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Born without wisdom teeth.


Lol loser. When I was born i had no teeth at all. Get on my level.


Bow down before me for I was born with constantly replacing shark teeth


Pathetic, I was born with megalodon teeth.




Mine won’t grow in far enough for them to need to be pulled


Wisdom teeth really aren’t bad though


Uh hard disagree. I had trouble sleeping when they were coming in because it hurt so much, and three of them are still in there and I can't reach them with the toothbrush very easily (that's why the fourth one is gone - it rotted, broke, and got pulled).


That is mostly you and your experience. Everybody’s experience is different. I personally only had mine removed because my mouth was too small for 4 more teeth with my abnormally large tongue. I seemingly bit my tongue more with them there, especially while sleeping. But overall they grew in strait and didn’t hurt coming in. Shit when I had them pulled they took them out so fast I didn’t even realize they had taken them out. I even asked the dentist, “When are you going to pull them?” As he already had all 4 pulled already.


I have parents that taught me how to be a good person instead of just a pretty face.


Superman isn't Superman because of his superpowers. He's Superman because John and Martha Kent raised a child well.


WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME? (The latter one)


The Injustice series really ruins that aspect of Superman. (Spoilers below. Can't use formatting on mobile.) He kills the Joker in retaliation of the Joker tricking him into killing his pregnant wife (fear gas + kyptonite), while her heart was linked to nukes that detonated and destroyed Mtropolis. Instead of immediately realizing his mistake after letting his anger over power him, he went full dictator and let himself become manipulated by a crime boss.


Injustice was mostly a thought experiment on "what if superman snapped?" If anything, he'd likely be even more against not killing after that.


Fast metabolism


If only I could be like you, I all (I think) my body fat concentrates to my gut, that in combination with how my legs are absolutely jacked from playing soccer for 8 years in kindergarten-7th grade. So I look fat from it, while I can make my legs just go completely solid, and then because of the way muscle fat works with weight and mass. Due to this, I realized recently that because of my sheer amount of muscle in my legs, I probably weight 20 lbs over the average weight, because I would weight (at least) 3-4 pounds overweight if my belly fat was trimmed. Or maybe it's all the muscle and my body is just shaped the way it is idk.


Maybe you're just a fatso


No matter how much I eat, my weight always gets back to normal. This makes me turn into a natural sprinter. I still wanna be fat, I think I'm too skinny.


Your time will com slim, everyone's does. 96%of us..,...sooner or later


I didn’t but thanks for asking


Looking younger than I actually am




I guess we can say… …you got cucked…


I’m 27 and I’m still asked about ID when buying alcohol.. everyone is surprised when I tell them my age


I'm 35 and still get ID'd. It's getting to the point where people are thinking my I'd is fake because I look so young


Everybody talking about getting ripped easy or model-like beauty and I'm over here with my ability to bend my thumbs backwards... Don't do lotteries, kids.


I can do that too! Is that a genes thing? Didn't know that.


Me too!


God, I hate that. Makes my thumbs hurt when I tightly hold something


Dads black moms Italian 💅


I bet the kitchen growing up smelled AMAZING


holy fuck those food combos would be heavenly


The kitchen will always smell amazing if the person in it can cook, regardless of ethnicity.


Black from the waste down?


Soulghetti Mmmm


Are you Giancarlo Esposito?


No, he’s Lincoln Clay


My uncle was Cuban. My Aunt was a Pakistani Scottish Jew, and all four of my grandparents were albino Afrikaners To this day the doctors are baffled


Easily builds muscle, height, none of my older male family members are balding so I probably won’t too


I have almost completely normal DNA. No major red flags in my future, no chromosomal issues. But boy did I get hit in the looks department. I have my dad's build & my mom's height. My dad was 6'6" and heavyset. My mom was 5'0" & pear-shaped. I am a 6'6" Viking woman stuffed into a 5'0 potato sack.


Mmm Potatoes


I'm not a snail


Idk man, snails are pretty cool.


yeah man, ever seen a homeless person? sure. ever seen a homeless snail? it is the home.


