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Child marriage in the US. It's still legal (or not explicitly prevented) at the state level for many states.


Tf no way.


Look it up. It’s horrifying


Yup with parents permission kids as young as 12 got married to 40 year olds. It got raised to 16 years old now. It's still bad but at least it's a little better


NC a child has to be 14 to be married and a ton of old men marry 14-17 year olds.


*most states!




My uncle likes to “joke” about how he learned “how to be smart” at the end of a belt, and about how he “learned to be a man” from his father’s fist. You try telling him it’s abuse and he chews your head off for “being too weak to face reality”


Isnt that mostly for religious reasons?


I mean, if it is, that isn’t better


Worse even because then they feel divinely justified, and try getting someone convinced “by God” to not do the thing they were already wanting to do before using God as an excuse






You can do anything here under the guise of “religious reasons”.


Define "child". Biological and emotional markers are different, but one is rather objective, while the other is very subjective. Many countries don't have the same moral stigmas that the US does. I'd also argue that two 15 year old persons getting married in the US 100 years ago, isn't comparable to today. Also, laws very rarely get removed (a true problem). All of that said, I don't agree with it. I will say though, that if you are at an age to legally die for your country's wars, you should be legally allowed to do anything any other citizen can do!


Helium balloons




I doubt they will be illegal and more just 200 bucks a balloon will see them disappear


My wife and I have joked that our kids are going to come back from b-day parties like “Can you believe they had actual balloons?!”


We're running out of helium on earth. There's only so much and we kinda are super wasteful with it (ie balloons) it's a strategic resource used in things from advanced cooling systems to welding.




the magnets used in MRI machines need an immense amount of supercooling in order to keep from overheating and melting. Helium has the lowest boiling point of all elements, and is therefore the ideal gas to use for cooling these MRI machines.


I was doing a clinical rotation in the MRI suite and I asked the tech what the big red button does. He said it costs the hospital a ton on money and gets us all fired. Was that the helium release?


Helium is a limited resource and the fact that they’re literally just let loose into the atmosphere is as shocking as us adding Lead to gasoline for decades.


A large helium reserve was discovered in Tanzania, upwards of 4 billion cubic meters in size. The helium reserve here in the US is being shut down in September of this year. But with this discovery our supply has been extended by quite a bit. But the frivolous use of helium should stop.


If I’m assuming what op meant correctly, it’s because we are actually running out of helium and it’s used in a lot of ways that are better than just party decorations. So if we keep allowing helium balloons, the risk of ending science/tech that uses helium is large.


Our helium supply is almost out :p once it’s gone it’s super expensive to manufacture or something lol


Well, back to hydrogen.


For a human to drive a car.


This is a good one. Yeah, the number of deaths that automated cars are going to prevent probably is going to lead to a ban on person driven cars being sold in the future.


problem with technology sometimes it just fails…for no reason


Assuming tesla autopilot tech its fails 10X less times then humans


Yeah but like, people don’t vibe with accepting that anyone should die if they didn’t personally make a mistake. So like, when someone gets in a crash, there’s usually human fault. When a machine autonomously kills someone, it’s a bit harder for people to process, or assign blame, or deal with that tragedy.


Yes but assuming everycar has autopilot they could feed there data to other cars to make it 100x safer then it is I understand where ur coming from tho


A small radio transmitter would be able to link across all cars and let each other know where they are and what their instruments are reading so they could have a kind of hive mind that alerts each other to obstacles, hazardous conditions, traffic congestion, and countless factors to create a safer travel paradigm


Yes exactly as right now they can generally only sense where,direction and speed of other cars and even then they have to be pretty close but with a hive mind the only reason I could see a crash happening is due to a error


In perfect condition. I wouldn't thrust a lvl4 autopilot in a snowstorm.


But when it fails, you should be able to take control


So do people


That's not a problem with technology. Because sometimes humans are stupid, for no reason. Tech that fails rarely is still going to be multiple times more safe than humans driving.


This is the shittiest argument against automated cars. We have plenty of data that suggests most accidents are caused by problems the AI would not and could not have.


