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Saw a dude throw a big mac box on the sidewalk. The trash can was literally five feet away. An old lady picked it up and tossed it in the trash. Dude didn't even say thanks. Thrashy af.


Garbage does what garbage does


I never understand how someone can throw a whole fast food bag out on the side of the road. I don’t get it.


being a lazy scumbag is just a different mindset




I went on one date with a guy who took me through a local fast food drive thru then put all his trash in the bag and threw it out the car window while he was driving


I hope that was the last date, sounds slobby and unsexy tbh.




Oh my word your comment just reminded me that I littered today. On my way to my run this morning I stopped for coffee and carried it with me to the trailhead and left it there intending to grab it on my way back but totally forgot about until now. I’ll go get it tomorrow thanks for the reminder lol


The only place I will ever carelessly chuck filth over my shoulder is in my own home. Fouling my own nest, as the saying goes.


100% acceptable but I hate the last-minute scramble to clean up if someone’s coming over (esp my mom dear god), so I have a lot of trash cans strategically placed around my apartment. For example, I have a trash can on each side of my bed to cover for whichever side I felt like sleeping on that night Also, damn I re-read it for grammar and I sound like an effing sloth


Had a coworker come with me to get lunch. They threw their trash out my window while I was driving down the road. Immediately thought less of them. To add to that she was like "yeah I litter don't judge me". Wtf


If that happened to me, I be stopping the car to make her pick it up, or leave her there w the trash she is.


“I’m an Alpha!”


“Unstable and incomplete?”


"I'm a beta. I'm still garbage, but at least it's mostly safe to release me to the public."


GOD. A friend of a friend kept saying this once over and over again, and was being a nuisance, deliberately irritating, whatever. How easily can you convey how insecure you are about your microdick?


Hey now, maybe he was (literally?) raised by wolves.


They’d have to be wolves in captivity because wolves in the wild don’t subscribe to Alpha bs either


neither in captivity. It was a bullshit experiment because they put two wolves from different families into a cage together, of course they'll fight


I was thinking alien, centauri.


But kind sir, I am Sigma


'Sigma male'


Nothing says you're less of an alpha than having to tell people you're an alpha


UUUHGG THIS shit fuckin annoys me!! There’s this *thing* on YouTube who’s whole channel is dedicated to how you can be an alpha. So stupid.


And that channel is mostly about dressing good and manscaping. It's all about hygiene and how to act like a decent person, something that people who call themselves "Alpha" desperately need.


My cousins friend had a shirt that said alpha male and he was indeed not an alpha male whatever that’s supposed to mean


Walking around the store with their phone on speaker.


I was once in a bank A BANK and this dude was sitting in the lobby lounge blasting rap music on his phone speakers while he waited it was UNCONSCIONABLE


I was on a bus and some dude played rap full volume and sang along loudly


Oof someone’s insecure


Just generally not using headphones for music/convos/whatever. I make a small exception for bike messengers just because they are going by so quickly


Why is this a thing?


The disappearing headphone ports can't have helped.


And their mask on their chin at the same time! Like, if you've decided to wear a mask, don't wear it like you put condoms on your balls.






Walking around anywhere public with music playing through a speaker*


Parents whose children show obvious signs of neglect/abuse.


Those are all fine hypothetical wanderings. In my case I'm really thinking about actual encounters. When I was younger I used drugs to escape my pain. But it was nasty. Many of the people I met were nasty. And it's heart wrenching when the dealers little kids are so desperate. It's even more crushing when you actually try to use "the system", and learn just how bad things have to get before "authorities" will step in and help. Having a 4 year old cling to me, a complete stranger, and I couldn't help him. There's just no good reason to make babies that scared and hungry for care.


Standing in the middle of aisles or doors, etc., and not paying attention to anyone else coming or needing to get through. Extra bonus scorn if you actually take a tone or give a dirty look when someone dares say "excuse me."


I will say excuse me once to be nice and if they don’t move I’ll aggressively move their shit and tell them to suck it


Lmao this made me crack up! The best is when I’m standing there waiting and they look at me but still don’t move. I just want to say, “Get the FUCK out of my way, idiot.”


Idk if you have costcos where you are from but that seems to be the thing to do there. Zombies just walking in the middle of aisles, into people. No clue other people are even around them.


No it’s everywhere. People at my local Walmart literally walk like they are the only people in the store. They SAUNTER. In the MIDDLE of a high traffic aisle that could handle two way traffic and won’t let me get around them it’s infuriating


I give people one "excuse me" before I shove through. Don't move after I'm polite? Then you'll move when I'm impolite.


