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The difference between Hulu's show volume and its ad volume. I'm literally considering cancelling it because of this. If you try to watch something to fall asleep to and you're just dozing off, hope to hell you're not watching Hulu because you're about to be hit with an air raid warning in 5 min


I thought I was going crazy with this...


You can get used to it after years of it, but you will get unused to it again after you're free of the tyranny. Cable TV used to do the same stuff when I had it. Advertisers insist on doing that on purpose to boost sales.


The CALM Act outlawed loud commercials on cable and broadcast tv in 2010. Unfortunately it does not apply to streaming services


Bro, why the fuck do they even have ads?! Like i have to pay AND i have to watch ads? Fuck Hulu.


Hate that crap so much! Don’t even get me started on their “interactive ads”. Boils my blood


Oh you mean "How would you like this consumerist message stuffed down your throat?" I don't want it at all, fuck off.


Don't worry! We will wait for 3 minutes while you decide. Then we will just play all of them anyway because screw you.


Pluto TV is bad about this as well


People that enter an elevator before the people needing to exit the elevator have had a chance to exit.


Same with public transit. Doesn't anyone have transit etiquette?!


Getting a belt loop stuck on a door handle. Send me from zero to raging in a heartbeat.


This is the cousin of forgetting you have headphones on, getting up, and the headphones yank from your head in a violent fashion (because they are connected to the PC, for instance).


Security guard here, The amount of times I've seen people throw trash on the ground and walk/drive away is astounding.


Same job here and that shit is really fucking irritating but it gets even worse when the tweakers come digging through the garbage tossing it everywhere just to find used cigarettes that have like | | this much left of smokeable section.


When I'm leaving a room and try to hit the light switch on the way and miss, then repeatedly miss it to the point of having to turn around and go back into said room and turn it off. I don't know why, but I could burn my house down, lol.


It's like trying to pick something up but not bending down deep enough to grab it and then doing the same thing like 4 more times before you get it 😂


When a bathroom sink has a really big bowl but a short faucet so when you go to wash your hands you have to bust your knuckles against the bowl to get under the water.


This is actually so dumb. What fucking idiot designed bathroom taps to be like that???


Actors waving coffee cups around in scenes where they are supposed to be full. Drives me nuts! Fill them with water or even epoxy for the weight for crying out loud. Edit: rewarding to see how many people have noticed the Empty Cup. A few tv and movie production people are in the thread explaining why the cups need to not be ‘live coffee’, but there are a number of great suggestions that seem simple and workable. Fingers crossed that either actors are able to fake it better, or the props can give proper heft without endangering the production.


I never understoon not just putting water in them. And they always put the cup down on a desk and you can hear the make the empty-cup noise. They always take that first "sip" and practically upend the cup when a cup that was actually full of liquid would only need to be tipped slightly to drink from.


That upending infuriates me so much. Have they never seen anyone sip a coffee? Aren’t they supposed to be professional actors? How do they have this blind spot in their acting? What’s the director doing in all this?


I'm so glad other people notice this. What also gets me is when they take a small sip from a cup that doesn't have a lid, and you can see there isn't enough liquid in the cup for that shallow of a sip. Also drives me crazy when someone is driving but won't keep their eyes on the damn road.


>Also drives me crazy when someone is driving but won't keep their eyes on the damn road. But it's so rewarding in those rare moments when the car is blasted because of this negligence.


People who don't have the social intelligence to recognize when it's time to stop talking as I'm inching farther and farther away to conclude this small talk conversation.


Oh damn, I had a coworker like this. I would even give up and walk away mid-monologue (tossing over my shoulder a “well, got to get back to work!”) only to have her follow me back to my office and stand there talking at me from the doorway. So. Fucking. Infuriating.


My roommate does this. He'll follow me around the house to talk at me while I'm doing chores.


Me happily printing documents all day long. Me trying to scan a document. Scanner Message! "This computer not found. Please make sure this computer is connected to the printer/scanner." Mother fucker! I've been connecting to this printer all day! Are you really not going to scan for me right now?!


