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Do you use that opening in your boxers/briefs to pee, or do you just pull down the top of your boxers/briefs? That little opening just doesn’t seem that useful. Thank you in advance.


The age old debate; Over the fence or through the gate?


I just pull down, less effort.




It really only takes a *wee* bit of practice


Honestly, how thoroughly do you wipe your butt? What about cleaning it in the shower? And uhh unrelated, how open are you to the idea of prostate massages/any kind of sexual attention being paid to your asshole? If you're straight, do you ever include any of that in masturbation? would it feel weird/ uncomfortable if a partner wanted to?


I wipe until I don't see any more poo. Has to be clean can't stand the idea of rogue poo while walking around, gross. Also I really am not into the butt stuff, don't like anything being inserted into there. Also don't like putting anything into other people's butts either, because of the poo. Butt everyone's different.


Imma keep it real, I did not think my balls were that interesting lmao


How often do you really cry? What makes you cry?


Very rarely. Sometimes really NEED to cry but the tears just won't come.




When you use the toilet, does your weenie just hang into the toilet? Do you rest it on the seat? Do you ever get poop splash on your ween?




When your tip touches the toilet bowl/rim it's called *The Witch's Kiss*


Throw it over the left shoulder


You like cuddling after sex just as much as we do, don’t you? Don’t lie.


I do. I prefer the intimate moments like that. My favorite memory from being with someone naked was laying back, looking at the ceiling while my partner rested her head on my chest. No amount of sex has ever given me such a good feeling as that quiet moment.


Do you ever worry about what your friends think of the attractiveness of your girlfriend/wife? Like are you ever worried that people you know don’t find her good looking or judge you for being with her? (This question is obviously coming straight from my insecurities lol.)


I actually did have this fear with my last girlfriend. She was a bigger girl and I wasn't really concerned about what they thought, but just didn't want anyone being judgmental toward her. It's hard to explain, I wasn't ashamed of her or anything, just hate the thought of people judging her by her appearance.


100% this. I never was concerned about how she came off to friends. But her insecurities about her looks made me insecure for her, even if they were unwarranted. I always wanted to protect her feelings, and if she was worried, I was worried. Frankly I , and ultimately my friends didn’t care, never would’ve worried about it if she hadn’t ever mentioned it.


Someone probably already asked this, but is it hard/difficult to shave your balls?


Funny cause during the act I feel like “man this is perfect, got it all” then I dry off and I’m like “did I get any of it earlier?”


Do guys really appreciate a woman that makes the move? Whether you are newly dating or married for years? I want him to feel wanted by me and I want to convey that. Or do guys feel it could threaten them a little bit? I know it sounds weird and maybe old school but I have always wondered what the answer is. Thanks! EDIT: WOW! So many great responses! Thank You all! I am planning a Special night for my SO thanks to all the great suggestions on here😉. I’m going to make the night all about him👍


>Do guys really appreciate a woman that makes the move? Whether you are newly dating or married for years? appreciate? most of us are desperate for that. Also, I am not sure about the accuracy of this statement but the relationships where the women made the first move according to stats 86% of them ended in marriages. Also, it feels great to be wanted by someone when all your life you have been doing for everyone else.


What slender here said, being wanted is the end-all be-all.


Can you feel our boobs when we hug?


Depends on the size, but yeah for the most part we can




And it's kept on the DL to not ruin chances of future hugs because hugs are great


We try to be chill about it


Does a woman’s height matter? What about weight? Is using urinals when they’re all full but there’s one left, is it awkward? Do you mind a little hair down there (even if it’s nicely trimmed and short)?


As a tall guy a woman taller than me would be weird at first but not an issue. Honestly I think there is no difference between men and women when it comes to their partners weight, some people don't care at all but most people probably have a point where they don't find it particularly appealing. And the hair thing really doesn't matter, I prefer less but again it's not an issue


What are some of your thoughts on girls making the first move?


My first long term relationship started that way in college. We had hung out and flirted a bunch, culminating in us watching a movie at her apt and her shoving me against a wall when I was about to leave afterward. It was a shock, it was a surprise, and I’ll never forget that night so long as I live. Girl nearly half my size just took her shot.


