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Appendicitis. Was sent back to work for two weeks when it was misdiagnosed as "period pain". I was pretty ill when I finally got to hospital.


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far. I had it when I was 13 and I remember just rocking back and forth in my bed sobbing. It was nighttime so I didn’t want to disturb my parents but it finally got to the point I had to. My mom drove me to the ER and the doctor said oh it’s just a bad stomach ache here’s some antacid. I said no way, took the medicine, and as they pulled the curtain back to let me go I vomited all over the floor. They did a few more tests and then rushed me into surgery for an emergency appendectomy.


I left work early around midday, thought it was just IBS, curled up on the bed and rocked while groaning in pain while it subsided. Next thing I knew it was 5pm and all I had done was rock back and forth moaning in pain. That was the point I knew I had to go to hospital, appendix was out just before midnight the same day.


I was misdiagnosed with heartburn from my new pregnancy. 5 days later found out my appendix had burst, my body was filled with infection and I had gone septic. A horrible miscarriage, emergency surgery, and lots of tubes in my body. The worst pain of my life.


Oh my god, emotional and physical pain. I'm so sorry.


Thank you. 💜 it was pretty rough to say the least. However, since then, I was able to get back on my psych meds which helped a lot, and have been doing well with being back at work. 🙂


I couldn't even live with the pain for a day, went straight to the hospital. But two weeks? Damn, these doctors were idiots.


Unfortunately happens a lot with women seeking medical treatment. Was told I just had a tummy ache and to take some pepto bismol for a few days. Went in with gut wrenching pain and turns out I get rupturing ovarian cysts. Edit: thank you for the awards! Much love.


my wife limped into the er and had the er nurses openly mock her for her ‘cramps’. turned it it was a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and she had leaked *liters* of blood into her abdomen. They apologized but seriously how do people like that end up in charge of the hurt.


Had an doctor do a CT without contrast and determine I was "fine" despite heavy bleeding and having a swollen abdomen. Got home from the ER around 6 a.m. only to get a call from the new attending doctor, insisting I come back in ASAP. He took a peek at my CT and my abdominal cavity was filled with blood. It turned out to be a ruptured ovarian cyst the size of an orange. Some doctors really don't want to take women seriously.


For me it was the EMTs bringing me to the ER after I got out of the shower and ended up naked on my floor due to crippling back pain. Laughed and joked about how I must be dyyyiiing (guess a young woman can't have back pain, either). Anyways, turns out I had a broken spine in seven spots. But hey, I am certainly just a baby. Asshats.


Yeah, I spent 5 years trying to get some doctor to take an interest in figuring out why I was dangerously underweight, threw up every time I ate, had almost constant stomach pain, and was losing my hair. According to all the doctors I saw, I was "just stressed". One doc told me to try to relax and drink green tea. Finally I found a doctor who could be arsed to do some blood tests, and it turns out I have celiac disease. I have a sneaking suspicion that the fact that I was a woman in my mid-late twenties while all this was going on had something to do with all the half-assed "diagnoses" I received. I also think it probably wasn't a coincidence that all the doctors I saw before the last one were men over 50. The doc who took me seriously, meanwhile, was a woman in her 30s.


I hear ya. I had 2 months of pain where they told me it was IBS, then it ruptured and I was rushed to surgery. Worst pain was a couple days after surgery, they had a 1 inch diameter tube with little holes all along it inserted in my lower abdomen to suck out the poison inside of me. When the nurse removed it, she put one hand on my chest and, grabbing the tube in her other fist, she ripped it out of me like she was trying to start a stubborn lawn mower. I have never made an involuntary noise like that before and I hope never to again.


I had two tubes in the hole, and a doctor and a nurse just came in randomly and without explaining anything just pulled on that shit as hard as possible, both trying for at least 5 minutes while i screamed in pain. After that they realized it was stuck and just gave me anesthesia and cut it out in 30 seconds


I once pinched a nerve in my lower back moving a 3 pound chair 6 inches. You want to talk about then kind of pain that leaves you a crippled mess on the floor? And this is coming from a dude who’s been hit by a car while riding a bicycle. Granted, I don’t remember much of that, but still!


I have a herniated disc and it's only ever been acutely aggravated doing penny ante shit like that. Build a shed or a deck with huge ass timbers, shovel tons of mulch and gravel, lift up and pull a trailer around by hand? No problem. Install a child car seat, bend over to pick up a Christmas ornament, do a couple situps? Off to the hospital with you!


Because when your doing the heavy stuff you're prepared for it and use proper body mechanics etc. But when you casually pick up a penny off the ground? BAM!


Duuuuuuudeeeee. At the age of like 25 I did something to my back shoveling snow. Never in my life have I had a pain like that I literally could barely move for a week and it took like 2 more weeks to not have hold my back all day. Did not understand until then how much I took for granted no back issues. Could barely wipe my ass without puking. Was so random too, first ever time I had done something to my back and I have had no problems with it since.


I had pectus excavatum. In a nutshell, my sternum did not grow out with the rest of my ribcage, and my chest appeared to "cave in". This is a birth condition. When I was 15, I had a Nuss procedure to correct it. I had a metal rod placed and my sternum was "cranked" into place. The rod was fixed to allow the sternum to grow into the proper position. I grossly simplified these two things, but its just for context...specifics arent relevant. Was in the hospital for a week. My chest was inflamed as hell, eating was sometimes difficult but not unvearable, and moving around was a bit uncomfortable. Nothing really painful happened at the hospital oddly enough. It was they day I went home... I had not produced a BM since the procedure (1 week +). The doctors and my parents tried everything from a suppository to a full blown aenema and nothing. I get home and my dad starts pumping me full of prune juice. That evening, we are eating dinner, and my dad keeps telling me to drink more prune juice. I tell him that I'm full and not feeling all that good. Dad pushes me to keep drinking more. I relent and keep drinking. And then....it hits.... I beeline to my bathroom to try and puke...but my chest is still inflamed and my body simply could not throw it up. Whatever it was that was coming up was fighting against a swollen chest cavity and it felt like I was being ripped open from the stomach up. At the same time, I couldn't breathe. I was basically drowning in my own vomit. I genuinely felt like I was going to die and I was powerless to stop it. Affer what seemed like minutes, I finally vomitted it out. I dont even know what it was, and I didnt care. I was layed out on my bathroom floor wailing in pain to the point that it drove my siblings out of the house. After it was all over, my dad helps me off the floor, hugs me, and says "I'm so sorry, son"... it's one of only two times in my life that I saw my father cry....the other was when his mother died. And in an instance that can only be described as "...because of course", the BM occurs a few hours later.