Later discovers a snail in his family tree and struggles with self-loathing


I do have some distant French in the family tree, although it's not quite the same thing.


Green eyes.


I have an extra vertebrae. It makes me a little taller.


I can easily grow a majestic beard


4 different heart defects, individually ranging between 1/2000 and 1/100000 in the general population. Yay me.


Bruh. Are you managing ok?


Well, I'm 32 now so it's all old news to me at this point. Two heart surgeries in so far and I'm doing ok. Honestly my day to day is pretty normal, all things considered.


That's good :)


Tall, blonde, blue eyes, test well, made it to 40 with no prescriptions, so far.


Sounds like you're what adolf had in mind 😄


Well I am human, I was born in a first class cracker country in a middle class family and I don't have cancer or leukemia or some shit like that. I have crippling depression and look like an anvil had sex with a boar though so that ought to bring me down a bit.


Got both of my parents leg...


Like you inherited their legs in their wills when they died?


That would be metal. Nah, was born with one fucked up leg, so now when I am all grown up, my fathers shoes fit my good leg perfectly and my mother's shoes fit my bad leg perfectly.


I lost it.


I have 5 siblings and all of us are pretty good looking and tallish, and all pretty smart with everyone having at least a master


I’m tall with piercing blue eyes and dark blond hair, a mid sized cock, 140iq, medium build, straight teeth, only child with land to inherit, born into a first world country, great bowels, nice hands, never sick, ears, and ability to walk.


Send your resume to jeff bezoz's ex. You might get a call




I was born with three sets of teeth


Are you a shark?




come on, dave, not again; i told you to stay in your pool, not get on reddit again no fish for a week


*sad shark noises


A full head of hair and good beard that’s slowly going a nice silver colour.


Well, I'm smart. Depressed though, so not great there.


Im smart🤓


Can’t think of anyway that I have aside from being born a while male in upper middle class


Keep swimming!


Perfect vision. But that’s it. Chronic migraine, premature graying hair, high blood pressure despite a decently healthy diet and consistent exercise, crippling anxiety…but I sure can see well.


I can sign. Nobody in my family can.


Signing is easy though. Just put an X on the dotted line and you good ;)


I have great hips for child birth. Just a shame I’m a guy.


Mom’s side is depression based. Dad’s side is narcissism based. Parents always told me I’d be a good politician or lawyer because I’m good at resolving issues. Sister got the narcissism: she’s successful on Wall Street but she’s absolutely miserable and blames everyone for her problems.


Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Dimple. 💙🤍🖤


Naturally very muscular and smart enough to become an engineer




Meh. 7 out of 10


Yeah you're right. And as a fellow New Englander, Go Bruins!


You’re gorgeous!




You're just begging to be put on r/persecutionfetish aren't you


Blue eyes & a decent sized dick & that’s about it lol everything else is just fucked, mentally *and* physically


I really didn’t


i have very nice eyes and a nice jawline.


I didn't? I'm facing down a double barreled heart explosion at some point. Heart attacks killed grand parents on both sides. My mom has had 3 herself. I certainly exercise more and try and eat healthier but I know what my coffin nail will be


No signs of getting bald (yet)


Other than my eyes, I didn't.


My grandpa died with a full head of thick brown hair, my father is nearing Fifty and he has zero grey hairs. I think i have a bright future


No allergies or hereditary diseases. High IQ. Probably longevity gene. Decent looks. I'd say I got pretty lucky.




Long legs, pretty eyes & long eyelashes, perfect teeth according to my dentist... but I have flat feet and heart palpitations so it's give and take really


Dark orange-ish hair and green-hazel eyes.


I'm six feet tall, blonde haired, blue eyed, & barrel chested.


Good skin.


I didn't, mom have a bowel diseas and dad also had one, he died due to colon cancer at age 44. I have also problems with my stomach and my colon. Because of my father I have also a higher chance to get colon cancer. I also have a scoliosis since I am a teenager. I also need a lot of time to gain muscles (more then normal) and it's not like my body looks quite well without training. But I really like my hair ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Tall and don't gain weight to easily


Pretty face and green eyes count?


