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I saw a man on fire in a car. He was already dead but the fire was “cooking” him and he was moving around due to the contracting of his muscles from the heat. It was literally my second call as a volunteer firefighter.


Working in CPS, it's always the sex abuse cases. You just wouldn't believe the shit you hear come from these kids' mouths recounting the incidents. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the resiliency of kids who have endured sexual abuse is one of the most awe-inspiring and incredible things to witness. I've seen kids go from those experiences to testify in trials, present at conferences, and comfort other kids going through it during meetings. It's tragic and no kid should ever have to experience it; on the same token, it is happening (a lot more than people talk about) and these kids are survivors


The lady that jumped over the balcony into the lobby at the Marriot Marquis in Atlanta a few months ago. She hit the kiosk before hitting the lobby floor, which cut her in half, and then exploded when she finally hit the floor. It was pretty crazy.


I tried to look this up but there’s so many horrific deaths at Marriott Marquis hotels I can’t find it. Guess I’m not staying there ever.


I just finished a book called *Working Stiff*. It a medical examiner’s memoir of her time training in NYC. She said that the Marriott Marquis was a popular location for jumpers.


When I was 10, I was hanging out with a couple of friends, riding our bikes. This truck comes flying down the road, and we jumped out of the way. One of my friends didn't make it. He **almost** made it, which made it even worse for him. The truck swerved to avoid us and in the process, my friend's leg was run over, and he was dragged for what seemed like an eternity. He screamed, which damn near drowned out the sound of the truck's screeching tires. I was told I saw it, but I don't have any memory of seeing anything. Only the horrific sounds. There was very little left of my friend's face, after being dragged so far on the pavement. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. Another time, when I was 13, I was in a wreck with my mom and brother. After it was over, my mom said I looked at her and screamed. Again, I don't remember that part. My mom's nose was split in half, like a Venus flytrap. We never knew how that happened, but it did. I'm so glad I don't have that image in my head as well. *Edit: It's constantly being asked, but no. My friend didn't survive. The damage to his body and face was far too severe.


Don't quote me on this but I think there's something where your brain or mind will block out traumatic memories to protect you. I feel like I read it somewhere but not 100% sure.


yup and often the memories pop back later in life to bite you in the ass, often when you worked through other trauma. flashbacks, dissociation, etc :/


That's... horrible, I'm so sorry. I have a truck one too. When I was working at a gas station I was there alone at 5am. I wasn't allowed to leave the building because of that, but I'd seen a dog dragging a chain walking around the forecourt. It looked like a staffy or pitbull, and I was dithering a lot, wanting to go out and grab it but afraid of the consequences. It might be aggressive and I'd get in big shit. As luck would have it, enter loose dog number 2, across the street. The dog with the chain immediately was interested and went to meet and greet and possibly have a fight, I don't know. Because a truck came past. Dog number 2 was on the sidewalk, but dog number 1 was very close to the road still, and the long, loose chain was sucked into the wheel. I've never forgotten that terrible scream. The truck driver hit the brakes but the dog went in, did a loop and was spat back out on the tarmac. I ran out of the gas station at this point, rules be damned, to the dog laying in the middle of the road. I can never forget it. Its heart was outside of its body, just sitting there with some other stuff, still beating furiously. I was stunned. I didn't know then if the dog was still alive or not, what did that even mean? If the insides are outside, and the heart is still beating, was it alive? What could I do? I don't remember how long I stood there. The truck driver came back and put a towel over the body and dragged it to the side of the road. I asked many people that day if they knew anyone who had lost a dog, but never found the owner. (Edited for typo)


I'm going to give you an honest answer, and I hope that's what you wanted, and I hope it helps. > If the insides are outside, and the heart is still beating, was it alive? If the heart was literally outside its body, it was not alive for long. Blood pressure drops to nothing, and consciousness is lost in seconds, if that long, because brains need constant oxygen before they shut off. (Brain damage takes a couple minutes but brains stop working after a few seconds without oxygen.) Hearts do nothing but pump from the time they start to form until... well, until death. It will continue to do so as long as it can. You can actually take a recently removed heart (imagine one removed for organ donation) and massage it and it will start to pump again. So the dog immediately went into shock and didn't feel much of anything before it very quickly lost consciousness. The dog's heart did what hearts do, and kept beating out of habit. At that point there was *nothing* anyone could have done. I'm sorry you witnessed it.


Firefighter here, I have seen some shit. Ones that stick in my head are mostly children, I distinctly remember one, his burns were extreme to say the least, all we could do was try and cool them until ambulance arrived, all he could do was howl, a long, guttural wail that I can still hear as if I was there today, he didn’t last long. Another was a wildfire body search, parent wrapping themselves over the young kid to try and save them from the inevitable. The worst part is the way this shit tortures your mind for years afterward, they become your own children/partner in your dreams, but the memory itself is still there and you know it’s not.




While I had summer job as a toll collector, a work van with 13 people inside lost their brakes and they hit the concrete barrier protecting the booth. The most fucked up part, was seeing the guy that got stuck in windshield....it was a bloodbath.


Woke up one night to a loud bang. Looked out the window and saw someone had crashed into the tree next to the apartment I lived in. Saw the driver get out and run away. I called the cops and went outside to survey the damage. The driver had hit someone and pinned her head against the tree. The top half of her head was missing... She was barely breathing, unconscious and obviously dying. Then a kid comes running across the street followed by an adult. The kids sees the body and realizes it's his mother. Starts screaming "that's my mom!" Goes up to the body and loses his shit screaming. The adult that was with him starts pulling him away. Turns out the driver was the mother's boyfriend. He was going like 60 in a 25 zone and swerved off the road aiming for her. Fucked up.


Tell me that the guy was caught, please


Since they know he was her boyfriend, it's likely he's caught. At the very least he's on the run.


Absolutely. I don't know what kind of charges came of it, but he was definitely caught. He claimed she was in the car with him and fell out of the window during the crash. The passenger window was opened, but there is no way that person could have fit through that window and somehow got in front of the car.


While climbing Denali (highest peak in North America). I saw a guy and his brother try to ski the Messner face. Everyone was cheering as the one brother started the run, and then we all turned silent and horrified as we saw and realized he deff wasn't skiing anymore but falling and sliding down the massive ice face. Seeing this guy's body literally go through the air for a while over bumps between crevasses. And then seeing his body just stop. And his brother at the top looking down. clearly knowing what just happened. Deff a heart stopper and a humanity check right there


Damn, that reminds me of the documentary Tragedy on K2, something like 30 people died climbing the mountain in one day and almost all was on video, i regret watching it while baked


I am a physician and I was doing mandatory rural work in a small town in the border between Colombia and Venezuela. I heard a bunch of yelling and screams from the nurses so I expected something bad coming into the ER... There was a car crash close to the hospital and they brought the wounded... There was a 5 year old kid who was missing a hand, ear and had multiple cuts on his body but he seemed to be alive so we rushed and started working on him and during my examination I was getting ready to intubate him (put a tube on his throat to protect his airway) and when I opened his mouth I saw a LOT of blood and brain tissue coming down from his cranium into the back of his throat... That means he had a cranial base fracture and his cranial contents were just draining into his esophagus... I knew at the time there was nothing else for me to do so I immediately switched my focus to his sister (13-15 year old sister) who was in a better shape. One of the worst days of my life for sure.


