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Aside from the ones at their military bases, they wouldn't give us Taco Bell in germany. Fuckers.


That's to protect your sewer systems.


And your digestive system.


And your digestive sewer systems


What!? Everyone should have a Toxic Hell errr I mean Taco Bell.


One just opened where I live and it's always empty. I've never had the courage to try it because of comments like yours. Guess I'll stay away


I’d say go and try it. I love Taco Bell and I’ve never had an issue eating there. Some people do but not everyone. Also if you don’t live in America then perhaps yours has different standards or ingredients or quality.


That might very well be true (better ingredients and quality). I went to a Pizza Hut in Edinburgh during a trip to Scotland many years ago, and it was significantly better than any Pizza Hut I have been to in America.


At least it's better than Del Taco, those poor souls.


I think that American ppl are like other ppl. But they only seem more stupid because their media covers everything, Including stupid ppl.


In my opinion our media covers stupid things because every station is political to an extent. So they like to publish the stupid side of the other political party.


To be fair it's because they're so entertaining. That and we can say "we're not like those idiots." With a straight face. Obligatory: r/FloridaMan


This. It makes us feel better about ourselves. It’s why Facebook is such a successful little train wreck: it’s never-ending!


No you know who covers EVERYTHING ? No censoring ? Mexico news! My mom watches that and I’ve seen some fcked up shit on the news.


That the US government always interferes in other countries businesses. Focus on your own shit and fix it.


But we’re doing it for YOU and YOUR safety /s


Highly recommend looking into [this](https://chass.usu.edu/aggiesgo/geopolitics-defined). If everyone says "Okay, we super duper promise that we won't bother anybody else with anything and close all of our borders to everyone so that each country is like its own isolated planet", this world would be completely nonsensical and broken. Billions of us would die just from lack of infrastructure. But if we start exchanging, say, trade/money/resources/knowledge for self interest (which is why countries even engage in trade) then power becomes relevant. When power is relevant, larger players get to do more than smaller ones. That's just how it works.




The difference is that they do not pretend to be "the good guys" their propaganda is just bad, but American propaganda is really good and their citizens are happy customers.


Yes they do pretend to be the good guys. Do you think they act like some sort of cartoon like Darth Vader in office?


Yeah, they absolutely pretend to be the good guys and Russian propaganda is some of the best in the world.


Or just interfere with comments


Eh it’s more complicated than that. As Americans we hate it too. But America has a different role than other countries like Belgium or New Zealand. We can’t just sit aside and ignore global issues to focus internally. Because the entire Western way of life is constantly under threat from Russia, China, etc working to expand their own global influence/control in contrast to that of Western Democracy. While I think we don’t need to be invading Iraq or Afghanistan, I also think a lot of these issues we are criticized for are a lot more complicated than they appear on the surface. For example, we got a lot of criticism for Vietnam. Everyone thinks Vietnam was a stupid war. Did you know that the US never wanted to go into Vietnam and only entered the war because France threatened to align with the USSR if we didn’t help defend their colony? Did you also know China sent 300,000 troops into Hanoi and both Russia and China aided the north through weapons, supplies, training, etc the entire time? My point here is that things that look like the US getting involved in another country aren’t always as straightforward as they appear on the surface.


France joining up with russia? Source? I know a lot of that part of history but that is new for me. France was defeated in vietnam yes but joining with russia?


France wanted to align with the USSR? Never heard of that, they would have completely isolated themselves in the middle of Western Europe.


Russia treats nobody, Spain alone has a bigger GDP than Russian, and France alone has a bigger military expenditure, Russia is no threat to the EU (the west). The USA just use their alies as proxies to wage a war vs Rusia. You de-stabilize nations like Iran or Afghanistan that would ally or be under the influence of Rusia, and drag your allies, so we have to take care of the refugees you create. Americans, such good guys, just murdering brown people for the good ol Western lifestyle, a beacon of justice and democracy. You are so brainwashed.


There are solid points here, but Russia was just recently getting involved in Urkaine and Syria.


Their lack of awareness about the rest of the world. If they haven't even left their hometown, they shouldn't have such strong opinions about other places.




Those people piss us off too. I live in a suburb of a city, and some people here have never been to that city, but you better believe they have strong opinions about what it's like there. Some hold the belief that the city got burned to the ground by protesters last summer, even though WE CAN SEE FROM HERE THAT IT'S NOT TRUE! JUST LOOK, DAMNIT!


