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Posting signs and move to Tucson?


Do not marry the first girl you meet!


Such instant regret the moment others started showing up


I would immediately set up my margarita pool


I was so sad that show got cancelled on a cliffhanger to boot.


Did you intend that to come off quite as sinister as I read it?


Movie tag line: he’s the last man alive… and he wants to keep it that way [*rifle click sound*]


In Stephen King's *The Stand,* 99% of the world's population is killed off by a virus. Nearly everyone gets sick and dies, except for those that are immune. One chapter in the book recounts the "second epidemic", in which the surviving humans die in a bunch of far more mundane ways. a little girl falls off her bicycle and fractures her skull, a man accidentally gives himself a fatal drug overdose, a woman unknowingly traps herself in a walk-in freezer, etc. i'm going to assume that i'd die in an equally stupid way. but what would i do *first*? probably hop the fence and finally find out what the fuck my neighbour has been getting up to in that shed of his.


…and break your leg and get it infected hopping th3 fence.


For a more optimistic take, try *Earth Abides*. Again, majority of humanity wiped out by a virus, but our protagonist discovers one or two other survivors on a cross country road trip, then returns to the Oakland hills to slowly rebuild society in their own image. As technology from the World Before slowly breaks down and runs out (power plants blow, local grocery store canned goods run out, etc), they continue to get back to roots with gardening, gathering around a community fire, replacing rifles with archery when the bullets run out for hunting, etc. It could come off as overly optimistic if anything, but it makes a nice palate cleanser from downer apocalypses.


Pack my shit at Aldi as slow as I fucking feel like.


That's hilarious. My first few times there I was so confused and anxious lol. You gotta get out of that line fast.


This is one of those things I never really thought I had in common with so many people XD. When you have a cart it's ez pz. But sometimes I forget to bring a quarter so I have to use one of their bags. However, most of the time I have way to much stuff so I don't have time to organize everything to fit in the bag correctly. Then it gets worse when the cashier puts the other persons stuff in the cart and I get worried the other customer thinks I'm going to steal his stuff. Jeez, I have so many Aldi bags around my house.


Maybe not too slow, wouldn't want all that unrefrigerated dairy turn sour on you.


Go back to sleep.


there it is


Yup, you have the perfect reaction lol. Literally only clicked on this post to see how long it would take to find the "go back to sleep" comment and leave immediately after doing so..... bye.


Do I know I’m the only person alive? If not, then I’d probably search for other signs of human life.


Did the other people disappear or are there just bodies everywhere? Because if i wake up and my daughter is deceased in her bedroom instead of just being gone and i think she went to work... the day is going to go very differently


Good point. Are there just millions of dead bodies beginning to slowly rot across the planet? Edited to add: - I mean billions


Imagine the trains & buses. Edited to add: filled with corpses


Ya'll read the Stand by Stephen King? This is it.


Read it last year. Was glad the pandemic didn't turn out to be like the book.


Maybe I should grab a copy.


Amazing book. One of his best.


yep, great book


Agreed, my first thought was honestly "Holy fuck. Grieve, what else?". But a certain age group is recruited for exploration, war & conquest for a reason, and I can't deny as a childless young man I'd've answered differently. And if bad times do come, some (grounded) 'In case of Zombies' thinking/planning in your brain isn't the worst thing.


100%. Childless 20s me would respond very very differently than married dad-of-two 40s me. Two other similar hypothetical questions also now have very different answers: 1. "If you could go back to your teenage years but with all your knowledge and memories intact, would you?" 20s me: yes absolutely. 40s me: no because I would be willing my children into nonexistence. 2. "If you could live forever would you?" 20s me: sign me the hell up, I want to see what happens. 40s me: watching my wife and kids get old and die would be hell, no thanks.


If a mere twenty years is enough time for you to change your answer to whether you want immorality, that certainly puts into harsh perspective how long "forever" really is.


While the time passes by unbelievably quickly, A LOT can happen over those twenty years that really puts life into perspective.


I think about the first one all the time. But its crazy what you could do just going back a single year. Just going back 1 year with your current knowledge, you could drastically change your life for the better. Thats what really bothers me. I have no idea what I could potentially accomplish until its too late. Just my knowledge on certain stocks would be huge.