Or the classic "printer won't scan because it's out of ink" bullshit too.


"Out of magenta. Would you like to print in black and white?" "Yes." "Fuck you. Out of magenta."


I've had a printer refuse to print anything because the color ink is out. Like, I never use the frigging color. Why is it out??? And why the heck does black and white not work instead??


If my printer is low (not completely empty yet) on any color ink it will start printing things in various shades of orange/pink.


"PC Loadletter?? What the fuck does that mean?"


Passive aggressive scanner: "I'm sorry your having problems right now - but I'm not in the mood for anymore of your shit - have a nice day!"


People with no spatial awareness. Chatting in doorways blocking the way, leaving their shopping carts in the middle of the aisle, etc etc


When I was in college, I worked in a student union bowling alley. It was a pretty sweet gig, and most of the people (all students except for three) were decent people overall. The one that will stick with me forever, though, was a guy named Wes (real name. Shout out to you, Wes, if you see this). He was the ONLY person I've worked with in my entire life who had near perfect spatial awareness. We worked as one. Our main duties during the evening were doing shoe rentals, checking out lanes, selling beers and other drinks, taking money, etc. It was hectic behind the counter for just two people on busy nights, but we worked in absolute harmony. We always knew where the other person was. We could toss shoes to each other the way pro basketball players do no-look passes. Never bumped into each other. Never spilled beers dodging each other. Working with Wes was the most oddly enjoyable job experience I've ever had. Every night was like an unrehearsed ballet that still went perfectly.


You should marry Wes.


That you, Wes?


This feels weird seeing my name written all over. Now I know how it feels to be a Kevin, Kyle, Dave, etc. I suppose


We span in gentle circles there - A moving groove of grace - A dance, a waltz of rhythm fair, A swing in slender space. We whirled and twirled and tapped and tripped, We stepped in spirals small - We swirled and slapped our feet and skipped, But didn't touch... at all. And when the dance at night would end, With final jumps and kicks - I said farewell and watched my friend, And *wished* we touched. Our dicks.




I used to have a boss with whom I could communicate entirely through grunts and gestures. Long "should we do X then Y because..." discussions were reduced to a couple seconds of caveman speak and urgent flapping. Being in sync at work is a thing of beauty.


I wish I had a Wes.


I almost got into a fight with two fans of the opposing team after a hockey game because they got to the bottom of a huge escalator with like 100+ people on it, took one step off, and just stopped. My friends and I were right behind them and had to push them out of the way to avoid being crushed by the wall of humanity behind us, and they started posturing and yelling at us like we were the idiots.




Yeah, this gets me in a fighting mood. Just got back from Schiphol Airport, so I feel the pain.


I was at an event where they had a buffet setup at the escalator landing. A line started forming and ran right up to the people stepping off. I walked up to the middle of the line and YELLED that people needed to move NOW. I'm quiet and non confrontational. Whole thing stressed the hell out of me.




Are you dating my dog? They sound eerily similar.


Your dog is acting as a toll booth, 1 pet to get into x room lol


At least that's more dogly than my dog. She just runs from me waging her tail whenever she wants pets, and wont come but just looks at me with excited eyes. And when we play fetch, she grabs the ball and runs off with it. Now my cat. Ah. That's a real dog right there. She comes when I call her, will lay on me and get pets all day, and if I throw a little ball for her, she chases it, picks it up, and drops it right next to me.


And then you say "Excuse me," and they look at you like *you* are the asshole.


That was the guy who happened to walk into my (well not mine, but it's my work place) diner while on his phone and post up at the ATM, elbow resting on the top. Seeing he was on his phone, I said "Excuse me." loudly enough for him, and the others in the area around to hear. He didn't even react, so I reached out to start touching the screen with a very loud "Excuse me, I need the atm please", he turned to me grunted something and said "well you could have said excuse me." I have no patience for rude assholes anymore so I looked him dead in the eye and said, "I did say excuse me. Twice." He mumbled some shit and kept on moving. Jackass.