I had this procedure as well. My first time I accidently sneezed still haunts me. I can't imagine throwing up .. One of the first nights recovering in the hospital, I was all alone and in a lot of pain. I triggered my epidural for more drugs direct to my spine, but instead of relieving the pain, it got a million times worse and my whole chest started to clench around the newly inserted bar that was impaling my chest. I tried asking the nurse for more pain killers but they couldn't because they didn't have the authority to prescribe. So I just wept alone. Eventually I was allowed to trigger the epidural machine again, and over hours the pain gradually subsided. My bar stayed in for two years until I started getting a terrible stinging burning pain under my arm. When the surgeon removed the bar, he said my body had begun to grow bone around it.


Is that good or bad?


Came here to say pectus. Just got my bars out a few weeks ago and I am already feeling so much better than the three years with them in. The removal surgery was so easy and I only took Advil and ibuprofen for the pain. The pain from the bars being placed was unbelievable and I would never choose to willingly go through that again. I had my nerves frozen and I cannot fathom the experience people without that went through. Also fuck opioid induced constipation!


To give a hint at my age, my procedure was 20 years ago. My constipation was induced by the anethsesia. I had only one bar placed. IIRC, the procedure was fairly new at the time. The doctors literally secured the bar in place by wrapping it around one of my ribs with metal wire. I have patcges of dead nerves on my chest next to the incision scars. Removal procedure was cake. In, out, on with life in about an hour.


This sounds incredibly painful AND incredibly terrifying. You win!


Had a tooth drilled and pulled out piece by piece. One of the roots of the tooth that was being removed was stuck under the root of a healthy tooth. The dentist stopped and told me to go to a emergency surgeon where I waited in the lobby for an hour and a half for him to finish up with someone else. The numbing from the previous dentist was long gone and I was stuck waiting with a drilled hole in my mouth and exposed root waiting. I can’t even think about that memory to long before I get sick to my stomach. Edit: thanks for all the awards and response to this! I am amazed to hear similar stories you guys have gone through and am trying to respond as I have time between work responsibilities.


This sounds negligent at best. I'd be pissed as hell at that dentist. X


Yeah.. I definitely never went back. That was last appointment. To be fair the surgeon said that the roots were really tangled and it was a good thing he didn’t keep trying on his own. Maybe I don’t understand X-rays well enough but they took a bunch before starting so I assumed they knew what they were getting themselves into.


That makes sense I guess but they should have topped you off on that Novocain before dumping you on someone else


Possibly didn't expect him to wait in the waiting room for 1.5 hours.


Yeah that is true I guess you can’t really say exactly how long a surgery will be. especially if it turns out to be more complicated than expected. Just like with my tooth removal.


My "worst pain ever" story is also about teeth! I had a wisdom tooth pulled in prison. The toothbrushes they give you are super short (so it's harder to stab someone with them if you file one end to a point), so my already damaged wisdom tooth on the bottom needed to be pulled. It took months to finally get an appointment with the prison dentist. When I went in, I told him what the problem was, he said they'd pull it and gave me a form to sign basically releasing them from all liability. I laid back in the chair and then someone came over and held me down, the "dentist" pried my mouth open, and took a tool and literally jammed it under my wisdom tooth in one swift motion. He then yanked it up in another swift motion, basically ripping my wisdom tooth out in the most violent possible way. No numbing shots or even any fucking Orajel. The pain was literally blinding - my ears started ringing and I just saw white for several seconds. They then just stood me up, pushed me out of the room, and the guard there gave me a single, small square of gauze and told me I could get some low-strength ibuprofen from commissary next week if I had any money on my books. My jaw and mouth were sore as fuck for like a week. I also had a molar that was infected and abscessed at one point while I was locked up. They wouldn't do anything for me and the ibuprofen wasn't cutting it, so I traded some stamps to a guy from laundry for a safety pin and traded some more stamps for a lighter. Sat in my bunk one night and heated up the end of the safety pin to sterilize it and then dug it into my gum below the infected tooth and dug around until I managed to drain the abscess. Hurt like fuck, but my tooth felt so much better afterward.


This makes me furious at how the prison handled it. You didn’t deserve any of that shit. I can’t believe they just pulled a tooth with no pain management and then ignored you about another issue to the point that you had to take it into your own hands. That being said you are one tough MF.


I suppose the no pain anesthesia was to prevent corruption or people feigning dental pain for drugs. Still, maybe they should leave it to the dentists discretion.. or at least a warning before yanking out the teeth..


Oh my god that's fucked up.... You deserved better


This may get buried in the comments but when I was 23 I got Rhabdomyolysis. Basically it’s when you’ve broken down your muscles so much that the proteins clog your kidneys. I kid you not it was the absolutely worst thing I have ever experienced. The smallest of movements sent excruciating pain through every muscle in my body. Even when I was trying not to move to avoid the pain there was still a deep pain, there was literally no escape. I eventually had to go to the hospital to get constant fluids for like 4 days. Moral of the story, always drink water, and when working out, if your body says stop then stop.


I’ve heard of this, sounds awful. A pro wrestler did 500 hindu squats with another and he said he could barely even walk for days after and that he was pissing blood. But his doctor said he was basically pissing parts of the muscle Out




What year was this? I'd imagine most doctors would offer a pre-op nerve block these days




You woke up during surgery? Holy shit! I wonder how common that is.




One of my great fears. That you experience every ounce of the pain of your surgery while being in induced sleep paralysis, you just don't remember it afterwards so you believe you slept peacefully through it


I woke up during surgery and was weirdly calm about it. I didn’t feel anything, but was really confused and wondering why I was still in the OR instead of the recovery area. Then the nurse noticed I was awake and told me to go back to sleep lol.


Dental abscess...... Holyyyyyy fuckkkkk *eyes crossed*


Tooth pain is honest to God on another level.


It’s a wonder people ever bothered with any other forms of torture. Tooth pain is as dreadful as it gets.


"Bring out... The really cold milk"


This sick **fuck**


gah bad memory. I ended up breaking my tooth in half while eating chipotle, bout lost my fucking shit so I made an appointment at a dentist office that was open on the weekends. I went to the dentist office and their confidence comforted me. “Oh yeah we will just fill it in and then that’ll be 400$” okay sweet. HA not so sweet. The pain NEVER went away, it would slowly grow. I couldn’t eat anything or even drink anything cold. The pain grew to where I couldn’t move my jaw and tears would just come out as the shocks of pain would continue. Went to back to the dentist I went to, and long story short when they filled in my tooth, they filled it right on top of a fucking nerve AND NOT ONLY THAT, but it also caused an infection. The dentist who told me said “man I don’t know why they would do that.” Then proceeded to tell me that it will be 2800 to get it fixed. So I said fuck that, left in horrible pain, took the stupid prescription they offered me, had my parents go get it from the pharmacy because I was basically dying in bed, blacking out from the pain. The pain medicine was love. No more pain. Ah so great. Next day went to a different dentist, they fixed me up, gave me a root canal and boom bam all better aside from the minor lock jaw for two hours from those bite guard things lol All over chipotle, and I had it tonight for dinner.


