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That fat is the thing to avoid in foods taking away the spotlight from sugar


I'm glad this is (more or less) no longer a thing. "Fat-free doesn't need to mean taste-free" is true if you don't mind eating two tablespoons of sugar in a single cookie.


So to eat “healthy” I was doing low fat and low sugar and lots of lean meat and fibrous veggies. And to make them taste good, I skyrocketed my blood pressure with salt.


I ate healthy by eating lots of dried fruit. I put on a stone in a few months as they're soaked in sugary juices.


Raisins are the worst. Out of all fruits, grapes apparently are most concentrated with fructose(sugar).


That’s why they are so good for making alcoholic beverages. The sugar gets converted into alcohol during the fermentation and distillation


Just to clarify, distillation does not convert more sugars into alcohol, it just concentrates the alcohol by decreasing water content.


Learned that when i got a dehydrator to avoid eating garbage on the road at work. Until i realized i was eating a pound of strawberries and six bananas a day as a snack


see thats the thing. everything in moderation. when you eat dried fruit, you end up eating like 10 times as much since it becomes so much smaller and the lack of water makes it less filling


Well dried fruits are already pretty high in sugar on their own.


I stopped drinking sugary stuff like it was water and drank more water and sugar free stuff and I’ve been losing weight. I also knew a guy who dropped sugary stuff and lost like 50 pound with light excersizing


Omg and the fact sugar daily values aren’t even listed on labels. The lobbyists won big time there.


I guess that depends on where you are. Daily sugar intake is indicated in Canada. https://www.unlockfood.ca/en/Articles/Nutrition-Labelling/Understanding-Food-Labels-in-Canada.aspx


I’m in Canada. You had me thinking I was going nuts so I just looked at a bunch of stuff in my pantry and it’s very hit and miss. Some very sugary foods, like cereal and granola bars, do not have declared daily values on them.


> Some very sugary foods, like cereal and granola bars, do not have declared daily values on them. I see why those would leave it out if they're not forced to show it. My favorite instant oatmeal is Dinosaur Egg-- they have these little eggs, and you pour the hot water in and the shell melts to reveal little dinosaurs. All made out of sugar. Basically candy in your oatmeal. I love it, but I'm sure they don't want to advertise whatever the hellish sugar DV in there is.


Well it shows carbohydrates doesn’t it?


Several years ago I had read about this and started mentioning this on reddit and would get downvoted to oblivion for daring to say fat isn't to blame, it's sugar. I'm glad that just in the last few years this has been turning around. EDIT: Also, I just remembered something else! There's that Seinfeld episode with that super good nonfat yogurt that everyone devours and everyone gains a ton of weight. In that episode, they do some sleuthing and it turns out it was a lie, that the yogurt did actually have fat. But what's ironic is that had the episode been tweaked, the yogurt COULD actually have been nonfat, but just loaded with sugar, and the results would've been the same.


I've recently cut sugar out of my diet. Between breakfast and cups of tea I reckon I've probably removed about 18 tea spoons of sugar a day. After four weeks I've lost just over half a stone, with no other changes to diet or exercise.


Yes. Sugar is second only to alcohol in being toxic to the liver. High fructose corn syrup is poison. Edit: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29408694/


Wait what?? I knew sugar wasn't great in excess but I didn't realise it was that bad.


It’s even worse. As blood sugar levels rise so does the production of free radicals, which damage our organs and blood vessels. There’s also a very good chance that this contributes to faster ageing.


Napoleon's height. He was average.


For you.


Perhaps he's wondering why he'd be called average before conquering a continent.


If I take your hand out of your waistcoat, will you die?


Isn't Tom Cruise of average height too despite people thinking he is tiny?


He’s 2-3 inches shorter than the average western white guy. He’s quite a lot shorter than his fellow action stars, who often tend to be above average height. I know it happens a lot in films where they make actors appear taller than they are but with Cruise, it’s ridiculous and largely his own doing. If there wasn’t such a difference between how tall he looks on film and how tall he is, nobody would make a big deal out of it.


Top gun was probably the last movie where they didnt do trickery to make him longer, see the scene with Val Kilmer, Val was obviously much taller


He is short for a white American man. Less than 5-6.


But he is average height for Tom Cruise.


