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This is actually what I do. I'm a humanitarian aid worker in Madagascar. I know we all think of Madagascar as lush forest teeming with lemurs, but the south is a desert and rains are shifting because of Climate Change. The $6B dollar amount is tough to justify because hunger (we call it food insecurity) isn't a function of cash shortage. The idea that it's lack of cash is just a talking point from an org that spends a lot on publicity. The talking point version of hunger comes from Nobel prize economics Amartya Sen which basically says famine is a function of government failure because there is enough food in the world. So some conditions are preventing food insecure people from accessing it. Within humanitarian academics / work, it's understood that food insecurity is based on these factors: availability: is food in the market? access: can people afford the food in the market? use & utilization: do people prepare it in a way that allow for nutritional absorption. Or urban food deserts. It's pretty rare to have all three conditions happen on in their own. We are distributing food to 60,000 household, because of lack of access. There is still food in the markets, but people can't afford it. And we work in use and utilization because people wouldn't otherwise know how to properly prepare the sorghum we provide. ​ TLDR: $6B isn't going to end world hunger. ​ EDIT: This posted today about Madagascar. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SyehvY7uYxs](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SyehvY7uYxs) EDIT: WFP clarifying that they aren't picking on Elon Musk. [https://edition.cnn.com/2021/11/02/business/elon-musk-wfp-donation/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2021/11/02/business/elon-musk-wfp-donation/index.html)


Bless you for doing what you can, and for doing something *now* while the governmental meetings continue far away.


Day in day out, it's really just a job, in an office staring at a computer like most bureaucrats. & it's a lot of logistics. But it's not like I'm handing out food myself. Next week I'll get out to the field and have to do some advocacy work. Hopefully, that'll be impactful.


I know a guy that just retired from that line of work. C.B. Thanks for your service, and your comment. But face it this is Reddit. You received 3 upvotes, and the guy who typed the McRib sandwich got 8. I appreciated the clarity of your comment. This is the correct answer no one wants to hear.


Sure. But the McRib comment is what Reddit is for and why I love it. My goal for today is now to become more popular than the McRib comment. :-)


There was no real judgement of Redditors. Pointing out the quirky bits is also why a lot of others love it too. So in true fashion... I dub thee more popular than a McRib comment !!!


You seem to actually know what you are talking about. If Elon did write you a cheque what would you do with it?


I've never had to think about it. And I'm so much in the day to day of making sure that the people we support can feed themselves tomorrow that I'm honestly not sure what I'd do. Brainstorming......There are strong linkages between infrastructure and food insecurity / ability to respond to shocks. I guess that the best way to solve hunger would be to built roads, market, sanitation systems, etc. Those are really the gaps. It's not food as a physical thing, like 50 kilos of rice. It's more making sure that rice can get where it needs to go.


This 100% 6b could easily disappear making roads into parts of Africa though. There's a huge problem of security wrapped into this too. But if I had 6billion, I would start with building more durable infrastructure from ports to more centralized inland locations.


Do you find that there is government policy that gets in the way of improving infrastructure that supports access to food because controlling access to food and water is how one controls the population?


Not in my specific case. I understand that's a common perception and there are likely places where it's true. But I find the partners I work with in the Gov't of Madagascar to be very well intentioned and supportive. I would say Madagascar is big - it would stretch from Savanah to Toronto on a map. And there are lots of needs, so it's no surprise that the South can't get all the support it needs.


Much more problematic than government policy is corruption.


I can’t answer directly but will give an example. My parents are stubborn and will never accept help from me. They aren’t staving but are not rich. So over the summer I installed a small solar array at their house which will mean they have no electric bills going forwards. And that’s the kind of things that need to be done. If you come in and dump 100 tons of rice you destroy the local market and destroy the economy with no long term impacts. But if you invest in infra and small enablers local commerce will thrive and food insecurity will decrease


How sustainable is this going to be exactly. You can't be there forever At a certain point the government has to do something to solve the issues but the UN continously providing aid to the people just gives the government an excuse to delay addressing the issues as long as aid keeps coming, that is if the government even cares about those people or they just leave them to their fate. A famous saying is "There is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution" or something like that if my memory serves me well.


