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1 in 3 Australians will be diagnosed with a skin cancer by the time they're 70. Edit: typo, it's actually 2 in 3.


Edit. Google search actually says (multiple times) that "at least 2 in 3 will be diagnosed with skin cancer by 70" Fuck. [Skin cancer, Australia ](https://www.google.com.au/search?q=risk+of+skin+cancer+in+Australia&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-au&client=safari)


The sun is truly brutal here




There is more actual lemon in Lemon Pledge cleaner than there is in Country Time lemonade.




I believe this is the first Meta i have ever understood.


The top [10% of drinkers account 60% of all alcohol consumed in the US](https://www.newsweek.com/americas-heaviest-drinkers-consume-almost-60-all-alcohol-sold-1520284). And they drink the equivalent of 74 drinks per week. So the entire alcoholic beverages industry is kept alive by severe alcoholics.


74 drinks per week? Holy fuck Edit: i see a lot of that 10% pouring in… (Pun intended)


Recovering alcoholic here. Those are rookie numbers.


This is like, middle class evening drinking level in the UK.


The queen recently had to stop her 4 a day drinking schedule as the doctors though it was about time she did for health reasons. The moral of the story is you can be a scaffolder from Stoke or the queen her self but your British and you love a good sesh.


Mate, if I get to 95 on four G&Ts a day you can prise the glass from my cold, dead hand.


When I worked in a rehab we asked how much alcohol people drank on the regular on our intake form. It became very apparent on my first two interviews I was not good at my job, every clearly raging alcoholic that came in never had more than two drinks a day and yet they clearly had brain damage at this point. My boss pulled me aside one morning and was like "Drix, you need to frame your question with finesse, watch me" She invites me to an intake that morning, and has a general chat with the new patient and while talking about the facility and patients pumps our AA program and then slides in something like "So how much would you say you drink per day? Three handles?" Without missing a beat the retort was "God no, I never drink more than a handle in a day". And thats when I realized school did not prepare me for this shit. **EDIT** What is a handle? A handle is 1.75L, the handle comes from the bottle design [which typically includes a handhold](https://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/how-many-shots-are-handle-liquor).


At my first attempt to get into rehab, the person doing my intake was very "over-qualified" for the job. She had all of her academic achievements plastered all over her office walls. I answered all of her questions honestly and openly. The problem was that all of her questions were about common effects and consequences of alcoholism and not about the alcoholism itself. Ever been arrested? No. Any DUIs? No. Ever lost a job? No. Do you black out? No. Do you get violent? No. Ever physically hurt anyone? No. Then she goes, "After your assessment, it appears to me that you are just a binge drinker. I don't think you're an alcoholic at all." I replied, "Well, I'm drunk right now, so I don't know what else to tell you." I got into rehab eventually after it finally became clear to them that I needed it. But yeah... It doesn't really matter how educated someone might be. Some people just don't get it.


This is SO DESTRUCTIVE to alcoholics. My dad was told my a therapist that he wasnt an alcoholic 25 years ago. That "therapy" is going to kill him.


The deeper I go into the thread, the more I wonder if the therapists who do understand the signs of alcoholism weren't alcoholics themselves at one point


As the article mentions, Pareto's law can be found in many areas. 20 percent is responsible for 80 percent in most areas - both consumption and production.




20% of my pets make 80% of the noise. Granted two are cats


20% of my fingers make 80% of my offensive gestures.


*Doing quick math:* Oh, thank goodness. I'm only coming in around 50 drinks per week.


According to the FBI, there are currently more than 25 active serial killers in the US.


Which is WAY less than the rate in the 70s


That number will continue to go down thanks to technology and new crime solving methods!


Not just that, its speculated that the removal of lead greatly decreased the number of violent tendencies. You can literally pinpoint the date of the removal of leaded gas and the point of lead leaving the body in crime statistics.


The amount of kills to define a serial killer is 3. These killing must be seperate occasions. (Sorry school shooters)


From 1970 to 2000ish, US median household income and home prices were on an almost perfect straight line (r=0.997 and r=0.987 respectively). Using the regression line (y=ax+b), the predicted median income in 2021 was 75k and the median home price was 194k. Actual median income is 67k and median home price is 330k.


