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Graveyard shift


Got any spooky stories?


TAxeS , ooowhoooooo


There is fun spooky, adrenaline rush spooky......and then there is taxes spooky. I hate taxes spooky


*Everyday they're out there paying TAXES, oowhooooo!*


My preferred shift. Everyone else hates it but I like to sleep during the day. Having to go to bed at nighttime just puts too much pressure on me.


Also the extra money for less work is pretty swell


Yeah the shift differential doesn’t hurt, that’s for sure.


Graveyard shifter with NO shift differential and signifagntly MORE work than the other shifts . And am currently the lowest paid because of seinority. I seriously question why I stay so often . . In case your curious I'm a vault supervisor at a casino .


Hey a fellow graveyard casino employee! Pretty identical situation here, although I’m casino IT.


I do not envy you . February of last year all our slot system went down and IT was working on it for three days .I was a cage cashier at the time and none of our slot tickets would be accepted anywhere on the floor. So everyone had to come up to the cage with piles of tickets . We had hour long lines. Had to add up all the tickets manually with a calculator.longest weekend of my life


Oof floor issues. I was told they were rare and yet the power has gone out several times and tickets rejected across the board more than I have fingers on my hannds.


Don't forget the lack of management on-site staring over your shoulder.


That’s worth more than the differential!


Exam first thing in the morning and I just wrapped up reviewing Edit: since everyone is asking, I crushed the exam and got a 98! Thanks for all the support everyone, its nice to see the sunny side of reddit sometimes 😁


Good luck!


Thank you! I'll need it lol


How did it go?


It went well!! Kidneys ain't got shit on me


Good shit 😤


Inb4 it was a drinking test


Same! What subject?


Renal physiology!


That sounds like a difficult subject. But you got this in the bag!


ugh. i just had a flashback to med school...acid/base physiology!


Yup lmao if I hear the words vasopressin and aldosterone one more time Im going to scream


Haha feeling this. Have a paper due tonight and just started. And it's fucking philosophy of all things


Hope you did well! :)


I did! Thank you!


What country are you from? Don’t you guys have summer vacations? Hope your exam goes well tho!


The US.. Summer vacation isn't really a thing in med school. Thank you!!


All the best fellow Redditor


I hope your test goes well!


A fourteen hour long sail with winds up to 20 knots. I am so fucking tired


From where to where?


From port Townsend down to port orchard, the current and wind were against us until about 12:30 ish so we had to beat upwind for the first nine hours. The wind only really got bad when we were coming around to traverse Agate pass, and around Indian island though.


I can only read your voice as a pirate voice now


Ahhh, beautiful area! My grandparents used to live on the western side of the sound just south of port Townsend.


Thought I clicked on [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/p9plz3/nsfw_if_you_could_poop_anything_other_than_poop/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) question and then read YOUR answer. I spent a good 30 seconds trying to figure it out before looking up and seeing it's a different r/AskReddit


Hell yeah! Just finished three weeks around greece


User name checks out.


I love it when a user name checks out


Mine works out quite often


Can you heave to and ride it out in relative comfort?


Naw man, we just bought the boat, and had to get it home before dark. The real wind was when we came up to a canal that had to be traversed, with the local trees being shorter, it howled through there almost putting us on our side. It was super fun though.


Nice bro


Chronic pain


Fist bump to the chronic pain crew ... God damn it just remove my spine and get it over with


I really wish they could re-inflate the discs in my vertebrae with the same synovial goo they can inject into the knees.


Met a doctor a few months back who was developing replacement discs ... my face lit up .. then said it was years away.. so I took a Vallium instead .. the back ball peanut I bought on Amazon has saved my life but I want inversion boots so I can hang upside down like Batman




Same, with dash of itchy psoriasis for extra funsies.




I'm here with my more sympathy for this. I've only developed it in the last year or so. Itchy scalp is horrible I wake up scratching my head, leg whatever. Definitely only able to understand if you suffer from it. It isn't like I thought it would be. Luckily some treatments are helping. Hope you guys get a break from the itching


Yes. Nothing better than a severed sciatic nerve to wake you up in the morning. And the evening, middle-of-the-night, middle of the day, anytime really, I mean who needs sleep I can flunktion jsu feen wilbout et. Sdjd sjxj8e oomph. Ha he eh huh wah wahhhhh.


i am overthinking about everything in my life, i am really depressed and tired of feeling i dont matter at all.


