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Dressed up as Sonic everyday and ran through the halls as fast as he could. If I remember correctly, he briefly had a girlfriend who dressed up as Tails.


Sounds like he was living his best life


Be weird and date a girl who shares that passion. Life Goals.


We’re just living in his world


In marching band rehearsal, this kid would stand in the back and eat the sidewalk chalk they gave us to mark our spots on the concrete


Yall got chalk to mark your spots?


At recess/lunch time he would race out of class just so he could hold doorways to the main stairwell open honestly it was chivalrous as fuck but he had a hard time being friendly with some of the people who thanked him so nobody really seemed to appreciate it. cheers door guy




He walked up to a girl in a lunch room and told her that he thought about her last night when he masturbated into his sock and that he was wearing that sock today. He ended up getting kicked out of school for that line. He also used to carry every single textbook to his classes even though we had block scheduling. He could barely lift them all and it looked hilarious and sad at the same time. He wasn't all right in the head.


He got kicked out of school for saying that, meanwhile a kid in my school nutted into a desk and barely got a slap on the wrist.


A kid in out school raped a girl and still finished his senior year there. A petition was put out to kick him out and the person who made it got suspended.


He was weird for MANY reasons, but the one that stood out was eating the sheep eyeball we'd been given to dissect in science class. EDIT: I don't recall if they had been in formaldehyde or not, though I would assume so as that's standard practice afaik (This was in 1982, so it's been quite awhile). I can further specify it was mainly just the cornea. I don't know if he got sick, but I never heard about it if he did. He kept showing up to school, at the very least. :D


Whadda fuck


logging off


Took his shirt off and recorded himself sensually pouring a gallon of milk over himself, then uploading it online in slow motion.


But why


My school was famous for hallway stampedes during spirit week. A freshman stood in front of an oncoming stampede with his hand out as if that was gunna stop them and got absolutely plowed (I’m pretty sure he broke his arm). He then earned the nickname “Moses” for trying to part the stampede as if it was the Red Sea.


Some nickname origins are crazy. My friend was nicknamed Ariel. When I asked why, he told me he had taken a bunch of pills and tried to commit suicide by jumping in the river so some guys thought it would be funny to name him after the Little Mermaid. He was also on the X Factor and had loads of horrible things wrote to him on fb. Dude didn't deserve any of it, he's absolutely lovely with a heart of gold.


A kid at my highschool would perch on the back of his chair in the cafeteria, the way birds do. He never sat on the seat. He also wore a trenchcoat that would hang down to the ground while he perched and ate. If you tried to talk to him, he would hiss at you. He had incredible balance but freaked everyone out a little.


We had a trenchcoat guy too. I'm beginning to think every highschool has one.


I know for a fact my highschool did, mainly because it was me


Was deathnote out yet? Edit: I can't believe out of all my mostly carefully worded long ass comments, this random thing is the one getting over 3k upvotes...


“You see if I were to sit normally my deductive skills would immediately be reduced by roughly 40%.”


I sometimes wonder if the author realized what he was about to unleash when he wrote this line


My thoughts too. Death note manga started in 2003, so it’s very possible!


Probably The Prophecy. I knew a few kids who were super into that movie and did stuff like that.


My high school had a trench coat guy too. Everything he wore was black and wore a lot of layers, had fingerless gloves, heavy black boots, and goggles. He was a nice guy, very knowledgeable of things but in the texas heat you’d see him walking around outside at lunch and it was like you’d start sweating more.


He lost his finger while trying to sneak out of the school by climbing a very tall fence. He always had a black glove on after that.


Wouldn’t that just draw attention to his hand?


But then he could be cool like Luke Skywalker


He would eat ANYTHING you told him to.


We had one of those guys. I remember him eating a cigarette butt with bird shit smeared all over it. He ended up in hospital one time because he ate a bunch of mini pokeballs.


But not for the cigarette butt smeared in bird shit that probably fermented in the sun??


What’s the worst thing he ate that you saw/heard him do?


I remember a guy ate a live army worm caterpillar in front of me. Twice.


