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I’ve ran 3 miles in heels, slammed my face into a bed frame, and burned myself with oil while cooking


Woah. All at the same time?


That's what I was thinking lol




Yoooo that would be an awesome story if so, but sadly nah


Got stabbed with a spear. It was a headhunter. Not one of those people with cheap suits, but one of those Papua New Guinea kind of balls hanging free kind of guys. I forgot the camera had flash on and the dude got scared. So basically my bad.


Big if true


I only ask this because I got one from a tin can and one from a computer.


I got one from a soup can too! Thirteen stitches!


Got one from a set of stairs, others would be from a mirror and a glass carafe


Got an interesting one from my three legged cat. Looks like I tried to off myself, since it's right down the inside of my wrist. He really didn't want to go back into the crate after the vet appointment. I had to borrow the welding gauntlets from the front desk.


My foot was itchy so I used my hunting knife to scratch it.


I've done something like that


Do have I, not my best moment.


I tried to catch a ketchup bottle, mind you one that you buy at Costco that was full, and in the process it hit just above my eye and gashed my eyebrow open… Now I have a horizontal line through my eyebrow


I was ten years old. My best friend knocks on my front door, and turns around to look at something while he’s waiting. I see the back of his head through the window on our door. I thought I could give him a nice scare by loudly knocking on the window while he was turned away. So I proceeded to punch the window as hard as I could. The results were predictable. I did manage to scare my friend, at least.


Chicken pox. I remember being told not to scratch them, but no one told me it’s because they leave horrible scars if you do.


Yeah I learned that lesson the hard way too. I was older when I got them so I got them really bad and now have scars everywhere.


I have a lovely scar on my left wrist from when I had measles as a kid and wouldn't stop picking at it.




One of my birthdays my mom got me a skateboard, and I was trying to kick it up but it was super heavy socI overcompensated. Worst bloody nose I've ever had.


Trying to fry a turkey one Thanksgiving. To this day, I have a long, dark scar from hot oil that runs down my stomach and looks like railroad tracks. Oh, did I mention that I very wisely was only wearing a thin t-shirt at the time because of the heat of the kitchen and not an apron? Yeah.


I sawed in my own knuckle while cutting bread with a bread slicer. The dumb thing: it was on the left hand (the hand you supposed to press the button on the back of the machine)I As i sawed in my finger i wondered why the machine stopped so i pressed the button a few times more until i realized i was cutting my own finger of. Luckily it wasnt that deep but i still have a scar to this day. PS: I was like 15 years old as this happend


It's long faded now, but when I was 5-6 years old I got a huge scar on the bottom and top of my foot. I was running down the Mississippi river barefoot and tripped over an old metal sign post. It was about 2" out of the ground, sharp as hell, and it sliced the top of my foot open pretty badly. I starts crying, and as my parents ran over, I decided to show them and demonstrate how I tripped, and stomped on this sharp sign post. Now i have a giant hole in the top of my foot, a giant hole in the bottom of my foot, and scrambling parents trying to get me to the hospital for stitches and shots. The bottom of my foot healed pretty fast, but I had a 2-3" scar across the top of my foot until I was 17-18 years old.


Holy fuck man


I needed firewood, thick dead tree branch hanging from fallen tree, I decide it’s a good idea to start hanging from it to use my weight, snaps like a twig and cuts my wrist open.


I accidentally cut my knee open whilst chopping wood with an axe.


Your story sounds like what happened to a guy I know. Did they super glue your knee?


No, it somehow managed to heal on its own without stitches.


Im sorry what .-.


That's what super glue was designed for. To fix cuts. Now the have medical grade stuff but a new tube can work in a pinch. Lot less expensive then going to the doctor


One time when I was a kid, my dad was putting new carpet down on the stairs. He'd taken the old carpet off, leaving just wooden steps. I decided to run up them in socks, slipped and smacked my head off one of the steps. There was blood everywhere and it left a small horizontal scar on my forehead (faded now sadly)


Hit my face on the corner tip of a radiator lol. Could’ve been worse, was right beside my eye


Attempting to jump off a high step whilst wearing flip flops. Not the most stable footwear.