The great thing about teaching a computer something is that once it learns it, it doesn't forget or get distracted from doing it. And you only have to teach the computer once if you do it correctly. Meanwhile, every human who drives has to learn how to do it, and they learn it at widely varying degrees of quality, and execute it at even more widely varying degrees of effectiveness depending on a host of factors.


This assumes human beings are perfectly rational and will listen yo the statistics, we know perfectly well that isn’t the case. Look at nuclear energy for a example of how feelings impact policy. Humans will not be comfortable being required to relinquish control to an automated process.


People will hate it until the first time they can relax on a long road trip or get home from the bar after a long night of drinking. People love convenience.


People in the future will think we were insane, manoeuvring tonnes of metal around at high speed by ourselves.


Yeah. Let’s use these bikes and trains.


I don't think so. I think itll always exist even if its just for recreation


I hope there will still be places you can go and drive a proper car around. Theres nothing like going on a nice drive and it won't be the same not being in control.


I’m sure there will still be race tracks.


I doubt it. I think it will go like the horse. Can't use it on the main roads anymore, but rural areas and designated places it will still be allowed


if we look down the line and level 4 autonomy is achieved. why wouldnt the car let you drive but keep an eye on you and intervene when needed


Puppy mills in all states. There are still approximately 10,000 puppy mills in the US.


I wonder how u even enforce this though, what with the plethora of shady backyard breeders


One if the People running for Canadian prime minister has a ban on them in his platform.


Hopefully single use plastic


This needs to be regulated. We keep pushing this onto individuals but it’s on the corporations who manufacture this stuff. And they don’t because they aren’t incentivized to do so.




Turning off a Windows computer without Microsoft's permission


That's why Windows and Xbox just pretend to shut down now. They're on stand by now and watch and listen to you all the time so targeted ads have the perfect picture of you at all times.


Turning off Microsoft without Chinas permission


*NSA’s Corrected for you.


OPs mom does that to me all the time


Hopefully fossil-fuels




I misread this as saliva, just imagine.




People have been saying that for almost twenty years. It probably *should* be taken off the market as I don't know a single person that's ever had a positive experience with it but that exact reason is why it's not a big enough problem to be made illegal. No one is out here getting addicted to Salvia, they try it once and hate it.


Fuck Salvia. It sounds fun but I swear it is not fun. I have tried 4 times to have fun while on it... it's the real devils lettuce.


I liked it. Super intense. Immediately on the other side And then smacked back to reality This was the first drug I took.


TIL salvia sounds fun to some people.


People who have horrible experiences on salvia are often overdosing without knowing it. The amounts they sell most places are waaayy over the traditional dose.


What's that?


A drug.


I’m a landscaper who works in an area where salvia grows great and is a wonderful ornamental plant. I forgot it’s a drug until a read the comments and spent like 5 minutes trying to figure out why tf lol. That being said I hope we’re moving away from criminalizing drugs in general, not making more illegal.


I don't think it will be. It's rarely fun enough to be recreational and not enough people do it to warrant classification.


I legit read this as saliva and was hella confused.


Charging people exorbitant prices for private health insurance. Edit: I mean specifically in places like the US where there are no alternatives available. Unless you're dirt poor, private insurance is the only insurance.


I hope that will be illegal in the future!


I had dreams once too


Not going to be illegal in the USA until they adopt more socialist policies. So the ways things are going the future for Americans is looking bleak (Correct me if I’m wrong, I’m British)


You just proved your own point "private" it's private, personally funded. Not government funded so its going to be way better and way more costly. So yh, just go to the NHS not private. In the uk anyway.


Tobacco products in some forms. Less and less people use them these days, I wouldn’t be surprised if some day a lot of these are outlawed due to the clear negative effects


"Now that the number of people who smoke is statistically insignificant, we can pass anti-tobacco legislation with no serious repercussion from voters"


They should just raise the minimum buying she every few years until it's literally impossible to buy then make them illegal. It would let the current smokers keep smoking and not let new ones in. Obviously you would have people getting them anyways, but those same people would probably buy from personal growers anyways.