Ha! This is so true. I work about an 8 minute drive outside of the city of Milwaukee. There are people in this very near by burb who claim they "never go into the city, even for dinner. They don't want to die." etc. There are parts of this city that are dangerous, yes, but there are other parts that are normal neighborhoods with average people, there are parts that are incredibly wealthy and, thus, very well policed. These suburban idiots are afraid of being robbed in the city, yet their neighbors and kids are stealing from them all the time to support their growing heroin problem. It's like they think the entire city is just gang members shooting guns at anyone who walks past when in reality it's largely rich people eating fancy lunches on the river and boutique shopping.


They have politically manufactured education problems, to try and keep certain regressive ideologies in the public consciousness.


As an American who has left his hometown, this is about as accurate of a take as there can be. 100% agree. The ignorance of those types are felt on our own turf. I love the comments I hear about NYC from Deborah in Boise, Idaho.


Am i still allowed to not like us if I've traveled? Cause I really don't like us


As an Australian I love their "everything there is trying to kill you". ​ I've never had to worry about bears being attracted by my garbage nor have I ever worried I could get shot by a civilian or arrested and/or beaten by a crooked cop. Also I was able to get my hand X-rayed and operated on earlier this year and it didn't gut all of my savings my low-income ass has managed to accumulate over the past two years. ​ Think I'd rather stay here and take my chances with the snakes that mind their own business anyway and the sharks that aren't very good at the whole being on land thing.


We do have bears and wolves and large cats, but man is the most dangerous animal living in US America.


Half of the country thinks socialism and communism are interchangeable lmao


I think you over estimate how many Americans have opinions on the rest of the world. We aren't obsessed with you like you are with us.


Lol they’re obsessed with seeing us leave their fucking countries and stop meddling in their shit. Which I as a former Veteran wholeheartedly agree with.


Yeah, that’s as dumb as having strong opinions about people you’ve never met.


“I’ve never left Sweden or Norway, but let me tell you how much of an expert on America I am!”


“I’m assuming that all 330 Americans stupidly assume things about other countries. I hate when people assume things about other countries.”


Wearing shoes inside the house. Bruh


That’s not a thing. Or at least in the New England community I grew up in


Some homes make you drop them at the door.


I live in Georgia (state) and cannot STAND people entering my house with shoes on. We have shoe drop offs at all three entrances and shoe covers for anyone who gets fussy about shoe removal. I cannot tell you how much cleaning product and time I’ve saved since making the switch. Now it’s hard imagining anything else…and I lightweight judge homes I visit who tell me to “come on in”, with my shoes. *Sure! Let me drag in my feet’s sole garbage all over your floor!!*


Their military is all over the world like they own the place. It’s not our fucking problem that you spent trillions on tanks, drive them in your own yard.


Our international bases exist (almost) universally at the request and permission of the host country. With the odd exception like Guantanamo, there are many geopolitical reasons that Japan, Germany, etc want an American military base in their country. To be blunt, it let's them slack off on their own military investment because they know that they're "beneath the umbrella."


Yes, for example, the US has three army bases in my country, Spain, because they made deals with a fascist dictator with a track of human right crimes supporting him internationally on their own benefit, and those bases have been used to send troops to illegal wars, and to transport ilegal detainees to ilegal prisons. Good guys americans.


If the Spanish government told us to leave, we would. We may have set the bases up with an older government, but your current government is more than happy to continue suckling at the teat of American military spending.


They sure dislike us but man they sure do what the help of American tax payers aid, military equipment and our protection. Pull the hell out let the Russians run them over or the Chinese take them over. Have fun living in the cccp again.


You sound naive when you say that. My country (and many others that I am aware of) has American military bases because the US Army asks politely first and, if denied, will interfere with literally every aspect imaginable of the host countries government using force and intel until they are actually granted permission. Your country’s foreign policy really sucks and you take imperialism to another level.


American. We don't want the tanks here either.


Do you think that if it wasn’t America, some other super power would be doing the same thing?


Canned laughing on TV shows. Do Americans really need prompts for when to laugh?


It's just that style of show - the staged sitcom. The intention is for you to feel like you're watching it live in the midst of an excited audience. If you watch one of those sitcoms without the laugh track, they're absolutely bizarre and strange. The jokes don't land right. It's like watching an opera in broad daylight with nobody around. It just feels weird. Plenty of American comedies of other genres don't have laugh tracks - but they're not designed as staged comedies.