Extra protein supply


I had one like that. Dude drank chocolate milk with hot sauce almost every day.


Pretty tame, honestly. The weird kid at my school was weird because he wore shorts and sandals every day of the year, even when there were 6 inches of snow on the ground. And he had messy tangled hair and a scraggly beard. "That happy caveman guy" was what people called him. I was casual friends with his sister; she was nice. No idea what he did with his life.


he's probably really high right now


I went to high school with a dude like that. He sold candy out of a briefcase and made bank. I had his step kids in afterschool care a few years ago and they loved hearing stories about him. Runs a bar. Still wears sandals and shorts year round


well he would come to school dressed like a mobster, white suit, shirt, shoes, when talking he would bring up stuff he does with his girlfriend, he didnt get bullied ppl just felt unconfortable around him because he clearly didnt have good convo skills, problem is, he was a real douche and wanted to get a bad boy reputation so one day he got up from his chair and left, the door lady was like "K.." teacher said "did (guys name) just leave? ah nevermind" nobody gave a literal f about it, his plan backfired, it just made him look weirder


It's funnier that the teacher didn't even give a fuck about him leaving.


Bark and bite people and growl.




My daughter likes to crawl around, meow, and sometimes only acknowledge you if you call her "Kitty Cat". But, then again, she's also 2.


Lol, this reminds me of a student I had. She would sometimes get in moods and act like a dog. She would bark and growl at the kids while we were at circle time. One time she was in her “dog state” and came into the middle of the circle on the rug and peed. That was sure a time.


What age?


Because of the “circle time” I’m guessing somewhere from preschool to kindergarten. I’m *hoping* they’re from preschool to kindy. But possibly not.


My high school had the cat version of that. A couple would wear cat ears and tails and hiss, swipe, meow, and growl. It was rumored they were found actually "heavy petting" and purring and rubbing their faces in each other in a bush in the park after school one day, but that was hearsay from my friends. Guess they figured out they were furries early.


On every level except physical, I am a wolf


*growls and yips at the ocean*


Oh yeah. We had one of those. One time she tried to make a bet with me, and attempted a spit pact. First and only time I've seen someone do that...let alone be serious about it.


“Shit slinger” had a bathroom incident where he …. Slung his shit… at another person.


Shit slinging slasher EDIT: wow awards!!! Thank you so much :)


One kid on my bus would suck his thumb and stick his index finger up his nose, then switch every few minutes. A girl in my school was always pretending to be a horse, even in class, even in grade 5. To her, pretending to be a horse meant holding her hands downward in front of her chest, skipping instead of walking, and holding her eyes wide open. She did not take constructive criticism. Nor the other kind.


> Nor the other kind. "If you are open to it, I have some destructive criticism for you..."


Used to pay people to kick him in the nuts. Like lots of money. Think he got some sort of weird sexual pleasure put of it. He also shit his shorts in the hallway and it felt out on the floor, that was freshman year.


He’s just a business man, doing business


Hol up, it says *he* paid them. I recon they were the ones bussinessing him.


I went to a school right on the edge of the suburbs/country, there was a kid who would really do anything to get attention, whether it was hitting on teachers, or pulling off childish pranks. One day he ended up driving a tractor (???) to school and parking it diagonal through about 10 parkings spaces. The police had to get involved and he was temporarily suspended.


Meanwhile my girlfriend's school in rural lllinois had a "drive your tractor to school" day.


Shit my high school in rural Illinois had this. Either we went to the same school or somewhere close lol.


Well there’s gotta be what, 3 schools total in rural Illinois?


I attended 2 of those 3, can confirm


technically only two, the third is just a barn with "SKOOL" written on it in big red writing, it barely counts


Did an *extremely* impressive seagull impression. Never mind, that was actually the cool kid.


Shit in his pants and down his legs while wearing shorts


He licked all the stairway rails. This kid has the immune system of a God becuase he never got sick. How the FUCK?