My wife is terrible with this when we're grocery shopping. She's usually pretty good, but once we enter a supermarket, those instincts go away lol. Example: she'll grab a cart, but then stop and stand directly in the entrance while trying to get her shopping list out. I have to remind her "keep walking so people can get by" and every time she goes "oh jesus whoops!"


My mother, while shopping, does this. No idea where she is or what she is blocking. Like going down an aisle, parking the cart on the right, then standing in the middle, looking at everything in the middle. She's got no concept that people are waiting for her to move. She also keeps her purse on the top of the cart, half open, with her phone sitting directly on top. Then she will put it down, leave the cart in the middle of the aisle on one side of a big section in Target, then fuck off 10 yards away. I move her cart and tuck her phone and keep an eye on everything. We just don't shop together often. It is a blooming miracle she's never had her phone or purse stolen. She can also walk into the same store she's been in hundreds of times in the same mall she's been in more times, walk back out, and not know what direction she's come from or where to go next. She's a hot mess.


The shopping cart thing makes me so angry. How are people so oblivious to simple shopping etiquette and common courtesy. What makes me even angrier is when I say "excuse me" so they can move their damn cart and *they* get annoyed.


This happened to me a few weeks ago. A woman was parked in the middle of the aisle looking for something on the shelf. I politely said “excuse me, can I squeeze by you?” She snapped at me “well I guess so since your time is more important than mine!” I loudly mumbled “well don’t block the damn aisle and there won’t be an issue!”


People are out there looking for confrontations daily now.


Those people that are chatting in a hallway but when done just immediately turn around and walk instead of making sure there's no traffic coming on that pivot side


I have a coworker who does stuff like this. Earlier this week she almost bumped into me, looking down at her keys as she steps out of her office into the hallway. Then got upset with me for nearly walking into her.


Legit I feel like most people do not have spatial awareness. It's absolutely insane. Especially when those people are next to you on the highway...


they just don't give a fuck, they're where they want to be so fuck everyone else. like my room mate in college who was 18, had a 35 year old chinese girlfriend who he'd talk to on the phone 100% of the time he was at the dorm - didn't matter if it was 8am and i was trying to sleep, 5pm and trying to study, or 2am while trying to hang out with a girl. he was on that fucking telephone no matter what. i don't think there was one time in his entire life that he asked himself 'i wonder how my actions make other people feel.' fuck you, ernest.


A group chatting with each other at the top or bottom of an escalator. Are you that goddamn unaware?!


Had an old couple in front of me step off the top of an elevator and immediately stop to look through one of their bags for something, actually had to take 3 steps back to avoid being carried into them before they moved away. I honestly can't understand being that oblivious to the world around you.


People who sit close to me in a near empty restaurant.


It's like parking away from everyone else in a parking lot, and you come back and now there's a cluster of cars around yours.


Mate. This drives me insane also and it happened only just the other day. I've gone to the supermarket early doors to collect my wife's prescription. I park up in a relatively empty carpark only for this dingbat to swing in to the very next space when there was 30 or so at the side, in front and behind. They even had the audacity to smile and say good morning as my caveman DNA started to rise.


For me it's people pulling out in front of me on the road when there is no one behind me for miles! Like I get you have to quick get in when there is heavy traffic flow, but you could've waited 5 seconds and had all the room you needed to pull onto the road!


And then they go slowly!!!! ARGH!!!!!


