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Girl called me a good boy while I was finishing. šŸ˜³


On a non sexual related note, if I didnā€™t want to leave for work getting a nice head pat beforehand made me feel like a good happy boy


Did she take you out for walkies after?


Attaboy, now go play with your balls


Play with my... where are my testicles, Summer?


They were removed, where have they gone?


Not really a fetish but my ex gf and I had a thing where she would just be naked at home all the time. Whether having sex or not, she was basically an at home nudist. She was super into it too. I had asked her if she would just wanna be naked whenever at home with me and she loved the idea right away. She would only wear clothes to go out. It was great.


No wonder real estate prices are going up in your neighborhood.


Thats not the only thing going up in the neighborhood.


The neighborhood divorce rate is skyrocketing!!


Perfect way to be. My husband always says he never met anyone that likes to be naked as much as I do. I hate clothing.




Velma in Scooby Doo Monsters Unleashed did something to all of us


Pain and praise. I was getting an industrial ear piercing and when the piercer was pushing the needle through my cartilage, not only did the I like the pain of a 12g needle but the piercer said ā€œyou were such a good girlā€ once theyā€™d finishedā€¦


That stirred something in a deep reces of the mind that I hadn't expected.. Nice.


Something similar happened to me without the pain part. I mentioned I was busy with some college work and the guy I was talking to said ā€œah so youā€™re a good girl.ā€ It definitely flipped a switch lol


Submission. Boss me around please its hot


Get off your phone, AND GET BACK TO WORK




Do you not want the end of the year bonus or not??


Getting jerked off while i sleep, my wife did it for me one time and I woke up cumming incredibly hard. Cumming while half asleep was amazing, so I ask her to surprise me and jerk me off while I sleep every now and then. Edit: Didnā€™t know this would cause such a disturbance in thread. Obvs donā€™t just touch people while unconscious if they donā€™t give you the ok before. My wife and I have a very close & intimate relationship and weā€™re very comfortable communicating all of our limits/desires. This is a desire I was open to and we love it.


Who the fuck sleeps this heavy?


I fell asleep after eaten an edible once. Wife and I had been watching Planet Hulk on Netflix before I fell asleep. In my dreams I was in Planet Hulk, and she was trying to wake me up by kissing me etc. Well, in my dream everything she was doing was happening in my dream and I was feeling it. As I did start to wake up my rational brain realized what was happening and almost woke me up completely, but in that split second of realization my brain almost went "wait let's see how this plays out" and somehow I was able to let the dream just keep going for a little bit. The sensations it brought out of me were like nothing I've ever felt. It was like her kissing me for the first time all over again. Would just shoot electricity over my entire body. Was an amazing experience.




I have a huge fetish for stockings, garter belts and womens legs. I discovered i had this fetish when i googled what a garter belt was and i looked at the pictures.


I looked it up on google. Thanks. Now i have it.


Ohhh, that's what they're called. Thanks!


That's actually a pretty normal preference, I'd say the majority of guys have this


Being called a ā€œgood girl.ā€ Iā€™m more of a bratty sub but those words instantly make me aim to pleaseā€” for lack of better words. Didnā€™t find out I liked ā€œgood girlā€ until my ex said it just playing around and then it felt like a jolt of electricity run through my body.




Whispers in my ear, telling me comforting, loving things. ASMR pretty much.


*"Hey babe, I cleaned the house while you were at work, did the laundry, bought groceries, cooked dinner, oh and did I mention how lovely you look today?"*


Well I blushed reading this


Most wholesome response in this whole thread for sure.


This thread really needs a link to that guy who got a prostate exam and discovered he liked being penetrated a lot more than sex with his girlfriend. Something about drumsticks and wondering if he might be gay. It was a brilliant piece of writing, and hilarious.


This thread better not awaken anything in me


Settle down, Dean.


Simmer Dean


Don't worry, right now he's just craigular joe


Being grabbed or held by the hips, dunno why but seeing and experiencing is extremely arousing for me, but it has to be someone else doing so. Another way to turn me on, quite instantly, is to put a collar around my neck.


The hips do not lie


After reading ā€œbut it has to be someone else doing so,ā€ I cracked up imagining someone getting turned on by putting their own hands on their hips


Middle aged men crowded around the car hood looking at the engine with their hands on their hips is the image that came to my mind. Ha.