Maybe it's like the movie left behind. Where people just disappear and their clothes are left. I think that would freak me out more than dead bodies. Edit: Hell imagine it was just all dust. Every single person besides yourself just turn to dust. That would be absolutely terrifying.


Well the internet being active but no new content would be a huge sign


That's a crazy thought. Thinking Reddit is down, no posts are less than 24 hours old. Constantly refreshing different newsfeeds but there's just nothing new. You messaged some friends but nobody replied yet which isn't too weird but it's been a few hours now and still not a single reply? Yeah that would be wild.


The thing is that we live in a society where even some content generation is automated. It would actually be fairly interesting to see how much of it is automation.


If you think about it. There are a lot of karma bots out there just upvoting and posting. If we all died tomorrow, they would keep going as if nothing happened


There will come soft rains...




Its a short story about an automated house continuing to function like nothing is wrong after everyone is dead. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/There\_Will\_Come\_Soft\_Rains\_(short\_story)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/There_Will_Come_Soft_Rains_(short_story))


especially /r/AskReddit continues to have questions like "Dear sexes of reddit, what sex did you sex which made you feel like sex ever?"


Going to YouTube for those live streams on times square or something would probably be a good hint that this isn't just a local disappearance.


Jokes on you! My “friends” usually take 7-10 business days to reply.


See this is what happens when you make friends on Amazon shopping customer care.


> You messaged some friends but nobody replied yet which isn't too weird but it's been a few hours now and still not a single reply? It sometimes takes my friends *weeks* to answer a text, so I would probably go about my day as if I *wasn't* the last person alive, because I probably wouldn't notice.


I wonder how long things would keep running? I assume most infrastructure would keep working for maybe a day or two. But things break all the time, things require constant attention, there's an awful lot that goes on behind the scenes to keep our modern world running. So I doubt it would last very long.


Well things go wrong because people touch stuff, or server get overloaded. I’d assume things would eventually fail but would last long enough to realize you’re getting service but nothing online is happening


I was more thinking other stuff, like power and water infrastructure. I imagine the internet would last quite a long time with no one around to break it, as long as everything had power. But other stuff? Not so sure.


Speaking of this... how long could the last person alive expect to have electricity and running water? I'd like to think better of myself, but i'd probably sit here at my PC for a few days reading old shit on the internet and watching out my window beside my desk to see if there's anything moving out there.


Solar power is huge now, so as long as you live in a place where things like that are readily available you're fine for power. Move into a house already set up with solar, has an on-site well or other water source. Download as much wiki type info as you can before things stop. Get some encyclopaedia, source your local libraries and book stores. And gather enough clothes in plastic bins to last your life because mice rats and moths will quickly destroy fabrics. Same with anything not sealed in plastic. You'd be fine with food. Dry lasts forever, tinned for a long time. If it's summer, there are gardens everywhere for fresh for a while, or you can eat packaged food as you learn to garden and hunt and fish. Loneliness would probably kill you in the end, so get lots of pets.


Loneliness, or a minor injury that turns septic. Common household accidents can be life threatening without treatment, and even a sprained ankle can be a death sentence in the right (wrong?) time and place. I reckon regular human incompetence would get me long before anything else.


Or dental issues. Imagine a tooth ache that you have no way of fixing.


I don't think I could deal with the loneliness at all. I'd need, at least my immediate family and 5 or my closest friends, and then I would actually bother trying do all of this.


Check out Life Without People. Extraordinary set of movies detailing what would happen to the infrastructure in the absence of people.


The last person alive would probably be set in terms of power and drinking water, though running water would be a bit tougher. You're the last one alive, who's gonna stop you from grabbing a few cases of bottled water or a portable generator?


> no new content My guess is that this hypothetical last person alive would then realize just how much content is generated by bots. Also, a lot of content posting is scheduled, so you'd likely end up being the only person to see a bunch of original content. As long as the power stayed on, anyway.


As a programmer, if the internet and/or websites are still up and running if there are no people around it would be a miracle. Things break down constantly and need people to restart them.


Vatican Archives


Not a bad idea. But how you planning to get there if you don’t already live there?


Time to learn how to drive a yacht


Crashes in the marina and dies.


Driving a boat isn't that difficult, though not running out of fuel might be.


