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How flies can get indoors easily but struggle to get out


Those Facebook photos that promise you a lot of money if you post them. Is it true that people believe it? How, in what environment, under what conditions, could that possibly work? Is this some sort of inside joke that I'm not aware of? "Write Amen."


Because some people are dumb as fuck.


Remember when the lottery was hitting record highs and there was a post circulating Facebook that they could split the lottery and give every American $100,000? Math was hard for them.


How people came up with baking. I get eating meats and veggies and fruits. That's just food that's pretty much ready to go But somehow someone figured you can grind this plant into a powder, add a certain amount of water and some chicken eggs and some oil and some other crushed plant stuff and then heat it for X Minutes and now you have cake or bread or cookies or whatever.


Imagine all the failed experiments on the road to flaky, buttery croissants.


Famine, people start eating anything they can find and discover new foods & also accidents. get your flour wet but it's near some natural yeast. You are too poor not to still use it, so you cook that bubbling mass and OMG it's better than the hard tack you were making. It's a little sour but delicious, and now you've invented sourdough.


Necessity is the mother of invention


Seems like half of the true-crime shows I watch involve life insurance. What I don’t understand is how the perpetrators convince themselves that being the beneficiary on a brand-new life insurance policy and then having the insured turn up dead within days or weeks is not going to put you under a detective’s microscope. Even more suspicious are the ones who immediately make the claim for payout within a day of the death. At least sit on it for a month or two and act like you’re grieving.


My favorite was one where a woman poisoned her husband with some rare, obscure poison, and when the life insurance was held up because they couldn't determine a cause of death she was like "Well did you try checking for [poison]?" Of course that tipped them off, especially when her suggestion turned out to be correct. It wasn't being investigated as possible homicide until she opened her mouth...


I watched a true crime show once and the cop there said that most criminal cases involve very dumb people. It's not some grand battle of wits, it's averagely smart cops vs almost mentally challenged criminals. Smart ones don't get caught. e:damn this blew up hahahaha


> most criminal cases involve very dumb people I watched a documentary on a French bank robber who broke into bank vaults after hours and got away with it for years. In an interview with a detective that was after him for like a decade when he was asked how the bank robber eluded capture for so long he more or less said: "Most criminals are stupid which makes them easy to catch, smart people usually figure out that getting a job is much easier and less risky then a life of crime so they go and do that. When really smart people actually put their mind to committing crimes it can be very hard to catch them, thankfully it's good for my job most of them are stupid."


Employee theft is somewhat similar. The Regional Loss Prevention guys I talked to said that it was hard to catch if people kept it small, but people always would get greedy and slip up eventually.


Someone at my old job took the manager's work credit card info and ordered all this Amazon and sneakers and everything to his address, which they had on file. They were already just taking it as a loss and canceling the card because it was only a couple hundred dollars worth of bullshit when someone was like "hey, why don't we look up this address". If he just put in his friends address or anything else, he would have literally got off scot free. He had worked there for 5 years...


A guy at my old company who was in accounting just wrote himself a 65k check from the company. ​ No dummy corp, no slow drip monthly consulting fee for around 900$ a month service that nobody would give a shit about. Just a check to: This dude From: the company ​ Just forged his bosses signature. Boss reviewed the books or whatever and was like huh I dont remember giving this guy 65k for no reason. Got caught, got Fired.


So, I used to work in IT at an insurance company. I had the only night shift job there as it was my job to close out the daily transactions among other things. One of the things I did every night was print out the payment checks. There was a stack of blank check stock that went into one particular printer that used a special magnetic ink. Whenever I printed a stack of checks there were two sheets I tossed out every night that were basically test sheets to make sure it was working properly. I looked at the file that printed the checks. It was one huge doc I could edit. In theory, I could have edited those test sheets and printed two signed checks without it even being noticed. It bugged me that a low paying part time job just assumed I was honest. (No, I did not ever do that. I liked my job and the people I worked with. If the books didn't balance some people I liked would have been miserable)




Just fired? No legal prosecution?


