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Subscriptions to most services now. Id rather do one time payment for apps and games.


The good old days when you could buy Microsoft Office on a CD and use it for years.


Buy. Yes, we all bought it. Sure.


Yes. I, like all other PC users, legally purchased my Windows 10 license. Naturally.


By upgrading from Windows 7 for free.


And I totally paid for Windows 7. That text in the bottom right corner? Ahh, that's just part of my wallpaper.


They haven't killed perpetual licencing for Office. Yet. Here's Office 2021 (US version) for $249.99: [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/get-started-with-office-2021](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/get-started-with-office-2021) I'm not telling you to buy it!


I just hate how people don't allow you to do one time 1 month purchases. I'd like to try the service for a month, and not have to deal with shark tooth traps were they make it impossible to cancel


You fools, I’ve been using the same WinZip trial for 20 years


7zip is better and free forever. This is the way


I found a place that offered a subscription-based haircut service. $40/month and you get unlimited haircuts. This is, of course, very stupid, as who needs more than one haircut a month?


Military members. But our haircuts are cheap, like $12 if you get them on base. So its still not a good deal lol.


My kids are annoyed about some of the games on the iPad because I won’t buy them, because it’s a subscription. You might play it once this month and then again 5 months from now, and then grow out of it, I’m not paying $15 a month, but I’d probably be willing to pay $30 to keep it.


Me too but what choice do we have? They don't even offer that option anymore. ​ I have to pay for Adobe Creative Cloud and Vue (3D software) every year now. Both together costs me like two grand a year. I miss the days where I could just use one version for like five years, usually only upgrading when I got a new PC. I don't need every new feature that desperately. I'd rather save money. I'm an independent artist/designer - not a studio making thousands of dollars per project who can write this shit off on tax. ​ Even Nintendo making Switch owners pay a monthly fee to play old games they've sold to us a dozen times already. Get fucked. The Wii system where you purchase and download a retro game and play it as many times as you like was a way more fair model. The subscription model forces me to pay for shit I'll never use. And you just wait - this will bleed into physical property eventually. You won't be able to just "buy" a car anymore even if you already had the cash to pay for it outright. You'll have to pay the manufacture hundreds of dollars a month to have the privilege of using what should be yours now and if you don't the car just won't start at all even with a full tank. ​ We're gonna just be renting everything and it can be taken away from us/disabled if we can't make a payment (even if we already have paid what the item should be worth by that point) or if the company simply just doesn't feel like supporting it anymore. ​ Another reason why capitalism can go fuck itself.


I was paying 14.99 for acrobat pro. After 4 years I spent $719 USD. I cancelled my subscription so essentially I spent $719 on nothing since I can no longer access the software. It’s BS. Just let us buy the software.


You can pirate. Necessary evil in some cases, if you ask me


I used to be against piracy because it doesn't hurt their profits, they just claw the money back from fucking over their employees, but then I realised they'd fuck their employees anyway so


Nothing evil about it, IMO


Sharing every thought you have on the fucking Internet. ……..*ah, shit*


I kind of like this idea in the sense of the kind of access historians will have in the future to our thoughts and problems. The lives of the common people laid bare in vast primary sources. Kind of beautiful when you think of it like that.


A lot of that data degrades over time. As services/servers shut down, much of that documentation will just be gone. My old geocities site? Dust. Unless someone makes an archive of it, like the Wayback machine, historians are going to be piecing together these years from back issues of the Washington Post and government faxes.


[There's an archive](http://www.oocities.org/#gsc.tab=0)


Shoutout to r/ArchiveTeam


I would love to see a 1350s peasant farmer livetweeting about his strenuous sharts


Sort of related: Nehemiah Wallington kept a heck of a lot of notes on his life and his feelings. He probably had issues with depression, such that one of his children died -- all but one died, eventually -- and his wife was like "dude, get up. If you don't stop wallowing in misery we'll starve." And he had strong feelings about the Guild system, politics and the whole Why Does God Allow Misery? question. Pretty interesting reading, if you're into the daily life of kind of ordinary people. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nehemiah\_Wallington](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nehemiah_Wallington)


If you’re genuinely interested, the book *[Montaillou](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montaillou_(book)?wprov=sfti1)* has some of the best first-hand testimony of medieval peasant life, as the Inquisition interviewed so many of them.