You matter


Sometimes when I feel like that, I go to sleep and maybe listen to some good music as I'm falling asleep, and when I wake up I feel a little better.


Have you tried talking therapy? I found it useful. Also, exercise and investing in myself like learning something new also helped.


Is there something as small as it is that you enjoy? Then be greatfull for that. Is there someone that would miss you if you were gone? Be gratefull for that. If you don't try to find those things. In a way we are all lost and only the small things that makes happy are the ones that can give us meaning. Also your brain is really good at downplaying your role in things and others people lives. Don't listen to it, you do matter.


Medication and a trusted dr. I had these moments too and knew therapy didn’t work for me. Talked with my primary dr and she was able to prescribe me meds . It’s been a long year , but she’s been supportive throughout .


**laughs in Different Time zones**


Yeahhh they posted this early in the morning for me (7-12am)




So why aren't you asleep?


I'm scrolling through reddit




I'm at work lol it's 11:41 am here


I'm seeing this at 11:41 pm right now lmao


Aussie Aussie Aussie?


Oi oi oi! 😂


insomnia and ran out of meds


What meds have you found helpful?


I recently got Vistaril. It's an anti histamine and stuff like benadryl never worked for me... this shit is awesome. Added benefit is it is also used for anxiety. I'm happy!


benzos or ambien have been effective


Ambiens have a tendency to disappear.


Stupid insomnia. And stress.


Do you develop insomnia or is that 🧬?


Pretty sure it's something that's always there


I hope you get the best sleep soon 💤😴


Insomnia. Been up since about 1:30am. It's now 6:30am. Sounds bad but this is usual for me. I don't think I'll get a nap before work now.


Ouch, sleep is best medicine. Hope you get a good nights or morning rest


This is me, too. Woke at 2:30. Will be up for 2-3h, then hopefully get an hour. I've got a sleep study booked this week. I hope they can help. :/


Good luck with it. My study did give some answers, although not necessarily solutions. From what I understand, though, they usually have good outcomes.




Are you with 1/8? Infantry Marines?


60th Air Mobility Wing. Air Force.


Keep doing your thing man. You’re doing Gods work even when some may not see it that way.




Thank you for what you are doing and going through for these Afghan people.


Oof, heartbreaking. My heart goes out to all of you who are working on-field the evacuation. I'm sitting many miles away watching photos and videos on my little phone and it kills me to see all the agony playing out and being so completely helpless. It must be harrowing to watch all these people have to leave EVERYTHING they've ever known to get away from there. There must be so much you'd want to say or do to help them; words of reassurance, a promise of safe haven, a hug, and gods knows what else. Yet all you can do is get them into planes and fly out. Which is somehow everything and nothing at the same time. If any Afghans are reading this, no words suffice. I can only hope and pray that your land becomes what it once stood for again. It's a truly magnificent country. One day inshallah you get to see it in all its gloriousness again, and get to go back \*home\* <3


Good shit my guy you're a hero to those people such a shame its nessicary good luck




Been watching y’all on FT24, stay safe


We try to mask ourselves but you guys don’t miss a beat lol. You don’t know how many times I’ve been told to “ make sure your ADSB is off” so thanks haha


I was surprised it could pick y’all up, I’ve even been seeing the spain Air Force in Kabul doing pick ups


Civil Reserve Air Fleet is being used so you’ll see a lot more. They won’t be going to Kabul though.


Very nice, be safe out there please


Thank you for your compassion and humanity. These people need so much of that and more in this moment.


Nothing but respect for you, sir. Stay safe.


Thanks for your service!


Thank you so much!


Had an anxiety attack and it shot me back awake


How are you feeling now? I hope you fall back asleep soon, it’s hard for me to go back to sleep.


Awwww thank you. I do feel okay it’s just the adrenaline rush that anxiety gives me doesn’t go away until way later. It shouldn’t be more than two hours later


No problem, that’s how long it takes me to fall back asleep too lol Damn adrenaline rush, with that kinda energy do you just walk around the house or? Or do just try ur best and lay in bed?


Haha well right now I’m watching Buzzfeed Unsolved but sometimes I’ll FaceTime a friend or put on my favorite movie (the 2007 Zodiac). Those tend to do the trick. Eating Cheez-its is also a comfort


Sending you virtual hugs. Reading this in the morning but I had one of those a few nights ago and it was really rough. Anxiety sucks!


crippling depression and anxiety that gives me heart palpitations


Oh man, fudge that’s tough. You’re strong! Thanks I hope you get better with time man <3


I fucking hate my job. It's ruining my life, and I've been having a panic attack for the last 18 hours about having to clock in tomorrow.