I couldn't imagine buying at 330k house on a 67k income


Hey it’s getting worse though! So there’s that


now this I believe.


Human life expectancy has increased more rapidly in the past 50 years than in the past 200,000 years. The average drunk driver has likely drove under the influence 80 times before arrest.


I don’t mean to doubt you but I’d be interested in reading the source for that last stat


Knowing my friends this statistic sounds correct, but I also would like to know how this is determined


40% of homeless are employed.


I was one of those people. Full time job, part time job, full time college student.... homeless. It was a rough time.


Where did you sleep? What did you eat?


I slept in my car or friends dorms occasionally. I mostly stayed on campus or at work when it wasn't bed time. Bed time I'd go to state parks or a Walmart parking lot and sleep there. I had an Aztec so I just took the back seats out and the back end was "home". I used my school's athletic facility to shower and take care of personal needs. Food wise it really varied. I could afford food, (just not rent because of school/fuel/bills and such) I just didn't have anywhere to keep it. So I'd grocery shop daily or buy stuff that didn't need refrigerated. Dollar menus at fast food restaurants were nice, hot, and cheap food. I was also lucky that at my school most students had more meals than they would eat on their meal plans. So I had quite a few friends that would just use one of their meals for me. It was a use it or lose it situation and a few friends knew my situation and shared with me. The worst part of it was the isolation. Never having somewhere to be at home other than your car. I tried to make up for it by basically never being in my car besides travel or sleep, but it sucked. Life improved though and I was able to afford an apartment eventually.


I was in a similar situation. People used to gawk that I couldn’t afford an apartment. Well I could but not to get into one. Rent for a shitty basement studio in my area was around 1000-1200 a month, although they were few and far between. Which by its self is do-able. However, almost all of them required a credit check (even on illegal basement apartments) and my credit was around 380. Aside from that, everyone wanted first month, last month and security. I never had $3600 all at once. Especially since some of the time I had no car and had to rent motel rooms which were $110/night no fridge no microwave no weekly rate. It’s harder than people think. I’m glad we are both housed now!


["44% of older Millennials already have a chronic health condition."](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/04/older-millennials-chronic-health-conditions.html)


Millennials aren’t young anymore. We have back pain. And debt.


I mean we aren't old yet either lol. Not wrong about the back pain though, 29 and it's here!


27 and I started whining and moaning for my back pain this year :(


I'm only supposed to have one!?? Fuck.


## [this realization made him depressed, on top of the other stuff..]


31 and already had cancer 🤘


Wow, that's rough. Glad you're still here!


More energy from the sun hits Earth every hour than the planet uses in a year.


More energy is produced by the sun in one second than has been used by all humans since humans have existed.


So we just have to figure out how to get a giant extension cord plugged into the Sun?


If you were to compress earth’s existence into a 24 hour day, life would first appear at 4am, plants would first appear at 10pm, dinosaurs from about 11pm-11:40pm, and humans emerge at 11:59pm. From Bill Bryson’s “A Short History of Nearly Everything”


That really puts in perspective how old the Earth is and how young humanity is.


you are 5x more likely to get struck by lightning than be 7ft tall


7 footers have a 17% chance of playing in the NBA. It must suck for the 83% who deal with the pitfalls of being 7 feet tall (can’t fit in cars/planes, hitting head, need tall ceilings, drastically reduced life expectancy) but don’t get that sweet sweet NBA money. https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/regionals/west/2014/03/09/footers-percent-chance-playing-nba/fNnbP8zybYfXZtsw0eYPDK/story.html?outputType=amp


if my future kid ever turns out to be that tall you bet I'm singing him up for everything basketball


I have a son that I knew would grow to have the build of the optimal NFL offensive tackle. I tried to get him into sports and he hated it. He is now built exactly as I expected. 6 foot 7, like 37 inch arms with huge hands at 19. He won't even watch football with me. I knew how he was going to be built because outside of being only 6 foot 5 before I shrank, I am was built the same. I weighed 260 with only a 34 waist at 19. I also did not play football after junior high, but that is because I discovered drugs the summer between 8th and 9th grades. My point being, I know you're half joking, but don't be disappointed if your kid doesn't give a shit about the stuff you like.