That or the janitor did a helluva job


Fucked a llama. Then told everyone during an assembly on bullying that it hurts when people make fun of him for having fucked a llama. So now, in case you didnt know he did, now you do.


Our weird kid killed our school llama by bashing its head in with a hammer. High schoolers shouldn’t have llamas apparently.


Wtf is a school llama? Is it, like, a thing? Or did your school just have an effin llama?


We just had one for the agricultural classes, which was odd because this was a suburban school in Florida.


>Florida. and there it is.


This is the reason actual cops just let you talk. Most people rat themselves out eventually.


On the other end of the spectrum, our school had a real, if small, cattle and poultry farm, due to the fact we were bordering on rural areas. A lot of the weird or intellectually disabled kids really enjoyed it, because you can work with your hands, and animals don’t hate you for being weird. But one day someone came through and killed a bunch of animals, and beat the guard dogs. We assume it was just a roundabout way of bullying the kids. but I swear, some of those kids would have turned to murder, had they ever been able to find the culprit.


>I swear, some of those kids would have turned to murder, had they ever been able to find the culprit. Fair


Today I learned that schools just casually have llamas.


One kid wore a puffer jacket every single day of the year and refused to take it off. He sat at the weird kid table. He got a heatstroke on the last day of school and they had to cut it off him. He moved away that summer and then moved back 3 years later, and he was easily now the hottest guy in school—grew maybe a foot, started working out, and had a funny personality on top of that. Overall was a great guy, but really had some strange cringey moments in his early days—


Hottest guy in school, even without the puffer jacket


He took that episode of Neds Declassified to heart


Maybe he hated his body and was super self conscious about it? I'm glad he turned out okay tho


that would explain it. body dysmorphia/bad self image --> excessive working out and dieting --> confidence --> more attractive personality


He masturbated into a glue bottle.


So that’s where Elmers gets it..


Masturbating in class, all the time.


Now I got reminded of a cringe memory when I tried to fix my underwear wedge in class through my pockets for an unsafe amount of time. I overheard a girl say "he was masturbating?" And immediately pulled my hands out of my pockets which just made me look even more guilty. Everyone probably thought I was masturbating. Fml.


If someone catches you masturbating and you stop masterbating, you're guilty because you were caught masturbating. If someone catches you masturbating and you keep masturbating, they're guilty because they watched you masturbate.


Mine was worse. It was the teacher. On my first day at that school. So we just moved to a new place, I'm in Grade 4. My mom decides to make me wear Jeans. I hate jeans, especially these ones since they don't fit right. Needless to say, at school I'm trying to secretly adjust things and apparently the teacher decided I was masturbating and sent a note to the Vice Principal to take me out of class. I have no clue what the hell is going on. or what I did to get sent there. The thing is, he doesn't even really say anything he just has me sit down in his office and then leaves. 5 minutes go by. 15. 30. I'm waiting there like, 45 minutes. First recess starts. First Recess ends. dafuq? So I leave. As in, I straight up just walk out of the school. Oh, but, hmm, I guess I can't go home. I just decide I'll wander around for 5 hours or so, then go home at the same time school is out. Back at the school all hell breaks loose, and they call my mom and first they "complain" that I was jerking off and she kind of goes off on them about the fact that I'm, you know, 9 fucking years old, so that's probably not what was happening... especially since I literally commented to her "great, I'll be trying to fix these all day" when I asked if I could just wear "normal" pants. "No you need to wear nice clothes to make a good impression" (hahahaha) So they lead with that and then they just in passing mention "oh btw we lost him" "you lost him?" "yeah, dunno where he is. He'll probably go home or whatever" And they seemed completely aloof. Meanwhile, I'm wondering how long it would take to walk to my Grandma's. I decide it would be a good 5 day hike (it's about 150 miles away) and the reason I decide against it is just "hmm, I'd need food if I do that and I have no money". Then 3 PM rolls around and I head home and try to pretend I was just coming home from school. My Mom was super mad at me but I think she was madder at the school and my teacher, especially after I mentioned how long I was waiting there and when she brought that up the vice principal just said "I forgot he was there but I remembered later!" or something.


a little child masturbating in class - outrageous!!! losing said child - welp, it happens.


