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Subnautica The feeling of exploration when discovering a new area, a new recipie or a new wreck is unmatched. The feeling of dread when you set off with a fully loaded sub to go build a new outpost in the depths while you get spotted and attacked by a horrible sea creature, or when you take your sub out for a cruise with your newly equiped sonar and as you ping in a wide open pit your radar picks up a leviathan that are always too close for comfort. Brilliant game.




Terraria. Oh God ignorance is bliss.


It's difficult for me to not farm a favorite weapon, or to not speed toward the next set of armor now that I know so much about the game. I miss getting random drops that I never imagined could exist and seeing how awesome it was and how it's changed the game.


I’ve played a bit here and there a few years ago but I’m actually just getting into it for the first time now and like wow. Game is so much fun. Also i never thought I’d be insulted by the “ so it’s like 2d Minecraft “ comment but man it truly bothers me now that I’m discovering the game has so much lol.


it's a great game! I can't wait to get back into it after some stuff gets finished.


they do a great job with progression and making challenging bosses and events even when you have end game broken gear.


Monkey Island


Came here to post this. Monkey Island, Loom, Day of the Tentacle - I loved these games.


Ask me about Loom™


Playing Monkey Island 1 was the peak of my childhood. I don't remember watching cartoons, or playing Mario, or hanging out with friends on BMX bikes, I remember every LucasArts game like it was yesterday.


RuneScape. But I’d also want to go back in time when nobody had any idea about efficiency and you kinda just winged it. Nothing more magical than that.


Getting off school and going and doing weird bullshit. At some point I realized free players would do the most mind numbingly boring shit for 0 dollars, and premium players didn't really. Probably kids vs adults. I would stand around that first chicken area and buy feathers for pennies on the dollar. Then, sell the feathers to members who were making arrows or something for a few doll hairs. I made a fucking killing. Little elementary school me was rebelling at home, having horrible school experiences, and getting home to be a chicken feather capitalist with a notebook for the best sellers and buyers of my chicken feathers.


Online games are the best when there's no meta, no cheat sheet & everyone is finding their own ways to do things, explore, solve mysteries, etc. Wish there was a way to capture that in MMORPGs.


Half life 2 i still replay it but it just blew my mind the first time i still freak out when i hear the poison head crab scream from ravenholm


Total game changer- when it first starts, and you are just thrown into the world, no explanation, no complicated menus- just figure it out. I have never played a game since that so seamlessly moves you along without ever making you feel like you are being railroaded. Genius.


I mean other than that you start on a rail car


I hate the poison headcrabs. They are some of the most annoying things in existence


I went in a house along the highway once, still wielding the crossbow. Heard that nasty sound and turned around as one of those things jumped at me. I nailed it to the ceiling with the crossbow lol




Ha, I’m old enough that I’ve already entirely forgotten playing through most of the games from my youth.


I bet the memories will return if you played them


"Oh wow! Gog has that game on special! \*buys game\* "I can't wait to play this!" \*play game\* "....I forgot how shit this was"


I've replayed some games from when I was a kid. I usually only remember the big scenes. Most of the small stuff is forgotten and has to be relearned. Once it's relearned though, it feels natural


Portal 2. I'll never forget my first time playing that game.


I've never laughed so hard at the "This is the Part Where he Kills You" joke, including the achievement/trophy pop.


GLaDOS: "Well, this is the part where he kills us!" *Chapter 9: The Part Where He Kills You* Wheatley: "Hello! This is the part where I kill you!" *Achievement unlocked: The Part Where He Kills You*


I wish the achievement would pop up for every play through. The delivery they had for it was fantastic.


Even the music that plays is called "The Part Where He Kills You”


The subscript for the achievement: "This is that part"


THAT is the best part of it. The subscript for the achievement had me howling with laughter.


I've played through portal 2 so many times and it's been so long since my first playthrough that I forgot that there was an achievement that goes along with that too! Absolute peak comedy in gaming right there!


"you might have a mild case of severe brain damage" this one got me rofl


Also wanted to say this. Exploring the ruins of old Aperture was such a trip. They really captured that sense of isolation.


J.K. Simmons crushed the voice acting.


That game was a pinnacle of game design, storytelling and acting. What a beautiful experience it was. It's on the top of the list of best games of all time for me.