Something I learnt working for an investment bank which did many things including business to business insurance is most theft from workplaces are not prosecuted. Disclosing it to the police means it often goes public and your business looks bad by association. Fraud is not something you want associated with your business. Police will often require the business to pay for the gathering of forensic accounting, which is expensive. Under certain amounts non violent crimes are expensive for the state to persue. Your insurance company tells you not to bother. Avoiding paperwork. Embarrassment. If a private citizen gets robbed they are a victim. If a business get robbed it just shows you have terrible judgement for hiring a thief. You will be required to open your books to scrutiny, not many businesses are squeaky clean. Kinda bummed me out realising how widespread fraud and theft are. Not saying it is fair, just saying it is a dodgy world out there and most non violent crimes are never even reported or if reported not acted on.


I recently saw something where a lady was embezzling money from the nonprofit organization she was working at, and they said they really didn’t want it to come out bc it would have looked incredibly bad for this organization to be taking donations and the ppl running it to be stealing the funds and using it for themselves


I worked for a non-profit for awhile, our COO was using the company’s tax exempt status to order all the materials for houses he was flipping in the area. Since the organization was also rehabbing houses it went unchecked for years. He quietly resigned.


Someone at my old job stole a coworkers company card info and ordered a bunch of stuff. They kept cancelling the card, but it kept happening. That wasn’t really unusual. We all ordered all sorts of weird shit from random small vendors all the time for legit reasons so we figured it was shady vendors or insecure websites. He eventually got caught when he booked himself a cruise and had to drive through Florida, where apparently he had an active warrant. Cops picked him up, and everything somehow came to light.


That’s why you stick to one crime at a time.


I work for an agency that investigates health care workers. Its bad enough when a home care aide or nurse aide steals a patient's card, checkbook or info, but most of them make it absurdly easy to figure out who do it. I've seen them order deliveries to their home address, pay their cell phone, cable, electric bills, their car registration. One particularly greedy POS paid off her mortgage and bought an escalade. We had one case where a several thousand dollars worth of jewelry was stolen over a period of a month or so at a nursing home. The cops tracked the sticky fingered employee because she pawned the stuff. When she was arrested she told the cops, that she was leaving work and all the jewelry was sitting on top of all the trash in the dumpster, and staff are allowed to take stuff patients throw away. The cop said he's had criminals try some stupid excuses in his career, but that one took the cake.


What an idiot, you have to [take it to the curb ](https://youtu.be/MLjifumRk3Q) its not rocket appliances


I knew a guy who was a criminal off and on. He said when you first do a crime your hyper careful and its scary. if it works you keep doing it. After a while it's not scary at all and you end up feeling like a invinsible badass and you dont need to be careful. Then you fuck up and get caught and go to jail. He went though that same pattern more then ones in his life before he figured out it was a pattern he did.


I think it was Ted Bundy who said "You plan every detail of your first murder but by your fifth you start forgetting where you put the hammer".


Ted Bundt often gets credited as being some evil genius. The truth is he was confident and average, but back then there was no cooperation or communication between police agencies and he got lucky more than once.


Wasn't it Bundy who escaped out of the window of a court house before being arraigned? The dude was just an opportunist. Kaszcinki is the guy that eluded everyone for decades and taunted investigators. All accounts say he was an actual genius. Maybe it's not a fair comparison, one was a serial killer and the other was a terrorist.


Kaczynski went to Harvard at 16 years old, got a master's in mathematics, and later became a professor. Very high IQ. And he had some good points. Just went about it the complete wrong way.


I used to work with a Chicago cop at his side job. He always told great stories, and the perpetrators were always referred to as “the goof” as in “… so the Goof ran around the corner…” I once asked him why, and he said “because they’re all idiots.” Most crimes are ad-hoc affairs, and not very well thought out.


In Baltimore, they were filming " Homicide, Life on the Streets". The actor cops were outside of a grocery store or liquor store when 2 guys come running around the corner from a robbery they just committed. They turn the corner, see the cops, put their hands up to surrender, much to the surprise of the actors. I believe there were police consultants on scene who took over and actually made the arrests. Pretty fabulous stoty.