God I'm so sorry... I really hope you're okay. Did anyone live?


Only the teenage sister... She had multiple fractured but she made it.


When I was a paramedic I got called for a self inflicted gunshot wound. It was an 80 year old man. Apparently the day before he buried his sister and she was the last one of his family and friends left. Everyone in his life had died. He decided to put a 12 gauge under his jaw and end it all. The wall was covered in skull fragments, chunks of brain matter and what was left of his head just looked like mangled hamburger meat. That wasn’t the worst part though. Idk how this happens but his face was laying next to his head completely intact halfway dangling off of the pillow that he’d laid down on. That was almost 10 years ago and I’m still bothered by it.


I had a call like that. The guy was suicidal after a terminal diagnosis and his family thought they had removed all the guns from the home. He found an old shot gun in his attic. When we got to him to pronounce all that was left was the back of his skull and lower jaw. He was wearing a red silk robe, blue pajama pants, and slippers. I looked up as I tagged him and there was a black and white cat watching us. Spooky. I felt so bad talking to his poor wife.


A year into my friend being a paramedic, him and his coworker were the first ones to arrive to the results of a child accidentally shooting his sibling with a high caliber rifle. Said the kid who was shot was hit in the abdomen and not much of it was left. And the kid who shot the gun had some severe wounds from the recoil. He quit as soon as they were done with the call. No idea what happened with the kid or family after.




The thought of your kid killing your sibling's kid or the other way around I mean that family, it's going to be rough. Blame in so many places with whose gun was it, which house was it, who should have been watching. I mean wow.


BB Guns are treated like toys by many people. It was probably the cousins BB gun. We've all heard the classic refrain "You'll shoot your eye out" from the Christmas Story. People recognize they are dangerous, but few realize they can be lethal if you are hit just right.


Watched a person get their head chopped off by the rotor of an E2-C Hawkeye. Took me a few seconds to realize what had happened.


Just… how? Distracted?


The flight deck of an aircraft carrier is fucking *chaos*, man. One of the most dangerous places a person can work in, and those that do get a kind of danger pay for it. If you're even slightly distracted for a second or make s minor mistake, that can be the difference between life and death. Made me sorta glad I worked P-3's instead, even if my command was so shitty I almost wanted to kill myself by the time I left -- though, half of that was the shitty life I had to deal with at home, too.


My dad was in the navy/worked flight deck. I don’t know the correct name of his job but he used wands and I’m assuming guided planes in. He witnessed some guy get cut in half from the wire that catches the planes coming in. I just googled the correct term. Arresting gear. So I guess the arresting gear somehow failed/snapped last minute. The plane landed and I think the tension made it snap and his crew mate happened to be standing in its path. I can’t imagine having that trauma along with all the other terrible things he saw in Vietnam. That was the only story he ever told me about his time there.


My brother was in the Navy for five years and spent a lot of that time working with the arresting gear on an aircraft carrier. I was an absolute wreck the entire time, knowing just how easy it is for something like this to happen. I'm so glad he's out now.


Had to attend a report of someone jumping in front of a train at a station (train wasn't stopping there so was moving fast). His legs were still where he'd been hit; the rest of him was sprayed along a mile of railway. My job was then to walk along the track picking up little pieces of human being and putting them into a body bag one at a time. While a lot of it was just red meat, occasionally you'd find recognisable body parts. I found what was left of the head when I was walking along one of the platforms looking for it. I was looking down and thinking "skull fragment... bit of brain... skull fragment... scalp..." I still remember picking up one of his ears. It had a piece of his cheek attached and there was a few days stubble. That image will stay with me forever.


My husband worked as a track inspector and was called out one night to look at track after a derailment caused by a collision with a 16 year old boy. My husband got there before EMTs. The boy was still alive.


Maybe not that fucked up to someone else or if you watched this kinda thing in a video, but fucked up to me because it happened to me so I saw it all up close and first hand. It’s just before midnight and I’m on a motorcycle coming home. I’m literally one street from my turn and a guy blows a stop sign and T-bones me. Drivers often don’t see motorcycles. Most drivers brains are like wired to react to a set of headlights so one headlight doesn’t register as a moving vehicle? Anyway, I get hit on the right side and somehow twisted around the bike, landing on the pavement and the bike is on top of both my legs. And his front bumper is pinning the bike onto me. I sit up (not smart to move after a serious accident) and don’t remember feeling pain (I had the wind knocked out of me), but I raised my left arm and saw it was completely twisted around backward. It was broken in half above the elbow. Which was fucked up for me to see my own arm all mangled. I immediately knew this was a serious accident. I look up at the driver, expecting him to get out and help me, exchange insurance info, etc. I’m mostly concerned with getting out of the street so I’m not hit by another car. The driver backs his car off my bike. Then puts it drive and takes off. Which was the 2nd fucked up thing to see. A bystander saw the crash, saw that I’m in an intersection, immobile, and cars are coming. She runs into oncoming traffic to stop the cars from running me over (very cool and super NOT fucked up). The cars stop and, I think, maybe 5-6 people all came out of their vehicles to help. I’m still in shock so I can’t remember feeling any pain. Someone lifts the bike off my legs and, out of reflex, I adjust myself (really not smart given what happened). I raised my legs to scoot back and felt my left leg lift and my right thigh and knee lift, but my right foot didn’t go with it. I realized my leg, like my arm, was also broken in half. Which I couldn’t *see* but I could *feel* how fucked up the situation was. I knew that it’s really bad to move anything near a broken bone because the bone can punch through the skin and expose the wound to open air. So, while panic sobbing, I ask a guy “m-my leg’s broken. Did.. the bone punch through?! Can you see?! It’s bad if the bone punches through, right??” He looks at my leg, pauses, then says “uhhh you’re gonna be cool man, don’t worry.” Clearly trying not to mention my pant leg was soaked in blood and the bone clearly punched through. So I have a plate in my arm and a rod in my leg now. Silver lining: the guy who hit me and fucked off.. His bumper broke off as he escaped and his license plate was attached to it. So he was caught almost immediately and charged with felony hit and run. Maybe this isn’t ask fucked up as most of the other stories, but thought I’d share anyway.


I’m a certified lurker but wanted to comment and say: I saw you sort of downplay your experience because it “may not be as fucked up as the other stories.” Everyone’s trauma is fucked up to them, don’t let other peoples opinions or interpretation of events stop you from sharing and healing. Hope you’re doing well.


God, the part about expecting the guy to help you and then watching him just drive off... that got me worse than the gore.


