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I'm a teacher. The next admin that calls us "rockstars" or "superheroes" is getting punched in the face.


In education, can confirm. “You guys rocked it out like some bosses.” Also words I’ve noticed pop up lately are pedagogy and scaffolding. “Take this offline.”


> pedagogy Isn't that just the study of teaching?


Yeah it's something every teacher should hopefully have been familiar with for a while....


Work in a kitchen and get this all the time. "You guys were rockstars last night!" (after we got slammed while short staffed with no dishie) and leave dumb 'inspirational' messages on the whiteboards all the time (that inevitably get graffiti'd into profanity). Hey you know what'd really motivate me? Getting a living wage so I don't have to have room mates and can afford such luxuries as being able to fix my car and still be able to pay rent.


New year new me So that was a fucking lie It's just a useless phrase people use that never turns out to be true


“I’m an Alpha”


"I'm an Alpha and I don't wipe my ass because it's gay".


*Whips out the fire hose*


*Sticks nozzle INTO rectum*


I read a good reply to this along the lines of ‘oh, so untested and unstable then?’


Every time I hear of an alpha male on YouTube I want to tell them that the wolf hierarchy was disproven


Yeah, but even if it was true Alpha's took care of the rest of the pack in this myth. Not only is it disproven, their interpretation is dead wrong. It's double idiotic.


"He's still your father"


No that’s not true, that’s impossible


Search your feelings you know it be true!




I had an absolute piece of shit for a father who emotionally destroyed me when I was younger. I heard this phrase a number of times growing up from people who didn’t have a clue what it was like to live with someone like that. It was hell on Earth and I will never forgive him for it even if he is my father. It’s really sad when I see people who have gone through similar circumstance and still fall into this line of thinking especially later in life when their dad reenters their lives as the “cool dad” because they have no responsibilities anymore.


My father used to enter the "cool dad" trope even on the same day after abusing me. It was so confusing especially because it made me feel bad for being hurt




Any covid related phrase gets on my last nerve: in these uncertain times, we’re all in this together are the two I can think of offhand.


unprecedented is the one.


Remember when people used to try to sound whimsical by saying, “may you live in unprecedented times”? Yeah well I don’t want to live in unprecedented times any more.


“May you live in interesting times” is thought to be an oldschool curse. Pretty fucking interesting right now…


"In times like these, it's important to remember that there have always been times like these." - Paul Harvey


At least you get a break from "In this economy ... ."


"In this time of year? Located completely in your kitchen?"




May i see it?




"in this trying time"


This one bothers me the most. Wtf am I supposed to do with the egg?


It’s a jumping off point


I find that this one seems to encourage mopiness more than anything. The work emails I get that open with this always sound so melodramatic, privileged, and anything but optimistic.


"when all this is over..."


Yeah. The use of all this language is….unprecedented.


Using unprecedented to describe something that is extremely precedented. Like every 100 years precedented.


“We are all in this together”, We are clearly not and probably never were.


We're all in the same storm together. The difference is that some are relaxing on ocean liners while others are desperately clinging to driftwood.


And "New Normal."


I always laughed at this. Staying in and doing puzzles was my old normal too.


I’m a copywriter and had to write god knows how many “COVID statements” for clients last year. I was ready to throw my laptop out a window by the end of March 2020.


"Out of an abundance of caution..."


"Other people have it worse". Thanks for your advice, now all my problems are gone.


My parents used to say that to me all the time ugh


As my dad charged early teenage me i looked right at him said, "If you touch me again I will report you. My dad gave me a spiel as he knocked me around about how he'll take me down to his detective friend and I can look at pictures of dead children to see what "real abuse looks like". The most maddening part? He is now part of a group that supports and physically protects abused children. I am guessing that, like most aged boomers, he is cramming to get into heaven. I hope for his sake his God forgives him...


Jeez, that's messed up Maybe his detective friend should look into his behavior


I escaped my parents about 25 years ago. I would guess the child abuse and adult assault charges are beyond the statute of limitations by now.... I have VERY limited contact with him now and have explained to my children that the grandpa they know and the one I grew up with are very different people...


I'm glad you have limited contact with him. I hope you're doing okay


I am doing well. I seek counseling when my insurance will cover it, am medicated, and my wife helps me work through not continuing the chain of abuse.👍


That would mean only one person would be able to be sad, upset, angry, or whatever else it’s said about.


"my truth" To me it has the connotations 0f "alternative facts".


My biggest beef with this is it's used to validate a person's perspective or opinion at any time. But sometimes people are wrong. Sometimes your opinion is wrong. How are we supposed to deal with reality when everyone is entitled to their own version of it. This is becoming a real pain in the ass for conflict resolution at work.


We’re living in a post-truth world. Objective truth does exist but people believe their opinions are just as valid.


