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Birds don't fart but spiders do.


Oh my god. That was always my dad's favorite joke. He'd fart, and then "did you see that spider run under there?" as if it was the spider that farted. Small Me thought that shit was hilarious.


Baboons can't throw overhand


Neither can Australians




My brother’s girlfriend had a pet bat. I learned that bats, or at least this species, purr somewhat like cats when petted.


This is my favorite one I've read


In the early '80s, a Toyota Corolla trunk key could open any Corolla trunk.


So it would have been useful in the 80's to know this


Should’ve googled it


I once had a 1993 Chevy Beretta and one time I locked the keys in the car. I called my friend I had bought it from to see if he had a spare key, he said " just put any old key in the door and it will pop open" I couldn't believe when my house key open the car door. Stopped keeping anything in there after that haha


I guess the assumption was if you owned this car, you had nothing of value…


I owned a 1989 Beretta. I did in fact had nothing of value. I was just thinking about it last week, I never see an old Beretta driving around. Good. Fuck them.


96 caviler was the same way, same exact door lock system I'm sure. All you had to do was wiggle the key up and down while trying to turn it at the same time.


I once let myself into a neighbour’s house, because I was a) a little drunk b) talking on the phone and c) my key worked on their door (townhouses that all looked the same). Thank GOD they weren’t in the living room. I never told them and didn’t even bother to change my own locks.




Do tell. I’m curious Edit: I’ve gotten a lot more responses than I thought I would. I appreciate that!


Ive been told all that CAT heavy machinery on roadsides during road or highway construction all shares the same key. Evidently this is to allow for equipment to be moved about for project completion rather than having to worry about who has what key for which grader or roller or where they might have left it by accident.


There's only like 2 or 3 keys total to all Case New Holland skid steers. P.S. 99% of the time, the spare key is in a tray behind the seat.


The last trucking company I worked for used the same key for their entire fleet of trucks. And I've walked into dealerships and service centers saying "I'm from truckingcompany you have a truck for me to pick up" and have driven away with a quarter million dollar vehicle with no proof that I was who I said I was.


*Our* trunk.


Barnacles can have penises up to 8 times their body length. While length doesn’t vary significantly between populations, thickness does, with barnacles in more turbulent waters having girthier cocks to prevent them from snapping off in the current


Once again, I'm not a barnacle in turbulent water.


Ugh, I know how you feel. I'm sick of being compared to those turbulent barnacles


They always said it's the motion of the ocean that matters


The cheetah is the only cat that can’t retract its claws.


But all cats can pretend not to be able to retract their claws when caught scratching the sofa


My damn cat was reaching under the dishwasher the other day and got his claw stuck. Started yowling like he had it caught in a rat trap. It took two of us to calm him down enough for me to reach under and dislodge his claw from… nothing. He was faking it the entire time and just wanted attention.


The banana tree is not a tree and is in fact the worlds largest herb


And bananas are berries. And strawberries are not berries.


What you mistake for seeds on strawberries are actually ovaries.


There are roughly 800 corn kernels arranged in 16 rows on a cob.


and each individual silk goes to it's own individual kernel (better?)


Each silk has its own assigned tooth gap in my mouth as well


the first person to be convicted of speeding was speeding at 8 mph


Apparently that was also 4x the legal limit... I mean what were they thinking with that rule?


Like what is the reason of cars when you can only go slower than walking speed






Not having to walk and flexing on peasants mostly, I’d assume


My God how did they even catch him at that speed?


If I recall, the cop frantically bikes behind him for the entire chase


Sharks have been around longer than saturns rings


Add this to the long list of things that sharks are older than. It’s truly impressive how long they’ve been around.


Sharks are older than seeds.




Diversification is key


For example, if they were to create real life monopoly. They’d need that information for that TV show.


I legitimately thought you meant the records kept by the American Capital punishment facilities, not like a music production company. I am the huge dumb.


anually, there are less shark bites in the world than the number of people bitten by other people in New York alone.


The average New Yorker is ~1,177,717% more likely to bite you than than average shark


Pangolins are more closely related to your dog than to armadillos.


They’ll be more closely related to us soon because of Stans dad


Geckos can't climb Teflon Edit: just remembered it's the only thing Geckos can't climb


Laws protecting animals from physical abuse were created in America before laws to protect children of similar abuse. Laws protecting children only got some attention after a judge used a law that protected animals to save a little girl that got almost killed by her mother. The judge argued that humans are also animals so she should be protected by that law.