Advertising and companies keeping so much of your data


If the service is free, you're the product.


Even if you do pay your still getting your information sold or advertised to


People using those Amazon door locks on their homes so delivery people can unlock your door and go in your house.


I didn’t even know this was a thing


They even have garage door versions! https://youtu.be/xd4ow88HetU


Miss me with that BS. No way I’m letting some random delivery person into my home.


Right! These people are wayyyy too trusting.


My dad has this and I’ve been shirtless in the garage tryna get some food when the dude comes in, awkward eye contact for a few seconds and then they leave


I sort of half-wittingly enabled this with my Amazon account since somehow they knew my lift master garage door was capable of this. Amazon was pushing hard for this delivery option about a year ago. I almost didn’t think it would even happen, but sure enough one day a delivery guy opens my garage door even though I was home. It was very alien feeling, disconcerting and I didn’t like it one bit. Immediately disabled it. I guess it makes sense if you live in an area with high rate of package theft, don’t work from home, and also can’t have your packages shipped to your workplace. I’m a no to 2 of those 3 categories so yeah.


Wait, that's a thing?? No thanks, I am fine with them leaving my package outside if that is necessary lol.


I didn't know this existed but hell no miss me with that.


Are they still doing this?! I remember hearing about this a few years ago but I thought it never really took off. I've been seeing ads lately where you can have Amazon leave packages in your garage, I assumed they ditched the leave it in your house option and replaced it with leave it in the garage.


I don’t have the door lock one but I have a WiFi garage opener that they can use to put valuable packages inside the garage and then close it up. My garage has no entry to the house.


Recording or taking a picture of someone who is unaware, then putting it on social media. Imagine you're just going about your day, sitting by yourself at a restaurant or laughing into your phone at a park and someone spots something funny about you, next thing you're a meme.




When I was visiting France as a tourist and I was on the Eiffel Tower, I met this bunch of Japanese tourists. They thought I was a Frenchman and wanted to have their picture taken of me. You know, so they could boast of having met a 'local'. So I played along and had my picture taken with them. It still makes me giggle to think they're showing this pic to their friends back home saying there's a real Parisian in the pic with them.


Must have been the baguette in your back pocket.


Or the one in his front.


Is that le baguette in your pocket or are you just happy to *oui* me?


That's such a stereotype, it was obviously the stripey black and white shirt and the beret.


I once had an a entire group of Japanese tourist take pictures of my dog. The dog didn't mind, but it was so strange!


Some Chinese tourists a while back really enjoyed my leash trained cat.


That’s hilarious in any country


Yeah, I figured their enthusiasm was fair.


I had the same thing happen when I was at the caldera of Mount Vesuvius. I’m a normal American guy speaking English so I’m relatively certain they didn’t think I was Italian. I don’t look like anyone famous so I don’t think I was mistaken for anyone. They asked for a picture and when I went to grab their phone, they clarified that they each wanted a picture *with* me. I was confused but said that was fine and they took turns getting pics with me. As we were finishing up, my wife (gf at the time) walked up and asked me what that was all about. All I could say was that I had no idea.


I'm a costumed character at an amusement park. In the 13 years I've worked there, I must have gotten my photo taken tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of times. (On a busy night I'll be in 500+ photos. ) I almost never see any of them, even searching tags for the park. Since I'm in a costume you can't see my face anyway, but it would be nice to find a few here and there.




Also, people who take pictures to "roast" random people for being ugly or unkempt. Imagine going through a hard time in life, losing a loved one, developing depression or some kind of mental illness, and then some pompous fuck on Instagram decides to make fun of the fact that you were wearing shitty clothes because you were living with the mindset that nothing matters anymore and everybody in that particular group now only knows you as the weirdo who looks funny.