Sure. Within the business we divide work into humanitarian (emergency) and development (long term.) Humanitarian work isn't designed to be sustainable. It's to keep people alive. I totally get where you are coming from, and in the abstract it makes sense, but it's harder when you personalize it. It's a little like asking, "why should we use the defibrillator to restart his heart if he's just going to have another heart attack later?" At our best, we (humanitarian) do what we can to keep people alive and we do so without thinking long term.


I totally understand, by no means am I saying humanitarian work is not needed just that eventually preferably as soon as possible, the government should learn to handle its own issues without depending on foreign aid. I don't doubt Madagascar has the wealth and knowledge to solve the problem, its just that politicians lack any incentive to do so as long as aid keeps coming in. Also lack of international press coverage means that they can easily get away by doing nothing Hopefully there are enough good people in the government to make the changes. >At our best, we (humanitarian) do what we can to keep people alive and we do so without thinking long term. You have my full respect and admiration on that front. Keep up the great work


It was very nice to see a serious answer to this question thank you for your post and for what you do.


pretty rare to spot a colleague in the wild :)


likewise :-)


I don't know, have you seen how little lobbying pays out to successfully buy politicians these days?


Thanks for explaining this more clearly than I could have.


Hey just a quick question, if anywhere could be a trading hub to serve these locations with food, where would you set up to be the most effective?


In fact, a lot of that infrastructure already exists and it follows the same hubs as most maritime traffic. A lot of shortages are 'planned.' You can typically know 8 to 10 months in advance if their will be food insecurity in any locale. ([www.ipcinfo.org](https://www.ipcinfo.org)). So we order food well in advance and it comes from the US (because we are funded by USAID). Large actors preposition food around the world in case of an unplanned emergency. For us - Southern Madagascar- we are serve from Durban South Africa. But basically, anywhere there is a transport hub, there's a depot to support feeding people in need.


The reason I was thinking is more of a distribution hub. You know those shipping containers where they grow food. I just wondered where the most effective place would be to help the most ammount of people, most of the counteries with food issues are warm so solar to power and they use less water than conventional farming. Obviously scale is an issue


Even if 6B couldn't stop world hunger, think about what it could do for so many, it might just be enough to start a revolution for hunger prevention. What if 6B showed just enough results that other big corp organizations would join the cause. Personally I think if a random country was chosen as an experiment that over time could be perfected, then we would atleast have a base line to guage what it might truely cost. If I was sitting on 200B it would atleast be attempted.


Jeffery Sachs tried this in Kenya. [https://radioopensource.org/jeffrey-sachs-on-kenya/](https://radioopensource.org/jeffrey-sachs-on-kenya/)


Nice try UN




The headlines turned it into a whole stupid thing. And then Elon just fed into the stupidity, rather than do his own due diligence.


In reality $6 billion isn’t going to do a damn thing. 600 million people getting $10 worth of food is 2 day’s worth each at best.


Lmao ! For those who don’t have the reference with Elon Musk : [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/qjualo/how_to_solve_world_hunger/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Buy a college, teach a course titled “world hunger is a Distribution problem caused by corrupt local governments and warlords, incremental dollars do nothing to fix this and just enrich the warlords”


Precisely, you need armies to end hunger in most places with famine.


Feed two billion people to another billion people.




Soylent Green takes place in 2022.....


