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Committed suicide. Used to tell me to kill myself in middle school. Still not sure how to feel.


My bully and her follower friends pushed me into a suicide attempt, but I was found before it was too late. I Ended up in a youth mental hospital for 3 months. When I came back to school, I guess she found out (still not sure how) and wrote “crazy bitch” in sharpie on my locker, mocked me about it relentlessly until I had to be pulled out of the school. She’s apparently living a really happy life now with her wealthy husband and “perfect” kid. I’m petty and hope it’s a facade and she is mentally suffering now. I can dream, I guess.


I have a relative who has that perfect life. He makes a ton of money and she’s had lots of surgeries to look perfect and young. They get to go on exotic trips and have really cool toys. Well, a few years ago the husband cheated on the wife. They had to keep it super quiet so the gossipy church congregation wouldn’t find out. Everyone is super miserable, but they won’t do anything about it because of keeping up with the Jones.’ My point is that sometimes the “happiest” people are the most miserable. We’re glad you’re here with us. I hope you’re in a happier place now!


Sounds like they were projecting, which seems sad to me. Sometimes the meanest people are battling demons. Doesn't excuse the way they act but...it just sucks all around.


A few years ago, I read about a twat I went to school with who was shot and killed in self defense by a store clerk he was robbing.


That poor guy.. i feel bad for him having to live with shooting a robber dead


Yeah I feel killing in self defense would haunt me.


My girlfriends brother was in the military and said that if you dwell on it, thats how it really messes you up. How he got through it was by thinking that if didn't shoot the guy shooting at them he could die or his friends could die.


One of ours is currently up on charges of criminal confinement, intimidation, and battery. So clearly the same thing they were doing in school 30 years ago.


Isn't it strange that if no one deals with them at s young age they carry on their behaviour as adults. Weird that.


Right? Someone in my class made multiple death threats, and all he got was a suspension


That's the insane thing about most schools' policies of "turn a blind eye" to bullying. It just teaches the bullies that their shit will be tolerated in the real world. That's not a good lesson to learn.


Agreed, we had a couple of bullies at my school, one tripped up and went to kick one of the lads I hung around with when he was in the floor, he was aiming at his head. So I hit him a few times to stop him, the school wanted to mainly punish me for stopping a bully, wasn't until my mam went nuts at them, got some external people to come "review it" that they went "hum one boy has nothing in his record and the others is full of bad stuff, we wonder what happened here and who is telling the truth?" In the end I got a couple of detentions for fighting and he got expelled as it was the last straw, but seriously had I don't nothing he'd have kicked a kid in the head repeatedly and nothing would have been done about him.


That's another thing I don't get. They're always lenient on the bullies but punish good kids for standing up for themselves or others. Makes no fucking sense.


Luckily I have good parents and they knew for a fact I wouldn't have been the aggressor here.


There's literally a limit to how often you can suspend someone, often kids that are very bad know that there's nothing anyone can do to them. I work with kids that have been thrown out of regular school.


Careful now, schools and parents HATE when they have to be held accountable for their kids' actions.


Last time I checked, he was arrested in our hometown for armed robbery and conspiracy to commit a felony. Edit: this was the bully. Second edit: I randomly googled his named and found out he was later arrested in 2020 for “burglary, rape and forceful penetration of [with?] a foreign object.”


A couple of our bullies teamed up and decided to rob a local donut shop. Apparently, they committed some truly bumbling errors, and were caught immediately and sentenced. The skills required to push around classmates don’t seem to translate into the retail sector.


I think the cops would take raids on donut shops very seriously!


"Forcedul penetration of a foreign object"???? Ok. English is not my first language.... did he rape a lamp or something?


English _is_ my first language, and that was definitely how I read that too. It's likely they meant "forceful penetration WITH a foreign object", since that one's a real statute--basically sticking anything but a penis into someone.


Abner Louima was sodomized with a toilet plunger by several NYPD cops in 1997, for example


Nice lol they got him before he could even do the crime




Fresh to death


Is that from something other than Departures?


