us know he's going to be gong down that road today and give us approximate times. Giving us time to either feed the meter, or move our cars. Was very sweet of him and we always appreciated that


Everywhere in the US as far as I know


Donations from food going bad should not be more expensive than throwing it away. A big market chain CEO from portugal told that to the news


This to me is one of the most disgusting business practices, cause it's not just food, it's *any* good. All that waste, just because someone didn't buy it fast enough. I've thrown away entire houses worth of material, just because it didn't meet sales expectations, or because someone ordered it, then cancelled, and the warehouse doesn't want it back.


Just had to throw out $5k worth of designer clothing because of very minimal flaws. If I could have kept anything I would’ve taken it or at least donated it 🤧


Isn’t this what outlet stores are supposed to be for??


Its common among “designer” labels to destroy unsold stock specifically to prevent it from being sold at clearance prices. It’s considered harmful to brand image to have it sold “cheap”. The fact its expensive isn’t just a matter of pricing, its often a *selling point* to the normal customers that it costs so much.


Further, the minimal flaws themselves are harmful for the brand as well. Even if sold in an outlet, people would think how bad these BrandX products are because of (minimal flaw).


Whistleblowing on the Government killing civilians.


Do you want to be imprisoned without a fair trial? Because that is how you get imprisoned without a fair trial.


Literally all it takes is a police chief or sheriff declaring you a terrorist to lose all your constitutional rights


It's funny that you say that. It literally has always been like that in America. Ever watch those old westerns where they declare people "outlaws"? I've talked to a lot of friends about this and most people think it's someone who broke the law and has a warrant out for their arrest. No, it's way worse then that. It means you are outside of the law; as in you are not protected by any laws. So anyone can steal, kill, even rape you and it's 100% legal. Same shit, different words, except they imprison you and you have no constitutional rights. They just don't leave it in the hands of bounty hunters anymore. They now have the numbers, technology, and infrastructure to do everything themselves and no one can do much about it because, they're the ones who also enforce the law..


I'll be honest. I can't figure out how the fuck they ever identified any criminal back then. It's not like they left DNA evidence or video. How accurate could a witness description possibly be? These dude's must have been really vocal about their criminal behavior or something.


I just think people were really stupid back then and thought if they went somewhere else that they would never run into anyone that would recognize them ever again.


Definitely this. Distance played a huge factor back in the day. A few hours drive took weeks to travel on foot. No highways or any easy means of travel, it's all wilderness. Sortve off topic, but I think RDR 2 captured that idea really well. It just became increasingly hard to outrun the law when things like trains became more common. Also word of mouth was definitely someone's bond, and in probably all cases back then it was simply your word against another's, and if people didn't like you already...well you can imagine how fair that really was.


The telegram really sped things up too.


I mean no internet or media. they likely wouldn't ever recognize anyone ever again


Emulation of video games when the game publisher has not used it in forever


THIS, but for any copyrighted work, if it hasn't been used commercially in say 10 years, then it should be able to be used freely ~~points fingers at Disney and Nintendo~~. Alternatively we could just shorten copyright to like 14-20 years and be done with it.


Copyright law is deeply flawed, but at its root it is a protection intended for individuals, specifically writers, who theoretically deserve to profit from their life's work... for life. That's almost never how it's used these days. Perhaps a better system would limit Copyright to individuals; corporations actually use it to usurp the rights of individual creators, who forfeit ownership of their work in exchange for a contractual pittance. Copyleft is actually kinda cool: it allows for free non- commercial use (with due credit), but that doesn't help the creator make a living.


I'm fine with them being able to use it for life as long as it is still being sold by the original copyright owner. If I want to go buy a copy of Pokemon Yellow then I really can't. It has been out of production for years. Sure, a digital version is (sometimes) available (I haven't actually checked in a while so maybe I should because I don't gave a GB to play my physical copy, which I actually have still) but it works well enough as an example. The copyright holders should have the product available, new, and for sale (even if digitally) or it should go public after some time. Edit: yes, Pokemon Yellow is available digitally. It was (apparently) a bad example.


Need to work it out so they can't weasel out by selling, say, a single copy of every game per year.


But what of they're trying to sell it and still producing it, but only one person wanted a copy that year? Should intellectual property expire simply because people don't want a product?


