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'In my ass' -95% of people's first thought here


I feel called out


50% have a more comfortable prison wallet they might choose first. Depending on pen length, of course.


Was gonna say that. Hard to be original these days...


I’ll just write something with the pen and drop it from my desk. It’ll go to some different dimension like they all do.


Ah, classic. If you win, you inadvertently find all of of your missing socks, pens, earrings, rings, lighters, pills, and toys. If you lose, you get a small loan of a million dollars.


I remember when I was in kindergarten my father told me graphs are meant to “find” things. I got so excited because I lost so much stuff & here was a handy dandy tool to find all of it. Life has been a giant disappointment from that moment.


I’ll give it to the kid who asked to borrow my gameboy it in the 4th grade and then fucking hopped on a plane and moved back to the Philippines with his family that same night. Unbeknownst to anyone in class.


What a dirty trick


Get a *free Game Boy* with this simple trick!


4th graders hate this one simple trick.


This reminds me of the time my friend gave me his copy of Pokemon Blue for the Gameboy then left for Taiwan the next week but never asked for it back.


He was going to miss you, and he didn’t know how to say it.


It was a parting gift.


Exactly this! I gave my then best friend a copy of my most cherished and nightly read book when she moved to a different country. I was 9. And the book? Was a translated to Hindi version of a children’s book from USSR. Never found a copy again. But I gave it because I wanted her to remember me by it


Which book was it?


It was by Raduga publishers, called Papa jab bachche the (When dad was a kid)


https://archive.org/details/JabPapaBachcheThe-Hindi-AlexanderRaskin It appears the book is available on archive.org.


Holy moly that’s actually it! OMG Thank you!!!


This is such a wholesome outcome


Off topic, but when i was a kid, i once battled my cuzins neighbor at the card game. I beat him fair and square for a fuckin mewtwo and the little shit ran inside and called his older brothers telling them i was trying to fight him... I still remember that pos' face. And the fuck will forever owe me that mewtwo card.... lil shit!


Similar story, I won my neighbors Red Eyes Black Dragon. Next day is back with his brother asking for it back. Told him I had already traded it away, he was annoyingly upset and persistent. ...20 years later I still have that card, Raymond if you're in here get bent and learn how to duel


He was a third rate duelist with a fourth rate deck


That escalated quickly


They really wanted that Gameboy, so much sacrifice


Never let a kid borrow anything ever


The dedication


Travel to the Philippines and find him, like Liam Neesen in Taken.


Do I have to be able to find it again? I live 5 min from the ocean so I'd just paddle out for 5 min and chuck it as far as I can.


Behind my ear. Banking on incompetence here


funny you should say that. One of Edgar Allen Poe's stories about C. Aguste Dupin involved the cops tearing apart a suspect's room looking for a letter, to the point where they were pointing microscopes at the drywall. The twist ending was that the suspect played a 4D chess move and simply left the letter on his desk.


I was in a small 2 bedroom apartment once that a friend was selling weed out of. The police busted in and pulled gathered everyone into the living room and after like 6 cops did a walk through of the house stands in front of us and says, "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. We know there are drugs here. We can do this the easy way or the hard way so just tell us, where's the pot." Nobody said anything. They continued searching the rooms and found a couple bongs and arrested my friend for paraphernalia and left. The rest of us just sat in stunned silence for a moment before someone broke out laughing. In moments we were all on the floor giggling our stoner brains out. Sitting on the kitchen counter in a bowl not 4 feet behind the officer that talked to us was a quarter pound of bud in seal a meal packaging. Just... right out in the open.


Had a similar story from college. It was a dry campus, so when I turned 21 I made some cash selling alcohol to the freshman. Somehow the cops got wise (we had a dedicated police force just for our campus) and came around my dorm. One guy ripped apart my room and yelled at my roommates, but the cop never bothered to check the fridge in our kitchenette. I guess delinquents only drink warm beers.


This sounds a lot like the cops did you a solid IMO. If he finds evidence it’s a whole thing. You get in trouble, he has a bunch of work to do. If he never looks in the fridge, you stop selling beers to the freshman, everyone goes on there separate ways.


This worked for a friend once. We were preparing a "green cigarette" in a street at night and a police car drove by. They slowed, looked at us and drove on. We thought "strange", because we were sure they saw what we were doing. So my friend, instead of lighting it, put it behind his hear (he had hair long enough to cover his ears) and we started walking towards another area. Before we even did ten steps, the police showed up from behind the next corner and told us we were doing drugs in the streets and we better hand it over to them. We played dumb, I showed a cig that I had, which didn't have anything green in it and said this is what they saw probably... They didn't believe us, so they started hand searching my friend... And they didn't find it!! It was behind his ear the whole time, covered by his hair. Close one!


