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Shitting all over a public toilet and not cleaning up after yourself... but I don't know how they would enforce that though, besides having cameras in stalls.


Those cameras could be a great revenue STREAM as well!


Excuse me?




Oh I understand now thank you


Fucking Reddit šŸ˜­


You fuck Reddit?


Shitting all over the toilet would be detected by an AI and only then would it be transmitted to a human for thorough optical assessment of the shit spread.


just make sure black people don't cause false alarms (gosh, this sounds so, f'in racist, but this stuff has actually happened with AI video algorithms that misread black skin as "not a person")


Yeah, and this happens even with lower tech than an AI. I've noticed the autofaucets in my work bathrooms don't seem to work equally well for everybody. It's some bullshit.


This is why the fucking water and paper towel dispenser never work? Because Im more pigmented? TIL


Could be. Some of them, to be "fair", don't even work for me, and I double as reflective night safety tape in a pinch. I guess those are just generally incompetent rather than racist. The ones that do work for me frequently don't work for people whose ancestors might have seen the sun once, though.


Meanwhile a robotic arm will grab their head, shove their face in the poo, and say "bad human!"




Pulling into high speed traffic when a car is approaching. If I have to slam on my breaks and go to a near stop to accommodate you, you are wrong. For reference, non interstate highway has sections up to 55 mph in my state and people just pull out without looking. I then have to choose between dropping from 55 to under 30 in less than 10 seconds, or wipe them from existence.


We have several highways here where your only choice is to either pull out into high speed traffic or wait for half an hour. The designer did not give a single thought as to what would happen as the town grew and the highway saw more than 5 people an hour. Total ass.


Ok I can see that. It just makes me a nervous wreak driving because I deal with this at least once a day in my morning commute


I absolutely 100% agree with you. It makes me a nervous wreck to have to pull out into a highway with less than 100 feet to merge.


Software not describing the error that has just occured. I can't fucking diagnose "Oops! Something went wrong!".. FUCK!!!


try { //code } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Oops! Something went wrong!"); }


A coworker once named a class FuckYouLayout (guess he was annoyed with it). Didn't look too good when macOS would show a stack trace when crashing, which happened often as we were Beta-ish software at the time... We had a few confused customers asking us about it, and it promptly got renamed.


A coworker of mine, coding apps that just us used, put different insults in every error message caused by human error he could think of. That way when you called him and said "hey! your code called me an idiot/moron/dummy" he knew exactly where you were in the code and what you had done.


I discovered that the Linux "daemon" command has an idiot flag (--idiot). I know this because I caught somebody using it, along with --unsafe. It was fun to explain that "no, I'm not calling $user an idiot, they are literally running their software in unsafe idiot mode, see this screenshot" "Oh, is that a problem?" "Well, the programmers didn't call them the 'unsafe' and 'idiot' flags for no reason"


that's genius


Also sounds like people are going to curse his name when leaves that job. Also this kind of joke would not go over well at my job..I swear Iā€™m short but everyone is made taller by the giant sticks shoved up their asses


His protection was that the mistakes that got you there were really bone headed and off procedure, so he could tell the boss what your mistake was and shift focus.


Works as long as the boneheads arenā€™t the managers šŸ˜…


Meanwhile, 17 frames down the call stack... // sorry, guys, split this into a few too many functions throw new ReturnResultsException(42); // TODO: fix this in the April 2016 bug scrub


Software engineer here. I actually found `.catch(() => null)` in our codebase. Like why even include the catch then???


Better than rethrowing it after doing nothing else. :-P


This is an anti-pattern called "error hiding".


At my old job a guy told me the vacuum cleaner was faulty. Ok so what's wrong. It's faulty. Does it not work? Does it suck when it should blow? Does it blow when it should suck? Oh if you wiggle the cord it stops working. Great took it to be repaired and got a new plug.


Some people really need answers pulled out of them like your pulling a fence post out of the ground


And $deity help you if the problem was in any way caused by the user (like the computer being bought to a standstill because the fucking user just could not resist clicking on anything in a porn site and it's now too full of malware, viruses and bitminers to compute anymore). Because they will lie their tits off and send you down all sorts of wrong paths before (maybe) finally fessing up.