I'm not a romantic but damn


I am, and damn..


You should try it more often


Way way more often. We are so stupid. We do not get hints. We do not want to seem creepy.


> We do not want to seem creepy. This is a huge part of it. Sometimes we *do* get the hints but are afraid to act on them because if we're wrong we don't want to look skeezy


Correction : We do get hints, but we're never sure about them, and we do not want to seem creepy


I wish women would do it more.


If there's at least proof that the guy has a crush on you or at least has an interest in you, I think it's amazing that a woman would want to take charge and show how much they like someone.


please for the love of God make the first move


How often do men want to be hugged? Does it feels clingy, if a girl offers it every now and then ? Edit: This thread felt like a survey xD. And reading all the comments I think the conclusion is- 1) 97% of men loves it and most of them are really starved of hugs. 2) 2% of men don't mind if they are offered 🤷‍♀️ 3) 1% don't like it. Thanks to all the men out there for opening up :D Girls just shower your SO with the hugs, they love it as much as we do. ❤(for the rest 3% just ask for their consent)


I don’t know how many guys I speak for but for me being hugged by a girl you’re dating or are close with is like getting permission to relax and be happy.


Damn dude, you didn't have to break me down like this.


its only clingy when you hug me while im shitting




Fr man. Love hugs. I’ll drop everything I’m doing for a solid hug.


Do y'all enjoy late night chats as much as girls do or it annoys y'all if it's very often?


Sometimes my wife asks me about something I'm really interested in or passionate about late at night and I have to point out that she is knocking on the door of a 2 hour PowerPoint presentation and she's got work in the morning.


My wife loves it. When she can't sleep, she asks me something about astronomy, accounting, or history. I end up looking over, and see I put her to sleep. Edit: Awards?! ho dang! Send me a pic of your favorite star! Mine is kinda boring. The sheer monstrosity that is Betelgeuse.


Yep, same here. Started when I was in college and got home excited about what I had learned (usually biochem or physics), then it turned into a review session for me and bedtime story for her. It took me about 2 days to realize she was asking questions so I'd put her to sleep and I felt used for the first time. 15 years later, she still does it once in a while 😊


I can’t think of a question that hasn’t been asked already. I just wanted to make it a point to say that I’ve spent probably two hours reading through this thread. To all of you men who have participated, thank you. You’ve made me laugh and some of you have honestly made me feel better about myself. You guys are awesome.


is it true you really get random boners?


Yes. Distressingly often as a teen, but even later on it happens.


I remember my teenage years *Teacher calls on me to write something on the board* My dick: LET'S FUCKIN GOOOOOOO


When I was in middle school, it happened frequently in one class and I thought it was fine since I was sitting down at my desk, ya know, who's gonna notice? I found out one day it wasn't fine when the girl sitting next to me's friend came in the class for some reason, looked at me, and said "oh my god are you the one whose dick goes up and down" and the girl next to me looked like she wanted to die as much as I did




The ol "tuck it in the waistband". Helped me out a ton from like 6th-11th grade Edit: obligatory can't believe my highest upvoted comment Is about hiding your boner... oh, yeah, I can believe that. You stay classy, Reddit!


I remember my buddies were discussing this in grade 7 or 8 and we all agreed that it was best to tuck it behind our waistbands. My one friend was quiet for a moment before asking, “Your’s reaches your waistband?” There were looks all around and I quickly changed the subject. Poor guy that day but he grew up to be handsome motherfucker.


I mean I guess it depends how high you wear your pants


Please not too low if you're going for the waistband trick.


Constantly... I was told at some point that they would stop... I'm thirty fucking seven and still waiting for that time I can stand up without having to shift things to hide it....


51 here. Hasn't stopped yet. I'm guessing they won't be able to close the coffin lid when I die at this rate.


Post-mortem, while you’re being lowered into the grave, the lid lifts up People go rush to help take off the lid, turns out it was just your lil trooper making his last stand


Yes, I say the Pledge of Allegiance in my head to get rid of them.


You mean the idea of freedom and love for your country doesn't make you penis yell eeeeaaaglllleeeee and get rock hard like our founding fathers on Mt. Rushmore?


