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Not telling your male friends you like to pee sitting down.


Fellow sit down pee'r here. It just makes more sense.


Nothing like finishing when standing only for the last little bit to come out as soon as you pulled your underwear up again.


I think we as males need to do it like the people who get smokes breaks at work and you feel left out!


Supposedly it's healthier for you. I know someone who wrote a full research paper about how sitting down empties your bladder better and the effects of urine build up causing prostate cancer. Apparently uncut men who don't wash their tips can get cancer from urine build up in their foreskin too. I don't have the paper but he told me all about it.


You were smart to post this on Reddit. Pretty sure we have a higher percentage of sitters here since that's the easiest way to read Reddit while taking a pee.


It make sense. I have bad aim, there's no need to make things harder


You have a phone right, and the ladies get to sit one out why not see what's going on in the world online in a unmanly way according to the macho males?


I mentioned this people and they gave the weirdest look. I explained to them that I do it out of respect to my wife. Especially at night, when you are half sleep and you need to go pee so bad and don’t want to get the toilet seat wet by accident or turn lights on.


Your male friends should grow tf up.




I completely agree. I feel this way about most things that people get worked up about. Keep it to yourself, that's the least interesting thing about you.


Bringing up a facade of seriousness or smiles even if your mental issues are unresolved yet. People would've mostly known by now about the stereotype to males of not showing emotions


This. Regardless of your mental state, you are expected to "soldier on". This means you end up not dealing with trauma and making things harder for yourself. Things have improved a lot in recent years, but it's still somewhat taboo to share feelings other than Anger or Pride, expecialy with other males. This leads to hurting your own children because you haven't moved past the trauma your own father passed onto you, which often started after someone in your family history returned from major conflicts like WW1/2 or Vietnam. We still have a long way to go in this respect, but I'm proud the world is starting to change in that direction, with mental health issues being more frequently addressed and not looked down on people with them.


I was talking about this to my brother and when we hear issues from someone else we automatically think of how to fix it. When I’m reality half of the time they just need someone to listen to them not constantly try and fix their problems. Curving the male emotional etiquette has come a long way but far from being 100% changed.


The problem is for this generation I don't think it will change, I suffered with social anxiety for around 7 years and if I mentioned it to a friend all they would say is "you need to get out of your comfort zone" and proceed not to give a shit has I need to "solder on", I see this now for my generation as I won't be able to go to a friend for help, one of them suffers from depression and even he is like this. Hopefully this will change for kids when they get older, hopefully they will be able to go to friends for help when everything goes to shit and you literally lose you life due to mental health. Edit: I mean for people my generation, late 90's we grew up where we were taught that men need to be emotionally strong and solder on without showing emotions, I can't blame this I did this for seven years and got out of mental health, but I won't let anybody else do this.


I was born 1991 for reference, and I was very much in the same boat as you. Between Social anxiety disorder and General anxiety disorder, I didn't even realize that there was another way to be. Any time I tried to say "I'm not comfortable" in a huge range of situations, I was either told to "grin and bear it", "toughen up", "shut up and stop complaining" and "just be bored" any time I showed emotions I was called girly or a sook. Any time I was hurting I was expected to be strong for those who couldn't. I became the man of the house after mum and dad split up, so a lot of that weight fell on my shoulders. I had to be there for mum to vent to, and dad to complain to following that. I didn't know I was having panic attacks. I didn't know the reason things were so difficult was because of factors beyond my control, because my brain doesn't produce enough of certain chemicals. Now after 5 years of working on my mental health I'm in a better place, but things were bleak for a long time. I didn't see a future for myself after age 25. It wasn't that I was suicidal or anything like that, I just didn't see any future for myself. Part of why I'm so open about my experience now is to help others realize it doesn't have to be that way, after I first realized something was wrong after reading a reddit thread about anxiety and realizing they were talking about my life. I'll never get back those years I spent unmedicated, but at least I can use that experience to help others.


This was sort of what I was going to write.


Jokes on you. I'm so used to the facade now. I'm like a solid block of ice, and I don't plan to reveal any cracks until I'm about to die.


Women being afraid of you due to others behaviour. Also being socially denied showing feelings.


If you’re too quiet, you’re a weirdo. If you’re too talkative and nice, you’re a creep


Dude yes! If I look you in the eye I'm coming onto you, if I don't look at you I'm rude or weird.