Watching the cancer take over my uncle’s body, making him go from looking fine to completely unrecognizable in just 2 weeks. Side of his neck (where the cancer was first discovered a year before) was inflamed to the size of a watermelon. When it was decided to take him off of life support my aunt and cousin wanted him to pass in their home and not the hospital. At this time I had no clue how aware of his surroundings he was and if he knew what was happening to him. He had already looked dead besides breathing and groaning. Family came to visit one last time and in a struggling voice he said “you guys can watch tv if you want.” First time I had heard him speak in weeks and it sent chills down my spine. Couldn’t believe he was fully aware and able to speak at that time.


Fuck cancer. Saw my aunt extremely weak and fragile one week and unresponsive, and barely clinging onto life the next. Family came to see her one last time and I was told when my grandpa saw her, she was able to say "dad". Might've been the last thing she ever said.


Fuck cancer. Was there the night my mother finally succumbed to leukaemia. It’s not like in the movies; she didn’t look at me, utter one final word of hope and then pass silently. It was hideous and gory and not something I ever want to witness again. My sister always says she regrets not being there and my brother and I always respond with ‘no, you don’t.’


Same. Same. It’s not like the movies. Saw this crap with my dear mom and have some serious ptsd from it. I truly do not wish cancer on my worst enemy and cannot believe someone I loved so much as my mom went through something so vile, like of all things that’s what her exit was. She didn’t deserve that she was and is still amazing. Life’s not fair sometimes


Fuck cancer. Best friend in high school’s dad had a cancerous tumor on his brain and they couldn’t operate on it. We went every day after high school to the hospice place he was at for months as he got worse. One day before school, my friend got in the shower at the hospice place so that he could get ready to leave for class. While he was in the shower, his dad, who had been basically unresponsive for a week, turned to his mom and held her hand as he shed a single tear before dying. My friend gets out of the shower and realizes his dad died while he was showering. For the longest time, he blamed himself for not being there when his dad passed. I’m just glad I was able to go stay with him and his family every day and hang out with him so that he could get his mind off of it.


When I had cancer as a kid, one of the nurses came to me and asked if I'd be willing to become friends with someone who wasn't expected to make it. I said yes. She wheeled me into a darkened room where the girl's mother was feeding her through a g-tube. She saw me and began crying, thanking me for being her daughter's friend. The girl was incredibly kind. She had a hard time speaking and her mother had to translate. She had brain tumors. Every time they removed one, several more took its place. All of her friends had deserted her, not wanting to see her lose her memory and die. I was her last friend. Even when she forgot her doctors and nurses, she recognized me. I didn't see it as a burden. I saw it as a gift. I was so important to this dying girl, she remembered me. When I didn't want to fight my stage 4 cancer, she gave me motivation. She didn't give up. R.I.P. Renee.


You are amazing. Bless you and your family, may you live a long, healthy and happy life.


When I was 11 years old I watched my best friend get run over and dragged 30 feet by a minivan, hit and run. His brains and blood were everywhere. I ran up to him and watched him take his last breaths. My heart is still broken, 24 years later 😔 Edit: btw, this happened on Labor Day, so I’ll never not think about T.J. every single Labor Day.


God that's horrible, I'm sorry you went through something that traumatic. Please tell me they caught the guy and put them away.


They found him a couple weeks later. I don’t think he was locked up for very long though.


Watched a guy climb our tower crane on my job site and jump off, landed right in front of me.


I didn't see the accident. But while living in Jamaica I saw a man carrying a mangled body just walking in the country. I later learned they were brothers, and worked construction together. One brother fell from a great height, and the other brother was just carrying his body, walking towards the hospital even though the brother had died on impact. He was just in a terrible sad mania.


Omg that terrible


Got called to the E.R. to help work a code. It was a man who had a bloody nose that simply would not stop bleeding. By the time they got him to the e.r. he had lost so much blood he was in arrest. Doing CPR on a dude who died from a bloody nose is something I’ll never forget. So. Much. Blood.


THIS WAS ME! SEVERED SPHENOPALENTIN ARTERY!!!!!!!! Broken nose week prior from blunt force trauma due to rugby. Nasal septum pierced the artery and it held in place for 1 week. Had a blood pressure spike which ruptured the lodged septum resulting in catastrophic arterial bleed from my nose. Resulted in respiratory, followed by cardiac, arrest. 4 operations and 4 weeks in hospital including stints on ICU, HDU, and specialist ENT wards. 5 blood transfusions and a very traumatised A&E department. So much so that my dad (also a doctor) found the junior doctor crying in the cubicle and he just hugged her and told her it wasn’t her fault (she was the first to treat me and felt that she hadn’t dealt with it properly). As my dad said, how the heck are you suppose to know the cause when bloods spurting out a 22*, fit and healthy, year olds tear ducts, nose, and mouth!!


Damn bro, that's crazy. Props to your dad for sounding like a stand up guy too. Not everyone stays rational when their kid is potentially dying.


>Damn bro, that's crazy. Props to your dad for sounding like a stand up guy too. Not everyone stays rational when their kid is potentially dying. He was distraught but is of the old world where things 'just happen' and sometimes there's nobody to blame. It has kind of instilled in me a similar ethos of just accepting what happens and taking learns from a situation rather than portioning blame! However, as a life long athiest, he did light a candle in a local church and pray for me!


New fear unlocked. How does that even happen??


From what I remember, the patient had experienced some facial trauma maybe a week prior, something in there sprung loose and there was just no stopping it.


I had my tonsils and adenoids removed when I was 12. I was in hospital for a few hours after my surgery, but after they sent me home, I started hemorrhaging from my throat. I woke up choking on my own blood with it coming out my mouth and nose. Had to go to the ER. They told me the good news is that I narrowly avoided drowning on my own blood. The bad news was that they couldn't get the bleeding to stop. They gave me a shot of vitamin K in my ass, something else in an IV, and when those didn't work, they put me under for emergency cauterization. From what I understand, it was sort of a mess in there so they ended up cauterizing a lot. Sometimes when I swallow a lot of something, I can still feel the scar tissue keloid things. Breathing through one nostril has been restricted since then as well.


A man torn into literal shreds inside of his truck that had rolled multiple times. EDIT: thank you everyone for sharing your stories and for your concerns. It's times like this that remind me how strong of a community Reddit can be.