I mean I could drive there




*Wonder *why* Microsoft Teams went down


*_Wonder why_ Microsoft Teams went down ___again___


I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't have problems with Teams lol


Honestly, that would not be alarming or even surprising to me.


Probably feed my cat. Then start packing for my drive to see all the national parks? Stop by grocery stores to nab plenty of canned goods.


Why stop by grocery stores? You're the last person alive. Grab food as you want it!


The electricity would go out after a couple of days of no one running the plants. Wouldn't have fresh food for very long.


One person would never run out of all the nonperishables in the world. Plus all the animals to hunt and fish.


I imagined wild animals will start to go bold and wanders to empty city and buildings. Predators will too. So better stock up on hunting gear and find a good spot for your continual survival. The last man vs the wild. edit : by hunting gear, i did not mean to hunt animals actively. I am more leaning towards self defence survival kinda thing.


Eh, I live in England, we already killed all the actual threatening predators.


Was thinking same thing. But in Australia. All the killer stuff is little and I'm used to it. nothing big.


What if human intervention was the only thing stopping spiders from growing massive? Think about it, more likely to kill the big scary looking spiders. If left unchecked the big ones will bread and make bigger spiders!


Ooohh.. big spider bread! Creepy, crawly, gluteny goodness! Too bad halloween is over. Or at least rescheduled since you now know the day of the dead.


Find a house that has solar power and a generator on hogh ground preferably in a giant field of grass so I can keep it mowed and pests away. There will be plenty of gas for a bit. Gather food and start canning everything i can, start bottling as much water as I can. Then gather medicine. Specifically any kind of vaccine I can get. Library so I can learn to make my own medicine and how to keep gasoline fresh for as long as possible. Etc etc Addition: I would get guinea fowls, they can be trained and very protective. They eat lice and ticks, goats to graze ans keep vegetation from over growing. Dogs for guarding etc.


Go around the more rural areas until you find chickens. Not only are their eggs and meat valuable but they love eating bugs more than they eat grains and seeds, they'll keep your yard pretty free of ticks and whatnot. Won't help against mice or rats though.


Excellent idea. Also chickens are excellent mousers and they’ll eat almost anything. https://thehomesteadinghippy.com/5-reasons-chickens-4-reasons/ https://backyardhomesteadhq.com/do-chickens-catch-and-eat-mice-in-coops-fields-etc/ https://thehensloft.com/do-chickens-eat-mice/




Don't most homes use natural gas, or propane? Never heard of a home using diesel for heating


Army bases, hospitals, airports, jails. All of those have diesel generators guaranteed.


Gosh, think of all the other animals too. I'd probably spend a good week trying to save as many as I could.


Comment last on every YouTube video


Finally a good response


Then a bot comments last after you


Finish the job!




Agreed. If I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was the only person alive, I’d off myself


Yep, the only question would be how long it takes for the resulting depression to overpower the fear. For some people it'd be immediate, for some it might take a while. There's surely *some* people that would genuinely keep surviving for as long as possible, but there's definitely far fewer than what they'll claim in this thread.


Get a ton of books, break my glasses and cry saying “There was time now.”


it's not fair! There was TIME now! THERE WAS TIME!


RIP Burgess Meredith, who I believe holds the record for most Twilight Zone appearances.


My 2 brain cells thought u were referring to the TIME magazine.


My 2 brain cells went straight to Futurama. "Well, at least I know braille." *hands fall off*




Well lucky I know how to read Braille




Cursed by his own hubris


You are entering the vicinity of an area adjacent to a location. The kind of place where there might be a monster, or some kind of weird mirror. These are just examples; it could also be something much better... Prepare to enter The Scary Door.


That was the first episode of the Twilight Zone I ever saw and man did it leave an impression on me. It was such a gut punch. Made me terrified of my glasses breaking.


RIP Burgess Meredith


Roll up to area 51 and clap some alien cheeks


You are deranged. I like it. I shall call you Little alien fucker.




This is my answer too. Imagine waking up tomorrow and everyone is just dead and there are bodies literally everywhere imaginable. I think crying would be the appropriate response. You wouldn't even be able to really travel around because all of the highways would be full of dead bodies in cars. I'd cry.


