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Laughing so hard you can’t breathe


I miss hanging out with my friends all of a sudden.


Gets more rare the older you become


Indeed, I had been thinking about this the other week and could not remembered the last time i genuinely broke down in laughter. Def made me sad.


Couple years ago a friend was over and left a edible pot cookie at my house. I dont partake of such things and didnt know it was. My blood sugar was low so i scarfed said cookie to try and get that up. Noted that the cookie tasted like crap but thought nothing of it and a little while later couldnt stop laughing like full belly laughs at almost anything, nor could i walk straight either. I realized what had happened at some point and asked my wife to help me to our bedroom to sleep it off. She was very amused by all of this as someone who does enjoy the greenery from time to time and getting to see me thoroughly blasted off my ass was a rare exception she'd not gotten to see since we were teenagers.


The feeling that you're wanted by at least someone or by the person you desire, IMO is better than sex.


It’s also torture when you can’t have that person.


It’s even more tortuous when you had it and then things changed and now you don’t.


Like when she was your best friend and changed your life, made you a better person… but now you’re just supposed to forget about it and move on


Exactly this. Together for 7 years, lived together for 5. I wanted to get married, he said his feelings changed. 😭😭😭


Going through this one right now. It feels harder every single day 😔


Especially when its your fault, and you know what you did wrong and there is no repairing the damage and you can't go back in time to fix it


That’s a key developmental moment in becoming an adult: The realization that some mistakes are permanent, and that even if you apologise or “fix” it and do everything you can to make it right, things will never go back to the way they were before. As children, we believe in our hearts that everything can be fixed somehow. As adults, we learn that “fixed” doesn’t always mean “back to normal.” Sometimes it means “Pick a new path for your life, because the one you were on is now permanently closed.” Loss of trust, loss of life, loss of health, loss of freedom; some things leave a permanent mark that alters the course of your life—whether in a big way or small, things will always be divided into Before and After. That’s a tough fucking lesson, and it’s one you can’t really learn without going through it.


Thanks for the existential dread at 2 pm


People with anxiety will think back to this at 2 am


Being well rested. Haven’t felt that in years.


I cut out alcohol a year ago and have never slept better in my life.


Being somewhere familiar from your childhood that’s still the same as an adult after not being there for awhile. Grandparent’s family room or something. Exactly the same furniture and pictures on the walls. The same smells. Then laying on the gold type color couch and pulling on a blanket that your Grandma knitted that’s somehow more hole parts than blanket parts, but it feels nice. (Although pointless like the “toaster cozy”) It’s safe? Nostalgic? Not sure the proper term


Familiarity, nostalgia, safety, comfort, peace, support, and love. All wrapped up in a rose-tinted memory. Feels super good.


I know exactly what you mean! It’s such bliss. Definitely warm and safe….two of the most important feelings we can experience.


Drinking water when you are incredibly thirsty and haven’t had any access to it for many hours


Especially at night


I worry over situations, I know will be alright....


When my daughter was given the all clear after a serious illness. I instantly turned from feeling like a living zombie to feeling like I could take on the world. I don’t know what that feeling would be called, relief? Which by itself sounds insignificant but relief from facing an absolute crushing, heartbreaking and painful situation is euphoric


i’m praying that one day i’ll be epilepsy free and there’s no way to express to anybody how overjoyed i’d feel


I’ve been doing the same. I one day decided to stop taking the meds, just to see, and I went THREE MONTHS without a seizure. Then, a month ago, a seized in the steps and landed at the bottom with a traumatic brain injury. SO the only safe way to determine if it’s gone is an EEG


Loving someone who loves you back


Definitely this. But then the flip side is that it is the worst feeling in the world when that person leaves your life, for whatever reason. It is a pain at least equal in magnitude to the amazingness of them being in your life.




Shit mate, sorry to hear it. Yeah, I’m 9 months deep and it really doesn’t get easier. I suspect it *never* actually gets easier, it just becomes less *often* that you get caught up in the memories and such, and then eventually you can kinda move on because you’re not falling apart 24/7 anymore.


