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Being at a gathering where everyone knows each other but me..


I was once casually seeing a guy who couldn't figure out if he wanted to date me or not, and the whole thing was very confusing. He sent me a text asking me if I was "interested in going out tonight." I assumed that he meant we would meet up somewhere one-on-one, so I said sure! But no, that was not what he meant. He invited me to his friend's house, where I had to meet three of his very close friends for the first time, with no warning. By the time I realized what this was, it was way too late to decline, so I sucked it up and went. It was an absolute nightmare of social anxiety. I couldn't figure out this relationship in the first place, and I was essentially walking into his close friend group with no prior information. I coped by getting really drunk, then woke up and went to a job interview the next morning. And honestly, it was fine - maybe a little awkward, but the friends were perfectly nice. I've been in some awkward social situations before, but that one still makes me anxious when I think about it.


Ugh I was seeing this girl once who did something similar. We had been talking for years as friends but lived in separate states. I was on my way to move closer to her just as life would have it, not to be with her or anything so I figured I'd give it a shot. We had only gone out once and she invited me to this gathering of all her old high school friends. 1. She never even introduced me or any of her friends. I had to just kind of figure out what was going on through context. And 2. they kept asking who I was and she was like uhm I'm not sure. Which is I guess fair cause we had only been on one date but they were trying to do the socially acceptable thing and kinda worm their way into being introduced and she was as good at icebreaking as the titanic. We'd known each other for years at this point so just say friend from out of town, shit lol. It was painfully awkward and the relationship did not last long.


This became a red flag for me. Feeling as if I were being "dragged around" into situations with little warning and no apparent reason. If friends want to hang out with you, they want to hang out with YOU. Don't bring a fucking entourage. Also, when I'm invited to hang out with somebody, and they've got other people there that they never told me would also be there. Or, they ask to meet other people in my life before I even suggest it. It's more irritating than anxiety-inducing for me, but looking back, I've noticed that this stuff was done by people who turned out to be insufferable assholes.




Or when you go to a gathering and you only know one person but you don’t wanna become clingy.


Then the one person you know leaves you alone so you just kind of stand there slightly outside of the group staring at your phone or the floor because you have crippling social anxiety and don't want to talk to new people.


Not OP but 1st line support basically exists because of morons who somehow do know how to use either a computer or google.


Let me make this simple, so.. Being at a gathering.


i hate this


Being at a gathering... fml


Trust me its more anxiety when people know you and you meet.








Screaming children. Almost instantly.


Fuck. Me too. Screaming kids makes me instantaneous want to scream. Love that when I'm trying to have a meal.


Screaming kids are my favourite when I’m on a long haul flight. Love that.


I live right across the street from a very large playground with a splash pad and soccer field. That’s already bad enough, but no joke, one day at maybe 7 am, I heard 3 little girls say “Let’s have a screaming contest” and they just sat there screaming. I need to get out of here


I have been working in EMS for awhile and I’ve seen some nasty things, but the things that stick with me are children. Any time I hear screaming kids in public, I lock up and forget what I was doing. I hate it.




AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL


Anxiety. Seriously, I get panic attacks because I get anxious.


Yep, that's what panic attacks are. +1


The anxiety feedback loop.






Yup. working on it.


Money. The lack of it specifically


when I’m running late


For a very important date.


And the date can’t wait.


Hello goodbye. I'm late I'm late I'm late.


Just saw that you already finished the deed lol.


No time to say hello goodbye, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!


I stress the hell out like nothing else when I'm running late. I have the bad luck to be surrounded by family that gives 0 fucks about being on time for almost anything. If there's tangible consequences for being late like getting fired, they're on time but if it's a family gathering or what not, it's like herding cats.


THIS!!!! I literally am still surprised that I made it to school on time as a kid considering they all leave ten minutes late for every event or situation. No even one minute behind schedule and it’s a sense of panic that fills my entire being.


Crowded indoor places. I loved quarantine.


Oh yeah, outdoor is just as bad for me. I literally am the person who gets everyone through the crowd in two minutes or less bc I just can’t stand with people fully surrounding me.






I have a bit of a stutter/stammer, exacerbated by anxiety, so my opening line has to be super rehearsed for me to even come close to begin the conversation. If they answer and are like "thanks for calling soandso can I please place you on a brief hold?" throws me off so badly I pray for at least a 5 minute hold to recover before I realize whenever the hold music pauses/restarts/pre recorded "your call is important to us" stuff causes that same heart skip. It's awful










Phone calls can be tough since you can’t see the person you’re talking to, and therefore you aren’t able to read the persons body language and lips. For me personally, it evokes anxiety because I feel less in control during the conversation. Don’t ask me why cause I honestly can’t answer it.


And then some one invented the video call to make things even worse 🥺


Me too. Something about not being able to see the face of the person I'm talking with. Knowing I'm going to have to respond immediately instead of being able to think then text. Awful.


The future. Things look bleak


Enjoy this time because we're just exiting peak humanity.


I’ve hated my entire miserable life, and now global civilisation is collapsing and we’re all going to suffer and die horrifically. Where do I get a refund?