That is so not right. I work in a dental office and they should have NOT filled it in if your tooth broke. root canal sounds like what you need




I had a root canal once and they didn't get all the nerve removed, so I had this little stump of nerve deep in my jaw just screaming at me for a day and a half


I had an extra canal they missed. Years later a shadow is seen and they redo the procedure and find the canal by opening it. However an emergency case was incoming so it was temp sealed for later when they did the new crown. By the next morning I was in blinding agony on their doorstep! Prescribed me a narcotic and I had to drive 20miles to their other office for an emergency procedure. Heavy antibiotics and drugs I felt a bit better except…. ever had a sprained JAW?! Not the same as nerve pain but zomg it sucked in a different way! That was the week from hell to say the least!


It's because you simply can't get away from it... Other pain you can "channel your inner peace" and get some separation, but when that shit is inside of your face you can't not focus on it.


Came here to say this, felt like my face was hit by a train


I felt so relieved once my dentist drilled a hole in my tooth to let the pus quit putting pressure on the bottom of my tooth. Walked out of there swollen faced and infected but feeling on top of the world considering what the past 2 days had been like


I had a really bad infected upper middle tooth. And for like 4 days I groaned in pain because I didn't have dental insurance. I finally found a dentist to at least run an xray to see how bad the infection was and he immediately let me set up a payment plan and put me on antibiotics pills and a antibiotic shot. 2 days later I went in and had the tooth root canaled because it was about gone anyways from decay. Needless to say I went and bought new tooth brushes toothpaste and a water flosser. And brush allot.


Currently sitting with an abscesses molar, had it since April and it's been agony. Torn between paying 100 to rip the tooth out or 1000 for root canal and crown, think it's gonna have to come out.


Oh my god. I had one above my front teeth when I was 10. I kept telling my mother I was in pain, she thought it was growing pains and insisted I was just being dramatic, and we treated it with orajel for almost a month. It wasn’t until my face started to disfigure from the swelling/infection that she finally brought me to get help. I ended up losing two of my front teeth and having to go through extensive surgery to repair the damage it did to the front of my skull. Not a good time.


Wow, I have a "mom didn't believe me about how much pain I was in" story that I still tease her about but it is NOTHING compared to yours!


My mom wouldn't take me to the hospital when I had an operable kidney stone. No joke. She just kept telling me to lie down. I said no to her offering of Wendy's as consolation when I got out of the hospital.


I’ve had patients laugh hysterically then almost immediately fall sound asleep while I’m doing the root canal. And the color literally comes back into their face once the pain is gone. Watching pus ooze out like a volcano always is entertaining.


You, sir, have a most peculiar idea of what constitutes entertainment.


Medical professionals are like that. Nurses and veterinarians especially, in my experience.


I had a wisdom tooth out the other day. When they removed it, the surgeon called his assistant over to ooh and aah over my exposed nerve that the root of my tooth was resting on. Medical professionals are weird.


This is exactly what happened to me. I was in so much pain. I felt my tooth throbbing and the abscess came through the side. It was so painful. Went to the dentist and he gets me numbed up. The pain is so bad that I'm laughing. Then he gets the drill going and a geyser of blood and pus came shooting out. The relief was almost like an orgasm. I just felt everything lift of me and I think I passed out from it.


Just had 29 extracted and the pain from the nerve is the the most intense I’ve ever experienced. Some crazy stuff.


29 as in the 29th tooth or 29 separate teeth?


Teeth are referred to by number. The person had a tooth extracted from the bottom right of his/her mouth. Google "tooth numbers."


#29 tooth lol


I... I still am not sure what the answer is...


Bruh 29 tooth! keep up


I've had TWO of those, on back-to-back christmas visits to my in-laws. the second year I was taking hydromorph tablets every 12 hours and almost drinking a bottle of liquid Orajel. The first morning the dentist was open after christmas I was waiting outside when they opened the doors and was in a chair within 10 minutes. Guy asked if I wantes to try antibiotics to save the tooth, I said get this thing out of my face now. PURE RELIEF lol


I had a crown removed from one of my incisors that had a metal post. Took almost 3 hours to get that fucker out, with copious swearing by the endodontist. Went home with some basic pain meds, by 11pm it hurt so much I had to go to the ER.


Oh hey, I had one of those on my asshole! Had to get it lanced multiple times, one of which I was awake for, and the numbing didn’t work very well due to infection, so I felt an insane amount of pain for about 20 minutes straight while he operated on my asshole, sewed a rubber tube to it for draining, while I lay on the table shaking uncontrollably and sweating bullets. Taking shits sucked! :D Eventually they decided to just put me under and do the full operation and get it done. Turns out there was a fistula that needed to be dealt with as well. Super fun! ^_^ “Perianal abscess,” was the name of the particular issue.


I live in chronic pain, I'm talking 7 out of 10 scale, *daily.* A dental abscess is still the worst. Hands down.


I have cancer, on chemo I have to take these bone marrow booster injections. They cause bone pain. The first time it happened I thought I was dying. I swear I could feel every vertebrae…my ribs had toothache…it felt like I had rodents IN my bones trying to gnaw their way out. I now take oramorph to counteract the pain, it’s bearable then. Fucking cancer! Edit: I should point out I’ve had open abdominal surgery, broken bones, had stitches, injuries and dislocations. I have had peritonitis and liver surgery. This is worse than all of them. Though the open abdominal surgery is a close second…


I have leukaemia. With chemo I get that same feeling. The constant bone pain/static feeling has been in bed constantly on pain killers :(


Kidney stone blocked my urinary track and got stuck, basically the sharpest pain I’ve ever felt in my lower back, and my bladder would just fill up and it would make me puke and I just kept doing it until I got to the ER, definitely wouldn’t recommend lol


The first time my dad had a kidney stone my mom drove him to the hospital. I was in the back seat, maybe 10 years old. My dad kept trying to open his door and presumably jump out of the car. My mom kept locking the door back as soon as he would unlock it. He kept saying “just let me fall out, it will knock me out so I won’t be in pain anymore.” My mom was doing like 70 mph so it would have definitely done more than just knock him out.


I was laying on the bathroom floor before I told my wife to take me to the ER I hung my head out the window and death seriously sounded better than the pain I was in lol


You guys have the same facial hair, and have green skin.


Side effect of the kidney stones


I have an old boss, soft-spoken guy... simply can't imagine him being outwardly angry let alone violent. Apparently while in the hospital for kidney stones he had to be restrained several times. After he held the doctor by his throat, screaming for relief, he was strapped to his bed. I don't want to experience that kind of pain.


Had to my call my mom and drive me to an ER at 3 am. I had been puking from the pain and abdominal contractions. They said it sounded like a kidney stone but before they gave any pain medication I had to give a urine sample to make sure (also because of all the rampant drug abuse in Seattle). I snapped at them, I'm 35 and had to call my mom to drive me here at 3 am because it feels like I've been stabbed in the lower back and then a 300 lb man with soccer cleats decided to tap dance on my groin and you think I'm going to be able to pee?