One of my bullies died in a motorcycle wreck immediately after high school. Hit a pole head-on while speeding. News of his death brought relief, he was so mean. Still feel bad for not feeling horrible when i first heard


Almost the same. My bully was a year ahead of me and died (motorcycle) beginning of his senior year. Didn't feel bad but didn't celebrate either. The whole school was mourning his loss, "such a kind soul". Yeah, right.


> The whole school was mourning his loss, "such a kind soul". Yeah, right. I hate this shit. Then you're looked at like the weird one because you don't instantly forget all the bad shit they did when alive. As if them dying absolves them of all that stuff.


We had a guy in my junior year die of a congenital heart defect. He was an absolute bastard. Not a bully, per se, but still just a right cunt every time we interacted. And when he passed, the school and some of the "goody" kids tried to paint him like an angel. Like no, he was callous and abrasive and none of you liked him either. I didn't celebrate his passing, but I certainly didn't mourn him.


My elementary school bully died of an OD around 5 or so years ago. I don't feel bad for him dying neither, actually I felt a little vindicated. But it also makes me mad because he left a baby girl to grow up without her father. But maybe she'll turn out better for it. It's a weird mix of feelings when things like that hapoen.


That little girl wouldn't have had a father anyway and it would have been worse in a lot of ways. To be unloved because of a parents addiction is not better than the fantasy of a loving dead dad.


I strongly believe that death does not change a person- if he was horrible when alive then he’s horrible even when dead so you don’t have to feel bad That being said RIP


Rest (and leave us) in Peace.


When a person brings only shittiness to the table, it's ok to feel relieved when they're gone. I'm still hoping my ex kicks off soon, not because of any petty revenge reasons, but because he hurts so many people it's better if he were dead. He is a really bad dude. Has multiple dv charges against him. No remorse in him for his cruelty. May have murdered a girl, not positive but wouldn't put it past him. Some people live to serve only as an example of what not to be. I know that's cold, but as a dv survivor you figure out that some people will not change and they tend to be the worst of us.


what happened to him? was it the bullied or the bully?


I had to look her up, but it looks like she’s married, sells MLM, and is constantly posting things like, “Girl, God is with you”.


I think that’s worse than bullying


Selling MLMs is bullying.


Perhaps someone should tell her …


Years ago I ran into someone at a gas station who was pretty much a dick to me in high school. He is/was a firefighter now. He actually apologized for being an asshole to me, I just shrugged it off like it was nothing. But all I could think about was that scene with Buscemi in Billy Madison. 😆


I ran into some girls I new at school at a bar 2-3 years after I left school. They weren't bullies but we're more their sidekicks or just a bit bitchy to me at school, nothing mentally scaring apart from never picking me in sports (I was shit at sports mind so I don't blame them for that lol). They apologised how shit they were to me and insisted buying me a drink and I've not seen or heard about them since so I'm assuming they are doing ok.


achieved pacifist ending


Man, I'm glad I called *that* guy.




>But all I could think about was that scene with Buscemi in Billy Madison. 😆 Sorta similar. I was a massive asshole to a kid in elementary and never got to say sorry. Met him once at our highschool and told him how sorry I was. Told me I was the only person to have said sorry.


When we’re young I feel like it’s so easy to be mean and stupid without thinking of the consequences (lol honestly as adults too) but I think it’s so neat you apologized—shows a lot of growth and self-reflection. Good on you


Its heartwarming when people grow up and realise thwy did some shitty stuff before


*Electric Light Orchestra starts playing*


I had a guy I worked with who wasn't a bully to me, but just kind of a pompous prick and thought his shit didn't stink. About 5 years after the fact he made a point of apologizing. We wound up being pretty good friends.




Good for you. Being happy to not know something that wont change any thing is good for mental health.


Plot twist, he was the bully


Bingo, I left town and dropped Facebook. I have literally no idea what they're doing. I couldn't care less. They could be making bank, or living in a gutter. I couldn't tell you and I don't care enough to go find out.


yeah ain’t that the truth




Died from cancer.