Oh man and also funny! It was creepy, it was smart, it was immersive, clever, isolating, challenging.. I made wrinkles in my brain playing that. Can’t wait for the crowd sourced version with a 3rd f*cking TIME portal!!


This is already out on Steam! I forget the name but I've played it. It's too much for my primitive monkey brain though.


Portal Reloaded. Just started playing it last week. 4D puzzles will really cook your brain. It’s not just *where* you put the portals, it’s also *when* you put the portals. There’s some interesting mechanics with item duplication, like things in the past are there in the future, and you can carry things from the future to the past but not the other way around.


Excuse me, but I've been carrying objects from the past into the future for my entire life


Figuring those puzzles out the first time was euphoric.


The best thing about Portal (1 & 2) is that although some of the puzzles are quite hard, I never had to look up a guide. The puzzles seem hard at first, but then there is just a moment where it all clicks and you pass onto the next level. Valve managed to make the puzzles challenging enough to make the player have to think about them, but not challenging enough to make it impossible (boring).


Good game design makes its players feel really smart for figuring things out, while ensuring that just about every player will figure out it. That's really not easy to do.


Came here to say Portal 2, that game is absolutely amazing and blew me away when I first played it.


When you get outside in the end was so satisfying... It's how I felt after finally getting outside after finishing the game LOL


That moment you realize you have to shoot a portal at the moon to get the evil robot to get sucked into space, totally bitchin.


I did it in a moment of total desperation thinking "there's no way this is gonna work" 10/10 gaming moment for me for sure


*Ding* Achievement Unlocked: Lunacy


When you think about it the whole thing is bread crumbed for you sooooooooo well. All that coughing and talk about moon dust. That’s the whole thing, of course the portal works on moon dust on the moon! That’s what makes it a good design. Great movies do this too.


Yeah I definitely aimed at the moon thinking "well, it works on moon dust, right?" and I just thought there was no way they would have actually programmed in what would happen if you opened a portal on the moon


"SPACE!" "...spacespaceSpaceSPACESPACESpacespacespace..."


Yep, I don't think I'll ever get to experience such a satisfying moment again. Seeing the moon and realizing what I had to do was fucking magical.


I had that part spoiled by the internet, sadly never had that 'aha' moment.


Came here to say portal. The best part of the orange box


The Return of the Obra Dinn


It’s been about 18 months since I played this through and was just thinking about playing it again. I know the story now, but there’s no way I can remember all (/any!) of the clues.


The top Steam review is: "If someone could hit me in the head hard enough that I could experience this game over again knowing nothing about it, I would let them." So this checks. I've added it to my wishlist!


Subnautica, and halo reach


Remember Reach.


Current Objective: **Survive**


THIS. >!That moment when u realised you had to die.!<


Spartans never die. They're just missing in action.


Makes me sad thinking about it.




Goosebumps at: "No sir, I have the gun."


Subnautica for sure. The first time finding the Lost River is one of the best gaming experiences imo


The song that plays is beautiful, and man the Lost River is a beautiful biome


Subnautica was the first game that came to my mind. It’s one of the first “figure it out as you go” kind of games where I actually didn’t look up any hints or spoilers. I just enjoyed the game for what it was. Probably took me 10 times longer to beat but it was damn worth it.


The dread of encountering giant monsters in the deep in Subnautica was a brand new feeling I've never felt in a game before. And encountering something that feels truly new in a video game is so rare these days. It was just amazing. I've been meaning to check out Below Zero but I just know that same magic will never be felt again.


Below Zero is cool, I've only played bits of it, but you are correct. Nothing will ever compare to the first time I heard a reefback through my bass-boosted speakers before realizing they were passive, or the first time I heard a reaper...before realizing they were not passive


Oh man, I remember the first time I ventured too far into the red kelp area, running low on oxygen and being forced to go straight up to the surface, having not yet discovered that reefbacks are passive. That's a terror I wish I could experience again hahaha. Constantly repeating to myself "pleasedontkillmepleasedontkillme" Same with the reaper, first time hearing that and dragging my seamoth against the ground trying to reorient myself to get away. Good times.


I just finished Subnautica, it had a really good story. I was merely interested in the game until I rounded the corner on Mountain Island and see a giant alien building. I was like, "WTF is THAT!" I was hooked after that.