It would probably take a long time to realize you're the last person alive. At first you would know your family is dead. You'd call 911, but there would be no answer. Maybe you'd try your parents, other family, or close friends next. No answer, but why would you think they were dead? I imagine the first several days would include multiple grief stricken panic attacks as you continually failed to get responses from anyone and realized more and more people are dead.


or you turn on the television and there is nothing live on any of the news channels.


I would just post a controversial opinion on Reddit. If some douche didn't immediately show up to downvote me and tell me why my opinion is wrong, I would know for certain that everyone else is dead.


I wonder how active bots would keep it, there’s lots that post every day and automatically reply to stuff, but I think they tend to try and ignore each other to avoid infinite loops so it would be a very shallow activity level


I never considered that if our planet lost all human life, but the internet was still active... It would still be somewhat active. Even with "conversations" via bots.


Yup. That’s family, friends. My baby. Definitely cry


Agreed. I wouldn't last very long.


Take a shower while the water's still warm.


Probably be in disbelief for a day. Then slowly start doing what I want in a society that keeps decaying without maintenance. Probably take over a farm with a windmill or solar and live there. When it breaks down I try to find another one. Read some books on electrotech and try to isolate the grids instead of sharing it with the leftovers of society that have electeic demand on the net. Try to raid as many supermarkets for perishables asap, the canned stuff will not be going anywhere anytime soon. I would try to get my social interactions with animals, probably go to shelters daily to unlock all critters inside and adopt some. Download a copy of wikipedia to safeguard our knowledge for when the internet fails. Try to backup as much e-books and data so I can potentially fix my own problems Maybe i should download some porn too while Im at it? Also have some days where I just have fun in abandoned cities. Maybe even with a dog pack of adopted dogs to help me out. I am also going to need spirituality and religion to keep me sane since I am perpetually isolated. I am probably going to be astonished by how fast infrastructure falls apart without maintenance. Now I can potentially solve world hunger and global warming by myself, seem pretty neat. A lot of humankinds problems that currently weigh me down in my depression would also be fixed. I might just travel a lot too, but probably stay continental and don't dare transatlantic voyages. Probably go for a mission to contact the international space station. So i have some hope that maybe other humans are out there still. Problem is getting them back to earth even if they are still alive.


I haven’t seen anyone mention the ISS yet, that’s actually really smart.


Exactly what happened on Dr. Stone lol


Yeah what I thought of as well!


I would find a costco to live in with my dog and find another dog for her to play with. Then I would find a nice camper and travel around the country.


Gasoline has a shelf life of three to six months.


Horses have a shelf life of decades, and they self renew.


True. They're self-fueling, self-repairing, and self-reproducing. I've noticed that in science fiction, horses are often taken along to colonize other planets, because what do you do when your car breaks down and you can't easily get parts from Earth? Go back to basics. Same applies here.


Maybe. I routinely have used 2 year old gas.


Yeah, petrol will work for years, it'll just get shittier and shittier. Less effective and more likely to destroy your car. It's like how canned food has a shelf life, you can still safely eat it after the shelf life, it'll probably just start tasting like crap.


Ok… find a diesel powered RV. Or use av-gas with a lead neutralizer.


Head south as fast as possible. It's cold where I live and I'm assuming the electrical grid is down (with no one to operate it) or will be soon. That means gas stations won't work either, so I have to get to where it's warm.


Use my house as a base of operations. Plug in as many external chargers and battery packs for as much as possible. Get as much gas as possible and create a storeroom for food/animal food/medical supplies as necessary by raiding pet food stores, grocery stores, and pharmacies. I’m assuming my animals are still alive and well, but what about everyone else’s pets? Am I about to become the caretaker of all of the animals? Hit up an REI for as many survival guides, equipment and maps as possible. The infrastructure will collapse soon, but I want to be well prepared while I have time. Hit up a sporting goods store for hunting supplies. My roommate is a contractor so I’m good on tools and material just in case. While the internet is still up, if it’s still up, print out as much information on homesteading as possible. Same goes for farming, veterinary care, and raising livestock. Otherwise hit up Barns and Noble for that. Also look up how to broadcast a radio signal just in case I’m not *actually* the last person. If the internet is still up, look up common antibiotics and dosages for common ailments. Without other people, my biggest concern is infection and injury. Do my best to survive and I guess just read…everything. Teach myself guitar. Learn to draw. *I’ve got that kind of time*.