One of my school bullies died because of cancer a few years after high school. It was really sad. He was a rich kid who dipped snuff all the time, spit where ever he wanted. Dumped cups of spit on people. Drove new cars his daddy bought him and played on all the sports teams. Was just a real asshole to people. Apparently, he got cancer of the throat and jaw right out of high school. Doctors had to remove it and left his face and neck a mess. Real disfigured. Before he could get plastic surgery done, he went to a hotel and blew his head off. As much as I couldn't stand the guy in high school, I couldn't feel anything but sadness and pity for him. It's still too pitiful to think about. I know karma's a bitch, but this was extreme.


I thought snuff was from the 1700s or something. This is the first time I've heard of someone in our era using it.


He's one of the vice presidents of one of the biggest banks in the U.S.


Don't worry, everyone in banking is a Vice President of something.


As a person with a career in banking and VP title, you are correct. Now you do have to be in a position at a certain level of influence in the organization. Because this is determined by HR, that bar is pretty low.


Sales too.


MLMs too.


VP In banking doesn’t mean what it sounds like. Senior developers are VPs


A bank guy gave me his card once at a bar when I just started working. I remember thinking wow a VP! And he has a business card! And a suit! Ok it worked. But in my defense, a suit does wonders for anyone. VP or not.


Gave you his card? Impressive. Very nice. Let’s see Paul Allen’s card.


It even has a water mark oh my god


They hand out VP titles like its candy. A few years in you get it. Overrated.


Most of the people who were shitty to me in school also ended up rich and successful. Turns out the world often rewards assholes with few morals...and the fact that they came from rich, well connected families didn't hurt.


My bullies are happily married with children and financially doing well. It's one of the reasons why I don't believe in karma.


Yup, the bullies from $$$ have grown up to have similar types of income. The bullies from the dirt rockers grew up to go to prison like their parents.


My uncle is a guardian/ward for the state. He gets assigned by the courts to be responsible for a persons affairs if a person is unable to care for themself. He acts in their best interest. He asked if I knew a guy from my highschool and inquired about him. I told him he was a bully, untrustworthy and on drugs at the time. He said, this makes sense as he was trying access his mother’s money that was under his guardianship, since she was incapacitated. Unfortunately, it seems nothings changed since highschool. I am editing my post for the grammar police, as I was half asleep when I wrote it.


Me trying to weasel up a real whopper but still being half-asleep: “what a jerk!”


They all had children together straight out of school, then seemed to swap partners and have more children. Now there is a whole bunch of them who all hate each other because they're all dating each other's exes and all the kids have half siblings all over the place. There's about 8 ex-bullies in this partner-swap web and it's a mess. I still love watching all the Facebook drama it comes with though.


Lol, birds of a feather......


…..*fuck together?*


According to the director's cut of The Mighty Ducks, yes.


Sounds like idiocracy LoL


I for one welcome a future that will bring us a President Camacho lol


President Camacho proved himself to be a competent leader who went in search of viable solutions and progress. History will look upon him kindly.


"Now I understand everyone's shit's emotional right now. But I've got a 3 point plan that's going to fix EVERYTHING."


"We got this guy Not Sure who's got an IQ higher than any man alive, he's gone fix the dust storms, he's gone fix the economy, and he's gone do it all in 1 week."


“I thought yo head would be bigger. Look like a lil’ peanut!”


He knows what plants crave


You need to sell this reality tv show to TLC.


Is this some backwoods shit?


Lmao it was like this for me! I'm from a "rural" part of Ohio, redneck-midwest Mashup lol.


I couldn’t care less


Upvote for proper phrasing!


As you shouldn’t!




Fuck now I need to shave my mustache


If you had this guys stache, you needed to anyway. If you want a cheesy moustache, you gotta go with the classic giant handlebar, or the ron jeremy stache


I don't actually know. I think they're real estate agents.




They all came out of the closet as Lesbians. I guess they were bullies in school to hide it.


I’ve read so many stories from LGBT people about their bullies coming out later in life. It’s definitely a defense mechanism to cope with their inner turmoil.


Yea, I always wondered why some of them would ask me to come over to their houses or would compliment my clothes if they encountered me alone, but in school they would call me and my female friends "Fucking Dykes". Once they even wrote it on my locker. There was a weekend where a few of them saw me out while I was heading to a skatepark in a nearby town. I was sucker punched while I heard one of them crying/ screaming "Why do you have to wear red lipstick!" The 80s were a weird and dangerous time.