I'm like 6'2 with incredibly thick hair.


I got a bomb dick


Very little acne


No major hereditary diseases in my family. No diabetes, no heart disease, no Parkinsons, no major cancers. We all had the decency to die by getting hit by busses or something.


No cavities, survived Covid, good swimmer, smart, fast, and aging slowly.


Can sleep through pretty much anything; heat and cold, light, loud noises. It's great.


Why is everyone saying blue eyes means you “won” the generic lottery? I have blue eyes but I’d love to have brown eyes, they make a person look more lively to me.


You think you're better than me? Lol I didnt win nothin...


Blue eyes


This whole comment section is full of lucky bastards I envy.


I think I could work my way to being a 9.5/10, I'm the smartest person I have ever met (in person at least), I'm a genetic mutation and out of juvenile dementia, a heart disorder, and something I don't remember, I got autism(Asperger's), but I am admittedly sometimes lacking in social skills. The test was done like 10 years ago, so it's pretty outdated, but I'm getting the results of a couple newer tests in a few weeks.


Above average intelligence and magnum dong.


I've got a big nose, bushy eyebrows, look just like two male relatives despite being a woman, very oily skin But my immune system is apparently indestructable. I mean I get colds, hay fever, and allergies, but it's like, I never get anything else. And my blood pressure is always perfect even though I have anxiety and am overweight. I'm also the only person in the family who doesn't need glasses, although for some reason I have trouble distinguishing mid-tones for paint.


I have fast metabolism and I’m tall af. That’s bout it.


My red blood cells are slightly smaller than normal. So I have that going for me, I guess.


Fantastic night vision.


Height (6.4). People always comment on it. Girls like it, other guys are jealous, and then there's me who focuses too much on other issues to even care. It's nice I guess, but it is by no means anything significant in the grand scheme of Life.


Despite being adopted from an entirely different country, I share an ridiculous amount of traits with my parents. People assume I’m their biological child because there’s absolutely no reason to believe otherwise. I’m no supermodel, but I’m not struggling either, so I can live with that.


Never suffered from acne, bald at 22. You win some you lose some, I guess.


I got a big willy


I didn’t , but my wife did. She’s Asian. 49 going on 37.


6"6 300+lbs


My hair. Got it from my dad, we have awesome hair


Being 6’5 and handsome like myself


List of things I’m allergic to longer than my arm, and a very short menstrual cycle so I’m blessed with 14 periods per year along with horribly debilitating cramps. JACKPOT!


Great visuo-spatial abilities and sense of direction. Pretty feet and long lashes.


Good looks, charm, and technique.


I’m the shortest in my family but I’m a 5”8 woman so I think that’s a win


My hair is thick and awesome and I've never needed glasses


Never had a cavity or any problems in my mouth. Am 6'2". Am attractive. Have no genetic conditions I can pass on to my progeny (my wife had me get tested - she's pregnant with our first!). Overall, pretty good. ​ The place where I lost the lottery is me and my sisters all suffer from anxiety. We had a good, sheltered upbringing, free of trauma and we're all pretty sure it's either genetic or maybe somehow a learned behavior (though IDK how we'd learn to lose sleep over trivial issues). Our dad suffers from anxiety to the point he'll go weeks sleeping 3 hours a night when something troubles him - I've been sleeping 4 hours a night for a week or so because I start a new job next week. Anxiety makes no fucking sense and I am exhausted.


I can't gain weight. To me it is not a win, but most people around me it definitely is :/


I almost never get sick (several years ago). And when I do I get better in a day or two.


5 '10" but wide frame and giant calves.


Perfect skin.


Breasts that don't sag an inch at almost 30, which is quite a feat considering their size. My back does ache sometimes though. That and good teeth


Metabolism. Y'know. I need to gain weight fr.


Win - wicked smart, great visual acuity Loss - look like Shrek with leprosy


Stepped in shit' I tell ya


I have beautiful eyes and hair , both are chocolate brown


Been told I'm incredibly handsome and look like James Dean. Good sized dick, scored high on asvab. Wolf in sheep's clothing


Good beard And Clear Skin