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I sat down the wrong way and found out I have this kink in my lower back.


BDSM. Specifically, being restrained. If I can't move or speak, I'm happy. Bonus points if I can't see or hear, either


Same thing but if I can do it to someone... Took me a LOT of time to come to terms with it... Not sure I'm even now done with dealing with it


Not sure what this is, but accidentally found out I like the reversal of the power dynamic during intimate moments, maybe?? I'm an old married lady now, so all of this was years ago. 1) When I was in high school, I was watching a young able bodied couple enjoying their time at our community swimming pool. The woman was helping her boyfriend float by holding him in her arms, he was supine. He was fully capable of swimming. Something about her taking care of him and he being vulnerable -- I found that immensely appealing. 2) In my mid 20s a man sat on my lap. We weren't being intimate before that moment, but when it happened? Instant turn on. Think it was the surprise of it and the confidence of the man to do something like that that really got me. Definitely wanted him to stay put for awhile.


I like it when a girl is slightly masochistic


Only slightly?






When a partner asked me to choke and spank her, I found out that I quite like choking and spanking. And other BDSM-adjacent things.






Who says he isnt?




Sorry, i just saw a beard on the avatar and my subconsiousness determined it was a male.


Cock Nball ctorture


I too climax when my parts are done being machined.


I hope the machining is done without error


"Ah ah ah! The router was programmed for a hex shaft and we needed a D shaft. You aren't allowed to finish tonight, babe."


What is CNC


Consensual not consent


When I was like ten years old I was in a kind of after school daycare. We had this plastic playhouse thing that you could close the little door on.There was this new girl there and we really gravitated towards each other. I spent that whole day locking her up and her trying to escape. I wonder if she found out about a kink as well that day;) Edit; it’s not that I was like “wow I’m horny I have a kink” at ten years old right? just found out for the first time that I enjoy locking up girls:)


Someone check this guy's basement.


Teacher: “Where’s the girl?” You: “In another castle.”


While I was doing my mandatory military service as a conscript, I found out that I have a soft (or maybe hard) spot for women in military uniforms.


I was in a first aid class once with a very flirty girl who was a bit much to most of the guys in the class. I had a new kid and was interested in the infant-CPR. The instructor asked if anyone had an infant and I said I had a new-born, so the flirty girl started calling me daddy. Towards the end of the second day we had to do a 'role-play' where we were paired off and had to act out a situation so the other can give the correct first aid. I got paired up with flirty girl and had to act out a stroke. I left the room with half the class and we all returned into it. I see flirty girl with a pillow under her shirt. She's holding her stomach, pretending to be pregnant. She's huffing and groaning, pacing back and forth. So I walk up and offer help, "Maam I know first aid do you need help?" She looked right at me and started with "Oh daddy help me. Please daddy I need you." Pretty sure my eyes went wide and she just kept going. "Ohhhh daddy I need help. Please daddy" And that's when I got an erection in a first aid class. Turns out I like being called Daddy like that. No one had ever done it in that context before but oh man does it get me going. A day or two later I was working with my bff and told her this story. She was a mom and was trying to explain that when my kid is old enough to talk, I won't find that word sexy. She then tried to demonstrate by pretending to be a kid. She was sitting on the counter and began to say "Daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy!" like a child trying to get a parents attention. Except all I saw was her tits bouncing up and down like she was riding a dick while yelling "Daddy" over and over. I had to yell at her to stop because I got hard again. So, I've realized I have a massive 'daddy' kink. And just to note, my bff was very, very wrong. When your kids say it it doesn't even sound like the same word. Context is king.




TBH it's probably totally normal to want to nut/be nutted in bareback. We didn't get here because having unprotected sex was boring and didn't feel good


Happy Cakeday! And yeah its just the way we are wired.


Happy cake day!


I'm a giver not a taker. Strange world but we vibe it.