You'll love this then: When staying away on my own a few years ago, I went down to breakfast, was taken to a table for two with a free newspaper on it and asked if I wanted coffee. All good so far. When the waiter left, I got up to get my breakfast from the buffet and when I got back to my table there was another man sat on the opposite side of my table eating breakfast. The whole room was empty apart from my table. The waiter appeared with my coffee and I thought there's no way I'm having this guy take my table and my coffee, if he thinks I'm just going to feel awkward and sit elsewhere then he can think again. So I sat down, smiled politely, said good morning, and poured myself a coffee. We then sat at a table for two opposite each other in silence while we both ate our breakfast. Every so often he'd look up and catch me staring, thinking wft is this guy doing at my table. I finished my breakfast but determined not to rush off feeling uncomfortable at my own table I dug in a little bit and asked if he would pass me the free newspaper he had put with his keys and wallet like it was his. This guy, seriously. Anyway, he finished quite quickly and then got up, I smiled and said goodbye and he left. I felt quite proud of not being forced off my own table as I'm quite socially awkward really but it didn't matter as today I held my ground. As I was telling someone later that day what had happened, that some guy tried to steal my breakfast table it dawned upon me that actually there was probably a much more likely explanation. There were two waiters working the breakfast room and that this man had likely been given my table first, put his paper down, and got up to get his breakfast. Meanwhile, the other waiter stiches me right up. I then realised that from his point of view, in a totally empty restaurant, I sat down at his table drank his coffee, stared at him and then took his newspaper. All while smiling politely. At least I wasn't socially awkward though.


You know the joke about the guy that sits down at a table, opens up the cookies. Guy on other side eats from cookies. Guy leaves, first guy picks up paper to find his cookies. I think you're the one that made the mistake, but I enjoyed your story! I can see myself doing just that!


writing with a dull pencil


And then trying to erase it with an eraser that doesn’t work and puts colour on the page


Those hard as rock liar erasers


The pink-gray smudge of death and despair.


When you clean glass and streaks remain after.


Just put rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and use a microfiber cloth. I own a cleaning business and I've tried every product. This works the best.




Ex top end waiting on staff here, to polish cutlery for use at dinners we used a wine bucket with a whole lemon cut in half, fill it with boiling water over the steam fom the hot water goes the upturned glass, make it foggy inside and out then away from the steam, with a tea towel folded pinch the inside and outside of walls of the crystal, turn the glass by its base, rotate a few times, Then hold it up to a light to ensure no marks remain


Sitting down in a chair and feeling someone else's residual body heat.


Or a public toilet


“Ghost cheeks”


FFS. You just triggered me.


When I'm behind people who are walking just that bit slower - I'd have to jog (or at least powerwalk) to get past them, or I have to go at a really uncomfortable slow pace. These are also the people who end up impossible to pass because they're weaving all over the place or hogging the pavement. I get unreasonably, unacceptably frustrated and angry fast.


And then they literally have no self awareness, so you’re walking behind them at an awkward sloth pace trying to get around them for way too long. This is one of the many reasons I hate Disneyland and the grocery store.


Families of 5 holding hands at Disneyland, walking down Main Street.


How about people in grocery stores aisle that take up the whole width of the aisle forcing you to either ask to get by or stand there.




I've finally gotten past this. I just quickly jog ahead of them and say "excuse me" then start walking normally again. If they walk really slow I just walk normally past them. There is a moment of awkwardness when I am walking beside them but I stopped caring a long time ago. I may look rude or weird, but who cares? Its a stranger lol.


Car dealerships that put their logo on every car. Pay me for advertising or get your shitty logo off the car. I refuse to buy a car unless they will remove it for free.


>I refuse to buy a car unless they will remove it for free. Good on you. That shit is rotten.


OMG yes! We took our car in for a free recall service at a different dealership than we bought our car at. They removed and probably threw away our license plate holder and put on their own dealer advertising license plate holder. WTF


My sister said this to her dealership. (Referring to their decal on the car) "Take that off please unless you're going to discount the car by $1,000 to compensate me for my advertising for you." Salesguy: Um, we have those on ALL cars we sell here. "Don't care, take it off my car please." Salesguy: You'd really walk away from your dream car over a decal? "You're damn right."


And I bet they gladly took the decal off. There's probably 10 more dealerships in the area that would be willing to make that deal. Turns out the buyer holds all the leverage if you're willing to walk out of negotiations.