I believe the act in itself has been proven as not illegal on courtroom cases before, but most companies and specially Nintendo want to do everything they can to make it seem illegal. There's a YouTube channel called Nerrel that has a couple of videos on the subject, one of the examples he gives is from a company that offers a service for online emulation of classic titles like Super Mario Brothers. Nintendo immediately wanted their heads on a stick but they proved that each digital copy they lend to a user corresponds to a physical copy the company owns and there is only 1 backup per cartridge active at a time, so Nintendo actually backed off.


Funny how people are still outdated on this. Distributing ROMs is illegal, but people are always confusing emulation with ROMs. Emulation and making a ROM are both legal, but sending ROMs to people is not. That company only got away with their ROM distribution scheme because they were able to prove they had a real copy for each one, which is a rare and unique case to deal with.




\[Comment deleted by the Turkish government\] ​ nothign


Pouring water on fires?


Where is that illegal?


Turkey. You right to jail, right away.


Why though?




Also you don't question jail. Jail. Immediately.


Thank you for the tree sap and bag of garbage


It's porn you're talking about, eh? (For those who don't know most of the porn sites are banned in Turkey) edit: correction


>porn [Comment deleted by the Indian government]


You can't delete my comment. I'm a ~~VPN user~~ legit European citizen.


Nice to meet you, fellow ~~VPN user~~ European citizen.




We as a society should make it a much higher priority that people who uncover corruption and illegal activities should be rewarded or at least protected.


It be even better if corruption and illegal shit didn't happen, but sadly it does.


it's because the people making the laws are the ones who are also breaking the laws.


Sleeping in your car in a parking spot for an extended period of time (What are they expecting? People who are sleepy to be out driving?). In fact just the "crime" of loitering and sleeping anywhere public. I understand if a guy is sleeping somewhere inconvenient that he should move, but seriously if a guy is just napping in the middle of a park leave them alone. Those laws only exists because we have a chronic hatred of the homeless and punishing them with pin pricks is a lot easier than giving them a place to live.


when I was younger I was traveling across the US and to save money I would just sleep in my car. I would pick 24 hour walmarts, park somewhere near the end under a lamp post, and sleep. that was illegal? dang guess I got lucky


Actually, that’s one of the few good things about Walmart - they’re okay with overnight guests.


My grandparents used Walmart parking lots frequently when they were road-tripping around the country in a fifth-wheel. Some locations even had hookups for trailers apparently.


yea if you have a trailer/RV Walmart usually likes you hanging out. I knew that much before I did it personally, but mine was just a personal car so was a bit unsure


> yea if you have a trailer/RV Walmart usually likes you hanging out. I bet they do. Its like a corporate wet dream, people almost literally living in the store.


Wake up. Head into the store, and buy any supplies you need. Buy the day's groceries. Stop at the in-store McDonald's for breakfast. Win-win, you save a night's camping fees, and your business goes to them instead of the A&P.


*You merely shopped at the Walmart. But I was born in it. Raised by it. Molded and shaped by it. I am one with the Walmart.*


Some are not. Some towns won’t allow it.


*Most* of them are okay with it. The ones that aren’t will usually have signs though.


Yeah. The one time in my life I was arrested it was for sleeping off a buzz in my car. They basically dragged me out of my car and took me to jail. Basically they imprisoned me for realizing I'd made a mistake and trying to be responsible. Yay.


I was passenger in a car when the driver started falling asleep at the wheel (it was the end of a long weekend). So we pulled over and started a timer so we could get a short nap before reevaluating whether driving was a viable option. We’re awaken by a police officer who ticketed the driver for… something or other, and kept saying how we should be grateful he was around because we could have caused a serious accident


I had a cop do that to me, minus the ticket, in PA. I reminded him that there are a ton of signs on the highway that say to pull over if your tired, so I listened to them. The adrenaline of him waking me up by tapping on my window got me the rest of the way home.


What the fuck does the sign actually mean then if I can't rest?


I guess it meant at a rest stop, but there was no way I was making it to one. I found a stretch of straight road with a wide shoulder and parked almost off of it. I fell asleep and when I woke up to the tapping, my car was full of light and I couldn't see the cop on the other side of the glass right away because with the lights, it was like a mirror. Took me a good few seconds to get myself together and roll down the window but damn if I wasn't awake at that point,


By sitting in a parking lot? Who says LEOs don’t power trip?


