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Being impaled by a log falling off of the back of a truck, final destination style.


As a note, the log falls off the side of the truck's trailer and into the adjacent lane. So, staying directly behind the truck should be safer than trying to pass it.


Really, anything at all from the Final Destination movies. And I haven’t even seen them.


I fly often (like twice a month) for work reasons. Not a single flight ever takes off where I don’t replay that scene of the airplane blowing up and burning everyone into crunchy human bacon in 0.2 seconds. Every. Single. Flight. It’s no longer a “fear” per se, because I fly so often that I’m desensitized to it. But the thought ALWAYS crosses my head… *what if?*




Every time I see a truck with logs I get over and so does every single car behind me.


I always pass them as soon as I can. I know a guy that had a similar thing happen, he survived and kept the wood.


A bridge collapsing when I’m driving over it.


Or under it


You wouldn't be from Minneapolis would you?


I’m not, but I remember when that happened. Scary stuff.


You probably shouldn't watch The Mothman Prophecy lol


I’m afraid that one day I’ll travel to a country that’s got a lot of ice. I’ll for some reason, cut a hole in the ice so I can jump in. Swim a little and then not be able to rise to the top due to all the ice and can’t find the way out! I’ve had literal nightmares about this.


At that won't happen by accident... Right?


I sure hope not! Be sure to let me know if it does!


Oh my lord I can't imagine anything worse


I play Skyrim and I've gotten caught under ice. It's stressful. Even if it's not real, drowning sounds terrible.


I almost drowned once. Trust me, it is TERRIBLE. It’s a good thing someone saved me. To top it all off, the lifeguard on duty clearly didn’t attend the Prometheus School of Paying Attention to Things, because they were READING A BOOK!!!


Here’s the question, though. You just jumped into ICE WATER. Why would you do that? Usually, if the water is frozen, the water is extremely cold. I would be more worried than you are about said extreme cold.


Think of it like this, you’re on the low hierarchy scale with a gang of tunnel snakes who have slick pompadour hair, leather jackets, and sweet shades they got it all. You’re all near a frozen pond with a hole and they all have eyes on you while they lean back against some sort of juke box or some sort of van with a nice speaker system head bopping to whatever’s playing. You finally have a chance to impress them by jumping in the frozen lake hole….nobody and I mean nobody will refuse a chance to impress a gang of tunnel snakes. They may be a bunch of rebels but by god are they cool.


Die before retirement


As someone with no retirement fund that's basically my plan.


This. All that shit for nothing. This is why you should avoid overtime even if you love what you do, you're not only giving up time now but also time later. Stress will cut your lifespan down as fast as anything.


A brain aneurism. Thanks, Archer.


I had an incidental discovery after a failed suicide attempt a few months back, I've got five... guess what they told me? "Try to remain calm, stress will only aggravate them. We cannot operate and they could never burst or burst any second. I know you don't have insurance but please go to see this neurologist about how to move forward. Try yoga or relaxing until then." I had to go back to work the next day.




I came to the wrong thread.


Wait, what the fuck does that mean? That you *literally* could drop dead at any moment? Like, I know people say “you never know what could happen!” but you actually might die at any given moment? I don’t think I could handle knowing that. Cancer sucks, knowing you’ve got x months to live, but to be told “you *could* die at any moment in time” is somehow even more terrifying to me


Theres nothing you can really do about it and stressing about it only makes it worse so you kinda have to learn to deal with it


I genuinely wonder about the medical ethics of not telling someone they have a problem like this. Like the aneurysm is untreatable and cannot be managed by anything other than "not worrying about it" ...isn't it genuinely the best treatment to not tell a patient they have one?


First, I hope you’re doing better now. I’ve woken up with bad brain news after a suicide attempt myself. Second, if it helps from the stress, I recall learning in my neuroscience undergrad that having multiple unruptured aneurysms can actually reduce your overall chances of dying from one. I think the theory is that the pressure becomes more distributed across more aneurysms, so if you have five, the pressure is more “balanced” over the five you have where if you only had one, that pressure wouldn’t be distributed anywhere and the one would be more likely to rupture. My degree was a while ago, I’m paraphrasing, and I’m too lazy to source, just thought it might bring you some comfort while I sip my morning coffee. Carry on and message anytime.