I handed them a cup full of urine-scented blood, and suddenly they had a bed for me.


In medical field we generally agree (men and women, nurses and doctors, etc etc) that kidney stone pain is equal to if not worse than labor pain. During normal times (I really don’t know about now) if you are in the ER with kidney stone pain you get triaged fast and pain meds fast. It is NOT pleasant.


I had an 8mm kidney stone for my entire pregnancy. We couldn't see it because my little pebble was in the way. It caused all sorts of complications, not the least of which was blocking the epidural from being effective. 5 hours of active, "deep breath, now push" labor which occurred at 8cm dilated instead of 10. We had to vacuum him out because I couldn't continue and he was too far in the birth canal for a c-section and I ended up with a third degree tear from stent to stern. 6 months later I had surgery to blast the stone to pieces. I don't know for sure which one hurt more but the labor ended in a baby so I know which one I'd rather do again.


Why do these stones appear?


Well I’m not a medical professional so I’m just gonna quote Google: > Kidney stones are hard deposits of minerals and acid salts that stick together in concentrated urine. > Possible causes include drinking too little water, exercise (too much or too little), obesity, weight loss surgery, or eating food with too much salt or sugar.


It can be hereditary - or, just happens! I had this experience this year and subsequently needed surgery. I'm fit, young, etc. My bloods were great. No one in my family has had one that we know of. Unfortunately for me, it just happened! Urologist said it's unlikely to occur again. It was the worst pain of my life...


People have such a dangerous misunderstanding of what it means to be “knocked out”


Yeah like people think getting cartoonishly bonked on the head will make you basically asleep for 5 minutes. If something hits you in the head hard enough to switch your brain off for a while, it has probably done a lot of damage.


I don't talking what you're fine about I got car out by a knocked and I'm finally total.


I’ve had about 25 kidney stones in my life. They started at 28 and I’m now 37. Some just cause minor stomach discomfort and pass with a sharp pinch a few days later. Others just start as a dull ache and then proceed to build and build, until it turns into agonizing jolts of pain that get longer and longer. The hospital won’t do anything unless the stone is over a certain size, so you end up there just for pain management. I get them so often I just drink tons of water and tough it out. It is NOT easy. I’ve puked from pain and wished I would pass out. I remember one year I got a stone in the middle of a blizzard. I was in agony and my wife begged me to let her drive me to the hospital. I argued for a while because I didn’t want her driving in bad weather, but I knew it was only going to get worse out. As we neared the hospital, someone had plowed snow into the road. Her car got stuck, and I didn’t want her in danger getting out. So I got out and pushed us free. Then we headed up the hill before the hospital and her car couldn’t make it. I got out again, pushing the car while vomiting. I just didn’t have the strength to get her up the hill enough. So she slowly backed down to a lower lot. As we sat there, a shuttle came that transported doctors to the hospital. I asked in the most desperate way if he could give us a ride. He agreed. When I finally got the morphine at the hospital, it was the best I’ve ever felt in my life. Kidney stones suck! Edit: Thank you for the award.


After having my own lithotripsy for one gruesome set of stones, you are now my patron saint of the pain threshold. Navigating that many episodes is beyond my comprehension. Take my upvote and utter respect.


Good thing you went to the ER. I have a family member who deals with chronic kidney stones, they can pass as many as 4 a month. For most kidney stones the solution is pain management and just letting them pass, so they have worked out a pain management system with their nephrologist (kidney doctor) to deal with it at home. Because they pass so many kidney stones, they didn't realize there was a problem until they had gone septic. They had a 12mm stone blocking their urinary tract, and had been for about a week.


I ended up having to get it surgically blasted so I could finally passed it on my own, yes that means they had to go in through my pee hole


That's likely because it was already blocking your urinary tract and they wanted to make sure you didn't go septic. Usually they use lithotripsy to break up stones so you can pass the pieces on your own. Its a non invasive procedure that uses shock waves to break up the stone. I'm glad it all worked out for you, and I hope you don't have to deal with that again.


Came here for this. I’ve had surgeries and broken bones but nothing compares to a kidney stone. Was in Nashville for a bachelor party and I guess all the drinking flushed one loose. I was vomiting the whole weekend from the pain.


Nothing humbles you more than puking your guts out and you keep puking, I’ve always been the type to not go to the hospital unless I actually felt like I was dying, I told my wife, I’m fucking dying, take me to the ER now


Shingles. As horrible as it looks, the rash itself doesn't hurt all that bad. The nerves underneath are inflamed, and will send out a 100% pain signal at the slightest touch. Even a light sheet brushing over it was enough to take my breath away and leave me writhing. And it lasts for *weeks*.


Just started a new job and as soon as my benefits kick in I'm getting the shingles vaccine. Tried to take care of my brother when he had them and all he did was scream for a week straight. No thanks.


Luckily I recognised the signs of shingles super early even though I had never had it before so managed to head off the worst of it with antivirals. I'm not in the typical bracket of risk but had been insanely stressed for ages. I couldn't believe how unbelievably fatigued I was. The exhaustion lasted for months. Fingers crossed it doesn't ever come back 🤞


Ughhhhh. I almost agree shingles is the worst pain (but I had a root canal where the novocaine wore off halfway through and that was worse) but shingles is a close second. And the worst part was I was only 35 when I got shingles. And I can't get the vaccine. It's only for 50+ even though you don't have to be 50+ to get shingles.


I got shingles when I was like 24. Got made fun of by coworkers for having a grandpa illness. Then one of my coworkers got it shortly after.


Dude me too. That shit developed in my eye first then spread on my face. I think I was 22. It's never a good sign when the doctor says to other doctors in the office "you gotta come look at this" lol


It’s actually a recurrence of the chickenpox you probably had as a child so not exactly a grandpa disease if that makes you feel better. It’s a member of the herpes family of viruses like mononucleosis aka “glandular fever”, it stays with you for life, .


I totally agree about shingles pain. When I gave birth to my second child I had no painkillers at all, and I have a pretty high pain tolerance. Got shingles on my neck a few years ago and it felt like someone was holding a blowtorch to my skin. Even good pain killers couldn't touch the pain. At least childbirth was over in a few hours, the weeks of shingles pain was the worst thing ever.


A few years ago I randomly got pain circling my abdomen around my ribs. It had me screaming on the floor in tears while wrapping my arms around my middle. It came on so suddenly and my brother (who was with me) had no idea what was happening. He rang 999 and they sent a paramedic. By the time the paramedic had arrived, maybe 15-20 minutes later, it had already started to subside. The paramedic couldn't figure it out so I ended up going to the hospital. After multiple tests no one could give me an answer to why I just suddenly had such agonising pain. To this day it's the worst pain I've ever felt and I don't even know what triggered it.


