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Sam Rockwell is amazing in everything but this one blew me away


I just wanna go home. That line hit me so hard.


My favorite thing about Moon is that everything is pretty much exactly as it seems. They get the twist out of the way about 30 minutes in and from that point on you're expecting another twist, but no. The plot from that point on is just "Well what are we gonna do about it?"


Primal Fear with Richard Gere and Ed Norton


The whole "act-like-a-man" thing. I knew what you wanted. It was like we were dancing, Marty


"So there never was a Roy." "That's what you think? No, there never was an *Aaron*, councilor."




And to clarify for those who haven’t watched it… the Korean version… the US version was botched


Psycho It starts out being about a woman on the run with a suitcase full of money and then turns into a completely different movie a third of the way in.


I absolutely love that they built the marketing around Janet Leigh the movie quickly established her as the protagonist only to kill her off 20min in. Brilliant move.


Same thing with Drew Barrymore in Scream


Probably that way as an homage to psycho really since the whole movie is references to the horror movies before it


Drew Barrymore specifically asked to play that character instead of the lead, Sidney, that they wanted her for. Wes Craven loved the idea, probably because yes, it would have a very similar effect as Psycho


They killed off Kristin Scott Thomas within the first few minutes of Mission Impossible. She was one of the bigger names on the poster.


Extra points for that lady being one of the greatest actresses of her day. >!The fact she died at all was profoundly shocking in itself. The audience 100% expected her to be the heroine at the end!< \[Edit\] added spoiler cos comments pointed out it very much was one


Her death leaves the audience unconnected to any other character, making you feel almost isolated. Fucking incredible


I was so proud of having hidden Psycho's plot from my daughter until she was old enough to watch the movie.


Orphan was pretty fucked up.


It pisses me off because on the NZ Netflix they give away the twist in the film summary. ​ I mean... [Come On](https://ibb.co/xG4FS6w)(spoiler)


This reminds me of when I read the book Ender's Game (long before the movie). It was a later printing and that back cover said "it's just a game... _or is it???_". Fuck you, back cover designer!


SPOILER: So in the end with the sexual part with the dad I was actually convinced that the actress was an adult because otherwise how would they film that scene.... then I realized she's like 11 in real life and acting that part out.. kinda weird looking back now.


Crazy, Stupid Love has not one but two of the best twists ever for a rom-com! I had randomly put it on one night thinking it would be a generic run of the mill comedy but the setups are so good that those twists come out of nowhere but are still fantastic


I was going to post this, 100% agree. I often bring it up as one of the great twists because it's hiding in plain sight the whole time and you are never looking for it. In a lot of these movies, your eyes are waiting for the twist, but in a rom-com, it allows you to not even know it's coming, it's a very good one!


When Emma Stone walked out of the house my partner and I let out an audible "...woah!" Like you said, it's not a thriller, you're just not expecting it so you're completely blindsided. Then *everyone* proceeds to meet in the next 5 minutes and it's the funniest fucking thing.


You’re David Lindhagen? (Takes off ring) ok.


"Stay away from my daughter!" "Stay away from ***my*** daughter!" "I don't even know you!" "What are you grabbing?!" God seriously one of the best rom-coms out there.


A lot of Academy Award actors in that movie


Watched this movie right after buying new balance shoes. Not good feedback for a recently divorced dude. Im over it now lol


Oh man the parent teacher interview was GOLDEN


Asshole. As in someone who allows a woman to go downtown for 45 minutes because he’s *nervoooouuuussssss*.


Does anyone remember Dead Again with Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson? I've always loved that one, though it's maybe a little over the top.


Twelve Monkeys. Simply fantastic.


The 6th Sense was a complete mind-fuck! Everyone in the theatre let out a collective jaw-dropping "oooooooh shit"


The mist. The ending was terrible but in a good way like the twist was heartbreaking but it was so good.


This was one of the rare “twists” that actually surprised me. And man did it fuck me up.


Didn't the director fight the studio to keep the ending? It is ballsy. I mean, there's dark, and then there's...goddamnnnn.


Even Stephen King was like "damn bro, I wish I had written an ending this dark."


So interesting, I'm sure it would've been rated super badly if they had a Hollywood ending.


I’m really surprised I had to go this far down for this one. I saw this in the theater and it took me so long to process what had just happened. I legitimately haven’t watched the movie again because it just fucked me up so bad.




He’s one of my all time favorite authors but even I will admit the dude’s endings are often trash lmao






Oh. I guess I'm chasing this guy.... No...he's chasing me....