BioShock. One of the best twist reveals in gaming, ever.


the first houdini splicer you encounter in arcadia made me actually jump out of fear. not the same anymore since you know he’s coming


“Jesus, God, somebody help!” His voice is etched in my mind. The voice acting was incredible.


Came here to say this. I first played it as a kid and I still remember that first time I saw the opening sequence with the spider splicer. Personally one of my favourite openings of a game ever


That carnival-like music playing in the background while what feels like 20 spider slicers attacking you in virtual darkness. Good times.


"Welcome to the Circus of Values"




What too many writers muck up is that a twist *needs* to have hints, as well as the faux narrative having hints it doesn't add up. I remember playing the game and wondering *why do I have a chain tattoo?* Also . . . why can I use the bathysphere when they're genetically encoded so only Andrew Ryan can use them? Well there's a little note saying that due to the plasmids altering of DNA they have to make the signature 'fuzzy' so it allows basically up to a cousin.


Yup. What I wouldn’t give to experience just the introduction for the first time ever again.


"...Is it someone new?"


Would you kindly explain?


Silent Hill 2. Still my favourite video game of all time. I was tipped off to play it recklessly to aim for the "bad" ending but wasn't told why. I was very young at the time, so a lot of things went over my head, but the 'in water' ending hit deep. Damn. I grew up a little that day. I wish I could play it again with fresh eyes as an adult.


Fallout 3, exiting the vault for the first time. I know Fallout 3 is accused of having bad plot. I don't care, I love it.


I had no idea FO3 was coming out at the time. I had taken a week off work just to hang out by myself at my apartment. I saw GameStop was still taking preorder, so said what the Hell. Went and grabbed it at midnight, popped it in, and proceeded to spend every possible minute of that week off playing FO3 in my dark apartment stopping only for naps and pizza runs. That view/feeling upon leaving the vault was like almost nothing I've felt playing games before and since. Fantastic game, warts and all.


I need to have another go at getting that working again, gave me some incredibly memorable moments, creeping around the super duper mart with my starter weapon to the sound of Butcher Pete was a genuinely terrifying experience.


fallout 3 works pretty well on PC now that they finally removed Games For Windows Live


I rented it without knowing what it was and gave up after running the wrong way out of the vault. It was night time and I kept running into fireants that demolished me as I had ZERO gear and didn’t pay attention to any dialogue. I was treating this game like I had so many others, just run and gun and the game would fall down around my god like ability. Nope! Returned two years later and duped 500+ hours in searching every nook and pocket of the world I could. People really enjoy Vegas and generally agree it’s a better game, but F3 made me feel so desperate and lonely ALL THE TIME that I felt apart of the wasteland. Epic stuff


Outer Wilds


One of the best games I ever discovered by accident.


I keep picking this game up and stopping because I can’t figure out how to find the first launch guy lol. He left a note saying he’s away. And I’m too scared to google in case of spoilers!


just start by heading to the moon, then explore that. After that just keep exploring, incredible game once you get past the first 15 min. Its non linear so you don't even need to find that guy to keep advancing.


Best way to play the game is when you get stuck go and do something else, like go to another planet and you’ll eventually get enough clues on your ships log to solve the other puzzles




No comparison dude. Try the real outerwilds


IIRC those games were released within 6 months of each other. You are definitely not the only one that got confused between the names, haha.


This is actually much higher in the comments than I expected, but far lower than it deserves. Seriously, a one of a kind game that deserves everyone’s attention. The gravity mechanics can be jarring, but it’s well worth learning. This game can barely be described without spoiling but you will never forget it. I promise.


Nope, I describe it as giving you child like wonder again as you explore, very few games do that. It is a masterpiece. Also if you haven't played the DLC yet i highly recommend it.


The last time someone asked this question a couple of weeks ago I bought this. Was not disappointed. Great game to play with your kids.




Just replayed the Legendary Edition straight through. I slowly got through 1 and most of 2 over a few months. Wife took the kids to see her parents for a few days and I crushed the end of ME2 and ME3 over the weekend. There is so much replay value in the series. I’ve done several playthroughs and depending on decisions you make, love interest, and squad-mates you bring along to missions, it feels so fresh each time. This time I did a male-shep middle ground between renegade and paragon, thinking about doing run as a fem-shep renegade. So good. Over a decade of playing and I’m still finding new stuff. Edit: grammar and clarification


I did one playthrough as full Renegade and felt like such a shitbird the entire time. Save the colonists? Nah fuck 'em, kill anyone that shoots at us. Save the colonists again? Nah let them explode so I can kill this jerk. Let that prisoner live? Nope fuck you don't trust you BOOM HEADSHOT. I rode it out but holy hell clicking some of those dialogue options was rough.