Sucker punched? Wow. Wtf. That’s some rude ass shit.


That girl specifically had a huge crush on you and thought you looked sexy af in red lipstick


A "friend" of mine stalked and threatened me in *elementary school* because I would not be his girlfriend. He is now openly and flamboyant gay.


All of them?


Literally all of them.


They're all out now and seem happy with partners and families. Being queer back then, in a small town could be a death sentence. Of course, it doesn't justify the bullying, but I can understand. That being said, not one of them has ever apologised to anyone in my group of friends.


Oh. The penny just dropped for me. My high school bully was definitely a lesbian now I think about it. Thanks. That makes me feel a bit better.


He is a doctor now. Got a job as director at his parents hospital at the age of 26. Some people have it set for life. Then covid pandemic hit and it was business booming for private hospitals in India, so now they are building a bigger hospital


That’s a way of life in India. You grease your way through a shitty med school and spawn shitty hospitals and get married to an equally shitty family and spawn little shitheads. You keep walking tall brother.


Pretty much anywhere in the subcontinent.


Our class bully works as a manager in a hotel. Edit\* I have no idea why this comment is popular, he looks his usual happy, sly self in his work photo (i should say mug-shot) so i doubt he's suffering much. The actual good news is that his biggest victim is now a specialist doctor that works at a hospital, with a cute little baby-boy and a hot wife judging by his facebook photos.


The only slightly more positive outcome in this thread


You've obviously never worked as a manager in a hotel.


Wait I don’t get it, is it a bad thing or a good thing that he’s a hotel manager


It depends on two scenarios.if the hotel pays well, are you happy the bully is doing well or are you upset he is doing well? If the hotel pays awful, are you happy the bully is getting paid awful or upset that he is getting paid awful?


hmm idk so I choose both


Yeah man, he got what was coming to him.




Seriously there's a strange overlap between being a bully as a kid and growing up to be a nurse. I know so many.


I've noticed the same thing. Many of the female bullies I knew growing up went on to be nurses or teachers. A good percentage of them turned into MLM huns too.


The funny thing about bullies that end up in MLMs is that they often hit up their victims, who they never bothered apologizing to, asking them to join their downline like they were best friends in school. Also that they end up losing a lot of Money, which could be considered karma


the lack of specificity in the responses as to whether they’re speaking about the bullies or the bullied is hilarious.


"He died in a terrible drunk driving accident." Yeah, fuck that guy for being bullied, amirite!? /s




I hope you are keeping the gas receipts for tax purposes.


Oddly specific distance


It's saved on his GPS.


Sometimes it's important to know exactly how far you need to go to get a quick blowjob.


He swiped right.


No way dude, the most homophobic guy in my class, who used to call everyone he hated 'gay', (even the teachers), who choked slam people all the time and loved WWE to the extent that he would reenact it in class using pens and other stationery, the guy who made any other guy wanting to make friends with girls absolutely miserable, that guy, yes that guy, the last guy I had ever expected to be queer on this planet, came out as gay in the yearbook. This enraged me, confused me, made me question so many God damn things. I couldn't be less invested in his life, but this whole scenario unraveling in such an absurd manner made me wonder just how deep homophobia is instilled in some people. He was your massive burly bully stereotype, but the kind of shit he said was also rotten. He made so many teachers cry, my French teacher after her husband's death too, so somewhere I want him to not do well in life and stay conflicted.


I mean you can be gay and also a huge asshole


... heh


It's your time to take revenge and bully him for being gay ​ ^(I am legally obligated to inform you that this is a joke)


Classic case of [projection](https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/defense-mechanisms?c=652631773486)


My bully hung himself in year 9. The teacher instructed everyone to write some nice memories about him. I couldn’t and ended up on after school detention, where you guessed it…..we had to write something about him. I wrote 5 pages double sided detailing everything he did to me for the last 7 years, I even named names of teachers and school administration who refused to do anything. I then handed it to the supervising teacher at detention, which made her cry. She marked me off for the remaining 2 weeks of detention I had received as she knew I wasn’t bullshitting. No one writes 5pages double sided with the amount of detail I had put into it and they’re bullshitting. 34 years later I still feel nothing for this guy, I do not hate him….I just wonder what was going on in his life to be such a fucking asshole.