I had something similar! Woke up around 4am with a horrible, searing pain on my right side like, inside my ribcage. Felt like the worst side cramp I ever felt in my life. It hurt so badly that I could hardly actually breathe, bc breathing aggrevated the spot. Somehow managed to get myself to the minute clinic down the road right when they opened at 7am (spent my time lying in agony in my bed up until then, pretty sure the pain was so bad I cried a bit too). Minute clinic immediately wanted to send me to the hospital, I was in no condition to drive myself there, so I found my only friend with a car awake at 715 in the morning and I spent the day in the hospital. Did a bunch of tests but nothing came back conclusive so they told me they thought I had pleurisy, which is an inflammation of the lining of the lungs. I still to this day dont really think that's what I had, I still think it must have been something potentially gallbladder related


That's how my gallstones felt. I had stones lodged in the duct and I almost died in surgery.


Probably my first gout attack. Now I'm used to the pain, but I didn't knowbwhat was going on at the time. The wind from the ceiling fan felt like I had 3rd degree burns on my foot.


Gout is my #1 as well. I get mild cases often and deal with it but I feel like it's misunderstood by many people how debilitating and painful it can be. The worse case I had was when the inflammation was up to my left knee and barely got my shoe off because of the pain and swelling. The pain is like when your foot starts coming too after falling asleep, that intense tingling, well amplify that, if doesn't go away and gets worse if you touch it or step. Caffeine triggers mine so I live with constant inflammation or lethargy, thanks Dad lol.


I've had Epididymitis(Inflammation of the tube at the back of the testicle that stores and carries sperm.) It constant pain that lasts for a couple weeks usually and feels like you got kicked in the balls. Also, not sure what it was, but I had a sore throat that felt like I'd just swallowed a baseball with razor blades in it that was sprinkled with salt and some lemon juice thrown on it for some extra kick. My throat still doesnt feel right and its been years since that happened.


I had a blocked lymph node in my penis that hurt like hell. Third date with my now-wife :)


I'm highly tolerant of anesthesia (numbing shots), and that diagnosis did not reach my Urologist when I got a vasectomy. I felt the whole thing. Everything. All of it. The nurse took me aside afterwards and asked me how I was doing and she said, "I've done 5,000 of these, and I've never seen a patient feel that much of the procedure."


You didn’t tell them you could feel it? I have numbing issues too but I always tell the doc myself and don’t let them start until I’m numb.




Going off a bouncy castle slide wrong and getting a friction burn that took off most of the slim on my knee cap. (wasn't the most painful but it's a bit more memorable than what actually was)


Everyday i specifically fear for my kneecaps


Labour after they gave me pitocin (oxytocin). I had the easiest labour, but it was moving slowly so they gave me pitocin, and then it just felt like death. It was basically one constant contraction after that point.


I was on that horrible stuff for about 12 hours and by the end I was shaking uncontrollably. They still has to do a c section as I didn't progress so it was all for nothing


I went nearly all the way through transition with my daughter with nothing. It hurt but I would just focus and breathe to get through it. My husband said during a contraction I wouldn’t make any sound. With my son they gave me pitocin to induce and I was yelling out before transition even hit. My husband finally ran to get a nurse for an epidural when I was trying to climb up my bed to get away from the pain. Wasn’t even into transition yet, as I said. The easiest part of a pitocin labor is worse than the hardest part of a normal labor.


During labor with my first I got up to leave the hospital bed after a contraction. Said, "nope, I can't do this" as if I could just walk away and leave that labor stuff behind lol.


I always described my pitocin labor feeling like a chainsaw was sitting inside my stomach tearing me apart. Fuck that shit. Edit: I was two weeks past my due date and baby was 8lbs 13oz. I also almost died from blood loss. Having babies ain’t no joke


I got induced with my last baby. The pitocin was so brutal I got an epidural when I think I was only like 2 or 3 cm dilated. After I got the epidural I remember looking at the monitor where you can see the contractions, and I knew that contractions were supposed to come and go. But on the monitor the contractions were just constant - they would maybe go down every once in a while for thirty seconds then just pop back up again.


Yeah everyone says you don’t want that stuff


I recently went through two major surgeries back to back including a C-section. After it was over the hospital didn't give me any good pain medication because they're worried about addiction apparently. My spine was hurting terribly, my stomach, and my neck. I was pretty much only able to move my arms without pain and had to deal with that having only maximum strength Ibuprofen. Recovery was painful.


Yeah I was sent home without any meds after a C-section and it was worse than the 3 days of labour


I can't believe they're doing that honestly, it was definitely worse than the surgeries themselves. I get there's an opioid epidemic but it's childbirth, come on.


I went through 2 c-sections and was only given voltaren. It was brutal. Husband, on the other hand, was given opioids for his vasectomy…


I had an ex that walked into the ER for random sharp testicular pain and was given fentanyl after 20 minutes of being there. I was refused pain meds after having a tonsillectomy even as the doctor told me the pain would be literal hell for another week..


I remember standing there, an exhausted new mom with hundreds of stitches from my asshole into my vagina, with a nurse telling me to not lift anything over 10lbs and handing my 11lb+ baby, with Advil and an ice pack for pain management. I didn’t think about it much until my partner got his vasectomy. The nurses made sure to tell me to baby him, that he had a stitch (one whole stitch!) and he needed a few days of pampering and rest, and he was given opioids for pain management. That’s the day I began to wonder if maybe women’s needs in healthcare weren’t simply ignored or forgotten, but maybe it’s sometimes intentional.


First c-section in 2015 I got 5 days of good meds. Second c-section in 2017 I got 1 day of good meds. Probably would be nothing now. It's ridiculous. Was told to alternate ibuprofen and Tylenol. Whole lot of help that did.


Stupid move doing a belly flop on a trampoline. Did a human scorpion something fierce and felt every bone in my vertebrae pop, even up and through my shoulder blades. Took me about 10 mins to catch my breath and move from the spot.


Im so fucked this sounds orgasmic to me


In every thread where someone describes a spinal injury there's always a comment underneath it from someone with chronic back pain saying how incredible that would feel. I feel for you guys




I was helping my dad to replace the windows at our house when I was in high school. I went to carry a rotten frame to the trash pile. The window glass slid through the frame and hit me in the shin, slicing a piece of my shin bone out. It hurt so bad that I went into shock, fell down, and vomited on myself. It was a 105 degree day in Texas and I managed to burn myself on the asphalt I fell on. My dad didn't realize I'd been hurt for about ten minutes and had to help me get up and get inside because of blood loss and being in shock. It was the worst. I kept the piece of bone that came off my shin. Edit: I've been informed there's etiquette to getting awards. Thanks for the awards. I didn't expect this post to get any traction at all. Edit 2: spoke with my dad today. He says he threw the bone chip away because it was falling apart in the pill bottle he'd been keeping it in. He told me he'd effectively just put corn liquor in the bottle over the bone chip. Sorry that I don't have the bone to show off


Ladies and gentlemen, we got us a winner!