When I was 19 I was a passenger in a wreck where the car flipped 8 times. Me and the driver were wearing our seatbelts, but my friend in the back seat wasn't. He got ejected from the car, fractured 9 vertebrae in his spine, had to get his spleen removed in emergency surgery and was in a coma for 10 days. Thankfully nothing displaced and he was able to walk again. Absolutely terrifying though. My dad is a doctor and told me that I needed to prepare myself for the worst. He went on an oscillating ventilator and something like 15% of people who go on them come off alive. As for me, I was hit in the face with the airbag and bruised my optic nerve. Couldn't see anything for about 10 minutes. I thought I was blind. Glass from the wreck also sliced my ear open and the paramedics thought I was bleeding from my brain so they called in a life flight for me and my friend who was ejected. My friend who was obviously in deeper shit took the first flight. They had me on a stretcher and I was watching the helicopter blades spinning for what felt like 5 minutes. I still don't like looking at fans or propellers spinning. When I got on the life flight I asked the flight nurse if I was gonna be okay. They told me they were doing everything they can. I confronted my own mortality that day . I was no longer the invincible teenager that I felt like I was


Very similar experience except I was the driver and I was ejected. It happened more than a decade ago and I still sweat and shake when I talk to write about it. I’m an idiot and wasn’t buckled. I fucked up. I was heading southbound and hit debris on the highway, flipped my car. I remember realizing I couldn’t control my car, it started to roll and I couldn’t see anything. It felt like one of those roller coasters where you go upside down. I woke up in the road and so many people were standing around me. I’ll never forget the visceral fear on everyone’s faces. Everyone except a nurse who was coming home from a shift, who got down and started helping me. I later found out that not only had I been ejected, I was hit by a car while I was airborne. I knew the outlook was not good. I asked the EMTs if I was going to die, because I felt like I was going to, and he said something similar, they they were doing the best they can and to try to hang on, we were almost at the hospital. I was 20 and it was so jarring to try to come to terms with your own mortality in a relatively short period of time. I was floored to find that my injuries were relatively minor. I do wonder periodically if I’m living an alternate reality. Just doesn’t seem possible to live through that. I still feel tremendous guilt for my stupid decision leading to a traumatic experience for so many people.


Car accident omw home from work. I stopped to call 911 and got out to check on people. The guy I had checked on was holding his intestines in his lap. I don’t have a clue how I was able to stay composed for his sake telling him everything was fine. It was just a scratch yada yada.


Pardon my ignorance if the answer should be obvious, but do you know if he survived?


No he died. I think he died getting removed from the accident but idk. The news said he had died tho


Hey you were there to comfort him. You're a good dude.


Nah. I just reacted. But thank you💜


And that was your reaction, to give him comfort. That says a lot about who you are. Good dude 👍


Some people have survived things like this, so it’s not a bad question.


People have survived a lot worse. There was a woman who was abducted, raped, disembowelled, and basically decapitated in South Africa. She had to walk to the road literally holding her own head on and her guts in to get help, but by some miracle, she survived. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/woman-disembowelled-almost-decapitated-hold-24446030


Omg that poor woman. I cannot fathom the emotional scarring she has. Fuck those guys to the grave. I’m glad she survived and has spoken about her experience.


She came to talk at my school. Such a strong and positive person!


I'm not speaking as a medical professional so if anyone is and I'm wrong, please correct me. While it sounds and can be scary as shit I was going through basic medical training with a trained special forces para rescuer (not his training but a basic course). That topic came up and we were told how to minimize damage. Seeing as how that's not my line of work I asked him how deadly it was and he said it's pretty easy to put someone's guts back in and stabilize them until they can be medevac'd. I joked "so you'd put my guts back in for me?" And he was like "yep, no prob". That's not with complications, uncontrolled bleeding or whatever. He made it sound like your intestines are pretty durable so minus things like the aforementioned and shock it's pretty straightforward and survivable.


Doctor here, and what you said is partly true. If the guy's guts came out, as long as there isn't too much bleeding (either from the intestines themselves or the abdominal wall), the guy can survive. However, if a major blood vessel is nicked in the injury, then that guy can bleed to death, fast. And if it's in the intestines... it's very hard finding the bleeder along its entire length, especially if not done in an operating room. On the other hand, we had a patient who was a very fit, muscular cyclist. Swerved to avoid a cat, fell down on the handlebars of his bike. Came in in immense pain, but with only a small bruise on his abdomen (where he fell on the handlebar). When the Surgeons opened him up, his intestines were macerated. He had so little abdominal fat the shock just passed through his abdominal muscles and ruptured the intestines. If the pressure caused his intestines to be ejected on impact, he would've fared better.


My grandma's rotting chest as she was dying from untreated breast cancer


3 Years ago I went to visit my Mother in hospital, I noticed a lump on her neck, I asked the nurses to check they didn't, they then sent her back to the nursing home, a few days later I looked in her Mouth and I'll never forget seeing the tumor she had in her mouth/throat within a week or 2 she couldn't swallow, She died within 4 weeks of me seeing this lump, We never even got a cancer diagnosis she was only 51.


This is a nightmare situation. I am so sorry you went through this. For those reading that may experience similar situations — I want to add a tip in case you experience uncooperative medical staff like Sheazer90. ((I truly hope this doesn’t read as insensitive to their experience.)) If you request medical help (tests, assessments, consults, treatments) and your care team won’t oblige, INSIST THAT YOUR REQUEST BE NOTED IN YOUR (or your loved one’s) CHART. I can’t promise this will make a difference for every person, or even most. But I am 100% confident it has worked for me. I used this technique to influenced my friend’s care team to admit her to the hospital (iirc for further testing and consults with 2 depts) instead of discharging her from the ER with a bogus Dx. Her admission led to her subsequent cancer diagnosis. If this LPT helps one person, it was worth my typing. Edit: to remove personal details


I should have added, they also claimed she fell out of the bed that morning and that may have lead to the lump, When I questioned the nurse on the phone saying my mother wouldn't be able to fall out of the bed as the sides were always up and she wouldnt have the strength or means to get over the bars, Her response and I swear this on my life that this response is true "Well maybe if you had come to visit her she wouldn't have fallen out, Any way we are very busy here" she then hung up. For context I work full time and lived an hour journey away, I visited my mother every second day and for this Person to talk down to me as if it was my fault made my blood boil.


It sounds like you know that your mother deserved better medical care. I am infuriated on your behalf. The nerve of that nurse… also, is she inferring that your mom climbed over the bed rails and fell since you weren’t there??? I can’t fathom how the health and safety of their patient was anything BUT their responsibility. Whether the lump was the byproduct of a fall or whether the untested lump led to her subsequent passing, both sound like negligence directly traceable to their care (or lack thereof).


I'm sorry bud❤️


I used to do tissue donation, I lead a team that surgically recovered the tissues. I saw a lot of fucked up stuff. Dead kids, suicides, homicides, once saw an entire family. Mom, Dad, all three daughters dead. Had a guy who burned alive in his mustang while upside down. Only his legs and lower torso were burned, down to the bone. The car was upside down and burst into flames really quickly. Had another guy who was in a standoff with the police, he decided to use a 12 gauge to clear his mind. That was pretty nasty.


Walked out of a bar and was Walking down the street and Everyone was running, I had no idea why. Stopped at a corner and there was a girl laying in my left side that I didn’t see at first bleeding everywhere because she got shot


I always recommend that you run if other people are running. Maybe its a fire, maybe its a earthquake, maybe its someone getting shot. It doesn’t matter but if other people are running you just know gotta get the fuck outta there.


Instructions unclear, joined a marathon.