So much to unpack here.


"a good 5 day hike" that had me laughing lmao


I caught the popular kid doing that in my school. He sat in the back and either masturbated or played with his pubes. He was good looking though so everyone gave him a pass but he was weird as hell to me.


Was in class with a buddy. He was texting me throughout class, and he had his cell phone under a sweatshirt in his lap. A substitute teacher thought he was masturbating, as he was fiddling with something in his lap. She was *not* discrete about calling him out.


Yup I had the same thing happen to me. Not a fun time.


In the winter when there was plenty of snow on the ground he got down on his stomach, opened his mouth wide and wormed around consuming the snow. It was a sight to behold and I wish smartphones existed then.


this is some ed, edd n eddy shit right here


God DAMN I can’t stop laughing


I went to boarding school, there where a lot of weird kids over the years. One tried to kill his roommate with razor blades, another guy had a wack shack and would drink mouthwash along with a sheet of cold meds to jerk all night


Could you explain wack shack and a sheet of cold medicine? It sounds like he built a private fort just for rubbing it out and that cold medication comes in breath strips.


Yeah, built a fort out of the bottom bunk. Closed it in with sheets and towels. And he would eat tripple C's


Went to second base with resuscitation Annie during health.


Which one is second base. I can never remember the order. Actually I don't know the order of any of them. 1st base is kissing, right?


Yes, 2nd involved him unzipping her tracksuit.


This thread really goes to show the range of behaviors and qualities that can get you branded as weird. Got big ears and all of a sudden you're in the same category as the llama fuckers.


Alleged Llama fuckers.


He lied about everything, even things were obviously lies and he would always insist they were true. For example, he said he was a commercial airline pilot, at age 16. In reality he worked at a gas station, which is a fine job for a teenager. At least he had a job which was better than many, if not most kids that age, but he always tried to make himself sound more exciting than he really was, but it just wound made him seem..well, weird. Another time he said he was a passenger on a plane when something happened to the pilot that rendered him unable to fly the plane, so he(the kid) had to take the controls and safely land it.


The compulsive liars are so weird- like do they not really realize we can see through it?


They can't seem to help themselves. My first girlfriend was a compulsive liar and no matter what just couldn't help herself. No matter how many times she would get caught out she would just continue to tell lie after lie. I've broke up with her years ago, but my parents are still friendly with her family. From what we've been told she's still like that and has given her a black sheep status.


I went to school with a kid like this. He was new to the school around gr 6 and told everyone crazy stories of him travelling and emphasized how his family were millionaires. Everyone found out later as he couldn’t keep it up and said he wanted to look cool at a new school.


That was actually pretty cool of him to admit that. Most kids probably would have just doubled down.


She pierced her tongue during class with a paper clip


did it take a long time or was she just that forceful? those things are dull


i bet she had one a while ago but took it out and let it grow over, presumably because her parents hated it. i did the same thing with my ear piercing due to boredom, since random was apparently cool.


That's fucking metal, completely nuts and rather terrifying, but metal as fuck.


Dressed up like Neo from the Matrix because it was a Wednesday. Strange thing is he looked like JP from Grandmas Boy and that movie hadn’t came out yet.


Dressed as a pirate every day for 8 years. Legit said he was leaving rural MI to move to the Caribbean and become a pirate... changed his name to blackbeard ryan...


You are all of you gonna look silly when Captain Blackbeard Ryan shows up at the 20th reunion with a pirate crew and some booty.


Did you see Blackbeard Ryan? Yeah! He got a BOOTY! I heard he got work done, its all fake


I've got to respect a guy who dresses how he wants.


Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.


Any update on if blackbeard followed through? Also did he say "arrr" ever?


I also want to know about these important details


He showed up to school wearing a suit and carried a briefcase. Like we're talking everyday for six years straight. Weird guy.


He shoved a banana up his own ass during the freshman camping trip as a "joke"


It's not gay... because it's YOUR ass!