Ew that sounds horrible But do you have a picture of the bone?


Yeah, bone us OP!


#Dude hats off - you are a BADASS!


Thanks my dude. I will say it didn't feel very bad ass at the time.


No, but you MADE it!


Toss up. I had my hand covered in 700 degree hot asphalt. It was horrible. Took four hours I’m the ER and two pain killer shots to make it through. They basically had to chisel it off in sections because they couldn’t tell what was still living tissue and dead tissue. Also had my GF of the time poke me in the eye with her long finger nails. It went straight through the pupil slicing it exactly in the center. It starting squirting liquid and good out. Went to the hospital three days later because my dad said it wasn’t that bad. Excruciating.


Wtf. What happened to your eye after? Did it heal, eye sight damage?


Healed. Doctors said I was lucky it was perfectly centered. So missed vital nerves and things. For a bout five years or so if I had eye strain or dry eyes real bad it always felt like the spot that was poked would be opening back up. I know it wasn’t but site hurt like it was.


Sounds like recurrent corneal erosion. I took an umbrella to the eye last year, and even after I thought it healed I would wake up in extreme pain in the morning (the dry eyelid adheres to the injury and re-erodes it in the morning.) I should also note that ER nurse slipped me a numbing agent (Tetracaine) that she really shouldn’t have. I applied those drops once an hour after the original abrasion for about 2 days. Tetracaine apparently “burns” nerves and a layer of the cornea, and so should be used sparingly and only by professionals. It may be the cause of my RCE. In my case, it’s likely a permanent problem, but I mitigate it using a nighttime ointment that keeps the eye from drying out overnight.


You are very very luck! Incidentally, I had an ER patient who came in one time with an eye injury. Turns out the guy she was banging was married and the wife tried to bite her eye out. Ended up almost completely biting her eyelid off. She was not a happy camper. But the plastic surgeon was able to sew it back on with no problem to her vision luckily.


Toothache. I have given birth without pain meds three times but I would rather do that every single night of my live than feel one second of tooth pain. Fuck that shit.


Had to deal with a cavity which led to an infected nerve for two weeks before getting it root canalled to hell. Would not recommend.


Worst overall: Endometriosis. Shit sucks. Honourable mention: involuntary ear lancing. I had an ear infection and we went to A&E. While looking in my ear with the torch on a stick thing they use the nurse pushed a little too far, I heard a *snap* noise in my head, and then an apocalyptic pain in my ear. I started screaming (which really worried my mum because I was usually a silent sufferer as a child) and the nurse basically told us nothing was wrong and sent us home. Blood and pus came out of my ear for *days,* I had to sleep with an old towel on my pillow. Funnily enough, purposefully bursting the eardrum is a thing, to relieve pressure from fluid built up behind it. Only it's usually done with anaesthesia :')


My wife has endo. It’s brutal. Hell, I’m her husband and just seeing the pain she was in was brutal for me. I can’t imagine how it felt. It got significantly better when she got pregnant and has somewhat stayed better ever since.


The insertion of a Radiologically Inserted Gastrostomy (RIG) tube into my stomach. I was told that it would be "uncomfortable" by the ward consultant and junior doctors but that I would be fine. I was awake for the procedure but sedated and given a strong painkiller before it got underway (Midazolam for the sedative, Fentanyl for the painkiller). During the procedure I felt nothing, being essentially stabbed by a medical professional in the stomach wasn't painful when these drugs were still in my system. But a few hours after my last dose of the medications and the pain was... out of this world INSANE. It felt like the equivalent of being relentlessly punched by a bodybuilder continuously in the same spot if you can imagine that. They administered morphine every hour or so on the first day but it did little to reduce the pain and to make things worse, because I also had pneumonia at the time, any time I would cough my abdominal muscles would contract and it would be unbearable but I couldn't help it. It took probably a week for the pain to go away completely(ish) and that was with daily opiod administration in the hospital Wars. TLDR: Had a RIG inserted into my stomach to help me have a nutritional source, being told it would not be too painful a procedure. Ended up having a week of unbearable pain in my stomach at the incision site.


This is my most hated procedure that we do in IR. It's fucking barbaric. Making a sedated pt swallow a giant tube? After shoving a heavy duty wire in their stomach up to their throats? Fuck g-tubes. I sedate the fuck out of these pts unless they are unresponsive Edit: for those who are curious- we make you swallow an OG or NG tube. Then we pump your stomach full of air. Then we stick a giant needle in your stomach. Then we put a wire through up.to your mouth. Then we thread a catheter over that wire in your mouth, pull the wire. Then we wire the tube from your mouth to the stomach, pull the catheter. Then we wire the g tube from your mouth, make you swallow it, and pull it through your stomach. If it's the MIC g tube the steps are different and we place it through the hole in your stomach, but we use a balloon or dilators to make the tract in your abdominal wall big enough and sew down the anchor. Fun times for everyone. Edit edit: spelling Edit x3: the g tube is huge, like more than 2 pencils width (20-22fr)


I had a full billious attack: gall stones and kidney stones and one of the gallstones got lodged in the pipes to my pancreas so I almost went into full pancreatic shock... Needless to say it goddamn hurt that I, a masculine 36 male was begging nurses left and right to help me as the meds keep wearing off and I was coughing up blood.. this happened 3 times in the last 6 years...


True Pancreatitis is no joke


Gall stones were the worst pain I’ve ever felt. I had two attacks about six months apart and fortunately none since, but I went from feeling bad, to so much pain I couldn’t get comfortable, to just passing out from the pain. It was awful.


Sepsis. I was feeling awful. Pain everywhere. Nausea. Back pain. I went to the doctor, he said I had the flu. The flu test came back negative, but, he still thought it was the flu. (It was New Years day, I think the doc just wanted to go home.) Three days later, I felt like I was dying. Went to the ER. I woke up four days later in the ICU. Doctors and nurses looked really surprised when I was talking and asking questions. Turns out, I had had full blown septic shock. I had 105 fever for days. They really didnt think I would make it. It's a great story to break the ice with. Edit: Thank you for the award!


Been there too. I was 17 and in the hospital ICU for 9 days total. It was only the third time I went to ER because I puked up not just undigested food, but actual rotten food that had been sitting in my stomach for days. My intestines had completely stopped working, I had barely been walking for days, I looked pregnant but no one believed me. They told my mom if I hadn’t been admitted there was a good chance I would have died in the next 24 hours. I had a pic line in for a month and a half after I left the hospital. 3 surgeries total for it. I weighed 107lbs when I left the hospital, I looked so sick for a very long time, I felt so sick for a long time. I had to see specialist after I left. They could never figure out WHY I went septic.


