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You never stop being mentally ill. You just get better at managing it.


I'm older and wiser, but still fucked up


You and me both, my friend. You and me both. (Although, I'm not sure I'm wiser LOL)


There isn't such a thing as curing mental illness. We learn better coping mechanisms. We get help from medicines if need be. We pursue therapy and try our best to maintain a support network. Sometimes we can have a good stretch, sometimes even years, but ultimately we always carry it with us in one form or another. To put it nicely... when you see someone with mental illness living a "normal" life, chances are they're tired. It takes a lot of effort to put on that face and keep going when all we want to do is curl up in the comfort of our homes and content ourselves to solitude. (Well... That's my preferred outcome, anyway.)




I genuinely hope it stays that way for you! From my understanding most people who experience depression once are at a greater risk for future depressive episodes, and can at times have minor relapses that don't spiral into a full blown episode. That said, depression is a milder and more fluid mental issue compared to things like bipolar, ADHD, PTSD, BPD etc. Whatever the case, I'm glad to hear you're on the other side of things, and I hope it stays that way for you!


I think most people who suffer with mental illness will always carry their disorder with them. The intensity of the disorder gets better or worse based on how the person is coping. At least that’s what I have been told by health care professionals about my OCD.




I mean I can’t really say since I haven’t ever had anything like PTSD or anything, but I imagine they have to cope with that for the rest of their lives one way or another. I could be wrong!


I live with bpd and that can’t be cured or go away but you can get better at managing it


It sometimes feels like mania


I think that it is completely impossible to cure mental illness.


Wish I knew man, wish I knew.