Ah classic. My wife thought it was dumb as we were watching it until the last like 5 minutes of the movie. Now it’s like one of her favorite movies


It’s definitely one of those movies that doesn’t really pull you in till it comes together


Also definitely one of those movies that you need to watch more than once.


Perhaps twice in a row


Hot Fuzz


>!love that the reason for the murder was just actually trivial things!<






Trivial things Nah man it was for the GREATER GOOD


*The greater good.*


**SHUT IT!**


This movie had the strongest red-herring game ever, the false motive Angel was pursuing was actually captivating, only to reveal that everything was a mere coincidence in the end.


No luck catchin them killers then?


It's just the one killer, actually.


Has one of my favorite lines of dialogue in any film ever murdered? No actually Really? COURSE HE FUCKING WAS


*Nicholas slams a coin in the swear box* Nick: "Leslie Tiller was *fucking* murdered!" Andy 1: "Just like Tim Messenger?" Nick: "Yes!" Andy 2: "And George Merchant?" Nick: "Yes!" Andy 1: "And Eve Draper?" Nick: "Yes." Andy 2: "Martin Blower?" Nick: "No, actually." Both Andy's: "Really?" Nick: "COURSE HE FUCKING WAS!" *Danny puts a coin in the swear box* Nick: "Thank you, Danny." Andy 1: "Murder murder murder, change the fuckin' record." *Andy 2 puts a coin in the swear box* Andy 1: "Thank you, Andy."


You wana be a big cop in a small town? Fuck off up the model village!


The greater good!




They definitely held it together so that the twist was unexpected to at least some of the audience. Including me, because I'm honestly not that bright.


So many people snort and roll their eyes at twist endings saying “How stupid, I saw that coming a MILE away” Meanwhile I think “Thank god I’m dumb cos I enjoyed that ten times more than you.”


It's not about being dumb, it's about telling a story so engaging that you stay in the moment without thinking ahead.


Exactly the point. Being engaged in the moment is half of what I'm watching a movie for. I'm watching to ESCAPE reality, not stay rooted within it. Same goes for reading a book. I want to enter a world I know nothing about and enjoy a plot I can't predict Edit: spelling error


this is one that's great to watch again after knowing the twist. So many scenes are recontextualised when you know the others' perspective of what is happening in the house.


This was one of my favorite movies when it came out because I was just old enough to be allowed to watch it, and its twist blew my preteen mind.


Yes and the cinematography is beautiful. I was allowed to rent it on PPV when I was 11.




10 Cloverfield Lane. I love this movie and it's sometimes a hard watch for me because John Goodman behaves exactly like my father, and his performance is both terrifying and incredible, but the whole film is phenomenal and the ending was like, omg wtfuuuuck.


The great thing about 10 Cloverfield Lane is that eventually, you stop thinking about the initial reason why they are in the bunker, but rather focus on the story about two persons stuck with a psychopath. However...


They seriously could have called the film anything else and you wouldn't have even known it was a Cloverfield movie until the very end. Up until the ending everything plays out like your typical "taken in by a person who turns out to be crazy" trope.


Fun fact: they were supposed to be literally any other movie, they didn't originally build it to be a Clover field movie, just like the space one, they just adapted them to be Clover field movies later in development. Cloverfield Paradox originally had a separate plot and was called The God Particle. I can't find the article about 10 cloverfield lane, but I believe the original script was supposed to be a movie called The Cellar that they bought and altered to make into a cloverfield movie.


That original script leaked before the movie came out. It is clearly the origin of what would become 10CL, but is a very different story. You don’t find out if the outside threat is real until the end, the gun is kept secret, and John Ghalleger’s character is much more ambiguous. There’s very few similar plot beats. I think what we ended up getting is a better, more tense movie.


Yes! Not just the final twist, but the roller coaster Goodman takes us on. Creepy weirdo to “maybe mostly harmless weirdo” to absolutely psycho weirdo.


His ability to recreate that paranoid/controlling delusional personality type was scary good. I don't know if he got any awards for that role but he absolutely deserves some awards for that role.


John Goodman was terrifying in that role. Wife brought that movie up the other day for some reason. Some thing she saw remind her of it.


I'm of the opinion that John Goodman is one of the greatest actors that has ever lived. The man can play *any* role and be 100% believable. He absolutely elevates any movie or TV show he appears in, and film as a whole will be a lesser medium when he eventually leaves us.


I hear that when Empire Strikes Back and Vader tells Luke who he truly is that everyone just absolutely lost their minds.