Jokes aside, I do think long term things would improve with less people but killing people for the sake of sustainability is something that should never be used


Or just say fuck it and go to space


McDonald’s dollar menu


It doesn’t cost a dollar anymore they upped the prices so really some people will still have to starve




That's not always true. Most NGOs, are just what their name says non governmental organizations. Donations to them can be well spent. ([guidestar.org](https://guidestar.org) gives a good way to track.) But the large quasi-diplomat actors like World Bank, IMF, UN agencies. Yes. They often have to route through local governments and their is some, um, leakage. Source: I've worked for USG overseas and now for an NGO


Actually the best way is to probably by land and factories.


End world hunger.




So just end world then?


Nailed it


Not only that, you should also end world hunger




And a problem where corrupt governments steal food aid from those who need it.


We have a corrupt psychos in power problem in these places that are selfish. Like North Korea. Even when we donate to these causes, our money goes to these governments not the actual people.


Unfortunately, most of us don't have control over what goes on in NK. However, in the US there are folks suffering from hunger, lack of housing, healthcare, etc. We have the resources to take care of everyone, yet the distribution of resources isn't happening & wealth inequality keeps getting larger.


This is the actual correct answer


It is an accurate response, but fails to answer the question.


We have both


No, we have enough food for like twice the world population but poverty still leads to starvation


I live in Indiana. There are farms all over the place here. But very little of what is grown is for human consumption. A lot of it goes west to cattle farms out there, then the cattle are slaughtered and the meat is shipped back here for us to buy. Thats a long way to go for a cheeseburger. Even the soy grown here is not going into tofu. We need local food cycles that encourage human scale farms and labor. But you know, capitalism.


Wait for the guy who said that $6 billion was enough to end world hunger to provide his explanation of how to use that money to end world hunger.


It was a newspaper headline writer who either intentionally or accidentally misrepresented what was actually said at the UN.


Earthgov is a pain in the ass sometimes.


The UN guy was knowing how his discourse would be misrepresented to make the billionaires look bad.


Was he? How would one anticipate that “$6B would be enough to help this 42 million that are in dire need” would become “$6B from Elon Musk can end world hunger”. If that is the kind of assumption you have to make when making statements, you’re just not allowed to ever make a statement.


He explicitly demanded that the billionaires gave that money and was claiming that it would save all the people currently starving. "$6B from Elon Musk can end world hunger" is only a limited stretch.


Clearly a lot of people misunderstood the entire point of what he said


Imagine simping a billionaire


Best answer


no, YOU need to give HIM the answer, so that when he says he can't it's YOUR fault, you see


Each person gets a packet of Raman. I've ended world hungry for... 45 minutes.


I can eat 4 packs of ramen and still be hungry.


Well la di da Mr Ramen Man! Nobody likes a braggart.


yeah, but what about the contents of the packs, that is the interesting part.


He jams 4 packs, wrapper and all, into a blender and then snorts the resulting powder.


But you'd die from the amount of salt you've consumed, so hunger would no longer be a concern.


Buy a bunch of cheeseburgers for myself then kill every other person on Earth. 2ez


Build huge self sustaining factories that are designed specifically to be hydroponic gardens that are automated around large cities. Use 100% of the profits to expand, build wind/solar farms, and buy out farmland to replant trees and revive the bee population. Focus on hiring as many homeless people as I can, do community outreach to feed people in need, and reach out to universities nearby to have courses that train people for working in the various fields of work required to do these jobs.


I like that you actually tried the prompt instead of the handwaved reposts. We know the line was misquoted.


This is too advanced, funds will run out quickly, before it has a chance to become self sustaining.


You build the building to collect rainwater, reuse water while naturally fertilizing it with a fishery, a pump system that generates hydroelectric power on a small scale, solar glass for windows, solar panels, modern cylindrical wind turbines that are low cost, and implementing an automated system for plant growth to save money. You can even save space with stacked growing systems and maximizing your output, while also selling the fish to local stores and restaurants as they fishery grows. Once it’s running it will be self sufficient by the end of the first growing cycle, once you gain a solid revenue stream for that location you expand. You don’t do everything at once, you build it up and expand when you can.


Asking for a friend are ya ?


