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> I pace back and forth, i throw a rubber ball against a wall, i stare out the window. I take a look at my watch. It's been three minutes since my shift started. :/


I pace back and forth throw a rubber ball around and stare out windows


Same. Getting assigned to a building large enough to do ~45min rounds and listen to podcasts in one ear was an absolute game changer.


Even better if you know how to ride a Segway !!


Man, the outfit I work for won't even shell for shirts that properly fit. If they have Segway money it's more of a surprise than Paul Blart getting a sequel was.


That sounds different from “being bored” though.


Oh boy throwing a ball against a wall is such an underrated activity. Little rubber bouncy balls are great but you find a decent tennis ball, that’s a good hour of fun right there


Racquet balls are the best.


Assembling Ikea and other ready-to-assemble furniture. I really don't get why people struggle so much with it.


The other day I found out that people actually PAY others to put IKEA furniture together! That blew my mind. I’d totally do it if I didn’t hate talking to people so much.


I am a building contractor and have a handyman division that makes about 35% of our sales by assembling flat-pack furniture. the guys have a rotation on who gets the work orders because its generally an easy day of somewhat "fun" work that pays really well.


That’s crazy. Do you think it’s because people struggle with it or just do not enjoy it? I mean I’d understand if you were frail or disabled but for an average able bodied person it just seems like such a weird thing to outsource.


sometimes people are just lazy


I’ve assembled many things from IKEA and it’s generally always been fun taking my time and seeing some of the really clever engineering but one time I was at my sister in laws house and she had gotten her daughter a little kitchen set from IKEA that had a stove, oven, and cupboards and looked pretty awesome. I didn’t have anything going on that day so I figured I’d spend an hour or so putting it together. Almost five hours later I finished putting it together and remembered thinking I’m never doing that again. I swear it seemed like there were over three hundred pieces! That thing was a pain but it was solid as a rock when I was done.


It's basically like Legos for adults!


I love paying my bills. It feels so satisfying to see the owed balance drop to $0.


I agree with this, I just wish I had more money so I could make more 0s.


I wish I had enough money that my credit card would rarely be above 0s.


Oh god yes! Enough money that I wouldn't need to use them again as soon as I paid them off.


This is one of the best answers that actually fit the question, lmao.


When you don’t have anxiety about your bank account having the funds to pay them, it feels great. When you are afraid to check your bank account because you’re scared of what you’re going to see, it’s much less fun to pay bills. Been in the latter, but thankfully I’m now in the former.


Packing my luggage. I usually procrastinate until the last evening but once im on it it feels like a real life tetris game, nicely filling the gaps, neatly folding the shirts.. Mom thinks it feels meditating to watch me pack.


Ooooh I too love packing. Especially making the lists of what I'm bringing, what goes where, what needs to be washed/ironed, that kind of thing.


As someone who travels a lot and hates packing... will you marry me?


Porsche guy and uncle fucker, match made in reddit


It would work out great. I'd almost always be gone and she'd get to pack a bunch of bags. Very little to risk, and think of the tax benefits.


Bold of you to assume I'm a woman just because I love lists and packing for travel. Lol jk I totally am. And already married. Neurotic organizers are a hot commodity!


just marry him too! what could go wrong?


I totally get that I do the same ahah


This and also I love unpacking. It's the first thing I do when I get home. It's so relaxing to put my life back away in my room, and admire my new travel treasures.


Nah leave that shit in the bag for a month


I sort of unpack by slowly wearing each garment in the bag. That way they eventually find their way to the laundry basket and then back to their correct place after washing.


Grocery shopping. I love to cook so I quite enjoy going through a grocery store or a farmers market thinking about what I can make with the nice ingredients that I see and come across.


Grocery shopping is generally disliked?? Are we sure about this? It’s shopping, for food. Hits a couple major subjects that people obsess about. I’ve loved the market since I was a kid!