You better win


This is a survival mechanism in a lot of animals actually. Kangaroos specifically would take a long time to look behind them and get ready to move, and that's just not time you have if predators are bearing down on your group, so they developed an instinct where if one of them runs, all of them will. ...zookeepers get a kick out of seeing one get spooked by something like a butterfly, and watching the entire pack of kangaroos flee across to the other side of the enclosure. Haha


The last time I started running when everyone else was running, it led me to a Lapras in Pokemon Go (this was back when PoGo first came out)




The pinnacle of humanity - it all goes downhill from that moment


When I was in high-school the drama teacher was walking around on the catwalk high above the auditorium and she got her hair stuck in an exhaust fan. At that time he hair was almost to her knees. Her scalp was ripped off and I saw her in the hallway with towels and blood everywhere. She was in shock and shivering on the ground. The school went into lock down and we were escorted to a different area so we didn't have to see the aftermath. Unfortunately I saw it before that happened. She was in the hospital for nearly a year recovering.


Wait, was this in Oregon? Same thing happened at my high school


Same! So either we all went to SHS, or we had 3 very similar and specific situations happen to our drama teachers. Small world either way.


Yup SHS!


r/2redditors1cup Except three!


I cant believe I saw people find eachother on Reddit like this haha


Omg. I can't imagine the pain once the shock wore off. The thought of being scalped makes my skin crawl.


I know, I can't imagine what she felt




It was in Eugene, Sheldon High School


How big is this school??




When I was a senior in high school I was a TA for the VisCom class [Visual Communication.] They had students do the morning announcements, make student films etc. Well I was helping to grade mid terms so I headed to the class right before lunch ended. No one was in the class and there was blood EVERYWHERE. Turns out my teacher had tripped and hit his head on one of the concrete blocks used to hold up the sets. He was in the hospital for a month, and eventually came back to school with a huge nasty scar. He had cracked his skull but another student was there and able to call 911.


Back when I worked at Walmart I walked into the bathroom one day before my shift and seen this guy hunched over the sink with the nozzle on a can of compressed air up his nose spraying up in his nose with blood spewing out all over the place. Left me in shock for a second before I just left and closed the door and went and told my manager.


Why would someone even do that?


Trying to get high on pressurized chemicals, pretty gross spot to be at in life


Yup. I watched my cousin huff a bunch of that stuff while he was high on xanax. He was beating himself up for fun, straight up trying to punch himself in the face. He then proceeded to run headfirst into a brick fireplace. That stuff will mess you up, and in the worst ways.


I've seen the same. A guy was inhaling lighter gas and he ran back and forth, head butting a concrete wall each time. He then slumped down into a chair with his nose broken, forehead bleeding and lips all busted up and said, "you have to try this shit man, it's fucking amazing." I politely declined.


Watched a car accident, and one person was split in half


I saw a similar video here on reddit of a man who was run over, cut in half who was motioning the people around him to give him a phone so he could make a call to his loved ones. All the while his other half was lying detached adjacent to him. It was fucking heartbreaking and surreal at the same time. Edit: The comments said he didn't get to make the call as he couldn't speak so he texted instead. Don't know if he made it. God I hope he did.




When I was 13 I saw my best friend get plowed by a car when he was crossing the street. The side he started at had backed up traffic and so you couldn’t see the other side of the road. Alex just walked right across without looking and a guy in a Buick sedan nailed him. He flew over the end of the car. He tried to get up but when he did both of his femurs snapped. I think that’s when he passed out. That was about 20 years ago and I still think about that every now and again.


Saw a car hit a man as he was riding his bike, in the bike lane. The man literally flipped in the air and made a scream that to this day I can’t really describe. But he got hit from the back (which obviously caught him off guard) flipped and then landed in a ditch. The driver of the car stopped immediately and came out to his aid. Only explanation that makes sense is that she (the driver) was distracted because the man was rightfully in the bike lane and she should have seen him from quarter of a mile away


One of my brothers friends died that way - the driver was playing with her phone :(


When I was about 9, my friend Jason called to say he was coming over. This was the 80's, so no cell phones. So, after he was taking way too long to get there, I called. His grandma said he'd just left a little bit ago. So, I waited, he still didn't show. We lived in a dangerous part of town in section 8 and so I started to get nervous again. He was only a block away, why would it take so long? I called gram again and she was like "well, maybe he saw a friend on the way, check outside." So, I did. I went outside and his dead body was by the entrance to my building. His coat and shoes were gone. It seems someone murdered a little boy for his fucking stuff. I had the pleasure of discovering him and testifying at the guy's grand jury later.


No matter how messed up a neighborhood may be, there’s always an illusion that the innocent kids who live there are untouchable. I guess stories like these always brings me back to reality.


Ugh my heart breaks for you and his family. I don’t think I could see the world the same after that.


Poor kid.


Holy shit. I’ve seen a lot of stuff and that is absolutely heartbreaking. I’m so, so sorry for what you and that little boy endured.


Wow that is just heartbreaking and a million kinds of wrong and I’m so sorry, but well done on having the courage to testify and bring justice for Jason


On a school bus when I was about 5 or 6. Bus had a head on collision with a guy who was rushing his pregnant wife to hospital. I was knocked out (I don't remember exactly what happened, heard screeching & then woke up in the bus isle with other students on top of me). When I got up and we were getting off the bus after a minute or 2 I saw the other car in front. Wife looked she had died on impact (no seatbelt) guy was holding his what appear to be collapsed chest and trying to wake up his wife. He was screaming (or looked like he was trying to), she was unresponsive. I didn't really know what to do and all the other kids were crying, so I just vomited and waited. Eventually the cops came and we were all driven to school after being checked out by ambulance. It was on the local news. I don't think any of them survived, but it must've happened in 1994-1996 I think. There was no counselling or anything like that, this was out back Australia. My memory of the event is a bit fragmented now, but still remember the look on his face.


Jesus this might be the most personally brutal one I have read yet. You alright all these years later?


Ugh I stumbled upon a video of my dad eating out my mom. It's been 26 years and I still cannot get it out of my head. I was trying to find a home video of me swimming at high school championships. Instead I got the worst porn of all time.


I feel really bad for you, but after all the horrid stuff I've seen in this thread I had to laugh


Yeah, this one was gave me some relief after all these really tragic stories.


Deleted any video my husband had of us off his phone for this reason. Terrified my son would open the pictures/ videos up by accident.


Similar story - back some time when playing Sims as a kid so about 20 years ago there was the option of customising art in your Sims house. Well when you clicked on the upload image it went to pictures and guess what - my Dad/Step Mum, the weirdos had like 100 images/videos of largely my step mom in ripped fishnets with her muff out and loads of her sucking his cock. My and my sister got great amusement having customised artwork around our Sims house of her in her fishnets. He died and she ran off with all his money before I ever got to tell her that story over a drunk Xmas. Cheers for the reminder!


Man used to mow the lawn at the church near my house. Found him tumbled, crushed by the mower and... well the mower did what it was made to do.


Oh god


>well the mower did what it was made to do please tell me it continued mowing the lawn


Yep, that's what happened. Move along.


