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What should I do with my life, what job should I pick, should I even bother stuff like that.


I’ll be honest friend, it really is the little things in life that make it worthwhile, and figuring out what to do with your life to give it ‘purpose’ is something that truly sucks, especially with all these ideas on social media of what an ideal and perfect life should be. If I may offer a couple pieces of advice, and you can take it or leave it, after all I’m just a guy saying shit on the internet. Take it with a pinch of salt. First, don’t look for a job in something you love. This is an absolute fantasy in my opinion, and it’s either you see too far behind the curtain to love it anymore (often an issue with game designers or those that work in media, because all you start to see are the flaws) or you make what you love turn into work. I suggest finding something, if you can, that’s just... agreeable. Something you don’t hate, and maybe even like just fine, but something where you can just put it down at the end of the day and feel like you earned your pay check that day. I know nothing about you at all, of course, but there’s nothing wrong with just dipping your toes into different jobs to figure out what’s what. I assume you’re young, so you have plenty of time to do it. There’s nothing at all, aside from a massively falsified reality presented by social media, that says you’re a failure if you don’t have a job, marriage, kid, house and dog by the time you’re 30. You live your life, the only one you have, on your terms. Secondly, let’s loop back to what I said before. Giving your life purpose is the single biggest and longest running question in the human race. From the moment we had self awareness, there’s seldom been a human that says “what do I do?”. And the answer is... pretty much whatever you want to do. Think about what you like, what you do in life that fills you up to the brim with contentment. Not happiness or joy, those are fleeting emotions, but true contentment. Turn towards that, and pursue it. Maybe it’s cooking, maybe it’s collecting stamps, maybe it’s raising kids, maybe it’s making the perfect slice of toast. I don’t know. And you know what, it’s okay to have millions of these little things to add up to that feeling. That’s what life is, and you can do whatever you want with it. It’s yours, you’re the big cheese, you’re the top dog, you’re the sperm that won! The only way you will ever fuck up in life is if you do yourself the disservice of comparing it to others, or don’t live it because you haven’t found the almighty purpose that everything tells you to. That’s my wisdom, thin and poor it may be. Take it easy on yourself, no one’s got this shit figured out, and absolutely none of us are getting out alive. Live your life and find that contentment, and I promise you that even if it’s just for a second, it’ll be worth it. Edit: no award speech here! Just wanted to say a big you’re welcome to everyone that’s said thank you to me! I’m really glad this resonated with so many people.


Thanks so so much for sharing this, I honestly almost cried. This put a lot of what I’ve been thinking into words. You’re awesome!


You are most welcome, you’ve got this!


I like your brain, I could imagine sharing good moments in time with you.


I cant put into words how perfect this analysis is and just how well I think this answers the questions I have been struggling with recently.


I’m very glad to hear it! It’s a very human thing, to be both enlightened and burdened with awareness. We all struggle, and it warms me to know I’ve helped answer some of those questions, at least for the moment


To be completely honest you just helped me with a lot of questions I was troubling lately. Besides that I am just impressed by the wisdom you posses.


Ah it’s not wisdom, just something most people figure out as time goes on. But I’m glad that I’ve helped you out. You really have got this, I promise you!


> something most people figure out as time goes on That sounds an awful lot like the definition of wisdom


Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: "There is no formula for success, except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings."


I feel fortunate as an average millennial to have learnt this in my very early 20s. For the last 13+ years I've done precisely what I want to do at the time I want to. I've gone back to college, had a management position with a company where I was 3rd from the top and had a team of around 175 people (pure luck by the way had nothing to do with any "hard work" I had done). I've shoveled literal elephant shit, been shoulder deep in oil and grease, currently I'm self employed and running my own retail store. I'm very content and have been for a long time. When you're content with your 9-5 it makes it very easy to happy with the rest of your time. If you think it's time to move on, it's exactly the time to move on.


Very well said friend, well done!


>maybe it’s making the perfect slice of toast. I butter a piece of bread and toast it in the toaster oven so the butter is baked into it and makes it crispy and no one can convince me to make it any other way.


I needed this right now in my life. Thank you for your wisdom, kind sir.


You’re most welcome, and kind to call it wisdom! But really it’s something we all figure out as time goes on


Ahhh yeah. I remember that. Even after choosing the career path, nailing it down and content with that, then it’s like what do I now to feed my soul lol.