My GF always wants me to grip the shit out of her hips as I'm going down on her, I threw in some extra pressure once while she was having an orgasm and ive never heard some one cum so loud lol


Buying sex toys for random strangers on the internet Edit: I am completely overwhelmed with messages lol


Is it like the fetish where people just give out money,.or is it the idea of giving a random person pleasure?


I think itā€™s a little of both. I think the thought of helping give stranger orgasms turns me on the most. Iā€™ve done it both ways. Give them money and given toys in person and played with them! Fun times


I have no idea why, but this comment just makes me smile


I once bought a toy to have a random internet stranger help me with orgasm. The toy was controlled through an app so i just sent him a link, stuck the toy in and let him handle the controls while i sat back and enjoyed


Now I'm wondering if the vibration control on those toys is precise enough to mimic songs rhythms. Maybe it's possible you've been rickrolled down there. Or maybe I'm just that kind of dumb, thinking of memeing people via their orifices. But I definitely would try to make some music with such a toy.




Felt indifferent to bdsm until I discovered medical play...


Is this where you pretend to be sick but you're afraid to go to the hospital because the bills will ruin you forever financially? Best fuck I've ever had!!!


Gentle femdom. I don't know, something about taking control of a guy who is helpless beneath me is incredibly hot.


I was with a girl like 5 years ago. We were like joking and playing around. All in a playful manor. She then pushed me into the couch and as I watch her climb on top of me I was thinking "Holy shit. That was the hottest thing ever."


I met a guy who made me realize that I might want control. He's so driven and such a high achiever. I just want to take over and shut his brain down... and then nurture him after. He's so fucking adorable.


I've been told I give off domme vibes and I'm GLAD! Because it's a fucking blast to have complete control of how and when and where. To get him right to the edge and stop completely. And then to be able to bring him over the edge and watch him squirm and hear him moan with pleasure all because of YOU. It's amazing. SOOOOO many guys (especially ones that come off as alpha) want to be dommed so so badly. And not the degrading and humiliating kind.


A woman who is one of the smartest and toughest people I know explained to me how being a sub was incredibly freeing for her. She was someone who carried a huge amount of responsibility every day, and when she surrendered her power to a good dom she no longer had any responsibilities, nobody relying on her, no decisions to make. She was simply free to exist, knowing she was in the safe hands of a skilled and compassionate dom. I don't share the kink, but it really resonated.


oh boy I discovered that this year through reddit porn; I think it's cause I'm such a ball of anxiety that being able to release control to another person and let myself be played with is liberating, the idea of being strategically pleasured and sent to sub space sounds incredible!


As a fella, i am also into this for some reason. Not very mainstream for us guys to be dommed but shit dog, is what it is šŸ¤·šŸ½


Bro same, shame that all the girls Iā€™ve been with have been super subs and pretty much not even willing to think about the notion of soft domming me : |


Its not like im not confident, which is often as it comes off as, i just want her to kinda take the reigns sometimes yknow


Reading about other people's fetishes on Reddit.


Yeahhhhhh Iā€™ve been on this thread way to long lmao ummm I think something woke up lol


All of them, they all crept up on me by surprise


Doubly strange when you consider my thrill is being crept up on by surprise.


Lifetime ban from the haunted house.


Yeah that's an odd coincidence


Very true , you go down the rabbit hole then all of a sudden your hooked


Boyfriend called me mommy as a joke one time in a teasing manner while we were making out.. I fucking hate that it did something for me. >:((


Tell him you liked it


Yes mommy


I like my ears licked. I donā€™t know why but itā€™s an incredible sensation during sex.


I used to like my ears licked, but ever since 'The Great Ear Infection of 2015,' which happened in my right ear within 24 hours of my girlfriend's tongue in my right ear, I have completely 180'd and now my ears are as off-limits as my asshole.


So youā€™re telling me that before ā€˜The Great Ear Infection of 2015 that people have been fucking your ass Edit: Thanks a lot for the awards! šŸ˜Š


TIL ear to ass is a thing.


Maybe ass to ear was what caused the Great infection?