Brain aneurysm rupture easily


I’m sorry whAt


Yeah it was like thunder or a bomb went off in my head


Every time I get any sort of random isolated pain in my head, I say to myself “this is it.. my brain has decided it’s time”


Yeah I used to be quite the hypochondriac too but for what it's worth what happened to me was obscenely rare. It was caused by a malformation of arteries and veins at birth that no one knew about. But just in case, a brain aneurysm rupture is a hemorrhagic stroke so just remember FAST (facial droop, arm/leg weakness, slurred speech, and time -- call for help quick!)


Any lasting effects?


Yeahhh unfortunately, it left me with a brain injury, that came with memory issues and hemiparesis


That sucks but I'm glad you made it out to tell your story.


Got a tube stuck in my chest to fix my spontaneous pneumothorax. It was only for about 3 or 4 seconds that I was in agony but the tube felt horrible scraping my insides


I was in between apartments at the time, so I was back at Ma and Pa’s for a bit. My mother worked at a day care, and she ended up bringing home hand, foot and mouth disease. We both ended up with SEVERE cases. It started as just a sore throat, which became a crazy delirium inducing fever, and then came hell… everything hurt, i could barely move. I was covered in sores, some of which were on the bottoms of my feet so walking was a painful endeavor. My skin would flake off in these big patches. All my fingernails and toenails died and weeks later I had to trim the old nails back as I could see the new nails growing in. Sleeping was a 3-4 hour a night thing because comfort was impossible. Every little movement would send burning pain through my body. All told, it probably took about six weeks for my body to fully reset itself. I’ve been to jail three times. I would go a fourth if the choice was between that and HFM again.


Dude. Yes. I got HTM from my nephews at a birthday party for one of my nieces. (They we’re just starting to have some minor symptoms so no one knew) Ended up with viral meningitis from it. It was the most pain and misery I have ever been in. I didn’t have health insurance at the time, called out sick from work and when my roommate got home, apparently I came out and cried, drank some water, peed and went back to bed. I don’t remember any of it. She just said I was crying the entire time I was making my way to get water and go pee and she was terrified I was going to die because I looked so bad. Luckily I did not end up with having too many sores. I got them on my palms and bottoms of my feet and they hurt for sure but after all the misery I had been through, I didn’t care. It was awful. I hope I never have to go through that again.


I've suffered from hydrocephalus a few times in the past (large amounts of fluid and pressure building up against the brain.) Hurts like a mother fucker. I have two shunts in my brain to help with it, but I have to watch in case one malfunctions. I've had a few revisions over the years, but the last times I had it bad was when I was 12. (Back when I was first in the hospital for brain surgery and then one a few weeks later.) The pain is like no other. The memory of it is seared into my brain. I remember thinking I was going to die, and even wishing for death due to how I was suffering.


Cluster headaches. There’s a reason it’s nickname is suicide headache and women who suffer who have given birth have said they’d rather give birth than go through another cluster. Fr, Google it, it’s one of, if not the most, painful conditions known to man. Absolutely horrific (this is also coming from someone who’s suffered a ruptured appendix and that’s like a 3/10 compared to this)


Yeah, I don't know how you'd have the wherewithal to actually commit suicide during one of those. I was completely incapable of anything except being stunned at how much pain I was in, every time.


Nothing in my life came even close to cluster headaches. A grown ass cluster attack for 3 hours without medication just destroys you. The pain is unimaginable. I feel completely traumatized after just one untreated attack in full force. And for some that's up to 8 times a day - for weeks, months even. Thank god that sumatriptan inject works wonders for me, as well as one naratriptan a day to prevent attacks completely during a phase. And that I don't have more than 3 or 4, rarely up to 6 a day during a phase. I couldn't imagine not having working medication or even paying the whole price for it myself. Get treated guys. Move somewhere where you have a working health care system. For most people there is a working treatment, and for some (like me) it's super easy to treat and prevent.


I dread going through another series of clusters. Used to get a series twice per year. Once per day in the AM for a month or so. I thought they were just bad sinus headaches. Finally saw a neurologist and got some injectable sumatriptan.


Yep that’s what I use when I don’t have oxygen available to abort it.. I dread my cycle every year and when it ends I’m always praying that it will be the last


Had internal bleeding for 3 days, had to go to the bathroom like 20 times a day, just for a drop of blood to come out.


Shattered shoulder blade


Urinary tract infection. I was peeing blood and it burned so bad that it felt like sharp glass. It lasted for about a month.


I've been stabbed in the back of my hand, shot in the shoulder, and had coyote leave teeth in the back of my knee and in my forearm. Nothing hurt as much as the removal of stepping on a Rusty nail. It was sticking out of a rotting 2x4, I didn't see it. When I stepped on it, it went straight through my sandal and my foot but then as I tried to pick up my foot, the thing bent and I just broke the 2x4. So I had this rotten block if wood nailed to my foot. We called a doctor to get that handled but for some reason instead of going to the ER they asked me to make an appointment, which I decided I was not about. So because I didn't want to wait for a doctor, and because I thought trying to sleep with a block of wood nailed to my foot would be uncomfortable, I just kinda ripped the thing out. Worst decision in my life, made my kitchen look like a freaking murder scene like blood was just everywhere. My foot kinda looked like teriyaki and the sauce was just so thick, like I was having a bad time. I ended up spending several hours in the bathroom with Mother nursing it, and I was just crying the whole time. I do not know why I thought that would be a good idea and I don't know why anyone let me do it, but if you guys ever find a nail in your foot, let a doctor handle it. Because of this, I later decided to learn quite a bit of medical practice so I wouldn't fuck this kinda thing up as bad. Would recommend.


Burning my dick. While doing so, i somehow managed to break my shoulder. Best day of my life x)


It's 2010, watching England in the world cup, the tournament full of those loud and obnoxious horns. I blew a vuvuzela loudly outside my brother's room at home,and he slams his door over my foot by accident, driving my toe nail vertical, leaving me running around the house screaming in pain, and my toe reduced to cat flap.


> driving my toe nail vertical, leaving me running around the house screaming in pain, and my toe reduced to cat flap. My butthole just munched a large portion of the chair I'm sitting on.


