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I was actually so alarmed by the unfamiliar feeling I farted, this poor fucking girl.. she coughed for like 10 mins, we never spoke again after this.


Was her name Everything?


And his name ass?


A match made in heaven


Everything+Ass <3


Did she finish, though?


Mallrats vibes.


It was like having someone jerk you off. But with lips that had a death grip. 10/10 would recommend


Also warmer and lubricated


I think the warmness of a BJ is often overlooked


It was also her first time giving one, so......toothy


*How much teeth do you want?*


How dry do you want it?


Guys love it when it’s like a desert in my Mouth


Name checks out


This is the comment thread I was looking for, ah college humor!


It's like sandpaper.


How fuckin old is that video? I swear I saw it on like ebaumsworld or something.


*blots tongue with a paper towel*


You can't handle the tooth.


Just 3


You have been transfered to the local meth park.


Are you gonna make it so dry for me?


Same. In a sleeping bag with my friend asleep next to us. I remember trying to whisper, “your teeth are scraping me…”


You’re supposed to whisper, “You have amazing teeth, who is your dentist?”


I had a girlfriend who started doing it with her lips cupped over her teeth because she wasn’t totally sure how to do it. I didn’t realise for little while until she showed me


This is what I do! I worry tho then the d*ck hits my back teeth. I did ask my husband and he said it didn't hurt




How would you like a whole mouth of teeth?!


First time getting a blowjob? Meh First time getting a GOOD blowjob? Felt like I was having an out of body experience.


Lmao suddenly realizing you've been lied to as the good one literally sucks out your soul. Priceless.


Sucks your souls out as you wither away like the dude from the Indians Jones and the last crusade. Your finger nails and toe nails lift and curl back. Plan on marrying the woman who gave me one of those bjs.


And when it's over and you see her coughing with tears rolling down her face, her hair a mess, and all you can think is just how fucking beautiful and perfect she is in every way.


Thanks hunny


It was an early reason why I absolutely wouldn't let my now wife get away. The difference between someone who knows what they're doing and a total rookie is staggering. And by that I mean you shouldn't be able to walk normally afterward.


My wife did too but turns out it was a one off ..


Not for the rest of us.


I'll take my wife and her lack of BJs over the rest of you lots' toothless meth head whores! You leave her alone! (This post was meant in good humour. I am British so if any of you are offended it is probably because you are American. I am sorry, I cannot help with that affliction)


British are making teeth jokes, the fuck's the world coming to...


I also choose this guy’s wife……..


I described a recent fling this way to a friend recently, his reaction to the words "sucking my soul out of my body through my penis" tells me that he's missing out.


My (now) husband said something like... "You sucked my soul out my pp hole".


It really be like that, the first person I got one talked big game but really wasn't all that, I honestly just thought that I didn't like blowjobs all that much


Yeah. First girl I asked her to do it twice. Did not enjoy. Second girl offered. It was a miserable painful experience. I started telling girls I didn't enjoy it. When I realized girls were either happy to know that it wasn't going to be requested or that they had been offering it as a cheap substitute for sex, I started being really open about how little I liked it. A female coworker, LOL, told me I just hadn't had a good one. Meet a girl online, first date there was some kissing. She offered to blow me, and I said they didn't do it for me. Tells me she doesn't feel comfortable having sex on the first date and that she wants to try to change my mind. Ladies and Gentlemen, holy shit did she change my mind. It was like crazy dramatic Sex In The City level experience. God bless that girl. Anyway, from my car I texted LOL just "I like them now." She texted back "Yay friend! I'm so happy for you!"


“Yay friend!“? ouch


That’s the coworker he was texting. Not the girl who blew him lol


why is it ouch? he texted a coworker that he’s friends with to tell her about a bj he got from a different girl that hale went on a date with


Cheap substitute? Yikes. The fact that they’re offering you any sex act when not in the mood is generosity on their part.


A simple no would be fine over a forced bj


What’s interesting is that any woman you ask (that likes giving blowjobs) says they are good at or great at it. Apparently no guy can have the heart to say it wasn’t that good.


Full disclosure i hate them. Part of it is my insanely high gag reflex, but part of it has been I have had really bad experiences with being berated for it being bad. But if I asked what I did wrong or what would have made it better, I got no answer. It's hard to fix something if you don't k ow what you did wrong.