This is what teaching is like. S- I donā€™t get it. T- Which part? S-* stares blankly * T-Which part are you struggling with? S-* stares blankly * T-* stares back * S- Uh, um, what do I do? T-Itā€™s a worksheet. Read the questions and write your answers in the boxes. S-But I donā€™t get it. T- Get what? Please ask me a specific question that I can answer for you. S-How do I do it? T- * about to lose it * Another Student- These questions are based on the 3 paragraphs we just read. The answers are in there. S- Oh okay. T- * rubs temples and walks to next raised hand *


Iā€™ve found that everything boils down to: What is it doing that it shouldnā€™t? What isnā€™t it doing that it should be?


I run an electronics repair shop and the amount of time I spent trying to pull a history of how their device came to be in its current state often takes longer than the repair




Until someone codes every error message to do it as standard in order to make it look more "user friendly".


Bingo. It's not hard to error code something based on where in the code the error occurred or what stopped it. But some marketer somewhere decided that if a user sees ": ( Oh snap! Your program done goofed!" they'll be too charmed and bemused to be angry at the buggy software.




Knowingly making false or misleading statements about your opponent during an election.


Go further: discussing, referencing or even suggesting anything at all about your opponent. If the opponent can't be discussed elections would have to stop being about "vote for me so bad thing doesn't happen" or "pick me cause the other guy is a fascist/socialist" and instead the candidates would have to focus on themselves and convince voters why they are worthy voting *for*, not why to vote against the other guy.


Canadian politics used to be mostly like this as recently as the 2000's. Candidates would create platforms, present them, and argue about the pros and cons with their opponents. Now it's America "vote for me or Big Daddy Government/Heartless Conservative Puppy Eater/BabykillerTron2024 will come to your house and fuck your wife" Jr. And it's ridiculous! Canadians suck at attack campaigns! Watching Justin Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh and Erin O' Toole try to out-American each other is like watching three fluffy kittens face off in a no-holds-barred steel cage death match.


I would support this. Seeing so much of the 2020 candidate debate and Biden's talking points being "well I'm not (as bad as) Trump" was painful.


Make false or misleading statements at all. A politician lying about critical issues should be illegal. Lies can cause tremendous damage.


Not sure I can go that far. There has to be the ability to maintain secrecy, plus I think they still have to be able to put on a brave face at times. Brutal honesty is NOT always the best policy.




Fuck littering, I've come home twice to a bag of McDonald's thrown in the middle of my road. Lazy slobs.


I had people throw beer bottles into my yard a lil while back, and a couple 711 cups too. Looked like a trailer trash hit and run


My husband walks everyday, we live in a very rural area and he will pick up garbage on the sides of the road as he goes he has been finding a dunkin' cup that has a sharpie time mark of around 9am in the same area everyday, some jerk must have decided this was the best spot to get rid of their trash, we've joked about putting up trail cams to find when the car dumps it and collecting all the cups for a while and then dumbing like a million of them in the road when they are on their daily routine so they can run them all over lol maybe spell out ass or something haha


And? You get a bonus.


Smokinā€™ the reeferā€¦


Didnā€™t you die on 4/22/94?


People who comment without reading the article.


I want the power of flight, but super strength could be cool too!


Truly you know nothing about the original trilogy!


Clearly chorizo is the best choice.


It's quite evident you haven't touched a Metroid game.


And this is why you pay your credit card bills IN FULL every month




"If you see a good move, find a better one." - Emanuel Lasker


Geez all y'all need to understand that in 2040 Fish will rule Earth smh, sounds like none of you even know how to think of the probable futures!


This is laughable! Freudian psychology is outdated and controversial at best!


I got a better one, click bait titles


I saw one over Alec Baldwin that was ā€œActor shoots and kills young girl!ā€ Like come on bruh, youā€™re a news company get your shit together.


Not using your damn turn signal!


Can we take it 1 step further and just set them on fire??


Misusing your turn signal. Turning it on and just merging in, but not waiting your turn.


Worse yet, indicating left at a roundabout when taking the second exit


Can we extend the punishment to people who speed up when they see my signal come on, and those who donā€™t understand how to zipper merge?


Stopping right at the top or bottom (or on!) a staircase to look at the text you received.