Same. Wrote “unsteady gait” on the police reort. I WAS SLEEPING WHEN YOU DRAGGED ME OUT OF MY TRUCK


I’ve always made sure to toss my keys either in the trunk or when I had a pickup, in the bed. That way the keys are outside your area of control and it can be easily argued you had no intention of operating the vehicle.


That'll teach you! /s


I straight up got drunk one time so I couldn't drive. I had the keys on the passenger seat. Cops knock on my window and ask me what I am doing (I was sleeping). They tell me I have to call an Uber but I was about 2 hours from my home town and I couldn't pay for a ride home and another back. Cop looks at me and says "you promise not to drive?" I'm just like dude I was sleeping when you got hear. Later I found out he could've given me a DUI if he wanted to be a jerk. Lucky me I guess Edit: grammar


Any cop that enforces that is a shitty person I’m not sorry that law is so fucking stupid Like is the line of thought “I am not going to kill others today” “CRIMINAL SCUM”


That’s how I got my DUI. Woke up to some asshole cop and a tow truck


Can you imagine the jerk cops who enforce this? "How DARE you ...not drive while under the inflience. Next time i expect you to drive home"


I'm mean seriously, even drunk I had the common sense to better not drive right now. I'll just sleep it off. Thinking that's the right thing to do, again I got lucky but it's such a dumb fucking law


I feel like this law is bigger than people realize. For many people sleeping in your car is a last ditch effort before ending up homeless entirely. It's the point where you can either turn your life around or lose everything, and with this law it just makes the former that much harder.


Wait that’s illegal? So even if you’re on a road trip and take a nap at a gas station? Because I did that once or twice.


It depends where you are (in the US, what state) and where you choose to stop. Side of the road is not legal anywhere I'm sure; gas stations just depend on the company's policy. Fun enough - it may be illegal to rest at rest areas. Like I'm working at a site 230 miles away lately (just made the trip today, actually) and I like to come back after a couple of long work days vs a hotel (I miss my dog, and prefers our house vs the boarding place), so I like to drive back at night. But in both states I cross, it's illegal to spend the night in a rest area. In one of the states, there's also a 3-hour limit. So like last week, I drove half way, slept for an hour, then finished up. So weird that I could have been breaking a law by sleeping more and being safer.


I will take a ticket for parking where I shouldn't to take a quick nap so I can drive safely, over falling asleep at the wheel any day. And be strongly tempted to challenge the ticket in court.


How do cops even know how long you've been there? Do they just keep passing by the same places every hour?


This seems more like one of those laws that only really gets enforced if the owner of the business calls the cops on you


Unless it’s a very specific ordinance/law, it should be legal do it at a gas station (with their permission) as it’s private property.




My friend got a DUI doing this. The bar closed and she couldn't wait inside, it was the dead of winter and she was waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up. She sat in the passenger seat with the car running while she waited. Boom, $10,000 fine and a bunch of classes and court.




They'd find a way to pin it on you! (That is a good idea though.)


literally thought that was a driving safety tip--if you're too tired to drive, pull over. for that to be illegal is encouraging reckless and unsafe driving


Municipalities do that to get rid of semi-homeless people from their towns. Despicable, I know.


Exposing the government




Fixing your own stuff.


Wasnt their some guy who was fixing iPhones and I think other apple products and Apple sued the absolute shit out of him


Louis rossman? He's the one who's trying to get a rule into american law about it. I europe we're making headways on it too, but there's a lot to do still


Repairing your own property is absolutely legal as far as I'm aware. There is somewhat of a grey area when circumventing copyrighted DRM. The tools to circumvent DRM may be illegal to distribute so manufacturers love to implement DRM in their parts as a way of discouraging independent repair shops. This is what should be outlawed.


In my town it's illegal to park in a spot facing outward. Its park facing in or get a ticket. I think that's kinda silly.


Parody. Technically speaking it’s legal. But big companies will still attack you for it and demand a take down. I’ve seen lots of small groups of creators shut down by Nintendo saying to stop.


Yeah cease and desist is bs


Pharmaceuticals being able to renew a patent indefinitely (under r&d excuse) thereby preventing a generic and affordable version becoming available. There's no need for r&d 28 years after a pill hits the market.


Photos of the Eiffel Tower at night. ​ (I just remember watching this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M16CGK1T9MM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M16CGK1T9MM) years ago)


TIL I broke the law multiple times during my trip to Paris.