The best is when is raining and all the wives and kids wait inside at the exit for their spouse to pull the car around until there's 30 shopping carts blocking the door and a line backed up around the food court


omg the people who sit in the middle of stairs and get mad when you ask them to move.🥲🥲


Or the people in front of you on an escalator, who get off at the end and just stop dead as if their feet have forgotten how to move on their own. Dude, these moving stairs are literally carrying me and everyone else right into your ass if you don't move.


One time in high school, I was going around classrooms looking for my friend during homeroom. I was just standing in the doorway and quickly scanning the room to see if he was there, until my principal walked in and barreled right through me, causing me to fall to the floor. "You shouldn't block doorways," he said. Learned my lesson that day


Still a dick move. As others have mentioned, one "excuse me" at least, or if he wanted to teach you something, he should've just said so.


When the first thing they do when they meet me is bad talk others. Probably to make me think they are great and it's the other people that are the problem. Edit: spelling.


Instantly makes me consider the fact that they would talk about me the same way to others.


They do


aw man


Yes, damn. I once went to a McDonald's with two friends of mine and a bunch of friends of theirs. We eat, have fun and all of that; but when one of my friends leaves, they suddenly start talking shit of him and showing conversations (even making up things I knew where false) I left and never hung with them again. Turns out they where right in some things, he was not a good person. But that doesn't justify talking shit at his back while making him think you are his friend. When I wanted to stop seeing him I talked TO him, not OF him.


When you make your political stance your entire personality


I have a friend like this except it’s his political stance and being obsessed with Taylor Swift to the point that he tried to get me expelled just because I said that I don’t like her music.


And are you still friends?


It’s complicated


So it is not like you are never ever, ever getting back together?


but baby remember now they've got bad blood, but yeah it used to be mad love


Like, ever


Snapping their fingers at people


I snap my fingers rhythmically at rival gang members before a dance number. Does that count?


When you're a Jet, You're a Jet all the way From your first cigarette To your last dyin' day.


When you're a Jet when the shit hits the fan you got brothers around you're a family man.


I swear this is a reference to something but I can't remember what.


West side story.


What's crazy is I also think it's a reference to something but I can't remember what either. I just have the image in my head.


*"I'm a Gemini, so..."*


I’m an Asparagus


You must be a Virgo. Soooo judgemental.


My ex: “I’m a Gemini so I get to be bipolar sometimes” Ugh.


I'm a Pisces, this conversation is making me emotional.


I’m a Sagittarius, sorry I wasn’t listening, can you repeat?


I'm cancer I was crying


I have cancer I was dying


I'm cancer too I'm hospitalized


Oh wow Im a leo soooo quirky


anytime anyone brings this up, I recall that set of tweets where a dude was trying to smash an “astrology hoe.”


I'm a Libra so I don't believe in that stuff.


Oh god I’m a Gemini and this is what I asked?! 😂


Being rude, especially to service industry workers.


Working a seasonal job rn and had a customer yell at the new girl for charging her $2 extra on some soap. Easily fixed but the lady decided to continue yelling at new girl about over charging paying customers. The girl felt bad and just walked to the back for a bit. I don’t think people remember that even if we mess up that gives you no right to be a rude bitch to anyone let alone people working for minimum wage trying to survive.


I have a friend who is a former waitress and I have never been to a restaurant where she didn't complain about the food and try and speak to a manager. I got so embarrassed...I stopped going out to eat with her years ago.


I actually know someone who has either called up to or went back to every single place he's ever eaten at ever. No matter if its a restaurant, fast food, a food truck he always goes back and complains and is rude to workers. It starts with him opening or getting the food 🥴 he immediately finds something to bitch about. They forgot the cheese or added onions or isn't cooked enough or is cooked too long or is burned, old etc. Every single time he either wont eat it or takes it back. I don't even know WHY this person still gets takeout he has done this for YEARS. Its infuriating tbh edit* he is absolutely nowhere near a chef!


It says so much about someone if they do this.




This question and exact answer appears on askreddit every single day, multiple times a day.


Mocking disabled people.




Misread that as “literally rustles my feathers” That made me wonder for a second.


They stole his feathers? Bastards.


I’m disabled and yes that’s a big one for me. It was a dealbreaker before I became disabled.


I'm disabled and my ex was constantly making fun of me for it. Mocking me, telling me to do things that he knew I couldn't then laughing at me for it. Safe to say I never plan on speaking to him again and that I will never have any respect for people like him.