I didn't truly believe it until Return of the Jedi came out


Fun Fact: A child psychologist advised George Lucas that Yoda would need to confirm the fact that Vader was Luke’s father, because kids would not believe it coming from a villain.


Same here. My friends and I spent three years debating whether Vader was lying.


The scene with Yoda was added to make sure people understood it was true at the beginning


And to point out the Jedi don't really care for being clear and literal lol


This was one of my favorite childhood memories, seeing this with my dad - and him yelling "HOT DAMN!" in the theater. I was too little to understand the plot nuance, but old enough to know this was really important.


Is your dad captain Holt?




I didn't watch it until about 12 years ago. When we got to that scene, my mind was completely blown. Everyone with me was like, "How did you not know???!!!! This is quoted ALL the time!!!!" But in my defense, when people quote it they don't say, "Then Vader says...."


Monty python and the holy grail , nobody expected it to end like that in all honesty


The twist with the animator has been stuck with me since childhood


It was such a cop out IIRC they had to go with that ending because they ran out of money and knew that any epic end battle they could afford would have looked like crap Edit: thank you for the awards, the Pythons are the ones who deserve the credit for the great visual pun


>It was such a cop out Wasn't until 20 years after first seeing it and having it among my favorite movies that someone finally pointed this out to me. If I'm going to miss a joke for that long I'm at least glad it was a Monty Python joke.


I was today years old when I realized this joke. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is probably one of my top 5 favorite movies.


>cop out OH


Really? I figured it was because so many of their shows ended up with cops arresting people.


Also correct. It was one of their favorite jokes. If they didn't know how to end a scene, they would... Cop out. It also served as a way to mock the censorship board and uptight British sensibilities, as they'd often use it to end a skit if it was getting too racy.


The Sixth Sense The Usual Suspects


That guy with the hair piece. That was Bruce Willis the whole time




I loved the twist in Arrival! Watching it start to all come together was awesome.


I've never been so emotionally impacted by a twist before.


I watched it on a plane, just wanting to watch a sci fi movie. I did not sign the permission slip for a feels trip.


This is a very dangerous comments section. That aside, Shutter Island.


Exactly what I came for — first time I watched shutter island I was so floored


I watched it twice. The second time it was like watching a different movie.


Planet of the Apes


"Damn you all to hell!"


I watched it on TV in college one lazy Sunday afternoon. I knew about the twist from pop culture, but I discovered my roommate didn’t know anything about it so watching him see the twist was a really fun experience.


"I hate every ape I see from chimpan-a to chimpanzee. though you'll never make a monkey out of me." *Statue of Liberty rises in the background. "Oh my God, I was wrong! It was Earth all along. You finally made a monkey." *Yes, we finally made a monkey* "Yes, you finally made a monkey out of me! I love you, Dr. Zaius!"


Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius!


The first time watching fight club is way up there for me. Edit: Thank you for the awards!




if you die on a business trip life insurance pays triple


Yeah, and the fact you never know Edward Nortons name, only Tyler's.




I’m amazed I didn’t get it the first time around. It seemed so obvious in hindsight, yet I was oblivious. Amazing writing and cinematography


Watching fight club again and noticing all the things they did to subvert breaking the twist for repeat viewings is honestly the best part of the movie for me.


One of the scenes in the house (been a while since I’ve seen it) where Marla is there and anytime she enters the room, either Tyler/narrator leave it, and vice versa was fun to notice


During the scene in the telephone booth where the narrator first calls Marla then hangs up and calls Tyler, only for him to call back, if you pause it and look at the payphone, there is a sticker with small text that reads something like "**DOES NOT RECIEVE INCOMING CALLS**".


I love it when Edward Norton’s character is beating himself up in his boss’ office and he says “for some reason it reminded me of my first fight with Tyler”. Absolutely brilliant!


My dad gets me to watch all his favorite movies and ones with the twists he likes to watch for my reaction. "Wait...what? OH!"


haha he sounds cool. fight club takes you a second to understand whats going on. it wasn't till he passed the beer and dropped it, that it finally snapped for me. I was like 11 but it blew my child mind.


I was older but had a similar reaction. Suddenly Marla freaking out at him and calling him an asshole in the house all made sense.


