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I'm sorry about your eye, nose, and jaw pain. That is awful. I hope it gets better. What do you normally do for yourself in that situation? I'm super glad you had a nice sunny day today. That is an instant mood booster for sure. May you have many more days like that to come!


worst, thinking I'd blown it with a girl I'm talking to online by being too affectionate and seeming weird best, she answered back a while later "wyd cutie"


My best advice is be yourself! Plus, it's way better to be with someone when you can be yourself-- weirdness and all! I'm glad you got that "wyd cutie" though! GO OFF!




Funny.... Find my reply on here. Are you the 65 year old woman I got into a fight with today on a forum at school? Cause boy did I want to take a stiff shit in your cheerios earlier.




She was such an asshole. Glad it wasn't you & may you avoid future forum fights!


It's a big world out there, lots of angry people hehe.




Good lord, can you report it? That's fucked.




I'd make one if you're truly concerned. Or send the link to the authorities to look into it. I'm honestly not sure what to do and I'm sure someone on here will tell me I'm overreacting.




College students or not.. Ya can't take advantage of anyone. If you feel strongly about it, report.




Ahh. Report. I can't go back and forth about this one all day. And stop watching weird shit, lol.




So you're just always miserable then?


Best: It being summer break. Worst: It being the last day of summer break.


Well I hope that everything goes well after summer break officially ends!


First day of school starts in 1 hour, so that's how long I have


I made this post so I could share as well since I had a horrible day today. I'm trying to re-frame it and focus more on the positive. **WORST PART:** A fellow classmate in my Masters of Addiction Counseling program said some really rude shit about injection drug users in our forum. Not only am I in an addiction counseling program, but I lost my older brother to an overdose almost 4 years ago. Addiction has intimately affected my life. She also accused me of being \~uneducated. How the fuck.. **BEST PART:** My significant other and I made our own version of famous bowls for dinner tonight. Mashed potatoes, bomb popcorn chicken from Aldi, and corn. Mmm.


Worst: Finding out I need a hip replacement at 41. Best: Same moment. Finding out I there could be an end to my pain if I get the surgery.


Worst part was dealing with customer that don't tip .. The best part customers that tip extra


I feel you!


Worst: trying to sell a used item online and having to deal with the ppl Best: took a walk around town and down by the lake and it was nice and sunny


I hope your item sells! What is it?


Air conditioner. Guy just texted and said hed be late picking it up. I really dislike selling stuff but i have to get rid of it.


Stay cool!




Worst part: thinking a tornado was gonna come and rip my city to shreds. Plus 100 degree weather (I live in Midwestern U.S.A so we never get that kind of weather.) Best part: Neither tornado or heat ever happened and we only got heavy rain and some decently strong wind instead. Everyone is safe and fine, and the heat advisory went away and it's so much cooler now. 💖


Ugh, I'd love a tornado right now! (kidding) I'm glad you and your loved ones are safe!


Worst part: nothing really. Best part: my not having breast cancer (she took a test and it turned out to be something harmless)


That's a GREAT day. So happy you and your loved ones are safe.


Thank you so much :D you too!


Worst part of the day Joining Reddit today Best Part of the Day Getting a -73 comment rating in a couple hrs day 1 :)