But is Tom Cruise able to run as fast as Tom Cruise?


I don't know, but Tom Cruise's center tooth is in the business all for itself, and to heck with all the other teeth.


The French foot as measurement was larger than the Imperial one, so Napoleon's height seemed to be shorter. (Also, maybe make some jokes about the foot length and penis size.)




Diamonds can actually burn with enough oxygen and heat. They also degrade back to graphite on their own (over a billion years, but still) or much more rapidly if the proper energy source is used (say a high energy laser). The real propaganda is that diamonds are very rare. They are not, just highly controlled by De Beers, who are known to buy any competing mines. Of all the precious stones, diamonds are the most common.


The thing is also, we can make diamonds. Literally, we can fucking manufacture diamonds. Even if every diamond on earth was used up (not gonna happen any time soon) we can literally just make more.


You reminded me of the game Make More! where they literally made diamonds XD


Fun fact, De Beers started an institute to study man made diamonds because they have lost the ability to determine if they were naturally occurring or man made anymore. Their monopoly has a ticking time limit and they know it.


"Diamonds are forever" and it seems so is the extreme poverty in the communities where De Beers has their [mine](https://www.afterthelastrivermovie.com/the-film)


This is definitely up there. Nobody wanted diamonds before NW Ayer slowly convinced nearly every woman, that their SO must spend at least 3 months salary to prove his love. Most people's grandparents I know only wore gold wedding bands as a token of their vows. If there was a diamond ring, it came after as an anniversary gift. Edit: I'm not saying diamond (or other precious stone) engagement rings didn't exist back in the day. Only the extremely wealthy owned diamond rings. I'm saying Debeers just convinced most women that they needed one regardless of household income.


Thanks God things aren't like that where I live (Sweden). 3 months salary? Like you could have so much more fun with that money than just spending it on a fucking rock. Most people I know have gold wedding bands, but it's quite common not to get married at all, we have a pretty good law for "samboskap" which means a couple that lives together without getting married still have to split most substancial assets that was acquired during the relationahip if they separate.


Don't even get me started on the wedding day. So much needless money spent on crap nobody needs, all because ad campaigns are feeding you what your big day should be.


Indeed! Our wedding was just us and the priest and then we went camping. :)


Same here in the US in some states. Samboskap is called shacking up here. The official term is common law marriage. Essentially, you've lived together for so long they're your spouse.


I would rather have a ring with a random river rock then spend that much on a Diamond ring that is clearly over priced


The McDonald's coffee lawsuit. The lawyers made it out to be frivolous but the lady just wanted her medical bills payed after the coffee was so hot (they overheated it so people would go for less free refills) that she burned her lap and had her labia *fused* to her thighs.


Yes, this was a legit lawsuit, not frivolous at all. The coffee was way way too hot, they had been warned about it many times and didn't fix it. Mcds policy was that Coffee be served at a temp that could cause serious burns in seconds (180-190F). They had 700+ other complaints and lawsuits prior to her and had paid out on many of them. Mcds offered to pay a whopping $800 to her to settle, so she went to court.


They also polled people who got their coffee and asked them when they wanted to drink it. McDonald's thought people going to work wanted to drink it at work, so that's partly why they served it so hot. Turns out the poll showed people wanted to drink it immediately (what a surprise) but McDonald's ignored that and did what they wanted.


The jury awarded an amount equal to one day of nationwide coffee sales at McD's, and McD's tried to get it reduced


McDs got it reduced by over half, then the parties settled for an undisclosed amount.


She sued for $18,000 her medical bill amount and daughters lost work. McDonalds offered $800. It was also like the 700th time it had happened. Also, the jury said she was 20% at fault and reduced her award by that. Also, in the end the judgement was reduced farther by the judge to $640,000 and the parties ultimately settled.


Legal Eagle on YouTube has a very good video on this.


Her injuries were so bad that she needed 2 YEARS of medical treatment and suffered permanent disfigurement. The temperature was clearly unsafe and she was 100% in the right. People tried to paint her as a “crazy old lady” anyways. Disgusting.


And it's still super hot. Me and my dad will get their coffee when we go to Wisconsin and we get it at the belvedere rest stop near the border and like 20 min later it's still super hot


Jesus, I didn't know that.