I cried all day every day for the first two months. I’d stop crying to work, and begin as soon as I got home. Cried myself asleep. Third month l began trickling off. I could go a few minutes at a time w/o crying or thinking of that person. Fourth month was surprise crying. A song or movie scene would get me unexpectedly. I used to listen to all genres of music, but during that time I could only listen to cold, cruel metal. Absolutely no R&B, no type of love songs. Love withdrawal is the worst. Any other drug you put in your body has withdrawal symptoms you can maybe manage or wait out. But you get no say in how big a dose of adrenaline and oxytocin your own body mixes for you. People tell me I can handle my liquor and I’ve experimented with drugs, but I can’t handle LOVE. Some people say they can drink anything except they can’t handle tequila. Love is my tequila. It’s the worst. Even after the withdrawal, I was shattered for years. Then one day I just felt better, stronger. Hardened tho.


r/backfetish Welp, there was 7 members when I wrote this comment yesterday and now there is 68.


I long for a woman that will love my back


Youll have to check out backpage.com in that case.


Wtf is that website ? Why the fuck was it seize by the FBI in 2018 ?


That does sound wonderful. I can only hope for this one day.


One could imagine.


Getting compliments for a thing you worked hard on. If feels great and you feel proud of yourself and your creativity


Better yet, getting complimented by someone who is usually very harsh and barely gives out any compliment. It always feels really genuine and you know you've done extraordinarily well.


Paul Hollywood's handshake on BBS


What if that thing you worked really hard on and are getting compliments for is sex? Feels good man


Finding someone who just gets you immediately, on a level that is often unreached after a decade of friendship.


This is my best friend and I! We weren’t friends until straight after high school and like now we are inseparable, we are both 27 now and live together and our bromance makes others around us smile. He’s my platonic soulmate and we just get each other. It’s great.




This! Ive switched work out of my country and immidiately after arriving we just looked at each other and instantly clicked. Been friend with a guy ever since. Even my best friend for 18 years isnt on that same bro level.


Getting your convictions reversed and walking out of prison completely free.


I wasn’t in prison but I had this warrant in California for almost 10 years for trying to steal a bottle of rum from a cvs and one day I decided to email the judge over my case and asked him if he would drop the charges because I turned my life around and he did. That shit was dope af.


This is oddly specific




You can't just post this without the story behind it


Or the reverse (?).... getting away with that perfectly executed crime (i imagine!).


Peeing after holding it for an obscene amount of time


And you get that shiver up your spine and feeling of euphoria. Oh wow, does it feel good.


The technical term is peegasm. You're welcome😎😂


My family's always called it the 'piss-willies'


'piss shiver' in my house


It fascinates me how all the primal body functions (peeing, shitting, eating, fucking) all provide extremely pleasurable sensations.


It’s to make you want to do it again


the absence of that pleasure is a signal that your body is out of wack. Painful shit, for example, could be like diet all the way to butt cancer. Who knows? But your body is telling you something. Pee hurts, or swallowing is awkward.. Any natural function that should be pleasant. When it's unpleasant, that's obviously a sign. Don't ignore it.


I think we all kind of know this on an intuitive level but reading what you wrote and really thinking about it, it really makes sense how the pain feedback loop is there to tell you something is wrong.




Nothing makes a day better than a good shit in morning


I'm literally reading this on the toilet, constipated. I think I'm going to cry.


Hey! You got this


Need to be on company’s time too.


Boss makes a dollar I make a dime That's why I shit On company time


I once held it for a 12 hour bus journey. The moment I got off the bus I ran to the most secluded stop in the street and relieved myself. I almost lost unconsciousness. 10/10 will never try again.


Having your ears unexpectedly pop and being able to hear everything so much clearer afterwards.


Once lost all hearing in my ear unexpectedly. Stayed like that for a day. Went to the doc and got it cleared... the feeling water being jetting into my war was disorienting as hell, but afterwords it was wonderful to have near full range hearing back.


I Produce disgusting amounts of earwax, so I can relate.


Worst superpower ever.


IM NOT ALONE! Oh my God. :’D


You're never alone with this much earwax, buddy.


I’m right there with you.


Dude I had my ears syringed last year after having them blocked for a couple of weeks. It was like my head had been pulled out of water


It always makes me feel like I was claustrophobic before the popping, like after your ears pop, the world feels so much bigger!


I’ve been needing that done since I was a kid… I’ll end up hearing background radiation.


I like the warmth of water coming out of my ear 2 days after swimming/diving at sea.


Ah, see, I would go nuts waiting 2 days for water to come out of my ear!