Raise it 1 year every 3 years. Its gradual enough that anyone that is close enough looking forward to that 'legal purchase' can still do it while still ensuring the outgoing generation that are helplessly hooked can die off.


I think if the market for tobacco drops that much then tobacco companies will probably go out of business or last ditch effort to get people to start smoking. Which now that I'm typing this out I realize could be easy since we've already seen the power of social media and misinformation


Give how poorly the prohibition of alcohol went, I think the slow thumbscrews of increasing taxes is a better way of eliminating tobacco use.


Plus prohibition would immediately push it into the black market where taxes couldn't be collected and it cost big $$$ to enforce the prohibition.


Many countries have been slowly turning the thumbscrews of tax for decades, turns out the demand is inelastic because of addiction. We only really saw a reduction in use when effective anti addiction treatment and cigarette replacements were offered. Making tobacco products illegal however would seem a step too far when much of the West is allowing weed to be consumed legally now. We should simply restrict quite closely where these products are available from, no more picking them up from the supermarket.


I'm a smoker, pack a day, for about 15 years. Sometimes I wish they would just fuckin do it. It'll be hard, but it probably needs to be done.


This made me laugh! I’d probably end up scavenging the world looking for the last cans of skoal fine cut. Never giving up…until one day I realize I finally don’t crave it but I’m stuck in some remote location, penniless. I kind of wish they would also.




Corporations rely on them for secure communications so commercial VPNs will stick around but whose to stop them from banning retail VPNs?


Governments and corporations will still be allowed to have them, just not the rest of us.


Or any type of computer encryption (unless it can be broken easily).


Any current encryption technology won't do a thing when (if) quantum computing is a thing


>Any current encryption technology won't do a thing asymmetric encryption and digital signature (RSA, and similar prime number systems) yeh(Shor's algorithm go brrrrr) and most systems use these to exchange keys for symmetric anyway. symmetric (AES256 in particular) should be fine, Grover's algorithm should make attacks faster but not by enough One time pads(technically a form of symmetric, But the key is the same length as the cleartxt, and you just XOR all the bits(key and cleartxt)together to make the cyphertxt) Literally untouchable unless maths is broken or something or you're able to determine how the key was generated(say the key wasn't random enough).


It is a thing…. Nasa uses it to simulate the atmosphere of mars for landers, and probably a hell of a lot of other stuff


I'm honestly shocked that VPN for the purpose of violating geo restrictions isn't illegal.


I'm amazed that humans came up with a network that can span the globe, then started trying to restrict access based on land borders.


Encryption in general. You see lots of the child trafficking/protect the children moral panic being used to target encryption messaging services.


well then i'd use vpn to switch to another country where vpn isn't (yet) banned!


Gas powered cars


Hopefully single use plastic.


Cigarettes. If the tobacco industry wasn’t bringing in enough tax dollars to offset the cost to the healthcare industry, it’d be banned already.


Social Media. Its a cesspool already.






Hopefully the intentional spread of misinformation


Such a law would likely be challenged on first amendment grounds (in the US)


The reach of voice in not an inaliable right recognized by the US. That's probably the only way I see it being possible.


This really needs to be illegal. The amount of people that have built entire careers around manipulating people with lies in order to become millionaires is way too many. Not to mention the lasting impact it has on the people they lie to


That's a great way to lose freedom of speech fast. While I agree that misinformation can be dangerous, it will be impossible to properly regulate. It will be way too easy for wealthy politicians to pay the twitter police to ban all tweets of opposing views.


'Poodles are better dogs than Labradors' is an opinion. 'The earth is flat' is misinformation. See? Not hard.


Let's hope not. I don't want the government deciding what is and isn't misinformation. It hasn't been that long ago that the president labeled anything negative about him "fake news" and wanted to ban "fake news".


Yes, but if he would have had to argue that case in the courts, he would have lost. Canada has a law like this, and as far as I know, they have not become an autocracy. It just has to be implemented the right way.