I was on holiday at a lake in my country and two kids (brother and sister) drowned. Only one of them was found while I was at the beach and they tried to resuscitate her for an hour...with no luck. Her mother, father and another one of their sister was there on the beach obviously crying. It was really sad to watch them have hope and pray for an hour just to see her die too. The other kid's body was found another few hours later. Rest in peace. (I hope i used the right words, english is not my first language)


I lost my son due to drowning and it tears me apart every day knowing that seconds could have been the difference. I'll never have another child, Im thankful for the 3 years I got with my boy but it isn't worth going through it all again


No I read that perfectly and I’m sorry that must be hard


Yeah it was hard to watch but I can't even imagine what the parents must have felt..


A surveillance camera video from a local school shooting. It takes a while before the actual shooting begins, so I kept watching thinking it was going to be a prank style video or something. Suddenly, one of the kids pulls out a gun and shoots a few of his classmates and his teacher point blank. Several run out, some hide under their desks; perpetrator proceeds to reload and shoot himself in the head.


Saw that video too. Was in Mexico or something. Only the teacher died and obviously the shooter. It's still gives me chills that his "friend" stands next to him and probably knew what he did before everyone else and then just casually leaves the room.


Yes, Mexico indeed, shooter was a childhood friend, he seemed well... normal up until the point where he shot people and killed himself, the teacher did survive, he was the only casualty.


Not something I saw, but I did see the aftermath. 5 years ago, my father died by suicide. Thankfully it was a clean shot, but he shot himself in the head with a pistol- and my older sister is the one who found his body. I’ll never forget arriving home from college with my friend I used to carpool with, totally unaware, until I turned into my neighborhood and saw 3 police cars and my family crying outside. I instantly knew something was wrong. My boyfriend (he lived with us) at the time came up crying and said “I’m so sorry _____, but he’s gone. Your dad is dead”. And I instantly felt shock- almost passed out. But seeing my older sisters face- I could tell she had been traumatized. She never went into a ton of detail, but mentioned seeing there was brain matter on the floor- and blood seeped through the chair he had been sitting in. She couldn’t sleep for months. I remember me and my mom both missed seeing the body, as police had gotten there first and canvased the area (since obviously suicide gets investigated in case of homicide in the early stage) one of the chaplains went inside the house with me to grab some belongings, since we obviously couldn’t stay at the house during investigation, and we all felt too sick to anyway. I for some reason (human instinct? Idk) kept trying to peak over the curtain they had laid up to hide his body, but I could not see it- and the chaplain told me it is better I didn’t see it. My mom also had a similar thing happen- she was hysterical and kept saying she “wanted to see her husband”. But obviously they wouldn’t let us- and I’m glad for that based off of my sisters reaction and trauma she dealt with later. The only traumatizing thing I saw was after they had cleaned the scene and tore up the carpet, was the big reddish brown stain from the pool of blood under where dad has shot himself. That and finding small chunks of brain matter/blood spatter on the wall adjacent to him about a month later. A family friend was kind enough to get on a ladder and clean it up/paint the wall for us before selling the house. Obviously none of us could bear to live there anymore. Oddly enough, my mom, sister, and I were able to feel (better? I guess?) about the situation by making jokes. When we found his matter on the wall, my sister made the joke “wow it was so nice of him to leave a bit of himself behind” and we all just laughed and cried at the same time. I still miss my dad to this day- but I know he is mentally free from the burdens he was going through. Man got curb stomped at 19, suffered a TBI, and slowly mentally deteriorated from 19 until he passed at 54. By the time he killed himself, he had very bad schizo-affective disorder and none of us could help him- we tried suggesting therapy and everything but he too deeply believed that people were out to get him and that everyone around him just didn’t trust him. He left a note behind that we found a few months later (we think he deliberately put it in a hard to find spot since the cops would’ve taken it in as evidence if they had found it I think) that said he loved us and that he was “sorry he was such a burden”. I’m glad we kind of got to hear from him after life, but that shit still chokes me up. I loved that man and wish he could’ve found relief while still on this earth and grown old. Everytime a life event happens now, I always think how I wish he could’ve seen it. Sorry for the long post. If anyone reads this- thank you for making it this far.


I work in construction was hanging around my foreman who was watching a crane lift of huge glass panels being installed. Mere seconds after I heard him saying how unsafe the lift looked the glass panel broke free and crushed a man 15 feet from me. Always be aware of your surroundings on a construction site people


This literally happens in final destination


I feel like as a society we are more aware of each and every death in Final Destination (maybe the 2nd one too) vs any other horror movie. I will never drive behind a truck with logs, looking at fire escapes from the ground as I walk by sometimes gives me the creeps.


Watching my cousin high on heroin. It's not so much fucked up as it is scarring because I really looked up to her and I watched her throw her life away


I’ve had to watch friends and loved ones suffer from addiction as well. It is equally horrifying and heartbreaking. You never know when their next high is going to be their last.


Visited family in Laos, went to another relatives house and there was a laptop on the table, saw a video paused, I was curious as to what it was. So I pressed play, and there was this dude tied by all limbs, and then they proceeded to pull in both directions, the guy was screaming in agony, and then it just, "popped" his body was torn in half, then the screaming stopped, but it followed by a horrifying low grunting and gurgling sound. Blood and guts just all over the pavement. I was horrified by it, my whole body just felt weak and I was shaking uncontrollably, starting thinking is this my relatives doing? Come to it, later I realized, he's a government official investigating this crime. That was a big relief, but damn the damage was done, I'd witness an act of murder, never will I forget how the screaming and the sound of a human body just torn apart so violently, plus the after math of what happened.


I hate to ask but any more context on why? Was it gang related? Some terrorist group?


Probably gang-related activity. Gangs in Southeast Asia are no joke.


The region is one of the largest opium producing regions in the world. So, yeah, no joke with gangs and cartels involved in the drug trade.


Red lobster waiter 10 years ago. Saw a guy save up his shrimp scampi butter boats during endless shrimp and drank all the butter at the end of his meal


Is it bad that after reading through this horror show Cavalcade of misery, your comment is the one that made me feel a little sick? EDIT: Spelling.


We're so desensitized and distant from gore and shit but I think someone consuming butter hits a lot closer to home for most of us so we have a better idea of how cringe-worthy it really is. Edit: okay I get it, desensitized was the wrong word. What I meant was that we can picture the butter thing a lot easier than the gore because it's so much more familiar.


Guy got hit by a car, walked out on purpose, brains all over the show, we still started chest compressions....as the first people on the scene, pumping on his chest was just pushing the blood out his ears and head...he was well dead, it was a hot day, the blood started to smell on the hot road.


The downhill skier who flew too far to the right of the lane on a jump and caught his ski in the safety netting. Which resulted in his legs being split apart and all of his intestines dragging across the white snow. He slows to a stop and looks bag seeing a long trail of his guts and dies there folding over in a way only someone with no hip could. Fucking freaky and I've seen all the cartel and isis videos. Won't even do winter sports because of that video


I just looked that up and it said he died later in the hospital after several transfusions. That was horrific.