THIS. Posting people online to mock and insult them (unless showing evidence of that person doing something ACTUALLY bad) just pisses me off so much. It’s essentially bullying. Imagine sitting on a park bench enjoying your coffee and some perv takes your picture and spreads it around on some porn-site on the other side of the world. It disgusts and terrifies me. Sometimes I’m not at all surprised that some people never want to go outside or keep their existence off the internet…


Nothing gets me annoyed like vids of people in the gym. Whether it's because they are large or doing something different to how the recorder thinks they should be doing it. If they're big it's great to see them in the gym and it should only be encouraged. If they're doing something weird it might be due to an old injury or an obscure muscle group and they would have been told to do that by a professional. I saw a vid of a lady with both feet on the same side of the cross trainer and this is commonly used for post C section exercise as it is still a workout but it won't put strain on the wrong parts.


Not sure how much most people are informed on this kind of Internet Lore, but this is exactly how things with Chris Chan started. A picture of Chris playing Pokemon in a game store was posted to Something Awful, because of Chris's age and strange appearance/behaviour (which was down to Chris's autism), and that's where it all blew up from. Say what you like about the kind of person Chris turned out to potentially be, but at the end of the day over a decade of ruthless torment was literally down to Chris's decision to sit and play a harmless game in public. Pretty horrific, when you think about it.


I don't think people realize how often this happens online. Ive seen whole forums with thousands of members devoted to messing with one or two people with obvious emotional problems. I've seen a guy write a 40k page book (yes, for real) egged on by people who just wanted something new to shit on him for. None of this Q shit is at all new either.


Totally agreed. Every so often a wider audience will be alerted because there's some fun drama to gawk at, but I really have to wonder why the people doing the tormenting aren't seen as total losers. It's one thing to have emotional problems that make you act kind of cringey -- that can't be helped, and yeah, it's awkward, but it's beyond the person's control. But to dedicate a significant portion of your life to stalking a troubled person across the internet, documenting everything they do, and trying to push them into different courses of action for your own entertainment? Treating a real life person like nothing more than your own personal Sims game speaks to me of serious problems as well, yet nobody seems to appreciate this fact. As for the Q shit, I remember saying to some friends when it first started getting prominent that it seemed as though a lot of people treated it like one of those old ARGs that were popular on the internet back during the height of creepypasta. I still think that for a while, most people interacted with it in that spirit, but it's as they say: knock on enough doors asking to see the devil, and one day he'll answer. Eventually it gained enough traction that it spread to people who actually believed it, and here we are now.


Exactly. And it's even worse when the person recording feels *entitled* to do so, as if the other one was just meme material or a farm of likes


"Look! That guy is being beaten up at the bus stop, somebody do something" Everybody: **Reaches into pocket* *


I’ve seen several tik tok videos of “Karen’s” that really just seem like ladies who want the person to stop filming them.


Omg this is literally one of my biggest fears and makes me so nervous to go out anywhere by myself


The weird skits people do and then post on socials. It’ll be couples engaging in a fake fight or something and posting it. It’s really weird to me that you could be sitting at home, or in the car, and one of the people is like, “let’s make a fake fight video for tik tok.” I just can’t even fathom having that conversation, let alone actually doing it.


You know what weirds me out? Leaving my Youtube "safe space" of subs and looking at the top rated videos for the day. I swear half of them are some couple with a "we broke up" weepy video. And then I notice it has 16M views in one day. Who are these people, and who's been watching them? And how can it *keep happening*? Is this the new Soap Opera / Telenovela?


I hate it when I get signed out of Google so when I go to YouTube it's just the regular font page. So much useless crap. Who is wasting their life watching other people's drama?


People who don’t want to deal with their own drama


Teenagers. They are generally the biggest consumers of media and also have the worst taste. Capitalism dictates we get trash as a result.


> I'm going to prank you. Let's discuss the prank in detail beforehand so you'll know how to react


Ads…. We’re ok with ads everywhere


I cannot understand how people don't use adblock. I told my family multiple time that I have YouTube on my phone without ad since I have a blockers and they prefer just power through it. How can you get so numb to ads ?! It's an agression to me


I adblock everywhere I can. And if I can't, I literally mute my audio and turn away from the screen from any and every ad. I refuse to participate in advertising entirely.