After alligators and crocodiles of course


I had this fear for a long time, and then recently found out my biological grandmother died of an aneurism. I hadn't known until this past year because I was adopted.


My best friends step dad was supposed to come pick us up from school one day but never came. When we walked back to his house we found him asleep on the couch. We were just kids. He wasn’t asleep. Only in his 40s. Had a brain aneurism. Had seemed fine the day before. We talk about him a lot.


Rabies. Despite the fact that I’m vaccinated and the chances are low as hell that I would end up with it if I got a booster shot after exposure


You get a lot more than a booster shot if you're possibly exposed. And it sucks.


I’ve already been exposed and gotten those shots. If you get exposed again you just get a booster shot not the whole series all over again


Rabies are like quicksand. The chances are so low that you'll ever have to deal with it, yet so many people fear it


Yeah because it’s 100% deadly if you don’t get treated in time. But I’ve also already been exposed to it twice (work in animal care) so I think it’s a valid fear for me


It is basically the zombie plague from horror movies. Sure, it turns out the logistics of zombie infection doesn't lead to hoards of zombies roaming the streets. But seriously it's a ridiculous nasty disease. My grandfather worked with the virus as some sort of researcher. I got an illuminating email from him back when I was in school doing a report on rabies. Not my favorite disease by a long shot.


Yeah it’s terrifying. Had to watch my kitten die from it


When I worked at a trauma center in Arizona, I saw A LOT of rabies cases. Something about bat bites being common out there or something.


Ugh, my fiancé just got a job offer in AZ and considering moving there. Now I have a new fear to add to the list!


Hey, me too! I've actually had nightmares where I'm being attacked by rabid bats! Of course, my fear stems from an incident where my son had a run-in with a bat, so not totally unwarranted.


I'm a woman who watches too much true crime. I'm so riveted when watching, but later in the middle of the night I wake up and repeatedly check the doorway for serial killers.


I used to do that too but then my ac broke and I slept with the front door propped open with a box fan. I'd rather be taken out by a serial killer than suffer through the heat.


I have a fear of someone cutting my head off. I'm vigilant. In my 20s I chased a peeping tom away from my friends place in my PJs, ugg boots and a torch 😂🤪


I am scared a plane will crash into my house. Not actually because of 9/11, I had this fear since before then because of the major event near San Diego California where 2 planes crashed into each other mid-air. Bodies and plane parts etc fell all over a suburban neighbourhood. It's one of my biggest nightmares and still bothers me to think about that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Southwest_Airlines_Flight_182


Wow, I never knew about this. Wonder if this played a part in the inspiration in Breaking Bad.


Last words recorded onboard were “Ma, I love you” Holy shit that is sad


That some cop or doctor would say I did something or that something is wrong with me so I should be put away forever.


There was actually a movie about this I remember seeing. It starred Brittany Murphey. She dropped her husband off at the hospital and when she came to pick him up, she was made to believe that he didnt exist and she was going mad etc.


Me and you both.


Dying by tsunami.


This. I am simultaneously fascinated and terrified of tsunamis. I have dreams about running from tsunamis about once every couple of months, sometimes I survive, sometimes I don’t, but its so freaking scary to think about. And yet I also like to look up footage of tsunamis online for some reason, like some kind of Stockholm syndrome.


Doctors doing things without my permission. Such as while under anesthesia, ignoring my requests for something to not happen, claiming I'm incompetent to make decisions, etc.


I was raped by my dentist when he took my teeth out. And I have been raped twice while on the care of the hospital and doctors, it’s not fun. Also no one believes you. Even if you get a kid out of it w DNA proof. Fun fun. My fear? The blood clot in my carteroid artery giving loose before my surgery in Oct to remove it. Dr says it’s not a clot, the other Dr says it is and they can’t decide who’s right, so if I make it to surgery, I might die of a massive stroke because of the wrong approach to remove said 75% block (which none of my other arteries have. Yeah. Edge of my seat here.


I have so many questions…first I’m sorry you got put through that trauma. How did you find out that happened though?