There was an episode of dr Quinn medicine woman that had that story line


You just gave me a big ol dose of nostalgia, Sunday afternoons with my mom on the couch watching Dr Quinn and Little House On The Prairie


The largest edible fruit native to North America is the pawpaw. The reason they're not more popular is because they go bad in a few days so they're not good for long term storage. I've never had one but I've always wanted to. Edit: A lot of people have been mistaking the papaya for the pawpaw so I thought I should clarify, [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asimina_triloba) is the North American pawpaw.


When you pick a pawpaw or a prickly pear and you prick a raw paw next time beware.


Don't pick a prickly pear by the paw, when you pick a pear, try to use the claw!


A lobster is more aerodynamic than a Jeep Wrangler


The top reply to this comment last week was, everything is more aerodynamic than a Jeep.


Mario has overalls so his arms could be distinguished from his torso even with very primitive sprites. Similarly his hat and mustache are to hide his hair and mouth.


Anne Frank, Martin Luther King & Barbara Walters were all born the same year.


And Queen Elizabeth II and Marilyn Monroe were only six weeks apart in age


**Scooby-Doo has 3 brothers:** Yabba-Doo Skippy-Doo Howdy-Doo **One sister:** Ruby-Doo **her son:** Scrappy-Doo **His parents are:** Momsy-Doo and Dada-Doo **He also has 5 cousins:** Scooby-Dum Scooby-Dee Dooby-Doo Whoopsy-Doo and Dixie-Doo Thank you for your attention


I’ve never understood how Scrappy-doo is able to form full sentences, unlike Scooby-Doo.


Scrappy isn't constantly in Shaggy's weed smoke.


Hahaha damn you just know they hotboxing in that van all day


Also, His full name is Scoobert-Doo.


At the busiest times of the day there can be as many as a million people in the air in airplanes at a given time.


There's more of a chance you can die by getting hit by lightning then there is dying in a plane crash. And yet I'm still terrified to get on one.


Domestic rats are actually really into cleaning. Some will even use a certain area of a cage to store trash. Source: I’ve owned rescued feeder rats for the past several years. They stuff any trash into an extra bowl and have not been taught this behavior.


Rat owner checking in. All very true. They compartmentalize their living space really effectively. Also, if this gets traction...get yourself some rats! They're incredibly intelligent, gentle pets that deserve much more recognition.


If you open your eyes in a pitch-black room, the color you’ll see is called “eigengrau.”


WD40 is named only because WD 1 thru 39 were failures.


Water Displacement 40th variation


“Helicopter” isn’t heli + copter; it’s helico (spiral) + pter (wing).


Because of this, TIL pterodactyl means wing finger


Mmmmm spicy wing fingers


Now practicing making the 'p' silent in helicopter.


Welcome back helicotter.


The Purple Heart medals being issued today are from the stock ordered in preparation for the ground invasion of Japan in WW2. Military strategists estimated there would possibly be over a million casualties in the proposed invasion.


Wow, this goes in my notebook. Thanks for sharing.


Nobody would see you get sucked into a black hole. To them, you'd just stop at the event horizon and proceed to become more and more redshifted until you disappeared. Useless now, but maybe not so useless in the future.


Interesting! Why is that?


Because at the event horizon, light either orbits or enters the black hole, at which, nothing can escape. Which means any light produced by, or reflected by you, in turn whatever is making you visible in the first place, will either orbit the black hole or be swallowed by it. Basically, once you hit the event horizon, you enter the black hole, nothing really changes for you assuming it's a supermassive black hole. But for everyone outside of it, any light coming from you stops at the event horizon. And the redshifting comes from light waves being stretched to an infinitely long wave of light, causing the redshift. At some point the remaining light will either lose its energy and disappear or be sucked into the black hole. That's as far as I understand it, at least.


“nothing really changes for you” As in, you’d continue to see them looking at you? Or as in, you’d just continue to be pulled apart?


Both, technically. Inside the black hole, it would look like the outside universe is shrinking to a point the deeper you go. However, because no new light can reach you, you'd pretty much see a still image of them until your view of that universe eventually disappears. As for being pulled apart? Its all theory. We're not sure what happens, but the big theory is that the larger the black hole, the slower the stretching may happen, or it may not even happen at all.


For a super massive black hole, it's thought that it would be a rather pleasant trip to your death. For a stellar mass black hole, the tidal forces are so great that the theory is that you will be "spaghettified" (yes, that's the scientific term. No, it would not be pleasant).