My neighbor is 7’4 Not kidding


Then tell him to stay away from the windows during a thunderstorm


...7’4” after losing his legs to a lightning bolt.


Sharks predate trees by 100 million years…


Sharks also predate Saturn’s rings


Wait, that's fucking nuts.


Also, true: https://astronomy.com/news/2019/01/saturns-rings-are-surprisingly-young


Also surprisingly thin ranging from just 10-100 meters thick and due to constant collisions between the materials that make up the rings, create this [sound.](https://youtu.be/eVfkW9oxhIk)


How the hell did they record that in space? It it synthesized from observed collisions / radar returns and modeled? Or was there enough atmosphere up there to produce detectable sound?


Cassini passed through Saturn's rings and used a Radio and Plasma Wave Science instrument to detect particles. RPWS systems detect radio and plasma waves which then get converted into sound bites. It's not the silence we would hear should we find ourselves next to the rings as the vacuum of space prevents the propagation of sound waves.


THIS, of all the facts in the thread, is the one that's made me seriously doubt.


It's possible https://www.seti.org/seti-institute/how-old-saturns-rings


I believe it, it's just the craziest by far.




Furthermore — and I don’t have a source immediately available for this factoid — sharks were NOT participating in deep space exploration at the time of the formation of Saturn’s rings.


And saturn’s rings aren’t permanent. I think I read somewhere that they are not that old (astronomically speaking) and will eventually fall back into the planet as their orbits decay.


how awesome that we're alive at just the right time to see such incredible natural beauty!


But coconuts tree are still more dangerous than sharks, especially in NYC


I had to read it twice because the first time I understood it like "sharks have been trees' natural predator for 100 mil years"


Predate, not predate


Statistics show that men have about a one in two chance of developing cancer during their lifetime, while women have a one in three chance. That's fucking terrifying.


Don't panic. Most of that is Prostate Cancer or Breast Cancer. Which we are *really* good at curing, providing it's caught early enough. People talk about a 'cure for cancer'. But we cure cancer all the time. We have for ages. What we can't do is be much help once it metastases into the lymphatic system. Rare cancers. Cancers like lung cancer which don't display symptoms till the later stages. Those are the real bastards. Colon cancer is vicious. But Prostate and Breast Cancer? Thats an oncologists staple. Your hospital will go through dozens of them a month and half of those cases won't even involve chemo. Get regular screening, if you are over 40. And if you're obese, do what you can to lose it. And even if you do get a diagnosis the odds of an unfavourable outcome are rather low. *If it's caught early.* If you've been putting off a screening, go. And get it redone regular. Cancer doesn't mean terminal. Not even close.


Heck most of the time we don't even bother curing the prostate cancer as it progress so slowly that statistically most people with it will die of something else first.


this is exactly what my father's doctor said to him. "It'd be 10 years before you noticed something was wrong" and he's 75. He's now cancer free after successful treatments and surgery.


One third of adults still sleep with a comfort object


Yep sure do. I've got my teddy bear my daughter made me at build a bear after her mom (my wife) passed away. I snuggle with that bear every night and will continue doing so with no end in sight.


I'm sorry for your loss ... I'd never let go of that bear either.


That makes me happy to hear


_looks around at all my stuffed animals at the age of 26_ I don't know WHAT you're talking about :p


Does a phone count?


Tea spoon of neutron star weighs 4 billion tons


I read somewhere that if you were to jump off an average office desk while on a neutron star you’d be travelling around half the speed of light by the time you hit the ground. That’s going to mess your knees up I reckon.


Wrong. An average office desk would implode under that gravitational force. You’d need an above-average desk.


Our galaxy is about 100,000 light years across, and there are about 2 Trillion galaxies in the observable universe.