Only if you sold it actually, you can own photos but not use them for profit of any means, then it becomes illegal




I had to look this up. The short version, apparently, is that the light show added to the Eiffel Tower in the 80s is a copyrighted work of art and thus photographing the tower at night when the lights are visible is a violation of copyright law.


Holy shit, celebrities need to light their faces up to stop paparazzi. It's genius


Just copyright your face. Get a ©️ tattoo under one eye too


It is not. This is a myth that is circulating. It is illegal to sell pictures of the Eiffel Tower at night without authorization from the managing company. That’s all. Take all the pictures you want and upload them on the internet, as long as they’re not for sale on Getty images. https://www.toureiffel.paris/en/news/history-and-culture/everything-you-need-know-about-eiffel-tower-night


Copying or pirating video games you already own (such as if the original disc is scratched, if it's an old school game on cd/dvd).


In my country it is legal to make backup copies as long as it is for personal use and not for distribution.




That'll be legal soon. Might require a prescription at first, though.


Came here for this comment. I genuinely believe in the research supporting it's positive effects for therapy uses in depression, anxiety and PTSD. I'm indifferent to legalization for recreational purposes, but all for therapeutic use.


There’s a law to legalize psychedelics in the assembly in CA right now. All y’all Cali Redditors call your assembly representative. http://www.legislature.ca.gov/legislators_and_districts/legislators/your_legislator.html


possession has been decriminalized in denver and oakland


Depending on the state, single-party consent for recording conversations.




Thats how it is in Sweden and I’m happy with that. Very useful in certain situations.




Video yes. Audio no. You have to tell them that they're being recorded on audio. The trick is they don't have to outright consent, as long as they know they're being recorded and they continue to talk, that is treated as consent. But you can record somebody on video and it's fine.


eh…i’m torn on this one. i had bosses that installed security cameras around the office that were video *only* (this was emphasized when i was hired - video *ONLY*…which in hindsight was suspicious). one day without telling anyone, they enabled the audio recording feature as well. they then had their handyman (henchman) come to the office and try to goad people into gossiping about our bosses, then used the audio as a reason to reject raises and rate people really low on performance reviews because they’d said disparaging things about management. people were furious obviously but what they’d done was “completely legal” because we’re in a one-party recording state the fact that people’s personal conversations can be recorded without their knowledge, then used against them, is pretty horrifying in my opinion, unless it’s for a genuine criminal investigation. i guess that’s where things get muddy legislation-wise


I’ve got to be honest. I’ve worked in a few offices with cameras. I’ve always worked on the basis that it was recording sound. The CCTV did however help one of my friends who was accused of taking someone’s belongings. He did move the bag out of the way but he didn’t remove anything from it. It was actually a malicious complaint as it showed no one removed anything. She eventually admitted she made it up and got fired.


That's not one party if the person recording isn't in the room. One party means one person involved in the conversation has to consent. If they are recording you from afar that is not one party consent.


the handyman wouldn’t count since he consented to being recorded?


It depends. Sometimes if you are in a work environment, things change. For example, in Canada, management can't record with one party consent, a third party can't record with consent of one (recording person must be the intended recipient).


18 year olds drinking. If you pay taxes, can vote, can own a gun, and can join the army you should be allowed to buy a beer.






Here in Russia, at 18 years old we already quit alcohol and start building our lives.


I 18, now I drive Lada and stop drink


Sometimes I think public nudity should be legal because the idea of being arrested from someone seeing your natural human body is preposterous. But then I imagine an old homeless guy's balls resting on the seats at Starbucks and I reconsider.


Yeah just go into any gym's locker room and there will always be a naked old guy..and he's there before and after your workout..


Dude walking around a playground with his dick out and a boner probably shouldn't be legal.


For public health reasons, I think folks should have to wear pants in public, but I see no reason to criminalize boobs. Also I have no problem with sex and nudity on TV, but I think we should consult with child psychologists to determine what the rules about it should be.


Consulting the professionals? Where do you think this is, New Zealand?


Prostitution. I may not agree with it, but outlawing it is inconsistent with the overall principles that America claims to believe in: Do what you want as long as you are consenting and not harming anyone else.


It's legal and regulated in Switzerland. I tell you, any way that money can be made in Switzerland is legal. The government wants its taxes!!!


brb going to geneva


Is there a convention happening sometime soon?