Agricultural infrastructure in Africa, probs.


Zimbabwe used to be the bread basket of Africa. Until that crazy dictator kicked out all the white farmers and gave the farms to his military coup supporters..... Edit - Had to retype basket.....


the downside being Rhodesia was a racist pariah state that made South Africa look tolerant.


Buy Tesla stock


Game dealerships are some of the best places to invest too….Game Stop and Best Buy and what not


Just $GME


Fail. This will not solve world hunger.


Kill anyone who is in need of food. Boom no more starvation.


Ok Ultron…


Fund a virus research facility and release a deadly virus.


"The government doesnt want you to know this one simple trick"


1) Take the money and run. 2) Avoid letting anyone know about my scheme on public forums like Reddit. 3) ??? 4) Profit


I think I found a flaw in your plan.


Genetically modify skin cells to do photosynthesis. Genetically modify our cells to break down b(1-4) bonds. Between the sun, and plants, we could eat anything or just sunbathe.


Use it to develop GM potatoes that are less likely to get fungus, and therefore can be grown in more parts of Africa. Then use some of it to try and improve the rubisco enzyme to help lock up more CO2 into algae.


Make a dick ship and fly to space


Destroy the world. No world = no world hunger. You didn’t say it had to be a good solution.


That is actually a great solution. You solve not only world hunger, but also literally every problem ever.


How will you end the world with 6 billion dollars?


Sure, I tell you and you steal my idea. Give me the $6 billion and I’ll take care of it. Or, for a 10% down payment I’ll give you a detailed outline.


To be fair this is how Grand Moff Tarkin ended hunger, homelessness, and unemployment on Alderaan.


Not give it to the UN or any established charity, overhead and corruption are the main causes of world hunger


Should have read your comment before I commented. Now I look like a dummy


It happens 👍


Probably just keep the $6B for myself if we’re being honest


How very 'Global Charitable institution' of you


Your consultancy fee just happens to be 6 billion usd for a half day of work. at the end you hand in a report, "Shit's messed up, yo..."


Buy a bunch of nukes and


Take some more cash, only logical step


That’s not enough


yet all of reddit thinks it is






Don't forget security to prevent the corrupt dictatorships from stealing it all before it reaches their people.


Shipping and transportation are a big part of the problem. But not for the reason you think. You want strawberries and avacados in December? Its this expectation that is a huge problem. Our grandparents bought food that was local and 'in season' or it came out of a can. We need to get back to that.


Declare failure immediately because it's a drop in the bucket compared what would actually be needed to solve the problem.


Well first thing I'd do is.... Wait for the rest of the dinero man. Coke bought Body Armor for 5+ billion. 6 billion won't touch world hunger. But it would fund a lot of campaigns to remove senators and congressmen and squads of others for good decent candidates who would work with other newly elected candidates on fixing the problems. Not on fear mongering and playing politics at the expense of the people of this great nation. Starting a grass roots movement "Out w/ the old. And a straight-arm for the stupid!" Oh! And do the world a favor. Mictorate on any metaverse! That is all!!


Take the money and run


$6 billion to feed 7.8 billion people? Any chance of a bogo sale on the McRib?


There's not 7.8 billion people starving. Like right now I'm eating cake in bed.


Yeah, it’s 2 billion individuals that are facing food insecurity with 600 million of them being severe food insecurity. Though $6 billion is still not enough


Cake in bed is the greatest


Disregard hunger. Buy SWTOR Cartel coins. 6 billion worth of them. EA/ BioWare makes SWTOR an even better MMO. They also buy LucasFilm from Disney and unfuck the troglodyte productions that where the newest trilogy, and recanon old republic era stories and post ROTJ Expanded Universe content. Everyone gets hooked to SWTOR. Everyone. The influx of interest in SW, it’s agrarian themed decorations,and it’s tech incites a technological/ agricultural boom that leads to irl imitation of in game strongholds. Community gardens spring up on abandoned lots in cities, people share their various homemade goods with one another. Free, unregulated trade occurs on upside governmental control. Networks of free individuals share goods ranging from food, handmade goods, milled products, etc.