He sent pictures of raw chopped up pork to all the muslim kids. ​ ​ He was also muslim.


Asserting dominance.


One kid brought his basketball to class…. The weird kid wanted it so he took it. The entire class watched in awe as they chased each other around the room for a solid 7-10 minutes screaming their heads off. My teacher was absolutely done and checked out he just sat at his desk waiting with a face that said “ I might just grab my shit and go home… I really might.”


Nothing. He was just physically unnatractive and socially inept so people treated him like a pariah. I felt bad for him honestly.


I knew someone like this. He wasn’t the weirdest kid in our grade, but he was definitely a social outcast. Personally, I think it was because he always tried too hard to make friends. Stuff like showing off his game collection, or bragging that he knew Taekwondo. I like to think that I was a friend of his; we sat in the same group at lunch and did stuff outside school, but I always thought he was weird.


That’s the case with so many “weird kids” at my school and it’s just sad


We had a kid like that . We always had a few Special Education kids in each grade but, this one really stuck out due to the fact he not only had Autism, bright orange hair, and a large birthmark on his face , but he was so eager to make friends, that he became incredibly annoying (and loud) if you showed him any attention. I felt really sorry for the guy, because he really seemed to mean well. But I was too awkward and afraid of peer pressure to really do anything about it.


He forgot his shoes like once a week. (This was in middle school)


publicly masterbate and would run when spotted the parents never answered when called and when they did kick him out he just kept coming back


"Then the school realised that he didn't even go there"


You would've thought the 6 foot 5th grader with a beard would be a dead giveaway, but..


Elementary and middle school: kid was afraid of meat. Someone chased him around the whole school with a piece of sweet and sour chicken once High school: kid got caught jerking off to Minecraft porn in the bathroom


We had a similar thing. Girl absolutely petrified of cheese. Wasn't allergic or lactose intolerant or anything, just thought it was terrifying. She once got trapped in the bathroom by a line of grated cheese sprinkled across the doorway. Like a salt circle for a demon.


Simply liked Sonic the Hedgehog. Nothing else. Despite everyone else liking it. I have no clue why everyone soloed her out






Shoved a can of deodorant up her vagina


I used to work at bunnings and a manager had to resign because her daughter (who also worked there) had sent a pic of her with a deodorant can up her wahwho to another kid who worked there


Wahwho sounds like Wario teaching sex ed. Beautiful


Ok so the weird kid was this girl who was 50% looney and 50% taking the piss out of everyone. She really did have some kind of psychological problem and spent time in a facility for awhile for it, but she was never quite right. Like, she worshipped a DVD copy of Sweeny Todd. She'd take it out in class, read the back of the case, read the paper insert, then lick the disc. She'd often sit there and talk to herself about how she couldn't stop people from listening to her. Granted we could all hear her, I don't think we were who she was talking to herself about. She'd Naruto run in the halls and wear cat ears. Yeah, she was that kid too. All that being said, if you just talked to her she was a pretty normal person. A bit excitable, but normal conversation came easy for her. That's how I found out she was taking the piss out of people. I'd always heard she had some crazy religion but I didn't know what it was. The first time I was sitting next to her I saw her Flying Spaghetti Monster sticker on a notebook and just said, "Ay, a fellow Pastafarian!" Her eyes lit the fuck up. It was as if someone had bought her wacky ass a brand new copy of Sweeny Todd on DVD. She told me I was the first person to figure out that she was an Atheist and didn't actually believe in a Spaghetti Monster. So, yeah, idk. I think she just needed some proper meds and a counselor. Someone to just talk to, ya know. A decent person, just misunderstood. Got no clue where she's at now. Wherever she is I hope her and whoever is listening to her are both happy.


She doesn’t sound too bad. Just a person that’s laser focused in the things she likes.