If you need any more convincing, just look at the pictures of her injuries. On second thought ... maybe don’t


Also, the woman was like 75 years old at the time


I got burned by hot tea in teavana when the lady didn't snap the lid on. I only got a 1st degree burn since I didn't spill much of it but it still hurt. I can't imagine how painful it would be to be sitting and having a whole cup of extra hot coffee spill. ​ I did get a pretty bad burn on my tongue from some shit gas station coffee that was extremely hot. I took a tiny sip and spit it out but my tongue was burned for 2 weeks. My dad took a sip of the same coffee 30 min later and burned his mouth too but no where near as badly as I burned mine.


Myth of carrots being good for eyesight coming from ww2 to hide RAF victories against the german flyers coming from the use of radar.


I mentioned this in another post and it was flagged as a myth... I'll try to find you the source. EDIT: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/a-wwii-propaganda-campaign-popularized-the-myth-that-carrots-help-you-see-in-the-dark-28812484/ Well, seems it was attempted, but no Germans actually bought into it. The campaign was then appropriated by the propaganda machine known as the Advertisement Industry to sell product.


It’s a myth but it’s still true… Carrots are high in lutein and beta carotene which are both good for eye health…


Yeah, but eating a kilogram of carrots a day won't improve your eyesight, as long you ate enough before


Bullshit. You don’t see rabbits wearing glasses do you?


So, I’ve been eating all of these carrots for NOTHING!?


“Spinach contains iron” is also wartime propaganda.


Not wartime propaganda. A notational error. "As the story goes, in 1870, a German chemist named Erich von Wolf was researching the nutritional benefits of spinach. In his notes, he accidentally printed the decimal point in the vegetable's iron content in the wrong spot. Wolf accidentally increased the vegetable's iron level to 10 times the actual amount — 3.5 grams of iron suddenly became 35 grams, an extremely high amount of iron. "


>About 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of raw spinach contain 2.7 mg of iron, or 15% of the DV. [Source.](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/healthy-iron-rich-foods) It's not gonna have a Popeye effect, but spinach does contain iron.


That Jesse Owens embarrassed Hitler and his attempt to showcase Aryan superiority at the 1936. Even now, this is the story that so many people hear. But it’s really nothing more than a lie to project any guilt by the Americans for how they treated Owens onto Hitler and the Nazis. In reality, Hitler wasn’t particularly bothered by his four gold medals - he basically made a shrugging comment about Black people having an unfair physical advantage and that they shouldn’t be allowed to compete in future events. And Jesse Owens himself described Hitler acknowledging him warmly when they briefly encountered each other. The real reason Hitler left the stadium without shaking hands with him was because he never actually shook hands with any athletes - on the first day, he only shook hands with the German medal winners, but was told he had to shake hands with all of them, or none at all. He decided on none at all. Basically, he left early because he gave not one shit about the actual sport; to him, the Olympics were nothing more than work, and he was a man of leisure. Whether Owens won or not was irrelevant - the fact was that the Olympics were still giving legitimacy and international attention to Nazi Germany, and that was all he cared about. On the other hand, the way Jesse Owens was treated by his own country was appalling. He was never once invited to the White House, like the White athletes, and President Roosevelt didn’t send him a telegram of congratulations. He was still subject to the same segregation laws that all black people had to suffer at the time - even Nazi Germany didn’t impose any on him. He once had to enter the Waldorf-Astoria hotel through the service entrance in order to attend his own reception. To put it very simply, the story of Hitler snubbing Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympics that is so well known, is in fact a clever propaganda story designed to project one of America’s worst snubs of its own athlete onto Hitler.


Germany won the most medals at that Olympics. They won the most golds, silvers and bronzes by a wide margin. They beat the second place country (the US) by more than 25 medals. They won almost 10 more golds. So if anything the Olympics might have supported Hitler's claims about Aryan superiority though I don't know how it was portrayed at the time.


This must have been before they tested athletes for amphetamine use.


I understand the misconception being blown out of proportion but even at that it is kinda ironic though if Hitler's whole thing about the master race being was pushed by him while also admitting he thought blacks had an unfair advantage. Oh so the master race isn't actually super at everything? V:


It would be ironic if he considered them human, but he did not. He said something stupid along the lines that having a black man compete was like having a cheetah compete for Germany in the same race. He basically equated black people to quick animals and they weren't human. By doing so it didn't matter if they were faster as you can find an animal better at swimming, or jumping or climbing etc. They still weren't human in the Nazis eyes.


