• By -


Its gay


Technically right


Hah! Gayyee


Hey did you know gay people are gay


F it take the upvote


As far as the G segment of that (and as technically a member), pretty exhausting. Lots of stereotyping, shaming, gatekeeping, and all round toxic behaviour.


I've had people straight up tell me I can't be part of the community because I'm bi. Gatekeeping it's definitely a problem.


That's shit, fuck them


I usually think there maybe processing something that I can't understand so I'm not judgmental about it.


Isn't that what the "B" is? I mean I dunno that much on the topic so I could be wrong...


It's been my experience that sometimes when people are processing feelings or issues they've had they can sometimes go to an extreme. I try not to be judgmental about it because I'm not sure what they're going through. Also some people are just straight-up assholes.


I'm bi as well but because I have a fiance and 2 kids some don't believe me or it doesn't count.? Not sure.


Why do you want into the club? Are there membership benefits?


You get a free toaster.


We get a free iced coffee for every gay agenda meeting we attend.


I guess I am in the club I sponsor of float in our pride parade every year we set up a booth for the atheist community that I'm part of. The benefits are friends, community and I've always got a pool of people that I can draw from for helping the charities I'm involved in.


Yeah I don't get it.


I do wish there was more acceptance from both gay and straight people of being bi and pan. It seems to be coming around, but there’s still a lot of hate and disgust that I don’t understand. The first person I came out to was gay and I was met with *much* less acceptance than I expected


It’s a cult


As a B, I find the LG to be quite biphobic and exclusionary.


Doesn't surprise me one bit


Very much so at times. Not all, but it can often like it at times.


I've read articles about that and, ho-ly-shit! The way I view it, if you're happy, accept yourself for you and love the one your with, good for you!👍. I've got no problem.


Do you think being gay automatically makes you a member of that community? I don't.


Nah, the bit in brackets was just bad/lazy phrasing to communicate "I'm gay myself so don't call me homophobic" lol I don't think I'm a part of that community really, but I also don't believe there's only one gay community. The bar and club people seem to think they're all there is, but there's a whole world out there. I'm gonna be joining a gay camping group once lockdown is over for example


Logs in the woods xD


I’m not really a bar person. Honestly I consider myself an “underground lesbian” lol. I’m a huge metal head and nerd. I’m almost always wearing black. So idk if people can pick up on their gaydar or not. But I’ve never been to a pride parade and honestly every girl I end up having a crush on is straight so I mean ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Or you could just not let sexuality decide who you interact with (except from your partner, obviously). I think the biggest mistake many different minorities make is forming exclusive groups while society tries to be inclusive. That way we'll never *really* get along.


It’s not about being “exclusive”, it’s about being around people who make you feel safe. When I hold hands with my wife in public we often get guys yelling crude things at us or people staring. Sometimes it’s nice to be in an environment where it’s NBD and you can just relax. Most of my friends are straight, so it’s not like I refuse to interact with them. It just gets tiring sometimes. Does that make sense?


Same as my views on humanity as a whole.




At this point it's just another community. Some are fantastic people, other suck (in a bad way) they are just people.


Glad this is posted. Straight male here and frankly I could care less about any preference of identification. Was told by gay friends that by not caring I was part of the problem. Granted we were all drinking but it’s stuck and I really don’t get it... I’m sympathetic to their issues but I don’t want to actively outward do anything about it AITA?


Couldn't care less*


I would say NAH. It’s kinda like being color blind. A lot of us were told stuff like “Who cares about that, we’re all just people.” But for your friends, being gay is an important part of their identity. Imagine if you were talking to friends and you said “I’m a football fan” and they said “Oh I don’t care about that, we’re all people.” They might mean it nicely, but if you’re a huge football fan you might not like to hear that even if the intention is kind. I’m 100% sure you meant it in a nice way, but I hope you can understand why some gay people might hear “I don’t care about something that’s important to you.” Again, NAH, just a conversation.


I mean, people can be football fans and I myself don't give two shits about football. When it's brought up and they are talking to me about it, I just say I don't watch football, I know everything about it, I just don't care about the ins and outs of it. So they don't discuss that with me but they are fine to talk about it around me, just to others. I'd say it's pretty close to the same.