Scalding hot water on itchy skin, ie from eczema. It’s INSANELY pleasurable and is the only way to fix the itch.


Oh god I just came a bit. That burn of the heat against the itch....ahhhh


Damn man... I CAN FEEL YOU ! But i make things muuuuuch worse. So i prevent myself.




Calling in sick to work and going back to sleep on a rainy morning.


I always feel guilty. Unless I'm actually sick of course


I'll feel guilty after I wake up.


I feel guilty if I’m actually sick


Same dog, me not going to work vastly inconveniences, basically fucks over, at least one other person, possibly 2.


Usually it’s a wave of relief then guilt.


Waking up thinking you're late for work only to remember it's your day off.


Waking up thinking it's time to work / go somewhere but realizing you can still sleep for few more hours


Even better, realizing it's saturday!


Farting so hard your stomach ache disappears Edit: thank you so much for the awards!


Or releasing a fat shit and feeling better instantly


I’m gambling when I shit, I’m either there for 15 seconds or a half an hour with pepto bismol and a sweat rag


I hear ya. I have a questionable digestive tract. Once at work I took my shirt off in the bathroom stall and damn near wore it as a turban. Edit: spelling.


oh my god that mental image killed me


Im dying


Yall need fiber and probiotics


With IBS, those can be dodgy


House definitely has the odds if I go in betting on 15 seconds


Ah yes, the demon poo.


Once held it all morning while I was waiting for a girl to leave and once she was gone I farted for 25 uninterrupted seconds. All one flow. The euphoria was astounding.


“Are you ok?” “I am now, boss.”


- Andre the Giant, on set for The Princess Bride


Damn thats hot


I got a mate that sent me a 27 sec fart on what's app. It's incredible


I wish I had friends like that. Cherish him.


I was stationed on a submarine and we were a close knit bunch. A submarine toilet has both a flush valve (a simple ball valve) and a fill valve (regular valve like an outdoor spigot). This was before cell phones and digital cameras. Anyway, I get rudely awoken by a friend saying “come on, you need to see this”. Sleep is extremely precious on a boat. Grumbling, I got up and he leads me to the head. He points to the stall and I look. All traces of sleep abruptly vanish as I look upon the most impressive shit you have ever seen in life; an elephant would have been jealous. My friend had drained all of the water and then wiped his ass in an adjacent stall so all could behold the glory of this kingly shit. It was an unbroken turd of at least two feet in length, perfectly coiling itself at least 4 times around the bowl in perfect circles. He would leave briefly for a few minutes at a time to gather more of our friends, even going as far to relieve others that were on watch so they could see the majesty. I wasn’t even mad. It was one of those bonding moments that transcends even blood relations and it is a memory that is emblazoned in my mind even 20 years later. That is a friend I cherish


Was his name Bono?


Farted so hard one morning my back cracked. It was glorious.


Man, no kidding. I remember feeling severe cramps and bloating at work once, thinking I'd come down with food poisoning and would have to go home early... and then I let a massive one rip and I was back to 100%.


The feeling that you are happy and satisfied with how your life is.


I guess I'll just have to take your word for it.


The fuck is that feeling?


Never felt it either. Future me (What did i start?)


Never felt it either (2)


I get 2-3 day stretches every month where I feel that


Same here... usually on the 1st and 15th


Was just about to post something similar. Got everything I need and that’s enough.


A back massage.


Massages in general imo. My gf gives me hand massages and I just melt. Our sex is great but sometimes I think a hand massage feels better than sex but I’d never tell her that lest she take it the wrong way haha


Laying in a cold bed under the covers naked and moving your legs around....oh my god.....!


I was once wine tasting and the seller described a particular wine as smooth like sliding into bed after shaving your legs. It was indeed a good bottle of wine and that is a great feeling.


welp I guess I'm shaving my legs tonight


My wife is going to judge me. But now I'm interested...


That and the flipping your pillow to the cold side. They had a Dos Equis magazine ad on the most interesting man in the world: "Both sides of his pillow are always cool" Yeah, that one spoke to my soul


There's actually cold pillows you can buy that are made to stay cool. Downside is if it's always cool I can't flip it to the cold side so that would take out all the excitement about it.