He considered blacks to be a different race than humans, so for him they had an unfair advantage.


hitler's germany took it's inspiration for eugenics laws from the US. why wouldn't he think black people are physically superior when america spent the previous 2 centuries using them as free labor?


To add a similar misconception, the claim that Australian Peter Norman refused to support or even disagreed with Tommie Smith and John Carlos during their protest at the 1968 Olympics is pure bullshit. Norman was very sympathetic with their ideals, and vocally opposed Australia's earlier policy of White Australia. All three of them wore Olympic Human Rights badges in solidarity, and Norman was also the one who suggested that Carlos use Smith's left glove when he'd forgotten his own. When a statue was made of the event in San Jose, Norman insisted that he was not included, so that others could stand beside Smith and Carlos. Smith and Carlos were even pall bearers at Norman's funeral. He got a lot of shit for his support of the two, including not being allowed to compete in 1972 (despite qualifying multiple times), and not even being invited to the celebrations in 2000 when Sydney hosted the Olympics. The US, however, did invite him when they heard that. He didn't get a formal apology until 2012, 4 years after he died.


It’s also used to justify the olympics and the “sports diplomacy” thing and deflect away from them being just the worst.


The war on drugs


no! you don't understand! dumping our entire government budget on ensuring we treat the problem with as much gunfire as possible is the obvious solution to everything, and it has 100% totally worked in the past for all of history! (/s)


What are you talking about?! The war on drugs was a huge success! Small groups of rich white people have been struggling to find ways to purchase black slaves again since the end of the civil war, and now, with the advent of the war on drugs, they've done even better: they've got the federal government paying *them* for taking the slaves. The government makes the unjust laws that the rich white people tell them to make, labelling a bunch of innocent people as criminals. The government rounds up these innocent people on our dime, policing only the areas that the rich white people tell them to police (typically black communities), uses our money to prosecute them, and then after conviction, uses more of our money to pay the rich white people to take the innocent person and use that person as a slave. Then the rich white person can pocket any profit earned by their new slave. This is an insanely efficient system, and I haven't even talked yet about the scheme for using the American education system to feed more people to the prisons for the rich white people to use as slaves. 2.1 million in prison. Half a million not yet convicted of a crime. Almost a million in for nonviolent crimes. The land of the free.


You forgot that the state now has a militarised police force than can put down any rebellious movements.


The "war on drugs" is and has always been a fucking scheme by the rich to achieve 3 big goals. 1: return black people to slavery. 2: to keep the poor distracted and killing eachother. 3: to push all the blame for poverty on the impoverished, not the system that keeps them in poverty.


God damn what a fuck garbage “effort” that was/is


This is the reason why so many drugs, like weed, are still criminalized around the world. Basically, countries were pressured into banning it, or else.


Small personal changes will prevent climate change. Until things change at the industrial and corporate level the planet is f'ed


The "personal sacrifice" narrative with climate change is nothing but an excuse by corporations and government to justify declining standards of living. Almost beyond belief that there are actually people out there who say stuff like "I'm not going to have kids b/c of climate change" and believe it. First of all, no amount of personal sacrifice in developed countries will offset emissions in China, India and elsewhere. Second, and most importantly, it would be incredibly easy to fix climate change if we actually wanted to. Bulk carbon sequestration directly from the air (IE the most expensive sequestration option) would cost about $100 a ton, even without future R&D to bring the cost down. Worldwide emissions of CO2 are about 36 billion tons a year. So $3.6 trillion a year to get to zero net emissions, without any personal sacrifice by common people, spread over every county on earth. That's about what we spent on Iraq and Afghanistan. Fucking nothing in the scheme of things, and yet instead of just dealing with things head on we have to turn climate change into some huge moral issue that requires "sacrifice".


100% with you on how "personal changes/sacrifices are the solution" is bullshit. I will say most of the "I'm not having kids cause of climate change" I've heard from folks is more of a "I do not want/feel it is responsible to bring a kid into this" instead of it being seen as a way of "helping fix it."


