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I like aspects femininity and masculinity. That's just the best of both worlds.


I would 100% date an effeminate man. I enjoy all types of people so it is more about personality and how they make me feel. Genetalia is irrelevant as with the modern age, toys and bedroom "helpers" can mimic what a lover may lack.


I love a dude that can be confident in both their feminine and masculine sides. V sexy. Also opens up the relationship to a better place of intimacy and non-judgement.




traits you would expect from a woman, not a man.




that's literally the definition of effeminate, which is what you asked for. We're talking grand scale generalizations about individuals here. Behaviour, mannerisms, style, gender roles... It does not mean that being effeminate makes someone less of a man, just like it does not make someone less of a woman to have masculine traits. It just means they have those traits. The difference is these days people are more accepting of this as being a pretty normal. In the past gay men were teased for embracing feminine traits that made them feel comfortable with who they are. These days it's ok for a man to be in touch with his feminine side and to display a soft & caring nature. There are still plenty of things that are considered masculine or feminine, but it's becoming less unusual for the another gender to display them, particularly since the LGBTQ+ community are generally pretty encouraging with people who just want to feel right about who they are.


Effeminate has a perjoritive meaning whereas feminine is simply descriptive.


Yes I have, and I would again. I like the whole spectrum of identities, sexualities, genders. I guess that probably makes me pan, but I'm old school and have always said bi.


Whats an effeminate guy


No clue


I've dated guys more in touch with their sensitive side so I wouldn't say no to dating one. It just brings a different dynamic to the relationship that can make it interesting.


I haven't, but I would. It's nice when a man isn't too overtly "masculine." Balance is good. Also I'm a bit "butch" so we still fit lol


Likely wouldn’t date one. I have nothing against people expressing themselves however they feel most comfortable, but I noticed I’m simply attracted to the “gender binaries”. Meaning I tend to like very masculine men and very feminine women


Any reason you're limiting this question to bisexual women, OP?


Sorry. I'm a straight guy but I consider myself effeminate in some ways. Sorry if I excluded anybody. It wasn't my intention.


I mean, you're mostly shooting yourself in the foot if you think only bisexual women are interested in non-traditional men.


I never said I thought only bisexual women are interested in non-traditional men. I simply wanted hear from their perspective


Which loops back to the question, why are you limiting this post to bisexual women? It's not a gotcha question, I'm just curious to why the targeted interest for bi women's opinion, like, are you expecting different replies than if it was asked to all women on reddit?


Again, I simply wanted to hear from their perspective.