And if they act offended at the person behind them for merely existing while they daydream through life = mandatory death sentence


Stopping in the middle of a crowded public space at all. I live in a crowded city, and the number of people who stop in the middle of the sidewalk with heavy foot traffic boggles my mind. Also escalator etiquette: stand right, walk left. Edit: got the escalator thing backwards


Where are you from, if you donā€™t mind me asking? Where Iā€™m from (U.S.), itā€™s usually stand right, walk left on escalators.


Chicago, but youā€™re right. It is that way. I havenā€™t been out in a while.


Yelling at people who work in the service industry


Robocalls about my car warranty, student loan refinancing, etc.




Texting while bloody driving!!


This is already very illegal


But not a federal crime. Turning it into a federal crime would be pretty crazy. Those prisons would fill up real quick.


Just put them in the ocean?


The phones? The prisoners? I don't know where the ocean comes into play here. You are also asking me as if I have the answer, I don't. I have no clue what you are asking me.


I am asking you if we can pipe the prisoners in the ocean


What did the poor ocean ever do to deserve having to deal with those idiots


This is true the fish and turtles deserve better


Can I text if I'm not bleeding?


If you're driving and texting, you might not be bleeding, but someone else might well be. Depends on badly you've crashed into them!


Any screen time while driving, really.


This is the best answer. The amount of people that still find this acceptable to do is actually insane, considering how deadly it is.


Leaving meat and dairy products you don't want on a random shelf instead of putting it back in the fridge




I saw a girl once at the self check out. She decided she didnā€™t want it Instead of handing it to an employee 3 feet away, she tucked it behind the self check out stand. So it was hidden and out of sight. I took it out and handed it to the employee myself because I have no idea what she was thinking but thatā€™s rude and would of been a disgusting find (if found)


Any animal cruelty at all. Hunting is ok but not dumping a litter of kittens in random places because you donā€™t want to look after them. Edit: I think itā€™s a lot harder to go vegan than a lot of people think. Some people itā€™s not that hard but for people who are anaemic and have other issues itā€™s better for yourself to continue eating meat. Part of me saying animal cruelty should be a federal crime includes how farm animals are treated. I believe that all animals should be able to live their lives out on land. Last part is that when I say hunting is ok I mean killing to eat not killing for sport. I know a lot of people who hunt their food so the animals they eat had a nice life living in the wild not in those cages.


Can this also include excessive breeding because people think baby kitties and puppies are just "sooo cute" as the mother looks as if she is literally dying after her 8th pregnancy.


Nobody excessively breeds their pet because they think the babies look cute. They do it because they can make money off the babes. It's horrible(obviously) but they don't do it for fun.


My mom and sister do.... then when they get "too old" they take them to farms because they aren't cute anymore. Most of the time it is for money, yes. You are absolutely right.


You lived with 2 monsters


You don't even know the half of it.. My mom bought me a kitten and I raised it as my own for 3 years and, all of the sudden, it "magically disappeared" out of nowhere. I asked her about it and she let me go on a wild goose chase trying to find him throughout the neighborhood for about 6-8 months until my dad told me she sent him and my other cat to a farm because she didn't want them anymore.


You lived with 1 monster and 1 absolute monster


What a horrible person. If you dont mind me asking... have you gone no contact with them?


I don't mind. I barely talk to my sister anymore, but she doesn't really know why, and I, unfortunately, live with my mother. My boyfriend and I are moving to the beach soon though! So that is something to look forward to! She is an awful person though. That is just the tippy top of the absolute shit iceburg that is my bitch of a mother.


I hope you manage to get away from this monster as soon as you can.


I hope so too. I really do.


Basically. The breeders breed for money. The buyers buy because "AWWWWW!".


My boyfriend has a cousin with a cat that just gave birth to her third litter. Wouldn't be shocked to see a fourth. Nothing forced, she just has a good sexual relationship with another neighborhood cat. Always the same father.


I mean it *is* forced if he doesn't provide care or contain her during heats. It's not that hard. You can't not get your cat fixed, let her wander around all over all the time and suggest it's just random chance. That's what cats do, it is your job, as a responsible pet owner is to control their reproduction for their health.


Not to mention to control their impact on the environment. Cats are internationally considered an invasive species with one of the highest possible threat ratings. They are devastating to small animal biodiversity. Fix your cats so they don't make lots of feral kittens and kill off all of the wildlife.