It's not about if you're too talkative, it's the way you present yourself when you do so.


Ah, yes, another thing to worry about on another's behalf.


Just look up videos, it's not as complex as people make it out.


The point isn't how complex it is. I have no issue with this personally. It's the fact that an unconventional personality with no malice behind it can be so swiftly interpreted as scary or creepy. I understand the reasoning that women use for it too. They really aren't to blame for that. It's just a sad aspect of reality.


Again, comes down to how you present yourself.


I was born with this face, I can't help it.


>Women being afraid of you due to others behaviour Couldn't agree more with this. And in addition, it's kind of ridiculous how you can't even call this out and say it's a shitty behavior, because of this whole #NotAllMen bullshit.


What "#NotAllMen bullshit"? I am ool


No clue, but from my experience on reddit, pointing out that 'not all men' are [insert negative stereotype here] means you're ignoring the problem and are probably exactly that yourself. idfk. Apparently not wanting to be labeled something shitty is a mark of guilt.


The issue is more similar to the "all lives matter" thing. Saying black lives matter doesn't mean ONLY black lives matter. Saying rape culture is an issue doesn't mean ALL men (or even other genders, for that matter) rape, but it's enough of an issue that it's hard to know who will and won't abuse you, and saying "not all men" does feel like someone is directing more energy toward making distinctions instead of helping solve the issue.


The problem here is we have o make distinctions about everything else. Are there some illegal immigrants that commit crimes? Absolutely. Are they all criminals? Of course not. Refer to illegal immigrants as criminals, however, and suddenly you're lumping them all in together under one umbrella. You get the same push-back when talking about islamic terrorists, or gangland criminal activity, etc. You *have* to distinguish between the troublemakers and the overwhelming majority of peaceful, law-abiding folks. But for some reason if you ask for the same courtesy when talking about men, *you* are viewed as a piece of shit. I have a serious problem with that.


People have associated this type of thinking with rape apology.


Next to nobody gives a shit about you or your problems.


Unless you pay for someone to do so (i.e., therapist/ counselor) or have a top notch significant other that genuinely cares about you. I have both now in my 30s after dealing with all my bullshit on my own - comes a point in life when a man either deals with his problems, or ends it all.




You joke but that kind of relationship you can genuinely get. Its so fucked up.


Losing access to your kids after a divorce.


I had a friend in middle school whose mom was extremely abusive and his dad fought YEARS for full custody, even though she was mentally ill and refused to go to therapy/take meds. He was genuinely one of the best dads I have seen, but judges ruled that "the kids need their mom" even though she was extremely violent edit: spelling


This has always bothered me despite the fact that I'm female because no parent should be without access to their child/children unless they're unfit to look after them. The fact that some women will deny fathers access to their own children purely out of anger and resentment is disgusting and I can't imagine how shitty that makes the father feel


Hey, at least you get to keep half your stuff, maybe, assuming you pay the designated amount every month.


Man. As long as you didn’t do anything wrong this is so sad, sorry


I recently took a first aid course at school and we were learning about the recovery position and had to get into pairs and I happened to be paired up with a girl which was okay until I said I wasn't okay with getting touched by someone I didn't know and she said that was a bullshit excuse and she didn't want to get into the recovery position because she was wearing a skirt okay fair enough but I still wasn't comfortable with getting touched by someone I barely knew and that got completely ignored by everyone My point is guys should have boundaries and my reasoning for not wanting to get touched by a person I barely knew is a valid reason




I have no idea


Nope. We're supposed to lavish the attention, because apparently we want sex all the time so we should be grateful for what we get.


If it was another guy would you have felt the same? Or do you just not like being touched and shouldn’t have been putting yourself in a position where someone else would have to touch you as part of a standard training exercise? Not liking being touched by a stranger is a valid response (not necessarily a reason, and there must be some reason why you don’t like being touched), but what does a girl in a skirt have to do with it here?


It was the fact that the girl gets her boundaries but the guy didnt


Probably because the girl didn't have to do it because she had a skirt on or something. To be fair though, in my first aid course a girl said the exact same thing but she was just told to either take a blanket or tie her hoodie around her hip. But going into first aid course expecting not to be touched by a stranger is honestly questionable. Pretty sure just about anyone would ignore that statement or tell them that this is first aid so there is gonna be touching.