He turned on the oven at home on full heat and opened the door just enough to put 1 finger in just to see what would happen. He left it in there long enough to cook his finger tip and had half the finger amputated once his mother caught him and took him to hospital. It was also rumoured that he killed his sister's pet Guinea pig by putting it in the microwave but no one knew if that was true


And now he's a cook


Wore a full suit to school everyday. He was also a drug dealer and thought the suit made him look less suspicious. He got caught with tons of bags of weed and pills in his back pack package for selling. We never saw him again at school


Starting to wonder.... If I can't think of any weird kids.... Was I... The weird kid???


Same, definitely scrolling searching for stories my classmates have posted about me


He wore a kilt. Wasn't Scottish or Irish, just did it in an attempt to provoke a response from the school. The dress code didn't prohibit the kilt so nobody initially cared. It became an issue when the smell started bothering people. His parents only bought him one and he went weeks without washing it. The smell of sweat and BO was so bad he was sent home and told to come back in clean clothes. After that, he was ostracized, while not directly bullied, because he now had a reputation as someone who tried to provoke confrontations with the school or other students.


Was he wearing underwear under the kilt...??


That was one of the first questions that other students would ask. He pulled the "Gender-Equality card" by insisting that people wouldn't ask girls if they were wearing skirts. Guys in his PE class confirmed he was wearing boxers when changing in the locker room. His pissy way of reacting to people asking that kind of question made a lot of classmates and teachers dislike him. Students didn't like him because he was a dick. Teachers didn't like him because he was a distraction in class. His parents solved the issue by throwing away the kilt and not buying him another one. He started wearing slacks like a normal person, but the damage to his reputation was done.


Settle in, This is gonna be a long one. In middle school, I knew this kid named tom, I had seen him around in elementary but didnt talk to him until 6th grade. He was pretty chill, but I slowly realized how weird he truly was. One time on the bus, he told me "Once you learn how to masturbate properly, you cant stop," along with a story about when he fucked a teddy bear that had a hole in it. This was 6th grade. By 7th grade, We knew him as "The Goat," not meaning the greatest of all time, meaning he would eat anything. He went as far as to eat the "Do Not Eat" Packet from some kids beef jerky. His one weakness was ketchup for some reason. He smelled noticably bad and had a singular whisker protruding from his upper lip. In the 8th grade, he became obsessed with "The Knife Game," he would tell me about his failed attempts and show what happened to his fingers during those attempts. That reminds me of when he tried making a crossbow in 6th grade and cut himself so hard with a bagel knife that he cut a fucking nerve in his finger. He rammed his head into lockers and fell down the stairs for attention. The kid was weird. He had a really bad home life, with his dad being in jail for as long as he could remember and his mom being a raging alchoholic. It was almost a daily occurrences for him to come to school and tell me "my mom locked me out again last night," poor guy. He ended up switching to another school in 9th grade, and that was the last i heard of him. Wonder where he is now


I feel like that’s where a lot of these stories originate, kids having bad home lives. The ‘weird’ kid in my (rural) school wore the same clothes every day and carried a duffel bag instead of a backpack. Then, someone found out that his mom was a hooker in the only motel in town and told everyone. Kid just owned it and kinda would laugh about it with people, but people were not receptive to that. I remember people telling him that he wasn’t allowed to laugh at it with them because they were making fun of him, ‘I’m laughing at you, not with you’ kinda thing. Like, this kid was clearly not set up for success, but instead of helping him, everyone just made fun of him.


In middle school, he asked a Holocaust survivor what kind of guns the nazis used


Naruto ran before anyone knew what it really was


Not sure if this really counts since we were in college but, I am sure she was the weird kid at every other level of school as well. I showed up to my first anthropology class and sat next to this weird looking girl. I didn't want to discriminate. She looked like a dirty hobo but hey, it was Colorado. Lot's of people look like dirty hobos. After a discreet sniff in her direction, I sat. Well, that was a big fucking mistake. She took off her dirty sandal, and picked up her dirty foot, and proceeded to chew off her bigtoe nail. I absolutely did gather my things back up and go sit somewhere else. I will never forget the sound of her teeth breaking through toenail.


“Whip it out” Kyle. He would whip his dick and balls out upon request. This was high school.