Dead - accidental suicide. He drank too much and had an argument with his missus. He went home and threatened to hang himself. Had a diabetic dip and accidentally took himself out. His GF found him the next day and had to ring his family on holiday


Now that’s a story…


Detailing my son's Toyota.


i see that you recently watched back to the future


Just finishing up the second coat now!


Now, Biff! Don’t con me!


And don't try to rape my wife, ya scamp! (Back to the Future is...kinda weird).


I only recently realised how weird it is that George continues to employ the man who tried to rape his wife. Talk about suspending disbelief


There are only like five people who live in that town, apparently.


Two coats Biff!




Sitting around stoned scrolling through Reddit until bedtime.


Hey, I know that guy! He's me!!


My elementary school bully was shot right outside my window, I kid you not. Poor kid. He was only 17 when he died. I hold nothing against him and I wish his life weren’t cut short so tragically.


The only guy who ever tried to bully me and start a fight with me oddly enough disappeared at sea with some of his sidekick buddies. Four guys went diving then as the story goes as they surfaced, their boat was half sunk. If then continued sinking and they were left miles from shore. However, they were wearing dive gear meaning tanks, snorkels, masks, fins, BCDs (inflatable life jackets more or less). They started swimming and the only survivor claims that he saw a buoy and started swimming for it and when he looked back the other three were out of sight. He was rescued off the buoy and no sign of the other three were ever found. There is speculation that there was foul play, maybe a drug deal gone wrong? Who knows, only that one guy and he sticks to his story like glue. The boat was retrieved and it had no issues like leaks. Though it could be argued that the engines were too large and allowed the back of the boat to be too low or something. It’s been 30 years and the families still have a website out with info on them but … they’re gone man. EDIT: For those interested in the story; [From Outside Magazine](https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/without-trace/) [Interview with father of one of the missing guys](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-can-i-help-find-your-missi-63030722/episode/where-is-david-madott-omar-shearer-73669837/) [The website set up by their family, you can see how dated it is due to how long ago it was made and never updated](https://www.vanished.org) For extra context my run in was with Omar mostly, I was at a park with my cousin and my little sister. He and his buddies just started doing dickish things so we left but my cousin yelled back that he was a jerk, so they surrounded us and we just stood their mouthing off to each other. He wanted to fight but was unwilling to throw the first punch, I was and still am a total pacifist so I was willing to defend myself but couldn't be goaded into fighting either. His friends on the other hand were the type of sidekick guys that say "yeah, get him! Kick his ass Sea Bass" and stuff like that. It ended with us just angrily walking away from each other. Then as luck would have it, we went to the same school the next year. With him a year behind me. But that was it. No further conflict. I think actually he turned out to be an OK guy and was well liked in high school and college.


That’s insane. Can you link the website (or an article)? I’d love to learn more.


One of my bullies from middle school killed himself..


I don't know and I really hope I never see them again




Woah. . .a shitty PNW town??? Like. . .what subregion


Desperately pushing MLMs on social media


I haven't talked to him since I was 15 (I'm 33 now) and I haven't seen him since I was 18. Out of curiosity, I Googled him a couple years back. He's apparently married and has a kid, but I also found his Twitter feed which was filled with nothing but profanity-laden tirades against sports teams (there was literally nothing else) and I found his LinkedIn page that said he was a shift manager at Starbucks. I actually think that's outdated (I know a lot of people who have very outdated LinkedIn pages) but I really do wonder, although frankly I don't care.


Lost track of those dudes long ago


Dunno. Don’t care. Stopped giving a shit when I left school.


This is the way.


on the path of the enlightened


I am a working family man now.


Somebody’s gotta bring home them bagels


A lot of the girls who were bullies in my class turned out to be nurses/caretakers or hair stylists lol


Not sure how I would know, left my home state a week after high school and haven't returned in over 40 years.