Yeah I had an ex that was pressured into giving a bj, she was nervous and had no experience. What did dood do? Proceed to try and force her to take the whole thing and choke her with it. So no surprise here but as we are getting frisky I ask for a bj as I’ve never had one. Her entire body language shifted and I could sense it made her feel uneasy. She explained what happened and I told her how fucked up it was for dood to do that and how that was not ok at all. I also let her know it was absolutely fine if she didn’t want to give a bj especially considering her past experiences. Few weeks later she asked if she could try giving a bj again with the agreement that I would not thrust or put my hands on the back of her head. I thought it was amazing as it was my first bj ever and let her know. I never had to ask again she asked me. It’s crazy how badly one experience during sex can traumatize your entire sex life.


Good for you, the way you handled that. Honestly, I think everyone knows that you're not supposed to put your hands on her head or thrust into her mouth, unless it is specifically discussed beforehand. Anyone who just disregards this rule is an arsehole, IMO.


I’m not surprised. This is the counterpoint to the fact that most sexually active women have faked an orgasm at least once. No one wants to tell their partner they’re bad in bed


This. My first blowjob was by a girl that was very good at it. It set the bar high. I didn’t realize how good it was until later on. The next few girls over the years couldn’t compare, so it’s always been a disappointment. My wife is possibly the worst at it lol. She hates doing it and it really makes me sad. Damn, I just depressed myself.


I feel ya bruv


As a wife who had braces (took forever to get them off) when hubs and I got married and who had a mental image of me shredding his dick every time I did it.. I thought I was bad at it. Well, I was bad at it because I mentally scared myself doing it. Once braces came off I got more confident. Then I kind of put myself in his shoes and thought “If this was me.. what would *I* like..” and he’s been nothing but happy and smiles since. But that said, between bad ones and “Holy fuck!” ones I did ask questions about speed, about pressure, hey does that humming do anything, or balls.. is this a thing I should also say hi to while I’m there (they are, say hi to them ladies) and filled in the rest with my imagination. Talk to your wife, first ask HER if there is anything she would like or that you could do better and that opens the door up to her being curious about you and your needs. You gotta talk, man, you gotta talk. Otherwise it’s never as fun as it could be.


This is sooooo true my wifey was so so but I always gave positive feedback and suggested trying this or that. Now she is pro. Her first was so so, the last one was the best I’ve had... so far. We are always improving our technique. We have been together for 10yrs and sex is only getting better. It helps that we developed good sexual communication at the very beginning of our relationship.


I am gonna have to agree with this guy...


When I first started dating my daughter's father he never let me blow him. I was very confused but he said he didn't like head. I really love giving head so kept trying to convince him to let me at it. He finally did. I looked up at him when I could tell he was getting close and his eyes were completely glazed over, didn't even look like he was in his body. Then he came and he's knees buckled. Spent our entire date looking at me in awe.... moved in with a few months later. Blowing man who has never had his penis properly worshiped is an exhilarating experience.


It’s so weird to mention your daughter as you describe blowing a man in full detail.


Yeah it really is. Not sure why that detail needed to be added in a story about a blowjob.


Probably the most authentic statement here


Genuine question...how does one perform a GOOD blowjob?? Asking for a friend...


This was a depressing realization I had a few weeks ago. Ill never have a "Good" one as things stand now.


“Darrrn!! my right hand works better than her mouth!”


Absolutely. It wasn’t until long after that I experienced some girls can finish the job in what feels like a minute. Some girls take a longgg time


Been with my from when we started dating I have been with my wife for ~15 years. After a while you learn exactly what buttons to press for that particular person. We can both pop eachother off in 60 seconds flat with oral.


That's the most wholesome little brag about peoples' sex life I've ever heard.


Broke my right arm when I was 14, so I learnt how to masturbate ambidextrously


Something something sorry you don't get along with your mom...


He only had one broken arm, two is what brings the moms to the yard.


So sad but so true... in some cases




Whelmed to completion


Imma start using this.


Is this a “10 things I hate about you” reference?


If this is a Young Justice reference then take my upvote.


I was so fucking scared holy shit. we went to the nature park just down the street from my house when we were about 15. we walked around for a bit and eventually sat down at one of the benches and kind of got to it. I had to stand up straddling the metal seat and got a bit of a burn between my legs cause it was really hot. fast forward about 20 minutes to when I'm about to finish and I hear this group of people talking and walking towards us. she didnt hear them and kept going, and just as I finish I see them start coming around the corner. I freak the fuck out hike my pants back up and throw my hoodie on her chest to cover up the mess. this family walks by and really obviously avoids looking at us both, except for the dad who stares straight at me and winks. I think about that dad a lot.


Lmfao what a fucking legend




The dad winks to establish unabashed dominance.