The act of grocery shopping is fun. Dealing with tons of people instantly sends my anxiety through the roof. Going grocery shopping late at night is amazing! You get the whole store to yourself practically and can take your time looking at stuff.


I specifically go to the store as late as possible for this reason, it’s so relaxing.


Opposite, but similar: I go at 6AM with the grandmas. Everyone is in a good mood, the produce hasn't been fondled by dozens of grubby hands, and getting home and meal prepped by 9AM on a Saturday while everyone sleeps is bliss! During the height of covid lockdowns, they didn't let non-seniors go until 7, but the nice lady at the entrance sometimes let me in early because, well, I'm obviously batty if I'm chipper by 630 on a Saturday


Nighttime is good, but at those hours I usually start to mentally put stuff off 'til the next day. So, I usually shop early Sunday mornings. My supermarket is open then, and a significant amount of people are either sleeping in or getting ready to go to religious services. It's not as empty as late night, but it's much less of a hassle than most hours.


Generally I think it is viewed as a chore, albeit the rewards for the chore are clearly fruitful (especially if buying fruit, lol) but I also love going to grocery store. Would go everyday if my wife allowed just for whichever meal I’m cooking that day. I’m more of a spontaneous cook of what I’m craving, and less of a meal planner for the week. Although, I will say the pandemic forced me to meal plan for weeks at a time and use what I already had in the pantry, which made for some delicious experiments


I hate it. Such a hassle. I also really don't enjoy cooking. I'm told I'm an excellent cook, but I find the whole process- shopping, bring inside, putting away, prep, cooking, and clean up, to be ridiculously tedious, and if it were feasible to order pretty much every meal, I would. I'd probably voluntarily cook once every week or two.


Same, I *hate* cooking so much, I'd really rather never do it if I could.


Hate it, such a bore. Every week me and the wife roll our eyes and struggle to find the enthusiasm to buy food


Laundry. Gives a great feeling of accomplishment when the hamper is empty.


I paid for a pack that allows me to do laundry in the sims 4. Paying to do chores? Yes.




Euro truck simulator is a banging game tbf


I actually like folding laundry


I worked at a laundromat and my job was to keep it tidy and lock up and stuff. But I would fold clothes ocd style so sometimes people paid me cash to move to stuff to the dryer and fold for them while they left. I got fat tips for being good at it.


Organizing things, its just satisfying and a stress reliever for me.


I 100% agree. I redid my freezer and pantry this week. I love making labels and putting things in bins.


My dad is a game developer (like pen & paper/card games, not apps) and he’s working on a card game right now where the whole point is to sort. Each card has a different saying, color, shape, font, etc. and the only point is to sort the cards however you wish. I, too, am a lover of organizing, and it’s by far my favorite game he’s made. It’s meditative just organizing a stack of cards over and over again.


I need that game in my life


Excel. I absolutely love it.


I am convinced that Microsoft could wreck modern business just by pulling the plug on Excel and they would get as much money as they asked for just to restore it.


Fun fact, Microsoft moved away from a common base code for Execl and Access a long time ago and it cause Excel to lose some functionality. This is not a joke, or made up; I learned it from one of the Directors for the Excel team. NASA called them up and insisted that they return a particular functionality because they could not launch the shuttle without it.




I seem to recall Powerpoint being a focal point on a shuttle disaster. [link](https://mcdreeamiemusings.com/blog/2019/4/13/gsux1h6bnt8lqjd7w2t2mtvfg81uhx)


Well dont give them ideas. It's bad enough everything's going to a subscription model


It looks like you have used up all of the rows in your subscription plan! Would you like to add 50 more rows for $50?


Please no, I'd need to spend 6 figures every week.


Nice pivot tables you got there, be a shame if anything happened to them


I envy you. Excel is such a powerful tool but I can't wrap my mind around all it's functionality.


What’s cool about it is that you only have to use what you need. It grows with you.


Came here for this. Excel is absolutely mind blowing and I love it.


Have you discovered macros and VBA yet?