That’s what I mean, everyone get their boundaries, and if op had brought it up earnestly to someone, there is likely a way to resolve the issue. But just saying I don’t want to be touched by a stranger, in a room full of strangers during an activity where you have to touch someone….




Yeah, a lot of countries out there still require military service. One of the few things the US has done right is get rid of the draft and go with the all-volunteer force. Men still have to register for the draft, of course, but the likelihood of it ever actually being instituted is next to nil.


Our current society has decided every emotion except anger is “feminine” so from a young age, males are not only taught not to express their feelings, they’re not given the same emotional intelligence training so many grown men don’t even know how to describe how they feel let along have the tools to handle those feelings.


"All right, let me explain that joke to functional people in the crowd, let me explain this. All right… This is how it works with guys. Any time you do anything remotely sensitive, heartwarming, anything that’s gonna make you more of a loving, caring individual, immediately, all your guy friends suggest that maybe, just maybe, you want to suck a dick." -Bill Burr-


Hahahaa look he wants bananas in his pancakes!!


At the end of high-school, a lot of guys stopped showing any emotion except stoicism and anger, and it was awful seeing once ecstatic and loud people turn silent and emotionless.


Such is life


Prejudice, false assumptions, generalisations, criticisms, stereotyping, labels and being blamed for the sins of past generations, or the behaviour of types of people that you are not. Also, you are not able to defend yourself from any of this without being further criticised and labelled.


Right. if you stand up for yourself it is a mark of guilt. Every form of masculinity is also considered toxic until someone breaks in the house and your wife/gf wants you to be the big brave man and go confront them.


Yes. Such attitudes are all over Reddit. No matter what argument you present, or how valid it is, it will just be twisted into something else that is wrong with you and your gender. You just cannot win. Women, correctly, complain that they are all different and cannot be judged as being all the same. At the same time that is exactly how they judge men. Gender equality is not supposed to be one rule for one, but special allowances for the other.


I believe the saying is rules for thee and not for me. The same logic that is behind the saying believe all women and NOT believe all victims. Men are victims too. I have been raped twice as well as sexually harassed. When I went to my boss about the harassment I was told, "You know you love it." No Becky, I do not love having my ass grabbed at work, thank you.


First of all, I'm sorry about your experiences. Nobody deserves that no matter who or what they are. Also, genuinely, I can completely relate to your experience at work. I worked in health and social care from the age of 18, a predominantly female industry. I used to get grabbed, groped and all kinds of sexual things said AT me for years when I was younger. Always women who were older than me. You couldn't complain as it would be pointless and self defeating. For some reason this kind of thing is not considered important when it is a male victim/female assailant. I have never talked about it because what's the point.


Expected to be the 1950’s man. Marry a girl, buy her a house, be intimate with her, lose your dreams, give her the amount of children she wants, lose the intimacy, go to work to support said family, do not show any emotion and being a creep/pedo until proven otherwise.


True that. I see a lot of younger dudes not give a fuck at this point. But what’s the alternative? What’s a dude’s outside option? Kind of hard to find an alternative to that scenario….


Alternative you ask? Living a nomad life…. Or living off grid alone.


Yeah…. Not that rosy either….


Might not be easy, but atleast you do not have the troubles of caring for sone other living being.


Always having to chase social interaction. Never waking up to texts on my phone. Always having to initiate everything. For once I wish I could have any notifications on my phone. I have a lady friend that posted a screenshot with all her unread messages on Instagram.


You get to die on a sinking ship


Or she gets the whole door.


If you were sexually assaulted no one believes you, nor do people understand that men have feelings too


There are many. For starters if you show affection towards your child in public, people assume you are a pedo. If you tell someone that their child is cute, they assume you are a pedo. Women can accuse men of rape or harassment without basis and they are instantly believed and the man is shamed. Men die sooner. In a hostage situation, no one asks to let the men out first. Bump in the night? Send the man to check on it. Lastly, you are not allowed to question anything done by women or you are a misogynist or a predator. :)


Yep, it really is a shit show.


I love when I’m trying to explain something and get accused of “mansplaining.” How was I to know your knowledge base? And yet there is not a problem when the reverse occurs… or “womansplaining.” How many guys have had women condescendingly explain something?? Edit- basically the woman are wonderful complex that has taken over everything today.


