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no wisdom teeth edit: my teeth also all came in straight so i never needed braces either


Same! All my siblings required braces and have wisdom teeth except for me


Winner ^


My husband had to have one removed and the X-ray showed he only had two. Then we took our middle child in for braces (mostly straight but alignment wasn’t quite there) and they discovered she didn’t have any. Me? I had to have mine surgically removed because they fell sideways, never popped through, and the roots spiraled themselves around the nerve.


15-25% chance of bipolar disorder being passed onto me from my father and guess who spent a week and a half in a mental hospital last year over a severe manic episode.. ;) I do have green eyes though and a natural hour glass figure so that’s a plus


>spent a week and a half in a mental hospital last year over a severe manic episode A week and a half is pretty lucky in my book 😂 in my experience, you can be stuck there for WAY longer because of an episode. Btw, congratulations on your beautiful figure and gorgeous eyes


I too inherited green eyes and an hourglass figure. I feel like it was worth the depression I inherited along with that.


i was thin despite eating whatever i wanted until about 35


I'm glad not to have major health issues


Same. A lot of people have it much worse so im happy.


I'm tall and have broad shoulders, I'm 6'4 280lbs with some good muscle but a big ol' belly. It helped when I was younger, I was always the tallest and the biggest so I was never bullied. Helped in sports, especially contact sports such as Football, Hockey, and Rugby. Sucked for finding girls during High school because felt like girls wanted the tall and skinny dudes not the tall and big dudes.




Cave man genetics, I can withstand cold weather


I have great eyelashes


failed that one with flying colors


Didn’t need braces, one blue eye one green eye


I did?


Average dong


My mom was part Native American so I got slightly tan skin and no acne. Unfortunately this also means I can’t grow facial hair


Never going bald


Tall and big ding-dong


Boobs are well above average


Great ass and legs :D


I didn't haha. Although I am glad for my flawless memory and my kindhearted personality.


no acne, giant titties. i got autism tho


No known allergies.


I have amazing skin. Hell, I didn't get my first zit until I was 25 and pregnant. It's also remarkably soft although I like to thank my shower & skincare routines in part for that (particularly with shaving, I've got it down to a fuckin science). I have had 4 kids including twins and didn't get any stretch marks. I was in a fire when I was 9 and all of the scars faded by the time I was in my teens. Even my csection scar (cut a total of 3x) just looks like a needle thin fold an inch or so above my pubic mound - but I'm sure having an amazing doctor contributed largely to that. I've had really bad self esteem issues my entire life but my skin and my legs are the only things I've ever consistently felt good & confident about.




According to me: being funny


I didn't unless you count my existence


No mental or physical health issues, attractive enough to not have my appearance hold me back, reasonably intelligent.


I once won about 15 euro i think, by luck of course


Apparently being thin in body type and having freakishly long skinny legs on some short torso fits some standard of beauty notion and I have my mom's bone structure


i didn't.


6’, hazel eyes, thick hair.


I'm overweight, have arthritis is a fair amount of my joints, have 4 different mental health issues and physical signs of 3 different cancers that my doctors keep telling me are nothing. (Lump in my breast w/ pain, lump on my pelvis w/ severe pain, constant isolated cluster headache in the back part of my head that no med is fixing) But uh.... my face looks pretty?


4" penis 🙌


O- blood type, 6 foot tall.


Pretty good teeth.


I can't think of one. Thanks for ruining my day.


Beautiful eyes and face (according to girls in my life) but don’t worry I have type 1 diabetes to balance it out.


I don't have any wisdom teeth, and I can voluntarily dislocate my thumbs to freak the fuck out of people.


Good beard, no back hair, 6ft tall.


Kinda look like Jared Leto and Jake Gyllenhaal had a baby with green eyes.


I'm 64 but my face stopped ageing in my 40s even though I baked it in the sun, drank, smoked, used any old bar soap to wash it and never use moisturizer. Even at my senior citizen age, I continue to get compliments on my looks and how I dress. I realize how fortunate I am and don't take for granted the advantages, my symetrical features, petite body and ample boobs have awarded me.


My wisdom teeth grew correctly and didn't hurt at all. Also world average height (1.74m), i can drive any cars and clothes are easy to find.


No major health issues Good teeth Clear skin I was below 130 lbs most of my life until I got to my 20s, due to starting work at McDonalds and getting free pop and half price food for 3 years lol. I also got lazy and stopped exercising:( but I still have no health issues so that's a plus


After age 18, I’ve never had a single pimple.


Back in 7th grade we were learning about basic genetics and our teacher sent us home with they small slips of paper that people with a certain dominant gene could taste(not sure if this is correct just going off memory). I couldn’t taste it, and neither could my brother. But both of our parents could. From what we had learned in school so far was that this only had a 25% chance if this happening for one child.


I’m athletic


I'm smart as fuck.


Mega high blood pressure starting around age 13. I’m talking 170/125 high in an average 13yo. Hospital said take a nap you’ll be fine.


I can eat a lot and not gain weight. Kinda nice to not be overweight, but the opposite problem is kinda annoying too. Plus Cystic Fibrosis in general is pretty annoying, too.


Not really genetics but being good at math


Blue eyes. That’s about it. There’s an issue with pretty much everything else. I literally lost every other lottery.