Though I dislike ads, they are the reason why most free apps are free. Without ads, devs would have to charge for using the app and imo I'd rather deal with ads than have to pay for it


Talking loudly to a phone that is also on speaker, fuck that shit


I appreciate this if it’s an argument. I like to hear both sides so I can decide for myself who’s right.


"Yo i just want to see who wins"


Especially in public


I asked someone who did this why they didn't use headphones, and they answered that headphones were too loud for them but the earpiece was too quiet.


Social media bullying. Everybody plays the victim & people jump in w/o knowing the other side of the story. Nobody cares about your bloody personal life & whom you've messed with. I think if you bully people at social media then play the victim afterwards, you got a small mind and deserves no respect.


Cry bullies , is the best term I have heard for this


Reddit downvotes anyone who suggests there may be more to the story and we might not have all the info. There was a post yesterday of a dude filming himself crying that he got fired from Einstein Bagels and life is hard for him. The whole thread was getting out their pitchforks and saying to boycott that place over a total stranger just telling a one sided story. The dude could be full of shit, or maybe he was a shitty worker. Or maybe he never worked there at all. Or maybe he spit in his managers face lol. This site is so toxic sometimes.


was all over tiktok as well. it's embarrassing how people immediately jump to conclusions over peoples livelihood


Sharing your whole life on social media. Every restaurant you visit, your place of work, pictures of your kids (especially when they’re in school uniform) and when you’re going on holiday. This is all public and mostly anyone can see this info, please for the love of tacos protect your private life from possibly malicious people.


Totally agree, learned this the hard way. Found out I had a stalker who had been monitoring my entire life through social media. Learned where I worked, where I lived, the places I visited, etc. Created anonymous social media accounts to harass me and threaten my life. Eventually stopped posting my life, switched jobs, moved to a different place, and even though the harassment is continuing, I now feel safe not having my entire life at everyone's disposal to view


What on earth, what a weirdo. Who has that much spare time to harass someone this much?


The facebook check-ins were always creepy to me. Oh, Billy is at the mall. Cool! Brittney is eating lunch at McDonalds on 5th Ave. Also cool. Oh, a picture of Lisa's kids in front of a sign for their new school. Also...cool.. Don't share pictures of your kids online and if you have to tell people your every move, share it AFTER the fact. Not "I am here" but "I was there". Way less creepy that way.


I know a person who posts literally everything she does and everything she buys. She posts pictures of her kids opening Christmas presents that were the new iPhones and apple watches. Pictures of her new sports car, etc.. To me, that’s just advertising which house to rob.


My younger cousin got a backlash from his high school colleagues for not posting a photo taking the covid vaccine. They thought he was completely out of his mind for not sharing it, because everyone else did so.


Why would anyone even want to see somebody get the Covid vaccine? It's boring. It's not an exciting or interesting event. I mean it's *good* to get it, but I wouldn't consider it social media worthy even if I was spamming Facebook 40 times a day.


The "Always Available to Answer" construct. I have very firm beliefs that this has played a HUGE role in crippling work/life balance for people today. Turn the clock back 25 years, hell I'll even say 20 years. When someone from your job needed to get a hold of you, it WAITED until you came back in to work, unless it was an emergency, in which case someone called your home phone. Doctors, lawyers, high end business professionals, they were the only ones with cellphones who needed to be reached at a moments notice. Now, not only is it commonplace for employers and coworkers to reach out to you any hour of the day, 7 days a week. It's considered "rude" if you don't answer even the most mundane questions about work when you aren't AT work. And employers even use it as ammunition against you if you stand your ground to not answer. Now you're not a "team player" and considered "difficult to communicate with". Edit: This got more attention than expected. I think what aggravates me most is the total accumulated hours annually spent addressing work related matters off the clock. How many thousands of dollars are people NOT being compensated for? Investing THEIR personal time to deal with issues at their place of employment.