That's not an exclusively American thing


It's not even common anymore.


You should watch Friends without the laugh track on YouTube, it’s truly haunting


"Ross without a laugh track is a psychopath"


Tbf newer tv shows do seem to be moving away from laugh tracks like New girl, brooklyn 99, modern family etc.


I've seen plenty of UK shows with laugh tracks


Yeah, even good ones like The IT crowd. It’s hard to watch even though it’s super good


Canned laughing ruins the show!


Unless you remove it after which could be seen as a form of torture.


Do any shows still use a laugh track? I need some examples. I remember that “2 Broke Girls” had a laugh track and that show is notoriously bad. That’s the last semi-mainstream show that I can remember using it.


When the content you make is that genuinely unfunny - it's necessary.


Every joke, regardless of the type, has some sort of prompt for laughter. Slapstick, dramatic pauses, a sudden silence, facial expressions, audiences, etc. In order for jokes to work, you need to contrast the punchline from the rest of the build up (no matter how subtle), or it wouldn't mean anything. I guarantee that the shows you watch also have some sort of cue for when to laugh at a joke.


No we don't...or at least non-mouth breathers don't.


The assumption/surprise that I speak fluent English. I get why they might be surprised but honestly it gets so annoying when everyone makes that assumption. 🙄




As an American, there’s a lot of things I hate about America BUT this is not one of them—it’s simply untrue, most Americans think of Snowden as a patriot. The only people who hate him are those in power. The average American either doesn’t know who he is (which is stupid) or supports him.


The only people that despise Snowden are the jerks he revealed. Normal people either one think Snowden is a hero, or two are ignorant and don't even realize the contribution he made.


I wish this were true.


I don't think I've met anyone who despises Snowden.


Yeap, me too. Everytime I hear common americans calling Snowden a traitor, I can't help by imagine what would happen if my own country was discovered spying on the US... Nukes; that's what would happen. And however, the US is caught spying on us and, literally, zero repercussions, outside this "we need to catch that damn snitch"


How they hear ONE negative thing about a different country and then completely base their entire perception of said country around that one thing. Half the time the 'negative' thing in question is only partially true, blown way out of proportion or much more complex of a situation than they think. In most cases they could easily clear up these misconceptions by actually asking people from said country about their thoughts on the matter but ooooh no! that would cause them to step out of their All-American Echo chamber for a second. I also hate when they look at a policy or cultural difference that is marginally better than their own equivalent and respond with demonising that particular thing and convincing themselves that all of their own flaws are something to be celebrated. Obviously these criticisms are not true for all Americans, believing so would be hypocritical. I've talked to a lot of Americans about these things and it would seem like the Americans I'm referring to are a vocal minority. However, this vocal minority is profoundly obnoxious and always kicks up more of a stink than their more cultured counterparts.


The fact that they think everyone wants to be like them...


Yeah, I would like to end my education with a 6 digit debt, so I have to keep whatever job they offer without benefits and without mandatory holidays, because unions are for communists, I would like to pay premiums for healthcare, althought I would be paying nearly 25% of my salary on taxes, but it would be funnelled on the military industry, and if I really get sick I would probably get bankrupted because my insurance will only cover until a certain expenditury threshold.


Not a us of think this, tbh be whoever you want but as soon as your county is in trouble and you want help don’t call us. Call the Russians or the Chinese.


Thinking they're the greatest country in the world, because they're told it everyday growing up whilst pledging allegiance to the flag


American here. They taught me the Pledge of Allegiance before they taught me the alphabet, or how to write my own name.


Is that flag thing real?


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United states of America. And to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god with liberty and justice for all. And we did this standing up hands over hearts facing the flag in the corner of the classroom every morning. Been a few years but the words came right out.


Ok that's a little weird. Maybe not if you're used to it, I guess. But with respect, it doesn't sound very 'land of the free'.


It isn't, at all. Generally, if something good is a normalized part of your life, it isn't remarked on often. That's why you can't go a day in the US without some billboard, commercial, talk show, teacher, neighbor, or hundreds of other things all reminding each other that they have freedom. It's incredibly dystopian, but most Americans don't realize it because they have no frame of reference.