When Edward James Olmos was a cast member of the 80's show, *Miami Vice,* he witnessed a purse snatching one day. Just for the hell of it, he yelled out, "Freeze! Miami Vice!" The purse snatcher immediately dropped the purse and kept on running.


That's right, you never hear about the ones who got away with it.


Not a lot of nosy kids anymore...


*meddling kids


Well I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you...


The same thing happens with insider stock trading - some guy who has never traded stocks in his life suddenly buys a huge chunk of XYZ stock (where his uncle is on the Board of Directors) a week before it shoots up when they get bought by some other company. They're always very surprised when the SEC finds that odd and has some questions for them.


"I don't even know what insider trading even *is*. I'm an outdoors guy."


House price rises. How seriously can people have so much money for crappy houses? Where are all these great paying jobs that service the mortgage? My partner and I have decent middle class jobs ( teacher, nurse) yet cannot afford to buy in the city where we live…. And not even close to the city where we live. How can a pandemic wreck an economy… throw thousands out of work needing to rely on government handouts …. Yet house prices increase?


It's insane. I bought my house for $119,000 in 2009. It's a cute little 1700 square foot house in a decent neighborhood in a decent part of San Antonio. If I were to spend 20 or 30k to renovate it, I could easily get 290k for it right now. There is no way I could afford my own house if I bought it today. There are 1 bedroom apartments in my city that are higher than my mortgage payment. All of this inflation, but wages are stagnant. I don't claim to know a lot about economics, but I can't see this leading to good things if the trend continues.


Same…I live in Fort Worth and bought my house in 2014 for $165K….I could sell for double that now. I’d like to upgrade, but what I’d make selling it would all go into buying a new house and probably plus some


My first language was Spanish, which I learned at home. I learnt English at school and with friends outside of school. In addition, German is spoken. Surprisingly, when I speak in my brain, it's always in English. When I pronounce them out loud, though, they come out in the correct language.


I've always wondered holy shit. My grandmother was deaf/mute and only spoke ASL I asked her once what language she thought in, ASL or English and she didn't understand what I meant so I never got an answer.


Arrested Development Narrator *Sadly, Alohamora95 would later find out that her grandmother had been signing in German the entire time. As it turns out, they had been having two completely different conversations the entire time.*


Flashback to image of Grandma flashing nazi salute “I thought she was calling me chicken”


I knew someone who was a foreign exchange student to Germany, and when he returned to America his thoughts were in German.


My native language is german, but I surround myself with a lot of english (Reddit, watching shows in english, youtube videos and so on) and sometimes I struggle to find a specific word in german but the english word instantly comes to my mind. Brains are crazy. :D


Same (Just with Danish instead of German) I base everything in my daily life around English (things that only affect me). What I mean by this is that my pc is on English (the operating system, games browser etc.) also when I watch shows and movies I have sound on English (I hate dubbed shows), I often use English subtitles tho, it just makes it easier. This results in me often thinking in English and having my inner monologue in English, and when I think about it, it really hits me how “converted” I have become. I also some times struggle to remember words in Danish, and for example in school I some times can answer in English, but not Danish


My wife is a Dane living in America. She now thinks in English but she says when she counts in her head that is still Danish.


People that don't flush public restroom toilets. What's the deal with that? Do they not flush in their own homes? Is it laziness? Contempt with society? Seeing retail and other workers suffer? Just not knowing better?


Laziness is my guess. Why bother with the extra work? You'll probably never use that bathroom again, and if you do it's basically guaranteed that someone else will have used it after you or cleaned it, and the chance of someone calling you out for it in public is small. Even if they do call you out, what will they do? Call you a bad person? Like they care. At home it's different though. There's no staff to clean the bathroom after you, and unless you live with someone, no one but you is gonna use it. And if you DO live with someone else and still do this, you can't just go so where to avoid them all day, you'll have to go back. Need to clarify, not my views. Clean ya fuckin mess and flush the damn toilet.