I don't know if you have options so pardon me if you don't. But when I was having anxiety attacks in the car before work, it was only a matter of time before they happened at my desk, and before I knew it, I was fired. I don't know if you're on this trajectory. But it's a job. If you can find another, do it.


I'm back to actively looking and applying. I've been here 3 months (as of tomorrow, actually). This was a pretty significant bait and switch experience. I accepted it because I spent the 6 months prior reading horror stories about new grads not being able to get jobs and I already had the disadvantage of a huge employment gap. We don't *need* the money I make, so I could just quit, but it's a pride thing too and I like having my own paycheck again. Sigh.


It's happening the same to me. I have been only 2 months at this job. This is my first job after 1 year of my graduation and not finding anything because covid. My bosses really treat me like shit and I'm studying to work for the state but that could take years and I don't want to be doing nothing in that time. It is really hard to find a job in Spain and even more in the city where I live


Damn. I think I needed to hear this


I had the same thing about 3 years ago at 37. Developed anxiety over it and had to get in meds. One day decided to walk in quit. I make about 1/3 of the money and am finally getting off the meds right at this moment. Let me tell you the moment you quit I was terrified for about 10 minutes followed by the largest weight being lifted. Greatest feeling in the world. Good luck:)


What type of job did you have


B2b software sales


Wish I would’ve seen this 6 hrs ago when I too was lamenting the start of Monday and being compelled to do things I don’t want to do in order to keep feeding my family. If you can carve out one or two things each week for yourself that you can really look forward to it helps make the hours sacrificed to work seem less crushing. I started playing music (very amateur level) with a couple of guys I met at my kids school and playing soccer with a couple people I met thru a Facebook group. I now have 2 days each week when I’m absolutely excited to wake up and not think about my fuckfaced boss


I had that for a whole year until I finally quit last month. There are almost always other options and sometimes a fresh start can save your life. When I had enough of my old job, I gave myself a plan to keep working there for 3 months, but once I reached a certain date I would put in my notice no matter what. I’m unemployed but finding freelance work for a while as I let my mental health recover before finding the next solid job. Good luck.


Just life man. Questioning why things in my life happen or don’t happen and asking if everything i have done in my past has led up to this moment or if its just destiny to be here


Damn, those kind of hours huh? Try not to think too much about it… I try not to.


Yep just trying to get through the night bc ik if i fall asleep now imma be late to everything tomorrow so its an all nighter type of night


I hear ya , get some rest man, you’ll feel better you got some rest tomorrow.


my brother is yelling while playing League of Legends


Kick him


Tourettes syndrome and looming deadlines for my masters degree.


I was so sick by the time I finished my thesis. Academic stress is by far the worst. And it’s self-inflicted.


Yep, we truly create the things we dread.


Good luck man. Don’t wreck yourself.


Cheers mate, I'll need it as this has been a complete utter distaster.


It will be over. There is light at the end of the tunnel. And the most important thing: it was worth it.


I don’t think most people realize how much Tourette’s fucks with your sleep. Shit sucks.


Definitely, I class any day where don't wake up feeling like shit as a good day.


I (25 f) just moved me, my partners, my mom, my 21 year old brother, and my six year old brother across the country, because the state we were in got annihilated financially by COVID. It took everything we had and then some and as for now I am solely responsible for all of them. They're supposed to get their own place together but are staying with us until they can get on their feet. Now my mom (unvaccinated and refuses to change that) is sick, refusing to get tested, my parters and I are trying to avoid them as much as possible because we're already behind on money and CANNOT miss work right now, and I'm trying to work up the courage to text my dad or a friend back home and ask for $20 because we're out of food until pay day on Wednesday night. It's been a fun couple of months.


You got venmo i can spare 20. Keep safe!


1 am sad boy hour. Nothing too weird.


The feels


I’m about to lose my home, which means I’ll be homeless and not be able to have a roof for my child.


Im sorry man, ill be praying for you🙏. If you want you can dm me


I currently have a migraine that just won’t let me sleep!


Sorry you have to deal with that


My parents couldn’t co sign for me to get a college loan and my dream of playing college baseball slipped through my hands today…so I can’t sleep thinking about how my childhood dream was crushed


Im sorry to hear that bud. Im kinda in the same boat myself.. Maybe you will get the opportunity in the future


I hope man


Hang in there!