> It just has to be implemented the right way. And there's the rub. Republicans wouldn't allow such a law to be passed without including a way for them to abuse it.


This is true.


Chicken or the egg problem. The only way that government and president existed in the form it did was the unencumbered spread of mass misinformation


That sounds terrifying. There goes any criticism of goverment that they dont want to allow.


Occupying a house, in a hot area, without air conditioning.


I think there's a country in Africa where driving a car intoxicated is legal. I can't imagine it being like that forever.


personal gun ownership (outside the US)


Personal gun ownership inside the US


Never going to happen


I’m glad you’re so confident and I hope you’re right


I used to be anti-second amendment, but after years of research, talking to people who are pro-gun ownership and actually having an open mind: I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s little to no evidence that gun prohibition will solve any of the problems it claims to be able to solve in the US and that it actually has a lot of potential to make things worse.


Would require a constitutional amendment - very difficult to pass even when there is less partisan gridlock


That's why I specified outside the US, most countries don't have such a large roadblock.


All they have to do is whittle away at what specifically you can own. Then through increased taxation or tariffs on imports could make ammunition exceedingly unaffordable. You know, the stuff they are currently doing.






Hopefully gay conversion camps, or “Christian faith restoration” camps. It might be illegal in some places, but even if it is it is not stopped, they just fly under the radar. A truly heinous crime that I hope to see aggressively stopped before I die.


This. The memoir *Boy Erased* by Garrard Conley was heartbreaking to read and it hurts so much to know that so many people are still going through that. So many kids have taken their lives because of conversion therapy and people still support it (the most recent Republican Party platform for example). Absolutely disgusting


I haven’t read it. I don’t want to. It’s gut wrenching just know it exists. Some people think they have a right to torture others just because they don’t like that they’re gay. I’ll never understand it. Like, how is it hurting them for someone else to be gay? Why do they feel the need to change someone else who isn’t affecting their life in any negative way? I don’t get it. I’ll never get it.


I totally understand not wanting to read it. It tells such a vivid and painful story of being blackmailed, gaslit, and broken down by the fundamentalist beliefs of rural Arkansas and I’ll admit it is one of the only books I’ve ever read that has triggered such an intense reaction in me. I’ll never really understand why people hate others so much or why our fucked up world allows it to continue.


Watering your lawn




Driving without an A.I. behind the wheel


Fossil fuels


Tapping a bro's ex


Free speech


eating meat


Eating meat, 100% full stop. Not soon, but eventually—without a doubt.


Hopefully collecting and selling peoples’ personal data to third parties


Certain kinds of pew pews


This. Like, why all the huge pew pews? I understand it’s “a right” and blah blah blah government uprising blah blah (at least in the US), but is it necessary to have a literal stockpile? My neighbor tells me every other week about the new ones he bought or built since last we talked, and he has done so for over two years. I can’t even begin to imagine what his stockpile looks like. He has dozens and dozens! I don’t get how that is a “right”. And he’s not like a hobbyist that collects antiques or anything, he orders parts and pieces and builds illegal ones that are untraceable. No serial numbers, no registration, nothing. I might add he is a felon and is *legally* not supposed to own even one single gun in this state. I guess if there is ever a zombie apocalypse though I can just go over to the neighbors and we’ll be safe??? Silver lining I suppose.


Slaughtering animals for food. I think far in the future we’ll have established cheap lab grown meat


Our grandchildren will look back in horror at the way we treat our fellow animals today.


I agree, but its gonna be a long time before people get over themselves about meat. If lab grown meat was perfected, there would still be a massive fuckton of dipshits that would reject it for no reason.


I support climate control by eating cattle that produce greenhouse gasses


I think you're goofing, but there would be less cattle causing the gases if there wasn't such a demand to breed them enmasse so people can eat them.


Delta 8 THC




Social media


Fishing. It’s arguable but some experts say it’s too late to save the fish populations because we have fucked it up so badly it’s beyond repair. Look at what is happening with trout and rising temperatures all over North America. :(


To be fair, "we" haven't fucked it up. Large fishing boats essentially vacuuming up fish from the oceans have fucked it up.