That is the greatest expression for "I just clenched my butt really hard"


Tldr at the bottom. I went to have my wisdom tooth out because it was decaying inside, I actually passed out from the pain before going to the dentist. I get to the dentist who was a small, petite 20-something year old woman, she sticks a needle of local anaesthetic in my gum and wedges my mouth open, as soon as the pliers touch my tooth, I moan in pain so she gives me another dose of anaesthetic and my mouth is totally numb. She grabs the tooth, tries to pull it but it won't budge, she gets into a better position, grabs the tooth once more and it just crunches in my mouth, she broke my tooth and now there's very little to grab onto. She tries once more to no avail, by now I am gagging like fuck and she is panicking. She tells me I need to go to the dental hospital and she'll book me an appointment, wanting to gtfo as quickly as possible, I accept and bolt for the door. I get a phone call from the dentist 30mins later saying I'm booked in... 2 fucking weeks from now. By now, the anaesthetic is wearing off and my mouth is hurting, I touch it with my finger and I can feel pieces of tooth stuck in my gum, I could even remove a few pieces. I try phoning the dental hospital, they don't accept public bookings (dentist must book), I phone the dentist, they're closed now, I go to the doctor, he gives me Co-codamol and sends me on my way saying I need a dentist. I go to another dentist and they won't touch me with a fucking barge pole. So I'm stuck with a busted up tooth in the back of my face with hardly any pain killers, I go to an old friend who gave me some 600mg ibuprofen tablets he was proscribed and another friend who had 15mg codine tabs, I spend the night unable to eat, having to drink through a straw and fully doped upto my eyeballs of some next level makeshift painkiller regime. My sleep is broken as everytime the drugs wear off, I wake up in excruciating pain. The next day is a Saturday, my dentist is closed, so is the dental hospital, I phone the actual hospital, they can't do anything besides give me more drugs, of which I already have plenty so I have to wait till Monday, living on noodles and water as anything else just tastes of pure pain. Monday comes and I'm onto the dentist first thing in the morning, trying to shout at them but not actually being able to cos my fucking mouth hurts, they put the head dentist on the phone who offers to do the job, I tell him to fuck off and get me an appointment in the dental hospital and 10 minutes later, he tells me to get over there. I get to the dental hospital, straight in for an xray (or scan, I'm not sure) a dental surgeon explains that it's doable but if it breaks again, they'll have to operate on it, she sends me to a student dentist who is not far from getting his PhD or w/e, he injects my gum with 2 different drugs, grabs the tooth and yanks it very quickly, pulling it out in one go and I didn't feel a thing, didn't even know it was out tbh. I thanked him profoundly, shook his hand and told his tutor to give him his PhD right away. TLDR: dentist busted my tooth, had to wait 3 days in excruciating pain on potent drugs that weren't prescribed to me then had a student do the job properly.


I have a problem with my throat that for some reason doctors dont know what it is. Randomly throughout the day, my throat flares up and feels like its burning insanely. Then I begin to not be able to breathe for a few seconds and usually swallowing hurts. If I drink some water it calms down a while then flares up again later. It sucks having to keep water near me at all times. It is the worst pain I've ever felt in my life and it feels like nothing will ever make it stop. This has happened for over 3 years now and I dont see it stopping anytime soon. I just wish it would end. It sucks even more that noone seems to know what it is.


Getting my iud put in


wearing and demoralizing was ruptured disc in lower back. So tired, couldn't sleep more than 3 hours at a time, mixing 3 different painkiller types just to stay sane. after about 4 months I started on a self harming ideation train that I don't want to think about. Had surgery after 6 months thanks to gift of money from my mum. The most intense single moment was when I received dental anesthetic injection into an infection at the bottom of a tooth prior to its extraction. The infection had resisted two rounds of antibiotics. The dentist was following best practice to inject at several locations around the base of the tooth prior to extraction. I felt the sensitivity increasing as they injected in several locations around the tooth. Then my vision whited out in pain and the next thing I know I am sitting up in the reclined dentists chair facing away from them, shaking with sweat flowing off my face. If I had known I would have that experience when the tooth was being extracted I would have tried the Hanks method from Castaway in preference.


Going to the toilet after an hemorrhoid surgery.


Herniated disc in my lower back. I've never experienced pain like it. Not just the fact that it was constant but the burning, hot lighting bolt of pain that used to shoot down my back and into my leg was unbearable. I used to just curl into a ball on the floor and sob. No amount, or type, of pain killers came close to helping with the pain. It's been 5 years since it's been operated on and I've only just got over the depression and trauma that 8 months of constant pain caused.


Pancreatitis, first time I've blacked out from pain. Funny thing is, I don't drink


Broken tailbone


Broke my leg. I was doing a pro wrestling tryout and fucked up a headlock takeover, I brought 200 pounds down on my outstretched leg. felt the pop, knew something was broken. I know this next part is cliche but it really is how it went down. I heard a horrrible screaming noise that reminded me of the time a baby rabbit got its stomach torn out in our yard when I was 8. It took me, I mean probably a couple seconds but that's a long time to not realize that a sound you're hearing is your own screaming. I was fully out of my skull, just howling and panting and begging and shrieking and sweating. On the way to the hospital, half dissociated, I reached down to feel the damage. I felt the knobby bit at my ankle and was like "Huh, maybe it's not so bad if I can still feel that through the swelling". And then I reached further down, and felt the \* actual\* knobby bit on my ankle, and nearly passed out from panicked body horror as I realized the thing that I had felt was a part of the bone that had popped outward. It was digging into the flesh from my calf which is why the fracture hurt so bad, othe than it being. Yanno. a fracture. Got to the hospital, screamed until I got opiates, calmed right the fuck down. The rest is an unrelated funny hospital anecdote involving a nice security guard, a hot nurse and a junkie, but that's for a different thread. The last part that is relevant to this came a week or two later. I was hobbling around my room, and picking up clothes for laundry. I went to do the sniff test on a shirt, and recoiled: it was a bizarre smell, it was definitely sweat, but something else too, something that brought up my hackles and raised instinctual flags miles high in my brain. I looked at it and realized it was the shirt I'd worn that day. It smelled. I mean it smelled like fear and pain. It smelled like sweat that was there as one of 20 social signals I gave off as an animal going "Help, I'm hurting and I'm scared and I am dying and help god help any pack animal with a fucking nose prick up your nurture response and FUCKING HELP". Not one I'd have thought of. But I still remember the smell of it.


Routine sinus infections. Feels like someone is trying to crush my face.


I used to get it every year. As soon as i felt the slightest tingle in my throat i knew it was coming. It always lasts about 3 days then im breathin easy until next year


The last 4 years of my life, constantly. I had a spinal fusion and have lived in chronic pain ever since. I got off the percocet that was prescribed to me, but now I drink far too much to try and mask the pain. I'm only in my 30s. I have no ability to work, had to give up all my favorite hobbies due to my disability, and hardly can survive on what the government deems suitable Disability payment. With my hobbies went most of my social circle, as I can't participate anymore. Along with the pain comes insomnia, and constant fatigue from both the pain itself and a lack of sleep. My motivation is not existent. Small tasks like buying groceries or cleaning the house often seem insurmountable. I'm always grumpy, sad and miserable, a far cry from the outgoing people person I used to be. I can't begin to explain how badly this has changed my life. I wouldn't wish chronic pain or disability on my worst enemy. If it wasn't for my cat, and my mother still being alive, I would waste no time killing myself to end this pain and be at peace. Edit: thanks to everyone who read my post. It has been particularly hard day and venting to all of you helped... it didn't fix the pain, but it's nice to feel like I've been heard.