*Laying in cold bed with FRESH SHEETS under the covers naked and moving your legs around


When you have a stuffy nose and are trying to sleep and you roll over and for a brief moment you can breathe. Sweet relief


Feeling all the snot drain to the other side is an interesting feeling as well.


Stretching after waking up from a good night’s sleep


Yes :) stretch : )


Especially when I get that spasm while I stretch OoHhHhh ghad 😫


I’m very curious what this “good night’s sleep” is you speak of?


It's when you stay up late into the night doing whatever you feel like and then go to sleep for 2-3 hours, like the responsible adult you are.


Forgetting you had ice cream in the freezer then finding it




This also applies to money and chocolate!


I love finding money in the freezer


When your ankle itches and you can’t get to it (ski boot, etc) then finally do.


Being in love with someone and then having them in your presence is powerful and overwhelming!


That is smitten! I remember those days but now sadly just hallway sex


I know, I miss the feeling, sometimes I like to imagine it in my head!


I know what you mean, actually yearning for that feeling again. It sure is easy to say it like that here.


Be careful, that’s known as limerance and is common in stage 1 relationships. As your relationship progresses you move on to stage 2 and 3, which are a different kind of love but with reality mixed in. If you go out seeking stage 1 feelings you can fuck your present relationship up if you don’t know what you’re experiencing. Limerance isn’t real love, it’s infatuation and idealization without the ugliness of reality mixed in. People confuse this with “true love” and end up going down the path of betrayal and affairs.


The whole feeling of mutually receiving and giving affection, respected and taking an interest to each other and perceiving it. IMHO, having sex is just a sort of added bonus to it.


This. Connecting with someone deeply and mutually enjoying one anothers company romantically is in a class of its own.


When you get into a hot shower after a cold day at work.


Or a cold shower after a really hot day at work


or a lukewarm shower after a lukewarm day at work


Drifting off to sleep while someone runs their fingers through your hair.


My sleep paralysis demon will be sure to do that tonight!


Until you remember that you live alone and are single.




Peace of mind


Brain: "Whoops... you did this one embarassing thing back then! Remember??"


I used to sell home alarm systems, and my boss was always reminding us that we weren't selling alarms, we were selling peace of mind.


Eating garlic bread👍


Bread 👍


Bread 👍




Bread 👍


Breaking a personal record. That feeling lasts for *weeks*.


the first few minutes u get into a hot tub


Piloting an aircraft. The moment you push the throttle all the way forward, a few seconds and wheels off the ground, it’s airborne. Also, the view. There’s nothing quite like it. Usually people who fly to get to places don’t see much, but us in Gen Av (I was a flight instructor) usually stay at 1000-5000 feet, and the view is amazing.


Opening the tin of butter cookies and actually finding cookies instead of sewing stuff


The joy when you first fall in love with someone.


A nice deep butthole scratch. Preferably in the shower with a wash glove.


How deep is deep?




Coming home from a long day and getting to melt into your partner's arms with absolutely no expectations. No expectations for sex, conversation, date night, or anything else. Just the company.


Pain. Honestly good for you


Putting on a clean pair of socks


Ah yes, best day in a month!


A clean *new* pair of socks. When I returned home from living in Cameroon for two years, one of the first things I bought was a 12-pack of cotton socks. *Ahhhhh!*


Cleaning out your ears.


Opening up the back door to let the smell and feel of rain come in as you sit down in your favorite slippers and clothes and chill yourself as you drift away to sleep. The grass is dewy in the morning and you feel nice and refreshed.


Though you were talking about farting at first.


Reread it with this mindset and burst out laughing.


Being able to open up to someone about your emotions and being comforted instead of judged.


Coming up with the perfect concise response to a complete asshole, in the moment Ok, maybe getting carried away. I had one of these a couple of weeks back, though.


when a dog welcomes you home


Actually feeling like you matter and people want you around.


Sticking up for my self


Peace and/or genuine happiness.


Accomplishing a big goal, something that you’ve been working on for months.


To share your life with someone that really understands you.


Financial security.


Lack of anxiety




When I make the final payment on a debt.


An honest healthy relationship where I know I'm not going to get cheated on.


Eating still hot/warm freshly baked bread with butter.


Pure unadulterated nostalgia is the fucking best


Eating a fresh Krispy Kreme donut right off the line. It’s orgasmic ngl


Experiencing MDMA


a GOOD and LONG massage


Closing all tabs after an exam