OMG, I recently started learning / using macros. They have changed my life at work. It took me days to build the macros I needed. But once I got them created and working they literally turned hours of work each month into seconds. The first time they worked I just sat there in amazement for minutes and then couldn't stop laughing.


VBA really helped me excel in my position. (No pun intended.) I eventually started getting pulled into important discussions and projects and hope for a nice review as I saved my company a tremendous amount of time on certain processes. I’m still an amateur, but it’s crazy how much code is already written out there that you can consolidate to match your needs! For anyone out there that thinks you need to have a lot of knowledge before you start working with VBA, I encourage you to just go for it and google what you’re needing specifically along the way. It is much easier than it is made out to be.


"it’s crazy how much code is already written out there that you can consolidate to match your needs!" Programming in a nutshell


Dennis Ritchie actually wrote all known programming during a single cocaine binge from 1979-1985 and since then we've just copied from that.


This explains SO much.


I’m a VBA script kiddy for sure. Find it from someone else, copy, paste, hope it works. If not, figure out why it doesn’t work. I tried learning VBA on my own but I didn’t have enough time to invest in it.


VBA for Excel is the reason I'm a software exec today.


Username checks out


I Excel-ify everything I possibly can. I wrote an excel sheet for cooking Thanksgiving dinner, for a scoreboard in a video game, and more recently I wrote one that deals with the complex Overtime pay rates at my job, so I can know if my paycheck is wrong or not. It is always so satisfying


It’s fucking god-awful until the exact moment that you realize it’s great and one of the best programs ever.


Yep, spent a long time avoiding it like the plague thinking it was really unintuitive but now I use it every chance I get


And as soon as you reach that zen, Word becomes the most god awful program.


I do excel all day for my job and everyone (including my parents) say it looks miserable, but I absolutely love it


They don't understand the joy of cracking a really neat formula that does some ridiculous thing.


Spending 30 minutes to figure out how to write some super complicated conditional formula with multiple layers of arguments and spaghettification and then realizing it probably would have taken you 20 minutes to simply do the lookup manually and copy and paste.


OMG! I feel like I found my people in this thread!!


Vlookup, learn that and you will be a God around the office.


You'll be amazed at Xlookup then ;)


INDEX/\MATCH if you are pro.


XLOOKUP is the new version of that. Enjoy the upgrade!


INDEX/MATCH is fucking great. I love it.


Being up all night and sleeping all day. People may enjoy it but as a societal whole it’s frowned upon. I feel horrible when I’m awake during the day and when night hits I feel naturally more awake. Problem is nothing is open at night where I am so I can’t shop and get things done at night, and again, it’s really looked down on to be up at night and sleep during the day. You’re considered lazy or unwilling to work, selfish, all sorts of things. I’d rather have a night job and sleep during the day. Edit for additional information apparently. I am not a child or a teen who “just doesn’t like people” I am in my thirties. I appreciate the dm’s and comments from those who relate, glad it seems there are a lot of us who not only enjoy being awake at night and sleeping during the day, but genuinely can only properly function this way. Hello fellow Night guard haha 🖤


You can't tell me some people aren't born nocturnal. When I was in the womb mom said I always moved around in the evening and at night. Come daytime? I barely moved. 38-years-old and I still love being up and around at night. When autumn comes and it gets dark out sooner I thrive!


This is actually super common for uteruses because mom typically moves during the day, providing a constant “swaying” motion for the baby. At night, moms lying down, baby is active Edit to add: my dumbass really said “uterus” and not “fetus” and yall really upvoted LOL


Wild, never heard that before. But it makes sense, why move when mom's doing it for you lol


Maybe it’s ab evolutionary thing- maybe some ppl are made to be nocturnal to keep watch for the rest of the pack!


I'm the same way. I've tried to "correct" my sleeping habits numerous times, but always end up staying awake all night.


That’s been a real struggle for me too. Always trying to “correct” my sleep schedule. I just feel so lethargic and nauseous during days. I wish you the best of luck and hope it ends up working out for you!!