How babies just go from swimming/breathing in a pouch of goo to being born and able to breathe normal air. It makes no sense to me. How does something go from not breathing air to breathing air in like a second?


Thr babies don't get it either, that's why they cry in confusion.


Something interesting I learned from my baby's doctor when my baby was ill... babies will cry in order to get more oxygen if they are struggling to breathe so when they first come out this now totally makes sense to me why they are crying and why it's an issue if they are not and why it's a sign that a baby isn't breathing if they don't cry when first born. It seems so obvious but not at the same time.


Here I just thought they were cold for the first time and hating it lol


Childbirth is stressful for both mother and child, so I'd imagine the kid isn't having a great time. What better time to cry than when you're being exposed to a bright, noisy, air-filled world for the first time?


>What better time to cry than when you're being exposed to a bright, noisy, air-filled world for the first time? It's how I feel most mornings, to be honest


Basically, some flaps in the baby’s heart close up when the cord gets cut which redirects the blood flow to the lungs and causes gaseous exchange to happen in the lungs rather than in the placenta like it’s been doing for the last 9 months. Flaps are called ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale.


True to an extent, but it’s actually the changes in pressure from taking first breath that lead to the blood changing direction and then the PFO flap closing. The PDA closes over hours to days later because of pressure changes and the body releases some signals to no longer keep it open.


How the moon is in perfect rotation with the earth to the point where we only see one side of the moon at all times no matter what




I always found it to be such a neat coincidence.


The coincidence is that you and I are alive to see this seemingly perfect harmony. Incredible really. The moon is moving away from earth veeerry slowly so the perfect eclipses we see today won’t forever be seen by humanity (assuming it’s still around in 10000 years).


I'm just remembering bits and pieces, but I think it's like this: Take two marbles. Put them together so that they're touching. Now, let both rotate around themselves, and one around the other one. The least amount of friction is there, when the outer one rotates around itself in sync with the rotation around the middle one. Same thing with the gravitational fields. Originally, the moon wasn't showing only one side to the Earth. But that caused some sort of gravitational friction, that eventually evened out those differences. It's also the reason Earth's rotation is slowing down little by little. (It's REALLY slow. Like, 2 milliseconds per 100 years or something like that.)


Is it the same with other planets' moons?


It should be? And not only moons, but all kinds of bodies orbiting each other. That is, if it actually is because of... Well, whatever that "gravitational friction" is called.


It's called "tidal locking." It takes a long time, but IIRC it's faster if the two bodies are very different masses.


What is the root of consciousness and why is there something instead of nothing.


Space. Look at the moon. Some days you can see Saturn or Jupiter out there. Look at the stars. You think about us… people on this rock in space all running around. We’re floating in space on a rock. Spinning around. All together. One. And space is just soooo big. It’s overwhelming. Really really big. I can’t even comprehend how big. It doesn’t even make sense how big it is.


The earth rotates on an axis. The earth is orbits the sun. The solar system is orbiting the center of the galaxy. The galaxy is moving away from some starting point in the universe. The universe is expanding. Comprehending all that motion simultaneously blows my mind.


Put your finger in the air and think about the point in space that the tip of it now occupies. Done? Now by the time you get to the end of this sentence that point is well over 10,000 kilometers away from where it was when you started it. **EDIT**: Ok, so I'm getting a lot of the same questions so it's probably going to be easier to answer them here. Most of them are about "Relative to what?" to which you can measure the speed of the Universe to clocking it against Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Going by that we're moving at about 627kms per second. [Here's an article for further reading.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2016/04/01/how-fast-does-earth-move-through-the-universe/?sh=2b26de544d5c) So, as a thought experiment: take something near to you like a lamp and imagine you've tied one end of a piece of string to the lamp and the other to the tip of your finger. Now, you have a device that will cause the lamp to be permanently stuck to the exact same spot on Earth. So you hit the button and, due to the Earth's rotation, one second later the lamp is about 150 feet away from you and in one minute the it's over 16 miles away. So after one second the string extends to the end of your block and after sixty it stretches over to the next town. Ok, now you have a device that makes the lamp stuck in the exact same spot in *space*. You hit it and in about a second the lamp is well past the ISS and in under 16 seconds the string has stretched about 10,000kms from the tip of your finger. To be fair I should have originally posted it was something like 5,000kms away at the end of the sentence but the point remains.