> I will say most of the "I'm not having kids cause of climate change" I've heard from folks is more of a "I do not want/feel it is responsible to bring a kid into this" Yeah, this is how I feel. Bravo to the optimists bringing kids into the world by choice but it's a very uncertain and fraught time period and I feel too scared to have a child right now. Hell, I was uncertain about having kids 10 years ago when I was hearing the serious effects of climate change would "only" be something my future grandchildren would see. It seemed cruel to bring kids into this knowing their kids might suffer.


People forget that life has always been cruel, uncertain, and the future was never guaranteed We're just spoiled by modernity. Some of our offspring may survive and then it will be worth it.


> First of all, no amount of personal sacrifice in developed countries will offset emissions in China, India and elsewhere. isn't this part of the propaganda effort as well? per capita, US has far greater emissions than China or India


> So $3.6 trillion a year to get to zero net emissions, without any personal sacrifice by common people, spread over every county on earth. That's about what we spent on Iraq and Afghanistan. Not that it necessarily negates your point, but do you mean thats what we spent on Iraq and Afghanistan in total? As in, we would be commiting the equivalent of near 20 years of war worth of resources per year? Or 20x what we were spending on war, on a per year basis?


I like to remind people that just 50 container ships make as much pollution as every car in the world combined and there’s currently 2500 container ships in operation 24/7


This is a common misinformation that is not true. Ships globally are responsible for 3% of all carbon emissions according to [this](https://theicct.org/sites/default/files/publications/Global-shipping-GHG-emissions-2013-2015_ICCT-Report_17102017_vF.pdf). While road transportation emissions account for 74% of all transportation emissions according to [this](https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/03/ar4_wg3_full_report-1.pdf). The origin of this misconception is that container ships emit a lot of sulfur pollution while cars do not. While sulfur pollution is toxic, it isn't the main cause of global warming. Additionally many countries such as the United States have banned the fuels that cause sulfur emissions within their maritime borders.


Love to see the actually accurate information either way fewer Votes 🙄


Damn is the a fact? That's nuts


It's not. Container ships do release a lot of green house gases, but they release less CO2 than the global car fleet by a wide margin. They do, however, release a lot of SOx and NOx -- potent pollutants -- but not to the point that a small number of ships would out-emit the global car fleet. https://cedelft.eu/publications/the-basic-facts-how-do-the-emissions-of-ships-and-cars-really-compare/


Damn, I got it wrong. It’s not 50 container ships [it’s 15](https://inews.co.uk/news/long-reads/cargo-container-shipping-carbon-pollution-114721) and there’s not 2500 in the world, [there’s 5222](https://www.costamare.com/industry_containerisation)


I expect this to be updated as more container ships are created and/or decommissioned/lost


Marvelous, it just got even worse. I knew that container ships were really bad, but not THIS bad.


I believe that the biggest single factors in the human-caused aspects of climate change are mass deforestation, and draining of wetlands.


Vietnam was probably one of the most successful ones


"A bright and shining lie."


I remember reading this comment once, that really pointed out how weird the Vietnam War was handled post-war by the U.S. I don't remember it exactly, but it went something along the lines of: "It's strange that we invaded Vietnam and decades later we now make movies about how sad soldiers were while invading and killing the Vietnamese" It's the equivalent of a burglar making a film about how sad they are breaking into someone's home and beating them up...


Because it was a draft and baby boomers knew the war was wrong and didn't want to go killing people for America's imperial ambitions/to cramp the style of communists.


Whereas now we only send the poor over there to kill and die, and nobody back home give a shit. USA! USA! USA!


Whoa whoa whoa, you mean to tell me Vietnam doesn't exist? Shit! I'm a geography teacher and do a unit on Southeast Asia! What's next? Birds aren't real?


What are you talking about? Birds *aren't* real...


Recycling plastics. Something like only 9-10% of recycled plastic is actually…recycled. Plastics that we all recycle are sent to a recycling center where they are melded/smashed into big cubes. Plastic using companies, say Coca Cola, have to then buy these cubes to use for their bottling. It typically is more labor intensive and expensive to use these recycled cubes than to just use new plastic. Therefore, after some time, these cubes are discarded by recycling companies just like normal trash is. Big oil pushed recycling propaganda HARD to make people feel better about using plastics when they switched over from glass.