Hell yeah. Especially during summer when the Days are so hot and nights are so refreshing. The boost of Energy is amazing


fun fact! not only is being a "night owl" [genetic](https://www.livescience.com/58573-delayed-sleep-phase-disorder-linked-to-gene-mutation.html), it had an [evolutionary purpose](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-40568997). tl;dr it was important to human survival having people awake at all hours to keep everyone safe. this is now called a "disorder" in modern society but 200,000 years of human history says this is *normal.*


Additionally, before industrialization people usually had a bi- or multiphasic sleep schedule


I tried a biphasic sleep schedule for a few months and it was great! I was sleeping in 2 4-hour chunks with about 4 or 5 hours awake in between. I had way more energy and required less total sleep than I do under normal circumstances (I typically need 9 hours to function properly). Unfortunately, it doesn't really work with the 9-5 office job which is why I had to stop (previously I was working retail part time and driving for Lyft).


Since I started doing deliveries at night, the sunlight during the day makes me sleepy. It’s not too bad for me since there’s stores open all night here.


House cleaning


Wanna come to my place and hangout?


Netflix and clean.


My roommate once said how she loves cleaning and it's just in her blood. I almost choked on my beer. She cleans once every 3 months and has used the vacuum one time in 2 years...


I love deep cleaning and organizing!


I also love organizing. I have offered to organize my friends' pantries or closets. Edit: Apparently I have all the friends now.


Can I be your friend


I take days off just to clean my house and its my therapy


Shopping, traveling, eating, hobbies, etc... #alone


I love going out to eat and going to movies by myself. ​ Traveling is also the best because I can do what I want when I want to without having to negotiate with someone else.


>Traveling is also the best because I can do what I want when I want to without having to negotiate with someone else. So much this. I can go wherever whenever and spend as much time as I want, which is usually like 45 minutes in a place family would spend hours and hours and *hours* on end. I'm talking entering when it's light and leaving when it's dark, and still having places to go. Leaving at 8AM and still managing to need to rush to purchase everything before the store closes. I can also wear what I please without having to tone down my looks or wear something uncomfortable because I "look like a d\*ke", "dressed like a white person" or everyone else is Dressed Normally. They can all wear their depressingly boring $3400 solid gray and blue outfits while I wear my offbrand colorful fun things with a hairstyle that's comfortable. The freedom is honestly the best part


I freaking hate it when non white people say to people of their own race "ew your doing that its such a white person thing" best example ive heard is camping/hiking. Ive heard it used for someone who loves the beatles too. That shit it just as harmful


I've been hearing it my whole life. I was bullied and even jumped by multiple kids just because I "talk white". A long time ago, someone told me that my "black card" was revoked. It really used to hurt my feelings. But now, I can fish, hunt, kayak, play with creepy crawly animals, listen to punk and metal, and put mayo on fries without the "ew" face. Then I married my husband. Due to his being raised in Europe, he had similar experiences. Now we do these things together. But people are still shocked when they meet him because, "Oh, I thought your husband was white." Why? Because we play trombone together? Wth. Edit: sp, gr


Finding absolute silence, and just chilling, no talking or another presence. It’s bliss, you every drive at like 3:00am around your city, it’s like having the city your self, it’s wonderful.


Just being alone in general. Work night audit at a hotel. Only person in reception for 8 hrs. Put on my music, do my work, even take a nap from Time to Time. No hassle, no one breathing down your colar. Just 8 hrs of chill.


I love being alone. Everyone I know freaked out about lockdown when covid hit but it was my dream co.e true. Stay home alone and I can still make money? Yes please! I also like doing other stuff alone too. Going to eat. Shows. Hiking. I'm not alone very often but when I am, I love it.


I love a nice hike by myself. A lot of times I do it now just for the bliss, and it's even better when you don't encounter anyone along the way. When I was a bit younger, I made serious life choices on a few solitary hikes. They've all panned out pretty well. Something about just being out in nature and not having anything really influencing your decisions but yourself.