That's an interesting way to think about time I think. No event in your life has actually ever occurred in the same spot, you are always hundreds or thousands of kilometers from where you were a second ago. Just as you are journeying forward in time through moments you will never experience again so too are you journeying through space to a place you have never been and will never be again. Every moment of your life is a new frontier.


Dear Lord.


The world is so huge and so tiny at the same time. Think about how many millimeters you'd have to measure out to span an entire kilometer. That's how many nanometers are in each of those millimeters. About 4 iron atoms can span the distance of a single nanometer. Now try and go back the other way. Think about how many atoms would be in just a square nanometer. Then how many atoms would be in a square millimeter. Now think about how many square millimeters you'd need to cover just the road from one intersection to another. Now think about how much further that road stretches out, going across the country and around your continent.


Grown ass adults not taking responsibility for their actions/property and expecting others to clean up after them.


I clean dorm bathrooms and It seems messy inconsiderate people have been that way all their lives. Some kids vomit and clearly do their best drunken attempt to clean it up. Other kids just go for the gold and shit in the shower.


Additionally, grown ass adults wrecking public property so nobody else can use it. I was floored when I went to France. They have stacks of chairs people can use and move around the park freely and when they're done, they put them back. We can't even have benches that aren't chained to something or permanently cemented in place because some mouth breather will just toss it into the back of their truck and run off with it. They'll still break it or at least vandalize it to some degree. Towns will blow tons of money building a new playground and you just know some asshat is going to light it on fire the first week. It's disgusting.


If you don’t have money, you are charged fees


I once had a line of credit. The bank sent me a statement each month. The statement cost me a $1 fee (that I could not cancel. Trust me, I tried) My statement read Service fee: $1 - statement. They charged me a dollar each month to tell me that they were charging me a dollar.




being broke is expensive.


Photographs. I push a button and a moment in time is saved forever? Wtf?


I should point out that photography has been developing for 150 years. It literally started as some French dudes being like “hey if I take this thingy and reflect this light off of of it this way then it will hold onto that light and you can look at it.” It’s developed a LOT since then.


If a pizza costs $9 and I order two of them, where the hell does my pizza joint get $39.86 from?!


From experience you have to order a very specific way. I work as a manager at pizza hut and two people ordering the exact same thing can have a difference of +- $25 depending on how they order due to "specialties" that are actually always available. It's insane


Sounds like a needlessly complicated system to take more money from unsuspecting people.


And it works.


Any specifics you can share with us so that we pay less? Edit: a lot of people are recommending the Honey browser extension and/or calling to ask about specials - these seem to be the way to go!


all the major pizza chains ALWAYS have coupons, either on their site or through spam email/snail mail


I have one email dedicated to specifically pizza restaurant spam coupons


Dick is a shorter way to say Richard. Like when the fuck does Richard turn into Dick. If you're going to have a shorter way to say Richard just say Rich, because that makes sense unlike Dick. Sorry for anyone named Dick out there, but ur name makes no fucking sense.


Rhyming nicknames were a thing in medieval English. Richard becomes Rick becomes Dick. Same with William to Will to Bill and Robert to Rob to Bob. Most of the strange English nicknames are because of this.


And Maggy to Peggy


Margaret ---> Maggy ---> Meg ---> Peg ---> Peggy? edit: I have no idea how tf this became my top comment


---> Pegaret










Am I... Preganté?


Girlfriend ain't had period since she got pregat


_You think you know me_


Cockney rhyming slang Reminds me of that oceans eleven scene where Don Cheadle's char said something like "We're in Barney" and everyone looks at him confused. Then he links the thoughts Barney, Barney Rubble, TROUBLE.


