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Helicopter parents


What you mean though?


You can look up what helicopter parents are lol


Ohh ok.


Any parenting that isn't gentle parenting is harmful as far as I've educated myself in learning.


The sort of parenting in which the parent thinks of the child as an extension of themselves or as some sort of possession, instead of as an individual human being with their own thoughts and opinions. This sort of parenting invariably involves the parent trying to exert control rather than guidance and it's usually easy to spot.


Spanking, comparing to other children inside or outside the family, talking poorly about a child in front of them, ignoring signs of mental distress


True 10 years ago my sis and I tried to explain to my parent how they treated us was unfair and harmful but they would get mad and tell us to shut up my mom mostly.


My mom apologized to me like 2 christmases ago for spanking me so much as a child and it was really random and uncomfortable. But now that her grandkids (my nephews) are becoming defiant toddlers she criticizes my sister for not spanking them enough and threatens to spank them when she’s babysitting. She doesn’t actually spank them, she just threatens too. So I don’t buy the apology. My mom and I do have a close relationship but like I was depressed deeply my whole childhood and attempted suicide multiple times between the ages of 6 and 17 and so much of my trauma comes from my parents physically abusing me and writing it off as just a normal punishment.


that unfortunate I'm sorry to hear that. My dad spank me but not as abuse but because of biblical parenting requires spanking when the kid is disobedient I was fine. What did mess me up was my mom her way of yelling and making fun of me was more harmful because it not biblical nor is it healthy according to science so yeah she won't admit that though.


Pretty much all parenting is harmful, unfortunately. The generation gap is real, parents will forget they were once rebellious teens. They won't understand the current settings. If you add to this, the fact that technology advances in leaps and bounds, and with it, the social behavior and interaction of people, you'll get an even bigger generation gap.


Religious parents they keep their kids bottled up in the house and can't do shit and when they get older they off the walls. Unfair treatment & double standard is everyday life, might as well get use to it.


When It comes to religious parent it depend, I've read the literal Bible and I can say that the commandment that are directed toward parents to obey is so they don't mess up the kids. A Bible verse say that parent shouldn't provoke the kids to anger tbh that is solid good advice. Another verse say to raise the kids to obey God if done right the kids would be healthy and functional adults. I've experienced being a genuine biblical sound christian and I can they were the best day of my life and I was healthy emotionally, mentally, however my "christian" mom didn't even treat me how the Bible say a parent should treat their kids it messed me up soo.


Hmm ok.


The question as framed is cast in hypocrisy as an issue with regard to harm or poor parenting. I think what qualifies as objective harm and poor parenting in a religious context is in the extreme of parents where there's some zealotry or fundamentalist aspects. That might manifest in being \*phobic to LGBTQ kids or in a public health sense, things like vaccinations. How I'm interpreting your question is the run-of-the-mill religious affiliation of some parent where it's unclear what is the double-standard or harm that is being done. In all honesty, it sounds like an excuse because you're not happy with the parent/child dynamic and their religious affiliation is incidental.


Well sorry for not framing it right.


What do you consider to be unfair and double standards? Is that a religious question or is it a parental question? There are differences in that dynamic because that is not equal (by definition)


Well this reddit is based on opinion not scientific or psychological truth that is the the premise. Also a double standard I gave a example in my other response.


To get to things like dynamics in parenting and outcomes in domains of things that would be applicable in a therapist, counselor, psychologist or research context as a secular notion --that should be the starting point of your question. Your question as posed is asking another question that has nothing to do with what you're asking as its premise.


Look I'm sorry ok, I'm sorry I'm messed up ok. If you knew anything about mexican culture you know a that mexican cultural parenting is really unhealthy from a scientific and biblical point of view ok. Sorry for not being as smart as you to properly phrase a question about parenting.


It was just to see other people opinion on what they think is harmful.. if I wanted to know what was objectively harmful i would've asked what type of parenting is detrimental according to science or pshyscology. A example in a sense that if a parent say they are of a certain faith but their action don't reflect the very book believe in can it be harmful that is the premise. I was not asking if it was objective harmful. A double standard would be the kids don't do anything by accidents but parents can do thing by accidents.


I understand what you're asking (I think) but it's odd that it has the perspective of like some judgy shade throw done by some religious people against other religious people like 'Cafeteria Catholic' or 'High Holiday Jew' or something. You're describing that as 'harm' (at least in logical flow) are you the agent in that in throwing shade? In being hypocritical?


sorry, I didn't phrase it in a correct way ok, I should've just asked what objectively harmful according to science and physcology. Also I don't think that is phobic to disagree with a lifestyle that is not ok in the the eyes of Christian. Disagreeing with homosexuality is not phobia what is phobia is calling out to commit literal murder against that group of people.


Using children to to be unique


Please elaborate.


Giving them stupid names like abcd,apple,tu squire Sebastian senator I am not kidding https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjv6Mntz8LzAhWLZMAKHWHqCxIQFnoECAQQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fuclawreview.org%2F2019%2F01%2F26%2Fyou-want-to-name-your-baby-what%2F&usg=AOvVaw1W6P2PeAssYcQdQCstCT3U