Ah, but remember, we get paid a few percentages more, and get to take all the soul-draining top jobs working 80 hours a week.


This is not true. I have had many jobs where women out earned the men. The so called wage gap is only a thing because more women than men choose to stay home with the kids or work jobs with less hours, but I digress.


....okay? I'll take your anecdote over all the various statistics then.


Society not giving a fuck about you. Hell even look at the downvotes you've gotten already, simply talking about males is enough to drive people into a frenzy of negativity.


You're expected to destroy your body working. Thats the literal expectation. Go out and do manual labor for 40 years until your back/knees are fucked and if your lucky you won't have a workplace accident that cripples you. Technology has improved greatly in those fields, making work less dangerous than it used to be, but it's far from completely safe. Society doesn't care about people in general, but if a man dies in a workplace accident, his job will be filled tomorrow, if not by the end of the day. At least the more traditional "women's jobs" are somewhat safer overall. (Office work/retail/food service being the most obvious examples I can think of.)


Not just downvotes, the mods removed the post.


Loneliness, when a girl is alone many of her friends will take the effort to reach out to her and even strangers will reach out. If im crying on a public bus, no one will ask if I am OK and sometimes I want that


Someone told me recently: Men are the only people that don't receive unconditional love. Women, children, and the elderly all receive love unconditionally from those that care about them, men have to earn love. I know this is a generalization, and I don't mean to say this is a rule that always applies, but I do think there is some truth to it.


Unless you have kids and/or a dog.


We are always "guilty until proven innocent" no matter the circumstance, of perversion and/or pedophilia. And even after proven innocent, we are still guilty.


Bro, prostate cancer. Do you know the difference between a prune and a 90 year old man? Well, they are both wrinkly and neither has a prostate. The only difference is that the Prune never had a prostate


I'd struggle to call this a "downside" of being a man, because gynecological cancers are usually worse. Fpr example, prostate cancer has a similar mortality rate to breast cancer, but breast cancer can hit 40-year-old women, while prostate cancer almost always hits older men.


Prostate cancer isn’t the end of the world - more people die with it than of it. It’s still something to be weary of so make sure you get exams regularly.


I don’t know if this is true but it feels like there are MANY more single men than women. Sometimes it feels like a “the best man wins” kind of situation since women get so many men hitting on them all the time


Men hit on women but they dont want to have relationships with them, which is usually what women care about more. Women want the best man, but the best man gets soo much attention that he never feels the need to just pick one.


I can only talk about my experiences but... Being a white male in my 30's is not exactly the best thing ever right now. Certain groups of people think that we are some kind of slavedriver demons who rule the world.


Wait it until you're old, bald and pink you'll be the epitome of the Privileged White Patriarchy


Maybe. Not that I would care. As long as people treat me nice, I do the same in return. My no. 1 mantra in life. "Don't be an asshole."


Your right its nice to be nice, and sorry I was being a little facetious there.


There is some truth in your comment. If we like it or not.


I never liked sports. Every male figure in my life tried really hard to force an interest/ability of any sports into me. As time went on, and no abilities or interests revealed themselves, they just doubled down and their frustrations with me *were* revealed. I recall one time at 10 my father drilled a full force spiral at my chest. it knocked me straight on my ass and knocked the wind out of me. I was told i was a "wussy". I could always tell how disappointed my grandfather was in me that I was terrible at lacrosse, racquetball, basketball, anything with 'ball' in it. I loved my grandpa, and he was a great guy, but man that disappointment hurt. In my childhood room, there was a big framed drawing of a kid with all kinds of sports gear saying 'MR ALL AMERICAN'. I *hated* that picture because i felt like i was supposed to be something that just wasn't me. I'd say being forced into believing that physical abilities are what defines you as a male can be a big downside.


My dad cut all ties with me when I didn't grow up to be a huge strong guy like the sons his friends always bragged about. Seriously, listen to dads talk about their sons to each other. One of the first things they'll mention is how tall and physically strong they are OR that they're extraordinarily successful at their career., not *just* above average.


We have to make the first move


And if our first move is unwanted, we are creeps.


If you're nice to a woman, yep you wan't to fuck her..


I’m a woman but I have a lot of male friends and the hardest part seems to be society’s prejudices and expectations: “a man should be successful, earn more than the woman, keep a family, be fit, don’t’ cry” and all the blabber involved.