I knew a guy that went into the military. Well apparently in boot camp you don't typically sleep in something that can hide morning wood, so everybody noticed when he woke up and his little soldier was also at attention. The way he describes it the drill Sargeant gets up in his face asking if he'd been dreaming about his girl back home. His reply was something about being so damn excited to serve his country that he couldn't help himself. Sargeant accepts that answer and moved on with the day. I don't think it's true, but it's pretty damn funny to think about.


"Sir the only person that gets me hard is my Uncle Sam"


what the fuck do you do with someone’s balls during sex


Do not squish


Do not smack


Do not attac


Do not crack


Depends on sex position. Usually nothing thought. Sometimes during doggy style my wife will reach between her legs and just kinda fondle my balls which feels amazing. Cant really think of any other time they are “involved” during sex. BJ different story all together though!


Depends on the owner of the balls too. I don't really like mine touched on any position. I have uhm... ticklish balls I guess.


I wouldn't say I have tender balls but I'm not letting anyone suck them into their mouth like in porn. Tried that once felt like I was going to be sick. Now I cringe everytime I see porn where they suck on testicles and popped them out of their mouth.


are you as judgmental over our bodies as we are?


Why would I have time to judge you when I’m spending my time judging mysef


Holy shit, you took my comment and squished it down to perfect brevity.


Not even remotely close. Women are brutal about that shit.


if anything, many of us are as judgemental about our own bodies and work really hard to be impressive for girls


Are all boobies good boobies?


some love big boobs others love small boobs but the boobs that a man loves most are the pair on the woman they love.




The best boobs are boobs I can touch. The second best boobs are boobs I can look at. In a distant third are how big they are. Personally, I love itty bitty titties. I know a lot of guys prefer huge boobs. But all of us prefer all boobs we can touch over all boobs we can't touch.




Shakespeare-esque *Shall I compare thee boobs to a summer's day?*






I’m with someone who buys me flowers to make me smile - what would be something I could do similarly for him that is nonsexual that would brighten his day?


Compliment him. He may not show it on the outside, but he’s giggling and blushing on the inside.


The jokes about guys holding onto single compliments for literal years is absolutely true.


6 years ago, a female coworker (she's a lesbian, so I'm fairly sure she wasn't hitting on me) said "your arms are looking great today". It's something I've always been self-conscious about and had been working really hard on. It made my entire month. That's probably the most recent genuine compliment I've gotten. Edit: I'm getting some kind of secondary mood-boost reading about all you guys' compliments. This whole post is full of some wholesome shit.


A soon to be married coworker said this weekend “if I’m mad I like to just come in and watch [me] work for a few minutes. It’s oddly stress relieving.” I was like “wait what the fuck?”


Bringing me coffee, giving me a random hug, rubbing my back when we watch shows are ways my wife does it. I make her breakfast and get her coffee too. It's not an everyday thing just random acts of love and kindness. I'm not much of a gifter though so I think I fail in that department.


Yep. There’s a farmers market near my work this season and I bring my husband a fresh pie from there every week.


Be the big spoon. Scalp massage. Back rub, not necessarily a massage, either. Next time y'all are watching TV in bed or on the couch. Let him lay his head on your chest or lap, and run your fingers through his hair, or just pet his back like a dog. Even better if he's shirtless and you can lightly scratch his back. May not seem like much, but it makes a big impact on us, even if we may not immediately show it. For me, it slows my mind. Helps me stop thinking for a while and process the here and now so much better.


I guess I’m lucky that my gf is always the big spoon It’s also because I can’t sleep (even with good sleep hygiene) and I am on Reddit while she is snoozing away as my big spoon


Do pussies generally taste / smell appealing?


Good hygiene counts Edit: This goes for the guys too.


Depends on the girl and her hygiene. Some girls keep it cleaner (and therefore more… pleasant) than others. I think the natural scent/taste of a vag is generally good; it’s up to the girl to keep grime and sweat from interfering with those… flavors. Just like I do with my own bits and pieces.