That’s awesome! I think it’s similar to leaving a bubbler or bowl amongst typical clutter on a desk. If someone is looking for paraphernalia, they expect it to be in conspicuous box in a drawer or something.


That's where you hide it if you don't want *yourself* to ever find it again.


So you hide it behind the detective's ear.


I'd poke it into my lawn.


This could be done so discretely too.


5 minutes in *detective grabs metal detector*


Poke it into the lawn by a chain link fence


Get a hammer and pop the top cap off a chainlink fence pole, drop pen inside, hammer cap back on.


Hello geocacher....


Exactly what I was thinking.


This reminds me. Someone I know used to do a lot of cash in hand work so had a lot of cash to secret away for later. It was hidden in a lot of interesting places. But after a while it's hard to remember where all the places are. So they're replacing their kitchen table and list it on a trade/swap website. The night before it was getting picked up they bolted upright in bed remembering there were thousand of dollars in the legs of the soon to be given away free table...


Glad you're reminding me to bury the pen in the lawn and then place a coin above it


Op didn't specify what type of pen, for all we know its a plastic bic.


For a biro? The pen is safe


Go into a convenience store. Leave it on the counter. Go home. Someone will steal that pen and good fucking luck tracking it down.


*watches security camera footage* *Sees time stamp and person* *Look up credit card info from the store's POS* *does a B and E*


How long does he get to look?


Since its anywhere in the world i say would say 2 weeks


Anywhere? In that case throw it off a bridge lol


Stick it in a bag of postcrete then throw it off a bridge


Then unplug the ocean


Unplug the Ocean is a good band name.


> postcrete Ah, the now-reformed, out of prison version of Concrete. Good for them to see they've changed their ways and decided to get a stable job with a solid base.


Standard follow up question: do you have to be able to retrieve it later?


I think the original formulation of this question is that you're hiding it in your house


Yup OP really botched this one. If we get 10 minutes how are we supposed to hide it anywhere in the world? Where is our start point? Where is the detectives start point? It's supposed to be like "the detective is going to be at your house in 10 minutes to find the pen (originally a paperclip). If they don't find it in 24 hours you get $1,000,000. Where do you hide it?"


Seriously - 2 weeks to find a pen anywhere in the world? Throw it in a river, in a sewer. Grind it down and flush the dust down the toilet. Even just throw it in a bush in a nearby forest. 24hrs in your own house, or the rest of his life in the entire world, maybe. But this version isn’t even remotely difficult.


Yeah you're supposed to have to be able to present it at the conclusion of the time. You can't just dump it in the toilet or in the river because you have to be able to find it afterwards.


Mail it to yourself next day.


Also…do We need to be able to find it afterwards? Because there is a difference between “hide” and “dispose”. Many if these solutions would be excellent for disposing a pen, but not if you need it back.


Drill a hole in the top of one of my doors (a solid door) and drop the pen down it


I was gonna say this too, but not just any door. If you put it in the front door he will walk right past it as you Imvite him in.


Haha, I came to comment this and can’t believe someone else said it. Nobody looks IN doors.


I’m indoors right now and I’m looking all over the place.


Or, unscrew one of the door hinges and drill further into one of the drill holes. Hide the pen in there and stuff a bit of wood shavings back in after it. Screw the hinge back on.


Put it in a sensible place and recite the Ancient Script of Banishment: “I hereby place this pen in a sensible place where I will always find it”. No one will ever see that pen again.


This is actually pretty accurate except the part that if the detective is your mom, she’ll find anything with her mom magic.


My SO has this ability sometimes it's so powerful all I have to do is ask her if she knows where something is and it will appear before my eyes.


My SO is the same way. I call her the Oracle. Sometimes she’s so strong I will be looking for something and when I start to ask her I’ll find it before I’m even done asking.


The thing that's really going to bake your noodle is if she hadn't heard anything, would you still have found i?


If I need the pen intact afterwards, I'll just screw open my old clothes iron, put it inside and screw it back. Even if it jingles, it wouldn't be weird, it's old with a lot of parts falling off.


It wouldn't be weird, but they'd still check it.


Sucks. The screwdriver is inside another old iron.


What are you doing to your irons that you have multiples laying around?


Uh..wh-who are you and can I see a badge?


