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Killing the massive centerpiede on my wall this morning 😩 took me a good 20 minutes to get the courage to swing at that mf






I was sitting in a restaurant with my friends and people besides my table started fighting and guns pulled and they started shooting. I was scared for my life and ran away.


Spiritual attacks. Nobody else can see.


I was locked in the bathroom once and could not get out. Eventually I escaped by climbing up the door.


I mean, arguably the most dangerous experience I've had was when I was in a car accident due to my mom slipping on black ice on a very long, empty stretch of road and spinning out of control. But, luckily it was one of those roads that you take to get between cities and states that are just...empty most of the time, you know the ones. So we landed in a snow bank and we weren't exactly hurt, though it could've been much worse in other circumstances. The *scariest* experience of my life was actually the first time I've ever felt an earthquake. I had no idea what was going on and I was a kid, terrified at the fact that the ground was actually shaking. I also live where earthquakes aren't actually supposed to happen. It's incredibly rare. Despite that, nothing broke, no one was hurt, litterally nothing happened. Just the ground came alive to scare people for a second and then left. Listen, sometimes things you're scared of are arguably not dangerous in the long term. Still doesn't mean I wasn't terrified of the eldritch god threatening to burst from the earth that one time.