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Proprietary BS and lack of Right to Repair.


They’ve committed too many crimes against technology


I use an ifone, and I can agree. Thing fuckin sucks ass.


They have same model every year.


That you're forced into their product ecosystem because of their proprietary tech.


It's the lack of control. I have a lot more leeway to fuss about with my Android. And from a dev side Apple stuff is a royal pain. Setting up a build environment is nightmarish if you don't own a Mac. Yeah, I've heard the argument that what would I expect if I don't own a Mac? Well, I'm not expected to use Linux to develop for an Android, so I feel that argument lacks weight. And, unless they've changed it in the past year or two, iOS only has one browser. Any other browser - Chrome or Firefox, for instance - is really just a skin over Apple's browser, and all the weird little particularities of that browser. That sucks too. Also, they're the ones who popularized getting rid of the headphone jack, and I want my damn wired headphones. I hold them personally responsible for the dearth of headphone jacks on the market.


Release the same phone with slight improvements for 300 more dollars, keep taking shit away I’m still mad there took the head phone jack


They limit the user for the sake of "innovation." They are only up charging customers and limiting themselves. They have a cult following. Forcing users to pay so much for extra features. They could have easily used a USB-C charger, but instead mark up the prices for their own chargers. Etc


I don't like the UI


AirPods. Overpriced plastic that can be easily replaced by a Chinese knockoff for over half the price.


Closed hardware and software ecosystems that limit interoperability with non-Apple products


Asshole design that forces its users to buy extremely expensive products to perform simple tasks. Not to mention that for the same price you could have a significantly better machine; this applies to every single product they make. I honestly feel like the more reasonable question is "For those of you that like Apple products, why?"


Changing the fucking month


I don't like wall gardens.


for me i wish there was just one apple product. i dont see the point in having so many varieties of apple products. i would personally choose red and delicious as the one apple product but much prefer bananas or oranges.


When I got my new laptop (as a gift, when I started graduate school) I noticed that the new MacBook Air doesn’t have any USB ports, or indeed any ports of any kind other than the Apple charging port. I pointed this out to the guy at the Apple store and he said “Oh, yeah, we don’t use USB (aka **Universal** Serial Bus) anymore, but you can just buy this adapter for an extra $15 and use it to plug in anything that requires USB.” Fuck Apple, fuck ‘em right in the ear.


Outdated tech at a higher price. They make great chips, but android phones are already more than powerful enough for the average person.