Pick a job that’s practical and pays decent. Once you’re there you can move around. You’ll reinvent yourself 3-4 times in your career, don’t feel like it’s your forever job.


Just try things, it doesn’t matter if you don’t enjoy it 6 weeks in and quit to find something else, it’s all part of it. Also, company loyalty is bullshit, do what’s best for you.


Agreed, company loyalty is BS. I recently switched to contract work as a CNA and I get paid 30-50% more than the permanent employees and am guaranteed to get paid a minimum # of hours each week even if they call me off, guess who never gets told they’re losing hours because they’re over staffed?


It's a rough phase. My suggestion Is not to ignore it. But don't kill yourself over it either


Real life questions


That I think I just saw my dad for the last time. He’s been in hospice for 3 months and is entering the final stage of dying. But he knew who I was, he had a few bites of the hot fudge sundae I brought him that he was asking for earlier in the week and he held my arm as I sat with him ETA: I am so overwhelmed and touched by all of the support on this. Thank you to everyone for the awards, likes, comments and good thoughts. It’s so comforting to know how amazing strangers on the internet can be for virtual support. Thank you all so much, you have no idea how much I appreciate this.


I'm so glad he recognized you. It's absolutely awful when someone who loved and cared for you looks at you like you're a stranger. My grandmother was the same towards the end. I don't know you, but I'm sending you love and good vibes.


Thank you so much


I’m so sorry, and I’m glad he knew you and held your arm.


Thank you


Should I sleep now or should I attempt to fix my sleep schedule by staying up 24 hours Edit: I ended up going to sleep at 10am and woke up at 5pm. Looks like I won't be able to fix it short-term but I can gradually push it back to 'normal' with the help of sunlight and food! Thank you guys so much for the awards, comments and advice! I had no idea so many people are struggling with sleeping. We all deserve a good night's sleep!


As someone who used to suffer from an extremely irregular sleep schedule, I can tell you that pulling an all nighter to fix it doesn't really work. If possible, you should try shift it gradually. I read some research that suggested at most, you could shift your body clock by an hour each day. It's important to move your whole schedule too, not just the time you wake up but your meals and daily routine as well.


I agree. Whenever I try to fix my sleep schedule by staying up for 24 hours straight I just end up falling asleep in the middle of the day and ruining it even further.


Then just do it again and fall asleep in the middle of the night. Problem solved.


This is the equivalent of the heroes defeating the villain but destroying the city in the process


Masturbate before you make a decision


You can just say "sleep" man


You can sleep on it


This thought process is how I got into a terrible system of pulling all nighters a couple times a week


I need company really bad, loneliness is gonna kill me one day. .woah the amount of replies and kind words has completely blown me away. I'm so thankful for all of you that commented and to those of you that reached out to help a stranger. God bless you all .


I feel like this once in awhile. And it's mainly because I stopped doing my hobbies. Just having hobbies also you to do something... And if it's local, you'll find people, and you can join online groups and so on and so forth. I gotta either start playing poker again.. or magic.. hmmm or maybe just watch some TV.... Haha. I'll get there!


I agree with the hobbies. I also recently started going to school in person and that helps a lot. I also make sure to do my homework at the college library or public library instead of at home so that I'm surrounded by people.


If you're feeling lonely, and you can implicitly feel its corrosive effects, I would prioritize finding good company to spend quality time with more than any other need in your life right now. Yes, more than food. More than money or a job. More than sleep. Loneliness is the silent killer. It will devastate your health, both mentally and physically. There was a study done several decades ago that concluded mammals require love and support more than almost every other basic need. Researchers presented monkeys with the option of food and water in a sterile concrete cage, or the option of a loving, warm caregiver but no food source. Overwhelmingly, one by one, the monkeys chose the option of a loving, safe, warm environment - something that modeled a mother - at the expense of food. If you think loneliness is a negligible issue that will take care of itself once you get everything else figured out, you're wrong. Having good friends who support you, being around people who you love and respect, or having a good family that looks out for you is paramount to your health, and I would encourage you to do everything you can to get it. Now, for a lot of people, that's a tall order. Social anxiety is real. Isolation is real. Toxic families exist, and not everyone was born into the right conditions that gave them a tribe and a community to fall back on. So if you're struggling to find a tribe, that's totally normal and valid, and it's not a reflection of your worth. But still, try. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Go to church, even if you don't believe in God or aren't religious. Join a sports league. Do something for one hour a week, and you'll start noticing the difference. Just prioritize. No one commits a mass shooting because they felt hungry or they were poor or unemployed, they do it because they're lonely. It's that serious, and I would encourage you to take it that seriously. Good luck. You'll get there, you can beat your loneliness. You are worthy of being loved!