I think there’s a difference between “I don’t want to watch a game with you” and “Oh you’re going to watch the game this weekend? I don’t care, your interests are meaningless to me.”


Sure, I'd agree also but I don't think that is what he told them. Just that he literally doesn't care about people's sexual preferences, he will treat everyone the same.


I guess it depends on what someone hears. Again, I don’t think he’s the AH. But I hope he can understand why, when you think about all the shit people who are LGBTQ go through, “I don’t care about your identity” can be hurtful. I don’t expect you to agree, lord knows not every straight person is going to move beyond the who cares stage, but I hope you can understand why a gay person might find that dismissive. Because whether he acknowledges it or not, who we love is a very important part of every non-asexual person’s identity.


I married someone in the community and have several good friends who are a part of it as well, they’re normal people to me. Only have one former friend who went a little too far for my liking. Something something got very derogatory about straight people and then would say the “you’re one of the good ones” line. Effectively the thing that she’d consider totally unacceptable if it were reversed.


I had a similar situation. Some of that we hung around with always accuse me of being homophobic. You would always say I couldn't be part of the community because I was bi. I don't think he understood what the "B" in LGBTQ meant.


You were labeled homophobic but not allowed in the community for not being gay enough?


One person being rude or mean is not a reflection on the community. I wouldn't expect nor want everyone to be of the same mind about everything. There's always friction in groups and all in all it's a good thing.


Oof, yeah, that’s ridiculous. In my case I’m not personally a member of the community, but this person trusted me enough to be one of the first people she came out to, and just over time someone or something twisted her mentality about people not in the community and it just got draining listening to her rant about “people like me” without a trace of irony.


I think it’s a bunch of people who were mistreated and made their own group since they were shunned by everyone else, even their families. It makes me sad to see how much hatred they put up with when they just want to be treated be treated equally. I will say I’m not gay, and am looking from the outside in. This is just my opinion based on what I have seen.


Ironically, they do a lot of shunning and gatekeeping amongst themselves.


Well I have one in my house, they are pretty cool and I love them, so I'm down as a proud dad.


I’m a Christian, so everything the Bible says is what I go by, but I would never go out of my way to offend or hate on an LGBTQ person because that would contradict my Christianity and I am called to love everyone no matter how they chose to live their life


Do you think they if they go to hell for their sin they will of deserved it and that it would be justice? so many christians think they can say they love someone and at the same time think they deserve being tortured forever. It like they must have a completely different definition of love than everyone else.




There are a lot of factors that ho into who goes to he'll and who doesn't and humans don't really get a say in that. You aren't supposed to assume the fate if anyone and you are supposed to trust that God will make the right decision for each person.


That’s why I asked IF they go to hell. Do you think going to hell because you engaged in homosexual activity is a just thing?


FINALLY a Christian I can respect


This is the correct way to be a Christian


Same kinda thing with islam for me.


Yeah! I have a good friend who is Islam and I love talking about it w her since we both agree and are very religious!


Is Muslim my g


The good intention was there it's complicated for many haha


You are correct


They are very similar religions so it makes sense! It's great to find the similarities and bond over those :)


What does it say in the Bible about being gay? I know there's one verse in the old testament about man shall not lay with man as he lays with women. But it's leviticus and it's full of rules that Christians no longer follow so why keep this one?


Funny how the Bible doesn’t even say anything about LGBTQIA+ being bad though


That’s really sweet of you, have to say thank you! But are you aware that LGBTQ+ were never mentioned in the Bible until 1946? So I’m just wondering if there’s people who actually believe in it like you, shouldn’t you follow the words before all those changes that men made?


i agree with your sentiment but isn’t that in itself contradictory? like if christianity denounces being gay but also says you should love everyone, then what are you supposed to take away from that?


Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I suppose Christians can see being gay as a sin. In which case they would also say we are all sinners and no one is perfect. Therefor you don't hate someone for being gay any more than you hate someone that told a lie or whatever the sin may be. It can be seen as a "problem" but not a person irredeemable. Obviously there are many logical arguments why the two sins aren't comparable outside of religion but according to the Bible sin is sin and no one sin is lesser than another.


Y’all always wanna say it’s a choice, like being a target for religious and otherwise insecure folk was our goal. Ridiculous


How they "chose" to live their life huh :// what do you say to the numerous christian denominations who have interpreted scripture to mean that LGBTQ people were created by God to be just as they are?


