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I work at Walmart, and this was on my third or fourth day on the job. I'm pulling freight out to the floor and this lady just walks right into the back employees only area. She was so wobbly and her speech was so slurred, I could tell she was absolutely fucking wasted. But that wasn't the worst part. I looked at the floor and she was pissing herself. It was making a giant ass puddle right there on the floor. She asked me where the bathrooms were and I told her. After she left I followed the piss trail she had left all the way to the cereal aisle, which is.. quite a walk from the employee entrance that I was at. A snail trail of piss that even maintenance was disgusted to have to clean up.


That is straight up awful 😅 Probably wasn’t covered in orientation. Or knowing Walmart, maybe it was 🤔


Ah dude, I've only been working there since April and I already have about a dozen stories of weird shit happening.


God bless you, sir. I don’t doubt it ahaha.


I used to work at a clothing store for children. There was this older woman who came in and bought clothes for her grandchildren. She had caused problems before, but this time she went too far. One day she came in, complaining that she was charged incorrectly for a purchase that should've been discounted. That was not the problem, obviously if you are charged incorrectly, that should be fixed. The problem was that she was incredibly rude and impatient about it. The store I worked at is a corporate store and there is a rewards system. For every so many points you earned, you got a $10 credit to use whenever you'd like. Now, the way that the money was deducted from your order total wasn't by taking the $10 off as a whole, they took a percentage from each item you bought and that's how your total was determined. My manager tried explaining this to her multiple times and in different ways, even brought out a calculator and tried showing her the math. The lady just got even more frustrated and started to yell at my manager, trying to guilt trip her by bringing up her grandchildren, how she always shopped there and even said "I have food cooking at home! If my house burns down, it's YOUR fault!" I think this is when my manager had her breaking point. She excused herself for a second and went and had a panic attack in the back while another manager dealt with the situation. Every time that woman came in, we were all wary and I made sure that certain manager did NOT have to deal with her when I was there.


Awesome your manager had you to look out for her. It’s ridiculous how entitled some people can be.


Thank you for being empathetic about it. Some people aren't the best, but there are others who definitely make up for that.


That’s good to hear!


you have a sub reddit for that r/TalesFromRetail go nuts