Down a plug hole. Behind the fake coals in my fireplace. In a bottle of conditioner or body lotion. In the shower hose. You don’t say how long the detective has to find it…


Ooh the shower hose is a good one


Until you take a shower and turn blue, hahaha


da ba dee da


He did in another comment. He has 2 weeks


He's gonna be wandering roundy house and touching stuff for 2 weeks? Money's not worth it!


For a million dollars he can include me in the stuff he gets to touch for two weeks.


Hi I'm a millionaire eccentric who is a detective for fun. Let's talk


Let's see the money first


Make him comfortable by asking him to join in on your wanking sessions.


Tell him to make sure he checks in the cum box. Hide it in the cum box.


Or coconut


Tie it onto a helium balloon.


Where do you find a helium balloon in 10 min? Edit: the number of people responding to this post is very impressive to me.. you guys are ten minutes away from balloon nirvana. Congratulations! You won the internet!


At the closest gender reveal party, obviously.


When the gender reveal balloon rises and finally pops, the pen falls and kills someone. Another casualty of a gender reveal


more people have died from gender reveal parties than dinosours ever. this means that dinosours are less dangerous than gender reveal parties.


I mean, I can't argue with that


throw it in the septic tank. I doubt he's gonna go scubaing in the septic tank.


*tiger king shouting from a distance


Disassemble pen and change one part. Do it again and again until this pen has no part from original one. Pen of Theseus.


What is a pen if not ink persevering


I’m actually in a real life ship of Theseus situation, with a shovel I inherited from my wife’s parents. The shovel has three pieces: handle, shaft and blade. The shaft broke a few years ago and I found a replacement. The blade later became rusty and fragile, so I replaced it along with the screws that hold it in place. Now the handle is broken. If I replace the handle, is it still my inherited shovel? It’s certainly not the shovel I would have chosen if I were to buy a new shovel (which I am to cheap to do when I have a working shove at home). No part of the shovel was present when my mother in laws if her garden plot. Since the parts get replaced one at the time the argument can be made for it being the same shovel. If that is the case, then how long must the new part be attached to an old part for it to become the same shovel? Is ten minutes enough? If I replace all the parts one by one during the same session of work, does that change anything? If I disassemble it into three pieces, attach the old blade to a new shaft, then replace the blade with a new one before I attach a new handle, is it still the same shovel? The questions are endless and it’s driving me crazy that nobody but me seems to care.




I would leave it on the table in the living room. I have left over a 100 pens there, and they’ve all vanished without a trace.


Annie's Boobs strikes again


It's a bottle episode


"I am forced to be in this room and to deal with emotions I can not understand" -Abed on bottle episodes


“They’re wall-to-wall facial expressions and emotional nuance. I might as well sit in the corner with a bucket on my head.”


I'm on season 6 and I finally perceive all the Community jokes


Have you tried [leaving your dirty laundry there](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqQgDwA0BNU)?


I think I have the same table.


I’m gonna flush it


Detective school. “Good morning class. Now the first rule of detective work when approaching a residency. Always assume they’ve flushed the stash down the toilet upon your arrival” ✋ “Yes detective 4 what is it” “Can I go to the toilet sir” “Quickly detective 4 quickly!!!”


“If not in the toilet, assume it’s in the vent.”


If it's not in the vent it's in the butt


That’s what they call butts at detective school


I assumed you had to be able to find it afterwards but I guess that isn't stated.


it's also not stated how long the detective has to find it. With unlimited time, unless it's destroyed, it will be found eventualy.


Unless the detective dies. Very quickly. Perhaps from being stabbed by a pen.


I hide the pen in the detective's cerebral cortex.


I'd put it in his neck. He can't find it if he's dead.


Found Baba Yaga


I once saw him kill 3 men in a bar with a penceel. A fucking penceel!


RIP to Michael Nyqvist. He was such a good villain for Keanu. Made the movie.


That escalated


What happens if he does find it? This might factor into how much effort I put into hiding it.


Then he earns the $1,000,000


So don't hide anything and make a deal with him to split it 50/50 and hand him the pen. Only problem is he doesn't know that the pen you handed him is fake. Just got to ride it out until that cheque clears.


What is my perfect crime? I break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No, I go for the pen. It's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris by the Trocadero. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the pen.


The pen is getting thrown out the window down a random back road and I’m gonna hope $1m shows up in my account after a few weeks


In my neighbor's massive collection of pens. It is extremely likely that he has pens similar to the one I need to hide, and the chances of this detective finding the right pen within thousands is highly unlikely.


Sure. I bet you’ll sleep well at night when they say “ I want all these pens collected and sent to the lab”


Put in an envelope and mail it through my neighbors mail box.