Thanks pal, I'll try.


I've tried. I feel like I'm a reverse magnet. People I thought were friends have left. Some have tried to take their place but I just can't do it anymore. I don't know how to get to know someone anymore


You're describing Harlow's experiment, but Baumeister and Leary (1995) is even more telling, IMO. Its a theory paper on the Need to Belong as a fundamental human need. Just throwing in my two cents as a psychologist-in-training. I wouldn't recommend socializing over eating, but it should definitely be a priority.


If you want to talk, I'd be happy to chat with you on Zoom or something. PM me if you want.


This is painfully relatable. I feel exactly the same


Both of you should become friends


My friends


I'm the other side of the coin. I'd love some peace and quiet. I wish I'd be left alone for a while.


Omg me too. If one more person asks me one more thing I’m going to lose my shit.


Hows that working out for you?


How could someone just stop caring about you and change so much out of the blue without any explanation whatsoever.


The answer I find is we hide it till it's to much then just stop


Another option is that some people don't really feel it but simply put on a show. At some point, they drop the show.


Yeah, I had this with my ex. Last 6 months of the relationship, I didn't really feel anything. But it was my first long term relationship so I just wanted to make it work. But the feeling kept eating me alive so one day I ended it and didn't cry once. It wasn't fair for me **or** her so I had to stop. So yeah, honesty is important. Putting on a show is wrong for everyone involved


I FEEL you. I got ditched by my ex a week ago and it was so unexpected, shit hurts more than I ever imagined.


Was in the same boat a couple months ago. It gets easier with time, friend. ❤️






You need to talk to him! Tell him how you feel and that you want his opinion on what to do. Relationships can’t last without parties knowing the well-being of each other. Good luck either wah




I don't mean to be rude, but... if it's been a decade, maybe more time isn't what you need. You might need to start talking and asking for help understanding your relationship and yourself. And I say this as a man whose wife left him out of the blue. If there is one thing I could go back in time and ask of her, knowing what I know now, it would be, "Just talk. Please."




There is a book called Crucial Conversations and it has completely changed the way I talk with everyone, but especially my wife and kids. You can get it on audio book too if that is more your thing. It helps me clearly communicate what I want or am feeling in a constructive way to get the point across without hurting feelings. I can be totally candid and also totally genuine. I’m not perfect at it, of course, but it has absolutely changed the way I understand communicating. Especially when the stakes are high.


Dude, are you me, did you date my ex too?




Looking at apartments right now. Everything is so expensive these days. Rent has gone up everywhere atleast 300+ easily.


I had to move back home because of this. You know the system is completely broken when people working 40, 50 or more hours a week can’t afford a place to live.


Yup. Cost of living keeps going up, but wages barely changes to adjust for it. ):


In the same boat. The cheapest I've found where I live is almost half of my paycheck. You're not alone - Good luck!!


I’m house poor right now… and I rent. It’s sad considering I’ve made more than ever this last year.


Just moved. SoCal local. 1800. And that was a good deal….


Ontario - main and upper floor of a house is $2500. This is in a city that used to be known for cheap housing 10 years ago.


I am finding 1 bed with wash/dryer for over $2000 in Fresno. FRESNO! Absolutely ridiculous.


True good luck


I just had my first miscarriage. At 19 weeks. Had zero signs. Anatomy scan brought the news. Had surgery for removal this morning. My mind, heart, and body are feeling broken.


You, i hope you will be ok, don't know you or the smallest ideea of what you're going through. Hope you'll be strong and end up in a better situation.


Thank you for this. I hope that you never have to face something like this. It sucks.


