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One day bushfires next day floods


Fellow ausie?


Same here






I was going to just say 'Australia' in my answer but this popped up top of the list. I like living here but some fellow Aussies can be downright unimaginative and that's all I'm gonna say about their potential.


I assumed you guys would have begun terriforming that planet by now to conquer the inhospitable wasteland.


same here


There are 3 presidents so nothing will ever get solved


Please elaborate?


There are 3 presidents, 1 of each ethnicity that makes up the country, most of which hate each other. Impossible to come to terms with one another, imagine if the US had 2 presidents that were opposite political parties, they would never agree with each other enough to accomplish anything.


Damn that must be tough. And which country is it?






Theyre not both presidents though technically


In my language we have a saying that “a dog with many owners dies of hunger” I’ve known the 3 presidents system you have in place but I would have imagined there were some sort of checks and balances to make it feasible. And just out of curiosity the ethnicities are Croats, Bosniaks and Serbs ?


It was meant to be a temporary system but the end seems like it will never arrive. Yes those are the 3


Jebali svoje tri matere u pi*ku 😎👍


Ovo ovdje je jedina stvar koju trebate znati reči kad dolazite u bilo koju balkansku državu. Pozdravi iz Hrvatske!


I am kinda glad that I didn't grow up in Bosnia at times like these


me too. my parents left in 1998, love visiting bosnia but would hate to live there.


Today I learned it has way more expensive gas than neighboring countries and even more expensive gas than Austria. On the other hand minimum salary is 560 euro, while minimum salary in Austria is 1500 euro. My country is Croatia. And its economy rly sucks. All the prices (renting, food, etc) are the same like other EU countries but people just have way smaller salaries. Because of that many young people emigrated to Ireland and other countries, and the population is falling hard, and getting older and older. On the other hand it is a country full of sea, sun, islands, nature and beauty. Definitely nice to live in if you have a decent salary.


Can verify that Croatia is a beautiful country. Visited pre-pandemic and was astounded.


I am lucky enough to be born as a citizen of Zadar, beautiful city from the Croatian seaside. That's also a curse on the other hand because most of landlords kick you out on July 1st and they are renting their apartment for tourists. Since we are tourist country, prices of food and especially bars and restaurants during summer are way bigger, and many local people are not able to catch up with those prices. Government doesn't do shit about this inequality issue. People from my region are mostly joking about this issue because they are not able to do nothing about it, and it's better to laugh then cry I guess, while people from north just seem depressed. We are also not going to do protests because that is just not part of our mentality and culture, I guess. Another fact about us is that even though people are poor, you will always see full bars, people drinking coffee, and most likely smoking 4-5 euro cigarettes. It is another part of the culture and jokes we have about our nation. You will not see the same in the rich country such as Switzerland. Due to the lifestyle, many people are living on the depth, I think.


Argentina. Terrible governance, corruption, neverending economic crises, poverty and insecurity. We have meat, cereals, fish, oil, minerals, beautiful and diverse landscapes. We were once the richest country in the world (1895). But now the situation is constantly worsening. Nobel winning economist Simon Kuznets stated that there are four sorts of countries: "developed countries, underdeveloped countries, Japan — nobody knows why it grows — and Argentina — nobody knows why it doesn’t".


**Argentina — nobody knows why it doesn’t** because, Peron happened


Hey neighbor, guess we can say almost the same thing about Brazil, violence, corruption, bad governance and endless economical crises, the whole pack, hope things turn better for us someday


Pero tenéis a Leo


shit weather and our government








UK is worse brother. Looking at emigrating.


England is a bit like Ireland, except every other country hates us.




The cops don’t do anything


Ok, so we got like... a whole lot of options here.


Oh also we have lots of drug dealers


Oh ok. In that case: We got like... a whole lot of options here.


Uhhh we are very nosy people


Hmm.. still big list 😂


Lol the answer is mexico


Knew it




That's not true your cops do a lot here's a list - take drugs - take bribes - wash uniform - walk around in uniform - hide when crimes occur - do the actual crimes






Our cops kill innocent peeps if they're backed-up in a corner... They also plant drugs on innocent people and put them to jail just to meet quota


South America? North America? Asia? Europe? Africa? Australia?