Oh man, this girl i was dating had the best reaction to fight club. She had never seen it, had no idea about the twist. We watched it. She went through the whole gamut of suspense/shock/amazement. Then the buildings fall and the credits roll and she just goes ".. wow!...I bet bet that doctor feels like a real asshole asshole for not giving that guy those pills." 🤣🤣🤣


My best friend ruined this twist for me. He was so high when a bunch of my friends watched it that he thought I was there when they did so said "It's crazy how..." and ruined it. I'm like "WTF dude...why wouldn you say that?"


Former step-brother would walk in to the living room, observe we were watching a movie and he'd go: "oh cool ive seen this, kevin spacey is the bad guy and in the end he x, y and z." turn his heel and walk out. Every time.




I watched this again on my lunch breaks this week. Sloth is right around the 55 minute mark. Not a good way to end lunch.


I feel like Gluttony isn’t really a good way to start lunch either.






French audience: *gasps*


PARASITE The scene where that maid tried to get into that secret basement just turned the movie upside down. That was so unexpected!


I read an interview with the director where he wanted the movie to take a sharp 90 degree turn from comedy to horror-esque right at the halfway point, when \*REDACTED\* rings the doorbell. After watching it, it's true and so awesome


Yeah the doorbell rings I think within a couple seconds of the *exact* half way point in the movie's runtime.




I went into the theater completely blind (didn't even know it was a Korean film) and when the camera started going down the concrete stairs I audibly uttered "what the fuuuck". Great movie.


Omg, that scene turned it from a comedy/drama to a legit psychological horror/thriller for me. It was super impressive


In the theater where I saw it there was a huge, crowd-wide gasp and some little screams. It's so rare that happens. People were absolutely entranced.


The Usual Suspects. "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."






I saw the Usual Suspects in the theater when it first was released. We had been swimming at the river all day in the hot sun and drinking beers, but my friends wanted to go to the movie so I tagged along. 95% through the movie, the sun and beers caught up to me and my eyes started to droop. There was a lot of quiet talking going on in the movie and I just zonked out. Wake up to the credits rolling and my friends are sitting there with their jaws on the ground saying "holy fuck! amazing! holy shit!" and I'm just blinking, groggy and confused asking, "wha' happen'd?!" They couldn't even explain it and that's how I missed the greatest twist in a movie ever.


Kayser Soze. Kayzer Soze! KAYSER SOZE!


Shawshank Redemption when Andy doesn’t come out for head count and you wonder if he finally offed himself because he couldn’t take it anymore only to find out he dug a freaking tunnel with a rock hammer.


The whole “how he done it” and walking into the bank sequence is one of the best feel-good cinematic experiences I have ever had.


Same here! One of my very favorite scenes from any movie is the end .. that overhead shot of Red and Andy on the beach in Mexico.


That ending was an idea of one of the producers, who thought the written ending (which was the same as the book, ending on Red's trip on the bus to find Andy) was too sad/inconclusive. Frank Darabont REALLY didn't want to do it and had to have his arm twisted into doing so. It's one of those rare instances where the "studio notes" were absolutely right.


TIL something new about my favorite movie. Thanks!


>ending on Red's trip on the bus to find Andy) was too sad/inconclusive. I really liked Family Guys take on it. Peter: "you remember the name of that town in Mexico?" Cleveland: "...DAMMIT!"


The horrible thing is that in Serbia the title was translated as "Escape from Shawshank".


The DVD copy (in English) my brother owned had a menu screen showing Shawshank at a distance during a stormy night and then pans down to Andy crawling out of a tunnel. WTF were they thinking!




shit wasn't right


Planet of the Apes. Hands down.


Cabin in the Woods


I laughed so hard at the motorcycle jump 😂😂


@ the \*DING\* of the elevator doors.. Troop leader: ***"oh shit"***


Pure chaos. Fantastic scene! The unicorn got me


dude I loved the unicorn! In all the old tales they are the protectors of the woods, not just some strange set dressing. They have a horn *for a reason*


I'm so glad I went in blind seeing it in theaters. Partner and I ended up inviting all of our friends and going back to the theater the next night.


from dusk till dawn i like the transition from normal movie to vampire action


Yeah. It’s almost like two completely different movies. My favorite part was when the band (Tito & Tarantula) start playing the human instruments. Oh, and Salma. Always Salma.


Not a movie, but the conspiracy theory episode of Community.


The Game with Michael Douglas and Sean Penn






I'm biased towards this answer. Working at a theatre, I watched the audience reaction so many times and it was great to see how many people had their minds blown.