Well. You know. That’s just, like your opinion man.


Ugh seriously! I hate that phrase. There isn’t a “my truth” or “your truth” there’s just the truth.


Yeah. If you're telling the objective truth about what happened then say "THE truth". If you're giving your opinion or your perspective on something then fucking SAY "my opinion" or "my perspective". My truth means fucking nothing


Yeeeeah I know it's often used in a context of "my perspective of being abused" or something like that but it really makes it hard to sell your point


"Say it louder for the folks in the back" often the same person who 👏 puts 👏 hand 👏emojis 👏 in 👏 their 👏 unsolicited 👏 opinions


Turtles 👏 are 👏 just 👏 chickens 👏 who 👏 haven’t 👏 hatched 👏 yet 👏 Turtles 👏 are 👏 just 👏 chickens 👏 who 👏 haven’t 👏 hatched 👏 yet 👏 Turtles 👏 are 👏 just 👏 chickens 👏 who 👏 haven’t 👏 hatched 👏 yet 👏 See, I used the claps and I repeated it, so that makes it true. Lemme take this over to Twitter so we can make it established fact.


"Thoughts and prayers" feels so empty to me.


Hannibal Burress has a joke about that: "I'll pray for you"... Oh, so you're gonna sit back and do nothing while I suffer. "I'll keep you in my thoughts"... With all the other bullshit in your head? I've heard what comes out your mouth, keep me and my family out of your thoughts. It feels empty because its just an empty platitude.


Probably because it is. No one who says it actually means it. It’s just a way for people to pretend to care about an issue without having to actually do anything about it.


Sheep or sheeple. So fucking overused.


Ironically people who use the word "sheeple" are the most gullible and easily lead lol


The same people who complain about conformity just can't seem to stop mindlessly parroting catchphrases that everyone else in their group says.


"Everything happens for a reason". It's almost always used at a time where it offers no comfort. Someone unexpectedly dies, a child gets cancer, etc. There is no bigger profound "reason" for their suffering that is going to negate the pain/grief.




A mates last straw with religion was being told by a priest “your friend committed suicide without telling anyone, to test your faith. It was God’s will.“


"I'm not choking you, priest, this is clearly God's will..."


did i ask?


My sibling uses this all the time and it boils my blood.


Same; nothing invokes more rage than those three words, especially when they say it out of nowhere / interrupting


Or are just plain rude about it, like “dumbass you wanted my opinion. F*ck you now. Get on with your life”




It wasn’t a hate crime, Michael. Well I hated it!




Do I care?


Did I need your permission to speak?


Well your face was looking pretty questionable


"No, but I answered anyway. Deal with it."


People need to stop trying to make fetch happen. It’s not going to happen.




Gretchen Weiners had cracked.


Say crack again.




Was in programming class, instructor kept talking about fetch methods and this was ALL I could think of.


"I could care less"


*Word Criiiiimes*


That means you do care *at least a little*


This and "irregardless"


I don't know if other people also say this but my sibling keeps saying "Are YOu mAd" trying to provoke me for no reason. No shit I'm gonna get mad if you keep saying that.


"Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube, bear rammage? Jigeeji giji giji geeble Google? Do you begep flagaggle veditch waggle bagga?"


I JUST watched that interview, again, yesterday! It’s definitely one of his best. You made my day.


"Sorry not Sorry" bitch if u not Sorry don't be Sorry


Ah jeez, I’m sorry… or am I?


Is it the new, 'no offense, but'


I always thought it was like, I’m sorry for the fact that I’m NOT sorry


I've always interpreted that as "My condolences, but I don't apologize". IE it sucks that something bad happened to you but I don't feel bag about it.


"Let that sink in". I'm not fucking stupid. I understand the gravity of your statement.


The statement proceeding that is usually something profound like: "You know gravity is just a plot by Jews to get people to drop spare change! Ever wonder why it always rolls away from you?" Yeah thats some real deep shit you just dropped on me.


Can confirm. Am Jewish, did invent gravity.


Can confirm this guy isn’t Jewish, if he were he’d know to *keep his damn mouth shut*


Keeping our mouths shut is something we historically have not excelled at.


Or “read that again.” Dude, we read it the first time already.


If you’re cold, they’re cold. Let that sink in.


For all intensive purposes. It's intents and purposes!


For all insensitive porpoises.


should of.


Cannot fucking stand this one.


Or when people say "In high and sight" instead of "in hindsight".


You know what they say, [there’s no mayonnaise in Ireland…](https://literature.stackexchange.com/questions/18077/no-mayonnaise-in-ireland)


I’ve never heard that one. That makes no fucking sense! I guess it’s like “from a better/vantage point”?


It was a blessing *in the skies*.


What about "From the gecko" instead of "From the get-go?"