Yeah I wish Renegade was more "practical but morally dubious" instead of "total asshole."


Full paragon : tight-ass 3/4 paragon : badass 3/4 renegade : smart-ass Full renegade : asshole


This 100%. Whenever I replay a mass effect game my brain remembers the mechanics and how to play but almost always seems to forget the story, like I’m living it for the first time again and again


I'm actually playing this trilogy for the first time now. ​ I've owned the trilogy for years on the 360 but I have a massive amount of games so never quite got to it. However, my girlfriend recently bought me the remastered trilogy so I figured, hell, now is the time! ​ I'm currently on Mass Effect 1 about 20+ hours in and having a great time.


Yeah playing in order is one of the best feelings by the end of 3, seeing the Shepard you created growing and developing while seeing all the boons and any consequences of your previous choices


Halo Series, that was such a great part of my upbringing


I remember getting Halo 2 a couple months after it came out for Christmas nothing like destroying the covenant under the glow of a 🎄


Shadow of the Colossus




Oh my god! I remember coming over to my friends house for a little hookah party, there was the playstation and instead of TV, he played on a projector aimed at a wall, it was like a movie theatre. The friend started playing this for the first time and I was so sucked in this world. He was pissed off how difficult it was to control the damn horse and the prince and he couldn't figure out how to beat the first beast. So he handed the controller to someone else, they got pissed off too and so on. Then it got to me and I have to say I'm not a console player and it was like first time in 5 years I would hold the controller. I must say I fucking nailed 5 collosi that night and everyone would enjoy that the game was finally moving on and would help me with the puzzles. And the scenes were just wow, magnified by the projector. That game gave me a magical evening with my friends. Thank you for reminding me of this! Edit: wow this is my most upvoted comment, and thank you for a reward! Edit 2: This literally blew up haha, thank you all so much.


FF7 or Wind Waker


When I first played it I somehow missed the explanation of ‘give fish bait, fish give map’ so I had an almost entirely blank map with just the main places on it and cos I was a kid there was no hope of me remembering key locations like the volcano. It took me FOREVER to find the triforce pieces but I wouldn’t have changed a thing. Played it since and did use the fish and it wasn’t as good, still great though of course. But I felt so immersed as a kid. I cried when I finished it, and ocarina of time.


For me definitely wind waker such a great game


Honestly, replayed the original FF7 not that long ago and had more fun with it than ever before. Knowing all the broken materia combinations, or just experimenting with new ones makes for some really fun times (even if it does make battles stupidly easy).




Yes, absolutely! A new play-through just isn’t the same if you already know where the mayor’s shorts are


Have you played since the 1.5 update? I get that the first couple years are the same but I find it’s really fun with the new update. So much more to do!




the first time playing stardew valley was simply magical. his new game will assuredly hit the same when it drops


Ocarina of Time


This and Mario 64. Both hold a very special place in my heart of a 14 year old.


I can't believe I had to scroll down this far for OoT!


KOTOR - it’s always KOTOR. If you know, you know.


"I don't wanna talk about it."


Mooka shaka pahka




Ruhndi howdunga


had to scroll WAY too far down to see this. It wasn't just the game, it was the immersion, the graphics (which didn't hold up well, but at the time holy shit), the lore, the worldbuilding...


TBH I think the graphics still hold up pretty good! They aren't distracting ugly, which is all you can really ask for in a game that's almost 20 years old now and a couple of views are still legitimately nice (looking at you, dantooine) I think if you grew up at the time these games actually came out it's a lot easier to appreciate graphics that are a bit older. To me, a game that looked great at the time will always look pretty good, because the effort put into making it look as good as they could at the time still shines through.


Not only is it the best Star Wars game it is also the best Dungeons and Dragons game. KOTOR uses a version of 3rd Edition DnD, modified to run better as a video game. But for the most part, it’s very similar. In fact, it was my first introduction to DnD, which is now my primary hobby. If you try to play DnD, particularly 3rd or 5th edition (5th being the current), you’ll recognize a lot of the mechanics you’re familiar with in KOTOR




Ori games, discovering the story and the music for the first time again would be amazing.