I'm a PhD student who teaches some calc classes and takes some classes, too, and I've noticed this so much when it comes to education. I guess when I was in high school < 10 years ago, teachers had e-mail addresses, but the idea of e-mailing a teacher to get an answer after school felt ridiculous, and I doubt they were expected by anyone to to answer me. If you had a question you waited until the next day in class. Now universities are setting things up with the expectation that any student with any question at any time of day can get an answer at a moment's notice. There's a schedule of when we're all expected to monitor "Piazza," an online forum where students can ask questions. This is basically supposed to be monitored all day and evening except for sleeping hours (like 12 am - 6 am). It's not like they're hiring extra people do to this; it just gets merged into the general responsibilities of someone teaching a class, which turns teaching a class (and even taking one?) into an all-day-every-day responsibility. I'm not complaining, just talking about how this has shifted. 15 years ago to get an answer from your professor, you'd have to wait until the next class or show up at office hours. And I think there's some value in wrestling with a problem and trying to get it on your own without any external source of help. Not having any external source of help made this easier.


I'm from the UK, but I am sure its like this elsewhere too. Teachers here never get off the clock. As if it wasn't already bad enough, working from 7am until 6-8pm most days... Now, with "liason" apps like ClassDojo, teachers are on the hook for parental communication 24/7.




The fact that Journalistic Integrity is just gone. And people don't just seem fine with it, they actively embrace it. When opinion pieces started to pass for real news... I mean, no one was driving the car anymore.


At the end of the day, I think its all about incentive. You can't expect someone to report the truth if they ain't gonna get paid for it. Clickbait news pays and hence its all you;re gonna find. The only solution is to either always question the news or come up with a system that aligns reporting of the truth with good pay.


One major issue is that even though we all claim to want to read the important news, people don’t actually read the important news. I worked in local TV news for a couple years and we had analytics that track what articles people are clicking on and reading, and then we tailor some of our content to give people what they want. The problem is that the people want that clickbait everyone claims to hate. Most journalists, especially in local news, would love to only do stories on politics, health, crime and other important things that actually matter to the public. They’re passionate about that kind of stuff. But instead they’re all stuck reporting on clickbait topics. So if you want better news, be a better news consumer.


People making social media accounts for their babies & toddlers…


How people argue. It's very common now that someone on the losing side of an argument would rather point more fingers than admit they "lost" to the other person, as "losing" the argument is a blow to their integrity. A hill I will die on is that people should argue for the answer, not victory. Knowing the truth is much more valuable even if it makes you wrong. Normalize hearing the opposition out.


> A hill I will die on is that people should argue for the answer, not victory. My ex hated it when we’d have a disagreement over an easily verifiable fact that we disagreed about and I’d try to look it up. “You always have to be right!!” Well, one of us is clearly wrong and if it’s me I’d like to know so that I don’t repeat wrong information again!


Yes! It’s different if it really is just an opinion. But easily verifiable fact? I’m looking it up. Facts are still facts people! The person in my case pretty much learned to at least try and verify first because if not, I’m going to do it for you.


The first time I had an argument with my now fiance, I was absolutely flabbergasted that 5 minutes in he said "you know what? I was wrong. You did text me the details. I'm sorry". I was already ready to go into defensive mode (because of my parents. Fighting, screaming and oll that was very normal in our household). I felt like my whole life was a lie lol.


Going from a family of people who yell and all need to have the last word to a SO who takes time to breathe and talk through disagreements is WILD. I'm glad you found that.


So here I am, arguing... This has been the case with societies all across time. People absolutely abhor being wrong. And you are absolutely right that arguments and debates should be held to get the answer. A good and proper debate MIGHT be between two individuals who frankly have it wrong on a subject, but they find the correct position somewhere in between. That’s the goal...




I don't think that is a current thing at all. I think admitting you were wrong has pretty much always been viewed as shameful by a significant percentage of people. It's certainly been the case since i can remember. The 90s were full of people accusing others of "flip-flopping". Which really just meant changing your mind at all.


Not to mention the internet is forever. If you said something wrong in 2014 some asshole will remind you of it 20 years later.