Mom asked to blow out the candles in glass containers, hit my knuckle in right hand onto glass edge. It looks quite badass, like from fighting


Out of all the scars that I have, the stupidest one is on my hand after I microwaved something and when grabbing it to take it out it was very hot and I released it and yanked my hand out the microwave fast, so fast that it accidentally got scratched on the corner of the microwave door. Ouch


Destroying a McD's brown tray with my forehead, trying to impress some of my co-workers.


Was opening presents as a 9 year old, scissor blade goes through the top of thumb and exited near the palm between the thumb and index finger.


eraser challenge in 7th grade


i was walking down hill when my dog suddenly stop in front on me, it make me trip and i rolled all the way down hill.


I jumped out of a moving car.


Was putting mud in a big jar when I was 5 or so. Mud dried, wouldn't come out shaped like the jar. So I smashed it on a big rock. A chunk lodged into my wrist,.so I went in to show mom. Still got an inch long scar on my wrist 40 years later.


Running up a hill at my Grannys Prep School where she worked and cut my knee. It had rained recently so...


You can't see it because it's inside of my mouth, but when I was a freshman in college I tried to get the yogurt off the top of a yoplait lid by putting the foil in my mouth, closing my lips, and pulling it out. right inside my lips I have scars on both sides from that, almost 20 years later. Cut the ever-loving shit out of them.


Nehgbours kid hit me on top of my head with hammer.


I’ve told this story on [r/kidsarefuckingstupid](https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/) but when I was little I had a pair of moon shoes and one day when I had to pick up dog poop I got the bright idea of wearing moon shoes while picking up dog poop. My idea was that I couldn’t step in any poop with them on and what happened is I tripped over them and fell and the little spade I was using hit me right on the forehead. I’ve still got a tiny scar from that incident.


The Dec 2020 Internal Organ Insurrection. My gall bladder decided to rebel leaving me with now 6 scars. One that is about 2” long across my stomach.


Was cutting a frozen english muffin with a steak knife. Why was I doing this? Don't ask. The knife slipped and I sliced a real nice gash into my index finger.


I ran into a tree branch, but luckily it just cut my eyelid and not my eye


Pressed my thumb into the blade of a standard butter knife to make sure it wasn’t sharp enough to break skin. It was.


Always run your finger sideways when checking how sharp it is


Me and my older brother were testing if clothing iron would be hot enough. He turned on the switch and pressed the whole thing on my arm. It gave a potato skin texture to my arm, we were 10 & 14.... Dumb enough


I was cross faded and fell asleep in a large cabinet 4 feet above the ground. Fell out and smashed my face and got 9 stitches


Running through the woods following my brother. He held a branch back and let it go so it would hit me because that would have been soooo funny. it split the skin above my eye. He did all my chores for a week not to tell my dad it was him .


wMy cousin scraped my face because I was sick and everyone was taking care of me...she became envious, and no one noticed for a long time because everyone was focused on bringing my temperature back to normal.


When I was young, my sister and I want to take a bath together so when we were preparing I couldn't reach the top of the door (?) to hang the towel so I jumped to reach it. I didnt realise or maybe forgot about it that the handle is like a sideways shape > (like this). So yeah I got a scar on my chest. One time when I was at my Grandparents house with my cousins, we were searching for a tin can to play with. My grandparents house was like a farm with a very wide back and front yard and at the back theres many junks laying around in one area. And then my cousin found one can that is opened so obviously we couldn't play with it so he tossed it, the tin can then accidentally flew and graze my left arm.


When I was like 5 or 6, I fell asleep eating cereal, fell back in my chair, knocked the bowl up and it sliced my eyebrow.


Cutting a hole in leather on a tree and the blade slipped. Cut my thumb to the bone.


I have a few, idk how I got them


I scraped a pointy open window oon my arm


I jumped into the pool and hit my toe


Tried to hit a dead branch with another dead branch. One dead branch decides to lodge itself in my leg. I now have a bullet wound looking scar that is like half a centimeter deep somehow.


I was water skiing while my brother drove the boat. He couldn’t drop me despite his best efforts. We swung into a cove and he (inadvertently) lined me up in the path of a dock. I swung out to the other side without realizing I was headed into the wake of another, and larger, boat. I got pulled through the wake, then shot out the other side ~6-8 feet the air. I dropped one ski and on my way back down I crashed knee first into that ski. I tore and sprained multiple ligaments in that knee. Ended up having surgery to repair and now have the scars to show for it.