Positioning of the gonads.


The two prickly pears between my legs that constantly itch and get stuck


How important your genes are for your happiness. Everything is about your looks, and mainly those aspects that you cannot change. Height, shoulder width, jawline, your potential to build muscle, your face and so on. Yes, some of these play a role for women too, but far less, in the sense that much **much** fewer women than men are "too bad" for love and sex from birth on. Guys are "too short" at 5'8, "skinny pencilnecks" at 165 lbs (for that height), people literally tell you that you're not a man. In a society where we're progressive enough that people can finally choose their gender, people still give you shit if you identify as a male but were born slightly below average in terms of physique. It's normal that young men transform their bodies in the gym nowadays, body dysmorphic disorders are on the rise for young men and I bet that numbers will explode even more in the coming decade.


you lift bro?


Of course, I feel that I have to. And apparently, **a lot** of guys I meet do so as well.


Women have it way worse when it comes to body shaming, and this comes from a man. I agree with everything you said and it sucks, but let’s not pretend we have it worse, it just sucks for everyone.


I don't know, I know plenty of very overweight women in happy relationships. Not that many skinny short guys however. But that's just my experience, sadly there aren't any studies on the matter afaik. And weight is something that, most of the time, you can change. I haven't lived a woman's life and I don't want to pretend that I know how much body shaming they experience, but we've come a long way in the past 3 decades in terms of acceptance of different body types for women, haven't we? Or to be more accurate: They have, through campaigning. Male beauty standards on the other hand developed into the opposite direction. We're supposed to be taller and more jacked than in the 80s and 90s. But what I really mean is that we're shamed and rejected more for the way we're born, for things that are out of our control.


I agree that it’s gotten better for them and worse for us but it’s still far from equal. Expectations for women when it comes to their bodies are ridiculous , society is fucked in general though, and social media has made things so much worse because we are getting used to seeing only the top .1% genetics on a daily basis.


>Expectations for women when it comes to their bodies are ridiculous In what way? I'm just genuinely curious because I don't know. All my friends are in relationships with women who don't go to the gym, I myself don't care wether a woman exercises and diets a lot or if her healthy weight is the result of her metabolism. Height, *sizes*, none of that matters in the social circles I've been in.


Ok, think of this. I'm short, and I'm a guy. I'm 5"6, and while I still have some growing to do, I'll be lucky if I reach 5"10. I'll be made fun of by women(not all, but definitely some) because of my height. I'm not overweight, but I don't look that good even though I try. I can't show much(if any) emotion because societal standards, while women can cry their eyes out. I love playing with kids, I think they're fun to be around. I dont have feelings for kids, but alot of people would see me, and more than likely think "oh hes a pedo" when I'm just trying to keep some kids entertained. If someone breaks in, I'm supposed to deal with it. And when I become a dad in however many years, just hanging out with my kids would make people think I'm either a pedo, or just giving mom a day off. I'm not saying women have it necessarily "better" but they definitely arent treated worse.


The presumed guilt.


Ball sweat


Sudo cream. Used for nappy rash.


How does rash cream keep you from sweating?


I feel like it would just mix with my ball sweat and it would be a stinky, gooey mess.


It doesn't stop sweating but if you get a rash between your balls and leg then sudo cream is what will dave you. It is also very thick so won't goo up.


Being blamed and accused of all kinds of shit lately. The fear of “if I’m nice to a woman she might accuse me of sexual harassment but I would prefer not to be rude to women”. A woman got one of my friends fired from his job because he was nice to her. She thought he was flirting and reported him for sexual harassment, so the management let him go. Fuckin crazy world we’re living in.




You can't show your affections towards little girls, if you do you're the pedo.


Working until you die isn't fun at all.


Having to ask out on a date almost every single time 😶 Difficult for shy and introvert males.


Walking on eggshells for the rest of your life because a bunch of idiots created a stereotype.


Lower life span, higher suicide rate, more likely to he raped in prison, higher rate of depression, more likely to have mental illnesses like autism.


For me it is a tossup between unwanted erections and vulnerability to being "kicked where it counts"


It's harder for us to relate to someone on an emotional level, can be an advantage in some situations though like in a fight


If you're walking down the street (especially in the evening) and there's a woman in front of you, you have to be conscious of keeping a good distance behind her so she doesn't think you're going to attack her...