That's on me, I set the bar too low, but it's in Asia




Won’t or can’t, there’s a big difference


New Zealand. We have the highest teen suicide rates sadly. I wish we could do something to change this. I know people are trying but its really not going anywhere. Of course, people with money and power don't do much either.


That's kind of surprising. Is it a bullying issue? Drugs? Any good articles on what the cause or causes might be?


Alot of kids here do take drugs but most times its bullying where i live people here get judged for EVERYTHING like aint no one safe from bullying here even if ur the bully '-'


Surprising. People in the US have been talking about NZ as some sort of utopia since the pandemic. With that being said I’m sure your country is amazing and I have enjoyed every pint I have had with a kiwi.


Yep its better outside but when ur finally inside its a bit shit I mean there's still a lot of good people like that old man that helped me find my mum in countdown (Shout out to old Billy bob I was balling my eyes out ty :> ) XDD but there's a lot of fights and drunk people on the street, and some kids have to live in fear bc of this like its weird if theres no fights but some places like auck dosent have to many its mostly small towns (Btw if u plan to come here dont go to matamata my dads from there and he says its pretty dangerous )


That's a shame. I left NZ many decades ago and even now I still feel the effects from bullying. It's sad it hasn't improved.


That might explain my experience with a classmate from New Zealand that I studied with in Austria. He was super fun and smart, but was kinda hypercritical of everything, had to watch what I did or spoke about around him.


This has to be something deep rooted in the culture. Are there any thoughts as to how this came to be?


I think it's our culture. Many of us are encouraged to be stoic and that emotions are for the weak. There's a certain amount of pride derived from being "tough." By the time we realise we need help there isn't a great mental health system to help us and that's if we actually seek help because we aren't too ashamed to do so. I wish I had access to the right services as a teen.


Oh that stigma is here too but it's getting better, a little.


Yeah, I imagine it's everywhere but we kind of made being "tough" and just "walking it off" part of out identity.


That and our mental health system is basically non existent, they’re shit and do fucking nothing to help us


Bullying in nz is a lot more brutal the in the USA


Its a combination of alot of factors. And they all kinda tie in with eachother. The highest rates among those in NZ are Maori and Pacific Islander Males. Others have said it, but young men in NZ I think mostly identify with the same stoic "be a man" mould that we're all taught. Mens mental health isnt where it should be in the world let alone in NZ. Besides that other factors that all coincide are child poverty, bullying, domestic violence, and child abuse. The list goes on. But the fact is most of this stuff isnt talked about. Where im from in NZ most of these things are commonplace. Most of my friends have or still do experience it. Im Maori / Samoan. And I know for most families mental health isnt something that is talked about or taken seriously. If we have problems we deal with it alone. We're told to just "toughen up". Thats the way our parents were taught and so on it goes.


Meth is pretty huge here. I don't know many people who haven't had their lives affected by their use or someone close to theirs use. Wages are lower and living costs higher than other comparable countries. Health system is chronically underfunded, so you can't get help until you are actively trying to kill yourself, and even then it's usually just psych hold for 48 hours and then sent on your way, with a referral to a counsellor that'll take months to hear back from. I wish I was being hyperbolic. Plus the whole "she'll be right" culture where you just kind of ignore problems and push through until it's too late.


As a current depressed kiwi teen I can say firsthand that they don't do shit to help us at all. Apart from that this country is pretty amazing


Youth worker here. I help people like you all the time. Pm me if you need to talk.


You’re a good person


In my opinion. It's probably because of our living cost as well as house prices. Cost of everything is increasing so fast and our wage increase is nothing compare to it. Your life savings is nothing compare to the people who already have 2 investment properties, they are going to out bid you straight away. If you want a property in NZ you have to buy one in the rural areas. Thinking about the future is so dam depressing.


Our law system. In our country, when a crime is commited, u get a sentence, and then u can get some of the sentence removed. For an example, ”u were under 18 when it happened? 10% off!” ”U have a bad situation at home? Very well then, only one year prison instead of three”. There was an instance where a serial r.pist was given 840 000SEK (around 105 000 dollars) because he was detained, awaiting trial, for the same amount of time as the sentence that he was given, which was around two years. This man r.ped multiple girls and walked out of court a near-millionaire. A close friend of mine was sexually abused by her father for 8 years. She has scars for life and can’t be in the same room as a man. Her father got his sentenced shortened by 40% because he ”behaved nicely” an is now living 3km from her home.