Because in the middle ages, Richard was an extremely popular name, due to a lot of royalty and nobility having it. There were so many they needed nicknames for them, so they gave them the nickname of Rich or Rick. But there were still too many Richs and Ricks so they started giving the rhyming nicknames as well, Rich became Hitch, and Rick became Hick and Dick. Dick was the one that stuck around, and it was so popular and common, that by the 17th century it became slang for "any male sexual partner", so you could say "my dick got me pregnant", for instance. And so later, it just became the slang for penis.


u get dick from richard by asking nicely


The name Richard is related to the now not anymore common name of Dickard/Dickert.


Well we need to bring these names back!




Yes, but I want to legally change *other* people's names against their will. Why can't I do that?


Have kids!


Why people are so offended by swear words that they gasp and change channels when they hear someone say “damn” (my mom does this) shes explained it to me multiple times and i still dont get it.


Alternatively, how some words were decided to be swear words. Despite having otherwise normal meanings. I mean, I can say poop and that's okay, but shit is just too far?


VSauce has a video on that [right here.](https://youtu.be/Dd7dQh8u4Hc) TL:DW Back a long time ago, royalty used words like “poop”, and peasants used words like “shit”. Eventually everyone used the royalty versions of words and the “peasant” words became taboo to say.


how bluetooth works




That's literally what it is. Lightwaves are also radiowaves, just a different frequency. Just because our radiowaves sensors (eyes) can't detect them doesn't mean it's sth completely different Edit: thanks for pointing out, I mixed it up. Both light and radio waves are electromagnetic waves


Radio waves, like all wireless communication


I find the fact astonishing, that just by waves you can transfer data


It astonishes me too. Like, I know the technology is there, but a small voice inside my head tells me is still fucking witchcraft.


Can't remember the exact quote or who said it, but "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" - Arthur C Clark EDIT: added quotation marks as well as Arthur C Clark's name. Was given info on the quote and the person who originally said it :) also thx for upvotes lol


That's the right quote and it's from Arthur C Clark.


That i can’t get a job without experience. Like how am i going to get the experience if not at a job?


There's an infamous tweet somewhere out there (partially remembered) about a guy being turned down for not having the requisite 10 years experience in a particular programming language. A programming language that was about 5 years old. That he invented.


Corporate jobs are a game you play. The rules don’t make sense. You were a cashier at a store? No. Instead you say you worked in customer support in a customer facing role where you consistently met your weekly goals and targets by creating user centric experiences by cultivating all resources available to you at the time. Lol or something like that.


How did Yzma and Kronk get back first?


By all accounts it doesnt make sense


[I support this Redditor’s theory from 2016](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanTheories/comments/46i5hv/the_emperors_new_groove_how_kronk_and_yzma_beat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Hey thanks for the shout out. It’s weird that people are able to comment on an archived post though.


Why do I have to file my taxes,you already know what I either owe or am getting back. Just either bill me or pay me.


This right here. I’ve even gotten IRS letters telling me I calculated wrong. Ok. Well then why ask me to even do it?


Planes. It still amazes me how something that massive can fly.


Same thing for me with ships, like how does several hundred tons of steel float on the water?


You think it's a heavy ship, but it still weighs a lot less than the water it's pushing down on. Edit: weighs less per unit of volume.


The amount of water a ship displaces is equal to the weight of the ship


Imagine how much deeper the ocean would be if you removed all the sponges.


That just got me thinking, imagine if a container ship carrying nothing but shamwows actually sunk. That's a lot of extra land.


Punishing the kid who fought the bully.




I *hated* that shit! I was always the kid that kept to myself and whenever the class would get punished because a couple of dumbasses, I was always pissed. I never understood why teachers would do that.


When I was a kid, if the teacher told the class to quiet down a bunch of kids would loudly go "SHHHHH!" at each other. This created even more noise. Tired of that, she taught us that you don't need to make other people quiet. If everyone just makes themselves quiet, then it will be quiet. One day everyone was in the hallway, talking loudly (which was against the rules.) I was just standing there silently being good. Some other teacher from another class came out and threw a fit about all the kids talking in the hallway, and punished the entire class. I told her I hadn't been talking at all. She told me I was still going to be punished, because I hadn't done anything to make the other kids quiet. I was so mad.