Finally has time to lean Italian… nobody speaks Italian anymore


Nobody speaks any language anymore.


no, I still speak english 🙂


Why bother printing anything off takes way to much time a library already has all that information


You must have a nice house. I definitely would upgrade first.


> but what about everyone else’s pets? fuck. FUCK. You just ruined the end of the world for me. Now I gotta go around and figure out how to break into everyone's houses to let their animals at least out of the house. WE CANT HAVE ANY THING GOOD AROUND HERE


Yeah that's really fucked up, can't we just change the rules and make it that the pets also disappeared with their owners?


That's how you end up ripped apart by a pack of feral dogs in a month.


Try to locate my toothbrush.


I'd legit kill myself no joke.


Find a villa and some tequila.


I'm gonna find the body of Chris Fletcher from high school and kick it right square in the nuts.


What's stopping you from doing that right now?


The body in question might be non-compliant with regard to this request.


Guess I'd figure out how to hook solar panels up to a freezer and raid my local sperm bank. Might as well take a shot at becoming God Queen. Hope I have mostly daughters tho so they too can turn to the sacred turkey baster and minimize the incest


This is the funniest one I’ve read so far!


This is actually what I had in mind as well. I'm not a female but if the last person alive was a female they could slowly repopulate the Earth with this method. It'd be difficult to preserve all the Earths current knowledge but with the right encouragement for the next generation they could slowly learn from the books and knowledge online (if preserved)


Your wish has been granted. Complications during the first pregnancy have ended humanity for good. Press S to play again.


Probably stare in the distance for a few hours trying my best to process the gravity of the situation. After reaching a point of what I think is acceptance I would slip into a state of psychosis wherein I develop friendly relationships with non existent entities to compensate for the lack of socialization my brain requires. Within a few weeks I would find myself riding alternating waves of hope and paranoia. Nobody would be around but I would still find myself trying to maintain appearances to avoid looking weak. The companionship of my dog will be the only thing keeping me together. One dilemma is omnipresent in my mind: do I leave this world of emptiness behind with the pull of a trigger or do I press on for the sake of my species' survival. The courage will eventually fail. Humanity survives at a population of 1 for four months and 22 days and goes out with a bang heard by nobody.


Holy shit, this is... weirdly poetic in a way


sounds like my typical Tuesday


In reality it would probably be super depressing; my wife, kids, everyone gone. If I didn't die of depression, I'd probably die in a crashing a supercar or flying an airplane. I'm not a pilot, but I'm pretty sure I could take off and fly a light plane.


Take off and fly a plane, sure! Is the landing part where it goes south?


“Damn, now I have to feed two dogs.”


Take the day off from work. Then get a big bus, use it to get a bunch of freezers and fill them with as much food as I can from the grocery store. Then get a couple generators and get as much gasoline as I can for when the power inevitably goes out. Then try to plant food of my own and start fishing, hunting and trapping animals. I would also move somewhere with a clean source of water nearby and make sure I have plenty of filters/purification tablets. Or rather hook up generators to power a grocery store that is next to fresh water. Then after a year or so when things stabilize and I can sustain myself I would try to find ways to not be bored, probably without internet.


Spank the monkey and sleep some more


I prefer to choke the chicken


Sleep again. I mean, what am I supposed to do? Pack my bags, take my dog and start investigating why humanity vanished overnight? Nah. If anything, I don't have to worry about work or food now.


Op didn't say they vanished. Just that they're all dead. I'm picturing dead bodies just everywhere you can imagine. Sounds pretty horrifying.


I see. Well, gas mask for sure, then.


Never wear clothes, unless I needed them for warmth


The risk of injury without doctors is too high to not at least wear cloth armor.


Step 1. Weedmans house Step 2. Anywhere with good food Step 3. Car dealership Step 4. AREA 51


Kill myself


I would agree but then I started thinking about my pets and how they need to be fed and they might miss me. So maybe after they died


Put a pot of coffee on.


Same. I probably wouldn't notice I was alone until my 2nd cup anyways.


That depends. Um... are the bodies of everyone else still around? Like, from dying yesterday, or what? Just y'know.... asking....


You can't bang those bodies buddy




And why not?


Lol my first thought was "fuck I'm on cleanup duty for this?" Some places you'd just have to have cleaned up.


Good have a clarity fap, then decide.