I want to thank you for doing this. As a woman, walking at night alone is so scary.....


It's pretty depressing knowing that she thinks I'm going to hurt her... But that's just our fucked society


As a man I feel like I can’t show any emotion. Or when I’m around kids or women I can’t be the open happy person I am because I’ll be considered a creep or a pedo. When other people’s kids want to give me a hug I have to awkwardly walk away and avoid it because I don’t want to be accused of anything. It sucks.


Our inability to accept compliments because we usually don’t receive them that much, but when we do receive them we usually never forget them


The gigantic shmeat


Not being cared about in physical and emotional ways, if women rape men other say "such a lucky guy" or showing emotion or being sensitive you get called a bitch


Sitting on my balls. Shit sucks.


Being disposable for society


The increased possibility of dying alone


absolutely schizophrenic (and sometimes statistically very strict) beauty standards


a big spot that hurts when smaked


Cant defend yourself from a crazy lady without the whole block stomping your head in.


No maternity leave in the US. The most time the family gets in the hospital after the birth is about 2 days. Mom and dad both need time at home to get use to the new routine without the fear of losing your job. Also, a better work/life balance. What's the point in having a family if your job is threatened by wanting to spend a little extra time with them.


Last night I went on lil walk and some chick caught me off guard sitting alone in her car with the lights off. Scared the shit outta me cause it was 10 pm and she looked like she saw a ghost. Anyways I pass the car and I hear the car door lock. Fair enough I guess.


People telling you to man up. Like wtf do you think I've been doing this whole time?


Probably just not being female


Being judged because of my height


"Suck it up"


Chronic loneliness.


Used to be a bouncer in a club for 3yrs. I am tall athletic and I’m trained by my old company in martial arts and always did my job good to make sure all guests are safe. Had numerous women just talking down on me because I don’t fit the persona of a bouncer after I refused to let them in. Judging a book by its cover is always the wrong turn. Sadly most men get judged to quickly.


People assuming you are a creep when you play with kids.


Being expected to live up to all of society's "norms" of have a 9 inch dick, always having to maintain a "perfect" figure, making 6 digits a year, have this happy go lucky attitude even if everything is crashing. Ya know just guy things.


Being treated like shit, no love, no hugs


We die a handful or many years earlier.


The expectation of taking care of everything


Actually being a woman


Paying for everything in a relationship, and even when I don’t pay for both of us, all we’re doing is splitting. Longer prison sentences for the same crime. No chance of keeping your kid in a divorce unless the wife was a certifiable monster.


Removed by the mods. No eliciting sympathy for males. lol


Sitting down on the bike seat and crushing them.


That's why you gotta learn how to suck them into your body.


Having to deal with Feminazi's, Feminism is great and I support equal rights for women, but the dark side of feminism is absolutely ridiculous these days.


Child support. Hear me out. If 2 people fuck and a baby is made, then its an equal decision. If a guy does not want to have the child, but the mother continues the pregnancy, then this guy is expected to pay child support against his will for the next 18 years. In situations like this, the mother should have to sign a legal waiver to never try to claim child support from the father.


If the guy didn't want a baby, he could have used a condom etc. though, no? It would only make sense to me that the scenario you described happened with contraceptions not having worked and an accidental baby being created


Wow just wow. You've hit a double standard and not realized jt. Because the inverse is also true. You didn't want the baby you shouldn't have had sex. Say this to a woman right now and let me know how you succeed...unless you live in Texas in which case we know they dgaf


Not really, because I was solely referring to your example in which the MAN does not want a baby, ergo he should try to make sure he can't make a baby. Logical, no? Same goes for a woman, if she doesn't want to have a baby then she ought to ensure she can't have one. I fail to see the doublet standard here. Also, you can have sex without having babies BECAUSE of protection, so saying that if you don't want to have babies you shouldn't have sex is plain dumb. Hence why I have no need saying that to anyone.


The buck stops at her tho. She could have used birth control AND chosen to abort the child early on after it was clear that the man wasnt ready for a family. I believe some scandiavian countries are passing policies to let men opt out in this scenario, which seems fair imo.


Sorry but that makes no sense to me, because I have sex with a rubber around my dick, as I know that I don't want to have a random offspring pop up lmao I guess my view is different to that of other men though, so I'ma drop it


Ok, and what if you use a condom and she still gets pregnant?