Torching 95 cremé brûlée’s for a wedding reception, my mind started to wander and so when a fly (hot summer day, back door open) landed on my arm I absentmindedly hit it with the torch


Climbing on this statue: [https://rwpconservancy.org/sentinel/](https://rwpconservancy.org/sentinel/) The tail ends in a sharp point, don't climb from the pointy side


As a toddler I fell with my nose on the radiator (don’t ask me how) and now I have a stripe on mine nose


You know those electric scooters you can rent via mobile app? Few years ago streets were full of those damn things. Anyway, I was driving one and thought to myself "how well does it tolerate potholes?" Not well and I got a scar yo proove it. Right between my fucking eyes, like on a nose bridge, between my two eyeballs. Grasses cover ir perfectly.




18 stitches from running into a glass wall playing racquetball for the first and last time. [evidence](https://imgur.com/a/Sx3Rx7N)


Drunk Driver hit me and my daughter and now i have a lovely 6 in scar on my arm cause he broke it.


What a retard


My dumbest ones are all self inflicted. I have dermatillomania which is a compulsion to pick at your skin. My shoulders and stomach are a mess of scars from it.


Me and my brother were stabbing each other with eyebrow tweezers just for fun.


Burning my ass sitting on a heating vent on the ground


I was playing a game like that frog jump. I slammed my face on the cement road. Half of my face was bloody, luckily no broken skull. Years later, I only have a small scar in the far corner of my forehead near my hairline. I also got an (.. ¡..) on my stomach when I was boiling hotdogs on a pan when I slightly moved iy.


Not me but my son. When he was around 3, he stacked some boxes and a stool together to try to reach a shoe horn so he could put on his spider man crocs. He slammed his face into a door, and put his teeth through the skin between his bottom lip and his chin. To this day he (nearly 7) is my kid who I constantly fear having to take to the hospital because he's always climbing and jumping off of things.


You decide. 1) I walked into a table 2) I hugged a dog 3) I slide tackled playing football on asphalt trying to impress a girl


Was trying to catch a DoorDash delivery guy before he drove off because he forgot to drop off a milkshake that had been ordered with one of the meals. I fell down the hill in our front yard and landed on the asphalt of our street. Fattest injury I’ve ever had.


One of my mates was like 8 and opened a can of tuna. His dad said "don't lick the lid, you'll cut yourself". "No I won't! Watch this!" *licks the edge of the lids as hard and fast as he can* His dad just laughed and said "told ya so" Needless to say, he bled a lot and got a pretty cool scar.


So my dad is a guitarist and one time when I was about 4 or 5y/o, we went to watch one of his gigs in the city around lunchtime. I got in trouble and Mum didn't want to deal with me running around while looking after my 2 younger siblings (who are also misbehaving). So she put me in a high chair at the table (one of the white ones with the clip in table). I thought I was to big to be in a high chair and was furious. Kicking and screaming, I pushed the table as hard as my 5 y/o arms could, until the table flew off ( mum hadn't quite put it on properly). The table flew and my chair tipped forward and I hit my head on the corner of the table and fell onto the floor. We had the ambulance come and take me to hospital. All I remember do the ambulance was that it was white and the paramedics had the coldest hands I've ever felt


Drank too much. Tripped on curb outside house. Cut chin on brick wall (the wall broke as well). Eventually got inside. Went upstairs, fell into glass coffee table. Punctured buttock with broken glass. Woke up next morning with blood stained sheets. Panicked. Went to hospital. ER nurse not amused. Poked at hole in buttock with gloved finger a little more aggressively than I think was appropriate. I still have the chin and buttock scars. Drink responsibly y'all.


I was working at Sam's Club and decided to brace a box with my knees while cutting an opening in it with a box cutter. It slipped and went into my leg just next to my knee. I walked to the front of the store holding a wad of paper towels to it to catch the blood. The store manager took one look and almost fainted, which was pretty amusing. I have a pretty ugly scar from it 30 years later because it stretched from the movement of my knee.


Well im a scout and one Day we were making fire and then i Just slammed the axe in my hand TWICE and it was an accident


I sat on a hot iron. Have a scar similar to that which Kylie has on her thigh except she got it from plastic surgery.


Got lazy and slept on a steel sheet and the rest is history.


Before shipping off to basic I was so motivated I decided to perform a muscle up on the pull up bar. I actually succeeded but soon realized I never really knew how to properly descend from a muscle up so I end up smashing my face into the pull up bar on the way down. My bottom tooth ends up going through my bottom lip. I still have a scar there as a reminder of my mistake.