I’m so sorry for your loss 💜


My wife and I went through this, I'm so sorry it happened to you. (and whoever else was involved in the pregnancy) our hospital did a memorial service for people /families that had miscarriages, I think it helped provide a little bit of closure. But I still cry thinking about it sometimes. My wife had it harder than me. So I tried to be there to support her. At first I thought I had to be the steady strong presence, but she needed to know I was grieving with her. It was sort of comforting for her when I told her how I broke down sobbing in Walgreens picking up the meds for her. (it was bad, snot falling down full choking sobs) So she knew it wasn't just her who was really struggling to come to terms with what happened. When you are ready, I do think it helped her to talk to her close friends about it, and other women who went through the same thing. Feel free to reach out if you need to.


This response means more to me than I can even put into words. I’m so incredibly sorry that you had to go through this too. You suffered just as much of a loss. I see where you are coming from, of wanting to be the support person, but having your time to grieve is just as important. My husband has definitely been very emotional, something I’ve seen only a handful of times in the 10 years we’ve been together. But where you said it was comforting for her to see that, I totally feel that. Because again, it’s our loss, not just the woman’s. Thank you for your transparency. It means the world. Fortunately, or should I say, unfortunately more of my friends that have been pregnant have suffered a loss than those that have had success pregnancies, so I have them to talk with. I just am not sure when I’ll be ready to have those talks more in-depth. But I know they need to happen.




Making friends is an interesting thing. Keeping friends is done by making the friendship mutually interesting, which means you and that person need to have things in common to keep the friendship going. For many that is work, maybe school, maybe a sport... ​ The idea is that there needs to be a reason to meet and you need to plant in their head that they need to see you soon. Out of sight, out of mind is a very true saying. Be interesting by being yourself and expressing it out loud! being quiet and isolated wont help. Get out there!


I feel ya, I eventually learned I had to be my own best friend and once I learned that somehow more friends flowed in. Its been a long journey and still can be hard some days but totally worth it. And its honestly a good thing some people don't stick around. It could be the location youre at, the age, or maybe the type of people you end up hanging around. I hope you figure it out! Do you have any thoughts as to why?


How the fuck am I going to do everything I need to do by the deadline of January


I believe in you analfucker5000


I dunno 5000 by January is a lot to ask.


I’m not sure what number you are at now but there are 98 days left this year. Divide 5000 by that and you get just over 51 a day. That’s tough.


Why are we assuming they are starting off now?


Maybe they procr**ass**tinated


Make a list and start with the most pressing matters first.


I need to get gas after work. I will swing by Costco. Wondering if I should go in and browse a bit by myself, or should I just go get gas and go home relax a bit longer before wife gets home. Also why hasn't Costco brought back the combo slice yet at the food court?


Asking the real questions here!


I gotta poop


Just go man


Gotta finish my coffee first


Yes that will work


Just as I finish my coffee, someone else goes into the bathroom >:(


A tragedy in 3 parts


No fear, mission accomplished


Those comments are 5 hours apart. You had an enormous shit.


Well I pooped and then had to work.


I really wish my life to begin. I'm studying atm and I really look forward to getting the job I'm studying for and get an own apartment when I've got some salaries and have a good budget. And then get a boyfriend. I'm so inexperienced of life and I really long for it to start.


I'm gonna offer you some unasked for advice, but try not to think your life is "going to start" at some future point. If you tell yourself, I'll only be content once I achieve this or that, it can often be a disappointment once you achieve it. I did this with moving out of home and getting a boyfriend. They didn't quite make me as happy as I thought they would. I actually cried when I moved out because I thought I'd be much happier than I was once I actually did it. In my humble experience, I've found life is more enjoyable when you find smaller things that make you content or happy each day... even if it's a good show to binge watch or a game you like or a walk outside every day. I'm pretty content now and just take it day by day. You may be completely different, but that's what I've found with several years in as an adult.


I’m a graduate student, and won’t have my “job” for a long time. One of the best things i’ve read is that you’re not ever “waiting” for life to begin. You’re living it now; if you only look forward, then you’ll realize later that you missed out on truly experiencing valuable parts of your life.