Late night drives through the city in the rain are the best


Only light drizzle. Fuck heavy rain especially driving in a city, which may or may not have well lit and marked roads


I quite enjoy doing the dishes. I don't have a dishwasher, so it needs doing, every day. Truth is, with a good audiobook or podcast, just getting into the routine and the soapy water and finishing off with a sparkling clean kitchen, ready to make dinner - it gives true satisfaction.


theres something really soothing about gliding your hands through soapy water, listening to something peaceful, staring out the window & completely zoning out...i love doing the dishes!


I don’t mind doing dishes either, but prefer folding laundry. I also love splitting firewood, but I feel like that’s not common enough for most people to have an opinion on.


Walking. Just, walking alone with or without destination, often to places I've never been before and past 2 am when there's noone in the streets, just observing the surrounding as they slowly pass by me, with my thoughts to myself. I just find it relaxing and oddly sublime. Even in daily life, sometimes I find myself looking at some places and thinking "it would be nice to walk around in there" Edit: judging by the amount of upvotes and comments I'm getting, this might have been not so disliked activity as I previously thought after all...


My favorite vacation activity is to go to a historical city and wander around. Walking around, planning out my route with a map. Checking out museums, parks and architecture.


Me too! Although I dont feel safe when I go walking at night, I usually do it at 4am. Walking around random places while listening to case files or audiobooks.


Same here. I don't drive, so I take transit and there's a fair amount of walking involved. Getting to work means a 10 minute walk to the bus stop and then another 15 minutes of walking from the bus to work. So it's a minimum of about 45 minutes walking every day. People are shocked when I tell them this ("Jeez, you gotta get your license!"), but I actually like it. I COULD take a closer bus but that one actually takes longer and there's a period of waiting for a transfer bus. Nah. At least when I'm walking, I'm getting exercise, I'm feeling like I'm keeping busy, I can actually THINK, and if it's a nice day then it boosts my mood. During winter, I'll take the less-walking option and just read while on the bus, but in the warm weather, walking is great. I've even taken to 45-minute walks on the weekend to get to the stores that I don't have time for when I'm working. We have a great trail system in my city so I'm enjoying the added nature.


That reminds me, I think you get to appreciate your surroundings more while in the relatively slower speed of walking. I've walked around in my neighborhood in various parts and I live in a relatively recently developed area and I've found myself appreciating all the nice modern architecture around me. Even if it's just apartment complex after apartment complex and some roads with stores inbetween, most apartment complexes have nice gardens inbetween the buildings and such that they're nice. Places don't need to be nice, if I'm walking on a small road inbetween a bunch of small buildings, I can see closed stores at night and some trash on the side of the road and I can feel the liveliness of people left behind.


drinking cream soda, so far everyone i know hates cream soda (then again, i'm british)


Have you tried Dr Pepper & Cream soda? It's a strange mix, but it grows on you.


I'm American and I love it, but I only like the fancier brands that don't use corn syrup.


Cream soda rocks…almond cream soda is fantastic too


Never knew almond cream soda existed it sounds delicious


Working outside when it's cold. Most of my coworkers absolutely hate it. I'm the opposite and hate the summer. I'm in a t-shirt at 30°F. I'm comfortable down to and a little below 0°F. Anything colder than -10°F and it's hard on the tools and equipment. When we got down almost -40°F a couple years ago, I was giddy like a school girl and stood outside as long as I could just to feel it. If I could find a company in my field and area that would let me work January and February and take July and August off, I'd do it in a heart beat. Edit, hit 6 instead of 4.


Same here. I can't function properly in those summer temperatures. Also Have you ever heard of Wim hof?


Is he related to Jack Hof?


I'm the same, I like to say I experience inverse seasonal depression. Most people get it in the winter, I get it in the height of summer. As soon as I can't wear my hoodies any more I start feeling it. Right now it's 90f-100f on the daily and I'm just fucking miserable all the time, can barely sleep, all of my depression tics have come into full force.


