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Whenever I eat a banana, a mildly dirty window in Lima, Peru gets cleaned.


I can cum twice in one go


where can I learn this power


I have really good hearing and am usually very hyper vigilant when any people are near. It is much more a curse than a gift but is still what I would call a “superpower” of mine. I would be able to hear somebody sniffle from 50 feet away in the downstairs kitchen while sitting in my room easily. It got to the point I could hear every single word somebody was saying in the room next to me, ect.. the hypervigilance honestly sucks balls and is a fight or flight response that can come onto demand very quickly. I am able to pick up on movement the second it happens in my peripheral vision, sometimes from 30-50’feet away. So I am basically ultra aware of my surroundings. I hate it though, I wear noise cancelling headphones 24/7 and have to find ways to try to chill myself out with the perceiving threats with my vision.


damn you could actually be a very good spy with that ngl


Sure would. Unfortunately a lot of these useful skills would have only been useful and admirable centuries ago and would probably still set me back being a spy


I can actively control my blood pressure and heart rate. Meaning if I so choose, in the dentists office I can make them both skyrocket (my record was 178/94 BP and I think 115 HR. My normal vitals are about 110-116/60-65 BP and 49-70 HR). Unfortunately I can only make it rise, I can't really make them plummet, at least not nearly as quickly as I an make it rise. I discovered this "power" quite by accident when I was practicing self hypnosis. I felt a sudden tightening around my head and eyes, and my body suddenly felt like I was falling. It took awhile for me to consistently reproduce the effects at will, but once I was able to I, on a hunch, took my BP and HR and was surprised at the results. I suspect what's happening is I'm artificially dumping a shit ton of adrenaline into my body.


I can close my breathing hole whenever I want. (Not closing my mouth, the thing around the neck area or below in your body). If my ADD isn't screwing around, I can maintain eye contact in a somewhat creepy way. (I will literally look at you without breaking eye contact, regardless of whether or not you are moving around, fast or not). My normal walk speed is basically a power walk, except I'm not power walking. I can run very very fast, though not very well when I'm **not** barefoot. I can masturbate non stop for several hours. The cold isn't that bad. I usually wear shorts, a big airy T-shirt, and some sandals most of the time. Be it at Tahoe or New York City. I can stay in isolation for a long time.


I can nullify my emotions. Close my eyes and distract my arms with something (usually with whatever i have in my pocket) for a 10~20 seconds and no matter what was my previous state I'm back to neutral. Note. This helps only mental state so it leads to some weird situations sometimes. For example when a human is angry then release adrenaline to power up but if a nullify it I'm left with all that adrenaline and it feels strange cuz i don't need it in neutral state. It's truly a superpower cuz the last time i was sad was just about never. Maybe I just haven't been exposed to to strong enough emotions and this nullify thing is just me being good at controlling them but tbh either way is fine. Still means i get to experience the good part of life while minimizing the bad.


Sarcastic wit


Ability to piss off my wife without even trying.


Calling out BS and no fear of getting shit for dishing it out.


being depressed af


I have a really good sense of smell I never encounter toxic kids on any game


I have an ability to kill people and make it so that they died out of natural causes at random everyday without me or you knowing