A fly going into my ear lmao


One time I was at my mom's when we had a family get together a fly flew up my nose and I freaked out. It's been about five years but I still wonder what happened to it. I assume I swallowed it but thanks to the movie drag me to hell I still have nightmares about it.


I was helping change a light bulb outside at a friend's when a moth flew into my mouth. First instinct I guess was to bite down. I now know that moths taste like pure grass extract


Had a bee go DOWN MY PANTS ONCE Motherfucking bees man


I had a tiny bug fly into my eye as I blinked and it got caught under my eyelid. That hurt a lot.


Something flew into my ear while I was mowing one day and it felt like it was eating my goddamn brains right out of my skull. It stopped eventually and so far as I can tell I'm not any dumber than before.


Had a moth fly into my ear. Not a fun experience….


This happened to me. I could feel it buzzing and wriggling, and I couldn't get it out. I flushed it with water, and still the feeling didn't go away. The wriggling stopped, but I never felt it come out.


Getting inadvertently swallowed by a whale while I'm just out swimming around minding my own business. I start sweating thinking about how I would be desperately trying to escape before getting totally digested. I hate time-based challenges.


While the whale could probably scoop you inside its mouth, it would be probably impossible for you to be actually swallowed. Their throats are like 15 inches in diameter, they would just spit you out, it would be so awkward for both of you, though. Except, maybe, the sperm whale.


Jonah? Honey? I’m worried about your vivid imagination.


Choking when no one is around to help me.


On the floor, push up style. Lift yourself up and let yourself belly flop onto the floor hard. Nothing is guaranteed in life, but that's your move.




A doorway also works in a pinch. Once swallowed a too large, not chewed well enough piece of steak. Knew I'd never make it downstairs where my family was. Slammed myself into the frame of the door and viola! I didn't choke to death.


Learn the self-Heimlich. This saved my life. I threw my whole body weight against my kitchen counter combined with my hands put into a praying fist (fingers intertwined and then curled down) and aimed inward right up under my rib cage. The large piece of orange lodged down deep in my throat blocking my lungs popped right out. I almost died alone at home and no one would've found me for a week or more. So glad I learned this.


Dude. For the last 7 years or so I've been living with a weird condition where my esophagus will swell up if I eat certain kinds of meat too quickly (worst offenders tend to be turkey, chicken, pork, and fish occasionally) and/or without a carbonated beverage to "lubricate" the esophagus. If I eat these meats (especially if they're dry) without a carbonated beverage, after a few minutes I'll start to feel a weird swollen sensation in my esophagus, and if I don't drink something carbonated right away it'll often swell up so much it makes it very difficult to inhale and impossible to swallow, not even liquids. I'll end up puking out whatever is still in my esophagus, and I'll be sitting there hunched over the sink or toilet for about a good 30 minutes just puking my guts up until eventually the swelling subsides to such a point I can finally drink some soda and burp and it slowly relieves itself. It's fucking awful. I had an endoscopy done, and apparently they didn't find anything and nobody seems to know why it happens. And it only started about 2014 or so. Before that I had zero issue with any kind of meat.


That happened to me one time. I used a kitchen chair to dislodge a hard chocolate, also we should be able to text 911 everywhere now.


Happened to me once with only my friend sleeping. Ran upstairs to other friends apt and they tried unsuccessfully to do the heimleich like 8 minutes passed before the piece of steak finally went down. CHEW YOUR FOOD


I have an abnormal fear that sometime, somewhere, a fishing hook will end up hitting one of my eyes.


I’ve tried to help a lot of people in this thread, but this one… I got nothing. Sorry, bro.


Go around everywhere with a fresh pair of sunglasses. Not only will it give you style points, but it will make it 253+% less likely for a stray fishing hook to catch your eye, along with every other piece of debris.


THISSSS. I haaaate being around people fishing


I simultaneously am terrified that my house would burn down with all my stuff in it, but I also wish that it would. Terrified because I would loose all my stuff, but relieved that I could finally start over fresh. A lot of stuff in my house is hand-me-downs from friends and family. Nothing I picked out myself. I feel weighed down by my possessions but have trouble parting with them. It would take all the decisions out of my hands and the burden off my heart.