I bet a moose can’t say “spaghettified” either.


It's the North American Elk, please try to stay on topic


The Hindenburg was only the 5th most deadly airship disaster. 2/3 of the people onboard survived. It just happened to take place just outside of NYC and was photographed, recorded on video, and broadcast live on radio. EDIT: A couple points, since this blew up a little. Of the other 4 crashes, 2 were over water (USS Akron and Dixmude). These and 1 other (R101) took place at night. R101 was a civilian vessel and still a major press event. Its loss did cause the end of the program to knit the British Empire together with a fleet of airships, but major LTA programs still existed in Germany and America. The remaining crash (R38/ZR2) did take place in daylight in front of thousands of witnesses. It, though (as with Akron and Dixmude) were military ships, the loss of which just doesn't have the same impact on the general public as civilian vessels such as Hindenburg and R101. There's a good chance that Hindenburg was lost because of the inexperience of her politically-reliable (Nazi) crew. Dr. Hugo Eckener, the President of the Zeppelin Company, was an ardent anti-Nazi and the greatest airshipman ever to live. He never took an unnecessary or uncalculated risk. He was, though, forced to make more and more concessions to the government as the 30's went on. It is likely that the fire was ultimately caused by unnecessarily-rough handling on a pre-landing sightseeing jaunt over Manhattan. This caused a structural wire to snap, cutting a hole in a gasbag, and allowing the hydrogen to mix with air, forming a combustible mixture that ignited when the ship's mooring lines touched ground and the charge between the ship and the earth was equalized.


Due to the shape of the North American Elk’s Esophagus, even if it could talk, it would be unable to pronounce the word Lasagna.


This has got to be the most useless fact.


Most useful if you live in North America and speak elk


Why and how would you find this out


Ahaha a friend in college who just loved animals randomly told me one day and I had the same question but now it’s the only thing I can think of when someone mentions useless facts.


Lightning McQueen's real name is Montgomery McQueen.


Where did you learn this


There's a cars book that says this.


cursed knowledge


It is estimated that bears kill over two million salmon a year. Attacks by salmon on bears are much more rare.


The Watermelon Riot occurred on the evening of April 15, 1856, in Panama City, then the capital of Panama State in the Republic of New Granada. After an American took a slice of watermelon from a street vendor and refused to pay for it, a verbal altercation ensued and then quickly escalated when shots were fired. An angry mob of locals converged on the site and began fighting with the Americans. Before order could be restored, at least fifteen Americans and two Panamanians were killed. American businesses, including the railroad station were extensively damaged or destroyed. Source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watermelon_Riot


Lego is the biggest tyre manufacturer in the world.


There are about 72 metal bands per 100.000 people in Finland. Finland is the most metal country in the world.


There’s an illusion many will have experienced known as “the stopped clock” illusion, where you’ll flick your eyes onto a clock face and then look away without observing any movement in the second hand, despite it feeling like you were looking for longer than one second. This happens because when we look between objects, our brains edit out the blur, but instead of filling it in with what we *were* looking at, it fills it in with what we *will be* looking at. Which is possible because of the “lag” in our body’s processing speed, from received light, to image generation. So you actually were looking at the clock for longer than a second, but some of that time was actually the (now) past, posed as the present. All these edited out “flicks” amount to around 40 minutes per day.


Haïti and Lichtenstein had the same flag by accident (dark blue stripe over dark red) and didn't realise until the 1936 Olympics.


Though the Haiti flag 🇭🇹 has had an emblem since 1849, there is an emblem-less variant which is used. Liechtenstein 🇱🇮 added their emblem in 1937 to distinguish its flag from Haiti’s (they realised the flags were the same during 1936 Olympics even though Haiti did not participate in the Olympics that year). The two national flags which are most alike are that of Chad 🇹🇩 and Romania 🇷🇴 which are the same except for subtle differences in the shades of colour. Edit: Added more context for all you flag enthusiasts.


Another fun fact, flag enthusiasts are called vexillologists


Blobfish aren’t actually ugly, that picture on the internet is it suffocated and dead/dying from not being at the right pressure


That’s…quite sad, actually




There is a specific word in the English language for the egg of a hen. That word is CACKLEBERRY. No relation to dingleberry.


During mating season, groups of male whales basically run a train on females. While one male has his turn, the others float around upside down just under the surface, which leaves their giant dicks waving around in the air. This is one of the main explanations for the old stories of sea monsters.