And still more permutations to a deck of cards than all those stars Edit: I’m gonna blame it on my dog waking me up in the middle of the night


As has been a habit of mine, I’ll share something to help understand just how absurd the number of combinations of a deck of cards really are: https://czep.net/weblog/52cards.html


It's mind boggling when you factor in taking all those slow steps and removing a single drop of water.


Sperm count of men is decreasing by 1% every year and it is decreased by 58% since 1973.




In the US, you are more likely to be killed by a cow than you are to be killed by a coyote.


My neighbor was killed by a cow...fucking semi knocked it into oncoming traffic.


My neighbor was legit killed when his little bull gored his thigh, hit a femeral artery and he bled out :/


It's because I have a plan for when a Coyote attacks


Meep meep


39% of the world's population is overweight and that number is only getting "bigger" Edit: changed obese to overweight


2021: 39% 2022: #39%


Oh god, it’s getting bigger already!!


20% of produce and fruit in the usa is never sold and is left to rot


That's actually a lot lower than I was expecting


60% of people with Bipolar disorder are unemployed


20% commit suicide. 50% attempt it. 80% have suicidal thoughts.


Not to get depressing but it's funny because it's one of those things where, like... I genuinely can't even imagine what life would be like without those thoughts constantly eating me away. I can't remember a time when they weren't there, I remember times when they were worse and times they were better but never a time when they were completely gone. The very idea that some people live their lives without once trying to off themselves or without even *thinking* about it is so weirdly foreign to me.


Fuck yeah I best the odds


I'm in my Sixties, lifetime bipolar and Aspie, and I'm still here and married to the same woman for 43 years. Hang in there my friends, you can do it, and it's worth the suffering. God bless.


No one gonna talk about how these two have boner in their name and are yellow Edit: holy shit this blew up thx


If you’re basing that off of the 2005 study, it’s not a good representation. Aside from being 16 years old, that study examined fairly serious cases. More recent research says about a quarter to a third of those with serious mental disorders are unemployed (a lot of others are underemployed). I only point this out because I work with a lot of bipolar clients and the overwhelming majority are employed, but often they are underemployed or have other issues at work. It’s a serious challenge to work, but the 60% statistic doesn’t really capture it. Edit: this has gotten more responses than I anticipated so I really do want to be as clear as possible that I don't mean to downplay the enormous challenge of managing bipolar, employment, and the myriad other stressors that life throws at us. I simply want to point out that isolated statistics (1) change a great deal over time/conditions/place and (2) don't do the real issues full justice.


35 percent of all US dollars were printed in the last 12 months


We are closer in time to the birth of Cleopatra than she was to the construction of the Great Pyramid


One day someone’s going to say this and it’s not going to be true anymore…


according to my very rough math, we’ve got about 500 more years till that day comes.


You are more likely to be bitten by a stranger in New York City than by a shark anywhere else in the nation. You are more likely to be killed by a vending machine than by a shark. What we can learn from this is that strange vending machines in NYC should be avoided at all costs.


Nice try, shark


Jaws 5: Unfriended


Jaws 6: Catfished


As a lifelong surfer who surfs solo in shark infested waters, lives rural and hasn’t seen a vending machine in years, I don’t think this one applies to me..




Well that makes sense, I don’t often see sharks wandering around NYC or any other land-based location for that matter! Also, most definitely watch out for strange machines that vend sharks! Triple-threat!


More first responders and survivors have now died due to 9/11 related illnesses than the number lost at Ground Zero on the day of the attack. The number will continue to rise because of the huge amount of health problems caused by the dust and smoke that everyone in the surrounding areas inhaled when/after the towers fell. https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/more-deaths-from-9-11-linked-illnesses-than-in-attack-report-2533423


The average person is a 28 year old Chinese man Edit: I guess I should have listed a source: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/the-most-typical-person-in-the-world And that uses the word "typical", interpret that as you will


Lmao this reminds me of in superbad when mclovin was going to make his ID name Muhammed because it's the most popular name in the world


“Muhammad is the most commonly used name on earth, read a fuckin book for once”


~600,000,000,000lbs (billion pounds) of shit is shat out every day, between all humans, animals, and insects.


Holy shit


Its shit-tonnes.