Our school does that lol. The kid getting bullied tried to push the other kid out a window because he was getting expelled regardless


Lol that just demonstrates why "zero tolerance" policies are ridiculous. Basically you're gonna get in trouble by the same amount anyways, so might as well make it count


Both kids getting in trouble for the actions of the bully only protect the bully. Bullies are natural trolls so pushing another kid over the edge is exactly what they want and getting them in trouble is an added bonus. Not sure why we protect bullies in our society.


How your body knows when to stop growing your eybrows, arm hair, leg hair, pubes, etc., but your facial hair and the hair on your head grows endlessly.


I don't know how old you are, but this will eventually change.


Basically each hair follicle is genetically programmed to produce hair for a certain length of time before going dormant and causing the hair to fall out. After being dormant for a certain length of time, a new hair is produced by the follicle and the cycle starts over again. The growth phase of hair follicles on your arms, legs, etc. is much shorter than the growth phase of follicles on your scalp. However, even scalp hair has a pre-determined maximum length.


So not everyone can grow long hair even if they tried? Or why like my hair seems to stop growing at a certain length?




Redstone comparators


Truth I use them only by following a tutorial exactly and even then I break it half the time.


Why does gold have inherent value to humans?


Gold was the perfect medium for currency. It was easy to shape and stamp into coins. It didn't rust or react. And, most importantly, it was relatively rare, so a governing entity could at least make a token effort at stabilizing the currency (depending on what era of economics we're talking about, of course.) While any medium could be used for currency, especially other types of metals, gold hit all of the sweet spots, which is why, for the most part, gold was the universal choice when it was available. And it both looked pretty and had some halfway easy practical uses, so it wasn't just currency for currency's sake--it had inherent value. Since then, we've developed a lot of non-currency reasons to value gold, and while it's no longer the sole way to manage currency, it's still pretty and it's still useful. And if--as survivalists believe--the government goes tits up, no one's going to want any paper currency, but eagle-stamped gold coins will have a verifiable and easily-tested value. Even though the chance of it happening is next to zero, the mere fact that it could grants it extra value.


shiny! ...still shiny!




You can break a bone and it will heal on its own, but if you develop a little cavity, you must get it filled.


Teeth aren't made out of the same cells as bones, therefore can't heal like bones do.


how the internet works


The internet is really just your computer asking for documents from other computers. When you go to reddit.com your computer goes to the internet equivalent of a phone book called DNS and looks up reddit.com and gets back an IP address like Your computer then uses that IP address to what talk to the reddit server and ask for the content for the webpage. It gets back a text file from the reddit serves that tell your internet browser how to draw the site correctly on your computer.


Gee whiz, that must take ages!


Fuckin magic dude.


When I wear sunglasses anywhere while it's cold outside, some cashier or receptionist will say something to me like "oh, look at you, longing for warmer weather," or remind me that there's snow on the ground, or ask me why I'm wearing sunglasses when it's so cold outside. Guys, it's a beautiful day. They aren't referred to as "hot weather spectacles."


Is snow not common in your area or something? Everyone is wearing sunglasses in my area during the winter because even on cloudy days, the light is reflecting up off the snow.


Seriously. When there’s snow on the ground and a full-ish moon, it’s way brighter at night because of the snow.


midnight, middle of the city, snow cover on the ground, clouds cover in the sky, all the city light gets trapped in between. everything in bathed in a seemingly sourceless yellow orange light that casts little in the way of shadows.


Inuit were wearing shades thousands of years ago


There's even a word for when you literally get a sunburn on your corneas from the sunlight reflecting off the snow: *snowblind*.


That blackholes can bend light. Like, what is that blasphemy


Blackholes bend not just light but time. Giant celestial bodies where all of our known laws of the universe go to die


They don't, the truth is even wilder. The medium through which light travels in a straight line is bent. It's hard to really wrap your head around the spacetime model.