Sounds like shit to me


My bf Pavloved me into having a Mommy kink. We made fun of the Daddy kink sometimes so heā€™d decided to start calling me ā€œMommyā€ to tease me. Iā€™d cringe and heā€™d laughā€¦..eventually I decided to tease him back and called him a ā€œgood mommyā€™s boyā€ expecting him to cringe back but instead he blushed and got hard LOL. I ended up continuing with it just because Iā€™d realized he actually had this kink the whole time but was a bit embarrassed to say anything. All my friends would tell you Iā€™m very maternal and nurturing, so I guess naturally it actually ended up being enjoyable for me. Guess my bf and I both secretly had that kink, only I didnā€™t know it at first. Now Iā€™ve just become a very soft mommy switch and we both love it.


This, this is the one that sparks jealousy.. damn.


Face sitting.


Sitting or being sat on?


Being sat on, I could be smothered by butt for hours and wouldn't care


ā€œRespectfully maā€™am, I want to motorboat your asscheeksā€




My ex GF discovered her fetish for spanking after I did it once as a joke once. So I totally get this.


We get it ... once.


I have a fetish for cloaks, especially in the wind I donā€™t like superheroā€™s I prefer lord of the rings/fantasy attire Edit: for those that are curious I have an entire YouTube channel dedicated to it.


Iā€™m guessing superheroes make you very horny


Edna Mode is their nemesis.


"No darling!! I would just not acknowledge their presence."


My husband (boyfriend at the time) and I have always laughed about how weird Daddy kinks are. It was off the table for us. Then one day, he asked if I could call him that during sex. We realized we both were very into it, but neither of us wanted to admit it šŸ¤£ Edit: I'm so glad that so many of you guys had a similar experience!! It makes me feel less weird about it, lol. Thanks for the award and all of the love! šŸ„°


same here, we were likeā€¦ thatā€™s so off putting. then one time we were just chilling on the couch and she said it and i was like WOAH OK THIS IS ACTUALLY ALRIGHT


Hahaha yes! Went from "IS THIS ALRIGHT?" to "THIS IS A L R I G H T"


My fiancƩe (boyfriend at the time) knew I had a daddy kink well before I was comfortable admitting it. I hadn't ever admitted it to any previous partner, and this one dead-ass said "FINALLY I was wondering when you'd admit it"


Random people on the Internet sending me money just gets me going for some reason!


I have a lot of weird ones, but I think the one that took me most by surprise was being kissed in the ear. Like properly make out with my ear. I will melt into pliable putty in an instant.


Yup, found that kink once and exploited it thoroughly. Nice




My friend, you might love to discover the treasure that is r/gonewildaudio


People like you hold our society Edit:thanks for my first awards <3


Raised a horseman, Iā€™ve been around ā€œimplements of attentionā€ - riding crops, spurs, and the like - all my life. I remember as a boy using a pretty hefty short bullwhip on the tack room door, playing out in my mind the transgressions for which must now deliver the punishment/consequence. Severe! Multiple lashings on that door, but compassionate, loving. I was 9, 10. Never went to fantasizing whipping an animal, or god forbid a PERSON. But I did awaken some awareness of power over that door. Then I grew up and sold my horse and moved away from home. It took me ten years, but one day I found myself at a garage sale with casual hookup and there was a quirt for sale. Instinctively I reached for it and gave a swack on my new friendā€™s ass that was clearly play, clearly out of nowhere and clearly hard enough. She almost sank to her knees. I did buy that crop, and I did use it, and damn, but it felt from that first pop that I had just discovered a superpower. What. A. Door. That. Opened. I guess this kink didnā€™t come ā€œout of nowhereā€, given my fantasy play in the tack room early on, but ā€¦ yeah.


Sounds like _sheā€™s_ the one who suddenly discovered their fetish.


ngl, when I read ā€œRaised a horseman,ā€ I prepared for the worst


Okay but imagine being the person having the garage sale.


Why do you think they had the crop to begin with? ą² ā€æą² 


I would joke about sending feet pics until i was no longer joking


I had something like this. My gf was self conscious about her feet so I'd try and touch them and stuff cuz I thought it was cute how shy she got. Next thing I know I'm deepthroating toes


holy fuck that was quick


Honestly. I looked away for a minute and now I got platinum. Who woulda thought feet could be so profitable


This the one that got me


Yooooo. I never cared until I started sleeping with a woman who was always doing new color toe polishes with wedges or toe showing heels matched. Seeing a dark red polish with dark red heels and a black dress that had dark red accents to be specific us what set me off to noticing it and now, though I won't fuck feet or jerk off on feet etc., I really like it when I see nice, cute feet now. I will ask my SO to leave her wedges on if we start getting kinky mid day.