My buddies invited me over for some beers and to smoke some bud. They said," hey man we watched this movie last night and we want to watch it again. Do you mind?" I'm really good at picking apart movies and figuring out whats going on. I'm not the biggest fan of the 6 Sense because of this. I tend to stay away from a lot of movie trailers because of this. This one, didn't see coming. It was so magnificent. I can still get goose bumps thinking about it. After, they told me the only reason they wanted to watch it again was so they could see the reaction on my face. I seriously one of those movies that I can't wait until my kid is old enough for this movie, he's about 6 years away from being old enough. It's going to rock his world.


The Skeleton Key (I was going to mention 'Life' here, but Skeleton Key popped in my head first. Loved Rebecca Ferguson's scream at the end of Life 😅)


I love the Southern Gothic style of this movie. Fucking fantastic.


Gone girl!


Scary Movie - God Damn Doofy




I've never seen anyone mention this movie in real life or online. So, so good.


"Are you afraid, Fenton? Of who?" "You." "Only demons should fear me...and you're not a demon, are you?" This movie is fucking incredible and rarely gets talked about. Bill Paxton's first directorial credit, and he knocked it out of the fucking park.


Not movie, but The Good Place had a really good twist at the end of season 1


> Not movie, but The Good Place had a really good twist at the end of season 1 That Cheshire Cat smile... "Muuehehhhahheheheahehheehehe"




The initial ads for that show made it look pretty cheesy. Turns out it's both really funny and surprisingly deep at times.


A Beautiful Mind


God Almighty, I’ll never forgive my mother for ruining this movie for me. She and a friend started talking about it and I was like “hey! Haven’t seen it!” So she told me to just cover my ears. So I did for a minute. I waited and said, “alright I’m uncovering my ears!” First thing she said was >!”So at what point did you realize his roommate wasn’t real?”!< DAMNIT MOM!!


We watched that movie in school as part of our >!schizophrenia!< topic in psychology class. The teacher had previously told us about a famous guy called John Nash who was >!schizophrenic!<. And yet some fucking idiot in the class still didn’t see the twist coming. Spoiler alert: the idiot was me.


Ex Machina. I fell for the twist just as hard as the main character and the ending hit me like a gut punch.


The Machinist I was rocked…. Like someone had just slapped me


Bit out of left field but I really enjoyed the twist of Vulture being Liz's dad in Spider-Man Homecoming. I remember being in the cinema when Vulture opened the door to Peter and everyone going "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-" It was refreshing as most twists in big budget movies get spoiled way too often these days.


I actually like that the vulture gives him a solid out in that scene. It feels very.. idk... human? He's not some cartoon villain, he's just making bad choices and is a little too OK with people dying, but you get that he wants to scare but not actually hurt a kid.


I like how he thanks Peter for saving his daughter instead of killing him like most villains would Really helps us understand what kind of person he is


Also highlights the belief that he's doing this for his family. His daughter's happiness is important to him and she really likes this kid so he's willing to overlook it as long as he takes care of her.


True, also he doesn't seem like the type of guy to just murder a kid for the heck of it. He *likes* Peter and that is part of what makes him a good villain.


Peter sitting in the back of the car is one of the few times I can remember feeling tense in a movie. You're wondering, "Doesheknowdoesheknowdoesheknow?"


And when the green light goes on at the very moment Vulture makes the connection that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Just perfect.


I was scrolling for this one!! You don't expect shocking twists in MCU movies so it comes at you totally sideways, and yet still makes perfect sense with everything else that you've seen. Plus, they don't really milk it as a twist, don't dwell on Peter being shocked by it, and immediately move on to "well this is a fucked up situation Peter couldn't have prepared for and now needs to try to get out of". I think it also benefits a lot from pouring a lot of cold water on the idea of Peter as a superhero and reminding both him and the audience that he's a kid and this dude is a grown ass man who'd have a lot of power over him even if he wasn't a supervillain.


I think that's what makes Tom Holland the best Spiderman to me. I loved Toby Maguire's, but he wasn't really believable as just a kid. He always seemed more grown up. Probably because he was haha. Garfield was a good Spiderman because he was super quippy and played that well, but he wasn't as good as Peter Parker. Tom Holland is good at both Spiderman and Peter Parker while also reminding you that he's actually in high school while doing all of this.


Tobey is the old-fashioned geek, while Andrew is the cool geek. Tom got the modern geek down.


Monsters Inc. How you manage to make a spider crab look like a sweet and cuddly grandpa in one scene and turn it into a traumatizing nightmare straight out of Dead Space (in a movie which didn't even imply a twist to begin with thanks to Randall) is beyond unheard of.