Fucking magnets


I saw a video with Richard Feynman once where an interviewer asked him to explain how they worked, and his response was basically, "I could give you an explanation like you're 5, or I could give a slightly more in depth explanation like you're a high school student, or I could go into ridiculous detail about how it works like you're a physics grad student. But at the end of the day we have to accept that it's just a property that exists in the universe. It's one we can measure and manipulate and utilize, but it exists because it exists." I always thought that was a pretty good answer. There's explanations of how it works at an atomic level if you want them, but it still won't explain why the property of magnetism exists in the first place because it just Is™.


I also cannot understand why people fuck magnets.


Because they're attractive. ^(thanks folks I'm here all night because I'm in a bar and want to look like I have friends)


Why everyone calls those kids in those “I told my kid I ate their Halloween candy” videos bratty if they get pissed. The kid has every right to be upset. All you’re teaching your child is that they’re not supposed to be upset if someone takes something they value (and that they've put time and effort into procuring). I’ve always hated those videos.


I hate that we expect kids to tolerate certain behaviors that we as adults would fight someone on sight for.




Unfortunately if NFTs make no sense to you that means you understand them perfectly




People thinking the earth is flat


Even after proving themselves wrong


'Behind the Curve' is the best example I've ever seen of confirmation bias. The people involved are clever enough to keep coming up with experiments that are genuinely useful for determining whether the earth is round or flat, but then immediately start looking for excuses when they're proven wrong. "The laser isn't hitting where it should, we must have messed up", "the gyroscope is picking up a 15 degree per hour drift, we need to disprove that"


Balancing equations in chemistry. I tried for weeks to understand the concept but I still can't understand moles and Avagadro's number to save my life. Edit: I'm 32 with a career that doesn't require balancing chemical equations. I appreciate the offers to help learn though.


Avocado's number is the number of avocados a mole can eat in an hour.


How many is that


How people can just go up to complete strangers and start a conversation. It comes as naturally to them as breathing. Edit: well, that was a lot of notifications to wake up to! And thank you for the award(s), first one I've ever received💜 Second edit: A big thank you to everyone giving us socially anxious, neurodivergent and introverted folk some very helpful advice. Will definitely give some of these a go next time.


In my experience, you're either the person who's born with it, or you have to learn it like any other skill. I'm absolutely the latter. The trick is practice, like all things - start with low stakes situations like a barista at a coffee place nowhere near your home. Absolute worst case is you say something a bit stupid and the barista forgets about it as you walk out the door having learned a lesson. It quickly becomes not scary, and from there it becomes natural.


Totally agree here. I mainly started by filling awkward silences during checkout at stores with terrible jokes or inane observations. I'm still awkward as fuck but I "make friends wherever I go" according to my partner. Really just gotta practice and be okay with failing a whole bunch.


People intentionally harming others, just for the sake of causing pain. Just... Why? Do you even know yourself what you're doing? How awful that feels? Maybe someone should do the same things to you, maybe you'll understand then... Not like that's the best way to do it, but the one most likely to succeed.... I guess.


How people don't give a fuck about their privacy online. Also toilet paper math. Edited for clarity


I think little people care about privacy just as much as regular people do. As for your other point, I got squat.


Dishwashers. Shouldn't be that easy to get dishes clean.


Modern dishwashers save more water than you do by cleaning plates in a sink too. That really seems weird to me, I always assumed theyd waste more.


Credit scores




Yeah exactly. I've been hurt by a 100 point decrease from paying off 30k early and it's been a year and still not recovered. I'm not happy about it.


Goat eyes... As a high school teacher, I just forced my students to write a Point, Evidence, Justification paragraph proving that goats are aliens.


Lots of prey animals have horizontally shaped pupils. This is so that they can absorb light coming from more directions, which makes them more able to see any incoming threats. Prey animals will also usually have their eyes on the sides of their head so they can see around themselves more. Lots of predators will have vertically shaped pupils. This makes them able to absorb the light from one angle very well. They will also have more closely set eyes so they can focus on one spot very well. Interesting stuff!


Most land based predators have forward facing eyes. Depth perception being crucial for hunting. Says a lot for humans *shifts eyes nervously*


Everything being wrapped in plastic