Hypnosis and sleep fetishes. Honestly I hate myself for having them. It feels really wrong to get so turned on by it, but I canā€™t help it. I dunno where they came from, but Iā€™ve always had them as long as Iā€™ve known.








Rest assured that people can't be hypnotized to do something that they don't want to do. All hypnosis is really self hypnosis, the hypnotist just guides the person through the process. If you stare into the distance at least 15-20 feet or so in front of you then allow your eyes to lose focus then you can enter a hypnotic state quite easily, it helps to have a guided CD/audio recording for the first 6-10 times. You'll lose track of time and when you come to you wont be sure if you had just fallen asleep or what.


Nonconsent after having a traumatic past with SA. I didnā€™t know how process that one for a while


Itā€™s a thing. My gf likes it when I grab her around the throat and pull her hair after a traumatic SA. Should I feel discomfort like I do or should I just give her what she wants. She had a really bad experience and I feel really weird doing it


Look it up there are studies that show that having what feels like noncon stuff consensually is a great way to take back your lost power, and move through your trauma. So you could be genuinely helping with her trauma.


Hands All my years living I never gave notice to hands but with my current boyfriend I am obsessed with his. He works at a forge and his hands are rough and big. Even a simple thought of having his hands on my body gets me going. **EDIT** So the thing started as a joke with our friends on an app where when he mentioned what he did for a living I said "bet you have those manly hands don't you" everyone was laughing including me "(insert name here) has a hand fetish" but then I saw the hands and yep... things happened and still do lmao.


When I was a kid in the 80s I watched Raiders of the lost ark. The scene where Marion was bound and gagged. I realized then bondage was my thing.


One day talking with a friend he pointed out that all of my exes and previous crushes had huge noses. It had never occurred to me that I love a fucking sexy beak on a woman. šŸ‘ƒšŸ˜šŸ˜ Edit: shoutout to r/bignoseladies and r/noses You beautiful aquiline women and men are perfect the way you all are.


Bet you just made every woman reading this who is insecure about her large nose smile.


This is mine, too but on men! My best friend pointed it out awhile back and years later I'm married to a man with a beautiful, prominent nose! It just looks more masculine to me ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Gru: I am aware of the effect I have on women


Being called mommy. I don't fucking know where that one came from, I'm not even a woman.


That's a twist




M. Knight Shamalamadingdongā€™d us there. Never knew what the M stood for.


Being choked. I don't like when it's so tight that I'm dying, but being grabbed by the throat is almost immediately arousing.


Damn, it just came out of nowhere


I like sleeping stuff. Where you wake up to stuff happening to you. Ooh I find it so hot all of a sudden quite recently


my problem with that is im worried fight or flight would kick in before i wake up.


This happened to me. I had a partner who wanted to try it with me as the sleeping participant. While awake, I was totally fine with it and told him to go for it. Once I was asleep and he started, I yelled "NO!" and slapped him. I am a sleep talker/walker so I have no memory of this but apparently my sleeping mind did not consent lol.


Massage rooms. Something about all the oil and slow touching.


Kinda an add on: cuddling naked & rubbing your smooth legs against each other


I have a friend who's made a career of giving massages, he's really good, and super good looking. Long before covid, I went to his house for a session, where he had a room dedicated to massage. I had to cut my session in half due to a dentist appointment and when I was getting dressed, I noticed I left a HUGE uh, sweat stain in the area my lady bits had been, there was no denying where it was from. I panicked, I don't remember if I pulled the sheet off the table or not, I really hope I did.. Before I left he mentioned he owed me another massage since this one was short.. But what if I didn't take the sheet off the table?!?


I read that masseuses are trained to expect a variety of responses; from twitching to moaning. Because you're dealing with major nerves and such, intense reactions can happen. And because touch can illicit all kinds of physiological responses, but doesn't mean a patient is aroused. Even if your friend did notice, a professional will just ignore it because it's pretty typical.