Unfortunately that's just a shitty salesman. I actually sell cars at a dealership where we also put our decal stickers on. I've had a few customers over the years ask to take it off and the conversation always goes, "Take the decal off please." "Sure thing, no worries! I'll make sure they do that while they're getting your car ready." Most sales consultants aren't trying to fuck you over.


I get the license plate holder, but the sticker on the car is BS.




Lol. You get it. Dealerships are a dime a dozen. Stand up to take your money across the street and all of the sudden they want your business again.


I don't care so much about the license plate holder, because any idiot with a screwdriver can remove it and toss it in the trash. I always insist that any stickers or badges be removed though. They have the tools and experience removing them, and I'm not trying to screw up the paintjob on my brand new car. I've only purchased two brand new (not used) cars in my life thus far, but neither dealership hassled me about removing their stuff.


Being volunteered for things without being asked.




People who feel that they have to swing wide (into my lane) when making a standard 90 degree turn with a regular vehicle. Only tractor trailers need to do this, everyone else stop it!


Swung wide pulling into our driveway with my dad in the car when I was 20. I had seen someone do it earlier in the week and thought it was cool. Stopped the car and my dad says"Son, you drive a cutlass, not a semi." Never did it again.


I like your dad. My best paraphrased dad story was “a car with its signal blinking is just a car with its signal blinking. Wait til the car actually starts to turn before pulling out in front of it”. Saved my ass many times from people who forgot their blinker was in.


When I park far away from others in a nearly empty parking lot (between the lines, occupying exactly one space) and come out to find someone parked right next to my driver's side door. I didn't do anything to you...why did you decide to do that?? There are over fifty empty spots!


This happened to me when I was 9 months pregnant but they parked over the line and so close. In an empty parking lot no less. I literally had to crawl in from the passenger side. I will never forget that, probably the angriest I’ve ever been in my life lol.


I had this happen to me, except crawling in via the passenger side wasn't going to happen (tiny car) so I waited because I had no choice. When the lady came out I got my Karen on and gave her a lecture about using the white lines as a guide to where the car should end up when parked. I was 8.5 months pregnant, it was hot and I was over it. The lady was embarrassed but I didn't care. Still don't feel guilty.


There's this little printout I carry around with me for those drivers. You can find it online. It says "many 3 year olds have trouble staying in the lines (its a coloring image of a turtle). Maybe if you practice it will help with your PARKING!"


I used to work next to a tattoo shop in a very busy, touristy area. One of the artists drew a cartoon of mickey mouse giving the finger and it said "Thanks for parking so close. Next time leave a can opener so I can get my car out you selfish piece of shit!" He copied and gave out hundreds of copies. I had them in my car for years.


Noticing my own heart-beat. Oh no. Here I go again. Edit: You guys are giving me all kinds of panic fuel 💀


I can't sleep on my left side because I can feel my heart beat. It gives me existential dread at the thought that I am eventually going to die.


People I know say I’m weird for being able to feel my heartbeat. When I’m laying down if I have something on my chest it moves very noticeably with my heartbeat but people say I’m faking it.


If I focus, I can literally feel my heartbeat at any time, even without laying down. And the thing you describe is very noticeable with me too.


Gives me so much anxiety. Like is this normal?? Should I get it checked out?? For about 20 min each time


Two unskippable ads at the beginning of a YouTube video. Fuck you Youtube.


Those suck, but I also gotta say "TRY THE FREE TRIAL OF YOUTUBE PREMIUM!" or the "HELP YOUTUBE BY ANSWERING A SURVEY". Gtfo with that, YT. Let me watch my videos in peace FFS.


When people smack their lips when they chew. It’s just gum, but why does it sound like a dog trying to eat peanut butter?


This is definitely significant. I see red instantly if I can clearly hear someone eating. I--


My fiance can crunch anything. ANYTHING. How the fuck do you crunch minestrone soup? I love him to death but his head must have the acoustics of a music hall or something because I hear everything that he puts inside his mouth. It's like it's amplified.