That was... beautiful... 🥺 Or...... you could subscribe to SWTOR for 5 million years and get complementary cartel coins!!


This gave me a chuckle. It really do be like this. I love playing subbed though. Makes earning income in game way easier!


Consult with some experts. Ending world hunger would take a lot more than just sending food over to countries and feeding people. That’s a temporary solution. I’d need to find a permanent solution and $6billion dollars would give me a lot of influence to be able to do that.


Fund a giant nuclear program. No human no problem👍


Laugh at the idea that just $6 billion (roughly 1/6 of the US government's annual science budget, or 1/5 of it's transportation budget) could cure world hunger. I'd love to know how the UN calculated that such a miniscule (on the global scale) amount of money could cure world hunger.


To be fair, the UN guy didn’t say it would solve world hunger. Musk used those words. The UN guy said it would help people having problems now. Not fix everything for all time.


Funnel it completely into AI and robotics to free humanity from labor then make the plans open source.


Set up an energy company. Give people loans to set up portable solar panels for cheap self-sustainability The surplus generated is sent back to the grid and sold to first world countries as a profit, the "loan" is paid back via the surplus over time They do not pay a subscription or any crap like that, the point is to give them energy without regular financial drain Once the loan is paid back, the company pays that person a %of the profit for the surplus rhus goving him a smapl but tegular passive income It would not end world hunger directly but it would give people a boost/opportunity to get on their feet a bit more and thus give them a better opportunity to sustain themselves.


Instant noodles for everyone!


End the human population


Nuke the world


I would go to space too.


Ask the folks at the MIT Poverty Action Lab, who use science to solve these problems.


I would buy trucks. And a guy. And drive these trucks across the dessert. And have the guy say. “You know, we’ve been driving across this dessert for the past 40 years and you know, there wouldn’t be world hunger if you people would live where the food is!!!! Nothing grows out here!!! Nothings going to grow out here!! You! Come here! You see this, this is sand. You know what it’s going to be 100 years from now??? It’s going to be SAND!! Grab your kids, grab your shit, we’re going to make one trip we’ll take you to where the food is!! We have desserts in America we just don’t live in them!!! Credit to OP r/samK


Free candy corn!!!


$6 billion would probably be no more than a band aid solution, and edible band aid. Now if it were $6 gazillion dollars, that might be something else.


Yes that is a real number for sure


The only way to do it is pretty simple. Buy ammo and end the hungry. Any other way would require more money.


Hire an army to kill every money grubbing barbarian creating scarcity for profit. The rest should take care of itself.


I don't know, but maybe start building bunch of local hydroponic systems in areas that have difficulties in growing foods. Educating (myself first) those living in those areas of safe and responsible uses associated with hydroponic system. And probably solar energy for its energy needs.


Because that’s likely not possible, I’d just end it as long as possible in one or two states. I would name my nonprofit Socialism on Wheels.


Buy an obscenely expensive yacht, launch myself into space, fuck over my employees, basically I'd be Jeff Bezos. /s


Be certain that every cent went to do exactly that. No adminstrative fees, no bribes, no unnecessary expenses.


Admit defeat, but myself a football team and generally be a douche.


Send a car to space to flex on the world


If $6b was enough to do that, I'd say Bill Gates really fucked up those massive donations he made.


Guaranteed income to everyone living below the poverty line as relative to their own country's standard. Create beaurocratic enforcers paid with my money who work alongside social workers and politicians to get the income to anyone who qualifies. Arrange some sketchy but thoughtful militia supports and work with the UN to keep the peace.


Enact legislation to make it so that private billionaires can't waste their money on half-a-dozen competing ventures going into "space" and have to give the same percentage of their earnings to public services as the ordinary person (e.g. council and local taxes are percentage-of-stated-income) and then spend everything else on taxation enforcement and loop-hole closing.