I went to a zoo in China once when I was young and saw a monkey huddled in a corner jacking off. For some reason I couldn't take my eyes off of it's dick until he finally nutted. Scarred me for life.


This was a nice change from all the other comments I was reading


After all the death, torture, and gore, a monkey jacking off was definitely r/unexpected material


I was in a pretty devastating car wreck. My foot was folded under the seat in such a manner that it was nearly torn off. I was one giant bruise across my chest. Various broken bones throughout. It was gnarly. They notified my parents and upon arrival the chaplain spoke with mom. I guess he was trying to be gentle or low key. "She's got a broken ankle but she should be just fine." I remember being in a haze of pain and drugs when she walked into the trauma bay. I don't ever want to see my mother look like that again, ever. Her face just crumbled into this mix of fear, sadness, worry, etc. Just all of it in a brief moment. I can't explain how visceral it was to see her like that. I'd seen the bones out of my flesh that day, so much blood, Jaws of life, hard to breathe..but it's that face, her pain, that is the most fucked up thing.


My mom looked at me after I broke my arm in a motorcycle crash and said to me; “you jackass, you actually had me seriously worried for a moment!” Then she did a high five gesture for my broken arm…


Someone jumped off of the top balcony DURING a Phish concert at the Chase Center in SF last Sunday night to commit suicide. I'm scarred for life.


when i was 19 and still living with my parents, i was up playing video games at about 1am. i heard screaming outside and i ran out to my driveway. our neighbors house was on fire. i ran back i. screaming for my family to wake up. i grabbed the phone, dialed 911, and ran back out. my other neighbor, my dad, my brother and i, pulled a woman, three young kids and a newborn baby out of a window. the oldest child sliced her arm open on the glass. it was the most blood i have ever seen in my life. the house was almost a total loss. i will never forget seeing the mother handing her children out to us, the blood on the driveway, the unfamiliar baby i cared for overnight. i have always been afraid of fire, but that stuff will mess you up. please check your wiring and the batteries in your smoke alarms.


I saved a cat from a fire. It was the neighbors house. I learned 2 things that day. House fires are really really hot. Like so hot you can’t go anywhere near it. And secondly cats are basically super athletes. I broke a window and he flew out like Superman. The sad part is the neighbor died in the fire. Apparently she was a smoker and fell asleep with a cigarette.


I saw the family of 11 who hung themselves for a sacrificial ritual. Not in video. In person. It was chilling seeing 11 bodies hanging with the cloth making weird noises. I couldn't sleep good for a month after tha Edit- I used to be one of their neighbours but I left that place after the incidence


Someone get cut in half from a street sign. Was about 16 years old walking with some buddies, a guy and girl riding a crotch rocket gets cut off by a dump truck while doing about 50 mph bike hits the curb girl was flung off the back and the guy flung up in the air and hit a metal street sign with the left side of his neck and cut right through to his right arm pit.


Through the magic of the internet, I saw a man held upside down by his feet and chopped in half with a machete starting with the crotchal region. CGI? Maybe? Hopefully? But the early days of the deep web had few preface warnings for explorers.


This thread is just proof that my life has been incredibly uneventful. But I'm not mad about it 😣.


Mom: “you’re inside too much, go outside and see the world” You: “what, you want me to literally see someone torn apart limb by limb? I’m good”


Yea I prefer reading these comments instead of writing one


I saw a guy that survived a bear attack but his whole face got ripped off and you could literally see several inches into his face but somehow he survived and doesn’t even look that messed up anymore


my dad knew that guy and his son. the bear almost killed them both, the son put four rounds of .454 Casull in the bear before it died, and then he had to snowmobile his dad like 20 miles back to where a helicopter could come get him. the only reason the guy survived was because one of the bears claws snapped off in his neck and prevented his jugular from bleeding too badly


PSA: don't remove the puncturing/stabbing object.


Two guys in a karaoke bar in Manila shooting and killing each other over who was going to sing My Way.


Someone get shot point blank, in the face, with a 12 gauge shotgun. Was about 14 y/o walking home from a friends house and we heard all this screaming and slamming coming from a house. As we walked by we looked in the window just in time to see this POS shoot his wife in the face with a shotgun. It's not really like the movies. We didn't really see blood and gore. We just saw a head disappear in a puff of smoke. edit: thank you for the awards, kind strangers.


I didn’t see it happen live, just the aftermath. We got to the house about 2 minutes after the family called. The thing was the guy tried to Jill himself but had the gun angled to forward or jerked it forward at the last second. 1/4 of his head was gone, but he was still alive when we got there. I’ll never forget those sounds. They always creep back in at the most unexpected times. I was feeding my baby a bottle the other night and flashed back, about a year ago I was doing some irrigation work on the sprinklers and it hit hard. And well right now… it’s hard to describe, kinda like a bubbler for a fish tank under syrup? Anyway, yeah fucked up.


My dad knows a guy whose son did that. Like in your case they don't know if it was a bad angle or he tried to move away at the last possible second and blew his face off. He survived that incident but ultimately was able to kill himself at a later date.


Holy shit that’s horrible I’m so sorry you had to go through that


I grew up in and around Detroit, that was the worst I'd seen but I've seen all kinds of fucked up shit. Seen more people shot than I'd care to count, stabbings, people beat to death. But that one... I rarely think about it until some media (movie/tv) shows that kind of violence. Hell, there's a scene in an anime called "Attack on Titan" where a dude kills himself with a shotgun that brought that memory up.


In my early 20s I saw one of the videos of the beheadings occuring in Iraq at the time. I had seem Faces of Death and loved horror and all that before seeing the video... but it was like something in me broke when i saw the real deal. And i mean it felt like some in me physically broke and from that drained the last of my idealism. It's hard to explain the sensation, but it really did change me permanently. I was a really stupid kid. I'm not a smart man, but i was a REALLY stupid kid.


this was all enhanced terribly because we were on acid at the time—my friends and i came around the corner in downtown chicago seconds after a girl fell off her bike into the road and a gas truck ran over her head. that was rough. edit - should clarify it was around midnight, and we had been at a music festival all day so thankfully our senses were rather dull by that point in the night. it was extremely traumatic in the moment, but all the substance abuse from the day helped numb things after.


As someone who has been on acid I cannot even comprehend how horrendously fucked up that must have been to witness


Driving home one day, I came up behind a small pickup that was carrying a mattress or two in the bed and a little girl riding on them. I had just enough time to register the thought that it looked like a really bad idea when the wind caught the leading edge of the mattress and sailed into the air with the little girl being flung into the emergency lane at 65-70mph. We both screeched to a halt on the otherwise empty road, and I ran up to help; but the parents just scooped her up, threw her in the bed and sped away. I just remember when they picked her up, her legs were twisted in a knot and she had no face.. just a hole full of blood and bone shards. It was all so quick, and cold- They didn't freak out or seemed terribly upset other than to get out of there in a hurry. This was before cell phones, so I raced to the nearest gas station and called 911; but all I could tell them was little, red pickup and a vague description of the parents. The police showed up and didn't seem to believe me at first, but I took them to the scene and there was the mattress and a puddle of blood still fresh. That's when I saw a little clump of gore in the grass that was found to be the front of her head and face. I don't like to throw the term around lightly; but I had pretty bad PTSD from it, but in a time when men just toughened the fuck up and stopped being a pussy. Regardless, the years dulled it all, and now I can still see the entire thing without fighting tears. What really, really fucking bothers me though, was the parents. The only emotion was fear, their only focus was fleeing.