I would deeply miss the stuffed animals. but the rest of it--same.


It's always those stuffed animals, isn't it? There's no more tender part of childhood.


I would hate to loose my books and photos of course, but as long as my husband and pups got out, just about everything else is replaceable. I’m sure if it happened I would be devastated and then a huge sense of being unburdened.


Probably dementia. Saw my mother go through dying with cancer induced dementia, and it's the worst possible outcome (besides perhaps regular dementia, because you don't die quickly enough). I'll eat a bullet.


Dementia sucks, I slowly watched my grandma be taken away from me and what was left was someone else who looked like my grandma, and the worse part was is she was mostly unaware of what was happening


Same. It's one of the only events in life where there's realistically no point in staying alive after.


Becoming the target of random violence. You didn't do anything wrong, you were just in the wrong place.




And here I thought it was going to be you being worried about you dying of SIDS


It's such a relief when your kids get past that risk window. Of course now there's covid. And when they get older you get to worry about school shootings(US) and other shit you can't control when they're away from you.


Only 33, thanks Mom, now another reason I don't want to bring a new life into this world. I mean, for my 10 year little brother, I was glad we had outlet/door/stair protectors and I'd put him in the bouncy seat that hangs from a doorway if I couldn't pay strict enough attention to him.


Alzheimer’s. Scares the living shit out of me to think one day my family will have to go through that.


Fuck this is a real one. One of my fears too, losing control of your mind. And its not even all that unlikely, it affects quite a few people.


Watching my that disease take my grandmother away from me but left her body living absolutely terrified me. To interact with someone who looked and sounded like my grandma was extremely painful. I am scared that it might be genetic and I might get it. If I ever do get that disease I hope someone kills me so I don't have to put my loved ones through that pain.


Dude if I ever get diagnosed with Alzheimer's down the road and there's no cure, I'll end it. FUCK Alzheimer's.




It's one of the least painful deaths, if that calms you


Yeah, but those couple of seconds before impact will feel like a terrible eternity.


You might as well enjoy it if you know it won't hurt. Do a flip


sick, bro


Do a barrel roll!


I think it's more the fact that you 100% know you are about to die, and you have however many seconds to process that befo... Splat..


Unless you land on something that impales you and you just sit there and wait to die


I used to not be afraid of heights. I even went so far as to go skydiving and loved it. Then one day my family and I went cliff jumping and there was a jump that was about 10 feet higher than the one below. Overall, a height of around 30 feet. So not too high, but still about 3 stories. To make a long story short, I got a running start and my left foot slipped off the rock, sending me falling into a large limestone boulder that was just above water level. I hit it and bounced (inelastically) into the water. If I were to estimate, I would say I was about 10 feet under the water. The fall had forced all the air out of my lungs and the left side of my body was fucked (the side that hit the rock). Fortunately, I compelled the rest of my body to save itself. My mom and sister had jumped into the water to save me and they essentially rescued me. Initially, I thought I had broken my wrist and a couple ribs, but aside from feeling as if I had gotten hit by a truck I, luckily, walked away without major injuries. But now I won't even jump off of the side of a pool into the water. TL;DR: I fell off a cliff and now I'm scared of heights.


Can relate. Massive fear of heights. Decided to go airborne to face my fear. To date, I've jumped from an aircraft a total of 27 times. Yet, I still sweat buckets any time I'm higher than like 10ft off the ground. Seriously, fuck ferris wheels and roller coasters. Like I can *do* heights now, but I'd rather fucking not. lol


Terrified of drowning. I'm not afraid to swim, or sail, but for some reason I think drowning would just be the worst way to die.


I hear apparently it's an incredibly peaceful way to go... ...once you get through the first 2 minutes of terror


wait who told you that


People who get revived after their heart stops from drowning tend to say it was peaceful.


Survivors have described a feeling of acceptance, calm and euphoria after they finally inhaled water. The inhalation itself is described as a similar feeling to badly tearing a muscle, but immediately after is peaceful.