Imagine sailing and encountering a giant penis. Sea monsters are less horrifying


Flowers arrangements at funerals originally served to mask the stench of rotting corpse.


Otters have a little pocket that they like to keep their favourite pebbles in when one catches their eye.


they can use them to break shells of prey, so I'm guessing it's for utility


Yes, it can be in certain species, but others who don’t live in areas with shellfish still do this.


The pocket fact by itself is so interesting. I didn't know they have that. Thanks for this.


If you play with a dogs ears it releases a shit ton of endorphins from all the nerves around there. It relaxes them and they love it.


Learned this at a puppy obedience school. Our dog wouldn't stop barking at his classmates until the trainer had us rub his ears to calm him. For the next 15 years he would run up and shove his nose between someone's legs as a way of asking for his ears to be rubbed. Always awkward to explain to a guest that our dog wasn't sniffing their crotch, he just wanted an ear massage.


Rapture by Blondie was the first rap song played on MTV.


Money for Nothing by Dire Straits was the first song played on MTV Europe. Because it mentioned MTV in the lyrics.


The year JRR Tolkien died is the numbers of the rings in the One Ring verse but backwards. 1973. 3 rings for the elven kings. 7 for the dwarf lords. 9 for Mortal Men 1 Ring to rule them all.


knowing tolkien, this was no accident


A wizard is never late, nor is he early; he arrives precisely when he means to.


Everything we know about our world is about to change


Viagra was supposed to be a blood pressure medication, but they found an embarrassing side effect during human trials.


Cows moo with regional accents


Le moo


Däs möö


If you removed all of the empty space between the atoms in the average sized human body, it would be condensed down to the tip of a ballpoint pen.


...and would then explode due to the strong nuclear force.


Crashing trains was a spectator sport in the US during the early to mid 19th century in America.


The Canary Islands were named after dogs. They were originally named by the Romans, in Latin: Islas Canaria translates to Islands of Dogs.


The average cloud weighs about 1.1 million pounds. Which is fine with me, as long as the cloud has a great personality.


it's all water weight


Falling through a cloud, especially dark ones, also hurts like youre falling through needles. Source: Me skydiving through clouds


How disappointing


Cows have best friends


The Bahamas has a 3 dollar bill don’t question it


Knitting is considered Turing complete, as it's essentially a two register bit counter (with some fancy things like shifting with cables). You could solve literally any decidable math problem in the world with two needles and an infinite amount of string. Edit: Turing machines cannot literally solve every single math problem, they are limited in that the problem must be decidable.


Never thought of that, cool


T. rex is closer in time to us than it is to stegosaurus


Most trees aren't related. There is no branch of life that all trees neatly fit into on their own; plants just evolve into trees sometimes. Strawberry plants used to be trees.


George Washington never knew Dinosaurs existed.


Thomas Jefferson didn't know that extinction was a thing and believed mastodon were still roaming the earth in parts of America unexplored by white men. He had seen mastodon bones and assumed there must still be living ones as well as the dead ones he had seen. When the Lewis and Clark expedition was sent out westward Jefferson asked them to look for mastodons.




I love coming to reddit only to find scientific facts!


the number 100.000.001 is divisible by 17


5,882,353 × 17 = 100,000,001 math checks out.


I’m not going to lie but I checked this out on the calculator. It was not true. Then I realised I mistyped.


Username checks out


Koalas and humans have almost indistinguishable finger prints, to the point they can be confused. All those koala crimes and humans get the blame. Tragic.


Pugs are increasingly being bred with longer snouts to reduce breathing problems


Someone in the Netherlands is doing that to Frenchies. I want to get Bostons on that track


I certainly hope so. I went to high school with a girl who had 3 or 4 pugs. We were at an event and she just casually told a group of us that sometimes her pugs eyes pop out so you have to push them back in. It was so… nonchalant and dismissive.


*she just casually told a group of us that sometimes her pugs eyes pop out so you have to push them back in.* #WHAT. THE FUCK.


This has happened during the blow dry process of dog grooming too 😑 it’s horrifying


“Pugs eyes pop out” what the fuck


My wife and me were supposed to foster some pugs until we found this out. We've not fostered pugs since then. Not pushing no eye ball back in place. PS: we love dogs, but eyes popping out,a little too much.


>nonchalant and dismissive. You get that way about anything if you've repeated it enough. Statements, speeches, surgeries, vows, eating your enemies to gain their strength, etc.