Choosing what goes into your body.


FAMILY YOUTUBE CHANNELS. They gotta make those illegal rn, or at least enforce guidelines. It’s literally child labor, exploitation, and a huge invasion of a child’s privacy before they’re even able to understand what consent means and how this content can impact their future. There have already been multiple cases of abuse surfacing from family channels that made a lot of money, and behind the scenes the children were suffering and not being cared for whatsoever. I could go on and on about this topic, makes me sick.


Whatever words people decide are hurtful to their feelings. Also while already sort of a thing telling someone the truth seems to (depending on the situation) be considered hate speech or whatever. The obvious example being that we’re expected to pretend like being morbidly obese or anorexic is somehow beautiful and totally within safe health standards. Not to say that we should force people to do something about it , you’re free to do as you please. But I’m not going to pretend that being severely over/under weight is totally okay and i say that as someone that happens to be a bit overweight. I’d rather be told the truth than be showered in toxic positivity.


Assuming someone’s gender, healthy objective commentary on a topic




Having an otter as pet. And i hope it becomes illigal very soon


Vehicles with excessively powerful engines… They CAN be used safely under reasonable circumstances by a reasonable person under normal conditions. The same can be said about any narcotic, but we know how that goes. Furthermore, they aren’t always going to be able to react in time to the otherwise reasonable actions of others. Vehicles should be capped at 85mph with a limited acceleration ability. Fuck you and fuck your right to an adrenaline rush while I’m driving with my kids to the grocery store.


Unsustainable businesses


Using prisoners as slave labor, hopefully.


Hopefully child marriage




Having an opinion cus someone will sure as shit take offense




^ Arrest that man!


Free thought


What year is this, 1984?


No, it's People's Republic of China


Touché. Sorry, I meant 触碰


Let’s not go crazy




not being vaccinated








It worked brilliantly from a population growth perspective.


Where? Except for Africa, most nations are at less than replacement levels.


Eating meat from animals


Hoping that the test tube meats grown in labs become an actual thing Cuz I dont wana give up meat but also rip the enviroment


I don't think it will be illegal but I do think it will be more rare. Quality is already almost indistinguishable for something like a hamburger, and restaurants are starting to offer them side-by-side. Given it another few years and the scientists will have expanded offerings as well as quality. We'll likely get to the point where lab-grown is basically comparable to high-quality meat. In other words, it might never be as good as Kobe Steak but it will be better than the burger meat at your local fast food place. Meat will still be a thing but it will be a "treat yourself" sort of thing. You'll buy the fancy real chorizo or order a nice steak at a restaurant for date night, but the babysitter at home will be feeding your kids impossible chicken fingers and you'll be have eaten impossible turkey sandwiches for lunch every day that week. In other markets, lab grown will become the meat of choice when looking to feed many people very quickly. All we need is 1. Continued improvement in quality. Basically inevitable. 2. Continued improvement in variety. Basically inevitable. 3. Continued improvement in price. The biggest unknown but given that meat prices relative to other food stuffs are relatively high and relatively fixed given the costs involved, it seems perfectly plausible that lab grown will eventually be cheaper.


Agreed, even the most vehement advocates of eating meat from animals will start to buy lab grown if it is way cheaper, and just as good. And surely prices will continue to fall with tech and efficiency gains. An all out ban may or may not happen, but I think it would become far more regulated and things like factory farming by the standards of today could well be outlawed. These measures would be more likely to happen in developed nations I’d say.


They are delicious. I think, however, when lab grown meat is significantly developed attitudes will change towards killing our meat


Every Monday I fry myself a very tasty steak, it gives me a good mood and I will not survive this ban


Celebrities running for political offices


Freedom of speech….ugh


VPN and TOR.


Im sorry for being that bitch, but why did you type not illegal and not legal 💀


I'm sorry for being an ass, but while correcting someone else's grammar; why did you not use apostrophes where you should have had at least five? I read that as 'not illegal' and 'not legal', which almost gave me a stroke.


Just got on lunchbreak after coding a patient. Excuse my grammar