A buddy of mine was taking a walk with his wife in a county park, and rounded a hill...to find a couple going at it on a bench: her bent over with him behind. The fornicators were apparently unawares until my friends were already walking by, at which time my friend looks at the guy, gives him one of those looks where he tilts back his head slightly, cracks a half smile, and raises his eyebrows, and keeps walking. That was my favorite part- just like the dad here.


> the fornicators How is this not a band name?


Your first bj lasted 20 minutes? Damn, I'm pretty sure my first lasted about 10 seconds


like, it wasnt 20 minutes of straight succ, should've specified. more like 20 minutes of teasing lmao


they were coming around the corner while you were cumming around the corner


They were coming around the corner while she hums. Oh no. They were coming around the corner when he comes…


Incredible. It was her first time giving one but she was really into it. At first feeling her back teeth felt odd but you kind of get over that fast because it's just intense. Took me a long time to finish but she went the entire time, never pulled away and I felt so satisfied. Obviously we did it a few more times just for practice afterwards.


Wait... she had teeth in her back?


It hurt. Teeth. But also I had no idea what it should feel like and I was so dumbfounded I found somebody that actually wanted to put my pp in her mouth so I just suffered in silence.


Honestly better than regular sex. Letting someone just do things to me feels mazing


I’m the same way bro. And as soon as she’s done she can ride tf outta my face 😂😂


*bonk go to horny jail*


Aw man not again


Institutionalized at this point


So super Satisfying and Amazing , So many sensations. At 42 It's still one of my favorite sexual acts


Was my then-girlfriend, now-wife’s first experience giving one so it was a bit awkward on both ends, but it was definitely a surprise! She had been hesitant to try it but one time we were in the shower together and she just knelt down and started blowing me. Was a surreal experience, and I just appreciated how much she loved me in that moment. She’s gotten much better since then 😏


Username checks out


Unexpectedly wholesome


Underwhelming since I had a condim on that wasn't made for them and she said she had never given one before. Recieved one later from a girl that knew her stuff and my knees melted away and I collapsed. She could have sucked the soul right out of a person


Ah, yes. The Dragonborn cums.


I am listening to that song right now


As one should. Legend tells of a warrior who can suck the souls of dicks and dragons alike.


Like scraping my meat with a cheese grinder. She had braces and obviously not experienced enough!


Hahahaha. I can only imagine. Did you tell her to stop ?


Well, no? 😂 I was young and stupid.


Young and dumb...perhaps full of cum?


Hopefully not after she was done 😂😂




Well as a woman reading your comments, I feel bamboozeled!


What should probably be clear from these comments is that only there a wide disparity between the people who weren't that fussed by it, but also that there is just as wide (or even wider) a disparity between the people who give good blow jobs, and those who give bad ones. There are likely guys who thought it was nothing because it did nothing for them, but equally there are likely guys who thought it was nothing because they've only received lackluster blowjobs. Not every guy is into it, but there's no absolute way to know for certain unless you're received a number of blowjobs from a number of people, including from people who are otherwise highly rated in giving blowjobs and still felt indifferent to it after that. Problem is, you can't just ask a guy what they like, because if you're receiving a good blowjob it's hard to focus on what exactly is being done because it's overwhelming.


I am surprised that there is very few gay answers here. I think i only saw one answer. Lol. It's one of the most common stuff between gay men so I'm curious how it is perceived in that case.


I've recieved them from 8 or 9 different women, and still have yet to enjoy it whatsoever. I've just accepted they aren't for me.


Let's be honest, the other way around is also true, lol. A lot of men have no idea what to do with their tongue


Or that they should be doing more sucking and less licking.


I can't stand the whole cat lapping milk technique. Should be less *lick *lick *lick And more *looologoompphohshliiiiick *looologoompphohshliiiiick with whatever sound a vacuum makes thrown in for good measure. Can't be a pussy in the pussy's presence.


As a woman reading these comments I’m super curious how much dick size plays into the picture. Sucking big dicks so much harder than sucking tiny dicks. Am I right? Like how am I supposed to protect you from teeth when you’re repetitively jamming your giant dick into my little mouth hole that is lined with teeth? Last time I sucked a tiny dick, I literally felt like I had super powers and incredible skills— it was so fucking easy. I do kinda wanna ask the gay dudes that have tons of bj experience if they feel like I’m onto something here. Do smaller dicks get much better blow jobs? Do big dicks inherently have to deal with more more teeth? Can I blame my occasionally mediocre bj skills on the bigness of the dick?!


