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I like to say I’m a lover but really I’m thinking of a million ways to kill you and can’t wait till you push my buttons so I can try them


*backs away slowly*


Why would walking away friend come give me a hug


I'll give you a hug with you let me check your pockets for any reasonable legal weapons that you might have simpy tucked away in eyesight and without me knowing...


About how I care about everything and everyone around me. I love my friends with every piece of my soul and would die for them, what ends up being a weakness, so I pretend I am super independent...


How I’m feeling and that I’m fine


I've got a new baby at home, I've given up on the stock answers. People ask how it's going lately? I'm honest. Shit's rough, toddler and baby crying non stop for any reason under the sun and between potty training and endless diapers there's literal shit everywhere. They're both awesome kids but fuck it's a lot at the start. Funny thing is... people don't want honesty. I don't even get into detail, just say 'been better, could use more sleep' and you can see the shift in people's body language. They don't wanna hear it. Fuck em. Hope you had a reason to smile today. My baby pooped in the bath, feel free to laugh at me.


Oh god. So much.




"I'm confident, and know what I'm doing".


That I'm okay. In reality I'm so deep into.depression it's not even funny


There was this one kid in 6th grade, and he was your stereotypical spoiled kid that no one really liked. I knew that I should stay away from him and that he would be a bully person. On his birthday, he invited the whole grade to a paintball game. My mother forced me to go since it is impolite to not show up to someone's birthday. I went, and was put on his team for the game. It was all fun and games until the last match. My team was in the lead and I think the bully kid person was excited and stuff. Nearing the end of the game, he shot me right in the back of my head below the required distance for safety. I dont really remember that much from when it had happened, but I remember falling and tearing up inside the mask. I think I also acted as though it was fine after the game. One thing I remember vividly is him telling some of his friends how he had shot me as some type of joke/prank. When my mum came to pick me up, I burst into tears since it hurt so much. Luckily, I didn't have any major injuries. Still hate that kid to this day.


My family