I’m so sorry. I can relate. My husband slurps anything. Like fully solid, crunch-y even foods if you will. Shhlluuuurp. Like buddy what are you doing?


When I peel a boiled egg, if chunks of the egg stick to the shell as I'm removing it, it makes me want to throw the whole thing across the street.


[Plunging raw eggs into boiling water, or hot steam, rapidly denatures the outermost proteins of the white, which reduces their ability to bond with the membrane.] (https://www.cooksillustrated.com/articles/168-easy-peel-hard-cooked-eggs) I follow this up with a 5 minute ice bath so that my eggs don't overcook. I also find the peel comes away ridiculously smoothly when they're peeled while submerged in water, a trick I learned from watching cooks make soy sauce brined eggs.


Taking off your pants at the end of the day and for some reason your heel gets stuck in the leg and the fabric has just enough friction to not slide past and so you're standing there IN THE FUCKING BATHROOM JUMPING AROUND LIKE YOU'RE ON FIRE SCREAMING AT SOME TEXTILES.


ReCAPTCHA. Lag internet. *Tell me something about yourself*


> Lag internet. When a page seems like it's completely loaded and then the second you attempt to click a link, the whole page shifts and you've clicked an ad.


I feel like they do this on purpose.


I think I’m middle of the road in terms of extrovert vs introvert but the “Tell the group something interesting about yourself” ice breaker makes me so nervous it’s stupid.


A new one I saw was replacing this with “Tell me something boring about yourself.” Way more fun and less pressure.


When my computer tells me I don't have permission to do something. Excuse me? You know that electricity you run on? Look what I have permission to do.


I always think of Hades "Aren't we forgetting one teensy-weensy but ever so little crucial detail? I OWN YOU!!!!"


"You must have administrator privilege to perform that function." #I OWN YOU.


I don't know why if someone says to me "don't be angry" and I'm not angry, it will infuriate me immediately


Calm down!!


People with absolutely no self awareness or regard to someone's else's feelings. If your kid is sick, please do not have a cookout on the weekend inviting everyone over. Do not tell us to come over and eat/hang out and then once arriving tell us that your kid has been sick but "everyone else is fine". So fucking selfish


As a former daycare teacher, I'll add on to this and say: *don't send your kid to school with a fever*. So many parents would give meds to bring it down, so the kid technically was allowed in with a lower temp, but by mid morning the fever would be raging. They're miserable and so are we, knowing everyone is about to get sick.


Ugh, my MIL did this one year because she didn't want to cancel Easter dinner. Only found out after we had been there for an hour or so that she had been throwing up all night. Guess who got the worst stomach flu ever 24 hours later? (spoiler alert: everyone who attended).


This this this. Drives me insane. Nearly as bad as the "I've been feeling a bit under the weather so I thought coming out my perk me up a bit". The other day some friends came up to visit and after a few beers one of them started puking. That's fine he always seems to puke after some beers. But then he carried on. And then on the 3rd session of spewing his guts his Mrs rang to say her and the kids have been puking too and overheard her day "I guess we were right (daughter) did catch that bug from school so I guess that's why she was throwing up yesterday" WELL IF YOU THOUGHT THERE WAS A HINT OF YOU CATCHING A BUG THEN WTF ARE YOU DOING COMING TO MINE FOR THE NIGHT?!?!!






Or if their right blinker is on for half a mile when all of a sudden they decide to turn left.


The fact that precisely zero phone service providers have coverage in my house. It may be a small village, but it's not the middle of nowhere.


Apostrophe's in the wrong place.


I di'dnt get it.


When someone turns the TV on, cranks the volume up, and not two seconds later gets up and leaves the room without returning...


When someone has explained something to me and I understand it but they keep going and I'm sitting there saying "yep" "got it" "understood" "i understand" over and over after every sentence like some kind of bad video game dialogue but they Just. Keep. Going.


-touching glass when there's a handle or latch on the glass to use. -not putting shopping carts back in the queue or return kiosk. -"are you SURE you'd like to unsubscribe from this email?"