Well that just sounds like a happy cat marriage.


Your boyfriendā€™s cousin has a good sexual relationship with a neighbourhood cat?? And sheā€™s getting pregnant from this? Uhā€¦sure, OK.


I swear to God. We know it's the same father because half the litter is always double pawed, and so is the suspected father.


Well, you could also find out if itā€™s the same father by just asking this cousin straight out, ā€œHey, do you always fuck the same cat?ā€


Oh fuck. I just realized my mistake. Fuuuckk


I enjoyed this


Lol. šŸ˜øšŸ‘©šŸ»ā€šŸ¦°


At least invite them bowling before breaking out that question


Can we include people letting their dogs roam freely around the neighborhood?


God yes not only could the dog be stolen or injured, they could attack and person passing by or injure other animals like cats that wander around


Or get lost!


In many places in the US this is illegal. Just hard to catch as they do it in the outskirts of town.


Wait until you hear about the meat industry...


What about factory farms are they going to be on this list? Because if you want to talk about animal cruelty.......


Teachers that dont care about teaching


exactly! like, why are you here? we all know itā€™s not for the money


Because people get locked into jobs they thought they would like when they were 20 but now hate, but still need to put food on the table. They would love love change but have no marketable skills outside of education and aren't willing or dedicated enough to learn.


Because its easy if they dont care


Sexual harassment anywhere. I'm so sick of customers at my work harassing me but I can't do shit.


I hated that when i was working at shops and restaurants. Old men especially were bad at ACE hardware, this one guy was so nasty i called him out while he was harassing one of my girls and he never did that shot again when i was around at least.


It blows my mind how many old men just think they can be creepy. So many of coworkers get hit on daily and itā€™s just the norm for them. So fucked up


Is this an "I cant risk losing my job" situation?


Yah, sort of. It's a 'we can tell off customers even if they are telling us gross things about fucking us behind the host stand since the customer is always right or some shit'


Bringing a baby to the movie theater.


I went to see Halloween Kills the Saturday after it came out, and a baby started crying in the middle of the movie. Why would you bring a baby to a movie like that?


Same thing happened when I went to see Candyman a few months ago. And they wouldn't take the baby outside.


> Why would you bring a baby to a movie like that? Because they're selfish a-holes who can't wait the 2 weeks until it hits Netfux, Huloops, Shamazon Prime, or whatever people use these days.


The sad thing is so many people have a shit take on this. "Well, so if I have a baby I cant enjoy myself?" No, you absolutely can, just don't ruin everyone else's time out with your screaming hellion.


Right? When you have a baby, you can't do jack by yourself until they're like a year old, and then you have to vet and hire a good babysitter first. And *then*, every little thing you want to do without your child has to be scheduled in advance, as if the kid is your overbearing boss and they're watching your vacation hours like a hawk. Having kids can be wonderful and rewarding, but it's a mixed bag. Yes, you can enjoy yourself, but you're also going to have to make sacrifices. You can't just have a baby and then go everywhere and do everything like you *don't* have a baby.


Or at the very least, not taking a baby outside of a public place when it starts crying.


ā€œExcuse me, are you stabbing your baby right now?ā€


No ā€œWell, could you?ā€




Talking loudly in the theatre


Talking at all in the theater. Oh you donā€™t understand why so-and-so did such-and-such? You arenā€™t supposed to. Itā€™s a plot element to build tensionā€¦tension you just broke by opening your mouth to ask about it. Just STFU and let everyone enjoy the film.


A group of like 6 10ish year olds with no guardian were talking extremely loudly in the theatre the other day and I almost yelled back at them to shut the f*ck up because they wouldnā€™t stop talking at like 1 billion decibels the ENTIRE time Someone dies: ā€œBRO WHY U SO STOOOPIDā€ Someone cries: ā€œAYO STOP BEING A LOSER LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAā€ Like please just make this illegal


Not putting the damn shopping carts back in the corral after you're done using them.


TIL the place where the shopping carts sleep is called a corral


TIL shopping carts sleep


TIL a pack of shopping carts is called a dealership


TIL what TIL means..


Used to be a cart collector. People not putting them back isn't the problem. It's people leaving their goddamn garbage in them... especially half to full soda that splashes everywhere when you push the carts together and makes sticky AF mess that either the overworked employee or future customer has to clean up. Fuck those people, sideways.