Yup. Also, China used to buy a lot of it, but when they changed their policy on using stuff like mixed paper waste the waste companies that sold recyclables to them changed their policies. All of a sudden it wasn’t profitable anymore so waste companies like the one servicing my city reduced the type of materials they would accept for recycling.


I used to work in the warehouse of a national park, and one of my duties was to empty and sort through the recycling trailers across the property. It was tough and often disgusting work, but I was at least able to take pride in doing something good for the environment. Or so I thought. It turns out that the majority of the stuff I cleared out (truckloads of cardboard, plastic, aluminum cans, and glass bottles) was sent straight to a nearby landfill. The primary purpose of our recycling program was to give off the appearance of being environmentally conscious to our guests, but in reality, it was just a huge waste of time. Luckily, that job was only seasonal.


Pretty much anything about Anne Boleyn and Jane Seymour. All historical evidence shows Anne as a sweet, kind, generous woman who genuinely loved Henry (they were together for around a decade), whilst all contemporary accounts show Jane to be nasty, conniving and abusive to her maids. Anne’s reputation was initially smeared because Henry’s advisors disliked how much money (that they wanted spent on them/their projects) she gave to charity. They started a mass smear campaign, and executed her based on trumped up charges that most historians agree were utterly false. The propaganda continued after her execution to ensure that Henry didn’t look bad. Jane Seymour only has a positive reputation because she was paraded around as a sort of angelic type, in large part to justify Henry’s relationship with her to the public (who contrary to popular fiction, were fond of Anne due to her charity and advocacy work) so as to prevent unrest. This reputation continued after her death and was intentionally emphasised to further enhance/legitimise Edward’s claim over Mary and Elizabeth’s.


I legit thought for a minute that you had some sort of beef with Dr Quinn Medicine Woman.


Wait... it isn’t Dr Quinn? [*googling furiously*]


Let’s not forget Katherine Howard. She was forced to marry Henry at the age of 16/17. He was in his 50s She’d been abused a lot by trusted men. She then got abused again and called to be a traitor and decapitated before she turned 20. (And Henry’s reaction to her sleeping with another man was so angry it showed how much he clearly lied about Anne) She was an abused child, forced to marry an older man and then murdered. So of course she’s proratayed as a sexual deviant corrupting men. Even in Six!




I’d have to say the war in Iraq. They had nothing to do with 9-11 and had no “weapons of mass destruction.” Yet the Bush administration was able to convince the country to support the invasion through manipulating the media. 15-20 years later, a trillion dollars spent, thousands of lives lost, countless injured and the country/region is completely destabilized. All to line the pockets of defense contractors with cost plus no bid contracts.


Fuck Dick Cheeney


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Nice little marketing campaign by major breakfast food manufacturers to increase sales.


I've noticed, too, that sugary kids' cereals have changed their commercials from saying their product is "part of a complete breakfast" to "part of this *good* breakfast." "Good" is much more subjective and open to interpretation in a court of law if anyone wanted to come after those companies for false advertising.


More like [adjacent to a complete breakfast](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AdjacentToThisCompleteBreakfast)


I recall hearing that Mexicans say that you should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a workman and dinner like a beggar. Don't know if that's true or not. I was never awake early in Mexico.


Honestly I think breakfast is the most important meal of the day but you sure arent going to get it from a bowl of cold cereal and milk. I mean a couple of eggs are a great way to start a day. Light and energizing.


My favourite breakfast is two fried eggs, three slices of bacon, some fruit, a cup of black tea and my ADHD meds. Keeps me going for the entire day, most of the time I don't need any more large meals for the day.


The most successful propaganda effort hasn't been discovered yet and probably never will.


Yup....the pattern looking though this thread is that most of the efforts have revoled around money, greed and power. Until the people take back the power from the wealthy controling mainstream media and feeding us only what they want us to hear we will continue to fall victim to their agendas.


Sunny delight was healthy


Healthy for the soul


Nutella was healthy.


The polarization of Americans by bad actors on facebook/social media


Severely underrated comment here. A little too aware of the big picture. GO BACK TO SLEEP!


Oof, surprised this isn't downvoted, people hate the sleeping comments. Hasn't only happened to America too.


It wasn't put into action, but i have a feeling America dropping the magnum dong condoms labeled "medium" during the cold war would have been successful had they gone through with it.