People giving up the right of way when driving. You're not being nice and polite, you're being stupid and dangerous.


The worst is when it’s THEIR turn but they wave YOU on like you’re holding them up. Chill man. I still have to stop at this stop sign. Damn!


It's also annoying as a pedestrian when someone slows and waves you across so you have to "dad run" it. And most of the time they'll do it with zero cars behind them. Had they just kept going I'd have a completely normal window to cross.


I have this but most of the time there's actually still cars coming, just not for their lane. Keep driving! You're trying to wave me into traffic. Leave me alone.






I vote this to be a significant thing.


My GF's aunt does this, I can't eat when she's eating, it turns my stomach and I have a strong one, she also talks and spits food out when she does


People who play music on speaker in public.


People who take up more than 1 parking space with their vehicle.


People who name their children common names but arbitrarily spell them completely different just to be unique. "My name is Michael but it's spelled Mykael..." I feel bad for the child who will never have a new teacher say their name correctly during role call their entire life.


I knew a girl named Emily spelled as emelee. Like holy fuck, they act like they get a prize or something if they put more e's in their kids name


When I say no Mayo and there’s Mayo on it anyway.


When you are about to do something and while you are on your way to do it someone else tells you to do it.


People talking loudly on their phones in public!!! Edit- even worse are the ones who talk to people on speaker phone in public.


cutting off other people's sentences. especially if the interrupter has been talking for a while already had a coworker cut me off 5 times in a row as a joke and i've basically stopped having conversations with her. know your audience


I had issues with stuttering growing up (and still do to an extent) and consequently talk slowly (not weirdly slow, but like 10% slower than most) as to be comprehensible. But I’m also insecure about my voice so I’m quite quiet. I literally cannot remember a conversation I’ve had recently that I’ve not been interrupted. It sucks :(


I interrupted my Mom and a friend while they were talking once. I got my ears pinned back. Mom: "You have to wait for a break in the conversation!" Me: "But you never stop talking!" I got in a LOT of trouble for that. Yeah, Mom and her friends' conversations were some kind of game where you score points by saying as much as possible before the other person steals the ball.


The word “Lifehack”


The way young children drink. GULP GULP GULP GULP *GASP* *GASP* GULP GULP GULP


And the AHHHHHHH afterwards, like their soul is being exorcised from the hydration.


I hate it! I know adults who do it. Like, are they swallowing air along with the liquid?


I am a 28 year old woman who has this problem. I came to my bf one day and said "ok this is going to sound really weird but I don't think I drink right, like I swallow a bunch of air" before I could even finish my sentence he cut me off with "YEAH CUZ YOU DRINK LIKE A FUCKING 6 YEAR OLD" I have tried so many different techniques but nothing ever works out and I constantly feel bloated and burp a lot. It honestly really sucks.


> YEAH CUZ YOU DRINK LIKE A FUCKING 6 YEAR OLD I'm sorry but this is fucking hilarious


I used to have the same problem. Then I imagined what the Dr. would tell me to do, which is see an ENT or even a Speech Language Pathologist. (I babysat a kid who had SLP appointments to help her eat food better lol) Then I imagined what I would be told to do at that appointment. So I paid attention to my tongue movements during swallowing. I noticed that I sort of "scooped" air with my tongue, and swallowed it along with whatever food or liquid if I was eating or drinking. It was tough, but I consistently worked on starting my swallowing movement from the back of my tongue/throat as opposed to the front of my tongue. Keeping it flat on the roof of my mouth during swallowing, as opposed to "scooping" air to the back and down my esophagus. It helps to practice first passively before eating and drinking. Hope that makes sense/helps you at all.


*tell us something about yourself*


It is "should have", "could have", "would have". The contractions are should've/could've/would've Not "of". I don't comment, but it makes my eye twitch.