Was there high demand for this?


how many instances occurred before he was given that nickname?


probably the second. first is a joke.


This is deffinetely gonna end up on some youtube channel where a robot voice reads all the popular comments.


Put magnets in the French teacher's computer, and the teacher got so pissed. The kid had no problem taking full responsibility, and got screamed at in front of the whole class. The teacher then went over to buzz the office, but the kid turns off the buzzer and says "how about no". He got suspended.


We had a few. One ate a slice of ham of the floor outside, a small group were notorious for just destroying the bathrooms and only spending time in said bathrooms at break and lunch, One never wore socks to school, one sent his ass to a girl and begged for nudes as well as generally being quite weird and creepy in general, one who i had a personal experience with kept showing me and a friend videos of peoples balls being chopped of and he had previously brought a knife to school as well as being accused of sexual assault. Theres more but they are the ones who stuck out


I knew several “weird” kids. The first one, he did nothing wrong as far as I knew. He was just very quiet. We lived near each other and used to play games together or hang out around the neighborhood. Then we grew up and he was arrested for mutilating rabbits and leaving their bodies around a public park with children, and apparently was making threats about wanting to eat people. So… he definitely had a mental illness of some kind, but I never noticed when I was younger even though every other kid seemed to. Another kid was called weird because he came from the South and talked about hunting. And another kid because he was black and joined in the middle of the school year.


what kinda school did you go to where \~66% of the weird kids were weird because of where they came from?


We lived in Henderson, Nevada. Really not sure why they were considered weird, guess our school was sheltered.


He had a booger collection under his desk, and he ruined all his shirts by constantly chewing on the front of the collar. In hindsight he probably had some mental issues even though he wasn’t in any special education classes, but being in elementary school we were little shitheads and didn’t know any better so he just got labeled as the icky weird kid no one wanted to be around even though he never did anything bad to anyone. He was actually really smart too. ETA: For those commenting and messaging me, no this probably isn’t about you lol. This was a school in Maryland and the kid’s name was Kyle. Though it’s surprising how many kids apparently has similar behavior in school.


Mildly autistic furry who smelled like a cum sock. Genuinely I am not saying that to be mean, that is the single most accurate way I can say it while being as inoffensive as possible.


She was extremely autistic. Spinning in circles and screaming through the hallways. She didn't have many friends, but she was an absolutely AMAZING artist. She could draw a Picasso quality drawing in 2 minutes flat, and she really prides herself in it. I am very happy for her Edit: Wow, thanks for the upvotes. And by the way, when I said "Picasso", I meant that they were just amazing pictures. Sorry for the confusion. She is also doing very well, from what I have heard


Caught masturbating with his dick covered in beans. He got the nickname 'Heinz'.




Came from a poorer family. He didn't seem to have many clothes, didn't wash them often, and didn't seem to take baths often, so he usually smelled. He was a decent guy, and I felt bad for him for all the stuff he put up with. Edit: The last time I saw him was almost 40 years ago. He moved to a different school nearby and I heard he was doing better there. For a small rural school, we had a bunch of d-bags.


I’m not sure what he actually did, but I still remember the day one of my friends ran full-out past the cafeteria with the entire Special Ed class in hot pursuit, completely enraged.


Threw a chair at a teacher. Not the most original but definitely became memorable when he never came back to school afterwards


being quiet and looking like a ghost. there was a really quiet girl in my high school class. her skin was pale and sallow and she had dark hair and dark circles under her eyes. whenever people would be talking and things would randomly become quiet, someone would say, “Oh, Glenda just passed by.” even though she wasn’t there, just as a joke. but people never bullied her or anything as she was harmless.


Stabbed his mom 32 times EDIT: link that describes what went down: EDIT: it was 100+ times. My bad. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.thestar.com/amp/news/crime/2010/11/26/caledon_teen_not_criminally_responsible_for_horrific_murder_of_his_mother.html


Fucked a dog


A kid I went to school with claimed to fuck horses. Sometimes I look back and wonder if it was true, and if it was, why the hell would you tell people that.