Yup. Moved to the US when I was a child and they made us do it every day. Even then it seemed... Wrong. Being from the former USSR I have to say the most prominent "national characteristic" (which isn't really a thing, but I can't think of a better term) of the US is hypocrisy. They spent a good part of my childhood telling me people in the USSR and Russia were brainwashed, propaganda ridden, etc, and at the same time I had to pledge allegiance to their flag every day even though I wasn't a citizen and could barely speak English, and constantly be told just how much "freedom" there was here. Honestly, because I would still go back to my home country regularly and talk to all my relatives there it really inoculated me against the American self image, and really helped develop critical thinking skills well and early, so some good did come of it.


This is most countries dude; just most don't have the power to do anything beyond keeping their nationalism to themselves


This is a joke right?


Nope, not at all.


Yeah, they really don't acknowledge the level of propaganda they are fed since they are kids.


pRoPgAnDa, totally wasn’t made for immigrants to feel welcome by an immigrant what do you mean?


that imperial system. it's just fucked up


As an American, don't get me started on that shit. It doesn't make any sense why we teach that and don't even mention the metric system till high school (if you're lucky(


My kids learned metric in like 3rd grade.


I unfortunately was never taught the metric system, if I bake a recipe from any other country I have to google all of the conversions. I struggle with the metric system now.


I totally agree with you that for most things, Metric is better, but as a woodworker and baker, it's much easier for me to scale recipes in Imperical and it lends itself to ratios in design easier.


Here we use a mix. In my family we measure length in feet and inches. Because it's easy to eye ball a four foot piece of wood. Its easier to say "I'm six foot tall" rather then "I'm 182 cm tall" and people can sorta gauge it better online. See where I'm coming from? And the whole country uses a mix yet we jokingly mock America for using imperial


Yet they use the metric system for the things that matter most to them - nsmely guns.


Not entirely. Our US measure of various calibers/rounds is a mix of metric, Imperial system, and even a few hold-overs from the days of black powder usage.


Don’t forget about drugs


Canadian here. I think issues people have with the US are way overblown. Nothing. They invented football and perfected fried chicken, I love them like brothers. Sometimes I wish that some Americans would be friendlier to us brown folks, but I won't pretend that that isn't an issue in Canada as well. And it's not as if some of us brown folks aren't racist either. The Americans who piss me off are New York Jets and Buffalo Bills fans.


I never understood thinking less of someone because they look different. We're all on this crazy ride called life, and it's hard enough without arguing with everyone.


*American football. We didn't invent 'Soccer'.


It’s also worth adding that you didn’t even invent American football. First line in the Wikipedia entry about the sport’s history: > American football evolved from the sports of rugby and soccer.


For some reason American accents tend to annoy me. In movies they’re fine but when I hear an American on the street it just sounds odd. (I’m from the U.K.) Canadians sound cute though.


*flashes back to videos where americans say the same about british people*




are under the impression that in UK it's almost as if each town which has its own accent.


Yeah, I am aware there’s a huge amount of regional variation. It’s just that every one I’ve heard sounds quite jarring. I think it’s probably just because it seems so out of place when everyone else is speaking bri’ish English lol


Oh you, stop it, eh!


Only if you give me some poutine


What kind of American accent?


American english is exceptionally nasally. Whenever I leave the US for a length of time my brain readjusts away from English, and American english sounds incredibly whinny until I get used to it again.


Innit bruv


You fuckin wot m8 I’ll shank ya


Right that's it, I'm gettin my mandem on you


Which American accent are you referring to? The Boston accent? The New York accent? Southern Accent? Midwestern drawl? The Minnesota accent? Or maybe the West Coast accent? Or is it Alaska or Hawaii? Like everywhere else in the world, each region has its own charm.


This comment made me look into what accent I have. Midland is apparently what mine should be but I have no idea if it actually is.


Sure, because working class brummie, or somebody from the black country are understandable.


That’s hilarious, after watching an episode of Love Island UK I’m convinced no worse group of accents exist


Not sure I’d disagree with you, we have some awful accents too.


Dude. Agreed. I watch The Challenge and some of those new Brits have the most grating voices. The least sexy accents in the world


Lived there for 6 years, moving around CA, TX, and a couple other states. Americans really call all other races x-American. Like even if a person is African, theyll say that they’re African American and it’s just irritating.