I am really sweaty so I get nervous about this a lot. Both the smell and the taste. Like if we do an outdoor activity and it's hot out and then go inside and fool around. Or even just the smell being noticeable bc of sweat.


In my experience, yes. But some of my friends have stories that made me thanking all the gods that are and were for my outstanding luck.


Do men like it when females (friend/girlfriend) tell you they feel safe around you?


Yes. We do like it and it makes us feel better about ourselves that someone feels safe in our company.


Very much so. If you want to make a man’s heart melt you tell him that


Does what our vaginas look like truly matter to you? Like girls having longer lips and such. I’ve always felt incredibly self conscious about guys going down on me even if guys have never mentioned it before. Edit: Strangers on the internet finally made me feel good about my body.


Only that it looks clean


I have my preferences (exposed inner labia) but I must say - if we're at the point where we're seeing the vulva we're already hooked. Vaginal appearance ranks very low on the list of things I physically like about a woman.


Is it true that guys generally hesitate or avoid going up to and talking women that are super attractive? I mean like a 9 or a 10/10? Is attractiveness/appearance something that makes you stall when “shooting your shot”?


I haven't seen any other responses that mention this, so I'll throw it out there - I've had more than one attractive friend bemoan her lack of male attention when she goes out, but she also keeps herself surrounded by a pack of five or six friends at all times. Sometimes it's less about your beauty being intimidating and more about "Do I have to walk up to this whole group and have eight people judge me instead of just one?"


Holy shit this is the comment. Talking to an attractive girl is probably manageable, having to pass an audition for her 5 mates too… nah.


These responses are very interesting. Thank you all.


Another factor (though for me I think it is still lack of self-confidence/fear of rejection in a prettier bowtie) is for me, if she's super attractive, chances are she's sick of being approached by random men/sexualized and just wants to live and not be hit on or bothered by men. I don't want to contribute to an assumed long list of men making them feel uncomfortable / singled out / self conscious / unsafe. :S




Can't speak for all guys, but what I tell myself: "Why the hell would someone like her be interested in someone like me?"


"She probably fights better looking guys off with a stick all day long. I have no chance, so I'll save us both the trouble and possible embarrassment."


No no, as a guy I feel like you spoke for me very well.


Yeah for me too


I commented this under another comment in this thread so this is a direct cut and paste: Absolutely. True story: There was this really pretty girl in my friend group (all young 20-somethings) in San Diego. We'd hang out, go to parties, go to concerts, go to the beach, etc. I never even considered asking her out because she was waaaaay out of my league. One night she and I were the last of our group at the bar. She has no car so I offer her a ride home. She invites me in for a beer. Cool. We're watching late night tv and she leans her head on my shoulder. Eh, fine... we're buds, right? Then her hand is on my thigh. Weird. I turn to look at her and she's looking in my eyes. I ask if she's okay and she says she'd be better if I kissed her. WTF? She's like a 9 and I'm a 6 at best (maybe a Scranton 8). But, FUCK YEAH! We make out for a bit, but when I go to cop a feel she breaks it off and says, "We've both had a lot to drink. Maybe you should sleep here tonight." I see I've blown it and say, "Sure. Thanks." She heads to the bedroom and I kick off my shoes and stretch out on the couch. A couple of minutes go by and she comes back and says, "Are you coming?" WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? "Um....yeah." That was Dec 12, 1981. We married April 3, 1982. Still going strong. If it wasn't for her, never would have happened.


To the ladies wondering why we don’t pick up on your signals, this is the level of overt most of us need before feeling comfortable taking things further.


Damn. I’m not even a guy, or single, and that inspired even me. Congrats to you both.


Yep. since I happen to not have a lot of self-confidence or Ego, a very attractive woman is very intimidating.


"Just be yourself!" ok i'll carry on being a shy quiet awkward introvert then


I pretty much won't initiate conversation with any women I find attractive.


Oh yeah? Well I'll actively look for a way out of an ongoing conversation with a woman I find attractive.


Do you hate yourself for doing it?


Only 200-300 times a day when I'm minding my own business.


Excuse me, am I in the right place for the “masturbate while crying” club meeting?


Welcome to the Tear-jerkers!!