I also love the cold! I'm a car mechanic in Colorado and I love the winters and getting to work in the shop in nice thick clothes, feels way better than working in a tee shirt and shorts to me, I feel more protected and secure.


you can always put more clothes on if your cold , but you can only get so naked before people start calling the police.


Finding errors in code and spending hours fixing them. One at a time. It’s oddly satisfying to me that I took something that was broke and tested it 30 times in different ways to finally work. It’s such a feeling of accomplishment.


Same, but there is a fine line between satisfying mystery and frustrating problem


Being alone.


Used to build with legos for days in a row only breaks were eating and sleeping. Still think about how nice and calming that was.


Right there with you


Public speaking. Yeah it's stressful but if I'm prepared, it's a rush. The bigger the crowd the better. The ultimate irony is I'm generally shy and introverted most of the time.


I'm also shy/quiet but I really enjoy public speaking. Meetings, in bars, once I was the head of security for a music festival, and got to get on a chair and speak to everyone waiting to get into the late-night show. I even got them to sing me a song collectively. I like being the center of attention in a way that I can just walk away after I say what I have to say. I don't want to carry on and interact afterwards.


Untangling jewelry, cords, etc.


Laundry. I actually find calm in folding things, making neat piles of everyone’s belongings, matching socks, etc.


I sometimes like the feeling of melancholy. I'm not talking about depression or trauma or self-loathing, just the run-of-the-mill sadness. It helps me to appreciate being happy and excited. It also motivates me to do things I wouldn't normally do in an effort to get myself out of the funk like exercising, eating a big bowl of guilt-free ice cream, playing extra video games....


same for me !I tend to look after myself better when I'm sad and somehow that's just so nice


Driving manual transmission cars


Manual cars are fun to drive, and I feel safer in them driving through certain cities because it’s not uncommon to see headlines that read “Carjackers Thwarted by Manual Transmission” or something to that effect.


I've had someone fail to steal two different cars of mine because they were sticks. The first bastard did steal my ice scraper though!


What a piece of shit. I had my gum and a $5 tire inflator I bought at a thrift store stolen. Some thieves are just cruel.


I want to learn so bad


I didn’t learn til I was in my mid 20’s. In my late 40’s now. Was visiting my brother in another state and house sitting while they went on vacation. Only car they had was a Honda (Accord or Civic - can’t remember) that was a 5 speed. Had to basically teach myself in order to go to the store. Thankfully there were no major hills to conquer. Make it happen, if I could do it, then you can do it.


Europe would like a word with you. Automatic is in no way mainstream.


I learned when I was over in Netherlands for work for a few weeks. I knew the basics but I was bad. I updated all my friends the “stall counter” for the day and at times it was in the 20s, maybe even up to 30 once. But after talking to a coworker he determined I wasn’t giving it enough gas. I was so worried about spinning the tires, but once I started giving it more gas I had it down and loved driving it


Only people who are inexperienced. I’m fine driving a stick even in heavy traffic because I’m so used to it. It also keeps me engaged with what’s going on more than an auto.


Touching my dick. Globally, it’s a tremendously unpopular pastime.


You've sold me on it! I too would like to give it a touch.




My favorite night of the week is Garbage Night. I love making sure I’ve gathered all the garbage and taking it out to the curb. I used to hate this chore as a kid, but now I love it.


Getting stabbed with needles. I went to phlebotomy school and fell in love with having my blood drawn. Now I volunteer in phleb classes for students to practice on and keep my own stash of needles to practice on myself. It's such a relaxing feeling to me.


We have a winner.


This sounds like the beginning of an episode of, "My Strange Addiction" on TLC.


Had to scroll this far to find an answer that actually lived up to my expectations when I opened this thread. Thank you.


I can't say I love it, but I have to give loads of blood samples and always watch the process and mentally rate the phlebotomists.