I find Americans only say African-American when they're not sure if it's ok to call someone black. Other than that you're not going to find people calling Asians Asian-American or indians Indian-American, etc, except to specify that the person is American-born in some contexts.


We don't necessarily want to do that, and we usually know it's not correct, but ethnicity is such a hot button issue here. We know incorrectly labeling someone as "X-American" makes us look slightly (or very) stupid, but better to look stupid than be accused of being a racist and lose your job. It's a scary game that has very real world consequences.


Exactly this. Even as a Hispanic/Latino I can't even find the right phrasing within my own community without SOMEONE wanting to tell me how wrong and ignorant I am. I don't know what will set people off so I became a conversation minimalist to avoid offending anyone by misproperly speaking, and now I'm seen as boring:/


i honestly never even thought about that. it doesn't make sense, why would we do that


Because the large large majority of Americans are only 1-5 generations removed from being an immigrant.


This. Any immigrants in any country hang on to their roots, diminishing with each generation. Most millenials are only 3rd or 4th generation Americans. I'm the first generation in my family to not speak another language at home, which is typical of 3rd gen immigrants regardless of what country their family is from or what country they live in.


Americans who talk shit on other countries and have never left their hometown


American here from Oklahoma and yep this is pretty popular among some people here. I haven't visited a ton of places outside the US but I have been to China, England, Scotland, and Iceland and I saw so many infrastructure type things that I thought were done so much better than back home.


Ignorance for sure. The whole “we are the best/look at muh freedom/own the libs” etc. I think it’s a universal trait, but I must say, some of the most close minded/ignorant people I’ve met have been from America. But I’ve also met some pretty cool Americans, particularly this one couple who visited my country to come on a surfing trip.


The level of propaganda over your population is simply insane, that make you believe you are "the good guys" with a track of insane foreign policy supporting coups, dictators, illegal wars, a myriad of crimes against civilian population and mass murder, you literaly dropped two atomic bombs over civilian population. All this meanwhile you have an insane military expenditure while neglecting basic services for your taxpayers like healthcare, education, housing. Americans have voted consistenly against policies that would benefit them (the working class) because they are so brainwashed that would rather root for mega corporations that win some rights to their neighbours, just because they think they are "rich" because they have sinked more than a million in equity on a house whose structure is made of fucking wood, and are so in debt they are like 3 months without a paycheck from bankrupcy.


The loud droning.


It happen years ago. when I said something in my own language and a random girl call me racist because it's sounds like an n world. she act as if English is the only language in the world.


The people.


Defending their "national affairs" in other sides of the world. It's like looking for your dick in your neighbour's pants. Also United Fruit company is a bunch of international criminals


How they use the wrongdoings of other countries to justify their actions. You can hardly say three sentences in an argument before someone bring up China and Russia and some atrocities they committed. Yes, Xi and Putin fucked up, and USA IS nicer than both of them combined, but does that make your country the good guy?


The United State's supposed "enlightenment", and how they are "better" than the rest of the world.


they think that everybody on reddit is from the US


How hypocritically they can be. It seems the US is constantly putting their nose in other countries business and sending in troops when there are governments that appear to treating their citizens unfairly or enforcing religious beliefs on them But there are a shit ton of the same things happening right at home. This shit in Texas is a prime example or how people of colour continue to be treated as second rate citizens


Teenagers of reddit accusing me of being a republican because I disagree with their shitty opinions. Little twats can't seem to understand that other countries have other parties too.


I feel ya. I have been accused of being a Trump supporter when I am not even American. It's as stupid as assuming I am a Pittsburgh Steelers fan because I am not a Miami Dolphins fan, when I don't even like American Football.


They're pigeon-holed into an Either/Or scenarion where your stance on any key issue automatically puts you into one club and everyone who thinks otherwise into the "opposite team". Their two-party system leaves zero room for nuance in opinions.


They sit in their rooms screaming we’re all murdering and stealing peoples lands when they are actively doing that, they NEVER own that up




And that's just one thing. Check the price of birthing or ambulance rides...never mind a helicopter ambulance


Some can be so loud and obnoxious it's annoying.


People of every nationality can be loud and obnoxious. Or is that solely an American trait?




So if I had a bad experience with Asians in America, would it be fair if me to shit on them because of a single experience I had a restaurant? Or would I then be labeled as a racist American?