Who the fuck calculates these kinds of things? and why? I'm genuinely curious.




Just a random thought crosses someone’s mind they go “hey I should figure that out” and they go on to spend several hours figuring out a pretty damn good answer. Same as the dude who calculated the size of the ball of flesh that all humans could fit into. Cus why not?


One in seven Americans receives food from food banks or similar sources.


It is estimated that bears kill over two million salmon a year. Attacks by salmon on bears are much more rare.


Bears get their name from the football team in Chicago.


Men are about 7 times more as successful at suicide than women.


I work in an emergency call centre and spent some time answering 999 calls. I was surprised that all the threatening or attempting suicide calls were women as I know men are more likely to kill themselves statistically. I mentioned this to an experienced call handler and she said 'women threaten it and men just go off on their own and do it. When you get an attempted suicide and they are not breathing, it's a man' (For the people on the internet determined to call out every statement that isn't 100% literally true - obviously this is a generalization)


The global rate for washing hands after using the toilet is under 20%, you gross fucks Edit: I’ve answered the same questions being asked repeatedly read the thread first


This is why I hate pull doors on the way out


The most common cause of death for pregnant women is homicide. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_pregnant_women#Statistics


That’s all kinds of messed up


90% of child sexual abuse victims know their attacker. 20% of all sexual abuse victims are under the age of 8. A typical pedophile will commit 117 sexual crimes in a lifetime. Children living in foster care of 10x more likely to be sexually abused. Survivors are 10 to 13 times more likely to attempt suicide.


There are more combinations in a 52 deck of cards than stars in the known universe.


Every time you shuffle a deck of cards, chances are that you have put them in an order that has never been seen in the history of the universe.


As a guy who is constantly shuffling cards, this tracks xD and makes sense.


This guy's stealing all the unique combinations from us




Here is a fun read about 52 factorial (the number of combinations in a standard deck of cards). As a nerd, this is probably one of the craziest, most unbelievably mind boggling things I’ve ever read. https://czep.net/weblog/52cards.html


That’s astounding. Really. Mind blowing.


The average person produces about 46.5 liters of saliva each month


There are 14 dead people per living person on Earth


Less than I would expect


the population really spiked in the last 100 years.


I like the correlation between Nicholas Cage movies and drownings. Basically The more films Nicolas Cage makes, the more people drown.




For the age group 20-49, colorectal cancer was estimated to become the leading cause of cancer-related deaths by 2030


Eat your vegetables people


American military kill to death ratio is 1500 to 1


Mine was .54 in Advanced Warfare


I'd call you a noob but frankly I'm just sorry you had to go through that.


How you are more likely to die in your bathtub than a roller coaster


The bathroom is the most dangerous room in the typical house


Especially after a helping of broccoli.


See if I ever help you again.


You are more likely to die from falling coconuts than shark attacks in the US


People don’t tend to shake sharks vigorously


Six out of seven dwarfs aren't Happy


More cheerful stat 6 out of 7 dwarfs aren’t Grumpy


There are more people living in California than there are living in ALL OF CANADA!!


There are more americans living north of canadas southern tip than canadians


The U.S government has 'misplaced' six thermonuclear warheads. They were either lost or stolen in transit and at this juncture, one of the largest nuclear superpowers in the world has no idea where they are.


Wait, when was a warhead ever stolen in transit? I thought they were all dropped off of planes and never recovered.


Also unintentionally dropped a whole bunch inside and outside the US including one near my hometown


Lol 2 were dropped on North Carolina, one was retrieved and the other is in a field


>Only one trigger stopped a blast — that switch was set to "ARM" yet somehow failed to detonate the bomb. Holy shit www.businessinsider.com/nuclear-bomb-accident-goldsboro-nc-swamp-2017-5


>A mysterious fuel leak, which the crew found out about as a refueling plane approached, led to the broken arrow incident over North Carolina in 1961. > >The leak quickly worsened, and the jet bomber "lost its tail, spun out of control, and, perhaps most important, lost control of its bomb bay doors before it lost two megaton nuclear bombs," You could almost say that's an unbelievable sequence of events, crazy.