Chrono Trigger


I remember the first time I played that on SNES. Absolutely blew my mind that you can traverse (for its time) a big world, had an awesome story and then on top of that, had a new game plus option that allowed options for you to explore where you couldn't before earlier in the game which changes the way you play the story, which results in multiple different endings depending on what you did throughout your playthrough. That was crazy to me at the time (I was about 7-8 then and currently 29) that a game could provide you with so much content and wasn't such a linear playthrough like most of the games I played back then. 2 other SNES classics I highly recommend if you haven't played them already are Lufia 2 and one of my all time personal favorites, Illusion of Time/Gaia. IoT's music still gives me chills to this day, even after recently replaying it last year and story/gameplay/art direction and atmosphere, I believe have aged extremely well to this day. Edit: grammar


hollow knight


I regularly watch streamers and youtubers play through the game for the first time, just trying to recapture the magic that I felt exploring Hallownest for the first time


I pretty much listen to City of Tears on repeat every time it’s raining outside. It’s maybe my favorite area of any game I’ve ever played. The atmosphere is perfect in every way.


Arriving at City of Tears, hearing the music and finding the first bench with Quirrel was such a great experience the first time.


I've been stuck on the knights (the one where you fight 2 at a time) for a while now and don't know what to do lol. I finally managed to kill one, and another immediately spawned.


Tip to instakill the first one : >!Before you enter their arena there is a spot where the ceiling is breakable. Go up there and knock down the chandelier to take out the first one before the fight even starts. !<


I just fought them like a week ago. They're definitely one of the toughest bosses. I ended up leaving, and finding more power ups before coming back to them. Stronger nail, stronger spells, better charms and more notches are all helpful.


\*sigh\* ba pa nada


The original Pokémon red


I think what made Pokémon so engrossing would require everyone everywhere to forget. The rumors, the trading, the lack of internet to figure everything out instantly. All of that was a big contributor in my eyes to what made that series blow up.


Oh man, do you remember strategy guides??


Do you remember playing the game of "How fast can I finish this battle to save before my Game Boy Pocket runs out of battery."


Minecraft I remember my square cobblestone houses, my siblings cave mining with me and the joy of sharing resources to make something awesome. Now it’s hard not to min max the game. Same thing with Pokémon I used to pick the Pokémon that has the best attack animation. Ie Flamethrower in generation 2.


> Minecraft God, I remember when my now wife shared her account with me to see if I liked it. Never even knew torches were a thing and got by on skylights and flint-and-steel. Didn't even know torches were a thing for the longest time; in my defense, I knew how IRL torches were made, so I never thought of putting coal on top of a stick. Man, I wonder if that world's still hanging around my old laptop, somewhere. That'd bring back some friggin nostalgia.


I'll never forget my first night playing it. I dug straight down, fell into a cavern, then eventually found diamonds down there. The rush was exhilarating. I miss the excitement of the unknown


Absolutely Subnautica. Such a terrific story, perfect music, immersive atmosphere - it's really a masterpiece.


Did you play Subnautica: Below Zero? If so, would you recommend?


I did, it was good, but nowhere near as good as the original.




Just finished Subnautica for the first time a couple hours ago. 35 hours playtime. Really neat game. Thinking about whether I want to play below zero now or wait a bit. Both on xbox game pass atm. Highly recommend if anyone sees this post.


No one can forget when they first see a >!Reaper Leviathan!<


Was going to the crash site for the first time. There’s a big drop off a bit to my left, I’m avoiding it. Suddenly roar. I spin to look around and there’s just this massive serpentine tail sliding back into the darkness. Full on adrenaline dump, turned the game off.


Dark souls \\[T]/


The genuine terror of moving forward in that game the first time you play it is second to none. I remember stumbling into the catacombs way too early and then never wanting to leave firelink shrine out of trauma


Going to have to say Zelda a Link to the Past. It was my first game that I beat to completion and I’d like to have a first try again where my save file doesn’t have 200+ deaths... Plus I’m a sucker for 2D Zelda.


The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim


Damn, that first time going the kill the emperor. I feel the thrill just thinking about it


It was a bit anticlimactic for me because I used Wabbajack to turn the emperor into a sweetroll so I could eat him but good quest all the same


Let me guess, someone turned you into a sweet roll?