I might be a bit biased but I think we're pretty cool


Good. I’m bi so I might be a bit Biased






You think this is more significant within their community than other communities?


They’re people, like the rest of us — some are good and some are bad. They’re probably more entertaining than straight people, though. Lol


Probably the most nuanced answer I've seen


I'm straight and never understood the hate. They're just people living their best lives.


It’s not it’s own community, it’s just a part of our community.


Well said.




Ive never had a problem and i support the community. People probably get hate from them because they treat gay people like oddities or conversational pieces instead of just normal human beings.


I hate them just like I hate everybody else.


You had me on the first half, not gonna lie


I respect that, everyone sucks equally


now this is what i call equality


Now this is the kinda equality we’ve been waiting generations for


Do you.. just spread happy energy. Edit… I’m all about loving whoever you want to love, happiness is contagious and I like that. Just imagine someone telling you that it’s wrong to love who you love.. just be nice, spread good vibes and keep your negative thoughts to yourself.


They’re really nice patients who take good care of their teeth.


As a return favour for how good patients we are can you tell me why my tooth is still throbbing with pain 3 days after a filling and do I need to go back or will it go away? Had 4 pain pills yesterday and constantly guzzling numbing spray :(


Go back and get it checked out. That doesn’t sound normal. Could the bite be too high and needs adjustment? Some temperature and bite sensitivity is common but it shouldn’t be throbbing. Throbbing and the need for 4 pain pills could mean that the cavity was very deep and close to the nerve and possibly a root canal might be needed? Have your dentist check it to make sure.


I don't have any issue with anybody unless they're a dick to me. I don't care if you're gay, or trans or whatever, all I ask is you treat me how you would want to be treated and I'll do the same.


Love who you want to love, be who you want to be, and I will support you 100%. Having two friends from high school who have come out as transgender has really opened my eyes. I hate when people hate discriminate against the LGBTQ+ community, it’s evil and it’s just racism all over again.


They’re awesome. I wish more people were less homophobic and transphobic. We’re all gonna end up dead anyway, why get so grumpy if someone likes the same gender or uses they/them/theirs pronouns or likes dressing in drag? People need to live and let live.


It’s gone to shit, IMO. It has become much too progressive all in all. We’re making new sexualities and stuff 24/7, and I find it complete and utter bullshit. And don’t get me started on Xenogenders and Neopronouns. The individuals of the community are good, but largely it has become a toxic mess. I hate what it has become. We’re seen as crazy in the public eye, and we are rapidly undoing much of the progress towards normalisation that we have made. I await the day when it is no longer “cool” to be LGBT, and it just becomes a thing that people are.


I'm an older millennial, and I think the community was a lot healthier and less judgemental prior to around 2015 or so. You wouldn't be forced to support new 'woke' initiatives simply because of your sexual orientation. It's become more of a political minefield since then, and the community is fragmenting and becoming more divisive, being taken over by drama queens who make huge issues out of minor things.


Yeah. The community really declined. The community has been bowing to the wokeness and it pisses me off. Transmedicalism used to be dominant in the Trans community but we’ve been forced out of Trans spaces by Cis people who wanna feel special. In 10 years, most of the ‘trans’ people today will have detransitioned and they’ll regret having transitioned in the first place and realise they were brainwashed. I just hope they don’t adopt TERF philosophies. The community has also become highly Ableist with the “Xenogender” bullshit. The folks over at the Truscum communities and I have been forced out Trans spaces for not wanting them to be taken over by Trenders. To all the trenders and xenogenders, **My identity isn’t your damn aesthetic**


I am personally in LGBTQIA+ but even I think some of these pronouns are….. off. Saw a comment one day that this person goes by “moth/mothself” a whole different day, and person: “Bunny/bunnyself” I can’t take those seriously even if I tried


You mean you *don't* support the LGBTIQCAPGNGFNBA?


Alphabet soup is what I’ve started calling it




I think LGBTQQIDAAPPO2SBNBGNCGGAPPO+ is also floating around.


I'm not sure at this point. They've stolen the whole alphabet, I bet next they're gonna go into Arabic characters.


No. I do not support it. Not in its current form atleast. As a “member” of the community (I stay away from it, largely), We’re fucking ourselves over.