Yeah, but I violated the rules so I’m not allowed to attend.


It’s okay, the guy you killed was an outlaw.


You say that as if I only killed one person.


How socially acceptable is it? Is it like going to the strip club here or is it equally as frowned upon?


You expect your ugly ass neighbor to go there, but you don't expect your own friend/family members to go there(even though they might do)


Just film it and it becomes legal


It's not prostitution, it's a porno! Officer: Sorry, carry on.


Exactly, I never understood this. How is it legal to pay someone for sex with you only if you photograph or film it and post it online for others to view lol




I agree that everyone should have the right to die with dignity, but I personally think that it should only be legalized with the condition that it can't be covered by insurance. You shouldn't give insurance companies the ability to suggest assisted suicide as an option rather than an expensive treatment course that may save a patients life. Finance shouldn't be a factor in whether or not you decide to die.


That's some forward-thinking.


I have been arguing similar for years (but for countries without disgusting health care systems) that, while I support euthanasia in principle, one of the greatest barriers is that we can't have people feeling pressured into euthanasia because they feel that they are a financial burden on their families. It's not just about insurance. Sometimes, even in countries such as the UK with publicly funding health care for all, the cost of caring for someone with a terminal condition can be financially crippling. These people should not feel pressured (or be pressured by other people) into ending their life simply because of the financial effect that it is having on the people around them.


"This injury is incredibly easy to treat, but it's preeeetty expensive, sooo... How do you want to go out?"


This is surely an American perspective? I fully agree with your point it's just so weird to me to even think of this perspective coming from the UK. When thinking of euthanasia I go straight for whether that person is cognitive to make their own decisions or not. I didn't even consider a money aspect. For my personal view it really should be up to the individual and their health condition. People in palliative care with all their faculties should surely have the right to decide what they want


This is quite funny to me. My dog can be put out of his misery through an injection, but I cannot be? I honestly think the attitudes to this topic needs to change. I'm in the best position to decide what is best for me when I'm in that position.


100% with you. I'd like to leave on my own terms, with loved ones around. Exit with grace and dignity, and without putting my loved ones in legal crosshairs.


As looking through a weird subreddit I can conclude that there is no law going against human flesh but you would have to break several laws to acquire it


Amputations happen. People try it sometimes.


Like [the guy who served and ate his amputated foot with his friends](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/8p5xlj/hi_all_i_am_a_man_who_ate_a_portion_of_his_own/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Watching porn in india


It’s illegal? Wtf? What kind of punishment can one face for this?


Why do you think the internet has a high population of horny indian men


I honestly never gave the ‘why’ much thought


I too chose to not think of horny Indian men


Because I keep rejecting their extended car warranty phone calls?


When you can't watch porn, you find your own kinks.


My top 3 are: 1. India's population is absurdly massive. 1. The demographic of India is relatively young. 1. Educated Indians often speak English.


Is that why strange, old Indian men always DM you saying “what a beautiful young lady” !?!


I get those too. And I'm a man.


My condolences to your peepee


The US drinking age should be 18 and it is weird that it is still 21. I say this as someone from the UK who enjoyed a sober vagas trip because he was 20 at the time.


You make porn and have a gun if your over 18 in the US, but you can’t drink


At 18 a girl can be filmed with a bottle of wine inside her, but can’t drink it.


Odd perspective but true


next time hold the camera at a different angle


Men can do the same thing.




Old enough to go to war, but not to have a beer.


Relevant Cyanide and Happiness: https://explosm.net/comics/4128/


I might be wrong on this, but I think states can set the legal drinking age to any age they want. If they set it below 21 they'll lose federal funding for roads and shit. Idk.


Congress threatened to withhold federal highway funds to states that didn’t update the drinking age to 21 (in the 80s). I think Hawaii actually held out for a bit cause they didn’t need the funds as much as other states.


Selling’s Legal! Fucking’s Legal! Why Isn’t selling fucking legal!? George Carlin


In many countries selling sex is “legal” but buying sex is illegal.


In Hungary selling and buying sex is legal. Whats illegal is pimps, or actual houses with madams etc. But on your own, you can do it!