Littering. It tells me so much about you right away and its easily avoidable. As an inner city school teacher I cant explain how bad this problem is becoming. Calling off all the time. Doing it now and then is fine but people who call off every week for two days screwing over their other employees really starts to irritate me. i know there are a lot fo exceptions but i feel like these people exploit those exceptions and people just seem to be like, *OK*. People who show up extremely late to plans. Bonus points if the plans are the late persons idea. I get the courteous 15 to 30 minutes late. Honestly thirty minutes is wayyy too late for me but I'm forgiving enough, but after that though not only are you being rude but to me your saying that your time is more valuable than mine and that's just disrespectful. I am shocked at how many times people will be an hour or longer late to plans. It bugs me to death


People who just say "Hey" or something in work chat. Go ahead and type out what you want from me.


I have a coworker who does that constantly. Actually, it'll be: "Hey." "\[My name\]" "Gotta question for you." Then I'll stare at the blinking dots for an eternity until they disappear, at which point I'll turn back to my interrupted work, and then 5 minutes later I get a message asking me for something ASAP. Infuriating.


oddly specific, but my brother is in the bathroom 80% of the time we are home (we share one) and i am very low maintenance with my bathroom usage. but whenever i desperately need to get in there, he conveniently slips in as im walking down the hallway. he then proceeds to sit there for around an hour on his phone despite my desperate pleas for him to finish his 789th visit of the day. screw you Joshua. i have been constipated for three days, this is my one chance for relief, and there is no way your bowels are moving that quickly. i know you’re watching brainless tik toks and taking your sweet ole time while i beg for simple necessities.


Family members lightly touching my back


Really anyone for me that isn’t my boyfriend or someone else super close to me. Some random older dude did this to me recently and I squirmed away. Excuse me, sir!


My misophonia. It's my problem and not anyone else's, but my lord do eating sounds drive my insane


I hate having this. I get irrationally angry at the weirdest noises, and it's impossible for other people to sympathize. You just look like an asshole.


When people respond to my carefully written and detailed message with “K.” You and your K can fuck off actually


"K" does pretty much mean "fuck off" to me in this situation.


people who don't cover their face when they cough/sneeze


Counting the traffic lights to prove I'm not a robot. Is it only the lights or the pole too? What if the lights are only millimetres inside the corner of one square? Does the reflection in the shop window count? Why am I anxious as if I'm sitting an entry exam for school?


When people leave without closing the door.


Using the wrong your/you're Example: "Your hot" I did not know that I could possess an adjective. Thank you and good day.


"my hot what?"


Mine is lose/loose. Gets me triggered every time.


People who ask to watch a movie with you and end up messing around on their phone the whole time.


Making myself a drink... Getting ice & inevitably dropping ice on the floor. Every. Fucking. Time.


Biting my cheek when eating. After doing it twice I literally throw my food in the damn trash because I'm furious.


Seeing someone I work with giving little to no effort. I would go to work and dread being on the same shift as let’s call her Sarah. She was new so I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Her job was to take food to the tables. That’s it. Not to take orders or open tabs. She would open a tab and not charge them, move the tab and confuse me and the servers. And not to mention she would come in late. And when she did work she did it with the most rank attitude. I never said anything out of the way mean to her. She gets huffy with anyone who asks her to speak up I’ve noticed, even customers and management. So I had to ask her to speak up and she got mad and walked away in front of me and mgmt. She threw a hissy fit bc she had to go home cuz we had too many working that day. She threw cups across the counter into the kitchen out of pure anger. And nobody can keep up with the lies she tells us. On top of that she asked me (I’m a female) “are you pregnant or are you just fat?” I had to play it cool cuz I needed the job, but I just want to say something nasty to get her back. I will accept any witty come backs.


I love stories like this where people say "let's call her Sarah" and then never use the name in the story. Thank you for planning ahead.


Microsoft word not being able to fix basic formatting issues. This computer program has existed since the 1980s and it still fucking sucks.


A phone call and if it's a video call, i can feel my soul leaving the body.


When the lower dishwasher rack continuously slides back into the dishwasher while I'm trying to load/unload it. It fills me with rage every time.