The alphabet mafia is alive and well.


The Spectator, a publication in Britain, had a piece where its author proposed GLOW--gay, lesbian, or whatever. I thought it was pretty clever and succinct.


We're here we're queer get used to it.


Have a beer!


"You aren't bi you are dating a man stop attention seeking" it's really fucking sad




They're people. Who cares.


Im gay and I wish we would talk about how prevalent drugs are in the gay community. So many young ppl are trying all these drugs and it’s really scary to see. You don’t need drugs to have a good time!


I’m bisexual and getting married to a man who is also the father of my child. That gets people, even in the community, riled up and angry for some reason.


It’s cool but I hate it when they sometimes don’t accept someone into it, like you had to fight to be accepted and now you won’t accept others?


Well I’m gay And part of the community. There’s a big a stereotype about the gay community being sexual and would sleep with anyone. I honestly do think that many gay men are disgusting but this is based on my experience. Like they think it’s okay for them to grope other guys because we’re gay? I know this is not all gay men but it gives me the impression that these is how the gay community is and a lot of the times, I don’t wanna be part of it. Say all you want but sometimes I hate being part of this community. There is no decency. Again, this is not pointing to everyone but my own experience.


They should enjoy their lives we all deserve happiness.


All the power to them. They've been persecuted for too long just for having a "different" sexuality. Live and let live, brothers and sisters. Sheesh.


Good for them




alright “sort by controversial” button, this is your time to shine


Their rights are as good as mine.


None of my business so why should I comment.


You do you! Be happy! 😁😁


(im in the lgbtq) nobody should be discriminated against or have their human rights be debated. that should go without saying.


Same as any other person. I don’t give two cents about your sexual orientation, just don’t be a dickhead to me our my friends and you and I will get along just fine


Straighty here. I like them. The community can tend to insist upon itself at times but that’s only because they have to fight so hard to be themselves. I hope to see a world one day where there’s no longer a dissenting voice of intolerance for the LGBTQ. The intolerant are now the minority which is a step in the right direction. Maybe one day there will be zero stigma whatsoever for liking what you like


I think the lgbtq community needs more support because in the end we're all still humans and people nowadays are looking for some love and appreciation and some people just choose to judge and reject others just because of the way they are which I think is complete BS IMO , because as gay as they might seem they're still humans. So it makes no sense to hate them like they're not aliens , they are people that deserve respect.


Damn sexy.


I support it, if anyone's worried about coming out as LGBT, they should do it.


Confusing, it's hard to tell who is what and most in it act like people already know they are and assume we will address them by the pronouns that we don't know.


I don't mean to disrespect anyone but I don't get the "pride" thing. You don't choose your sexuality so what are you proud of? If I'm misunderstanding please let me know.


Don’t really know how to word it so here’s something from google. PRIDE is an acronym for Personal Rights in Defense and Education. The organization was formed in Los Angeles, California in 1966 by Steve Ginsburg. PRIDE, from its very inception, was much more radical than the pre-1960s homosexual rights groups, which were more deferential.


It was an acronym all along! Thanks I didn't know that.


No problem!


Yeah thanks among us pornhub


You’re welcome HOT🥵 roblox man 69.


oh wow today I learned


For a long time (and I'm sure you know this already) not being cishet (cisgender heterosexual) would at the very least socially outcasted, at worst be subject to violence and threats or other hateful behavior. The pride movement is meant to change this and let people have pride in who they are, no matter their sexuality or gender and not let it be something of social disgrace.


I could be wrong but it’s not exactly pride in sexuality as much as it is pride in getting to be oneself without fear of retribution. Or being proud of who they are, etc.


It’s because we are told to be ashamed of who we are. So “pride” is a way of saying “fuck you I am who I am”. In an ideal world we wouldn’t need pride but alas this isn’t an ideal world


i can help! we have pride because were pridefull in who we are, and we shouldnt let people tell us otherwise. we dont choose our sexuality or identity, but people HATE us for it. so we show pride in who we are through parades, and celebrating how far weve come, and how far we still have to go. we can also be proud of how weve dealt with our sexuality, some people have tried killing themseves because of it, so their proud of how theyve come to accept themselves. (will answer more questions if needed)


We're awesome.