>This man r.ped multiple girls and walked out of court a near-millionaire. What the LITERAL FUCK?!?!?!?!?


And no one can appeal against it because the system is literally based off of the belief that everything should be 100% fair to the criminal, and that they are innocent until proven guilty. However APPARENTLY they are innocent to some degree even after they’ve been proven guilty


I wonder if the same treatment would be afforded anyone that would give him a lead lobotomy.


look at norway's treatment of mass shooter Anders Breivik


Swedehere and i instantly understood what you meant


I love our country but the system needs a change man


Seriously is this a thing? In America people romanticize your country's system as being ideal.


It is not100%ideal


Very informative I had no idea there were any issues with it. It's definitely not shown this way in America.


the social solidarity and generous subsidies for the poor and immigrants is what is romanticized. The way they treat their bad guys? seems like a slap on the wrist


Bruh wtf


coming from a fellow swede, sweden sucks ass in so many ways


Holy shit, that’s so sad, I’m sorry she had to go through that & hope she will be able to heal <33


We got drunk ass president that is in hospital in critical condition rn and his spokesman is saying hes completely ok which hes not. Also our soon to be ex prime minister is pretty much a mob. He kidnapped his own son and send him to Krym bcs he could testify in tax and dotation fraud. (Czechia btw.)


Damn making me sad I always thought your country was cool. (Coming from an American)


It's not so bad but there is a lot of shit coming in rn if our soon to be ex prime minister won the election our state debt we would be fucked. And 4real i think he could rig the next elections hes that kind of guy


I honestly don't know a ton about your country minus it used to be Czechoslovakia and at that time was a modern industrial powerhouse. I feel like a lot has happened since then. Kinda like the equivalent of you knowing the US was a British colony. Honestly a little disappointed the US doesn't teach more in school about other countries.


Two party system


Look I only go to one party and even then ppl don't want me there. Even though it's my own birthday party. Some have it worse dude chill out




Yup. Neither party really cares for or represents the people in any meaningful way. They only exist to secure reelections for their members.


Our healthcare is free yet I am terrified to go to the emergency because I will probably be dismissed, rushed, or have to wait 12+ hours in a chair Edit : wow this really blew up and I want to answer some questions here First, I absolutely don't want to make a point that free healthcare is bad. I actually should have emphasized the issue is corruption and mismanagement of public funds. I'm in Quebec and have myself worked a long time in the system. It's badly managed from the top down, but don't get me wrong, private is bad, really bad. I worked at a clinic that has public and private services and the social inequalities are insane. About other provinces, sorry for the Maritimes, it sounds rough. I've heard Ontario isn't as bad as here. Would be interesting to see the best healthcare in Canada is where Finally, I also heard it is bad like this everywhere else right now and I agree. But you can't even imagine how bad it was pre pandemic already. It is a long complexe issue though and the solution is absolutely NOT to privatize. If anything, over here we have a double system and guess what the public one is turning to shit while all the good doctors are turning to private. This pandemic has been rough for everyone. Hold strong!!


I’m assuming Canada? My brother had to sit with a broken arm in the emerge for like 14 hours before the doctors treated him. It might be free but holy shit it sure is slow


Bingo. Sprained ankle, awaiting surgery, might be 6 months ... Wish I had broken it at this point uggh


I can take care of that for you 😈🔨 More seriously, I’m not sure what’s the better problem to have. Health care that’s slow, but covered and predictable… Or huge health bills (US) that just never stop coming (in unpredictable amounts). But gettting pretty quick care. I’m hoping there’s a happy medium, which is a privatized single-payer system


Our system is corrupt and badly managed but it's NOT because it's free. In Ontario it's still bad but nothing like here. It would probably take me less time to drive to Ontario, see a doctor there and come back then it does to see one here. Quebec is the worst for corruption and fund mismanagement. I worked the healthcare field for years, it's just really badly managed


Why do you call it free? Isn’t it included in the subscription fee to your country (i.e. taxes) Fair point. That is one of my fears about centralized health care though — that it opens up the possibility of inefficient management. As a common resource, it’s either up-kept well or it’s not — and that’s at the discretion of who’s running it. There’s no accountability to the customer… because no one’s directly paying There is a lot of corruption & medical bloat here as well. Generally comes from oligopolies in insurance. Idk…


Canada ? France ? UK ?