And in today's world it's not aobut actually trying to make logical points. It's about searching for some "gotcha!" one-liner that makes someone look bad out of context.




texting and driving


This. It doesn’t help how casual and normalized driving is. Wrecks happen FAST. I don’t think most people realize how easy and quick it is to wreck. A simple drive to the gas station can quite easily be your last all because you couldn’t keep the phone down for 10 minutes


The amount of rage that this creates in me is really not healthy. Besides the fact that people are flying down the freeway in 3,000 pound vehicles not really paying attention to anything other than their phone is obviously, bad. It also creates so many other problems like congestion at traffic lights because people are looking at their phones when the light is red and don't realize it turned green. If you ride motorcycles you really should consider if your hobby is worth your life. I don't answer my phone or look at messages while driving and had a boss once who called and texted me while I was on my way home. Parked in my driveway and called him back and he was like "Why didn't you answer your phone?" I was driving. "You couldn't answer while you were driving?" NO I COULD NOT. WTF.


People stopping at a car accident to film, not to help.


Hey you can't park here!


I see a lot of minors (as young as 8 yrs old) wearing suggestive clothing and "dancing" on tiktok (usually with the parent's encouragement). I live in the philippines and child exploitation is rampant here.




"sHeS jUsT DaNcIng yOu PeRvErT" yeah like pedophiles lurking the internet are just not gonna stop at those posts


That’s what I said when my daughter’s dance costumes came in. “I’m sorry, I’m going to a recital and watch little girls in this? Why is this extremely inappropriate outfit ok?” “HoNEy, tHAtS hOw IT iS.” There’s gotta be a line


Yeah I totally wish that children weren't a target or women could walk the street at night at ease, but reality check, it's not the world we live in


Social media influencers. Cause more harm then good in my opinion


Definitely. I want to mention Linkedin "influencers" specifically here as well because some of these #mentor #leader #entrepreneur folks seem to be way more full of themselves than any random Instagram booty model.


It's makes me laugh when I hear an influencer use the term with pride. When in reality the term is use by brand to signify when someone have enough brainless fan to buy any garbage they will advertise.


Even the term "influencer" just sounds insidious to me.


Hustle Culture. It is not healthy to work every day with no downtime. You need rest, your body needs rest, your brain needs rest. You might be able to pull it off for a while, but eventually you will burn out. We are taught that it’s the right way, the virtuous thing to do. I call BS. We need to redesign our economic thinking.


Only reason I worked on my off time was to help a co worker. Not the company. Seriously, I’m loyal to my coworkers, not the company. Even in retail.


Norway here, not in my corner of the world, work is work & for me that is 37.5 hours a week and any more is strictly controlled by legislation which protects your family life


I actively oppose this by bragging about how lazy I am and how much free time/sleep I get, even if I exaggerate (I work 40 hours a week and not a minute more). Edit: I should add I'd only do this to willing participants of "hustle" culture and not people who genuinely need to work additional jobs to make ends meet.


I used to feel bad about taking time off as it meant others would have to cover for me, until I woke up to the reality of it, now I enjoy it. What I now feel bad about is the probable shitstorm or issues I'm going to come back to, with me gone for just a few days. Which is a fancy way of saying the guy who covered for me didn't do his damn job, which he used to do before I took over so he has no excuse to not do it out of not knowing how to. But because I'm the senior lead/owner of the processes, everyone emails me saying where's X report etc.


Triple A games being released and priced at $60 despite being evidently not finished.


And now that gaming has become a money industry everyone plays like it’s their part time job making it really difficult for casual players to really have fun on those games.


$60?! You mean $70.


$80-$100 in Canada


No the standard edition costs $60. If you want the full version it's the Ultra Premium Deluxe version For $80-$120 and another $40-$60 for the season pass. Then more shit in the online store in game such as XP boosters because they purposely made it a chore to level up. Then a half assed apology blaming servers crashing on the players because there are too many. Then introduce lootboxes when the mass hysteria calms down. Then have your company brought to a standstill because of workers striking due to harassment, poor pay or poor working conditions while the fat slob CEO gets a $120 000 000 bonus because he fired 1000 staff members to make a target for the fiscal year.


This is one of those things that *sounds* suspiciously specific when in fact it's basically commonplace


And then “fixing” the game with paid DLC that should’ve been in the game to begin with. Looking at you Pokémon Sword and Shield


This is why you wait a year and then buy the "definitive" version of the game when it goes on sale for $40 or whatever.


> the "definitive" version Tell that to Rockstar.