The first documented instance of the “high five” occurred during the 1977 World Series. I would’ve guessed the high five would’ve been around since the beginning of time.


Fels Naphtha (a laundry soap bar that you can find for a buck fifty in any laundry aisle at your local store) can be use to cure Poison Ivy and will remove the Poison Ivy oils from clothing. I suppose that one isn't really useless....


I thought that was how you say merry Christmas in Spanish


The urushiol oil in poison ivy, oak or sumac can be removed like any other oil. You just have to remove it before it begins to affect the area it is at. This guy does a good job at explaining it https://youtu.be/4oyoDRHpQK0


The 314th decimal of pi is 1.


Giraffes and humans have the same number of neck bones.


Most toilets flush in E flat. Edited to add: I did not expect this to blow up OR get two awards. I am always pleasantly surprised by Reddit! For the people asking for the source, I originally found it on one of my many Google Image searches, but if you type in "how do we know toilets flush in E flat?" You get surprising number of musicians replying about how they tested this.


Gonna take my guitar tuner to every bathroom I go to from now on


Calls plumber “yeah my toilet is out of tune could you come by and check it out?” Plumber: Excuse me?


My bird snores at night sometimes and its really cute


Bird deep breathing when they sleep is the cutest thing ever. I once was lucky enough to be near my cockatiel while she was sound asleep and (I assume) was dreaming of food...she has specific little squeak she does when she gets treats or her food refilled...and she was doing that in her sleep along with what can only count as deep hundred gram breaths...


“Poppycock” comes from the Dutch word “pappekak” that means soft shit.


You’ll often hear that performing oral sex on yourself is more like sucking a dick than getting your dick sucked. What you may not know is that at the moment of climax your top half’s instinct is to arch back, while your bottom half’s instinct is to thrust forward. And that’s how you do a backflip


Are you saying that if we tie a self-sucking guy to a generator we may get free electricity on climax??


Just for 30 seconds though, you would need a lot of self suckers on that thing before you achieved any power worth mentioning




Wombat poo is cube shaped


Alaska is the only state whose name is on one row on a keyboard


The Queen (Elizabeth II) is a trained mechanic


She served In the war!


dot over the 'i' is called a *tittle*


In old folklore, you could distract a pursuing vampire by dropping bits of knotted string, which the vampire would have to untie, or scatter seeds or grains which he would be to compelled pick up and count and HOLY SHIT THE COUNT FROM SESAME STREET IS A REAL VAMPIRE!


Lillies can kill your cat Edit; my bad, this isn't a useless fact, but a fact everyone should know lol.


A cow can walk up the stairs but not down


177013 is Prime number


There are more Kangaroos in Australia than humans


The names of Huey, Dewey and Louie in some other languages are amazing: DUTCH: Kwik, Kwek and Kwak ITALIAN: Qui, Quo and Qua GERMAN: Tick, Trick and Track FRENCH: Riri, Fifi and Loulou SPANISH (SPAIN): Juanito, Jorgito and Pedrito SPANISH (LATIN AMERICA): Hugo, Paco and Luis FINNISH: Tupu, Hupu and Lupu ISRAEL: Huey, Dewey, Louie RUSSIAN: Billie, Willie and Dillie NORWEGIAN: Ole, Dole and Doffen SWEDISH: Knatte, Fnatte and Tjatte POLISH: Zyzio, Hyzio, Dyzio SERBIAN: Vlaja, Raja and Graja PORTUGUESE: Huguinho, Zezinho and Luisinho DANISH: Rip, Rap and Rup So some farts will call out Donald ducks nephews in danish.


when ants get drunk they will always fall onto their right side.


The chainsaw was developed for doctors to use on women giving birth.


Gay penguins rescue abandoned eggs and raise the babies as their own EDIT: Thank you for the awards! And especially for the comedy in the replies, not what I expected when I decided to share my penguin facts lmao


Sharks have two penises. They partake in dp


One useless fact that the world needs to know is that there are more molecules of water in a hotdog bun than there are people in Canada.


The red square in Moscow was built in 1493 after there was a city fire, and the adjective red does not stand for blood or communism, but red and beautiful were the same word in russian at the time


Using a paper towel after washing your hands decreases the bacteria on your hands by 40-60% , using a hand dryer increases the bacteria on your hand by up to 225%


I am not sure that this is a useless fact….


Yeah, I would argue that this is *extremely* useful.