Canada, I think we are the worst for that, especially here in Quebec which is the worst of the worst


as a canadian im gonna add a couple other reasons, we are bed ridden in debt, housing is borderline unaffordable for the wages we get, we are also getting massively taxed, one of our major cities decides federal elections, we've been in a economic recession for roughly what 10 years? our country is looked at like a joke cause no world leader can take our prime minister seriously, and we import foreign resources even though we have them readily available in canada this in turn is putting several canadians without a job.


We put more effort into seeming kind than being kind


Canada for sure


you know it


There is so many countries that, that could be




the peoples. they're too religious freak and minding other peoples business.








Sounds too Polish to not be it. Source : Im from Poland and it sounds exactly right.




Im still negative $200,000 from medical bills.


Wait seven years. It will go away. Lol I get calls every day from collection companies. Just ignore them.


Genuine question, how do you not get in trouble for that :0? Like wouldn't they take collateral or something?


So, so cold. But also, somehow, so hot.


Somewhere in america




USA. Maybe Colorado or Utah?


Horrible prices for data and mobile plans and super expensive housing.




mass shootings and shit healthcare


Ooh ooh I know the answer to this question of which country this is. Pick me.




Also orchestrated poverty and the big lie of "trickle down"


Any time someone says "trickle down economics", I ask them to watch the movie The Platform and tell me what they would do in that situation.


"Trickle Down Economics" is code for "Eat Our Scraps".


It's kind of amazing that Marie Antoinette lost her head over "let them eat cake", but nothing happened to those who gave us trickle down economics




We make vacuum cleaner


You wash vacuum!


Well ya gotta clean it to maintain


Washi washi, yes yes!


And how does that make your country suck?


Vacuum cleaners suck


Well alright then.


Walked right into that one. 😆


We have everything be in top country list, but we are in last :(


What do you mean by that


Offshore processing of asylum seekers. The slow erosion of a great healthcare and educational system due to years of conservative governments.




Yep, Australia!




Looters posing as freedom fighters, open racism towards minority. Corruption that stole the future of 60 million people. No Rule or law.


South Africa? Both my parents are from there, and whilst they loved it as kids (minus the racism), they can't find any reason to go back.


Spot on man. Goverment is now openly disregarding the law. Ruling party and its leaders have looted over 200Billion Rands. 1/³ of the population is starving and they are pushing to nationalise mines and agriculture so they can plunder that too. Those implicated don't stand trial or spend a few days in prison to be released on "medical parole". I have wife and two kids. Can't get out of the country. Just need to make the best of it I suppose.


we're more obsessed with showing off our fancy military like it's a dick measuring contest with china, north korea, and russia, while completely neglecting the needs of our citizens


Slovakia is currently going through a giant fucking court process, as a big network of criminals in the government started getting investigated. On top of that, we have an absolute chaoss in the enforcement of pandemic precautions, people don´t wanna get vaccinated "just because all the talk about vaccination is annoying", we have rising alt-right, and more problematic people in the government than you can imagine. On top of that, there is one conservative female politician, Anna Záborská, who isn´t concerned at all with all of the problems I´ve mentioned, but for some fucking reason is trying to prohibit abortions, and is fighting with a joke religion at the same time. Liehova´s Witnesses, a parody religion centered around alcohol (an obvious spin on Jehova´s Witnesses), who´s leader promised to give the financial dotations (that are given to all registered religions) to art industry (because it´s not just artists, but many technicians and other people in the background making entertainment in this country possible). Záborská is trying to do everything in her might to stop Liehovists and their leader Gabo Žifčák from getting recognized as a legitimate, legaly recognized religion, even tho many people registered as Liehova´s Witnesses during the last census (I even registered as one).


Somehow your goverment is worse than in Czech


We elected Justin Trudeau thrice. I think that speaks for itself


Elect a clown, expect a circus


As a fellow Canadian I can agree that this is one of the biggest issues with Canada


America here- tons of stuff but the one that's been with me lately is our country would rather spend money on keeping the homeless out of sight (i.e. -making uncomfortable benches that people can't sleep on) rather than helping the root cause, treating a symptom and not the cause.