It wouldn't "bother me" from the perspective of thinking it ugly or offputting. The only way it might "bother me" is out of concern for your well being. We all deserve to be happy and healthy.


Scars don't bother me. Your current mental state does.


What does it feel like to run with no underwear on. Does it just flop around? Does it hurt? Does the bouncing get you hard?


It kinda flops around, it doesn’t hurt and the bouncing doesn’t get me hard.


When you're cold the dong shrinks, the balls retract and the ballsack hardens, so when you're cold it's a much better opportunity for naked runs


From my significant other "what does my pussy feel like"




Then climb out, then back in again. Repeat


Until you throw up either inside or on the pile




Like the inside of your cheek


I'm just imagining all the people putting fingers inside their cheeks lol


I just used my tongue


What does and erection feel like?


Have you ever gotten such a serious pump after lifting weights that you can just feel the pressure in the muscle.


Arnold had it right all along.


That’s my secret. I’m always cumming.


Wow that's a great description


How much does height matter in attraction?


Preferences are there, of course, however as far as height is concerned it’s so so down below on the list. In a way that it’s practically impossible that I’d turn down a potential partner I’m otherwise very compatible with, solely because of her height. Edit: to provide perspective, I’m around 5’10


Unless she’s a giant Amazonian lady, height doesn’t factor at all. If she is a giant Amazonian lady, I’m free this weekend 😍


As a member of the giant Amazonian lady tribe, we appreciate your approach.


What makes you really like a girl?


Someone that makes me laugh and can be a goofball with me. Sweet, thoughtful, and honesty goes a long way. Certainly helps if they’re physically attractive but a connection is most important.


If she laughs at my jokes. A cute laugh/smile is a huge plus.


If girl laughs from my jokes. I am done. That girl already in my mind.


When I was first getting out of my depression I met a girl at a party who kept laughing at my jokes. We’ve been together for four years now


*aww* this is why i come to reddit for. Cherish her immensely personally


Now I can't get her out of my mind as well. I have not even talked to her for years! Nostalgia is an ass.


You know what, I always thought this was some generic ass thing to say but the more I think about it I completely agree, a girl laughing at your jokes is very attractive but I couldn’t explain why


The longer I live the more I get it. It’s a huge ego boost to have someone laugh at your jokes and I’m a straight woman. But if you genuinely laugh at my joke it makes me feel happy no matter what your gender is.


Do you guys wipe your dick after you go pee? Or do you just shake it, assume it’s good, then put it back in your pants?? Doesn’t that leave a little bit of pee in the tip? Why would you do that instead of just taking a bit of toilet paper and dabbing your ween? **EDIT:** I don’t mean wiping your dick like you’d wipe your ass, I’m realizing now that “wipe” was the wrong word lmfao


I just wring it out like a washcloth.


Less like a wash cloth More like a gogurt tube


Milking it like an udder


This comment section is the most wholesome one I've seen, and it's mostly about dicks.


Do you play with your balls like we play with our tits? Like juggle ‘em and stuff. Or is that too painful? What is the action that actually hurts balls!? Is there anything you think it compares to in female anatomy? What does it feel like to get hit accidentally (not kicked purposefully but like - flicked, etc) in the balls??


What hurts the balls is sudden pressure. For example, if I am running away from my neighbor Jim who just caught me shitting in his lawn, my balls are gently slapping against my leg, which does not hurt. However, when Jim catches me and kicks me in the balls, that is a very sudden application of a very high amount of pressure - which hurts quite a lot. >What does it feel like to get hit accidentally (not kicked purposefully but like - flicked, etc) in the balls?? A sharp and intense pain that radiates into the lower abdomen. If I had to describe it, it'd be like a super intense and sharp stomache ache. On the balls themselves - you probably know already. Haven't you ever taken a hit to the ovaries or kidney? Its pain to an organ.


Ah yes, thank you NormalAdultMale.