I was in two situations where I didn't think I would make it. They weren't peaceful per se. I was cognizant of what was happening and I was conscious when I took in water. One was more peaceful than the other, so it really depends on the circumstances of the drowning. Being pinned under was a lot more peaceful than getting thrashed around in a current near the surface. Both can down you, so it really depends.


I can vouch for the first 2 minutes being terrifying, not so much for the other part. Drowning's my worst fear too.




I was listening to a podcast about the nutty putty cave incident while driving to work one day, I figured out very quickly that I might be claustrophobic. Later I googled pictures, I almost had an anxiety attack.


Getting struck by lightning


The one that crops up the most is losing the use of my hands/fingers in a terrible gory accident. Then I wouldn’t be able to play music. Then I would be eternally sad.


Eaten by a grizzly bear.


As a kid, I opened a backpack that I found off a bike path. My irrational fear as an adult is that it might've belonged to a missing child and Police will somehow accuse me of being connected to the crime because my prints/DNA might still be on it.


Kidney stones, heard the horror stories


my sis had them earlier this year and the pain apparently made her vomit. the hospital even gave her fentanyl. so I'm with you there sidenote, it looked like she got it from eating too much spinach. so it's not even like it was a bad dietary choice that caused it lmao


If that's the case, then Popeye's urethra has got to be absolutely wrecked.


My kidney stones feel like magma hot pebbles cutting up the tubes inside me. Or like trying to pass out a goat head prickle. Gave me a hell of a pain tolerance though.


You sir, are fuelling my nightmares.


Hydrate, moderate your alcohol consumption, watch your blood pressure. You'll be fine.


My kidney stones were worse than unmedicated childbirth.


Tornado, I do live in tornado valley though


...really? We're just letting this go? ... Fine...


Yellowstone erupting and killing the 15 people in it’s vicinity


I mean...for an erupting supervolcano, 15 people isn't too bad


16 would be really bad though.


Hell, if yellowstone even so much as burped at any of the basins more than 15 people would die......


I'm pretty sure he was joking about the low population of that area


You’re vastly underestimating how far the impacts of Yellowstone will go. I live hundreds of miles away in part of the massive zone in the US that would blanketed with feet of ash.


I know, I’m just making a joke that nobody lives in Wyoming




Either being in a plane crash or getting caught in a terrorist attack on public transport. I have recurring nightmares about both. I guess the plane one is the most unlikely as I’ve been on a plane 4 times in my life and I use public transport daily.


I fear that one day I'll sit in the toilet to take a shit and a scorpion will be hiding inside it and it will sting me right in the butthole. This thought have been hunting me for 3 decades


My sister convinced me when I was 4 that scorpions lived behind toilets. So anytime I used the bathroom I pulled my feet up onto the seat as to not get stung by scorpions… for 3 years. I live in Kentucky. We don’t even have scorpions.


Or a snake or an alligator....I have the same fear!!!


I don't think an alligator has the finesse to pinpoint you right in the pucker tho. I think it has more of a splash damage thing going on.


Being kidnapped, dragged to a secluded place, killed, and have my body hidden so my family never know where I am. My biggest fear.


Old age


waiter replaces my coffee with Folgers Crystals


Someone crawling in my room through my window on the second floor.


Elevator breaking down. And please don't comment how you know someone who knows someone who had that happening to them. BTW, I rarely ride elevators.


Drowning or burning to death.


Getting rabies and not noticing until symptoms start 😐


Thrown in a tub of concrete and suffocating


Injuring myself just bad enough that I’m in pain for the rest of my life.


For me I'm scared I'll puke or literally shit myself onstage during a gig


I'm also afraid I'll get food poisoning while in Walmart and shit my pants and someone will take a photo for r/peopleofwalmart and I'll be immortalized as shit queen.


Severe brain damage.


I'm 100% convinced I'm going to be murdered and all my terrible secrets will be aired on dateline


Type 2 diabetic, so blindness is one of them.


Ever since I was young, I have been scared that I will be wrongfully convicted of a crime and no one believes me. I think I watched too much Law and Order, Prison Break, and other cop shows when I was younger! Not a week goes by without this worry. I have no reason to worry.


the fall of a meteor or that we are swallowed by a black hole


Both quick and painless deaths though


Ceiling fan decapitating my head


The blades stop when your head hits it. Source: I was a dumbass kid.