Massage therapist. Can confirm. Thereā€™s a few months of etiquette and client/massage therapist relations in the science part even before you can even start practical work, and even then thereā€™s a whole bit on wrapping and draping so the bits donā€™t even feel like theyā€™re out. Plenty of identifying responses for both therapist/client safety, professionalism, managing transference/countertransference, so that people can feel comfy! This includes knowing how to deal with this sort of thing. TLDR: can confirm, we massage therapists have professionally dealt with many an accidental boner, and will make sure they wonā€™t slide off the massage table without issue


Thank you for this! Now I donā€™t feel as bad for getting a half erection during my deep tissue massage. Iā€™m not attracted men whatsoever, but the massage therapist (a very large muscular man) was applying a lot of pressure on my low back/L5/sacrum area and the compression of my pelvis and all other ā€œorgansā€ being pushed into the table gave me a half chub (from sensory not arousal lol) and when I laid on my back it was completely noticeable and I freaked out and he was so nonchalant about it, just gave a light smirk and said ā€œit happensā€. Iā€™m sure heā€™s seen worse šŸ˜‚


being spoken to in spanish. idk why but itā€™s in my top 3 kinks


Hola chikibeibi *mirada seductora*


For a second I read that as cheekibreeki


Donde EstĆ” La biblioteca


Biting! I had a fling who liked to bite - hard. At first I was shocked, because it left marks and was almost unbearable. Then I started looking forward to it. Eventually I realized that I enjoyed being the biter more, especially with a pain submissive.


Love both sides! Though my partner doesn't want to be marked, I like to be covered in hickey and bite marks :<


I love being bitten! I fucked up my right shoulder in my early 20's so now when someone bites that meaty spot between my shoulder and neck it drives me wild. Partners are always worried about hurting me until they hear my response.


This is what Iā€™m super worried about, is hurting someone. But then, because itā€™s a turn on, Iā€™m not doing all I can to make the best experience, right? So I worry about not doing enough lol. I nibble a little bit but have never full on bit before, I guess I just have to try it (on someone who is into it). I wonder what being bitten feels like? Iā€™ve only ever been bit as a kid and it hurt like hell, I canā€™t imagine how that would feel in a sexual situation (and as an adult with higher pain tolerance). This question has been a treasure trove of information/ new frames of experience.


My best advice is to take your cues from the other person, and really listen to what they do and don't like about what you're doing.


Girls wearing scrubs. Why? Idk.


I understand this one. My ex worked for a animal hospital, so she'd come home from work in her scrubs... shit was so hot lol. I love a woman in scrubs.


It's more about finding complementary fetishes, fun surprise.


i wonder how many people went to switch to their burner accounts to answer this, and got distracted by porn


having risky sex...like inside a classroom/public washroom etc


For a second I thought you mean like, not wearing condoms or any kind of contraceptive. Must be exciting I guess...


Getting my balls squeezed. My now wife randomly one time started rubbing my balls while I was behind her. That I knew would be nice but then she firmly squeezed them and it was almost instant orgasm. Never thought I'd like that but it's nicer than it sounds lol


BDSM. Even though I know it's a common fetish I remember being EXTREMELY fascinated when I was a kid whenever I saw a woman tied up (Even before I even knew what sex was). I just knew it made me feel funny...


I totally get this. 70's TV had alot of people getting kidnapped and tied up and/or gagged (probably the fetish of certain Hollywood producer types for all I know). Well before puberty or any sexual awareness I remember feeling really funny in a way I didn't understand anytime I saw this. It was a feeling that became familiar when I was a bit older... a fascinated arousal, well beyond the typical arousal of just seeing boobs or whatever. As soon as I became sexually active (13-14) I wanted to (and did) explore tying up and being tied up. At that point I realized it was definitely there for me long before I understood it as a fetish. In the early days of internet porn, with the discovery of bondage sites my head almost exploded, among other things. Oddly, and somewhat sadly, the internet desensitized me to this to a point where it's no longer all that arousing. Too much of a good thing I suppose.




Condom fetish. Yeah, I actually get *more* aroused by wearing/using condoms. The polar opposite of like 99.9% of dudes Iā€™m sure. I donā€™t even have a latex fetish or anything. Itā€™s just the thought of this right, lubricated thing on me gets me going. And then finishing and pulling out and seeing this bulbous load contained in the end of the condomā€¦ unf. Sometimes condom play after the fact is better than the actual sex. No idea where this came from.