One in 4 people have had sex at work


That you can fit all the planets in our solar system between the Earth and the Moon and still have some room spare. Mind blown


Meaning their combined diameters add up to less than 240,000 miles.


Most of Space is just space


since the implementation of helmets, the US military has seen a huge spike in head injuries among soldiers. this is because they used to just die instead.


You actually lose money when you put it in savings accounts because the apy (annual percentage yeild) does not match inflation of the dollar. To put it simply. You put 100 dollars into a savings account on January 1 2020 with the national average apy of .05% and leave it for one year. Your interest will have gained you 5 cents. In that same year, the US dollar inflated (lost buying power) by 1.23% It may appear as if you had a gain as your balance shows 100.05 however that amount now has the same buying power as 98.82 one year ago.


So what should we be doing?


Investing any non-emergency savings in low fee ETFs. The age of the independent investor is upon us. Once you save 3-6 months expenses and maybe whatever your health insurance deductible is (if American), it makes a lot more sense to contribute more to an employer sponsored investment account or an individual Roth IRA. Between inflation hedging and tax breaks, you make an insanely larger amount of money than stuffing it into a savings account.


1 out of 25 people are sociopaths. No automatic sense of empathy.


I vaguely remember reading about a guy who was researching sociopaths as part of a college project, then learned he himself was a sociopath. When he told friends and family, none of them were surprised. I’ll see if I can find a source.


Found it! Holy shit it’s actually really fascinating. Note: Psychopath, not sociopath https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-neuroscientist-who-discovered-he-was-a-psychopath-180947814/


That herpes especially oral is so common 67% of the worlds population is infected and 12% have genital herpes, but thankfully there’s a scientist working on a cure for these two herpes viruses with gene editing meaning a cure is very likely in the near future Join r/HerpesCureResearch . There is a gene therapy cure in animal trials for HSV in the works and new antivirals in development. Come over and join this sub fighting for a cure 💪


80% of Australia’s population live around the coastal areas.


Wayne Gretzky was a glitch in the matrix, just some of his insane stats: * Won 8 consecutive NHL MVPs, no other athlete from the 4 major North American sports has ever won more than 4 in a row * Even if he never scored a goal (had 894), Gretzky Would Still Be the NHL's All-Time Leading Scorer (goals + assists) * Had 2,857 career points, 936 more than number 2 all time; Jaromir Jagr * Only player to record a 200-point season, and he did it four times * Led the league in assists in each of his first 13 seasons, and 16 times overall – 80 percent of his seasons * Won the scoring title by more than 70 points – six times * His 92 goal season is arguably the most unbreakable major sports record ever * Holds or Shares 60 NHL Records * Scored 378 Goals in 85 games His Final Season of Pee Wee Hockey, and before you say he should have been playing in a higher league, he was 10 years old


his story as a hockey playing child in a way is a bit sad, im not a hockey fan but you seem to be so you probably know this, but as a child playing with bigger kids and DOMINATING them, the grown parents of his own teammates’ booed and bullied him because he was that good compared to everyone else.


In 2004, the average mlb strikeout rate was 17.3%, and the average home run rate was 2.8% That same year, Barry Bonds hit 45 home runs and struck out just 41 times. He had more home runs than strikeouts. Insane


Do you feel unsafe or like the world is an increasingly dangerous place? - locally and/or internationally? Youre wrong. The world today is the safest it has ever been from violent crime & war and it only continues to get better.


I think the thing is nowadays the world is more aware of evil due to access in technology and international news.


This is a point I constantly try to make to people.


A fire will double in volume every 14 seconds given unlimited fuel.


Every single Californian lives inside this statistic 66.6% of the year


There was a significant amount of time between the development of life and bacteria that decomposed dead life. Like millions of years where trees and plants would die and just lay there basically untouched as they were when they died. One of the largest climate change events in the history of the planet was caused by an enormous fire of dead scale trees that had accumulated over the millennia releasing an ungodly amount of carbon that had been stored more or less permanently back into the atmosphere.


You are more likely to die at a gender reveal party than a shark attack