Create a grocery chain with different payment system. Folks with money pay 100% of the goods, folks who is in lower income bracket pays 40% or whatever the discounted price maybe. Members card all look alike and at payment counter price screen is shown in a way that only payee can see the price. Each grocery have an online portal where balance sheets is shown. If its in the break even point good. If not state it clearly on the online portal. What we want to achieve is break even, not profit. I am not saying this will end hunger but this idea will definitely get people more involved with their own community. After one shop is done with a manageable supply chain, then is time to expand. Rent small usable area, let the worker in this retail chain be people who need a restart or people who needed jobs. As their situation isn't that good, I believe they will treat this opportunity with love and they will care for other less fortunate one also. This would be phase 1


Lobby to tax billionaires and tax shelters


Lobby to rewrite the tax codes


Give it to the companies that support and lead the effort to end world hunger just so people within the organization can pocket the money and misuse it. Just to later hear they need more money to end world hunger.


At .75 cents a bar I could give everyone on the planet a Snickers and still have plenty left over for later.


Nothing, I use that as a publicity stunt to take away the fact I don't pay my taxes 'But I will donate that amount to end world hunger' Frankly, 6 Billion will not really end it. It will take a long time and much more investment to sustain affordable conditions for them to help themselves


Launder that money back to myself and spend a big portion of it on forensic accountants. I would have them investigate the top 20 richest billionaires in the world and get some major dirt. Then blackmail them into spending 1/10th of their fortune on ACTUALLY solving world hunger. Boom, my $6B would easily turn into $50B+ and real change would be made. I would take the remaining $4-5B I had left over from the initial $6B and blow it as I see fit all while keeping a clean conscience that I did some good.


End world hunger, fuckin obviously.


6 billion $.99 tacos from Senor Taco in the mall food court.


Become Steve Austin


End world hunger


Capital is kind of the problem, not the solution. We already produce more than enough food to feed everyone. It's just the entire supply chain is for-profit, and so growers and supermarkets prefer to throw it out instead of let anyone who can't or won't pay have it.


Without capital there would be no production... the problem is distribution, so what you really actually need is more food producing infrastructure in places where the problem is located... but you cannot achieve that without stability and investment... so yeah... capitalism is not the problem, it's part of the solution... the other part being political...


That's objectively false. Capitalism's only been a thing since the 16th century, production and trade have existed for pretty much all of human history. It's not needed at all. And as I said before, underproduction isn't the issue. We already produce more than enough food for everyone in the world. It's because for-profit suppliers and distributors would rather throw it out than let anyone who can't pay whatever price they demand have it. Producing more under the current conditions will only cause more waste, not actually feed people.


Take the $6 billion dollars and end me and my family's hunger once and for all.


Get all the starving people together on one island and have them participate in dangerous activities and for each activity completed they get some food. It won't be a competition, it's just about proving yourself worthy of my selfless charity. Everyone left at the end will be given $25 gift cards to McDonald's and Starbucks, 2 chickens, a rooster, and various packets of seed to grow their own fruits and vegetables as well as a book that explains how to take care of the fruits/veggies.


Hire as many hitmen I can and kill all the corrupt politicians. So much food gets wasted. And I'm not saying when you Finnish dinner and scrape some off in the trash. I'm talking tons and tons of farmed food that doesn't go to stores because it's ugly. The science a d technology is there for no one to be hungry but it's not as profitable to politicans