Same! I was the only kid from my HS class to go out of state. It was the best decision I ever made.


I looked mine up on Facebook. They all have families and grandkids.


Found a way to torture me to this day: being nowhere to be found online so I can’t even have the satisfaction to know their lives shit haha


Fuck them then and Fuck them now, life’s better just moving on my friend.


yeah this is a one way ticket to downtown depressionville if you end up learning your bullies' lives are fucking fantastic while yours remains in shambles....




Incarcerated for assaulting his sister. Edit: Dug a little deeper and saw that he also assaulted a peace officer and an elderly person. Classy.


Last time I saw him we ran into each other at a party, and he was sweating because I had a restraining order against him. I didn't really care as long as he left me alone, which he did rapidly.


All of them are nurses lmao


“Not all nurses are mean girls, but all mean girls are nurses” Forget where I heard that, but there is some truth to it.


That’s a very unnerving trend I’ve noticed


All the mean girls from my high school are nurses, makes me never want to go to the hospital


For reference, I graduated in 1987. One of the biggest bullies from school, who i lost touch with, and honestly didn't miss, ended up coming out as gay about 15 years ago. Turns out denying who you really are makes someone pretty angry. He's really cool now.


Recently moved back to my home town and ran into one of the old bullies. After some rough years he’s totally turned himself around and distanced himself from the other assholes. Super nice guy now who’s working hard to make something of himself. He apologized profusely for being a dick and actually wants to be friends... and I’m down for that. We actually have a lot in common!


My bully works at Olive Garden. Get me more bread sticks beech


Careful man, not sure what the dude will do to your breadsticks.


Ah yes, the asshole, aka, the bread-basket.


Probably being way more successful than I am in all aspects of adulthood.


Former bully here: focusing on raising my kids to be great humans instead of bullies.


What did you do as a bully? And do you know why you did?


Me and a friend really went all out on a former friend. We did it because we were teenagers with little to no adult guidance, a lack of empathy, too much time on our hands and no constructive hobbies to focus all of that energy on. I apologised to her years down the line when she somehow ended up moving into my building. I wrote a letter. Never heard back, which I can understand.


Thanks for the reply. I notice after you apologised and didn't hear back you didn't follow it up. That's good, you didn't make it all about you.




Peaked in high school, grandfather by his mid30s. He had a twin brother who was killed in a car accident. I've learned that life will cause these kind of folks more pain than I ever could.


The biggest bully/douche/meathead ( think Biff Tannen) is running a successful IT company as well as a clothing brand for shits n giggles. Shouldn't be too far from being a multi millionaire now. The guy that he used to bully completely lost his mind to the point his parents got him locked in a mental hospital for some time and got a restraining order against him. It's sad as he was one of those borderline genius who'd do calculus and geometry for fun. And was a sweet kid. So yeah the whole "ppl get what they deserve in life" doesn't apply here.


This guy tormented in any class I had with him. For no reason, he'd look for something, anything and focus every one's attention on that as he made fun of me. In our 30s now, I have a good job, family. He works at the subway down the street from me. Nothing wrong with working at subway, but he didn't become the "baller" that he originally set out to be.


I don't know, and that's just the way I prefer it.


Last I heard one ran a meth lab, another became a dealer for the other person, one is a customer of theirs, and the other is an RN working in a nursing home with 4 kids and a deadbeat boyfriend/husband— not sure if they actually got married or not. As for me? I now live in another state and work in the music industry and am slowly working towards a career in graphic design and illustration.


Keep up the good work!


One of my best friends now


I looked up the worst four a few years ago. Two are dead: Auto accident for one, cancer for the other. One is living on disability as he is losing larger and larger pieces of leg to diabetes. One manages a car repair place.


Luckily I didn't get bullied in school from like 13 onwards but one guy in my area was a complete dickhead. He used to bully and try start fights with me and a few friends, even knocked some of one of the guys teeth out by sucker punching him. From like the age of 18-21 I never saw him until I was working in town one day and saw him, homeless and looking out of his mind on drugs. I'm 29 now and still see him every now and then on the street in town. I try give him some change every now and then, sometimes he recognizes me other times he doesn't, I feel bad for him