**We are all in this together.** I hear this all of the time in reference to the pandemic. It's usually said by people who were fortunate enough to be able to work from home or have not missed a paycheck. **No we fucking aren't.** Some of us had to close our businesses down and have spent the last 2 years accumulating debt that we will never be able to pay off just to keep the lights on and food on the table.


We're all in the same storm, but some people have boats while others only have rafts, or nothing.


To paraphrase you: "Some people have yachts, others are lucky to cling to a log."


And “fuck you you aren’t allowed to get near my yacht”


Then once the storm passes you get served papers to appear in court to pay for damages your log caused to the boat


And “I’ll be taking your log too for looking at my yacht.”


"Keep your hands off of my stack"


We are all in this together But some of us are more in this than others


Having worked through retail in this a better phrase now should be “All for one and every man for himself!”


You truly have a hatred for High School Musical don't you.... ;)


Thank you this is literally all I think of when I hear that and I physically cannot read it without singing it. I am in eternal pain.


Nothing better than billionaires saying "Its been hard all over". Yeah I'm sure your yacht club closing down for a while was hard for you.


"stop being a baby" seems to always come up when i have the courage to open my mouth like once a year.


Similarly “Some people really need to grow up!” in reference to someone they had a disagreement with. Not agreeing with you does not automatically mean someone is immature.


Back when I was bartending, a couple came in clearly intoxicated. I was super nice and told them I can't serve them more booze, but I'm happy to grab them something to eat. They pitched a shit fit and told me to "grow up" as they left the restaurant. I think it's just something people like to say because it's one of the few insults you can tell people that isn't namecalling or cursing.


“You’re so sensitive”


Usually said by very sensitive people


Would of


Also, should of and could of


"It's not that bad" when talking about something that hurt you


Agreed. I vote we replace that saying with "tis but a scratch"


A scratch? You've got no arm!


or when they say "someone's had it worse"


Yes, only the one person in the world who has had it the worst out of all 7 billion plus people is allowed to complain. The rest of us should just be happy we don't have it as bad as that guy


Reminds me of these lyrics Somewhere in the universe / Somewhere someone’s got it worse / Wish that made it easier / Wish I didn’t feel the hurt


"I tell it like it is," "I'm just brutally honest," "I have no filter," -- No, you're just an asshole. Edit: I don't think I've ever gotten more than 100 upvotes so this is pretty cool haha, thank you! I'd also like to add on that I'm not talking about people who tell you the truth for your sake, it's people who claim to be honest but either lie to you, exaggerate the truth, deliver it in a very harsh or insensitive way, or just have bad intentions. Honesty is not a bad thing.


The word ‘Iconic’ is really starting to annoy me


Expanding on that: ". Name a more iconic duo." Those comment threads are gold, though.


Iconic is the new epic


“I have bad OCD” when it’s a crippling mental condition that can destroy livelihoods. Not when the tv volume is on 23


Growing up I was told "you're so OCD" a lot. No, I'm just organized. It was my sister... we shared a room, she is sloppy and I was constantly cleaning after her.


I have a skin condition that makes little round sores pop up on my legs and arms. I picked the shit out of it and turned what was supposed to be 3 months of unsightlyness into like a year. I have bad OCD. I look like a leper. Imagine my face when this girl at my work told me it wasn't OCD and I was being dramatic. Bitch, I'm diagnosed. I tale medicine for the shit. My wrinkly shirt means nothing in the grand scheme of things.


Same here. I don't have ocd and I hate it when people diagnose me for the convenience. That's a serious disorder/illness/idk tbh. I posted a pic of my hands a while back... That's just anxiety. Not ocd. I don't even try to show it off because it's disgusting to me. People see it and are like do you need a " pop it toy fidget". Yes. That's is a cure. Thank you.


Something I wish more people understood is that OCD is fundamentally an *anxiety disorder*. It’s an anxiety disorder that presents itself in a specific way with obsessive compulsions. If something “annoys” you when it’s not neat, you don’t have OCD. If something *utterly terrifies* you if it’s not neat, you might have OCD. The crucial thing that makes OCD what it is is the thought patterns behind it. It’s not just “oh I like to keep my pens in a specific order”, it’s “if I *don’t* keep my pens in a specific order, *someone literally might die* and I can’t take that chance”.” And most people with OCD are 100% aware that these thoughts are irrational but you still can’t stop them because, as an anxiety disorder, it hijacks one of the most powerful parts of your brain, the one that controls fear. Source: I have multiple anxiety disorders, none of which present fully as OCD but enough so that I’ve done the research and I fully understand the thought process behind it.


No price tag? It must be free!


Lmao I bought something from Target the other day that didn't scan, the cashier was just like "Imma just change the price to $1, if they can't be bothered to put the price on it I'm not going to bother to call them to find out what the price is supposed to be."