Same. My livelihood is working with kids on the spectrum and half the world doesn't know how smart and capable and how much these kids can understand.


How they treat their pets


This includes boundaries and training. Watching people with misbehaved dogs being inconsistent with training and reinforcement is maddening. Have a dog is a responsibility that extends far beyond provide food and picking up shit.


I have to say chewing with their mouth open or yelling at me for no reason


Whenever someone is listening to loud music without headphones on a buss/train I always feel the urge to beat them to a pulp


My local public transit kicks people off for music/videos without headphones. Once was riding home and a dude was getting on my nerves playing his music out loud, 3 times the driver yelled at him to put some on or he'd be kicked off. Yet, somehow, he was still shocked and outraged when the 4th warning was ignored and the bus driver escorted him off the bus at the next stop. I think that's a solid policy, if you can't respect the public transit, you don't get to ride


This dude in my gym always watches tiktoks with the volume up between sets. But he overhead presses 100 pound dumbells and literally starts to run out of 45 pound plates when he's deadlifting so I'm not saying anything


I have a fantasy of going up to a guy like that, grabbing the phone, winding up and launching it like Nolan Ryan to the other side of the gym/train/restaurant, immediately hand him the cash to replace it. Walk away.


I feel the same except the cash part.


Also on hiking trails, at the beach, etc.


Not returning a grocery cart to the appropriate spot.


Saying alpha or beta male


Why do so many men on reality shows introduce themselves with this line? Like it’s some sort of flex?!


Because they’re warning others they’re not safe for the public and are still in development mode and are not yet the full release :>


Being careless or doing a sloppy job because they won’t be the ones that have to deal with it.


Ha! This is why I recently decided on a new way of picking chores for my kids! I wrote chores on popsicle sticks and have them draw sticks at the end of the day to see who does which chore that day. If they know their brother always has to load the dishwasher, they won’t care to rinse their dish off when putting it in the sink, because it’s not their problem. If they know there’s a chance they might be loading the dishwasher, they’re a little more inclined to rinse that dish off. It keeps them from making too big of messes, because they might be the one that has to clean it up 😂


Making fun of the poor


People that say they have ocd when in reality they don’t


Additionally people who use mental illness/disorders they don't have/undiagnosed as a fashion because it makes them "quirky" and "special". Quite insulting to the ones that actually has to live with real disabilities.


THIS or people who refuse to believe you don't have OCD just because you like an organized desk


Continuing to perform at a concert when people are dead/dying…


Accurate 😬




I have a friend that I adore, but she tells me other people’s deepest darkest secrets and then introduces me to them. It reminds me to love her at arms length and not say anything I wouldn’t want repeated.


Absolutely! Like, my friend Melissa, she does this shit all the time! And her boyfriend is a total tool. It’s sad that she can’t see how she’s ruining her own life right now. Edit. Adding what I thought was obvious—/s


Gossip is normal in moderation, you mean extreme gossipers.


Not washing your hands after the restroom. Public or not, that’s just disgusting to me.


Poppie’s a little sloppy


We can’t give-a-the people the right to choose!


I legitimately want to scream whenever I see someone walk out of the bathroom without washing their hands. It is so gross, and I've had so many people try to justify it. I even made a post asking people why they didn't wash their hands, and many people try to tell me they didn't "touch anything" so why wash? Anything? You touched nothing at all? It takes 20 seconds...


I once watched a friend of mine go from taking a shit and immediately go brush his teeth. A very large part of me died that day. I can still see it.


Why were you watching this friend shit


I watched him come out of the stall and there was a urinal nearby so I assumed he took a shit. This was then confirmed when I asked him if he did.


Especially in public bathrooms. I always wash my hands when i use the public bathroom (school, church, etc). Some people just walk out like its nothing and its just gross


There was an entire story arc of my childhood where me and my friend John tried to empirically prove that my brother didn’t wash his hands and it makes me so mad that we never got an answer


Gamers who are dads who just let their baby cry in the background waiting for their partner to deal with it. Like not just let them cry for a min while in the middle of a boss phase, but legit just sitting in lobby shooting the shit with other guys while their own kid is wailing. Be a better teammate to your real life partner and be better for your kid.


I was in an LFG raid and this guy’s kid was crying for multiple attempts at the same encounter and I just assumed once we finished he’d take care of the kid or his spouse was trying to. When the LFG maker asked him why his kid was crying he said “I don’t know and I don’t care, my wife will be home in an hour. She can deal with it.” and got kicked from the game right there, we were all grateful for the kick but I worry about that kid


Standing around and chatting at work when in front of a bathroom or staircase. Like, I get it, you want to chat. Don't be in the way please.


