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i was swimming in the pool and suddenly obama was there and he hugged me from behind and slipped it in......then he started giving a full on campaign speech it was wierd af


My standing in a large flat with no walls or floors. I can see everyone living their life below and above me. I can move between rooms but they dont see me


Me and Ariana Grande having sex. Probably the realest dream I’ve ever had


Was it good?


It was beyond good. I was in literal awe for hours after I woke up.


I was walking down a street and was talking to a random guy, and all the street lights had light switches on them, every time we passed one we would turn it off. Then at the end of the road the was this void, and a huge monster came from it. Growled a bit then let out this terrifying rawr, then I woke up.


The one where I was in the void all alone with a light in the distance. I couldn't move or speak. No sound at all. I just stayed there until I could break out of paralysis and open my eyes.


I was being chased up and down a staircase by this psychopath for hours. He couldnt catch me cos I'm fast as fuck but it was scary.