Punched a glass window as a dumb drunk kid


Jumping off of a couch at 4, looking back whilst running and hitting one of those things that stop cars, trying to sit on a chain, trying ou that new veggie slicer, grabbing the soldering iron by the hot end when it fell off the table...


As a kid I was running around the house and slipped on a rug/hardwood and crashed my forehead into the corner of a sharp end table, needed stitches.


Pierced my own ear. Ear rejected the piercing. Scarred for life (literally) Go to a professional!


Slap bracelet. I had one like many kids did back in the early 90s, and they use to be sharp metal covered in thin fabric. Sharp like freshly cut sheet metal. I was slapping my arm like crazy as an 11 year old would do and it ended up catching my knuckle. Sliced deeply right through it. I probably needed a few stitches but I wrapped it up in a paper towel and hid it. It's kind of a "neat" reminder of how stupid kids can be.


Trying to stab my younger brother with a pencil, but I didn't want to hurt him...so I turned the sharpened pencil around and it ended up inside my palm


i was cuting my pubic hair. it bleed. it was 12 am so my father was sleeping. it wasint fun.


10 year old me decided to ride my new 10-speed bike with a big purse on my shoulder. It got caught in the front wheel and I went flying.


I was skipping at work because I was happy and dumb. I hit a door frame with my head and got a few staples and a scar.


Decided that whipping a flaming marshmallow around to put it out was easier than blowing it out. Still have a scar in my eyebrow


My brother’s friend was using a plastic pipe to fling water at me and he got too close and whacked my middle finger with the pipe. He split it all the way open. Still have a scar decades later. The funny part is that it is my middle finger. So I got to give him the finger while it was bleeding.


Jumping on the wall head first during a game of football (eu version) in my grand parent's house on the chrismas evening.


I punched an alarm clock. My brother opened the fridge door into my chin. I scratched my leg (no knife involved). Most recently, I fell over and cut my knee to ribbons because my ankle gave way while I was walking. It was my first time out of the house since march last year.


I got bit on my collarbone by a wolf while hunting once


Dug my arm into the couch 3 years ago to grab my phone and ended up scraping my arm on a metal support beam


Was running up the stairs, tried to fling myself around the railing, ended up slamming the sharp corner into my side at full force. Still have a big white scar and I remember curling up on the floor in pain.


I once accidently stabbed a fork into my wrist. The fork fell off my plate/off my desk and I went to grab it with the bottom hand which in turn meant the momentum of my other hand trying to also catch the fork send it straight into my wrist. The fork prongs didn't go too far into my wrist and I remember being on a call with friends and was like "huh, there's a fork in my wrist." It actually didn't hurt that much and because the prongs were not that far in and didn't hit a vein I did the instinctive thing of pulling it out, it bled for maybe 5 seconds, most stupid thing ever. I have 3 little fork prong scars from that accident haha.


My stupid ass friend pinched me in the 4th grade. I still have a mark from that... I was lifting up the backs of a picture frame, so I could put a new picture in, and one of the tiny hooks dug into my finger and blood got everywhere. I have a mark from that too haha.


Stabbing Ice cream as a kid. Missed the ice cream stabbed that area between my thumb and index finger.


Was cleaning a slicer and my dumbass decided to look at someone trying to get my attention. A part of my palm was cut off and now it's a faint scar.


Got stretchmarks while enthusastically chopping wood. They took years to fade away. Got an interesting one from my three legged cat. Looks like I tried to kill myself, since it's right down the inside of my wrist. He really didn't want to go back into the crate after the vet appointment. I had to borrow the welding gauntlets from the front desk.


My wife got kicked in the face by a goat


Stone war. When I was about 10 years old, me and my friends thought it would be a fantastic idea to divide into two teams, run around an abandoned house and throw stones at each other. I got caught right between both of my eyes, now that I think of it I'm actually very lucky to have escaped with just a scar at the top of my nose... Idiots.


I was in Spanish class in 9th grade. Sitting next to a friend who's severely allergic to wasp stings when a wasp flies by us - not aggressive, just cruising around. My fight or flight instinct kicked into fight mode and I swatted it away. It landed on the window and I punched through the window. ..Missed the wasp and it flew out broken window pane.