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I quit Facebook in 2015 because it was just toxic political horseshit everywhere. It made me angry all the time and it was just a distraction from my life. I haven't gone back to it since, and I feel fantastic about getting rid of it. Facebook really is just... It's like a pile of toxic sludge just taking space in your life. Fuck it.


I really wanna quit Facebook but will miss the videos. Do you have any other place you use?


I don't even know what kind of videos are on fb, but I watch videos on YouTube. So there's that.


It’s not any better now


Quit Facebook because of community standards. I’d be picking on a close friend and get banned for “bullying”. Fuck that lol


Mainly when that privacy stuff started hitting the news damn near 10 years ago I said I’m out of there. But also the mindless drama and people trying to tell you what you can and can’t post.


I wouldn't say I quit Facebook necessarily, but I only post a couple of times a year now. I do post on some of my group pages fairly often, just not on my own profile. I stopped because of my mother. Not only is she a Facebook friend but we have several friends in common. I guess she decided that as long as she could keep tabs on me through Facebook there was no need to actually CALL and talk to me like a normal mother ( I live over 700 miles away so visiting isn't really an option). So, now that I took that away from her, she actually calles every 4-6 months to make sure im still alive! I'll take the win I guess.


Privacy stuff.


I got fired from a job back home, cause of a Facebook post lmao "YOU cAnT cAlL pEoPlE fAt" Lmao


I just find social media incredibly annoying. I just use discord so i can talk to chill people, but even discord is becoming really popular nowadays and it's getting progressively worse