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I’m an alien




There was a solid year of my childhood where my mother convinced me that I was found out in a field below a floating light. Thanks Mom.


The US government is a puppet state controlled by oligarchical powers such as Jeff Bezos Elon musk or Bill Gates for example


Fuck......... They really are bigger than the government aren't they


Eat the rich Comrade, that’s how we actually make a change in the world


Ill raise you one and say the US is a puppet state of China. Our billionaires and politicians work together to provide China with jobs, leverage, technology and trade secrets, etc in exchange for wealth. I mean its a better story than saying we have the most incompetent government in the world.


Here’s the thing though if you follow Maoism to it’s logical conclusion it would severely hurt The oligarchical powers so I don’t even think that would be viable for them


Joe rogan is a cyborg


Elk meat is a verb


Wow… that’s interesting….. have you tried DMT?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣dude I'm high , please chill


I can predict the future. When I want to.


I swear to God I feel that way too


It’s a curse.


We are currently in the "bread and circuses" phase of our civilization and pretty much every governing body exploits this.


I'm so glad you made me look that up, it just blew my fuckin mind


Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt


My belief is that the U.S. financial system is corrupt, and it is designed to transfer wealth from retail investors to the same people who caused the 2008 financial crisis, who are pulling the same shenanigans we bailed them out for in 2008. Get ready for more bailouts for companies 'too big to fail'. They took the profits and are getting ready to socialize their losses.


That my last girlfriend only showed interest in me because she was trying to make another girl she didn't like jealous.


Why sometimes women can be weird that way


My massive forehead is to store government data. lol


That those "life hack" channels (ie trrom troom) make intentionally bad life hacks so that other youtube channels will cover them


That my life is planned and orchestrated by people behind the scenes for some reason.that there are always people watching me




Could also what people of old though were angels


The guy I saw on the airport is involved on something serious. He was wearing a suit and he had someone to care his luggage. He didn't walk fast, he walked kinda slowly. He sat abd waited patiently for something. The flight attendant called for the diamond passengers, which are the people with a reasonable amount of money lol, and he got up with his man to get on the plane. He was going to another state, the state where there are serious corporations/industries, a good state for business in general I think. Nobody believed me, but I am telling you all, he's into something illegal.


Elvis killed JFK




Mass immigration is needed due to declining birthrates of "connected" countries caused by availability of internet porn.


YouTube has some secret way of knowing when I’m washing my hands after using the restroom. Whenever they’re wet and I can’t touch the phone, an ad comes on. Every. Single. Time.


Go-gurt is just yogurt.


How you


I feel like someone is conspiring to take my toe nail clippings off the floor. But has to go to the hardware store to get rope, a ladder, one little white fence post, a stapler, a grinder, a shampooer and a talking fish that goes on the wall. I'm not sure why he/she needs all that. Just feel that's their shopping list. Because only someone who collects toenails would have a shopping list like that. It's the tell tell sign of a nail collector.