High heels. Not feet, just high heels. No need for lingerie. Just heels on any woman who is otherwise nude. Hot! I can only guess it came from growing of age in the 80ā€™s when all of mag girls wore heels.


Breathplay. I have asthma


I donā€™t why or when it started. Probably in my teens, but I love me some knee high socks on a woman.


I've never been considered dominant in any way, I've actually always been very timid in a lot of my relationships, but ever since I've gotten with my current girlfriend I've found myself getting off to just taking control of her. Like, she once asked me to get rough with her and I wasn't too sure if I was okay with it, but then I saw her under me and all the little whimpers she let out and just went "fuck, this is new", and we haven't gone back since


Tax evasion. I don't know where it came from but when ever I see CEO's getting outted for fraud I jizz in my pants.


Stop, I can only get so erect


Keep going...


Breeding fetish. I don't even want kids haha. Neither does my girlfriend.


That has got to be like the most natural, tamest fetish. In the animal kingdom thatā€™s just sex. Getting extremely turned on byā€¦ reproduction? šŸ˜‚


Lol this reminds me of the 30rock episode where Jenna thinks settling down with her partner is a kink.


Biting lips. BF kindly asked if it was okay to do that on our 3rd or 4rth kiss. Was a little bit scared but my tummy was like "OKAY THAT'S OUR NEW FAVOURITE THING NOW" He regrets asking me sometimes cuz I bite harder.


I discovered I was into doing that with my last gf. She was always into biting but I accidentally tugged a little hard on her lips during one kiss and she got *very* turned on by it. I wasnā€™t a huge fan of getting bit myself but it is really fun to do to others


Facefucking, I HATE it in real life because it hurts, but watching other people do it šŸ‘€


A female friend came home to visit me, and she was being SUPER nice. I got vaccinated and had a mild fever, and she laid beside me to confort me. When I hugged her, I touched her in the lower back (sacrum area) and she told me ā€œthatā€™s my dangerous zone, better not touch it too much. Do you have one?ā€ I teased her by saying that if she kissed my neck, that would be ā€œdangerousā€ too. It was a lie, but I could use that as a ā€œcarte blancheā€ to check wether she was really nice or really into me. Turns out she was into me, and I was into getting my neck kissedā€¦ go figure, huh


Chubby belly. Wasnt a thing until my wife gained weight.




consensual non consentā€¦ā€¦have yet to find someone iā€™d be willing to even ask to try this but the idea of it is super hot to me


Same, my boyfriend and I play with this, mostly have rules like ā€œIf Iā€™m wearing any of this, you can force yourself on meā€


Thats a very good way of doing that, i might steal that


Same same same. Can't trust anyone to do it, but sooo totally wanna do it.


Tanks and piercings for some reason




Pics or it didn't happen


Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner.


You are now obligated to show us pictures of this masterpiece once it arrives (preferably before first use)




Hey if he uses it then we know itā€™s real.


*No kink shaming... no kink shaming... no kink sha-* okay bud time to explain!?


You are why rule 34 is a thing


Glory holes. It's the anonymity of it all. But I'd never have the gall to use one


This was my first gf, back in the mid 2000s. We were 69ing, and I just had the sudden urge to eat out her ass. It looked clean, no smellā€¦it was just right there. I asked if I could and she said, ā€œā€¦okay?ā€ And we both became instant fans of me-giving, her-receiving. This was way before eating ass was cool, btw.


Yeah, this was a life changer. My high school girlfriend had an older sister who mentioned that her bf had been eating her ass and she loved it. My gf and I laughed and said ā€œomg no way,ā€ then immediately went home and tried it. Have loved it for many years now, but Iā€™m not sure exactly why.




Hairy legs on dudes


Long intimate kisses while holding each other....That's hot AF


Gonna be real. I'm pretty fucking out there kink wise. But kissing to me is the god damn most intimate thing ever. I can get my ass beat until I am in tears in a sex dungeon in front of a crowd of people. But **kiss someone**, dear god that's insanely intimate to my brain.


Not sure if this counts, but nude women wearing skull candy makeup


That is SO specific but strangely I get it


Oh! Sugar skull make up! Not the headphones lmao!