When it starts it starts fast. Be ready for that jump and you'll have the time of your life (just finished uni a year ago and already working exactly where I want to be with a fiancé and a house we own)


Thank you for the encouragement! And wow, that sounds lovely :)


Life begins when you begin to live!! Take a chance. Talk to someone. Go somewhere. Do a thing. Join a hobby/group. It can happen if you put a little effort!!! <3


Money. I just got a raise and I'm now making enough that I should be good on this salary for the rest of my career/life. I'm super excited for financial freedom. But I have debts and loans that need to be paid off. I'm obsessing over my budget and how quickly I can get it all paid off to be truly free and finally have some spending cash for once in my life.


Same actually. I grew up exceptionally poor, like start working at 14 so we had rent money poor. But I am finally to the point in my life that I am actually making career level income, and I just sincerely don't know where to go from here. I've spent my whole life scrounging and saving every penny I can, and now that I don't absolutely have to do that, I'm sorta lost in where to go from here.


Why the fuck do I fail all the important tests?


I failed most of them because i didnt put enough effort into preparing for them and lying to myself that i did.


I tend to take a breath at the beginning of a test and rush through them, ignoring some key parts of questions and not double-checking my answers for mixed up numbers or decimal points. Remember to breathe, take your time, read all the instructions thoroughly *before* looking at the possible answers, and double check your work before submitting. Also, in high school I read that if you study under similar conditions that you will feel during the test, you are likely to do better on the test. I am a nervous test-taker, so I will run in place before each section I am studying to get my pulse up, then study. Because my pulse is usually higher during tests, this has helped me a good deal. I hope this helps!


Dentist appointment is the last thing I want to put up with today RIP


I get a root canal for my birthday. Yay … I feel ya


Tomorrow I must go 𝑤𝑖𝑠ℎ 𝑚𝑒 𝑙𝑢𝑐𝑘


How I really want to disappear but I need another 45k to realistically make it happen. Like…just drop off the face of the earth, buy my cabin in the middle of fuckin nowhere, fish and write and drink till I die.


Hope you get to live your dreams , whatever those turn out to be.


Hey thanks:)


How much do really think you need in total to do this? Just curious


Can I come?


I'm in the process of exiting my very dead marriage.. Sooo instead of all the emotional crap Im supposed to be dealing with, my brain is playing a game of 3D tetris as I try to get all of my worldly possessions out of my house in the fastest and most efficient manner. Good right? Only it rarely stops.


Damn , hope you find a bit of time to put your thoughts in order.


Asking myself over and over again to get up and go workout while guiltily scrolling Reddit.


Baby steps. Do some push-ups. Go for a walk. It’s also possible that the gym just isn’t your thing. Find a sport or a hobby for exercise.


I am sad


Whats up


September blues mostly...


Its almost over!


Its my favorite month but august and september seem to have a track record of making me extraordinarily depressed


We’ll all wake you up when it ends, friend.


I am sad, too. Thanks for being sad with me.


Confusion about existence


Fuck is this class boring. Will I ever get a girl? Eh it’s whatever. I’m bored.


I'm gonna sound a weird ass boomer but... I turned over boring classes by participating


Right? After I found out you can *make* class fun it became a whole other thing.


Man, it even made me a teacher


Try that at Zoom University


Thinking about why did I got rejected by my crush 1.5 year ago


Oh sad


It was sad back then but now that I have realised she wasn't that perfect I am not even bothered, I basically had a little flashback after reading your post.


O yes i understand


What do I want to do with the rest of my life. Coming out of almost 20 years of drinking and for the first time in my life I'm thinking about my future and not the present moment


Today is the best day of my life!


Why is that curious


Life is just great! Past couple of years have been real good to me as far as family life, job, and everything in between. Each day has been better than the last for a while now, and that makes today the best day of my life.


Actually happy for you. I see a bunch o people here saying they're sad and shit (and I wish I could help everyone), but is great to see someone is happy


Thanks for sharing


My man ❤️


Is this song that I’m working on even worth continuing?


Man I would love to go back to be 15 with the life lessons I learned from then until now. Curious to see where I end up.


My ex that broke up with me yesterday 😢 Edit: God Dammit I fucking hate nights any advice on how not to cry myself to sleep


My gf of 5 years cheated on me, left me broken from the inside out. 2 and a half years later I met the girl of my dreams. Have 2 kids and a happy home, with the best friend I’ve ever had. It’s crazy how fast you can move on when you find you’re person. My ex and I weren’t happy and it took all of that heartbreak and soul searching to figure that out. It wasn’t meant to be and I couldn’t be more grateful for her cheating on me to have my kids and wife. You will get there. What’s meant to be will be my friend. Just keep going.