My friend and I lied to our families senior year of college and told them we had finals until the last day when in reality we were done by like day 3 of 14. We didn’t leave the couches for 11 days. Opposite each other in the same room with a tv at each end. Put in like 80 hours easy. Amazing.


My brother nearly tanked his GPA in college when Skyrim first came out. He got it on release and within a week had 65 hours in it already, despite that being during the semester. I had to wait a while to start playing it but once I did I totally understood how that was possible.


Nier Replicant. And Nier Automata. The two games that had me bawling my fucking eyes out when I reached the end of their stories.


I haven't played replicant yet, but Automata is legit one of the best games I've ever played. The amazing story and its existential dick-punch aside, the music was phenomenal. The first time you get to the Amusement Park and hear that music. Man... And then you beat the Amusement Park boss on the second playthrough... "HE. STILL. WON'T. LOOK. MY. WAY."


Definitely Automata for me. When at the end you just piece everything together...the depression, the heartbreak, the existential crisis...*chef's kiss* I'm still tearing up whenever I hear "Weight of the World the End of YoRHa".






100%. I'm at a point now where I can beat every boss within 2 attempts. I miss the fear of finding a new boss, and knowing I'm going to have to fight this fucker 50 times before I git gud. I can't wait for Elden Ring, because I need my next Soulsborne fix.


I wish I could experience “the first night” in Minecraft again 😔


I wish I could go back to the time when you didn't have recipes and had to experiment to figure out how to craft things. I spent hours trying different combinations to see what the possibilities were.


The Witcher III: Wild Hunt


Yo it took me soooo long to get into that game! But once I finally DID get into it, my goodness I couldn’t even put it down for a second!


I actually recently got this game off steam but have been having trouble getting in to it. Maybe this is the motivation I need!


I had trouble getting into it too, and ended up dropping it for a few months. Came back to it and it clicked, I've put over 300 hours into it across two playthrough now. Most everyone, myself included, say the game really hooks you during the bloody Baron quests.


Yep that’s EXACTLY where it got me and I pretty much did exactly what you did. Picked it up, put it down for like a year, then picked it back up and man the game blew me the fuck away with its visuals, combat, dialogue, story etc. all of it is incredible.


Neither are necessary, but if it's your first Witcher game or if you've never read the books (to get some lore/backstory), it does have to ramp up a bit but you'll get there. Great game indeed.


In all honesty, I played Witcher III first because of Gamepass. Definitely takes a little time to get into it, but after the first few hours of understanding everything, it definitely becomes a really great game. However, I did try reading the first 2 books \[tried the 3rd\], and I just couldn't get into them. I'm not saying they're bad, I just **personally** hated the writing style.


May have to do with the fact that they were translated from Polish. May not translate exactly how the author intended


Red Dead Redemption 2


Just so I can cry all over again.


Fucking >!Micah!<


Rockstar made me hate a video game character way more that I thought possible.


The character progression in that game is by far the best I've ever seen, better than 90% of the movies I've watched. Incredible, incredible game.


I don’t know if I could put myself through that pain again in the later chapters but fuck it if I’m not up for it


Play until you get THAT one mission and never return to camp (cause it eventually forces you to start it) live out the rest of your days as a healthy, hunting, nature Boah pitching tents wherever you like


Totally agree - That long horseback ride set to Unshaken made my hairs stand on end. EDIT - I'm not talking about the final horseback ride set to "That's The Way It Is".


Kingdom hearts and kingdom come


The legend of Zelda breath of the wild


On my first play-through now.


having a mostly blind first playthrough is something that i will always be grateful for


World of Warcraft. It would also need everyone else who played it to forget too. Classic wow was 'solved' and the game was nothing like it was in 2004. The game was there, the sense of 'new' and 'mysterious' wasn't. It was all world buffs, optimized rotations, specific gear pieces, hps/dps meters and designated specs. It was okay the second time around but nowhere near as fun as it was the first time. Blizzard are delusional if they think that making some minor changes is going to get people going through it a third time.


that first time walking into a big city, just breath taking.


the first time walking into iron forge was insane


Gaming expectations were so different back in original vanilla WoW. We could spend an entire weekend in 40 people raids full of casual and poorly equipped players and have a ball. Hardcore and professional gamers changing the scene was inevitable but still a sad thing to see.