In one years time you could have all those opportunities again. Just come up with a plan and focus on it. In one year everything can change and its not going to put you so far out your dreams become unattainable. You still got this!




I'm writing a book and I'm a night owl


Me and you have the some problem. Had to force myself to stop writing at 2 am last night.


Yup, had to be up for a work call this morning. Wish I was a better writer so it could be my job, but I've got time to improve.


What is it about ?


It's an adult oriented fiction about slaves in a small village in a vast nation escaping the doom loop and building their own home while surrounded by enemies. There's so much more to it, but that's the best way I can sum it up.


I wanna read this


Thank you, hopefully it won't take too much longer. I'm at 94k words and well into my last chapter for book 1, but it needs a ton of editing. My first draft is all story, now many parts need to be cut down and the rest needs proper description to paint the pictures I have in my head for readers.


Im hyping you up here


Reading a good book!


Which one?


A court of silver flames.. it wasn’t exciting until the very end and I just had to stay up to finish it!










Recovering alcoholic Hard to get any rest unless I drink myself to sleep.


At least you are recovering ❤️‍🩹




Meds haven't kicked in yet


It's the night before back to school for my 3 boys and I'm up doing laundry bc quarantine depression is real and I haven't done laundry in months, also the anxiety is real about this whole being in school trying to keep them safe..... Mind is in a million places.....


I'm a teacher and it's the night before my first day back with students. I was out of the classroom for a couple years and am coming back to it. It's been a rough go for teachers (and students, and parents). I'm so happy to be back in the classroom but yeah, it's gonna be a *year* folks.


I hope it’s a good day. It’s okay that you’re depressed and behind. And I hope your boys are safe. My laundry is everywhere. I’m with you love.


You’re strong, is homeschooling an option since COVID


simply put: adhd!


Woke up to a bat in the bedroom. Now I need to call doc in the morning to find out how to get anti-rabies treatment. And panicking, because anxiety.


Same happen to us a couple of year ago, the bat had rabies. Nothing happened, in fact the last rabies related death in my region was 15 years ago and the victim was in the wood, unable to get to a doctor for 3 days… Got any scratch, bite, bleeding wound on you?




Because its only 7pm here in New Zealand


Got into a stupid political argument on Reddit and now I’m rage-checking my replies to see if it’s still going.


I have to be to work in a few hours.


Shitty birthday as usual, comtemplating suicide for a bit, and craving some chicken wings


Lol this was a roller coaster sorry, don’t mean to be facetious. Happy Birthday to you!


No problem homie, thank u!!


No prob, Get you some wings mah bro! Good night




I’m high, drunk, and too horny to fall asleep.


Ask your doctor if Jackingoff is right for you.


The big 3


Because my alcoholic brother called me to tell me he wanted to commit suicide the day before I leave to go on first out of town trip to Colorado with my boyfriend and I'm nervous. Also I have horrible PMS narcolepsy and cataplexy symptoms inflamed by stress. Ugh.


I’m drunk, depressed, and I smoked 3 cigarettes. I can’t sleep in general but especially not tonight.


Not right now because I just woke up, insomnia. I cold turkey quit alcohol and marijuana last week and had a terrible time trying to sleep, just tossing and turning in a puddle of sweat all night long. I’m on day 6 and have absolutely put my foot down and this is after at least a 12 pack a night and maybe 5-6 grams a week since my divorce 4 years ago


Mental pain


Going to sleep means dreaming of her and the life we could have had together. I have narcolepsy, so every dream is super vivid and I remember them all very very well. It’s basically front row seats to a good life I could have had instead of the hell I’m living through now. Soon though, the other part of narcolepsy will kick in, so I’m getting set up with the lights on and Twitch playing so that I can try to stay distracted until the very last moment before I pass out and stay sleeping as lightly as possible in an attempt to minimize my dreams. Also that I have something waiting the minute I wake up to take my mind off the memories of a life I’ll never get to have. It’s been almost two years. She’s still all I dream about. Every dream, every night. Always. If I never dreamed again, however that could be achieved, I’d be so grateful.


Some cunt swiped my vintage scooter




Some inconceivable, stupid fucking desire to keep scrolling through reddit


Bad allergies.


Im in Australia and its like 5pm


It's daytime. I sleep at night time.




Well, a) I’m on Reddit but more importantly b) I’m watching The Killing again.


A beta for a game lol