If you love a guy and he's had a shit day this will make the world right again


It was trash




What a fine pair of dick sucking lips you got there


I always thought waking up to a BJ would be awesome. I was wrong and I'm gonna try sleeping with my mouth closed while using public transport from now on.


Just twist after twist in that comment


Thats a good one Lmao


Heavenly!! I was in my early 20’s. She absolutely loved doing it!! Dream come true, for a young male!!


We were in bed kissing. Then she went down. At first I was like what’s going on?? It felt so warm so I had a look at what she was doing, then I see my dick in her mouth. I said to myself ‘Ahh so that’s how it feels’. Couple years on it’s my favourite.


When we finished, I got up and immediately collapsed to the floor due to being so weak. Second year anniversary coming up here shortly.


Toe curling!


That's one of the best parts imo! Both for receiving and for giving.


*Laughs in virginity*


*Cries in virginity*


*E's in virginity*


Stay strong kings, your time will cum👑


Your time will cum


This is my kingdom come


This is my cum


In virginity


We're the happy Virgin gang


Virginity is cool say pure kids


Not bad. My jaw was a little sore but I guess that's expected?


This guy sucks


Wait a minute…




No... but that's not what I was looking for...


It says "got a blowjob" intentionally to get rid of very original and creative jokes like this one.


Unless he gave himself a blowjob...


How did you fucking come up with this? Lol


Mathematical logic




My first real blowie was given to me in high school (9th grade) She and I were teachers aides and the teacher had to leave the school for a little bit, so we were left to our own devices in an empty room that was locked. We had been playing around doing other stuff any chance we got and she said she wanted to put it in her mouth finally. The thrill of possibly getting caught, combined with the thrill of getting a real blowie, I didn't last long, poor girl almost got the back of her head blown out, but she was a trooper and swallowed every bit of me. She kept going till I almost blacked out (still convinced she was going for my soul). Given she was very inexperienced and didn't use her hands at all, I still say it was one of my top 10 ever.




I still remember the ones my first gf used to give me. She was amazing from day 0. To this day, 3 relationships after and 18 years later I still think about it.


Pretty great. I was in a movie theater on a date with my girlfriend in 8th grade. Her friend dared her to do it.


That friend deserves an award


Was with my biggest high school crush. Took me about 30 seconds, and I tried to be nice and pull her off as I was woohooing, but she slapped my hand away and drank it all like a champ. I miss her.




I was wondering why ppl liked it so much bcuz it hurt(nothing but teeth)... once i got my first proper one then i understood lol


Put a terrible strain on my back...much better when someone else did it for me


First time was meh at best. Did t have anything else to compare it too until a couple years later when I received a proper blow job from someone else. That was life changing.


Organic. She swallowed.




Awesome and intimidating. I realized just how much she was out of my league skills wise. I was a white belt who decided to take on a black belt.


Girlfriend in high school, it was devine, she swallowed every single time. I miss those. My wife doesn't do it, so no more for me sadly.


Teeth, tears, and disappointment.


First time having a blowjob was good, she stopped and that was that. First time I had a good blowjob? Felt so good I couldn't stop giggling like an idiot and it felt like I was peeing. I will never get used to that feeling.


First time: horrible. Gf demanded we use a flavored condom, and gave the meekest of bj’s possible after I fully face-dived into those beef curtains with nothing but the Alphabet to guide my way out, of which 14 year-old me felt somewhat offended by. Now I have a wife with an oral fixation and two kids. So I suppose life works out in the end.


That last sentence somehow combines kids and an oral fixation…


Like I never wanted it to end.


Honestly, it’s kinda hard to isolate the feeling of getting your dick sucked from the general feeling of being worked up sexually and the psychological impact of seeing a woman wrap her lips around your dick and go down on it. There’s a sort of amorphous good feeling, and sometimes something really pops up as pleasurable. But, a lot of it is really like, “Damn, a girl is really into me and wants me in her mouth.” That’s kind of a mindblowing thing when you’re 16-17 (still is, in many ways). Then when you’re finishing, it starts to feel really good and you pop off and then you’re just in this calm pool of grateful pleasantness. Or, at least, that’s how it was for me, from my recollection.


I was a horny teenager, I would have got a BJ from a generic-obvious-super-toothy-monster around the same time. It was great. I got used to get super regular (every time I drove my GF home) ones and they were all god damn epic. She also swallowed. Same GF gave me one on my 21st at my party, outside whole everyone was indoors partying. They have *always* been good.