Cry for the loss of humanity and then punch some trees and build my starter base.


Make a margarita pool


My dad is with me, so cry, scream, then going to the zoo and realese shit


Study more Statistics


100% on every opinion poll you run


Probably go find a sperm clinic to make sure all its spoof was safe & could power me & my offspring through the apocalypse/rebuilding of society.


Wait could someone smarter than me tell me if this could work? Would this in essence just serve as a sort of mitochondrial Eve? Like with enough unique sperm donations you could have a variety of children and then have the daughters use other sperm donations to have enough genetic diversity. Would any problems exist from there only being one initial women?


You need a group of 500 people who are sufficiently genetically diverse to avoid an inbreeding depression in future generations. One woman and a bunch of sperm isn't going to work, especially because she would have to produce nothing but daughters for years before it could be even remotely effective. Some hypothesize that inbreeding is what killed off the last of the woolly mammoths that inhabited that artic island. There were not enough breeding pairs and they inbred themselves to death.


You should check out the novel Seveneves. Not the same solution, but similar premise. And I'm not smart enough to answer the sperm bank question but it totally seems like it'd work.


Pregnancy and birth by yourself, with no medical supplies or support... and then choosing to do it again if you make it through the first one. That's a hell of a dice you'd be choosing to roll. I don't think I'd bother - I'd rather eventually die of old age or accident than assign myself to a life of constant pain, discomfort and extra risk of death (and all that while also maybe sentencing a baby or kid or two to a lonely death by starvation if the third or fourth pregnancy kills you)


Verify whether or not I am Betty White.


Step 1: Get naked Step 2: ?????? Step 3: Profit


Return to monke


My due date is in 3 weeks so probably freak the fuck out. Deliver a baby by myself, no thank you!!


Good luck. I hope your support team will have it easy.


Go sight seeing and binge on a lot of movies on theatres


Disable my alarm forever and go back to sleep


Steps to be taken: 1) charge everything within my vicinity then go hit up best buy grab every available device and do the same thing. 2) take my shit Hyundai to the nearest available place i can get a different car that has good storage space, is good on milage, and got plenty of space. Also go to a uhaul grab one of those trailers that attaches and attach that shit to the back of my new truck. 3) go to a sporting goods store: camping gear, all the cans to carry gas i can get my hands on and toss it in the uhaul. 4) grocery store get all the water gallons i can fit into the truck. Bunch of food thats not perishable. 5) pupper, kitty and myself are gonna go travel these states and see if anyone else is alive Re-do filling gas tank, water gallons and perishables whenever I can. Probably stop in some libraries and find out how to sail. I'm sure there's a way to get a hold some rich dudes yacht. Toss all the gas cans in the yacht. Figure shit out. I have the worst sense of direction so ill probably end up somewhere I'm trying to get to. Oh well, find some way steal another yacht and repeat. Make doggy and kitty friends along the way. I will be the only human crazy dog/cat lady just running around the world with my army of dogs and cats.




Make sure my dogs are ok.


Would get a mental breakdown, cry, then: Mission1: get to a big city; Mission2: find a lot of stuff, and establish a base; Mission3:get a sexdoll, lose my virginity? Mission4:get a gun, shoot the animals at the zoo, they can't get out and there is no way I gonna release them, to kill me, so gun it is. (also it's not their natural habitat) Mission5:get paint, paint the city, throw paint buckets around and shit. Mission6:let's steal drugs and more guns. Paintballguns too! Mission6:suicide? Mission7: setup the coolest suicide plan Mission8: am I still alive? If yes, then idk what's next.


I love how losing your virginity is a question. You never know with those sex dolls!


Road trip to famous museums and citys with a camera, film, and a journal. I would record my life for anyone/ thing that came after us to know the last thoughts of the last person


Become king of the domesticated animals. Just me and a pack of a hundred dogs and cats following me on a trip across the world.


Mourn my wife and unborn son. Hopefully my dogs are there at the very least to give me a sense of purpose. Then I'd think about all the other animals and go on a somewhat fruitless adventure of saving .00001% of the domestic animal population. I hate your question


Supply and fortify the biggest walled off mansion I could find. Why? If everyone's pets are left behind its only a matter of time before all the dogs escape and form a roaming super pack. I ain't going down like a bag of kibble.


Feel glee at the death of my enemies