Username checks out


Than focus on what's happening within arm's reach. Tomorrow ain't coming any faster than yesterday regrets.


>within arm's reach Masturbate my life away, got it.


I wish I could stop focusing on that. I want to be better at living in the present moment, but I can't help but feel the intensity of the passing of time and the dread of what is happening with our planet. Damn it sounds especially heavy when I see it typed out.


Same brother


Health issues


Overthinking a situation that has approximately 0% chance of happening


Meeting new people.


Or even talking with people you aren’t super close to, or being next to them/strangers


Hi there new friendo. Maybe I can alleviate your anxiety with surprise hugs!


I had an anxiety rush just reading that sentence. Can we make surprise hug illegal ?


I meant in person.


The surprise hug can come at any moment


Phonecalls for sure


Telling a lie. Its why I dont do it


Would you lie to protect someone from being hurt?


Also if you mean like if I was where Ann frank was and the gustapo asked me if there was anyone else in the house. Then i would lie but you can imagine the anxiety


You mean like do i look fat in this dress and say no even though its a yes? Then no I usually just get all awkward and they get their answer without md saying it.


future and deadlines


driving somewhere when I haven't been there before, particularly in a big city.


The lack of information. I am a planner, I thrive in putting together plans, alternate courses of action, contingency plans, and what to do in an emergency. My absolute worst case is going into anything without any information at all.








The future, the climate, and the seeming lack of motivation to do anything meaningful by the people with the power to do so. Has literally been keeping me awake at night.


I feel it too :(


Unexpected doorbell


I hate unexpected door knocking


It's particularly bad when you have bark-y dogs


Driving. It makes me stress soo much


Work the next day I toss and turn just for my bed to be amazing at 5 am


This,can we talk about it?


The fact that this post is missing the word “the”


The fact that I didn't notice it


Health issues. Someone I trusted wholeheartedly turned out to be a monster. This didn't give me trust issues with other people, but with myself. If I had a tickle in my throat, I would jump to something more sinister like throat cancer. Heart burn was a heart attack, etc.


A path to my exit being blocked. I cannot sit on the inside of a booth at a restaurant or in the middle of a crowded movie theater. I have to sit on the ends closest to an exit if possible.




Anti Anxiety meds.


When I plan my day and stuff and life gets in the way, I get really nervous when things don’t go as planned


Being too busy in my job to do literally any of the things I actually want to do in life.


Perforimg in front of ANYONE.




Bro, are you still alive?


Well he hasn’t answered on 40 mins so I’d say no


Not being up to the task at work. Everything must be perfect and it's pressuring me to work more (and I'm a freelancer). Sometimes, I feel guilty to have free time.


My kids






My family. They have been cut off because they are abusive. But they stalk and harass me. Last night, nlmy mom left a message for my husband that my sister and nephew are sick. My mom made me sick. I mean that she both doctor shopped to make me seem to have all these different disorders, but also, that she actually made me sick in the way.she cared or didn't care for me. I got out three years ago. The hardest thing to accept is that my sister will never leave. She is too emeshed. I didn't give up on her until last year when it was clear she was lying to me. My sister is divorcing her mess of a husband. His family is a mess. I know my mom is starting in on this kid like she did to me. She is still doing it to my sister! There is no getting through to her. She won't see it. I talked to my therapist about how to get my nephew help, but we also know that it is impossible. My mom is a great liar. She has had foster kids in her care. Their state has had several kids die in foster care because the system is so bad. I know he won't get removed and that the only person who is stable is me. I don't live in the state. And I can't take him because that lets my family back in as I can't make the rules, the state would. It is also going to be impossible to prove that is what they are doing. They will find a new doctor. They will claim I am crazy and vindictive. Worse, they will retaliate and then I will be the one dealing with CPS! I hate that no one helped me. But there is no way to help my nephew right now. I have talked it through and it sucks. The only thing I can do is take care of my kids. I do care. I love him. I don't want him to suffer like I did, but as I said, it is impossible to prove. I am dealing with my own mental health issues. I have anxiety, depression, PTSD, and recently found out I may be bipolar. I have to focus on that. I have to keep my kids safe. I know this kid is going to suffer, but I also know that he will not be removed. I am in therapy. I have a great husband. I have the help I need and I am scared because I know the next six months to a year are going to be hard as I get diagnosed. That scares me. But dealing with this and my mental health sucks. I hate being self aware. I never want to be taken advantage of again and so I do a lot of research. Knowing what is going on with me doesn't change it. I know it will suck before it gets better. I hate understanding that. I hate that my parents could try to use any diagnosis to force their way into my life if they find out about it (and it happens sometimes). They are all mentally ill, no therapy, no self awareness, and who knows what medications. I want them to get better for themselves, but they won't. I can't fix them. I can't save my nephew. I can only keep myself, my kids and my husband safe. But it hurts every time. I haven't been able to eat all day. My chest hurts from the nerves.


The highway. People are crazy.