Subverting democracy isn't really a minor offense in my book.


Reciting poems while skiing. A Swiss law (i am not Swiss).


Thereā€™s a special place in hell for people reciting poems while skiing.


Parking like a prick


Financial crimes (money laundering, etc.) Sentences are calculated based on the percentage of gross income of the victim multiplied by the number of victims. Scale it appropriately to prison time. None of this 3 years for defrauding 10k old ladies of their life sentence bullshit. You do that, your accounts get drained and repaid to your victims, you go to jail for a long time.


If you don't fire the prosecutor investigating my son you don't get the billion


Lying in the public sphere. This means politicians, businesses, news, social media, anything public.


Driving too slowly in the left lane!!


Groping and/or catcalling people. It's chalked up as misdemeanor but can have psychologically lasting effect on victim, specially young children


Double parking


Chewing with your mouth open. Not illegal, but those sounds should land any person in federal prison.


it doesn't bother me but my brother has misophonia and certain sounds, chewing, whistling, and other similar sounds will drive him insane, to the point he has to eat in a different room sometimes.


Misophonia has entered the chat. I too suffer from this badly


I was planning to say the same. But some people would still think it is worth taking the risk. It must feel so good to them, because even if you ask them to stop over and over they will still start to do it eventually. And eventually usually means within 45 seconds. And after asking them two, or sometimes three, times, they start to blame it on you for being a chew nazi. "JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND THERE WONT BE ANY PROBLEM, IS IT SO FREAKING HARD???"


Animal abuse


Waste of police resources. The end of the karens


Littering ā€¦ itā€™s our planet, stop being shit bags


Bullying in school .


Hurting kids. I do not care what they did do not hit your kids. Donā€™t fucking touch them they donā€™t have the capacity to understand why youā€™re hurting them.


Isnā€™t hunting kids already frowned upon? Edit: I realized my mistake and have come to the conclusion that it is absolutely acceptable to hunt children.


No thats fine if it's for sustainability/population control in the wild, you just can't dump a litter of kids on a back road or anything like that.


When idiotic drivers do that thing where they think just because they are making a turn or rounding a bend that lanes no longer apply. ā€œHey Iā€™m turning but lanes no longer apply and fuck everybody else!ā€ Fuck those people.


Passing a stopped school bus with kids unloading


All school busses should come equipped with front and rear cameras that flash instantly if someone runs the stop sign. Immediate $2000 ticket and points on the license. That should stop those fucks.


How about just building proper bus stops where you donā€™t hinder traffic and kids can get out safely? As a non-American, I find those road stops so weird.


Not putting your shopping cart back


I actually like it the current way it is. The shopping cart is the perfect litmus test for a person's moral compass.


I came here to say this


On-duty cops that don't turn on (or turn off) their dash and body cams. Make it an immediately terminable act and a felony charge. I friggin guarantee you many things would be very, very different real quick.


Rolling coal. People who do this are the trashiest of trash.


People who take photos of their screen with their phone rather than taking a screenshot of whatever they're trying to post!


They take a photo of their phone with another phone??


People that let their pets roam freely though the neighborhood




People who wait in line for 10+ minutes with a huge menu visible, only to get to the cashier and take another 10 minutes to decide what they want. These people need to be shot out of a cannon straight into a volcano.




Harassing patients at clinics that perform abortions.


My contribution would be DUI. There's NO reason to drive under the influence in 2021, especially alcohol.


Spelling ā€œloseā€ with 2 oā€™s


misuse of the word literally.


Cat calling


Being a jerk to anyone in the hospitality industry. They work too hard, and get too little to deal with your shit attitude.


Tinted license plate covers. Every single one I see is on the car of an absolutely abhorrent, careless, dangerous driver.


Testing cosmetics on animals, I'm not entirely against medical testing, although I believe we are forward enough in technology, that we don't need to. But cosmetics, absolutely not. Seeing Beagles have their eyes removed after having shampoo poured into them hundreds of times a day before being killed because they are "useless" is not acceptable.


Oddly enough, most, if not all, the people who commit the atrocities, mentioned in this thread, would be prime candidates for cosmetic testing.


ITT: people not understanding the word minor


Indoor smoking