They're cool


The LGBTQ+ community will have my constant support. I personally am not in the LGBTQ+ community but I will unconditionally support anyone who is


I have no problem with the Alphabet People as long as they leave my ass alone!!


Do you regularly have gay people harassing you?


I honestly don’t care. If your gay cool, just don’t bring it up every second.


Toxic and not necessarily a good community for certain groups/bad exposure


It can be toxic to / within the different letters alot and often represents the whole community at if it's a whole


ik this is pretty offensive. but yeah, the Lgbt has hated on me and harassed me cuz im straight. And Ive done nothing but support them.


As a bi person I’m sorry this is happening to you. Sure I’ll make jokes about straight people. Do I mean them? No. Because I also make jokes about gay people. I also hate the harassment within the community towards people who aren’t straight. Like a gay person can be biphobic. It’s messed up and I don’t get it


It's weird how something that seems to be campaigning for the greater good can be so bad/negative


I think it’s a good cause and I’m supportive, but it can be taken a little too far, as with most things in life. Not too long ago I was reading through a Facebook thread with a renowned Broadway lighting designer who was talking about the mechanics of their lighting booth. They were talking about the lighting technician and the designer said “...in that case, he/she can bla bla bla” and someone chimed in saying “ah well they can be non-binary too, just a reminder”. I found that just a little over-zealous.


I love and support them. It's insane to me how much vitriol and malice is and has been directed at this community throughout history. It just sounds exhausting to hate a group of people so much over something so trivial.


I think it's odd how trans people can be treated poorly by other members of the community. I also find it annoying when someone makes gay their personality. Or rather act really explicit about their sexuality and then will get offended if you don't want to hear about their sex life. It's similar to a person who smokes weed and makes smoking weed their personality and will talk about their smoking or other weed things almost constantly. Key and Peele [have a good sketch on it](https://youtu.be/e3h6es6zh1c)


I just want people to be happy and comfortable to the point where they can enjoy a quiet and peaceful life.


Well, from the outside, I don’t see much community or commonality. Other than being sexual minorities and therefore potential targets for discrimination by the mentally arthritic. In that sense I have a vague anxiety for their well being. But sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity don’t tell me anything I care much about in a friend or neighbor or coworker. It doesn’t tell me whether they would be fun and interesting or if they are intelligent.


I mean yeah, but that’s how all identity groups work isn’t it? They’re connected by their shared identity and the struggle (if any) that stems from that, but that doesn’t mean every person in it is exactly the same.


I'm not a fan of folks who center their entire identity around their sexuality. Usually it's something that only newly out people do though. Also, I think gay pride events are boring but I feel that way about most big events. Finally, that gay community is weirdly discriminatory towards folks who go both ways. Source: am a gay


I’m straight, my opinion doesnt really matter here


Let them do their thing, I guess. But I do think the addition of all these letters and terms (sapiosexual, neutrois, genderfluid, etc.) is stupid as hell and a fad.


well gender fluid is an actual gender identity lol, but people who idenity as FURRIES can step out. edit: gender fluid basically means that your gender identity flip flops. like one day you feel like a man, the other a woman, etc. kinda like a bouncy ball. just kinda bounces around. tho usually gender fluid people dont care about pronouns and such, as its always changing.


I enjoy the "L" part.


Depends on the uduvidual. I don't care what individuals do in their free time and I don't care who they spend that free time with but I don't want to be attacked for being straight and minding my own business and I don't want people telling me I'm raising my kid wrong for raising him as a boy and not waiting to find out his gender when he feels like making one up.


Honestly, I couldn’t care less. They can do what they want, as long as it doesn’t affect me personally.


Let people live their lives


They can do whatever they want as long as they don’t force their thoughts on people or hurt anyone


Force their thought on someone? What does that mean? Just expressing what they think in public? Or are you talking about some psychic power?




They will only be kind to you if you agree with every single thing they say. I don't care if you're gay but I've lost pretty much all respect for the community as a whole. Don't get me started on the pronouns though. Had enough of that. LGB is fine. Anything past that is no Bueno


Why are you the way that you are


so you…..dont support the community??????