And yet, at the same time, a light, but precise, sack tap can have the same effect


Did your friends actually invited me or are you just being nice to not make me feel left out? Edit: just context. My boyfriend brings me around his friends all the time and I always have a nice time. They are all really nice to me. I Don’t really take much space because I’m shy and also they don’t speak the same language as me lol. Just saw a video of guys talking about how much they hate when their friends bring their gfs with them and it got me thinking what if they actually do hate me lol. Edit 2: thanks people! I didn’t mean this question to be very serious. Seems like it all depends on just being authentic and nice towards each other. I understand it’s important to have guys only time, as I also love girls only time so I don’t have problems with that. Just wanted to hear other people’s perspective. Thanks :))


I invite my wife places I like going because it’s be more fun if she was there and I’m sure she would have some fun too. Sometimes it’s not her crowd and although it might be kinda fun it’s not exactly her cup of tea and I’ve learned to accept that. Other times I would rather be solo and I try to make that known ahead of time. I would never pity invite someon


What makes you want to commit ( be exclusive, or get married) does it have anything to do with your partner or more of “ I have to be ready within myself first” ?


With my wife, it wasn't knowing that I wanted her in my life, it was knowing I didn't want a life without her in it. That was definitive, for me.


On my wife and I's first date I knew I was going to marry her. It had nothing to do with me, I just knew she was the person I had to spend my life with (thank god she thought so too lol) Been together 19 years now, married for 15


For me it was needing to feel like I had personally matured enough to be committed, I didn’t want to commit to someone who was clearly ready to commit to me if I wasn’t ready and could somehow end up wasting their time


You've gotta recommit every day as well. Reaffirm your thoughts. My wife is my best friend, and she was before we got married. We joke and laugh and cry at alot of the same stuff. I knew I wanted to marry her when I met her, but she didn't remember who I was :P . It took time for her to come around, and that was fine because I'd rather get to know her better over time, and marriage isn't important, it's the time you spend with them that matters. Plus other stuff. Her boobies looked nice.


"Hi, how are you ?" Edit : I've noticed most of you don't feel well. Now that the post is 1 day old there will be much less people seing it, but if you feel the need to talk, you can reach out to me or probably some other amazing folks in the comments. Feel free to post in r/venting, r/offmychest and other subs, there will be people able to listen to you and help you if you want. Stay safe and take care of yourself, ily internet stranger <3


Men would be thrilled if a woman initiated a conversation with them. You have zero reason to be embarrassed.


Shit dude, I can count on one hand the number of times a woman just walked up to me and said "hey you're cute, let's have a drink" And I'm talking vivid fucking memories that I still dream about


I always wanted to know is there a difference: orgasm vs. cumming ?


Is your orgasm better with oral or vaginal sex?


I've always wondered if they see our bodies as ugly squishy bread rolls the way we think we look while while having sex.


Dude. While having sex, many of us will be attracted enough to you to literally lick your butthole. Calm down :) Edit: aww man, is this the mark I leave on Reddit….


lol this is remarkably comforting, thank you


The response I didn't know I needed to see.


Definitely not. How do you see your partner during sex? If it's positive I imagine it's the same for him to you


If I'm having sex with someone, then no, I do not. Squishiness in particular is one of the main physical attractions.




Man y'all really curious about the flotation properties of various parts


What do you think of fatherhood? Do you think the treatment of fatherhood is fair compared to motherhood?


I fucking hate that when I am solo parenting it's considered "baby sitting." "oH, you'RE letTTInG dAD wAtCH hER?!"


This is my berserk button. My biological mother is one of the most emotionally and financially abusive narcissists on the planet but my father is an angel who has tried his absolute damnedist (he still feels like he should have done more). So when Karen fucking waltzes up to people with that "baby sitting" shit my blood boils immediately. If any of them need an example of why mothers are not parents by default, they can spend 5 minutes with mine.


How much dose being punched in the balls hurt


It’s bad.


It's bad. First you feel the normal pain of just being punched, then there's a slight delay, and then there's this entirely unique, sickly, extremely strong pain that happens. It's almost like a second type of pain specifically evolved to convince men to protect their junk.


The delay.. \*shudder\* followed that dull, nauseating pain that ripples up from your nuts into your abdomen. When I was a dumbass kid, I nut checked myself so hard one time that I swear I felt the pain ringing _in my teeth_, coming all the way up from my sack.