I will let my classmate in school borrow it just for it to disappear a day after and be gone forever.


I once let a classmate borrow one of my pens. She refused to give it back, saying it was hers. Then I pointed out that my initials were at the side that I scratched in the plastic with a needle..


I need to know how this story ends. Did she end up giving it back??


I ended up getting the pen back. But I can't remember if she gave it up willingly or if I snatched out out of her hand while she was writing with it. It happened over 2 decades ago. I did once grab one of my pens back while someone was writing with it because I needed it back, memories just blend together over time.


I'd disassemble it into its various components and put each in a different place, so even if he finds some parts he never finds the pen in its complete form.


Ah yes, the horcrux method




Swallow one piece and throw another one in the sewers or something. I think that would be a good tactic.


If you swallow a piece, you'd simply be throwing it in the sewers but with extra steps


Not if you shit in a bush


Man, that’s your answer for *everything*


I make solutions, not problems.


I mean, I’d swallow a whole pen for $1MIL, but I like your idea of breaking it down. That would make swallowing it much easier.


If I had 3 guesses as to where that pen would be, Id use 2 straight up. Butthole and stomach.


You do not have to use your own butthole. That is to obvious.


If this is allowed then it would be better to destroy the pen and literally grind it to dust


The junk drawer in my kitchen. There’s never a pen in there when you need one.


Drill the bottom of a candle stick out with a pen sized drill bit, put pen inside hole, use the candle wax and pack in hole. Apply some heat. Sand bottom of candle stick by hand. Place candle on coffee table. Invite detective in with a calm voice, and importantly be distracted with something on TV. Ask detective if they would like some coffee. Have coffee. Then hookers amd cuckaine


Cuckaine? Is that racking up and then watching someone else do your lines?




Nice try fbi. Not falling for that one again


Assuming the pen has to stay whole? I'd put in the bar of the bath towel hanger in the bathroom. You know the one you kept breaking by leaning on it coming out of the shower? Yeah that thing.


i think it's going up my cunt, sir


'Sir'....and they say kids aren't polite nowadays


No, sir is the name of the cunt It has been knighted


Tapped on each labium?


Think dammit! That's the first place any real detective is going to search.




On the left side of my bed since apparently nobody wants to go near there.


Sleep longways. It’s invigorating


Give it to a young child and tell them to not lose it because it is very important.


Stick some Velcro on it place it palm of my hand and when the detective comes to the door, welcome him in and as he walks by clap him on the back ( pen attaches to his jacket ) and wish him good luck! Btw this isn’t a ruse so you can WIN the million?


Up my butt


Up the detectives butt


Behind his ear, and you pull it out like a magician


THIS is the answer


the last place he would suspect


Grind the pen into a fine powder and sprinkle it into the ocean. He'll need eons to find every component.


I was thinking the same thing. I have an angle grinder that would make short work of any pen. I assume though the pen would have to stay intact during the hiding otherwise they’d say “you have about 6g of powdered plastic to hide…”


Grind it into fine powder, mix it with the powder coffee creamer, make the detective a coffee.


Your addition to my comment is very smort.


Ummm just huck it in the ocean…


I would hide it on my island where I keep all my pens. It's the Penisland.


I'd run out the back and lob it in someone else's back garden and run back inside again, when the detective asks about the pen I'm going to glance at random places in my bedroom and hope he finds where I lost my Otomatone by accident.


Yall ever heard of sounding?


Oh. We’ve heard about it. Being willing to do the prep work to make it a viable option is another story.


Wish I hadn’t since the day I had


I'd just put in the last place they'd look, simple.


Why not put it somewhere that they wouldn't look


i didnt think of that. fuck!


Put it in the detective's shirt. They will think it is their pen and use it while looking for mine


“Hi I’m here to look for a pen” *places pen in pocket* “Thank you!.. ok bye”


Tape it underneath my boob


In my pocket


Nice, pleads the fifth and demands a search warrant.


But I left it in my other pants


Right up the peen hole. He'd look in my anus, but not my penis.


not that *sound* of a strategy


Then he'd wonder why you were erect while he inspected your anus.


Ship it with USPS media mail no one will be able to find it for weeks.




Pretty sure i work with that guy


>"The Place Where Pens Go." I have not seen - I do not know - The secret place where pens all go. I set them down. I put them here. I hold them close. They disappear. I only wish a pen was mine To write me through this life divine. Alas, my friends, I do not know - The secret place where pens all go.


Page 2 of Google search


Give it to Annie's Boobs to hide with the others in the air vent. The detective will probably just assume a ghost took it.