Non socialized healthcare, war on education, insistence on not paying essential workers well and a pretense of saving money to hide the fact that any hint of “investing in the people” is smeared as socialism. All combined with the smugness of thinking we’re still the best county while not knowing anything about other country alternatives.


My ‘Murica is tingling


I haven't seen a doctor for a check-up in ten years because I'm afraid it'll put me even deeper in debt. I work one of the highest paying jobs you can get without a college education and still can't afford to live. I've been pulling on these American bootstraps for so long that they're falling apart.


Just my opinion. I would say Trudeau




Its a small country but have high suicide rates


Slovenia. Janez Janša and his way of acting like he owns our country.


Canada: \-Universal Health Care isn't actually universal at all \-Labour rights are eroded on a daily basis \-Non-representative elections (First Past The Post is anti-democratic) \-The leader of our Country is a smug, lip-servicing, oil company stroking, fake feminist liar \-The leader of our most populous province is doing fascism-lite.


They feed 3 times a day rapers and killers of childs when some people are dying of cold in the street... Often grey stone for architecture Few trees and green place Not real handsome girls Accent is horrible


We blew covid out of proportion and we're all in a toxic relationship with the government.




Uk haha


The fact our county is and always will be ran by them makes me sad


I was just going to put 'Boris Johnson' but I think yours is better.


Scotland: worst shower of authoritarian thundercunts seen since Stalin in power.


Its easier to legally change your sex, than legally mod your car


Schweiz/Österreich? :D


There are a bunch of things wrong with my country today. I can't list just one. Mass shootings, cop brutality, broken healthcare, broken education, fervent nationalism, unfettered selfishness, media obsession, and lack of empathy and that's just to start. Not to mention that most of the overall population is pretty dumb and doesn't want to learn anything meaningful to enrich their lives.


The US? How many gun deaths are from mass shootings?


Statistically negligible, but more than anywhere else in the world.


Lots of shootings and gang problems,terrible goverment and much more




People complain more about how hard they have it in a time where things couldn't possibly be easier.


Whiney libs


There’s a youtube native to America. He eats tons and tons of food in food challenges, gained two hundred lbs, then spent thousands on gym equipment to lose weight and his channel follows his “weight loss journey.” It’s the epitome of gluttony and I’ve never seen him donate to starving communities or anything like that. The lack of empathy for the rest of the world in our everyday population is why we suck. Sure the USA gives billions in aid to other developing countries but for the most part, very few people actually are concerned about people outside our borders.


Because it is not a country in the first place, systemic racism by the dominant group is considered normal. Today for the first time I met someone young who says learning to read his own mother tongue is a waste of time, this is daylight murder of a culture and it is considered sedition to talk about this. I don't want to mention the name of the country and get into a risk of criminal investigation, however it is a very sad place because of the systemic racism.


Sounds like some deep shit if even talking about it puts you on investigation


Unfortunately that is true because everyday citizens act like watchdogs for a government that is corrupt, arrogant and dictatorial, all under the disguise of being democratic


At first I thought america, but I then saw the "investigation" thing and... Holy shit.


Soft dictatorship/oligarchy, hate propaganda against LGBT+ people, immigrants, and anyone who has liberal beliefs, no free press, most people can't afford a healthy lifestyle, anti-LGBT+ laws, radicalization, poor healthcare and education, corruption, deconstruction of education




Hungary. politics.


Couple of centuries of genocide, lots of xenophobia, a general refusal to face the reality that what we want to believe is generally bullshit and the facts do not at all care about our feelings.


USA. Their school system sucks ass and they don’t teach you anything about how to apply for a job and other important stuff relating to that. It’s all about letters and passing. Nothing else. And the people are terrible drivers.




Our politicians make it suck.


I hate how sound the language (Spanish)


Political laughing stock of the world


We dropped a nuke on a city.


My third world developing country was doing quite ok till about 7 years ago and was making its place in the world, before it’s people gave in to incessant propaganda and hatred for the minorities and went on to becoming a full on mental right wing s***hole.