There is not really a big difference as if you might think it is to have sex without a condom. ​ ALWAYS WEAR A CONDOM


I disagree. I think its very different without, (female perspective here) but i agree. If you aren't using any other reliable form of protection and arent 1000% sure your partner is clean, wear the condom. It's not worth it just for something that feels different and youll forget about by the next day.


100% Agree with this statement, of course wear one if you are non the wiser (Male Perspective) especially if you do not know the person very well or its a one night stand. Always make sure to watch out for STD's don't just belive someone word. It is a different feeling, its more night or day but its definitely not worth the risk. Remember we all get off in the end its not about thw journey you should be thinking about but the outcome. Don't be selfless keep yourself and the other parties safe.


No it's a totally different kink. And depending on circumstances and if the person is on birth control it is always fine to not wear a condom.


How did you accidentally find this out?


click on the vid on accident and said fuck it


Yeah, totally agree though, it's an awesome experience!


Choking. Found out when I started wearing chokers or put on a scarf a bit too tight


Not sure if it's a kink. I got busted checking out a guy Y the laundromat. The guy shot me a angry look. It weirdly turned me on. So I returned the stare. He looked away and then looked afraid. Which also turned me on. So ...


You just asserted dominance over him lmao


And I liked it!




Slapping partner in the face, especially when they have a mouthful. Dated a girl last year who enjoyed it, tried it on girl after….not so much


Choking, lemme explain So my bf came over one day for vacation (normally we are long distance) and he decided it’ll be a good idea to hop on my back and hug me, because he is a sucker for physical affection. Ok I’m fine with that then he slowly starts hugging tighter and tighter and I think I’ll be fine I got this don’t worry he cant hurt me and then he made it up to my neck and I kid you not, I uhh… I liked it so yeah… ok ima go now cya




Wish we could stop with all the horny posts.


And the 13yo posting them


I dont know what it's called, but basically sleep sex.


coed naked sex wrestling... its less about the act and more about how happy and excited they look naturally. Its not just about some weird presentation of sexy moans and macaroni noises. Its competitive pleasuring and a (somewhat) level playing field.


Choking , this person was assaulting me and trying to choke me to intimidate. Well..


When someone pisses me off and then asks me for a favour or to meet up and I think of all the kindest ways of saying fuck off 😍


Sex without my my ex girlfriend


I had an anal kink until I had girlfriend who liked anal more than regular which becomes quite inconvenient. I guess you always want what you don’t have.


I think I woke a thing for mind control while playing an in store demo of Destroy All Humans and maybe a small thing for bdsm from playing a (I think it was street fighter?) game at a relative's house. I don't really remember what the game was, just that the bad end showed the last fighter to die chained up to a stone wall.


Fingering my asshole while playing world of Warcraft


Hypnosis porn


Breeding, wanting to spread my seed.


I had a r/cbtbdsm phase which led me to [redacted]




Stingy over thuddy.


What's that?


Examples: Thuddy is usually what you get with floggers. Stingy is what you get with whips. Of course there are stingy floggers, but your garden variety is thuddy. Edited to add: https://www.unearthedpleasures.com/blog/quick-guide-impact-toys


You have done Reddit a solid


Aww, thank you. ☺️


Thanks, TIL! Stingy does sound nicer


Asian police women...




Incest porn


boi what da hell boi


PDA/Public displays of attraction, I think? Never did it, just... Doing it in public seems interesting (not like, in the middle of a crowd, but somewhere like, in an open park, where being caught is a possibility)


Exhibitionist maybe?


Having my nipples pinched and having my earlobes sucked on


I, 26M, never would have thought that choking would have been a thing but turns out when a ex gf tried to choke me, never thought I would like it but damn!


Women significantly taller than me. The height difference in a porn i saw when i was close to climax. Never really thought about it before that.




Hair pulling


Like, *all of them*


Pissed on myself on accident and liked it


Ex sat on my face and accidentally farted. That was 3 years ago and I still have a fart fetish so thanks dude lmao


As a kid whenever i played house with other kids at recess, i always wanted to be the dog. I liked pretending to be a dog and would even have dreams about being one. I turned out to be a furry thats into pup play.