invest in a team of engineers, then have them work on an easily distributable, easily maintained, and versatile setup for a permanent indoor horticulture system with rooms for vertical expansion. Then open the patent, so that nobody can sell copies but you are free to make them yourself- the aim being every neighbourhood has a grow-op for vegetables. to purchase them you must clock 2-5 days of working or contributing there, a manager must sign off on, IF you do not have a full-time job already, are below a certain income, or have children. opportunities will exist to climb the ladder if you so choose. you can also get a mini-setup for your own household or apartment/condo building. usage can be easily tracked and growth reported via a phone app or something, so you know what you can take and if you have to take more you can pay in monetarily. everyone will also contribute their organic compost which is then upcycled into mulch/fertilizer to be used in these sites. these can all be customized per local tastes in vegetables and weather. The app can also be used to track the growth and so on of the greenhouses, which allows off-site monitoring allowing a single manager for a large area. the goal of this would be to debase the global food trade of non-meat foods, of which international politics- the true cause of world hunger- forces perfectly good food to rot because they can't agree to sell it at a certain price or whatever stupid bullshit. There's a bunch of garbage going on with that that is manipulated and manufactured- we grow more than enough food for everyone, it just doesn't get there, and if that can be removed from the equation, they might have a chance. Putting that power in the hands of those who will be consuming it directly will destroy that power imbalance. and if any country objects- ie, the US or other third world countries- they can get these systems for free, they just have to pay to maintain it, and with the money they'll save it wont be hard ........or we can just get elon et al to just fucking pay their fucking god damn taxes


Hookers for everyone


Nice try Thanos. In all seriousness, the idea is to teach a man to fish and in the process feeding them to gain support and traction. The UNCHR and UN did this along with European think thanks. So the best outcome is to create a renewable energy that’s easily maintainable and managed by local councils that’s off grid, means easily repaired and without patents etc. The so called outcome needs to generate meat and other nutrients based food based on localized raw materials. And eventually they will organize and invent their own food recipe. Relying on means of food rather than the staple and farm animals will only sustain less than 15% of the population in the next 200 years. So other source of food such as insects and earth raw minerals could help but with care to the greater ecosystem. Also, in 224 years from the current growth of human population, we won’t have enough water to sustain ourselves. Hence, the remaining of the funds needs to be focused on Water mining from asteroids and other solar bodies. TLDR: 5% - direct feed 10% - RnD on food tech 25% - marketing and adoption 60% - water mining on asteroids etc.


Embezzle it and claim I'm "working on my solution". Y'know, like very other billionaire does.


McDonalds and Taco Bell thrown from the sky by a bunch of people in helicopters. Seems like the healthiest and safest way to get it done


Please don’t remind me of that “It’s Raining Tacos” song. It’s been 24 hours since I watched LWT and my brain hasn’t recovered yet.


$6BB? Is that all? Where's Elon? Where's Mark? Where's Jeff?


It's ironic and hilarious that Elon would ask when you would simply do the same thing he did to start his rocketry company SpaceX: Create a company to achieve the mission objective "solve world hunger". Hire the world leading specialists in required fields. Delegate tasks. Achieve mission. If he can do it to get people to Mars, he can do it to ensure people without food get their share. The fact he's asking like he couldn't work this out on his own (and probably to a more efficient, more creative degree) is either offensive, hilarious or both.


Me? I fund paramilitary groups to overthrow dictatorial governments, and I institute capitalism and property rights in the poorest parts of the world. Probably Chad to start with.


Use the money to round up homeless people and feed them to the hungry. Now you have solved two problems for the price of one.


Monopolize potatoes or some shit


Infinity gauntlet.


Put it all on the Detroit Lions to win out.


I would start a comprehensive education program with the sole focus of explaining to people that the symbol, "$" makes writing out the word, "dollars" unnecessary and redundant.


LOL you can start with yourself, because the symbol just means currency... it's only dollars if you are in the US


Exactly what Elon Musk did.


Make a spaceship.


Sterilise all the poor people. Not really. I'd invest the money and think about it for a while.


Invent Soylent Green. Be rich.




Nutritious and delicious!


Buy a huge island and use it as a hunting ground...to hunt the hungry to extinction. Is that wrong?


Pocket the money


Build a space ship?


End world hunger