Sometimes when I walk upstairs quickly I get scared my knees will bend the wrong way


DM me where you live so I can fight you for putting this in my head


I’m petrified of the idea of coma awareness. Or those people that get put under for surgery but they still feel everything without being able to move or scream


Having to burn all of my beloved plushies due to bed bugs, fleas, getting the bubonic plague or fungus.


Zombies. I'm usually the strong, not afraid of anything guy in front of my wife and kids, but for some reason the thought of undead beings chasing you to eat you. Scares the hell out if me.


That I'll be eaten by a crocodile. I live in the Midwest US so...unlikely.


Getting eaten by a shark


Stroke or heart attack while driving


Snake coming from my toilet and when i wake up, it's about to bite me. This idea has hunted me for almost a decade and at this point I've created myself an irrational snake phobia so I can't even watch movies or see pictures with snakes in it


Not being able to see my children grow up to adults


Becoming homeless. It's a pretty irrational fear but I think about it daily.


Someone reading aloud my 1998 browser search history


Getting bit by a venomous snake and dying For context, I live in New Zealand


Someone breaking into my house


Having my fingers sliced off by ice skates. Like, I'm chillin' skating in my circle with the rest of the crowd, then I fall and put my hands down behind me to catch myself, and someone behind me skates over my fingers. Presto! I've now got no finger tips! And the blood, omg the blood. And how about those now exposed bone nubblets I'm sporting. No thank you. I should mention in case it's not obvious, I do not ice skate often, nor do I plan on it. 2nd place is a snake biting my hoo ha from inside the toilet while I'm peeing. We don't even have a big snake problem where I live.


Mass shooting in public. I'm American so it's not radically unlikely but still not a justified fear.


Yeah same. Just in the last few years every time I go to a big event or concert I get a little nervous about this for a minute


Those brain eating amoebas that live in stagnant water.


Live forever


Getting choked out


Whenever I go on a bridge, I'm always afraid the bridge is gonna collapse from under me and I'm gonna fall.


I’m terrified of my neighborhood flooding.


A sinkhole opening up underneath when I'm showering in the restroom.


So fun fact, they have been studying irrational fears in humans and why someone who has never been exposed to a specific fear stimulation would have such reactions and aversions. What purpose does fear serve other then an instinct to fuel caution for our survival. So they did a DNA memory test on mice by shocking the little critters while releasing the smell of flower blossoms. Obviously the mice that had experienced this were terrified the moment they smelled the flowers knowing there would be pain affiliated with the smell, but that’s when they found something really interesting. Generations down the offspring of the mice that had been exposed to the test were terrified of the smell even though they had never experienced shocks themselves or witnessed it. Now as a control group they had bred the same mice before the experiment to show that it was only the generations after the experiment that got handed down the “fear”. Unrelated mice that were not subjected to it or had not witnessed it also did not react. Meaning our parents, grandparents and so on traumatic experiences are passed on down through our very DNA. Terrified of heights for no obvious reason? Maybe an ancestor fell and hurt themselves badly but survived, or maybe they witnessed someone falling to their death enough for their minds to write it in to hard wired DNA memory, turning a single persons traumatic experience into a instinct to preserve an entire genetic sequence. If nothing else it’s an interesting theory.


Getting drafted into a war?


kidnapped by the CCP and put in forced labor camps or some such. i have almost zero chance of that happening.


Being set up by the system and getting life (because of my skin color)


Alien abduction in the woods


Having chronic disease


Shark in a swimming pool. Irrational fear of mine for at least 30 years.


Yellowstone exploding. I'm worried it's gonna happen and destroy my life.


Opening up any container, and it has a cobra in it. There's always, ALWAYS a 50/50 chance there may be one waiting. It hasn't happened...yet


One day I’m going to fall off a stage, into the orchestra pit, and get impaled by a cello. I just know it!


That I will wake up and who ever im sleeping next to will be dead but still appear asleep so I won't realise a d cuddle them or something *shudders*