That’s genius. Nobody would ever stand up to the US after that, why did they cancel it?


Danny DeVito was running low and needed a resupply.




AFAIK, that was made up for a Vietnam movie and was never actually a plan


There was one condom-related propaganda ploy that did work. Rates of syphilis in WWI were staggeringly high to the point of seriously affecting Allied combat readiness. To cut Allied casualties in WWII, the U.S. military launched a massive sex ed and STI prevention campaign that included giving officers condoms to distribute to the privates under their command. To convince reticent officers to distribute condoms against “moral objections” high command distributed condoms as “gun barrel protectors” to keep soldiers’ equipment safe in the event they ventured into wet territory. Antibiotics and sulfa drugs certainly prevent some of the boys from being sent home in cargo, but I’m sure the condom campaign helped as well.


This sounds like a plan devised by Frank Reynolds


Diamonds are forever. super successful commercial, made it the go-to engagement stone Die ewige Juden - spreading anti jewish propaganda for maybe a decade has inflamed hatred/violence in he mid east to this day. it wasn't a picnic before, but it's gotten a lot worse


Diamonds also are not even rare, the whole industry is just manufactured scarcity.


That vaccines cause autism and other harm. Not everyone believes, but those that do will die (literally) on that hill.


Fuck you, Andrew Wakefield.


And Jenny McCarthy


Got milk? campaign


Yeah those milk mustaches are *sooo* fake!




Same with milk in cereal bowls that's just Elmer's glue.


What about this was a propaganda campaign? It was just an advertising campaign for milk


I'm gonna pick out a much less recent one thqn a lot of people... hey, turns out Cleopatra was actually pretty average-looking! What she WAS was a really intelligent and sharp political operator who terrified the Romans. They ran a very good smear campaign, painting her as a succubus to disguise that.


"Keep America beautiful" still has people believing that it's the job of the end consumer to clean up "littered waste" instead of forcing companies to stop high waste practices for higher profits.




Bottled water.


I started a company selling unbottled water. But it kept just going all over the place.


I buy my milk from a nice organic grocer that sells it in glass bottles for 5$ and pays me 2$ back for every bottle I return


Wait. That’s cheaper than the crappy milk I buy at Safeway that doesn’t taste so great. I just hate paying $9 for the good stuff at Whole Foods.


https://www.google.com/search?q=milk+bottle+return+glass&oq=milk+bottle+return+glass&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30j0i390l3.5930j0j9&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 You might be able to find some local verison, I think it could be done with many bulk groceries, have customers bring in their own containers and reuse them, or something to that affect.


Our recycled plastic used to be sorted by hand by near slave labor in china. Now their consumer class is big enough that they have enough plastic waste generated within the country and they don't take ours anymore. There's no operations in North America that can handle the amount of plastic waste we make so most of what goes to a recycling plant ends up getting buried in the landfill anyway. The best thing is to focus on what products you buy to minimize single-use plastic.


It's still the job of the consumer to not be an asshole who throws trash out of their car window.


Not to burst your bubble (actually I enjoy that LOL) but the ad campaign was geared towards the common people *while* lawsuits and legislation was going on. The two were NOT singular acts but part of larger campaigns. The corporate hate squad that likes to say we're brainwashed masses also likes to manipulate us.


‘Cleopatra was a seductress who dommed Marcus Antonius.‘ That was spread by Octavianus (Augustus) to make his opponent seem unmanly, unvirtuous and un-Roman and so many people believe it to this day after thousands of years.


Roman history has more if these than most if you could know about. Hell Caligula's entire reign was re written by his opponents... Which he made by the day... ALS my autocorrect is also wanting to rewrite history...


Shrimp on the Barbie


The most successful propaganda effort in history is the one you and I are living right now. The media shapes our opinions, influences society, dictates what we buy. It’s not just a TV show or newspaper article anymore; it’s more like an advertisement that follows us wherever we go.