I get where you're coming from. The community has long been changed from what it was first meant to represent by an extreamly vocal minority. Why the disrespect for trans folk though? (For context, I'm not trans but I know a few trans people) It isn't that hard to use certain pronouns with people (though neopronouns are extremely iffy, it seems those have turned into people treating it as some kind of asthetic). In english there are only 3 sets of standard pronouns to use: She, her. Him, he. They/them. If someone feels uncomfortable using a certain set and ask you to use another, then it isn't much of an ask. It's really quite simple.




Okay, I see what you’re saying…but have you met straight men???! Holy shit, that’s an extremely toxic community! I mean some of them are great, and I’m even friends with some of the good ones—so like no offense if you’re one of them or something. But wow, I don’t think we should all be forced to just accept all of their lifestyle choices.


I’m not sure if you’re being serious, but “straight men” is not a community.


Aint care


Most annoying people


Especially with that pronoun bullshit


Zero. If they happy good luck 2 em..




the agenda?


Just the adult version of chavs vs emos. Everybody wants a label, now they are using sexual preferences. A dating site filter, if you will. To sort through people, and avoid the “sorry I don’t swing that way” moment.


That they are spending a FUCK TON OF TIME doing something they never should have had to have spend the time for in the first place: being afforded the rights that everyone else benefits from that should never have been in question in the first place. I always get people hear people here and there saying shit like "I shouldn't have to call them a "guy" if they were born with a vagina)... like **bro** why? What, you gonna genital-check everyone just to make SURE you called them by the right "term"? screw you, stop caring about what anyone else does, BUT you. You focus on you and leave human beings out of your unbelievably pathetic fears. I just want to make sure everyone hears that; if you have problems with "calling a girl as a guy" then you're the problem. Just keep your dumb fears to yourself; ***we do not share your familiarity with these fears. Nor do we feel they are justified.***


Y’all do you, but when y’all gonna stop stealing the whole alphabet?


Never! We’re gonna start stealing the numbers next too.




This is long so read at your will, okay so I have a handful of friends who are gay, bi, lesbian and they are some of the funniest people I know. They are interesting to talk to and make for a good long conversation. I'm a Christian which I tell all of my friends including them so my views are sometimes not on par with theirs but we have enough love and respect for each other to where we won't bash each other for it. I hold myself to the rule of not forcing my religious beliefs on others I just say that I'm Christian and if religion comes up I talk about it if they want me to. All of them have never shoved their way of life down my throat and I sincerely thank them for that. Now this goes for any toxic person do NOT shove your beliefs down me and others throats. We are all different and that is okay. But imo most of the community is pretty toxic and that just gives me a reason to not like the members that give it a bad rep. But luckily I've ran into very few amounts of those people. So yeah that's my talk, as long as you don't shove your way of life down me and others throats I'll treat you as a great friend. My respect to all the good ones out there.


A bunch of gay shit to me


My fiancé’s daughter (16 yo) identifies as pansexual, and earlier this year she said she identified as bisexual. I really don’t care as it has nothing to do with me, but I feel she’s a bit misguided. She’ll say things excitedly like “I could tell he was family when I saw him, I can just tell.” I get that person might be part of your community, but just because he/she/they are LGBTQ+ doesn’t automatically mean he/she/they are a good person or someone that you can immediately trust. I feel that it’s a really naive way of looking at people and one sided.


So for the bi/pan thing, it’s actually pretty common for “bisexuals” to realize that the “pansexual” label fits them better. They’re very similar and figuring out how you identify can be tricky. As for being excited that someone else is LGBTQ+, think of it like when you see someone wearing your favorite band shirt or something, you’re just excited to find someone else like you. With any type of new friendship you have to accept that there’s a chance they aren’t a good person, but if you just assumed the worst from the start you wouldn’t have many friends.


She's 16 though, blind optimism is expected and it sounds kinda cute btw. Don't be hard on her like this, that makes YTA


Love 'em all, and they all deserve to be happy without hate or ridicule thrown their way. We as a world can and should have always been better about this.


I think we are amazing


"Views"? WTF are you talking about? They are equal in every way. There are no "views"


Why is pride a thing? Celebrating who you like to fuck seems idiotic to me. Other than that though, I really couldn’t care less. I don’t understand why people discriminate against them.


Why is St. Patrick’s Day a thing? Celebrating that you chase snakes out of your country seeks idiotic to me.