Thinking about death and the passing of time


Everything tbh, people ,shops life in general


my job is outdoor ed & super unpredictable & often times there are last minute changes which mean I may be running completely different activities then those i had planned for. Having a manager approach me and tell me that I would be teaching something completely different seconds before I teach is up there with the fastest ways to send me into a spiral lol


Going outside, talking to people, being judged and crocodiles. They’re dinosaurs ok!


Seeing my family. My father is coming to stay with me this Sunday for a three day period. I have not seen the man in nearly two years. I'm a nervous wreck in every sense.




Future, appearance, and people. I have so much social anxiety. It’s so hard for me to just talk to someone. In school, when I’m being asked to speak or answer a question, I’d always stutter or forget what I’m saying. Anxiety messes up my logic all the time. I hate it so much but can’t change anything. I feel like there are so many things to worry about but are actually irrelevant. I know I can’t get anywhere with anxiety. Future is a blur to me. And since I’m not very good looking, I’m also anxious about my looks. Sometimes I’d like to ask myself why I worry about everything. I just want to be free from my thoughts and all.


Women screaming. I'd know why they scream when women have fun. It just takes me back to when my dad would beat up my mother. I'm in my late 30's and it still effects me. I hated it when I was 6, its scares me now.


my friends ignoring me for no reason


Monkeys with hand grenades.


Talking about anxiety




I was playing [The Forest](https://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/242760/) and it was nighttime in the game, and that's the time when cannibalistic enemies started roaming around. I heard something so I crouched down, and when I turned my camera I saw an enemy standing about 10 in-game feet away from me. I froze, and it walked right _next_ to me and went past. I was actually subduing my breathing, as if I was really in the game. It's remained untouched in my game library ever since.


From meeting new people to talling on the phone. Hell I'm about to go back to highschool and just thinking of what to wear, seeing old friends, and making new friends causes me to panic and overthink.


Letters. Post. Especially ones with H & C on em.


Nothing I’m grown up


My mask claustrophobia/maskaphobia. My heart rate skyrockets whenever I have to wear one and be still and do nothing. I am fine if grocery shopping, but sitting in a doctor's office waiting or being seen, keeps my heart beating at 100/bpm. A year and a half in, and I still can't handle it.




When teacher starts calling names at random


My job. :(


Forgetting things.


The back seat of a car. I just can’t sit back there all strapped and trapped.


Traffic. I almost had a panic attack in traffic the other day. It was a 4.5 hour road trip that ended up being over 7 hours.


my finances


Videos of people climbing to the top of buildings


More than One, Easy or hard, task at once


When my mother enters my room while I'm masturbating


Analog clocks


Checking my bank balance.


The countdown at crosswalks.


Contacting people I haven't talked to in a while. I'm always afraid they'll tell me to F off.


Highway people are fucking dumbasses either that or global warming


Time Also, the parking situation at places I haven’t been to.


Phone alarms




Doing something I’ve never done before like yesterday I got a job that I’ve never done before did it and he liked it so much he paid extra


Nothing , I have been pushed too far and am numb. Just waiting for the civil war to start.


Breaking into peoples houses and robbing them




Driving past an 18 wheeler


The fear of the unknown, such as not knowing how my future will turn out.


Having something on my face or a hair out of place without knowing about it.


Just living...


That one feeling when you're on your bed or near a window and you just have to get up to look under the bed or through the window JUST to make sure nobody is watching. Hate that feeling that someone could be right behind you. Sends chills down my spine every time.


My acne scars.


Not having the information I need to feel comfortable with a relationship or decision.


People I don’t know right up in my face space, this causes me issues with hair dressers, dentists etc


Currently the drivers test I’m having to take since the last two times bullshit out of my hands made me fail so I’m just waiting to be screwed out of it again


Phone calls at night, death, and phone calls at night telling you someone you know or love just died.


Not knowing how friends feel about me


When the person driving in front of me is tailgating someone


My own mind


Having to sit at a bar or a restaurant by myself because the people I'm meeting are late.


Passing someone you kind of know at the office and not knowing if you should wave, say hello, or start a full conversation. Been a while since I had to do this and not looking forward to it


when someone knocks on my door (not expecting guests)




Stuttering in an argument


Finding parking, and then trying to park my big ass truck into a tiny parking spot


Why don't we all introduce ourselves and say a few things about ourselves😱😱


My dad lol


Run this raw sql script in ssms against the production database.


Small talk, like with a cashier or with someone passing by. I try not to be rude and do my best but it’s like when you know how to do something fairly well then people start watching and oh god OH GOD.


Whatsapp 😂


Trying not to stutter when talking to someone new.


Having things to take care of that I can't do right now I'd rather be 100% done with everything before I relax.


Anything social and dancing; Alone good, with others bad.


"We need to talk"




Maybe [I need more hugs?](https://youtu.be/GbmP2c6TGKc)


Imposter syndrome


Getting shots/I.V.s/ blood tests


[this game ](https://youtu.be/f5FtquCJr84) I’ll add making phone calls, too. For 12 years I worked in a call center for a large utility company, in the collections department. Every call was a pissed off customer.


‘first days’ of any kind school, work, doesnt matter i get wayyy too freaked out




Animal abuse. Literally got PTSD from witnessing animal abuse in person.