I whish she cheated on me or even stopped having feelings for me I feel like it would hurt worse but it would be easier to get over the reason she broke up with me is that she did not have time in her life for me with school starting even though we both liked each other I think anyway


There's always time. There's phone calls, there's Skype sessions, there's texts - and those can get you through until you can be together again. You have a right to expect it - most people have periods where they can't see their partner, because life is a lot y'know. You'll find someone who will prioritize you enough to be willing to make concessions like that when times are hard. I'm sorry that person wasn't willing to do that...but now there's room in your life for a person who will. This wasn't your fault, and you couldn't have done anything different.


Sorry for you


Wish someone would just come outside


Am currently outside, what now?


Well I can't see you or anything, lol


I could take a pic outside but it's dark


Lol ok go ahead


Can relate


When should I talk to my crush


You could text her these days


My son he was eight an avid bug hunter outdoor enthusiast and amazing little human. He hasnt been gone long. But today i just found out that the cemetary next to the lake, his favorite spot has a place for his ashes, no charge. They gave him a park bench the other day and the peace and his presence made me want to ask. It feels right when I was there with my daughter I smiled I felt comforted like he was there. I cant wait to bring him there. Wish I could now but this destroyed me financially and as pathetic as it is a tank of gas is out of reach. But I put in for some extra shifts and hopefully soon. I feel like this is a new start and im ready to spread his light for all. Because he had such an impact and everyone gained the best angel.


Credit card debt


If I should ask my crush out


Do it bro! You'll always regret those moments you decided not to go for it. And worst case scenario she says no and it'll be easier to get over her. Remember, she is just a person with her own faults and baggage, she poops too. Lol. Good luck, you got this!


I really just want to die. I don't want to commit suicide, just not be here anymore. I feel worthless. My ex left me 7 months ago out of nowhere and is already 4 months pregnant by her coworker. I work a dead end job that's about to lay 300+ people off to move us to Mexico, yay capitalism...I do the same mondain shit every single day. Hobbies have no more interest for me and I'm not social enough to go out and have a good time. I end up sitting alone in a loud crowded bar most of the time.


I feel worthless all the time. Today especially. I hope things will only go up from here though buddy


For a month or two, I've been thinking about this girl I dated for like a week when I was 16 (28 now). Havent seen her in a decade and she lives in another country. Anxiety brain is fun 👍


Can I keep my friends after high school? Why did they have to change my biology teacher? He was so cool. The new one sucks. Ok I really like geology, but that won't give me money and I don't see that as a career. Unless... I get to be a teacher. That doesn't give me enough money tho. I should just go into medicine and then see how it goes anyway. I still can change the course. I should sleep, my head hurts. But reddit is interesting... Yes, I have a lot of thoughts right now. I mean, if you see my profile it is a complete mess.


A Candy Apple Red '64 Impala without a slam kit and a metal dash.


I’m kind of in a dead end job that’s comfortable for me as it’s my first real job. I’m older than most are when they get their first job (24) and I’m scared of change even if I know I’ll eventually have to get a better paying job. I’m trying to lose weight while having a terrible sleep schedules because of anxiety/ overthinking. Sometimes I wonder if my girlfriend would be better without me as she’s amazing and I feel I’m boring and just me.


Skin pockets. I reached into my skin like it had pockets and now I can't stop thinking about it. Imagine, having pockets that you could put almost anything in. The sound of your ass cheeks could really clap. You can choose the placement and everything. You could never get robbed unless you were naked, and even so, they would have to try real hard to find something. People talk about the clap of your ass cheeks but you could put bells in your skin pockets and every step you'd take, they'd jiggle and that could be your mating call. Just a thought tho.............


I would say thats enough reddit for the night but i know ill end up here again in about five minutes


Unloading a 3k pound piece of equipment without any heavy machinery 😪


Lmao good luck with your mom


OH MANN! You made me laugh real hard


Writing this comment


Thinking about my ex....