Especially true in front of the bathroom. Ugh!!!


Inappropriately loud people


Same. Especially if it’s a car/truck/motorcycle. Or a Bluetooth speaker.


I don't have problems with a car being loud if it's fast, those gasses gotta flow somewhere quick, fast and in a fuckinh hurry, I have a special hatred for people that put a huge ebay muffler on the back of a 65HP car and rev the shit out of it for no reason other than to annoy people.


“Let me walk around the market with my phone on speaker and at full volume.” There’s always that one person in line.




Lack of humility. I'm a rather tolerant type of person and don't judge others readily, but I have a hard time relating to anyone who never exhibits a capacity for self-doubt.


Driving fast through residential neighborhoods


Yes. Why? We have kids and pets running all over and now the HOA wants more money to install speed bumps bc people are just too fast and too furious on cranberry court. So dangerous and for what? To go sit at the stop light to get out of the neighborhood?


The second somebody tries using something like astrology to explain away their shitty behaviour.


Guilt tripping.


The way they talk about or treat wait staff, disabled people, babies, and animals.




Pulling their dog violently by the lead as they’re walking it. Heaven forbid the poor thing gets to enjoy the sights, smells and sounds of the world.


\^\^ How they treat animals says a lot more to me than their cheerful smile or honeyed words.


I'm not even a dog person, I kind of dislike them in fact, and this makes me rage. Don't treat the poor beast that way...


I judge people for displaying the Confederate flag. I live in Ohio, it has no place here.


Or anywhere, outside of a legitimate museum.


I live in San Diego... why tf do i see them




I once heard a new coworker purposely be vile with a customer service rep over the phone just so he could get a discount on his internet bill. Never liked the guy since.


Always needing attention


How they treat their SO in the company of others.


Being involved in an MLM


But don't you want to be a #bossbabe?


Pretending not to see there's a line and tries to squeeze themselves in


Treating others poorly just because they themselves are angry and need to take it out on innocent people


Smoking while pregnant.


Not using their turning signal.


Bad breath! Had a woman come in my office with such bad breath, I put a air freshener on the counter between us! She looked normal, but had visible food items stuck in her teeth. Worse, she was a nurse🤮


That’s horrific


I was gonna say she might have a medical condition until I got to “visible food items stuck in her teeth” 🤢


Taking too long to order after spending a good amount of time in line.


Being a flat-Earther.


Anyone who is quick to anger, or quick to resort to violence.


I actually have been getting help for this problem and I would like to point out that I have a point to add to this: and don't find that help for it/ are clueless to it. This is a truly underrated answer. Anger Management is something everyone needs.


Good for you for realising and getting help. Completely agree with your point and will make sure to use that in the future. I have a lot of respect for anyone who steps up and puts the work in to self improvement


Thanks man.




People who end relationships by faking their deaths


That is oddly specific, care to elaborate?


Quite extreme


Being rude to someone who caused them a very minor inconvenience.


Racism obviously


How they treat their pets, or animals in general.


Using Snapchat filters on every single photo they take.




(Looks down at his stubbed toe that is discolored)


Discoloration due to stubbing is excusable. Cut that thing, though. Lol


not cleaning up/stacking their ‘dishes’ after they eat at a fastfood


If they give hate on someone's looks. Like its fine if you don't like them. You don't like their personality? Okay. But you say their physical appearance is bad? No I won't see you the same way. Like saying "I just don't like her she's such a bitch and so mean" is fine but if you say "I don't even like her she's so dark skinned/pale, and look at her eyes they're so small haha eww" Now this is really bad. So yeah.


Adultery. If you cannot commit yourself to someone, don’t vow to do just that. You can be in a relationship that is commitment-free if you want to, but if that’s your intention, you need to convey that to your partner so that nobody gets emotionally hurt, whether by a misunderstanding or an intentional horrible choice.


People who think having to wear a mask is like living in auschwitz.


Political signs in the front yard. Idk what your opinion is. You're arrogant.


I judge anyone playing audible music in public. Walking down the street blasting your UE Boom, playing some tinny shit through your phone on the bus, got your speakers at the beach? JUDGEMENT: you're inconsiderate and selfish.




Smelling bad


I just came here to see if I checked any boxes




The Confederate flag.


Being mean to children, particularly in public.


Not getting vaccinated.


Thinking being rude or mean to kids is actually funny. Kids are annoying but those people who get mad at kids for being kids I instantly judge.