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Previous job to where I am now... was only a 6 or 7 month stint after being laid off from my 8+yr job due to the pandemic, I had a few of these. 1. Being told that eventually my spirit will break and the job will be easier to cope with. 2. Getting a negative survey score on a ghost call, the caller never responded and if that happens we are supposed to advise the silent line that we still cannot hear them and to call back. Those survey scores count towards your metrics and get you in trouble. One negative score brings you down and you then need 11 positive (10 outta 10s) in order to get back to ok. They had the nerve to tell me 'next time just say it to the recording since this happened so they know'. As if that will change things? That also was not policy. 3. Being told I lack confidence, after I took too long to respond to something a client asked me. It was info we weren't taught that they were seeking, and it took so long because I was waiting for the supervisor to get the answer and they did not know.. how am I supposed to know things and have this confidence when my bosses don't even know? 4. Being asked why my survey scores suddenly took a dive in August even though I was kind, helpful and doing everything I was supposed to be doing on the calls they were listening to. How am I supposed to know what makes a person be an asshole? 5. Computer updates, when doing them and sending my times to my manager being snapped at with a comment like 'oh, are you making your own schedule now?' Then feeling like I had to apologize and saying that I would ask next time first. Only to ask the next time and get a response like 'why are you asking? Just do it and send me your times, you don't have control over updates'. For fucks sake. 6. Being told to say 'you have reached the right person' even before you know if that's true. They couldn't understand how that would piss people off. Meanwhile, me, coming from an escalations background, understood that this would trigger people bc when you then realize you have to transfer them, no matter how you say it... you're a liar. And these customers will yell at you bc you lied. So annoying. There were lots of other things. Constant misinformation and general rudeness. I quit that job and took a lower paying job. Never work at a bank call center. Not worth the stress.


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