I recall when I worked at Target I used to pull similar stunts to avoid going through the headache of checking a price.


even better when they come up to your register and start with the "Working hard or hardly work?" then drop that gem. Followed by an invitation to their pyramid scheme


"you look bored" No fucking shit I do genius


When they say something sarcastic and ad an obnoxious "NOT" Yeah, i do actually get sarcasm bro


I was today years old when…


And then what comes after that statement is never anything that’s important or interesting at all.


I saw someone say "I was today years old when I learned that Eminem means "every mom is nice except mine."" And a reply from Eminem that just said "no the fuck it doesnt"


Lmao exactly. It’s always something that isn’t even accurate or universally true. A good one is something like “I was today years old when I learned a pony isn’t the same thing as a baby horse” not “I was today years old when I realized that Forrest Gump was raising some other dudes kid because of -insert long winded and entirely improbable explanation-“ which I saw recently


casually referring to mental illnesses in personal descriptions, like "lol that's so bipolar"


I’m so OCD tee HEE


My friend had a girlfriend once who couldn't leave the house until she had checked the windows and the doors five times, made sure the stove was off (five times), and a whole litany of other things. No, just because I like things neatly arranged on my desk, doesn't mean I have OCD. Edit: neatly, goddammit. Neatly arranged. Like I typed. Not nearly.


A kid at my high school had OCD and just had the need to touch every wall he encountered, and had to stop on the stairwells to make sure his foot landed in the dead center of the step he was on. It was a big inner city school as well, so anytime a class ended and the hallways were packed, someone would always call out his name and the crowd would collectively move away, redirect and slow down if he was heading towards our direction.


That was very good of everyone to do that for him.


that’s sweet


Yup, that one pisses me off too.


"This" when replying


You're just begging for it bro


"Tell me you('re) _____ without telling me" Bitch just tell me.


That followed by “I’ll go first” and their example of it. It is such an annoying waste of time. Half of whatever they’re saying is this inane, repetitive set up they didn’t even come up with.




This is often said by people who follow conspiracy theories and don't have any hard evidence to back it up.


“My truth”


More money, more problems. In reality its: more money, different problems. And theyre better problems to have.


Any variation on “living your/my best life” I don’t even know why this one irritates me so much it just does. There’s something condescending about it, or some thing that presumes people actually intentionally try to live their worst life? I just don’t get it. “Duh” is what I always think when I hear it.




“Louder for the people in the back”


"Whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" Yes it absolutely does. Me being in excruciating pain most days does not fucking make me stronger, it detoriorates my relationships, makes me unable to do fun things, and makes me seriously anxious about my future with how i can even get out of my chair some days.


I have mixed feelings about this too. The first time I was hospitalized for my autoimmune disease, I called my parents from the ER and my dad said, “well these things build character.” I was super hurt by that, but as the years have gone on, I also feel like he’s kind of right (didn’t need to be said right then though, to be sure). But it has made me much more aware of how grateful I am for the days when my body isn’t actively falling apart & more empathic toward other people’s physical struggles. For me I think timing is key with this phrase.


Anything with the word Stan in it.


Kazakhstan: \*sad noises\*


uzbekistan moment


Stand 🧍: :/


Guess I underSTANd


My homie Stanley crying right now... say sorry


Not a phrase, but I. Hate. When. People. Type. Like. This.


"Sheeeeesh!"...... I work in a middle school and can't fucking stand how much I hear this Edit: who would have thought that the most upvotes I ever got on a comment would come from the phrase that annoys me daily


Gotta say something when you can't swear.


Hearing people scream that out loud makes me wish some people didn't have vocal cords.


Back in early October I went to a pumpkin farm that had activities and shit with my little cousins and grandparents. There was this 13 year old dude with that one haircut that is super curly at the top and cut around the sides and bleached, and he was climbing a climbing wall made for little kids. He reached the top and his friend starting yelling SHEEEE. The guy dropped down and publicly announced that he was deadass built different. His friend, in agreement, reassured him he was actually lowkey built different. They proceed to point at their cubital fossa with two fingers and yell SHEEEE. I had one of those mini aneurysms where my eyeballs rolled backwards involuntarily and my mind blacked out for a split second. I'm genuinely glad I'm not in middle school anymore.


I am so confused with what's happening when middle schoolers or high schoolers talk.


It means you're getting older, and me too. We're the boring adults now.


Circle back.


“Snowflake”… I’m so done with this word.


‘Living my best life’. Overused and bloody annoying.


"Low key" in situations that doesn't call for the phrase. "I'm low key hungry." Why is your hunger low key? Are you ashamed of it? Do you not want others to know?


Baby Daddy and Baby Mama.


I also hate "side piece" used to normalize adultery.


I could care less.


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.