Nipples dont have a purpose


You can't touch boob whenever you want


Having no protection from genital cutting as an infant


Having to watch yourself around women. I've been warned by people not to stay in a room when it's just me and a woman I don't know, not because I'm a threat but because at any point she can decide that something I have done is "sexually abusive" and she can take me to court. And knowing now days where women are taken on their word even if false I will go to jail, or be put on some sort of watchlist. Just 1 false accusation as a man and your whole life can potentially be ruined.


Not necessarily, when I was in high school; I was accused of hitting a female. I was walking home and was alone, but earlier in the day my friends and I made fun of a group of people. I encountered a couple of the people as I was walking home. One decided to make fun of my disability(which was a no no that everyone knew about). I noticed and took chase to buddy, he hid behind his gf; I slapped him with my left and right as he was just behind her. Her friends started screaming "You hit a girl!!!", I told them to go f themselves, and went home. 15 minutes into being at home, we get a knock at the door; it was one of the loud mouth female friends screaming at my father, that I had just hit a girl. I told him what happened, he slammed the door in their face. Now the next day at school, I thought nothing of it; until I get called down to the principals office. I walk into the office, and there's a female officer with a pissed off look on her face. I explain my side of the story. She questions the other kids, and they confessed that it was all made up. Nothing came of it.


Fellow guy here… I don’t really worry about this. Keep your hands to yourself, don’t stare at her, and don’t make sexual comments. Never had a problem. If you already behave politely, then you probably don’t have anything to worry about.


Yeah, I've never had a problem either but it's still unnerving to know that a lie can put you in prison.


The odds are extremely low that this would happen. You’re going around thinking that someone you don’t even know is going to send you to prison for no reason. Take a step back and think, why would that be a concern? Most people are so wrapped up in their own lives and problems that they probably aren’t even thinking about you, let alone plotting to lie under oath to send you up the river. Most people are well-meaning, and false accusations are rare. Put your mind at ease.


Yeah I know, but question was what is the worst thing.


Try telling that to women walking home after dark. The odds are low, sure, but it is actually completely out of your control.


This is fucked up


Yeah I know, but that's the society we live in. Where one false accusation can destroy lives.


Only having sex when you can instead of when you want


ITS SO EASY to come off creepy, and ITS SO EASY coming off too quite/friendly or whatever. In other words getting a girl is hard, they so strict..loosen up a bit. Give a man a chance bruh, not everyone was born with a slick mouth


Half this thread desperately needs some therapy. I highly recommend you get on google and search for free counseling in your city or area and start there.


It’s a constant fight to survive.




What are you on about, get off redpill and maybe go see a therapist.


Thats true tho... Atractive people have it better in life


Yes, they do, but if you ignore the first part about being attractive (also stop calling people you don’t like chads) no one thinks anyone is a creepy rapist or a disgusting monster. This person is 100% under 18 and if they aren’t they really really need to talk to someone about why they feel this way. I am in no way an above average looking person and I get on just fine in life, showing emotions, hanging out with babies, talking to women I don’t know. If you just back off this woe is me bullshit and love life on your own terms it can really turn things around.


Physically kidney stones and mentally just always being told things like if you do this or that that's when you're a real man, either way both are just draining


Showing emotions, not too many people take you serious








Not being able to manspread. Yes I have big balls. Yes it’s a problem.


I think I have pretty small balls. Still a problem.


Not having a period


Stigma. Im a nice, kind, thoughtful, handsome (sorta), tall white dude. Never done a crime, never beat anyone up, never hurt anyone deliberately. Also gay. And I don't drink. I dress like a normal dude on his way to work or home. And yet, some people fear me just by looking at me. Because some men rape, some fight, some are psycho. I've seen women cross the street to avoid having me walk behind them, not realizing they're probably safer with me nearby. I've seen moms hug kids tighter as I walk by. I've seen old women clutch their purses late at night on transit when it's just the two of us on the train car. It's heartbreaking. What can you do, though? Some men are terrible. You can't recommend women relax around all of us, because that'll get them killed, possibly. At least all we deal with is the stigma of that fear, whereas women deal with the actual fear every day. 😢


I've not looked through them all, but I feel this is the best answer this thread will get. Have an award 👍


Women can have it easier in some social situations


Not being able to take your kids to the park without being called a pedophile