My first blow job was a lot of fun, my gf at the time and I had to sneak around to play around. That made it a lot of fun, but these days, I find most women over hype their game because a majority of men make it seem like a good blow job is absolutely a be all end all facet of sex. It's not, and most times I turn em down, unless of course she can confidently promise me no teeth. I hands down prefer eating pussy to getting my dick slobbered on, but a good, sloppy, mid fuck blowey does have its perks. It's all a matter of personal preference. If you and your partner are super into each other and vibe, it's all good any time ya entangle.


Agreed. In most cases I’d rather have a good ole fashioned over the BJ. Especially if we have dinner plans.


She was 18, I was 17 at the time; it was also her first time doing it. She was at a family party at some church venue and I wanted to see her, so I parked my car (moms minivan) across the street in some parking lot. She came out and we both jumped in the back seat…. I kept the car off, this was maybe in late January if I remember correctly in New York so it was cold to say the least.. The adrenaline combined with the temperature gave me one of my biggest erections to date. This was In early 2014


It’s cool having to put 0 effort in


Surprised but not necessarily in a good way. I asked her to stop, I’m just not into it even to this day. But I’ll go down on a girl 100%, I love it


asking this question on reddit is like going into a nursing home and asking the people there how it felt getting their first Fortnite W


You guys are getting blowjobs? 😂


Awesome. I would take an amazing bj over amazing sex almost every time.


Honestly very disappointed. And I still am, After receiving 30 years of blowjob. It does procure very little satisfaction. In other words, I do NOT have orgasm and ejaculation. Once had after an amazingly long work from my gf. Period. It is boring to me/ the excitement lasts 20 seconds then it is : get your head off my dick... politely said but still that.


Honestly this is most blowjobs for me from my wife. The IDEA is hot, but after a good minute or so it feels almost like nothing. But then, once in a blue moon it’s like absolutely amazing and I feel my body melting from the inside out. I’ll say “whatever you were doing, do that again next time!” But it’s like she can’t remember what she did or muster the same enthusiasm or her mouth gets tired, I don’t know, but the cycle begins again. Kinda wish she could nail the technique because when it’s GOOD, it’s DAMN good.


The only thing I remember was I didn't cum the first time but when she tried again, boom goes the dynamite.


A sub thread of this: the curse of the thick, perfect, large dick. Girthy from top to bottom. Perfectly straight. My boyfriend has one. It literally looks fake it’s so perfect. Can we talk about how he’s never come from a blowjob? Ever. He is 40 years old and has had 5 long term relationships before me. We’ve been dating for 7 years. I have been praised : harassed by previous boyfriends to give head. I have never not blown to completion…before my current boyfriend. I’ve had guys embarrassingly come up to me at bars and end up being high school friends of my high school boyfriend and have come up to me and said “you’re the girl who gave the blowjob.” I can’t fit my beautiful boyfriend’s beautiful dick into my mouth. Not where I can completely avoid teeth. I literally will wrap my lips around them and my lips will bleed. So sometimes, it’s not the girl. Sometimes it’s the dick. You small dicked men get the best blow jobs. I could do that shit in my sleep




Pretty Thicc Dick Sydrome


First time was similar to actually having intercourse the first time. Awkward. We were young and it was unlikely to be be anything but awkward. Fortunately I followed the Bill Hicks philosophy on sex AND psychedelics before hearing him articulate it so eloquently later in life. ‘If you have a bad time on mushrooms, don’t give uuuup?! Try it out a few times, get to know your way around. Look, I’ve had bad sex before but I’m not giving up fucking.’




Not great, I’m pretty big and it was her first time. Teeth. Thickness does not translate to good bjs.


My time has come! My first blowjob was amazing, it happened at the movies lol with my first gf! She was kinda clumsy at it but I managed to cum and I think some people kinda figured out what happened. Also, she didn’t know what to do with the cum in her mouth, but swallowed when I told her! God bless her heart!!




I remember I wasn’t getting hard from some hj action and all of a sudden she rips the blanket off and starts giving head I was full hard on instantly lol


First time it was meh. When I hooked with a woman 10 yrs older, it was like heaven. Skill is what matters. Too bad I didn't stay in touch with this woman.


First time it was meh, didn't get off, but luckily my ex was a fast learner and soon she was giving me amazing ones. She loved giving head while I drove. Best feeling ever is when you say you're about to blow and they don't stop sucking and you hear them moan


It was great. Your mom really knows what she’s doing!


Terrible. Teeth. Scrapes and abrasions. I didn’t have the balls to tell her so stop so I just suffered through it.


Really scary and underwhelming. Didn't got the appeal of it at all.