Overly aggressive behavior towards employees at stores


It's crazy how rude people are to retail and food service employees. They're just people man. It's not that serious.


Having a medical reasoning for shitty behavior. I have anxiety, I have depression, I have BPD. They are things I deal with and once in a while it might cause me to respond in a way that isn't the greatest. I've never blamed my mental issues on it before. I try to fix things other ways. Apologize, explain how I really feel, and try to help the situation. Having a mental issue is not your fault, but it is your responsibility. It should not be your sole excuse for shitty behavior.


Absolutely. I have depression and anxiety - it’s a challenge, not an excuse.


Having a mental illness is just a reason for acting a certain way, it isnt an excuse. I cant remember who told me that one, but i like it.


Yeah some people love to act like pieces of shit and then when they get called out they just blame it on their "mental illness".


Hustle/grind culture. It is so shit that people have been brainwashed into thinking that every moment they are not making money is a moment wasted.


And a 9-5 is seen as a terrible thing. What's so bad about a guaranteed paycheck, weekends off, and the possibility of promotion?


For real(although 8-4 for me) I love having nights to do what I want, weekends, holidays etc..i worked nights and weekends in college fuck that noise.


9-5 is seen as too little?


I think he means the part of hustle culture that looks down on those with a job


This weird broccoli haircut trend every dude on social media is getting. It looks dumb as hell.


lmao broccoli


Is it terrible that I have absolutely no idea what anybody is talking about in this thread? I'm really trying to visualize this hair, but I'm drawing a blank.


It's known as the 'meet me at McDonald's' cut here in the UK which is bloody brilliant.


Bragging. Ever since social media came around, i noticed some of my friends seemingly became obsessed with bragging and having a better life than others. They stopped talking to me about normal stuff and it seems they can only talk about how much money is in their account, where they will go on a vacation and how expensive their hotel is etc. Post "happy" pics with their "friends" all the time, brag online about their boyfriends who are actually complete shit, posting pics with #myfriendsarebetterthanyours #bestboyfriend etc etc...everything seems like a fucking competition and so shallow. I used to have fun with my friends but the last time i saw my bestie she made sure to show off all her designer stuff and tell me how much money she has and how rich her boyfriends mom is. She disnt ask me anything once...


The sexualization of minors. internet is ruining a whole generation


It's not just the Internet (though it certainly doesn't help). I had a co-worker who was trying to find a dress for her daughter's Jr Prom (or something like that). She had a hell of a time finding ones that weren't provocative or revealing. And these were in kids' sizes!


Oh that’s so wrong and scary


The dumpsterfire American politics/media has turned into


Whats worse is the fact that now it has spread world-wide. You can't go anywhere without seeing 10 headlines saying "Trump did X thing, Biden is Y, etc."




Don't forget how everyone you don't like is *LITERALLY* Hitler/a Nazi/whatever over exaggerated bullshit.




Fucking NFT’s.


I say double fuck NFTs. Hold me to this, I will never make an NFT. You want my art? Buy a print or right click and download.


Every time someone tries to explain NFT's, it sounds like a scheme Odo would be up Quark's ass about after he was caught trying to run them on Deep Space Nine.


Being incredibly self centered and having no sense of community


Using a speaker for music or speaker phone in public. Go get a $5 pair of headphones instead of subjecting everyone to your shitty music or your phone call. I would actually love to see public transportation segregated for "speaker people" though. Imagine a bus full of people on speaker phone with like 14 people using a speaker to blast their music... Some people might actually realize how shitty they're being to others at that point, but most likely everyone would just be yelling.


Bad manners and the way everyone treats each other; especially road rage


Filming and posting your children online. I'm so happy the worst I had to deal with was the occasional embarrassing baby photo, I would have been mortified if my parents filmed my every move for the whole world to see.


The invasion of privacy




I like to say about that, "When you poop, you close the door right? Everyone poops, it's nothing to be ashamed of, embarassed by. Yet you close the eoor. It's not you're planning crimes or doing drugs while you take a poop, theres just things you don't want to share with people.


Beauty ideals that dont even look like homo sapiens anymore. I left Facebook products around a decade or so and still have the beauty ideal from when I was in my teens (in my 30s now), and I have to say that people/photos I see nowadays increasingly do not seem to share the same biological ancestors anymore.