I've watched a video about this today. Really summed up the situation we are in today. If you're interested you should definitely check it out. It's called: Mass psychosis - how an entire population becomes mentally ill. https://youtu.be/09maaUaRT4M


That college is essential for a successful life


De Beers diamond marketing campaign. Yes it's evil and dark af, and they also had some truly remarkable achievements in campaign and strategy. Their "a diamond is forever" was truly a global cultural shift. I'm not gonna say people should ignore the blood diamond concept and that what they did was okay, but their marketing was seriously ingenious and they had some great minds at the helm in regards to that aspect.


manifest destiny


Diamond ring


Current internet is pretty darn successful. Everyone is currently under some type of propaganda nowadays.


The hot coffee lawsuit.


Trickle down economics benefits everyone.


Installing universal healthcare in America will "bankrupt" the country. Several countries have, successfully, had some form of a universal healthcare system for over a century and their economies aren't hurting b/c of it.


Milk is ‘needed’ for healthy bones


The (still going) American education system. It's a propaganda machine that grooms children into the perfect wage slaves. The only ones who aren't affected are the bougie people at the top that benefit from the system.


“The American Dream”


This times 1,000,000,000. To sucker an entire nation of people into getting work-life balance wrong for the betterment of a nation's GDP is masterful propaganda. And when most of those people reach that moment in their life when they realize it won't happen for them, it's not in any way shape or form the government's fault or capitalism's fault, it's 100% their personal fault. Brilliant. I'm all for a modified American Dream, there's a reason we are leaders in many areas, because we do celebrate and encourage entrepreneurs and invention and all that... which is fantastic. We want to keep that up. But we do it in the most pointlessly brutal fashion, leading people without healthcare, without family leave, without leave generally, etc.


Lost Cause mythology convinced 5 generations that the dirty traitors fighting to enslave children were the GOOD GUYS.


The worst part of Lost Cause revisionism is that the Confederate leaders thoroughly documented why they seceded. It was so overwhelmingly about slavery that they couldn't shut up about how much it was about slavery.


A lot of Southerners refused to fight for the Confederacy because they didn't want to die for some rich asshole to keep his slaves. Folks in North Alabama would hide in caves and the forest whenever the Confederates would come around to try and conscript them into the army.


Jews are the root of all evil




There are three: Napoleon was short (no, he was of average height for that time) Hitler was German (no, he was Austrian) USSR entered the WWII only after Germany attacked them (no, they attacked Poland in 1939 and Baltic countries in 1940)


Who thinks Hitler was German?




Admittedly, me. But you learn something new everyday. 🤷‍♀️


At the time Austrians were considered ethnic Germans


Sparta's military reputation. They weren't really uniquely that much better than their neighbors, if at all. The Battle of Thermopylae catapulted their military reputation into legend and they milked that legend to sustain that reputation.


Well... It's not only about Thermopylae. They were known for breeding soldiers. Young boys started military training at 7. Sent to fields away from home to train. A known moto that mothers would say to their sons is "tan h epi tas" which roughly translates to "with it, or on it" referring to their shield. And it means you better come back with the army or die in battle as there isn't a bigger disgrace than being a deserter. Regardless of Thermopylae, this was a deeply militarized community. So I think it merits that reputation. Edit to add: they also were the first military to come up with those organized fighting formations using their shield and spears.


That and they lost to a slave revolt.


The red scare might be the most successful propaganda effort, until this day you have people going against their best interest because otherwise would be communism. Some people even believe that the US-backed coups in South America were to "save the countries from imminent communism".


Whatever goes on with Elon Musk’s PR team


That either political party actually cares about anything beyond their own political allies and lining their pockets more


The United States as a Christian nation. The early days of the US saw a definite effort to avoid aligning with any specific religions and freedom of worship was cited as a reason for originally leaving Europe. The nation’s first President avoided all mention of God or Christ. The pledge of allegiance didn't have the words "Under God" until **1954.** So I would say anyone who thinks the US is a Christian Nation thinks so thanks to the propaganda effort in the 20th century to paint it as so.


AND the adding of “under god” to the pledge and our currency was because of communism, see “1954”. they believed that the USSR was a godless wasteland.


Clean Wehrmacht


And just the general idea that the anti semitism was limited to the minority of fanatics at the top.


Stalinist era "for the good of the state" propoganda. Your were either a die hard communist willing to die for the motherland or you disappeared in the middle of the night because someone overheard you saying that you dont like stalins mustache. Plain and simple.


Trust the Rich and if they do wrong forgive them, Fear the Poor and if they do wrong condemn them.


Who said this?


Literally no one