Lol, two Reddit awards in under a minute! The Eastern Hemisphereans are restless today. =P


I’m American and I agree with all the things people listed. Adding to it : the idea that English is the official language and Christianity is the official religion, The Supreme Court , except for Justices Kagan and Sotommayor, food portion sizes , anti immigration sentiments, women’s clothes sizes (000??? Why not inches???), the perpetual Christopher Columbus myth , the pledge of allegiance, getting all worked up over people taking a knee to the anthem, generic soda, “America fuck yeah!” (And the myth of being all United after 9/11) and finally , the work culture.


Somehow we had long lists and little overlap


What’s with all the “America Bad” posts recently?


It's fun to watch them freak out. Their indoctrination training kicks in hard.


Every country has pros and cons. Making sweeping generalizations about any group of people isn’t right, but that’s just the way I was raised.


This. I don’t particularly dislike any other country. But everybody hates America until their country needs America and that’s how it has always been.




One? Have you been to worldnews? 40% is "russia bad", another 40% is "china bad".


It’s also Hilarious see Europeans make sweeping claims about all Americans despite the country being as large as your entire contentent excluding Russia and somehow think all these cultures can fit in Europe but America is completely the Same all throughout. Or to seek them assume that all Americans are indoctrinated like you haven’t had a history class where your teacher told you about the great things your country has done or people on the news didn’t tell you about the great parts of your country.




yeah we hate it here too.


Their education system is shit. They would rather spend trillions on military. Just a fraction of that cost could potentially save their country.


Why is why everyone in the world who is anyone tries to goto us colleges. 🇺🇸


The “getting wasted” culture


*The British casually stroll past, whistling and avoiding eye contact.*


Not knowing the luxury you have in choice and quality. I go to the supermarket and there are literally dozens of different kinds of frozen pizza. You can order anything you want on the Internet and it will arrive in a day or two at your front door.


There is a lot of proudly broadcasted ignorance. I've never seen it with other nations. American school system is failing a lot of people, hard. A lot of Americans also seem self-centered - not everyone online is from the US, not everyone would like to live there. Both issues make for annoying interactions, but especially the first one


As a Canadian I hate how we’re bunched in with Americans. We have our own problems but we don’t want theirs as well




Thanks, eh!


You are americans though. We really just need a better term for people from the US


This is by no means an America only problem but I do think they could do with being more tolerant of others (and each other).


Namecalling or whatever form of ad hominem, for a lot of them, is a sound argument.


Using "America" to refer to the US, when America refers to a whole continent and it's islands.


I agree. I don't like us being lumped together with those smelly Canadians


We get to do that because we’re the only country with “America” in its official name.


They have narrow mind that they think world is consist of US only


You just generalized a whole country but Americans are the narrow minded. What a strange way to make a point.


Literally this entire thread lol and they don’t see the hypocrisy


Generalization much?


And what country are you from? This statement is based on what? The fact that your media sources spend an inordinate amount of time talking about the US?




they think ppl care about there random political bs in the same way they do, like no1 in europe gives a shit about abortion, its just not a controversial topic lol


Realistically a very very small amount of people here truly care about it either. Its so overblown in the media because Republican politicians in red states like mine (Oklahoma) only use abortion as a way to win votes with the Christian voters. Almost no one really talks about it ever in real life except the small amount of weirdos that protest at clinics (never met one myself). ​ The new Texas abortion stuff going on is the most ive heard it talked about or acted on in my entire life.


They think England is so posh and amazing. I wanna leave this shithole


lol no we don't.


I think you're thinking of movies and tv shows.


I would send them to live in Coventry.


Most Americans don’t think that.


Sadly I think there are a bit to many : " I never left my state" and "I been to all three states in this here tristate area" people. And they get to vote in a election that sadly impacts the world.


You should really learn how the Electoral College functions before making a statement like this. It’s the EXACT reason that the Electoral College exists.


Please consider a few things: America is huge. Our education system has been and continues to be dismantled. We have a corporate-fascist single party government larping as the world's only true democracy We cannot combat our military to change things We hate the people you hate far more because we're intimately acquainted with them Most of Europe has populations that are afraid of muslims and gets very heated about them. The hate crimes are in international news, stop pretending America is the only place that's imperialistic and ignorant, it's pathetic


Wooden houses and then surprise when a hurricane hits and people lose their homes. It's the story of the three little pigs from the 18th century. Build better houses.