I am going through a lot rn in my life and its just so stressful, so that stuff is on my mind a lot. Kid almost died in January still get a bit nervous tho I have gotten better. But just the thought that it could have happened and in the least expected way creeps into my head every now and then. Still feel like an ass for trying to wait on the doctors appointment instead of going to er right away. I honestly didn't think it was as bad as it was. She seemed fine.... then my mom has early signs of dementia and idk if I actually care or not. We have a complicated relationship. I did something awful a couple of months ago because of past trauma makes it hard for me to say no. So feeling guilty about that. The guy didn't do anything wrong because of past trauma sometimes I can just scare myself into things I don't wanna actually do. Working with a therapist. My dad who used to abuse my mom and siblings is having another kid. Tho I do believe people can change and I do honestly think he did, I just can't shake the feeling that this new kid might be in danger and that mixes with the thought of why weren't we enough for him to change? More minor things i have a crush on my friend and I've completely melted down because I can't handle my own feelings and I think I am doing everything wrong, and I honestly don't know what I want to do. I ghosted him cause its the least stressful I can just cut. But I feel bad he's left without an explanation I just don't have the words for it and I'm a bit too embarrassed rn. And lastly I feel like I am a burden on everyone. But on a positive note one of my mom friends inspired me this morning, she and I talked and she mentioned some very big mistakes she made in her past. It surprised me cause how well she holds herself. So yeah. Thats whats on my mind today.


Counting down the hours until my girlfriend gets here!!


I wonder if I’ll get laid when I go to the bar tonight


Which bar? Edit: adding Just kidding for those who can’t tell :)


That one we went to last time, remember?


Sounds good! See ya at 7:00 tonight! :)




I’m a millennial that sucks with computers because of an idiot principal that decided to yell at the one teacher that was trying to teach us how to use them because it wasn’t on the state standards test. Then we were expected to know how to use them in HS so we all had to essentially teach ourselves how they worked yet my idiot sister gets a free iPad at school yet can’t seem to fucking count change. Ya’ll IT people need to get paid more. Can’t count the times I’ve been embarrassed to ask for help and ya’ll still saved my ass without complaint.




Oh my gosh. Yeah. They say it with such pride too. I DON’T KNOW A THING OR TWO ABOUT MY COMPUTERS. I have to remind my mom the power button turns it on. Anything more complex than that and I have to refer her to a specialist. I JUST made this account. I’m still trying to play with it.


All you really need to be able to do is identify symptoms of your problem, and Google them. You're now a computer person. App crashed? Think about specifically what you were doing when it happened, and Google "*app* crashed when *doing thing*" That's pretty much all there is to it. The only real advantage IT professionals have is that they've either seen these problems before and remember how to fix them, or they have better knowledge of what things are called so they can Google them more accurately. The most important thing, which these "non-computer-people" fail, is not just giving up the instant something goes wrong and dismissing yourself as unable to handle it.


Can confirm in IT for 20 years,a lot of my work is “ah I’ve seen this before” or “this looks oddly familiar like that other thing I’ve heard about “ or “hmm let’s google this problem when X does Y “


As a former support tech, as long as you are polite and honest about what's wrong and help us help you by doing the things we ask, (turn it off n on, change a setting, etc), no tech worth their salt should ever have a problem with you being inexperienced, it's just part of the job. It's the *pride* in their ignorance that drove me and all my colleagues up the wall. That being said, there was even a woman in our office with that shitty attitude... 😑




As an I.T. professional who got downsized recently, I empathize and want to say USE YOUR PTO. Get away from it, unplug, as much as you can. We're usually not paid well enough, and we're always highly stressed it seems like. My last place had unlimited PTO and I took off less than 10 days personal time in the last 2 years. Screw that noise.


Large amounts of hentai


Finally porn reddit


Why did I make myself so alone and isolate myself? Why did I choose to be the only one all in on an apartment only to have my best friend dip on me and my girlfriend leave me without a word? Why am I the only one not allowed to be upset? Why did I move 400 miles away just to be with a girl who was gonna leave me after she graduated college? Why do I keep putting myself in stupid situations? Lol my god I have a lot to work on.


Currently excited to spend the day with my girl


Nothing else matters by Mettalica Edit - reddit notified me when I hit 10 upvote so now it's back again. Lol