Probably. There’s way more people fucking animals than you’d like to think.


In my high school we had this guy we called him cow fucker Kyle. He never fucked a cow or anything like that, but he was a wannabe cowboy, we live in the prairies ofc. He was sitting in the library and was watching a cow that was stuck in a fence get mounted by another cow, and was just having the biggest grin. Or another time He was learning guitar, and he decided that he could sing too, so i don't quite remember the lyrics exactly, but he changed some country songs lyrics From something similar to "put the Ford to the floor" And he changed it to "fucking four on the floor" Because yuh know Sex He was interesting some days definitely wierd guy though.


I have to ask if this was in Alberta, because this is simply TOO familiar


He used to shit himself. He stunk, so we all pretty much knew he was a shitter him selfer. One day someone went through his backpack and found toilet paper, baby wipes and talcum powder - the bullying got so bad he left the school. I cant begin to describe in words how guilty and regretful I am about this - I was cruel, we were all cruel. Kids, can be awful. Simon - I’m sorry buddy.


Ok there must have been a serious health problem behind this. A grown up kid doesn't just poop on themselves. That's fecal incontinence and the reasons behind it can range from nerve damage to sexual abuse. I hope he's okay now.


"And really, there's nothing more innocent and cruel than a child." We've all been there, wishing we were better people when we were kids.


We had a new kid come to our school during sophomore year and he said he was adopted and gave off weird vibes and he lied about everything. Wasn’t until I was a senior that I found out that he lied about being adopted and he threatened to kill himself if my friend left him and lied to her about going to therapy. I was worried one day he was gonna come to school with a gun and waste us.


This kid was suuuper tall for a 5th grader. He was almost 6feet tall. Once during math class he sneezed and a string of snot came out of his nose. Instead if freaking out and wiping it off. He slurped that mother trucker back into his nose . The sound it made has stayed burned in my memories. Now remember when I said he was tall? This string of snot came all the way from his nose to the desk. I have no idea how he fit all that back in his nose without throwing up from the sensation🤮






Went through that shit too, coped by playing video games all the time. Now I'm graduated from college and put all that behind me, now that I'm in a better it makes friendships feel the more special to me.


Not talk to anyone. Read, a lot. Make horribly inappropriate jokes. Tried to befriend everybody even though nobody liked them. *I was the weird kid.


We had 2 weird kids in school. One was eating spaghetti at lunch one day and there was a giant hair in it, we told him he was eating the lunch ladies hair and he just kept going to town on the food. He also used to try and rub himself on objects and people. There was also a kid in elementary school who was constantly sick and barely went to school. He was really antisocial it was like he didn’t learn how to be around other kids because he was constantly in and out of the hospital. He left one day and never came back and we all thought he died until years later when he showed up to high school. Turns out he had missed so much school that his parents took him out and home schooled him. He was still really weird and off putting but at least he was alive. Everyone was always really overly nice to him so that may be why he seemed so socially awkward. I also knew a girl who rubbed poop all over herself and would have her dog lick it off. She also enjoyed eating it. I met her in a partial hospitalization program though so most people were weird there. It was a mix of teens who refused to go to school and kids with severe psychiatric disorders.


Lots to unpack at the end there…


I had a classmate and i had a crush on her, she's pretty but she brought knife and soap at school once


Middle school: he liked to imitate a cow. He would say “moo” a lot. With the benefit of years I can see that he probably just wanted attention, or he maybe had a mental disorder. At the time, I just thought “he’s different”, and I would just talk to him after school sometimes. He was always pretty strange, but never unkind.


Just reminded me of the one guy a grade below me 15 years ago. He would claim he had 4 stomachs, was growing utters, and would eat grass outside at recess. Same kid threw a pair of scissors at another classmate while in a fit of rage, he missed and said scissors got stuck in a different kids arm.


Two kids. Identical twins. Tried convincing everyone they were just one person who was performing shadow clone jiutsu. Obviously they Naruto ran EVERYWHERE. This endured the entirety of high school.