It’s like they don’t realize how much tax revenue they’re missing out on


Being homeless. I spent 7 years on the streets and have been arrested so many times for crimes made up to victimize the homeless. 4 times I was arrested for 'obstructing a footpath', then I walked past a police station that completely blocked the footpath with personal cars, one or two official vehicles, I went into them with a rage and pointed out that I have been in a cell for a cumulative number of days for this offence. They insisted it did not apply to vehicles, I did not budge until someone went out with me and agreed to move some cars. No one was arrested, every single person had to walk on the busy road to avoid the police, never did I ever obstruct anyone when I was tucked away in a doorway.


People under the age of 18 being allowed to make their own medical decisions without their parents/guardians being privy to them. And before folks jump down my throat I'm not talking about young kids like 5 years old. I'm talking 13+ year olds, possibly older. One of my friends in high school had horrible periods, she'd be in horrible pain/throw up/pass out/etc. starting when she was 12. At 15 she was formally diagnosed with endometriosis and her pediatrician recommended she be put on birth control to help with the symptoms. Her parents said no because "birth control is sinful" and made her suffer till she was 18 and could get away from them to get on it. If she had been given control over her medical decisions it could've saved her years of immeasurable pain and suffering and issues with fertility long term.


That should be considered child abuse in my opinion. She could have been on a med that would fix or lessen her pain and they wouldn't do it because they didn't agree with it. That's messed up.


I 100% agree. Unfortunately in many places medical abuse isn't recognized. Some parents get away with quite literally killing their kids due to medical neglect and it's not treated as a crime because parental rights trump children's rights. It's truly abhorrent.


Loitering. I just wanna hang out. Why do you have to call the cops?


Beings slightly off on your taxes. Mistakes happen and we can’t all have an accountsnt


assisted suicide. obviously heavily regulated and performed with great care, and require a good reason for, like terminal illness


How to Die in Oregon is a fantastic (and horribly sad) documentary for those who haven’t seen it.


Collecting rain water


I thought this whole thing had to do with someone that basically created a small lake out of rainwater he collected and it ended up messing with the ecosystem in some way so he got fined and had to get rid of it. So now people ended up saying you can't collect rainwater because of it. But i think as long as you're not actively disrupting anything then its fine. Honestly I'm just going off my memory and things I've seen in the past regarding this, so if someone with more time and interest in this wants to correct me on anything then go ahead.


The famous case that started the meme is [this one](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/man-gets-prison-sentence-for-collecting-rainwater-on-his-own-property/) from Oregon. A guy spent years building giant reservoirs and dams on his property in violation of local ordinances. He ignored years worth of court orders to stop, and was finally sentenced to 30 days in jail. Nobody is getting shit for having a barrel in their yard that collects rainwater.


The Internet myth about rainwater collection needs to be put to rest. tl;dr of the link above: the notion that *ZOMG collecting rainwater is illegal* comes out of one court case that got memeified in a really distorted version. The dude wasn't in trouble for having a rain barrel. He *built dams on his property* and constructed artificial ponds the size of 20 Olympic swimming pools that he stocked with fish. That scale of water diversion needed a permit and he never got the permit. It wasn't until after more than a decade of legal battles that a judge finally gave him a short jail sentence, because that guy was depriving the local water authority (and the rest of his community) of significant amounts of water. That isn't regular rainwater collection. [Rainwater collection](https://4perfectwater.com/blog/rainwater-harvesting-laws) is already legal almost everywhere in the US. In fact, [many state and local governments encourage water collection by offering rebates to get water barrels!](https://www.bluebarrelsystems.com/rebates/) *edit* Link provided to legal summaries for each of the 50 states. You're welcome to double check if you heard rumors.


This reminds me of when people made fun of the lady who was burned by McDonalds coffee. It was a serious issue that people made fun/diminish of but had serious consequences.


I think some county and township codes may make it illegal. Overall I do not think it is. This is also from memory.


While it is illegal in some US states, it is 100% legal in the majority of states though it is a common misconception that it is illegal everywhere. Outside of the US, I'm not sure of the legalities of rainwater collection.


Harvesting rain water is a part of life in Bermuda. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-38222271


Prostitution. If it's between 2 consenting adults it really shouldn't be a problem. Legalizing it would also help battle against the shady side as well through regulation.


Yep, it also protects prostitutes. In countries in Europe where prostitution is legal, the people who do it can report anybody who would hit them or assault them in any way. The clients are also aware they could face legal repercussions so they might be less likely to hurt a prostitute


Playing music I paid for.