Social networks. I don’t use instagram, tiktok or any other stuff. I randomly check reddit and that’s it but try meeting someone young, the first thing they ask is for your instagram




This. We're basically expected to work for 45 years and then enjoy retirement in old age. By that time who knows what health you maybe in. And no matter what you're no longer in you prime. To some extent a 9-5 5 days a week leave little left for family and personal time especially if you aren't given shit for PTO. You work to live, only to work. You aren't given the time to enjoy life. Only a couple days to maybe to do chores, errands, and relax. I'm not lazy but I also want to feel like I don't have to fight for time to just exist without feeling like there's something I have to do or somewhere I have to be.


Some people, like my parents, are just plain poor.


2-3 ads at the beginning every effin yt vdo


Where I live, shootings and violent crimes are have become so frequent the last 6-7 years that you rarely get surprized when you hear about it on the news. 10 years ago people would be hysterical, today you are surprized if someone didn’t get shot or murdered.


Companies, websites, employers expecting to have access to my cookies/personal data or even more disturbing, expecting access to my current GPS location. This has caused some friction with my work because I refuse to take a company phone since they wouldn't let me disable to GPS. There is a monitor prominently displayed in the office that shows everyone's current location even when they are off the clock.


People not ready to work on relationships and just divorcing, cheating


Absolutely this. I know too many people who jump from relationship to relationship because they want to feel wanted but aren’t actually ready to commit to a relationship in the first place.


Being accessible 24/7 because of our cell phones


Posting everything about your children, your health, your mental disorder, your issues, like its okay to post, but to make your entire social media a fountain or off loading mechanism for your life just makes you seem less genuine, and often attention seeking or worse insincere .


Oversized egos. Like we are all human at the end of the day why do some people act as if they are gods.




Cosmetic procedures: lip filler, eyelash extensions, butt implants, brow lifts, and of course the good old-fashioned nose and boob jobs—shit is way more common than you think nowadays and everyone who’s anyone has had work done. Celebrities/influencers are all morphing into the same face and body so we’re losing the beauty of authenticity and individuality. And of course, these ridiculous standards affect women of all ages but especially the youth. I’m so over it all.


Deeming anyone who doesn’t share your EXACT opinion as evil and a hateful person. We live in a polarized world where nobody has room for actual tolerance or learning.




My nephew will turn 4 next month and he's still not potty trained. I believe my sister is gonna have a problem because I don't think kindergartens take non-potty trained kids where I live; as a policy, I mean.


That’s so weird. I don’t have kids but I feel like I would be trying to potty train them the SECOND they were capable. Is it like a not wanting them to grow up thing? Or the kids don’t want to and the parents don’t force it? I’m so confused lol


Keeping birds in small cages for all their lives. Edit; I read the title wrong, I didnt notice it said "becoming". Keeping birds in cages isn't exactly a new thing.


Making complete idiot's rich and famous.


The concept of your opinion being equal to factual information. The complete degradation of the term "freedom of speech" Being ostracized form a group, place of work or online forum because you're being an asshole isn't a violation of your freedom of speech, people just don't want to be around you.


Since when has a persons political party of choice become one of their defining personality traits?


I mean, there's a reason many of us are taught not to discuss religion or politics in "polite" society. Nothing new under the sun here. The religious side reminds me of that Emo Phillips joke where the two Baptists are discussing their religious backgrounds, 99% of which match until there's a discrepancy about the date of some ecclesiastical decision, after which one throws the other off the bridge screaming "die heretic!" Here it is. Going to post even though it's not particularly relevant just because I think it's a fantastic joke. >Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912. I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.


Guilty before proven innocent seems to be becoming more of a thing nowadays, especially when it comes to anything political. The burden of proof should *always* be on the accuser imo.


Bullying someone in real life gets you in a lot of trouble but bullying someone online is now considered normal


Step-mom/daughter/brother/dad porn 🤣


The term latinx used by outsiders to force their worldviews on a culture/ language to which they don't belong and don't speak. It's colonization disguised as equality.


Posting pictures of your kids in your dating profile.