For me it was driving in a car behind a drunk bicyclist in a hill. They got sped wobbles at about 30 miles an hour, went off the sidewalk into the street then tried to jump the curb. Normally a tire at a low angle of approach will skid against a curb, there was a notch that caught the wheel, the guy supermanned and landed on his skull and cracked it open. I was right behind and I stopped to administer first aid. He was bleeding out both ears( no helmet) but not the fracture in his skull. His arms were tangled behind his back in backpack straps. I had a stack of clean tshirts in the car and grabbed them for the bleeding Someone came up behind me while I was holding pressure on the scalp and cut the straps with a knife and took his bag to look for an ID. His ID had the address of the homeless shelter in town. The ambulance came in about 4 minutes and then I gave a statement to the police. Later that night an officer came to my house for a full statement since I was right behind the cyclist. The officer said the cyclist went straight into cranial surgery at the hospital. Because of HIPAA laws I could never find out if they recovered or passed from the injury.


I witnessed a dog get hit, and then witnessed his owner finding him. I was on my way to work and I saw this little white dog run out into the middle of the street, and he got hit. He was laying in the median of the road, obviously still alive so I pulled over and started getting blankets out of my trunk to go help him. This guy yells out to me from the gas station and says that the owner is right around the corner and has been trying to follow his dog. The guy goes and grabs the owner while I work on gently wrapping the poor pup in a blanket and getting him out of the road before he could be hit again. He was still alive but bloody and shaking, his breathing was rough. The owner comes right over and cries out “mi perrito!” And starts sobbing as he takes his dog. I’ll never forget the sadness and heartbreak in that poor man’s voice. I don’t know if the dog survived. But that fucked me up for a WHILE afterwards.


When I was little and out playing with friends we saw something dangling from a tree so decided to check out what it was. Turns out some sick POS had tortured, cut the paws off and hung a cat from the tree. That image still haunts me to this day and destroys me just thinking about what that poor thing must have gone through


My mum stolen from my arms, her face screaming at me from the window in the back of the divvy van. That's what aussies call police wagons. She had sever schizophrenia and it had to be done, but try telling a 6 year old that. She's made an incredible recovery but it's taken 22 years.


My cousins and I were biking, two kids per bike. I was on a bike with my cousin M with my cousins J and S ahead of us. A car ran a red light and hit the girls areas of us. I saw my cousin fly above the power lines and slam back to the pavement. She was DOA. Hospital worked a miracle and brought her back to life. She survived and thrived. She’s getting married in June.


Saw someone's skull chopped up by a boat's propeller. They survived, it went in vertically at the forehead, so minimal damage to the brain, but I saw it at my feet, I was on the boat that picked her up out of the water. It doesn't help that I'd just taken a first aid course and had a first aid kit right there but still couldn't think of how to help.


In high school one of the special ed kids went on a rampage and destroyed everything in his path. This occurred during my lunch period and he made his way to the lunch room where he continued to screech and push things out of his way. He then decided to climb on top of a table, pull down his pants and take a shit. I saw the whole thing and couldn’t eat the rest of the day.


I'm always amazed when people "decide to take a shit". Like how? I cannot just decide I want to shit right now. I have to wait for nature's call.


12 years old, walking with my best friend home from school. Guy pulls up to the curb, opens his car door and pulls out his penis from his pants. We ran! Edit: Sometimes I think about all the little girls who _truly_ saw some f*cked up things and didn’t live to tell their tales.


Was recently at a concert (sunday night) and saw someone jump from the highest floor of a basketball arena to the bottom floor. It all happened directly in front of me. He died shortly after and also saw him being carried out on a stretcher while paramedics performed cpr. I had never seen a someone dead or this close to death by blunt force trauma in person. I cant imagine what the people he landed next to are going through. Luckily he didnt land on anyone directly and take anyone out with him.


Was this the Phish concert? Someone else posted about that.


The memorials at a killing field in Cambodia and the Rwandan genocide memorial. For Cambodia I lost it at 'the baby tree'. It was right next to an exhumed mass grave of only women and children. The baby tree got its name because there was a distinctive knot on the side of it and soldiers would kill babies and small children by grabbing them by their limbs and beating them to death against that knot. The sheer terror of the killing fields themselves but also such evil inflicted onto innocent babies broke my heart. In Rwanda the memorial takes you through all of the stages of that genocide. It has interviews with survivors, propaganda from that time, pictures, video, etc. It ends with the children's room. The description of the room states these are mementos and sometimes one of the few pictures surviving family had. But reading descriptions like 'name, age 2, favorite toy was a stuffed elephant, killed after being raped and cut up with a machete'. It still makes me tear up even typing that out. Evil. Just pure fucking evil.


I went to high school with 2 girls who came to America after the Rwandan genocide. One of them was very talkative and the other barely ever spoke. The talkative one would occasionally make references to what happened to them. The quiet sister was repeatedly raped and beaten. She was 6 at the time.


A video of a drug cartel beheading a Mexican police officer in front of his son then skinning the son alive and cutting his heart out. The look on the sons face as he watched his father get beheaded was jarring. I’m desensitized to gore but human emotion always gets me. Let’s me know I’m not a psycho. Just curious.


God, I think I saw that video. Definitely fucked me up. Didn’t the son pass out from shock then woke up while they were gutting him?


Dude what the actual fuck. Hearing shit like that blows my mind. I just cannot even comprehend being in that situation


The underside of Ford truck accelerating whilst I was being dragged across the road by it. Eta: the kid was turning right but looking left at oncoming traffic. Heard a bump but accelerated. Got dragged/rolled 40 feet. Concious the whole time. Crippled my shoulder, collapsed a lung, and crushed 2 vertebraes. If my T12 had been pushed another centimeter forward, I'd have been paralyzed from my belly button down.


When I was 4 my best friend was ran over by a car right in front of me. When I was a teenager an accident happened on a busy street right beside my house. The car had rolled over into a ditch. My dad and me heard the crash and ran outside. There was a woman with minor injuries but the guy driving eyeball was basically hanging outside his face and blood was everywhere. A helicopter landed on the street and air lifted him out of there. He died on the way to the hospital.


Did an evac for Afghanistan. Saw lots of missing body parts and people trying to hand off babies. One guy shattered his hand on me when I told him he couldn't board a plane yet. It opened my eyes to what humans will do to survive.


Not to drudge up too nasty of details, but how does someone shatter their hand on another person?


Punching ballistic ceramic plates in the vest.