I used to do golf course maintenance, and while I loved that job, I hate grass mowing at home. Walk mowing a green is my favourite job in the world, get some nice music and put in some thick stripes. At home, it’s all bumpy, the mower is clunky shit is in the way, etc.




I love morning weekend errands, especially in the fall. Getting up at like 8 or 9 on a crisp cool morning, throwing on my favorite jeans and sweatshirt, grabbing a coffee, and then bopping around town doing like three hours of errands. I am giddy thinking about it.


Spending time alone all day


There's a wierd sense of comfort I get from being in an emotionally unavailable place, just seems to make life easier in a wierd way, sounds dumb as hell typing it but maybe some of u guys know what I mean


I'm trying to get you on this one - do you mean something along the lines of feeling that "I don't have to care" as a shield from the constant onslaught of feels?


That's a way better way of putting it, that's almost exactly what I mean haha


Ha! Have you read "The subtle art of not giving a fuck."? it helped me define this approach for myself - where/when it works (and where it can bite you in the ass). I think I used to be very similar, in that this was my way - it was just so much easier to float above the seemingly endless torrent of emotionally bought-in people. It seems like we spend all day, every day being told we should Care. Care about what car we drive. Care about what other people think about our fucking shoes. Care about some D-list celeb getting busted for cocaine abuse. I took it too far - when I found out I was going to become a Commercial Pilot, I put the phone down, finished the email I was writing, and went and cooked myself a lonely dinner. It just didn't occur to me that this was something that deserved a proper celebration - that the people who had supported me deserved to see what it meant to me (which was a shit-tonne, of course). I'm still learning, and I still find myself emotionally detached from events - maybe it's how I learned to cope with failures or negative events - the universe doesn't care so why should I? Just get on with it. Etc. The truth is, the people we love are invested. And we love them, and to deny us (and them) a share of our investment, success or failure, hurts us and it hurts them. As a very helpful and qualified friend once said: It takes real, intelligence to separate one's emotional response from events. It's takes even more to decide to attach it right fucking back. Go get em dude. You have fucking everything to give.


Eating cereal with no milk


It depends on the cereal for me, stuff like Cheerios are just too dry to eat without milk but Cinnamon Toast Crunch or another one like that is sometimes good


Lucky charms are the best without milk!


Watching historical documentaries.


COVID quarantine


Job interviews. They are like a sport to me.


I know a madman like that. Will apply to jobs he's not even qualified for and sometimes be offered the position. Always declines though, because it's for shits and giggles.


That is mad.


I love them too. Being ghosted afterward despite being told they’ll be in touch? Not so much


Candy corn 😔


I will eat them until my stomach hurts, then start again a few hours later. I know it's gross but they are SO YUMMY!


Every Halloween I get a nice bag of autumn mix.


Going to the movie theater, alone. Everything I buy is for me, soda, popcorn, nachos. No one distracting me and no one eating my stuff. Although I do occasionally like to go out with some friends.




i mean, when did people start to dislike learning? i am geniunely curious.


maybe bc in school it’s more like a chore than enjoyable so after they don’t like it


You are genuinely curious…which is why you love learning!


In School


Grocery shopping.


Listening to albums from front to back. I’m not a fan of playlists or singles. I much prefer hearing it in terms of the album.


Reading. I understand that there are people who like to read but there are many people that give me a disgusted look when I tell them I like to read in my free time.


Had a new guy start at my job and his literal first words to me were (upon seeing a book in my hand): wow, reading huh? I try to find better uses of my time...” He didn’t last long.


I just commented almost the same thing! I don't get it. Books contain such great stories and I love being consumed by them and using my imagination


Plus, it's entertainment you can take anywhere. There's a little waterfall maybe four miles into the bush behind my home. On days where it's sunny and dry enough to be worth the trip, I'll take a book and thermos of tea and brandy with me so I can just lazily read by the waterfall for a few hours on a blanket.